I'm sorry, this gives me way too much hope for the survival of his dick.
ADDED: Here's the 6 inches of explosives he had in his pants:
Napolitano said she had no evidence this "is part of anything larger."
So then she's seen his dick?
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
१७६ टिप्पण्या:
And yes, Ladies, he's single!
Oh dear. This is very sad. We are focused on his genitalia now? There are so many more people whose genitalia we should be focused on...
Reminds me that I need to get back to productive work.
I'm looking at Rhoda Morgenstern's panties in 1973. You?
When Richard Reid tried to explode a plane with a bomb in his shoes, we passengers had to take off our shoes for TSA. Umar tried to make a plane go kerblewy with his undies, but no need to take down our panties for airport security?
Obama is inconsistent as hell. I demand to take down my panties.
If he had a Dick.
"It's true. The man has no dick."
Sexist, Althouse. Survival of his dick? Why not the death of the entire terrorist as a better alternative?
Had the terrorist been a woman, would you cheer the loss of her vagina? I doubt it.
All photos include a ruler to provide scale.
Here's the 6 inches of explosives he had in his pants:
That looks like something Cheech would smoke with Chong.
Pity the poor fool who now tries to bring a Fleshlight through airport security: "No, Mr. TSA, it's not a bomb... It's just a fake vag in a hidden... oh god, I'm fucked."
Hoffman at 8:43 for the win!
wv: "comas" -- where our vaunted homeland security apparatus has been doing its deep thinking lately.
I'm going to put this out there, because it's been bugging me to say it since the first moment I found out there was an Al-Qaeda link.
Do you think the Obama Administration had intel this exact incident might happen, and this is why they (helped to) bomb(ed) Yemen earlier this month? Contrary to earlier reports, it seems the US-born cleric, Awlaki was NOT killed in the attack. Perhaps they knew something was going down of this ilk, wanted to preemptively strike at the masterminds in the area where young Umar was being trained, but missed.
That makes a lot more sense (to me) than the general consensus that this attack was retaliation for having bombed Yemen. If it was retaliation, it was pretty damn quick reaction time.
Are you going to blame President Obama for this too???
Two of the four leaders allegedly behind the al Qaeda plot to blow up a Northwest Airlines passenger jet over Detroit were released by the U.S. from the Guantanamo prison in November, 2007, according to American officials and Department of Defense documents.
American officials agreed to send the two terrorists from Guantanamo to Saudi Arabia where they entered into an "art therapy rehabilitation program" and were set free, according to U.S. and Saudi officials.
Guantanamo prisoner #333, Muhamad Attik al-Harbi, and prisoner #372, Said Ali Shari, were sent to Saudi Arabia on Nov. 9, 2007, according to the Defense Department log of detainees who were released from American custody. Al-Harbi has since changed his name to Muhamad al-Awfi.
"Sexist, Althouse. Survival of his dick? Why not the death of the entire terrorist as a better alternative?"
We know the guy survived. This is about how much he is paying for his evil plan, which he imagined would vault him into heaven.
"Had the terrorist been a woman, would you cheer the loss of her vagina? I doubt it."
When a man straps a 6 inch cylindrical explosive device to his dick, it says a lot about masculine violence. We are entitled to respond in kind, and I think it is useful to mock men who do this. Show me the equivalent of a woman who is motivated by female sexual urges and puts a bomb up her vagina and I will give you my answer.
Here's the 6 inches of explosives he had in his pants
This was also a rejected campaign poster slogan for Michael Dukakis.
bomb up her vagina
A "vagina bomb" is a vaginal fart, Ann.
Not much fun for those virgins in paradise.
If it was retaliation, it was pretty damn quick reaction time.
They did say they have a lot of men waiting in the wings.
"When a man straps a 6 inch cylindrical explosive device to his dick, it says a lot about masculine violence."
Derek Smalls, the bass player from Spinal Tap, was easily detected before boarding a plane, and all he had was a cucumber.
The terrorist was granted his visa by the Bush Administration. A couple of days ago, wingnuts were raging about how HILLARY had failed the nation with her laxity on national security. Eat those words, wingnuts.
Now we find out that the planners of the incident were released from Gitmo by George W. Bush.
Why no howling outrage about that?
Oh, yeah: Because Althouse and her ultraconservative minions are all about the partisanship.
Words fail me.
But at least he will be eligible for art therapy.
Althouse, nice deflection.
Masculine violence. Entitled to respond in kind. Mock men. You could be quoting Biddy's dissertation. Feh.
Why are you entitled to respond in kind? No harm was done to you. And "in kind", what the heck is that?
The bomber is a terrorist who deserves the death penalty. That does not give you carte blanche to write a thinly veiled anti-male screed.
How is granting a visa 2 years ago proof that the O! administration was doing a-OK on screening terrorists?
My mother just made this remark to me, so I'm going to share it. I've cleared it up from her Germanic syntax.
"It must be one of the few times in history that on the same day they let a dangerous black man board a plane without a problem, and brusquely escorted a rich blonde white woman off a plane."
Note, she likes Ivana Trump (she looks like her).
Speaking of dicks, shouldn't we be seeing Cheney plastered on cable news telling us Obama made us less safe by his releasing two terrorists who hatched this plot?
Why no howling outrage about that?
And your side wants Gitmo to close, but there's no howling outrage about Obama's proposed plan to send back prisoners to Yemen IN THE NEXT COMING DAYS...AFTER AN ATTACK FROM AL-QAEDA IN YEMEN?
When you talk to me about partisanship, sonny, say please, ma'am, I'll take 40 more whacks of your lash.
Show me the equivalent of a woman who is motivated by female sexual urges and puts a bomb up her vagina and I will give you my answer.
Oh, God, please don't speak of dicks, lower case-D, and Cheney. I still have nightmares.
It's quite fun to see the left harangue Bush for releasing Guantanamo detainees.
And without the least bit of irony or shame!
Aha! Now we know the step between "Steal underpants" and "PROFIT."
