"Although I am a well-known person and have made my career as a professional athlete, I have been dismayed to realize the full extent of what tabloid scrutiny really means. For the last week, my family and I have been hounded to expose intimate details of our personal lives."
You don't need to say anything you don't want to say, even to the police. But if they have evidence of a crime the fact that you are well-known shouldn't get you immunity from investigation that ordinary people don't have. Now, the tabloids have no interest in the transgressions of ordinary people, but you've made yourself interesting to us, and you can't stop them. You can refuse to talk to them, but they can find other people to talk to.
You got to do this for me. Huge. Quickly. Bye.
He wants privacy, and he wants that woman to become nothing... a number... whaddyacallit.
ADDED: Has it ever occurred to you that maybe golf is not like painting? Maybe spunkier is not what you need for great golfing.
१२२ टिप्पण्या:
He want privacy, and he that woman to become nothing... a number... whaddyacallit.
Uh, wha? :)
I heard his voicemail on the radio already -- when he's asking a woman to change her name (if she can) so that it doesn't read "Jamie" when the wife calls the number, then it's fairly certain that Elin has done this kind of thing before. She has huge doubts that her husband is being faithful, and is following up on it.
Personally, this is their business and though American-like, I appreciate the statement because I like contrition to be able to move on and say no more of the incident (like Kobe Bryant), I think he handled this pretty badly and it'll resonate.
Many of my virtues are secondary to the fact that I do not have a billion dollars.
Chinese news recreates Tiger Woods incident in computer animation. Surprising stuff.
If you haven't seen this short one-minute video, it's well worth a look.
@vbspurs Sorry for all the typos. Fixed.
He is a golfer, a great golfer, maybe one of the best. He has millions and millions and millions of dollars in his pursuit of golf.
So the argument is leave his personal life out of it.
But really, what has he made millions off of?
What does putting a wee little white ball into a distant hole actually contribute to society? It's not a product that is sold, or distributed. It's not a great discovery or a commodity.
It's a guy swinging a stick, putting a ball into a little hole. He makes millions of dollars more for telling other people to buy products he has no personal involvement in designing, making or distributing.
His whole fortune, everything he owns, is based on the interest of the public in him personally. He performs, he smiles, he inspires. So, as part of that investment is an interest in him personally.
He decided not to become an engineer working behind the scenes, known for contributing to a small part of a bigger product, or a farmer growing food, or a guy sitting in a cubicle. He didn't want to "to sell anything, buy anything, or process anything as a career." He didn't want to "to sell anything bought or processed, or buy anything sold or processed, or process anything sold, bought, or processed, or repair anything sold, bought, or processed."
He wanted to make money through an indulgent interest in a popular hobby. I think the sacrifice in living this dream, in excelling at it, is realizing that the money comes solely from popular interest in him and what he does. If he does something to soil his crafted image then that affects him as a commodity and his "investors" shouldn't feel bad about learning what he has already brought into the public.
@vbspurs Sorry for all the typos. Fixed.
I'm no one to complain, as recently I've been noticing my syntax is all weird. It's like I'm translating in my head from French, then to German, and only then to English.
wv: bases!! The iconic bad syntax sentence: all our bases are belong to us!
Not the least of Mr. Woods' transgressions is thinking of himself as an athlete.
In a Michelle Malkin thread someone said:
Maybe Kobe can name a jeweler who can find a rock to make his wife shut up.
Q: What's the difference between a golf ball and a car?
A: Tiger can actually drive a golf ball 400 yards.
It's pretty easy for me to support Tiger on this because I'm totally uninterested in his private life.
The Tiger maybe in big trouble for cheating on his affair partners with other affair partners. And it is rumored that Tiger was still having a normal marital relationship in total unfaithfulness to the feelings of his many affair partners. He is morphing into Hugh Hefner.
I have had a couple of friends who made the difficult choice to take back a cheating spouse. In each case, I took the view that it was their choice and supported them. (Neither case involved physical or mental abuse - just stupidity.) The people in the marriage are the only ones who truly know what has happened.
Having said that ... if I was having a child or planning on having a child, I would be hotter than hot at a spouse who could have conceivably put the life/well-being of my child at risk by potentially picking up some disease during a fling with someone else.
I hope she had a great prenup.