It has been the left all along saying that "Gitmo has made us less safe" over and over again.
Bush and Chaney wanted the military tribunals..
How soon they forget?
The Progressives posting about Bush releasing these terrorists from Gitmo are right. We shouldn't release anyone from there. Lock them up for life.
Blogger miller - "How is granting a visa 2 years ago proof that the O! administration was doing a-OK on screening terrorists?"
well, first of all, it's how he was able to travel to america...right?
and the asshole who are involved in the planning...were released by bush.
and the guy went through security in nigeria AND amsterdam.
and you believe our president is somehow responsible?
fuck off.
And without the least bit of irony or shame!
They are drunk with power.
Not that there is anything wrong with that..
Lem - you're a moron.
what do tribunals have to do with the release???
What I love is the "Bush released the prisoners" mantra.
Yep. He sure did. And every one that he let go, he did at the urging of Congress, under protest.
Hmmm......who was the majority in Congress in 2007? Oh, yeah.
So while Bush WAS the ultimate authority on this release, do ya think he would have done it WITHOUT the constant haranguing from the peanut gallery?
Jeremy, surely as a community college employee you are allowed to audit courses for free?
Logic would be great for you.
Trust me.
..what do tribunals have to do with the release???
Do I have to spell it out that if you are tried and found guilty you are not released?
Who is the moron?
Jeremy, you lefties pushed for releasing them all from Gitmo. Innocents swept up for no reason by Bush is what y'all kept saying, over and over again.
Except they were captured on a battlefield, out of uniform. Summary execution after short hearing is all they deserved, but you guys would have howled at THAT. Then you guys wanted all of them released immediately or tried in our courts, each assigned their own Johnny Cochran, and never mind that there was no precedent in history for trying captured thugs from battlefields that way, nor what might be revealed in court, nor that OF COURSE the standards of evidence required to convict OJ of murder (say) are insane to apply to the mountains of Afghanistan.
You guys wanted these guys out. Lawsuit after lawsuit, false stories of horrible treatment repeated as true a thousand times over, etc. Well, some got out, under your pressure. And look what happened.
I'm guessing our soldiers and Marines that captured prisoners early on in Afghanistan are real sorry they didn't just shoot them in-field. It would have solved a lot of problems and saved a lot of money.
Pogo: They don't teach such antiquated, linear thinking in Santa Monica.
Worry not, Lem.
Jeremy has trouble spelling his own name.
Sometimes it's Jeremy, others it's Lucky or Luckyoldson or Gene Olson or Michael. Sometimes he sockpuppets as people he's angry with.
'Moron' doesn't quite encompass the issue.
Next there will be a snuke - which, for the unenlightened, means a nuke in her snizz....
Show me the equivalent of a woman who is motivated by female sexual urges and puts a bomb up her vagina and I will give you my answer.
Motivated by female sexual urges?
By this contrast, are you saying that the bomber was motivated by male sexual urges? That's all it was, just a horny guy who thought the way to get laid involved turning himself into a human grenade.
How would you know his mind?
Never mind the notion of jihad. Never mind the centuries old command that Muslims destroy or conquer infidels and western society.
It was just male sexual urges that made a well-educated young man from an affluent family attempt to kill himself and all the passengers aboard an aircraft about to land in an American city. Not religion, not politics, not terrorism, not warfare. Just sexual urges.
Nice job of infantalizing men.
The loony left used the Abugraib incidents as a take off on Gitmo, to the point were they became interchangeable.
Michael Hasenstab, I think that Althouse's take on this is perfectly justified. Anti-male screed? Hardly.
Consider that this movement, radical Islam, appears to be motivated primarily by two things: By the adherents' cringing fear of their own mortality; and by their feelings of phallic inadequacy.
These ninnies are so afraid of their own demise that they're willing to murder children to avoid it. Personally, if I believed in a god that provided paradise only to murderers of infidel women and children, I'd tell that omnipotence to fuck off. But not these giant pussies.
And these limp-dicks are so ashamed of their junk that they honor-kill women who don't maintain their virginity, lest the woman experience a bigger dick than the honor-killer, and make fun of his little tinkie-winkie.
And they martyr themselves to get those 72 virgins, again, because only a virgin could look upon their shriveled manhood and refrain from laughter and pity.
And they cover their women from head to toe, so that other men with bigger members don't try to spoil their women.
No, Michael, this topic is certainly on the table. And the comically obvious phallic nature of this idiot's weapon makes it that much more amusing.
Six Ann? Really?
I'll bet you parallel park just like a woman too.
Do you have any brains in your A-cups.
Six and 3/4, easy.
Theo, I'm hoping it's in cognito, a logic course disguised as, say, 'A Radical Approach to Queer Theory in Ancient Greece'.
Hopefully, he's at least a Darwin Award!
No matter how the Lefties try to misdirect, this particular idiot boarded a plane in 2009. Thank you, Bambi, Nappy, Hilla, Holder, and all the people in Congress who were more interested in political advantage than killing terrorists.
Michael H wants to turn this against Ann asking, "Why are you entitled to respond in kind? No harm was done to you.", by trying the Alinsky routine to turn this into an accusation Ann is a man-hating fembot (I think Meade can rebut that).
Considering she and her family fly every once in a while, I don't blame her. These twerps and the people more concerned about covering The Zero's scrawny behind than addressing the issue put anyone who flies in danger.
Can I just say... Jeremy/Gene, this is the most godawful website I've seen in 15 years. It's terrible even for an academic site. It's terrible even for Santa Monica Community College. They must give you some budget to punch up this piece of crap from 1996. Spend it.
I just found out that the ass-bomb used back in August in the attempted assassination of the Saudi Prince Muhammed bin Nayef was the same explosive. Huh...
I'm sorry, Jeremy, I had you all wrong. When you were going on about how Gitmo had to be closed, I assumed that you wanted to take these people and give them a civilian trial, ending up in the release of about half of them. (Since they were rounded up by soldiers, and not law enforcement officers, and they weren't mirandized, and evidence wasn't taken care of, etc.)
But I guess I was wrong. I guess you wanted to take them out back and put one in the back of their heads.
You're hard-core, Jeremy.
The Irish, I am ashamed to admit, are notoriously *ahem!*, er, smaaallllll in the wrong places.
Althouse makes me wonder whether indeed the Arabs are similarly Gaelic.
Once more I am thankful for my mixed ancestry.
Pogo, what the Irish lack in size, they make up for in enthusiasm. 1000 years from now, 90% of the world's population will be named either Murphy, O'Sullivan, or O'Brien.
And Lynch... don't forget Lynch...
I don't think that there are as many Lynches; you're falling behind the other three. Better get out that "Kiss me, I'm Irish" shirt and hit the pubs, before the Murphys breed you out of existence.
Jack: "The terrorist was granted his visa by the Bush Administration. A couple of days ago, wingnuts were raging about how HILLARY had failed the nation with her laxity on national security. Eat those words, wingnuts.
Now we find out that the planners of the incident were released from Gitmo by George W. Bush.
Why no howling outrage about that?"
You'd think, as much as you do just what you're doing right here, Jack, that you'd recognize it coming in the other direction, huh?
Obviously, you're one of those who thinks that EVERYONE should be released from Gitmo, Gitmo closed, because it's just poor innocents swept up on the battle field or turned in by vindictive countrymen for cash who are being endlessly tortured there... so you don't GET to fuss that some of them were released under the Bush administration. You WANT Gitmo closed. It's a stain on our national reputation and a symbol of the evil BusHitler regime.
As for Bush releasing men who are then involved in further plots... it's happened before, more than once. Old news. It's why some of us DIDN'T want Gitmo closed and have never believed the self-serving political lies that 1) those held there were not actually combatants, and 2) that we were not *aggressively* releasing all but those deemed most dangerous. So no, YOU do not get to whine and cry about Bush's lax security policies. Too bad for you.
All it is is an example of the Bush administration not refusing visas to all dark complected men of a certain age.
And that's what you wanted, right?
And an example of Bush not holding dark complected men without recourse, forever, in a secret prison.
And that's what you wanted, right?
And if "wingnuts" are taking the opportunity to fuss about Obama, "the system worked" Napolitano, and Hillary Castrated-by-Obama Clinton... well, at least they aren't changing their public opinion about what should be done about the threat or that there *is* a threat just to get a political hit in there... which is what any single person suddenly finding it expedient to portray Bush as SOFT on security has chosen to do.
I guess that's the value of integrity.
Consider that this movement, radical Islam, appears to be motivated primarily by two things: By the adherents' cringing fear of their own mortality; and by their feelings of phallic inadequacy.
Those are the two main things that motivate jihadis? You have not read the Quaran or the Sura, have you? What you have stated is a repetition of the simplistic western view of radical Islam.
...trying the Alinsky routine to turn this into an accusation Ann is a man-hating fembot...
Wrong. Let me be clear. Althouse sexualized the bomber in her comments. She refers to men as dicks, and sometimes as pussies. Yet she never refers to women as cunts. Sexist.
I don't give a rat's ass about the bomber. I do care about the sexism directed toward men, from a good person who takes pride in her feminist beliefs and her love of equality.
Faith and begorrah.
It aint the all about the size of the boat, it's about the motion in the ocean. But a large vessel can be useful.
For those of a humorous and studious bent, one cannot help but recommend (again!) Don Akenson's An Irish history of civilization.
The Irish may not have saved civilization, but they gave it the old college try.
Nice job of infantalizing men.
I think Althouse was just being polemetic
get it? pole-emetic?
wv "testr" That took balls!
"Althouse makes me wonder whether indeed the Arabs are similarly Gaelic."
Oh geez... we are not *really* talking racial penis size here are we?
Because whenever I've seen a claim that claims to be, er, scientific... Arabs are always (supposedly) the biggest.
Not saying, of course, that this fellow wasn't particularly small.
(And while I don't know that I'd characterize this as *masculine* violence, it does seem... illustrative, somehow, of the conflict. (And I would certainly laugh just as much at jokes about a woman with a bomb up her vagina.)
And speaking of terrorists and phallic inferiority complexes: If they really wanted to deter other terrorists from attempting this same crap, they should strip this idiot down, dip him in some cold water (shrinkage!), and put that shit on YouTube. They should do this with every captured illegal enemy combatant.
Then just throw him in some dark hole for the rest of his life -- no execution necessary.
And any dead terrorist, they should photograph with his pants around his ankles. If he happens to have a respectable wiener, photoshop that thing into a cocktail weenie.
Some American commander (maybe Pershing, or Patton, I can't remember which; or hell, they might not have been American) would take the bodies of Muslim illegal enemy combatants, and sew them into the carcass of a hog, and bury them; so as to make them unclean for all eternity. I like this idea too, but I think the little-dick-movie would actually have more of an impact.
Nice job of infantalizing men.
Well, we are talking about practitioners of a religion who believe if you die a martyr, you will get 72 black-eyed virgins as your heavenly reward. ;)
blaming obama?
Two of the four leaders allegedly behind the al Qaeda plot to blow up a Northwest Airlines passenger jet over Detroit were released by the U.S. from the Guantanamo prison in November, 2007, according to American officials and Department of Defense documents.
American officials agreed to send the two terrorists from Guantanamo to Saudi Arabia where they entered into an "art therapy rehabilitation program" and were set free, according to U.S. and Saudi officials.
Guantanamo prisoner #333, Muhamad Attik al-Harbi, and prisoner #372, Said Ali Shari, were sent to Saudi Arabia on Nov. 9, 2007, according to the Defense Department log of detainees who were released from American custody. Al-Harbi has since changed his name to Muhamad al-Awfi.
South Park's done it.
vbspurs - ever hear of the crusades?
probably not.