Expat(ish) quoted:
Maybe Kobe can name a jeweler who can find a rock to make his wife shut up.
I know this guy who had to pay for his wife and HER sister to go to Tahiti on vacation as penance for his alleged adultery (he swore to me he did nothing).
Even if she loves him and wants to save the marriage, it's hard not to be cynical and think she's just in it for the prize. That disgusts me, so I can only imagine how guys feel about it.
Having said that, if a man cheats he deserves all the grief he gets.
It's always the same old story. They deny everything at first, and then slowly concede things as the evidence mounts. Mike Paul, the media expert, had the right idea last week, when when he gave this own unsolicited advise about how Tiger should handle this: “Own it, say it yourself, say it yourself with full conviction and responsibility and get it out of the way.” But nobody ever follows good advice. Our natural tendency, to want to hide things about ourselves that are not favorable, is just too overwhelming.
"But if they have evidence of a crime the fact that you are well-known shouldn't get you immunity from investigation that ordinary people don't have."
Perhaps not immunity, but that's not what he's asking for. In a culture where the criminal law extends into almost everything -- and still keeps expanding its reach -- it's almost impossible not to run afoul of it just by getting out of bed. Have you noticed that Team Obama wants to make it a crime not to buy health insurance?
Silverglate's Three Felonies A Day makes the argument, and it's only partly fanciful. The "investigation" of TW for reckless driving was preposterous from the get-go -- he had a fender-bender in his own driveway, the result being that only Tiger, his car and the unfortunately place hydrant got banged up. What was the reason for prosecutorial interest in that? And there was never anything to the 'domestic violence' angle, which any sensible prosecutor would have realized as soon as TW made it clear that he denied it ever happened (i.e., immediately).
Anyone who suggests that it's the need to 'investigate every crime' is woefully uninformed about the reality of the criminal justice system, or (less charitably) just a nut. As Silverglate argues, that idea leads to the conclusion that we should all be indicted at birth, since it has become impossible not to transgress some ukaze or other by living anything approaching a normal life.
The TW "investigation" was all about the unhappy marriage of celebrity culture with the internalization of reality-cop-show stuff by the prosecutorial office. It was all for the cameras. As someone commented elsewhere, TW's accident happened in Florida, and surely there was a triple murder or two going on at the same time that might have benefitted from even half the attention from the local constabulary that ended up being devoted to Tiger's one-legged dance with the hydrant.
Our natural tendency, to want to hide things about ourselves that are not favorable, is just too overwhelming.
It's even worse, though, when you stand for something greater than yourself, such as when you hold a position or office where people have higher expectations of your behaviour. Perhaps an unsophisticated impulse to be idealistic about "special" people, but it's human.
This allows me to admit that I have just one hope and wish about Barack Obama, and it's nothing to do with his presidency.
I desperately do not want to find out one day that he's been unfaithful to his wife. I think he's a terrific husband and father, and I just simply do not want to know different. It's not about morality, exactly. I just want to be able to believe in one untainted aspect to his character.
Seems on more than one level he wanted it both ways. Live by the sword, die by the sword, as they say.
I understand why this is a big story, that's obvious...
But I'm a lot less clear why everyone else is supposed to be outraged about it.
Oh yes, adultery is wrong and shame on him if that's what happened. But my view on President Clinton was that what was wrong there was the disparity in power between him and an intern, the recklessness of a president opening himself up to that whole mess, and the dissembling about it. And all that pertains to him being president and/or an elected official.
Lots of people do lots of sinful things, including lots of adultery. Is Mr. Woods deserving of a significantly greater share of criticism for what folks take to be his sins, now exposed? If so, why?
Starting the clock to measure elapsed time until it is announced that Tiger Woods will enter rehab for drug/alchohol/other substance abuse, from which he will emerge better, stronger and forgiven.
Is Mr. Woods deserving of a significantly greater share of criticism for what folks take to be his sins, now exposed? If so, why?
Because people love to stick it to the rich and famous?
I hate gossip sites, and just do not understand how people can devote hours to reading about what this celeb did to the other, etc. But you have to be blind not to notice that there is an undercurrent of jealousy which fuels the fascination. It's not exactly mean-spirited jealousy. It doesn't seem to be the same as (for example) Communists trying to take away their millions or to destroy them because of their good fortune.