"Althouse sexualized the bomber in her comments."
I'm not so sure this can be blamed on Althouse so much as the fellow with the phallic explosive in his pants.
Well, sure, Althouse has a dirty mind. We all knew that.
But, to be fair, I think that the guy sort of sexualized himself.
Yet she never refers to women as cunts.
She leaves that to her commenters.
POGO - speaking of size...are you still tea bagging?
The Irish, I am ashamed to admit, are notoriously *ahem!*, er, smaaallllll in the wrong places.
The Irish Curse. Things I learnt when watching Good Will Hunting.
Beth said..."She leaves that to her commenters."
you got that right.
the "queen" just feeds inane right wing chum to the wing nuts and let's them roll.
I'd like to point out that Jeremy is now on public record as supporting the incarceration of prisoners, indefinitely, no matter the evidence available, at Gitmo, never to be released...
...just to be on the safe side.
This may have been his stated opinion for the last 6 or 7 years. If so, I don't mean to imply at all that Jeremy has no integrity.
After all that air travel from Lagos to Amsterdam, to Detroit -- with a bomb strapped to his genitals to boot -- and no skidmarks.
I'm impressed.
wv-"fropause" = period in the late 1970s, also known as "the change," after which many African Americans could no longer give birth to bad hair
blaming obama?
You sound drunk tonight Jeremy...are you?
I thought so.
Your question was asked and answered earlier: Link
I think Althouse was just being polemetic
get it? pole-emetic?
Oh sure, now you are claiming that Pollacks make her barf? What kind of a defense it that?
But, to be fair, I think that the guy sort of sexualized himself.
By, ironically, trying to emasculate himself.
(Welcome back, Synova!)
No, Michael Hasenstab, I haven't read the Koran. I haven't read the entire Bible, either; or every bit of Greek mythology. I don't need to read every word of this to know what these are.
Have you read the Federalist Papers? The entire fucking thing? No? Then I guess you don't know shit about our government.
Please enlighten me: Explain to me how this movement isn't founded upon cowardice.
They murder innocents, because they think that they'll live forever. They're pushing women and children out of the Titanic's lifeboats.
Educate me, how an indecent obsession with a woman's virginity can stem from anything but a phallic inferiority complex.
I await your explanation, as you've obviously read the Koran. Hell, you even know how to spell it all fancy and shit.
POGO - speaking of size...are you still tea bagging?
Thanks for the invitation again, Jeremy, but once more I must refuse. It is far too early in our relationship to ask such personal questions. I know by your many many previous posts that you favor teh gay, but as for now, I prefer we keep our interaction platonic.
But I deeply appreciate your interest.
Jeremy, are you still a tea-baggee? I mean, in the spirit of the season, it's better to give than receive.
Or do you know really understand the mechanics of the act of "teabagging"? I mean, are you asking Pogo to dip his hairy Irish balls into your quivering pink mouth, Jeremy?
"Welcome back, Synova!"
I didn't go anywhere! :-)
Just been playing on-line games with my husband, who has time off work... so I'm blogging just a little less.
Probably it's good for me.
Well, we are talking about practitioners of a religion who believe if you die a martyr, you will get 72 black-eyed virgins as your heavenly reward. ;)
It says that where in the Quran?
And you believe that men would accept that as the sole reason for suicide and mass murder?
It's not about sex; its about war and politics and wanting you to wear a bhurka, cease your education, and live in dhimmitude or convert.
Captain Oveur: You ever been in a cockpit before?
Joey: No sir, I've never been up in a plane before.
Captain Oveur: You ever seen a grown man naked?
Please enlighten me: Explain to me how this movement isn't founded upon cowardice.
They murder innocents, because they think that they'll live forever. They're pushing women and children out of the Titanic's lifeboats.
Educate me, how an indecent obsession with a woman's virginity can stem from anything but a phallic inferiority complex.
Dude, you could have proclaimed that from a minaret in a condemnation of the crusaders and Christianity. You've walked a full circle.
It says that where in the Quran?
This is a funny link which shows a pair of mammaries too. ;)
Since we're talking of sexualisation, and a baby-faced terrorist, possibly himself a virgin because his schoolmates used to call him "The Pope" due to his modesty, sobriety and piety -- check this out.
"The Quran doesnt talk about 72 virgins, only the hadiths"
Even though the Quran does not mention the number of virgins, it does say that Muslims will be awarded with women in Islamic heaven. Quran describes their physical attributes for example they will have large eyes (Q 56:22) and big breasts (Q 78:33)[13] and so on. The actual number of houris is thus a minor issue and 72 is the number of those houris confirmed in multiple hadith. The hadiths are a crucial part of Islam and certain Muslims ignore them because sometimes they contain uncomfortable details about Islam. See Qur'an only Islam - Why it is not possible. There are many hadiths and Quranic verses which talk about various issues of a sexual nature. According to Sahih Bukhari 1:5:268 which belongs to the most authentic collection of hadiths, Muhammad himself was given the sexual strength of 30 men and so on."
Whoa, Big Mo! Strong like ox!
synova - you're sooooo cute...except for that weight thing.
my comment relates to the fact that these people were released by your hero...not that everybody should be forever incarcerated.
blaming president obama is disingenuous and unamerican.
Michael Hasenstab said: "It says that where in the Quran?"
A quick Google search yields this: The 72 virgins thing comes from a hadith, which are traditional sayings attributed to Muhammad. Hadith 2562 states: "The least [reward] for the people of Heaven is 80,000 servants and 72 wives, over which stands a dome of pearls, aquamarine and ruby."
And apparently there are dozens of different translations out there, and apparently one or more of them substitutes "virgin" for "wife".
And quibbling over this detail doesn't disprove that radical Islam seems to put a pretty unreasonable value on a woman's virginity. Honor killings, female "circumcision" (mutilation), etc.
Michael Hasenstab "Dude, you could have proclaimed that from a minaret in a condemnation of the crusaders and Christianity. You've walked a full circle."
you actually think these idiots know anything about anything other than what they already believe?