It's more along the lines of reminding them they have to undergo what all of us do when in trouble. Is it about fairness? Maybe.
The only comment I have made on this is that Tiger Woods has been a class act in sports and he deserves a mulligan on this one.
Is it really a shock to find out that Tiger Woods is all too human off the golf course? Next you are going to tell me that Babe Ruth was a heavy drinker and a major league womanizer.
These stories are only interesting to me in that they demonstrate which people crassly live their lives pruriently sticking their noses into other people's private affairs.
What really happened.
At least Mr. Woods appears to know what the meaning of is, is.
Whaddayacallit is such a a great word!
Tiger Woods statement is spot on by the way. Even people who have human flaws can still be class acts. I think Tiger Woods is still a class act.
From now on it will be diffcult to think only of a golf swing when driver, wood, putter, threesome/foursome, a good grip, from the rough, nice stroke and good follow through, and in the hole are said about Tiger.
Will Erin pack it in? Or will she embrace the ghetto lifestyle of pimps and ho's?
Jack Nicklaus: 10
Tiger Woods: 0
Tiger Woods, like all celebrities, needs to stop complaining about a lack of privacy. Of course they don't have privacy, we own them! We purchase them by paying attention to their name and buying things they endorse. So get over it Tiger Woods, and write a tell-all book or release a sex-tape. Who do you think you are?
"live their lives pruriently sticking their noses into other people's private affairs"
It's not sticking your nose into other people's affairs if your nose is just hanging out on a street, and a car whizzes by and proceeds to crash while a woman with a golf club runs after it.
I despise gossip and paparazzi who intrude and invade and make their living as vultures.
But, it seems like if a person brings their chaos into the public, it's fair to ask, 'what's all this then?'
Live by the image, die by the image.
Ann, have you ever engaged in adultery? Have you either cheated on your spouse or slept with a married man? Inquiring minds want to know.
Things I will not be purchasing:
Telephone message. Media. I tell ya, some birds are just flat bad news.
Had he stayed single, a playah, he would not have gotten his face torn up and attacked with his own golf irons.
I'll be mightily impressed if Obama manages to avoid this same pratfall, given half the world's population diving at him already wearing knee pads.
Paddy O., it seems you are just justifying your prurient nature.
What does putting a wee little white ball into a distant hole actually contribute to society? It's not a product that is sold, or distributed. It's not a great discovery or a commodity.
He's an entertainer. Entertainment is valued by all societies, and greatly valued by our society.
Entertainment is a product that is sold to others in the free exchange of $$$ for a product people want enough to pay for.
Is it as valuable to society as a cure for cancer, probably not. On the other hand Tiger has given millions and millions of people around the world great entertainment.
He works very hard to be the best at what he does.
Two points, I think:
1. Face it, privacy is a concept of the past. Much as I fear it, I accept that technology has done away with the very idea.
2. Tiger (and other celebrities) have carefully honed their images via media and their handlers. Can they really complain when the same turn on them to reveal their flaws? Of course not.
I got this from ESPN:
"Woods is also on the cover of the January issue of Golf Digest, a magazine he's had a longstanding relationship with. In a photo illustration, he's pictured with President Barack Obama. The issue offers "10 things Obama could learn from Tiger -- and vice versa" according to a Golf Digest news release."
Too funny.
Actually this is the 3rd post by Althouse in 24 hours about marital distress. But who is counting.
Obviously no one will see the same Tiger Woods again. Not that he will change but our view of him will always bring this (these) incidents to mind. He will part with a great many endorsements and probably after his wife gets lawyered up, about 1/2 of everying he owns and perhaps he gets what he deserves.
That said, what of these women? they knew he was married and with kids. How did they venture into these affairs? Moreover, why on earth would someone play the part of Monica all over again? I'm not a fan of this type of behavior and particularly not a fan of women who not only snare a married guy for a romp in the hay but betray some sort of trust, tawdry as it may be, and lay in wait to hang the dirty sheets out to dry.
if Woods is an ass and a fool then what does it make these creatures.
I will say it again:
told ya so.
I agree with an earlier post about his entire fortune is built upon our interest in him, so the complaints about the lack of privacy is quite callow.