I'm presuming that Jeremy blamed Clinton for 9/11, no? I mean, Clinton could have taken bin Laden in the 90s, so since Bush had only been in office 8 months, surely Jeremy saw that it was Clinton's fault.
I think this 2nd grade level whining of "it's Bush's fault" is the defining meme of the Left and the Obama administration. I mean, at what point will it stop? Ever?
wv: essized: small-sized?
I didn't go anywhere! :-)
Whoops, colour me pink. Since I've latched unto the teat that is the Althouse blog since Christmas day, due to this terror incident, and not having seen you around during my 24 hour marathons, I got confused. :)
Pastafarian - the Quran also refers adam, noah and even jesus as "muslims."
does that help you?
And speaking of terrorists and phallic inferiority complexes: If they really wanted to deter other terrorists from attempting this same crap, they should strip this idiot down, dip him in some cold water (shrinkage!), and put that shit on YouTube. They should do this with every captured illegal enemy combatant.
They? Who are They? Are They the people who will occupy the cells right next to the PFCs and SPC2s who made the bad guys wear underoos on their heads in Abu Ghraib?
If They did what you suggested, you'd probably scream for Them to be brought to trial for violating one right or another.
I mean, at what point will it stop? Ever?
Being too young to remember, do the people who do remember just when the hippies stopped bitterly referencing Nixon? Because that's how long it'll take with this era's version, Bush.
They have the third installment, Palin, all lined up and ready to go.
Leftists: It's not politics. It's personal.
Michael Hasenstab said: "Dude, you could have proclaimed that from a minaret in a condemnation of the crusaders and Christianity. You've walked a full circle."
Yes, I suppose I would have condemned Christians, during the Crusade or the Inquisition. But try as I might, I only see Muslims chopping off heads and clitori and whatnot for the last several hundred years.
Several Islamic scholars explain that they will have "large, round breasts which are not inclined to hang..
I could see the number 72 not being a problem but, large, round breasts which are not inclined to hang??
That's quite a stretch.. unless there is no gravity in heaven.
The photo in this post is now making me hungry. It looks like a burrito.
JorgXMcKie - i don't blame clinton for 9.11, nor do i blame bush for the recent incident.
i merely posted a fact of life: blaming obama for any of this is bullshit.
i do know under who's watch 9/11 took place thought: george w. bush.
and if it had been clinton or obama in office at the time, you, along with the other rigt wing assholes here would be blaming them.
fuck off.
Lem, here's more info on the breast-uh-ses:
Round/swollen breasts
Quran mentions that the virgins are voluptuous. Several Islamic scholars explain that they will have "large, round breasts which are not inclined to hang".
Relating to the mention of virgins in the Qur'an several translators like Hilali-Khan, Arthur John Arberry, Edward Henry Palmer, John Medows Rodwell and George Sale have interpreted Qur'an 78:33 to refer to "swelling breasts" or "big, firm, round breasts that are not inclined to sagging. In his tafsir, Ibn Kathir wrote that the verse describes the physical attributes of the virgins. He construed the verse as:
"This means round breasts. They meant by this that the breasts of these girls will be fully rounded and not sagging, because they will be virgins, equal in age."
Note how Jeremy studiously ignores all the points directed his way, preferring his simple caricature of his opponents' argument (not what they're actually saying). Very lefty.
Michael Hasenstab, you seem to have me confused with Jeremy. I would give "Them" (the videographers who would make the small-dick-terrorist video) a medal, and possibly a Golden Globe.
You don't think that this would deter terrorism?
I'm not talking about the underwear-on-the-head hijinks. I'm talking about a nice clinical look at each man's naughty bits, particularly after they've been shrunken by icewater. Every single time.
I think the jihadis would defect in droves. I think this would be a fate much, much worse than death to them.
Hey, where's that commenter who posts all the time about boobies? Confusingly, he goes by Beaver-something.
Jeremy at 10:18: No, that does not help me. I have no idea what point you're making.
Alas, I'll not stay for your intelligent and polite explanation. vbspur's theological research is getting me all...romantically inclined. I believe I will go downstairs and pay a visit to Mrs. Pastafarian.
hundreds of gitmo prisoners were released under bush, yet the wing nuts here whine and bitch about closing the facility, and appear to think that the people released under bush were deserving of their freedom.
here, we have two that are suspected of masterminding the recent plot...and the locals just can't bring themselves to criticize the man who has created more worldwide terrorism than anyone...ever.
look up the stats: terrorism and death attributable to terrorism increased dramatically from the day bush started his "war on terror."
i defy anybody to provide proof of anything otherwise.
I would never be one of those virgins then, because even though my breasts are large and round, they are quite inclined to sagging - especially after three children!
I never pass the pencil test.
wv: andhemp
Get you some, Pastafarian! NIGHT!
Hey, good night everyone!
I thought I'd try being a troll for a couple of hours to see what it felt like.
It felt interesting, especially the hair trigger responses from both left and right points of view.
Take it easy, thanks, and sleep well.
They meant by this that the breasts of these girls will be fully rounded and not sagging, because they will be virgins, equal in age.
So once they are not virgins any longer the breast might start to sag.
What kind of heaven is this?
Pastafarian - the bible, the Quran and the rest of the religion-based says all kinds of things.
i don't believe a word of any of it.
I thought it was something like that, Michael. Or that Ruth Anne put you up to it. The kidder. :)
Night too! I'm off. May all your virginal breasts be perky in the morning, guys.
Oh, one more thing, I looove how Vics can almost imperceptibly move the dialogue from its original context to....breasts. Lots of talent, that one.
JohnAnnArbor - you're full of shit...and just sucking up to the rest of your fellow wing nuts.
i'm used to it.
hundreds of gitmo prisoners were released under bush, yet the wing nuts here whine and bitch about closing the facility, and appear to think that the people released under bush were deserving of their freedom.