That being said, being on the road constantly, in great shape, famous as just about anyone on Earth, and having a billion smackers: a man is only as faithful as his options. And as nice looking as she is, his wife is just another piece of ass compared to the smorgasbord of hotties laid out before him everywhere he goes.
But he is a super dope for leaving traceable messages to these sluts. Even Henry Hill wasn't that stupid with Janice.
Skipper50 wrote
"Tiger (and other celebrities) have carefully honed their images via media and their handlers. Can they really complain when the same turn on them to reveal their flaws? Of course not."
So, Skipper are you arguing that celebrities should highlight their human failings? Then Mike Tyson and Dennis Rodman must be your model celebrities then!
"if Woods is an ass and a fool then what does it make these creatures.
How about the fact that one of the alleged adultery partners was on a VH1 reality show?
...Tiger needs better vetting of his mistresses. The women who want to be with a married Tiger Woods are the women who want to be famous for being with Tiger Woods. (...or want to get paid, directly or indirectly.)
Tiger will still be a force as a golfer, which will win back a lot of the respect he's losing right now. It knocks him down a peg, though, and proves that he's human.
They say lots of men named Dennis become dentists, and lots of men named Art become architects. Sooo, if you're named TIGER, the dye is cast...
"You don't need to say anything you don't want to say, even to the police."
Professor, I cannot agree with you about this. If a witness is not in danger of self-incrimination, or has been given immunity, the witness must speak to the police, or at least testify. Sometimes people DO need to say things they do not wish to say. If crime victims are allowed to withhold testimony then criminals have a huge incentive to threaten or bribe the victims.
Yikes I agree with Hdhouse.
I read where one of the girl's mothers was quoted as bragging about the celebs her darling daughter had slept with.
Back when I watched golf, (I don't anymore) someone would shout "get in the hole!" It will have a different meaning, now.
I don't know about all this, but golf would certainly be better if they could get rid of the assholes who scream "get in the hole".
Has anyone yet made the joke about kissing his balls and making his putter stand up?
Okay, I figured as much.
Just wanted to make sure.
Tiger always had a problem with even the slightest noise, like the clicking of a camera.
Imagine what's coming, and the stage is set for him to go absolutely ballistic.
"it seems you are just justifying your prurient nature."
Not really. Though, maybe I'm justifying other people's prurient nature.
I never watch television news. I don't watch any reality television, gossip shows, follow any entertainment news, and while I love playing sports, I'm almost entirely a failure as an American man in following any sports.
Yet, this news is right in front of me. I didn't seek it, indulge my prurient nature, or otherwise make it my business to learn anything about Tiger Woods.
He made a public spectacle. If I'm sitting in traffic on my way somewhere because someone got into a car accident, I'm not prurient for looking to see what happened when I drive by on my way to something a lot more interesting.
I imagine there are all kinds of celebrities having affairs we don't know about. And I don't really want to know about them. But, if you destroy public property and involve public services like police and fire fighters, it's just out there. If you want it kept private, don't be stupid. Keep it private. Lots of people do just that.
Indeed, knowing such a thing is easily publicized should be enough for someone to keep their vows.
Personally, I'd much rather knowing Tiger was a stand-up guy, strongly committed to his family and his character. Just as I totally agree with Victoria in hoping Obama doesn't stray.
I think moral failures are sad. Because we do need heroes, and we do need role models, and we don't need any more negative examples of why morality is a good thing for relationships.
Somewhere, I read someone opine that pro athletes think they are being faithful to their wives when they rebuff 99% of the offers they receive.
Spot on, hdhouse.
I hate the idea of always blaming the woman, but it does seem this woman is a professional seductress, trying to find her own identity by sleeping with celebrities.
This isn't to excuse the men at all, woe to those who sin and all that. But, more woe to those who cause others to stumble. I strongly suspect none of her affairs started with the men seeking out a bit of on-the-side.
It is, of course, easy for me to condemn someone like Tiger or David Boreanaz or the others. But, wow, I can't imagine the kinds of temptations people like that go through. Facing down that kind of temptation takes amazing character.
Indeed, right now, I can't help but think of one of the most important people in the Bible--King David. Now there was an adulterer and sinner. And his mistakes get to be told all through history. To his shame. But, his shame doesn't take away his honor. In repentance is hope, I suppose.
May Tiger Woods find the same path.
The best advice for screwing around comes in "Casino Royale" (the new version) in which Bond, played by Daniel Craig, reveals his preference for married women.
I never slept with a celebrity, but a girl I knew once went on to have a relationship with a professional athlete. I understand that this is despicable, but I took a certain amount of pride in the fact that athlete X and I had shared the same woman. If you saw some of the guys that women have dumped me for, you would treat my scumminess with more leniency.
I saw a magasine cover showing the Three Mistresses Tiger keeps in play around the country. He should give each one a nickname after one of the three Amen Corner Holes at Augusta National: White Dogwood, Golden Bell and Azalea. This code will help escape Elin's cell phone snooping as well as the Three Mistresses jealousy should they get into his call log. Tiger need to raise his adultery game in the digital age.
The best advice for screwing around comes in "Casino Royale" (the new version) in which Bond, played by Daniel Craig, reveals his preference for married women.
But that goes to "character development" in Casino Royale, who had an "Oxbridge" education, wears Savile Row suits, but who was never made to forget by those around him that he's just a working-class lad.
The sleeping-around-with-married-women philosophy further cements the impression that he's just aping the aristocracy and upper-classes who have for centuries engaged in adultery with other married people, because it's more discreet -- since if exposed, they would lose their social position or open themselves to blackmail.
These days, it's not necessary to protect unmarried girls' honour by not hitting on them, nor do married women fear divorce and losing their social position, so it's almost anachronistic (as is James Bond...who cares, I still love him).
The famous Athletes are trophy one night stands for many single women to brag about with their friends for years. It's like they climbed Mt Everset or something.
If you saw some of the guys that women have dumped me for, you would treat my scumminess with more leniency.
I can beat that, William. I once dated a college athlete who, after he turned pro and was famous, I later owned in a Yahoo baseball fantasy league (a league where my later boyfriend was Commish!). I didn't feel weird about it.
I heard a manwhore say this once. To err is human, to fuck hot chicks is divine. I also heard him say that he got the clap, too. IDK!!!
He should give each one a nickname after one of the three Amen Corner Holes at Augusta National: White Dogwood, Golden Bell and Azalea.
Since every athlete sleeps with an ugly girl to break their slump, I'm sure the ugly girl could be called the Eisenhower Tree.
I don't question his sexing up that hottie, but why did he get married first? That's the impenetrable question.
I do agree with him that we are not exactly honorable for poking our noses in his sex life. We sure do act all uppity though, don't we. "Some things are just hard to resist", said the pot to the kettle.
Personal sins should not require press releases and problems within a family shouldn't have to mean public confessions.
Well put. The easy thing to do is to take the advice of the public relations hacks and go through the standard contrition rigmarole in order to minimize damage to his brand name. (Of course some PR hack probably wrote this on TW's orders).
Well, I guess being a CobblinAsian didn't help him much now did it? He fell for the fie dolla, make u holla bit and more than once.
Tiger Woods is a whiner.
The voicemail bit makes me wonder. How does someone make their name show up on your phone? I have two cellphones from two different providers and only a caller's number shows up unless I program their name in.
If I was him, I'd just say. "I'm not a saint. I get paid to play golf. If you think that makes me a role model, then you have low standards. Don't blame me. Please talk among yourselves, Good day."
What does putting a wee little white ball into a distant hole actually contribute to society?
It contributes a lot. It motivates the desire to strive for excellence. TW has done this through years of hard work, staying in top physical shape and having a psyche worthy of his nickname. It is in this way that he is a role model, not as a family man.
Tiger seems to have engaged in random sportfucking rather than an affair of the heart. That is a pretty pervasive pattern for professional athletes. Golfers are as susceptible as the more notorious examples of the NBA and major league baseball. Strangely, football players are not as susceptible, at least during the season, because their workload is so intense.
Women are amazingly available to athletes. This is not a new thing. It was said of Arnold Palmer that he was "The King" for more than just his golfing prowess.
Tiger and Elin have a daunting task to repair the marriage. At least he is not in love with anyone else, except of course himself.
The wonderful thing about tiggers
Is tiggers are marvelous chaps!
They're loaded with vim and vigor
They love to leap in your laps!