No one here said that. That's a voice in your head. They have pills for that now.
I believe we would have released none from the facility except for obvious accidental captures except for people like you, pressuring, suing and lying to get them released.. That's what I and others have explained above.
It is your right to ignore all that. It just means you're a dishonest dick.
Mayhap they'll be perpetual virgins like Jessica on True Blood. She was a virgin when made Vampire and since she heals every sleep, she wakes a virgin every day even if she didn't go to sleep one...
JohnAnnArbor "Note how Jeremy studiously ignores all the points directed his way, preferring his simple caricature of his opponents' argument (not what they're actually saying). Very lefty."
this from someone who has a blog that you have to be "invited" to read.
chicken shit.
Actually, it's just a logical reading of the thread, Jeremy. Many direct points have been directed to you. Instead, you choose to argue agains points that NO ONE HERE MADE.
Again, it is your privilege. It's mine to point out your dickiness.
JohnAnnArbor "No one here said that. That's a voice in your head. They have pills for that now."
oh, really?
but if obama releases any...they're what?
NOT deserving?
where were YOU when bush was releasing the hundreds?
why weren't you bitching and whining about that?
don't bother...i already know.
A slightly more humorous view of that day's events, courtesy of Iowahawk:
A blog with no posts, created as an experiment for an old high school class to send news to each other without displaying it to the planet. Haven't solved it yet. But it shouldn't be too hard, once I get time.
But thanks for clicking through. It warms my heart. You CARE!
JohnAnnArbor - don't waste your breath.
you're just another right wing asshole defending all that was bush and bitching about all that is obama.
that's why he's president and bush will always be remembered as a bumbling failure.
and why are you afraid of people reading your blog?
what are you afraid of?
chicken shit.
why weren't you bitching and whining about that?
Actually, many of us were, pointing out that giving in to the ACLU and the Democratic/press cabal of America-last, terrorists-first was not a smart move.
But, again, you can't be bothered with facts. It'd be cute if it didn't involve dead people.
..they'll be perpetual virgins like Jessica on True Blood.
Haven't seen it yet but if I follow you correctly it sounds like the Muslim that gets the "perpetual virgins" will also have some special powers himself.
Again, arguing against points I never made. I'm sure it must be fun. No, I didn't approve of Bush's every move, foreign and domestic. But if pretending that's so makes you happy with the voices in your head, please, keep doing it. It'd be good therapy for you.
(I learned long ago that it wasn't nice to be mean to the mentally challenged.)
JohnAnnArbor "Actually, many of us were, pointing out that giving in to the ACLU and the Democratic/press cabal of America-last, terrorists-first was not a smart move."
the aclu didn't relese them...bush did...and it came way before any uproar via the aclu or other parties.
if you read more and talked less, you'd know that.
you're uninformed and a liar.
the aclu didn't relese them...bush did...and it came way before any uproar via the aclu or other parties.
Um, are you seriously claiming that there was NO protest ("uproar," as you say) against Gitmo before 2007, when these prick-bombers were released?
Because that's kinda provably false.
As I said earlier, all these guys should have been interrogated, had a brief hearing, then been shot after a few days. Are you on board with that?
BTW, Crack's comment, the first on the thread, is the thread-winner in my humble opinion.
Once more, great fun to watch Jeremy argue the complete opposite of his anti-Bush tirades of years past!
And done without seeming awareness of the cognitive dissonance.
Truly, a gift from God.
johnann- at one point there were 775 prisoners at gitmot...and as of January 20, 2009 (the beginning of President Obama's administration), Guantanamo held more than 220 detainees.
the aclu didn't get 525 released.
bush did.
I'm sick as hell of this saying, but;
Janet Napolitano: Epic FAIL
POGO - how many men have you tea bagged today?
Pogo, it's really bizarre. And kinda sad. All that hate, directed in weird ways.
OK, you right-wingers, answer me this:
If this whole War-on-Terror thing is such a big deal to you, then why does your side spend so much time and effort pursuing the "culture wars"?
Seems to me that if you really thought Muslim terrorism was a threat, you'd want to create as much cohesiveness and solidarity as possible among Americans of all types. You'd want to do everything possible so that all Americans can consider themselves part of American society and therefore have an incentive to defend it.
Instead, when the threat is no longer at the top of the news like it is now, you go right back to marginalizing gay people and pot smokers and Atheists and pagans and the like.
When I see Rightists do this, it just reminds me that they aren't serious about the existential Islamic threat, and that they're willing to minimize it so that they can pursue their selfish and destructive pandering.
No. ↑ I am not on board with that.
Look, the art-rehabilitation thing didn't work. I understand that. But they haven't tried cooking-rehabilitation yet. I hear childcare-rehabilitation works wonders. Also being assigned a pet has proven to change attitudes completely around.
Also being assigned a pet has proven to change attitudes completely around.
After looking at the bomb-erwear, I think bleach is in order--those are some dingy panties.
Julius, you bring up an interesting point. We'll have to raise it in our next meeting.
(This is where you realize that your comment is silly on its face, as there are millions of people with different opinions about a wide variety of stuff clamoring for attention out there. Different ones bubble to the surface based on current events. As it has always been. Some people never shut up about the Islamist threat, but you're not the type to listen to them, so you only hear them when something happens on that front.)
Of course being the perpetual virgin wouldn't be fun. The hymen breaking every single time. Pain for the woman. And what exactly does the guy get? Anything more than Rosie Palmar and her five sisters could give?
"If this whole War-on-Terror thing is such a big deal to you, then why does your side spend so much time and effort pursuing the "culture wars"?"
because being homophobic and anti-choice, etc. is their base of belief. it's what holds the tea bagger, dittohead crowd together.
the terror thing is all bullshit.
Kimsch - and the laundry, oy the laundry.
JohnAnnArbor "Pogo, it's really bizarre. And kinda sad. All that hate, directed in weird ways."
hate is an overused term, and it really takes some guts for any of the local wing nuts, who spend their every day, hating everything related to our own president, to offer up such an inane argument.
and why are you sucking up to pogo?
did he tea bag you?