They're jumpy, bumpy, clumpy, thumpy
Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun!
But the most wonderful thing about tiggers is
They can sleep with anyone!
I sure don't get the celebrity endorsement thing. Are you really likely to buy something just because Tiger Woods shows up in their TV commercial? Really?????
No, Kirk. The advertisers are intentionally wasting their money.
I agree with hdhouse completely.
I cannot imagine being attracted to a married man who is hitting on you. Wouldn't most women react to a married man's pass by assuming that he is total slime?
It seems to happen quite a lot, so not terribly slimy for quite a few folks, it would appear.
Men place an enormous value on the physical ownership of their wives. If Elin wants revenge, she can go sleep with one of Tiger's best friends and then describe the whole sordid affair to Tiger in painstaking detail.
That road would probably not end well, so probably not a good idea, but I can't think of anything a man would hate more than that.
True, although I would hate watching a Say Yes to the Dress 12 hour marathon about equally.
Wow, another celebrity complaint about privacy - are we supposed to NOT pay attention to them?
hdhouse, you presume, I think, that the women who are linking with Woods (and doesn't that list grow by the hour) have some shred of self-respect to begin with. But you make a great point.
Trailer-trash with money.
I am sure his dad would never have put him in a position that allowed his handlers to procure women for him.
What's he need from slut cocktail waitresses that he isn't getting at home?
I'm liking that she is vengeful-not willing to screw and help hide it to save his face.
Live by the slut, die by the slut.
Tiger's odds of being forgiven have probably dropped considerably with the revelation that he was open about his infidelity with his friends. That heaps public disrespect onto all the rest.
Freeman Hunt above, "I agree with hdhouse completely.
I cannot imagine being attracted to a married man who is hitting on you. Wouldn't most women react to a married man's pass by assuming that he is total slime?"
Think of it from the perspective of an attractive young woman with really low self esteem and huge daddy issues.
If you pursue a normal healthy relationship with a rich and successful man, then he has all the power, and if he chooses to treat you like crap and discard you, he can with impunity.
With a married man, the potential for emotional blackmail is tremendously powerful, and for a certain personality types, intoxicating. She has all the power, she can punish him severely (and by extension, all the other men in her life who treated her crappily or valued her only for her sexuality).
As a man, if you can't give up variety seeking in partners, then don't procreate, and don't marry (or at the very least, only engage in assignations with expensive professionals who know how to be discreet, and don't pull a 'Spitzer' and use the same escort over and over while prosecuting her peers).
Tiger is escaping his Ingmar Bergman home life.
He prefers other films.
Yup Tiger you're busted. Should have stayed out of the wrong hole. Geez, would YOU cheat on Elin Nordigren?
He said, "I am not perfect."
He should have said, "I am a slimeball from hell."
No one was asking him to be perfect, except perhaps with his putter.
But no one was asking him to be a slimeball from hell, either.
3 years he maintains an affair with the cocktail waitress without telling his wife? That's very slimy and it made his wife's life into hell.
Now she should make his life into hell.
He's just lucky he's not married to Medea, but just to the Media.
Tiger is allegedly renegotiating his prenup from 10 years/$20M
to 5y/$30M.
Tiger has made a sizable cash deposit into Mrs. Wood's personal account effective immediately.
Intense marriage counseling, ongoing.
Why not just buy her prenup out at $20M, give her the house, and move to Vegas with a new cocktail waitress?
They are apparently easily gotten.
I just viewed some images of Elin. She is incredibly beautiful. Unless she is an absolute shrew, he is insane. But, the urge for variety is so strong in most men, that I completely understand. He can have virtually any variety he wants without any effort. That is powerful temptation. He should have not married at least not yet.
I agree with Freeman, her cheating on him will hurt him the most and I volunteer. God, she is so freaking beautiful. I gotta go.
There is a saying that we don't break God's laws, but God's laws break us. Poor Tiger had it all and he was unbeatable until this year's problems with his putting touch and with his keeping drives in the fairway. Also Ben Rothlesberger was last year's best QB on the best Team, but he has been having problems this year with concussions and interceptions and his team is losing. It seems once again that cost of illicit sex for great men is a much higher price than the TV and Movies ever mentioned.
"I agree with Freeman, her cheating on him will hurt him the most...."
Maybe. But coming down to his level and doing that will also reduce it to a "You did it so I did it" tit-for-tat that may ultimately hurt her own self-esteem and not really solve much.
I still believe the Jenny Sanford approach is best. Move out. Lawyer up. Speak softly. Give ultimatums (if you want the marriage to continue) and hold him to them. Make him miss your class and elegance, and the other things he may never have again. And take your time to decide whether you really want the marriage to continue.
Remember, most cheaters are cheaters. It's in their genes. They'll beg forgiveness and, once forgiven, they'll cheat again. They can't help themselves.
3 years he maintains an affair with the cocktail waitress without telling his wife?
Kirby? Did you typo that? :)
You meant, "without his wife finding out" and not without telling his wife, I'm sure. There's no way any man (unless he's in an open marriage or wants out) would tell his wife he's having an affair.
There was no need for Tiger to get married. It's 2009. Men can be playas their whole lives should they want, and no one will think they're fruits or losers if they don't.
I'm listening to talk radio (both political sides), hoping to get more commentary about the Afghanistan speech, and all they are doing is talking about Tiger's statement today.
Seriously, it's now a non-story. The guy admitted he's a dog, he got a ticket, all he needs is to go on Leno and say he's an idiot, and bingo, we don't need to speak about this anymore.
What a media generated non-story. As ever. What's wrong with our country?
Having said that, this is some funny sheah.
In a funny way Tiger needs the marriage more than Elin does. She would have it made with millions and men at her feet. Tiger NEEDS the stable home base with a wife/personal-assistant and kids to come home to. Tiger's constant Touring all over the world ain't that much fun. Now if he can only quit rising to every Whore's challenge he sees and learns to keep his pants zipped up they may yet stay together. She must love his personality like all the rest of us do.
"What's wrong with our country?"
Nothing's wrong with our country, but from time to time, one whole helluva lot of people seem to lose their way.
"Huge. Quickly. Bye."
Even more revealing than he intended. The perfect description of Tiger's sex life.
At least we don't have to listen to any trash talking about another hypocritical Republican's fall from their moral high ground. Everyone assumes that Tiger Woods is a Democrat.
This is almost impossible to believe.
A wealthy, popular athlete screwing around on his wife?
Has this ever happened before?
Will everybody here stop watching golf?
I certainly hope so.
Well, I suppose he could be in that one percent. ;)
traditional dolt - "Tiger NEEDS the stable home base with a wife/personal-assistant and kids to come home to."
Yeah, I can't even imagine Tiger Woods finding someone to date or marry...and without the wife and kids...he's just another spectacular athlete, billionaire loser.
I mean, what's he got going for him anyway?
Penny "At least we don't have to listen to any trash talking about another hypocritical Republican's fall from their moral high ground."
I don't remember there being such an uproar over Sanford, Ensign and others...here.
I guess it's just something about golfers.
Kirby Olson "He should have said, "I am a slimeball from hell."
Got more of those stones to throw...being one who has never sinned and all?
Now Erin is holding all the cards, in clubs.
The pre-nup: I expect acts of infidelity render the agreement unenforceable as written.
From the human side, I'm more interested in what Erin's ultimate response will be to Tiger's philandering; will she stay, or leave. As a matter of public perception, the former paints her into a marginal corner, while the latter establishes her as the Joan-of-Arc of trivial marriages.
Freeman - "That heaps public disrespect onto all the rest."
Only with people like you.
And if you actually think this is going to have some kind of dramatic effect on his career, earnings or even his reputation...you've got your head up your ass.
Tiger will be just fine, as will his wife and kids.
You're just jealous of Tiger's many friends...
Erin's not going anywhere.
Regardless of the obvious hatred for Tiger exhibited here.
Is there anybody (other than George Bush and Rush Limbaugh of course) that the local crazos will not trash if given the opportunity?
I remember when Walter Cronkite dies and 90% of the assholes here couldn't wait to bad mouth the man before his body was cold.
Bitter, ugly people.
Since the story is mercifully dying a death (at least on Althouse), some final Tiger jokes to send us off:
...did you know Elin Woods got hired as a consultant today? She'll teach Phil Mickelson how to beat Tiger.
...Tiger's statement also placed some of the blame on his Escalade for causing his accident. (Typical golfer. Always blaming the caddy).