@JohnAnnArbor- I mean this to be a serious question. I realize that Americans have broad opinions, and therefore I see it as a question of leadership. The Culture Wars seemed to factor heavily into the McCain-Palin campaign of last year, for instance. They could have demonstrated leadership by focusing attention on the Muslim threat and wagging their fingers at those who would divide the populace, but they didn't.
WV: "slesse", which is how I regard both parties.
Even if I knew I was about to blow myself up, I still wouldn't put the explosive in the pouch of my underwear.
This is in response to the 8:51pm post by Althouse. There were some Chechen women who brought down a Russian airliner. The speculation at the time was that they had smuggled the explosives in their bras. For a while after this, the screening became rather intense. I remember Diana Ross (justifiably) freaking out because a screener had touched her breasts.....The larger philosophical point I would wish to make here is that a woman's phallic symbol is not her vagina, but her breasts. That's the jutting prow she sends forth to part the waves. (Perhaps the real symbol of her potency is her womb, but the bust line is what gathers attention to the womb.)... It's interesting to note that the mosques are represented by a dome (tit) and a minaret (phallus) so I guess both sexes get to sublimate their sexuality in religion.....I would agree to some extent with Pastafarian. If this man's penis has been damaged and he is in a lot of pain, this news should be publicized. Such news would I am sure give similar suicide bombers cause for reflection.
First off, TW: relish. I mean, really.
2nd: Julius, enough already, it seems quite clear you want people to stop believing what they believe and believe what you believe on social issues. OK, we get it, let me see if this makes sense...
Arguendo: If you want to teabag me, and I don't want to be teabagged, I should nonetheless consent because then you will help me fight terrorism? Mmm, no, not working.
I may agree or disagree on any number of topics - pot, say, or the right to bang 15-yo girls, or boys, or whatever it is you're after. If I agree it costs me nothing to say Right on, let's both fight the power!
But, if I disagree, I'm not sure I should "sell out for a mess of pottage" any more than, perhaps, should you. Why don't we flip it? Why not - oh - throw gays under the bus? (Obama already has, lol, but I mean REALLY.) Let's stone the fags, then Islam will know we get them, right?
Or let's agree to renounce grass and other drugs, for real this time. We all know the money goes to crime and perhaps terror. Now yes you could maybe stop it by legalizing, but OTOH if everybody just stopped taking the sutff, the drug pushers would be REALLY screwed, right? (I know I know, but IF that happened it's be killer, eh?
The Grecian women and the Confederate women, to name two OTTOMH, coughed up their jewelry, you cough up your water pipe fr the duration. Let the gays cough up celibacy. Give up on abortions, just for a little while.
Hey, if whoever you're positing as the leadership obverses of McCain-Palin wanted to show leadership, that'd be the least they could do.
Let's flip a coin. Heads we do it all your way, tails we do it all (arguendo) my way. Any takers?
No? Then stop trying to exploit. It shouldn't matter anyway. As the Klingon said, Only a fool fights inside a burning house!
Of course, if your willingness to defend against people who want to barbecue you for doing X, Y and Z is conditional on others' loving and admiring you for doing X, Y and Z, as opposed to merely suppressing their gag reflexes and tolerating it, maybe you are a fool.
This post only makes me more convinced of my theory: That Althouse is written by and frequented by teenage girls.
You know, there is a difference between what is done for expedience's sake and what is done for purposes of symbolism.
If the terrorist hid the goods up his ass I suppose that would give Althouse license to ridicule him on account of his ostensible homosexuality.
Genius this profound should not go wasted. Enough with the blog cover! We want Ann coordinating DHS and police interrogations!
Also, I have a question about the 72 virgins: Are they celestial fembots? Where do they come from? Do female martyrs get 72 studs? Is it possible that 72 virgins is some kind of boring metaphor? They say the Song of Solomon celebrates the love between God and Israel.....I'll give this to the Muslims: their heaven sounds much cooler than the Christian one. Would you rather have the tacky pleasures of an eternity at the Playboy Mansion or the exquisite joy of singing a new Bach cantata every night for all eternity? Trick question. For myself my answer would determine my unworthiness for heaven.
Ok, ok.
Christopher Hitchens had the best joke about the 72 virgins. It involved mention of 72 mothers-in-law.
That sourpuss idiot George Galloway was not amused!
Compared to what passes for the left abroad, you guys are pretty lucky here.
Going after the accused with sexual innuendo is not a good idea. It could lead to things like this.
William wrote:
Are they celestial fembots? Where do they come from?
From Canada?
That's where this inventor of his own personal fembot lives.
I heard this story on Christmas Day on the radio, but I see Instapundit linked to it Monday. Hearing it, and imagining a lonely, bespectacled 30-something guy having Christmas dinner with his silent "lady" companion and parents is one thing. But as they say, pictures are worth a thousand words.
And in another note, thank you, Michael. :)
AQ seems preoccupied by the shame they feel that Muslim societies have fallen so far behind the decadent West. So what's the answer? Symbolic phallic explosives aboard giant symbolic flying phalluses.
They could add a scene to "The Life of Brian" for these morons. They execute women for adultery, but murderers go to the garden of Allah, after purging themselves of all the "taint" from contact with mortal women, where they can disport themselves for eternity with houri, i. e. the succubi of all their wet dreams.
Al Qaeda is for losers. They're evidence for what's wrong with Islam, not what we should admire about it. It's the Muslim version of priests molesting altar boys.
wv=bular "Abdulmutallab" means "Abdul Bular," Ferris' dorky younger brother.
or the exquisite joy of singing a new Bach cantata every night for all eternity?
What will those who go to heaven do there?
Victoria: You sneer now. So did the buggy makers when they saw the first automobile, but it's the nature of technology to improve with more rapidity than you can imagine. Be worried.....I long ago resigned myself to the fact that three dollar plastic toys are much more accomplished in the arts of love than I will ever be.