...What do baby seals and Tigers have in common? They are frequently clubbed by Scandinavians.
...Tiger Woods almost lost Gillette as sponsor today! He said it was his closest shave yet.
Jeremy...You're back! Tiger needs a stable home and he knows it. That is not dissing Tiger. That is calling Tiger a normal young man who is learning about safe boundaries the hard way. We love Tiger's competitive spirit and we understand how hard it is to be a Superstar at a young age.
Why am I expecting a wonderful rhhardin photo of vicki?
Oh nevermind...It's just me. I love dogs.
Just a random thought about why some guys are attracted to women who behave or have the potential to behave like these women are in leaping up for a minute of glory and print.
I'm not knocking the women although I personally think they are a bit unhinged as noted before nor am I blaming them...
The question is why Woods, seemingly so in control and so regimented in much of his life would stray with this type....
I don't want to sound sexist or blame the woman so please don't take it like that. Is it the dangerous sex or the dangerous relationship that drove him? .. also thinking of Clinton and Spitzer.
If I was him, I'd just say. "I'm not a saint. I get paid to play golf. If you think that makes me a role model, then you have low standards. Don't blame me. Please talk among yourselves, Good day."
Of course he could do that, but it would cost him millions of dollars. His squeaky-clean image was one of the reasons he made so much money on endorsements. If he wants to stay on top he needs to make it seem like this was some kind of aberration.
Problem for El Tigre is these outside-women seem to be coming out of the woodwork. I bet in 6 months all his major sponsors are done with him. Then he can comfort himself with the $1 billion he's already made + future winnings on the tour.
The big plus in all this is Phil Mickelson finally gets to be the real hero to golf fans.
So, Jeremy, were you in the 10% of the assholes who didn't?
I don't remember there being such an uproar over Sanford, Ensign and others...here.
Oh, really? Sanford is pretty much dead to nearly everyone in the GOP.
But then again, you're so over the top right now, that I think the trolling mask slipped. Pin it back up there with a little moderation.
"Why not just buy her prenup out at $20M . . . "
You're kidding, right?
"The question is why Woods, seemingly so in control and so regimented in much of his life would stray with this type...."
"Seemingly" is the operative word, and there is no "type". There's just biology, timing and a moral compass that needs to find a reason to be regularly calibrated.
Re: why men with hot wives cheat.
Men, even the really nice guys, like to sleep around -- and do so with the total conviction that's it's merely meaningless sex. They still love their wives and children, sometimes very much.
Can you imagine how difficult it is, therefore, to be rich and famous, surrounded by any number of physical temptations, and have to limit yourself to one woman, no matter how gorgeous?
Given the sheer number of men in Tiger's position who cheat, from athletes to presidents, it seems to be beyond their power to prevent themselves. Their wives should know that going in, even if it really hurts and seems cynical.
Having said that, when you hear of "compromises" like Andrei Kirilenko (AK-47) has with his wife, it is TOO cynical. She allows him to cheat ONE time a year, with her consent. I mean, why bother marrying?
Victoria - who are we to judge the arrangements any couple decides on? You have no right to judge them.
"I mean, why bother marrying?"
Because human beings will always be a jumble of contradictions. It's the nature of the species.
I think Tiger Woods is still a class act.
I don't see this. I see him as a sniveling, whiny crybaby. Just look at his arrogant attitude on the golf course.
When he was here in Detroit during the Stanley Cup playoffs (I think the Buick Open was going on), one of the local reporters asked him what he thought about the Red Wings chances of winning. His response was, "Who cares about hockey?"
Yeah, a real class act.
Arthur Ashe was a class act. Tiger Woods is arrogant, foul-mouthed, and hostile. I too have to disagree, TradGuy.
Why do men with hot wives cheat?
Because of the thrill, the danger, of getting caught, that's why.
Vbspurs...Tiger may be arrogant, foul mouthed and hostile as you pointed out, but that is what men do when they are in their competitive mode. My point is that he is still a young man and has never encountered any downside to that acting out as a constant competitor. We older men see a good person that can grow up and become a mellow Tiger now that his arrogance has backfired upon him. He seems to desire to repent and do something different than destroy the ones he loves. Stay tuned.
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