Brent: I heard one explanation that sounds doable. Do you know that light at the end of the tunnel, and thejoyous expectation that you will soon see someone you love very much? Well, that's it. That's heaven. In eternity moments don't pass. They stay the same forever, and heaven is that joyous expectation and the light at the end of the tunnel.
William, try reading the link before commenting.
Brent: That's a very fine vision of heaven and so long as you don't blow up people in order to attain it, I wish you God's grace on reaching it at the end of a long, happy life.
Janet Incompatano needs to go. She is going to get a lot of people killed.
Crack Emcee, you crack me up.
*sniff* *sniff*
Smells like fear in here. Just the way they like it.
*blink* *blink* *blink*
A Wisconsin family on Flight 253 tells the creepiest story -- they were behind a guy who VIDEOTAPED THE ENTIRE FLIGHT...including the attempted detonation.
Who the HELL videotapes an entire 7-8 hour flight? That's what, 2 or 3 batteries worth?
The Keepmans say that the FBI were desperately seeking said man, after they arrived in Detroit.
First the alleged well-dressed man in Amsterdam trying to help out Umar get on without a passport, now a man videotaping the whole flight, for a possible Al-Qaeda video? I mean, only in case something went wrong, like the kid chickened out, or to get intel for another flight, because he would've been blown up and the video alongside him if they had been "successful".
Oh guys, this isn't good, if true. I'm getting a weird feeling about New Years, but I can't let these assholes win.
Oh, of course, Schuringa also sold his phoneviddie rights to CNN, alongside that picture he took which was splashed of Umar being led away by police. So there IS a video which CNN may be keeping to show, perhaps after New Years.
Yup. Definitely smells like fear.
Is that a bomb in your pants or are you just happy to see me?
I see many of the commenters have noted that the marching orders from Kos or Puffington or wherever to the Lefties are to keep whining about Bush, how we weren't safe on 9/11, etc. To be sure, Dubya didn't spend his first 8 months in office undoing Willie's "security measures" (Ms. Gorelick's impenetrable wall, etc.) as Bambi has been doing; if he had, 9/11 might not have happened.
For Pasta:
You mentioned Patton or Pershing sewing dead Moslems in pig hides. Neither got anywhere near the Religion of Peace, as far as I know. What you're thinking of is the practice of British officers in the Sepoy Mutiny in India (1857 - 59).
They also developed the practice known as, "blown from guns", in which the offender would have each wrist tied to the wheel of an artillery limber so his torso covered the muzzle of the gun, which was loaded, When the gun was fired, the offender would be food for the scavengers, another fate worse than death in Islam.
According to Col.Ralph Powers, this sort of response was so devastating to the sect that fomented the Mutiny - the Wahhabis - that they left for greener pastures - Arabia.
The closest we ever got was Philip Henry Sheridan's "The only good one is a dead one".
For those lacking the heroic impulse, what if we sprayed terrorists with pig's blood? It negates the 'purity' ritually pursued before the attempt. And it's very 6th century; about the right timeframe I think.
P.S. Jeremy. Seriously, much as I appreciate your efforts, I think we should keep our budding relationship free for now. But given your obvious interest in 'teabagging', you might consider contacting Anderson Cooper. With a 30% decline in CNN ratings, he probably needs a quick pick-me-up. Best of luck, Gene.
...what the Irish lack in size they make up for in enthusiasm.
Trooper just phoned me that what the Irish lack in length they make up for in girth. He said it was all right to pass it on. So that's what I'm doing. Passing it on.
Jeremy- you need to quit arguing. John A2 has made you look like the total fool you are. Hurling abuse or calling people names at him doesnt make your points any more valid.
John- glad to know that you are a fellow A2 resident.
Pastafarian: At least one branch of Christianity condoned castrating men so that they could praise God in a perfect high soprano for the rest of their miserable lives. Within the last two hundred years. Compared to that, I'd say blowing your balls off to kill enemies looks both sane and manly.
The NY Post this morning has the headline winner: Great Balls of Fire!
edutcher, I am pretty sure Pershing led U.S. troops against Moro Muslims in the Philippines. I don't know if the pigskin story is true or not, but it could be.
Johanna -- I'll assume that you're joking. I don't think anyone would actually believe that it's more sane behavior to blow up an airliner carrying innocent men, women, and children, than it is to cut of one's own balls, or even those of someone else.
Maybe we have different definition of "sane".
And my screen name is Pastafarian. Why do people keep baiting me with attacks on Christianity, comparing it to radical Islam or Jihadism? I have no dog in that fight.
And even I can see how absurd these comparisons are. How many Christians, in the last 200 years, have sawed the head off of an infidel or cut off a little girl's clitoris or stoned an adulterous woman to death or hanged a homosexual?
Certainly there's a good underpants gnome joke in here somewhere.
A few thoughts on Penis/balls as tools for creating as is done in Art: The moslem male is taught to see his role as a carrier of a religion based upon a revelation given by an Angel in a cave to Mohammed who collected and wrote down this final revelation of god. The collection of revelation sayings and laws is deemed final and supersedes the old preliminary revelations given thru Moses and Jesus in Judeo-Christian tradition, who may be seen as prophets, but NOT as a revelation of a Son Of God. The moslem male carrier has to inseminate that coded language to conquer the minds of unbelieving men, or he has to cut off their heads where their minds are located.Thus his mission is a male mission to spread the seed of allah's faith. The tool by which 600AD mid-east culture saw all seed or codes spread was by the male penis/balls acting to inseminate the female mater-ial to begat the coded human offspring. Our laws still recognise the will is such a device containing the inheritance code in a collection of written words spewed forth by a testator onto his Testament as what controls the patrimony of property at death as the male's seed did at conception. Ergo, we will never stop the attacks by these Koran memorisers without using a better code or scripture. That is of course why merely possessing a Bible is a capital offense, and converts to Christianity must also be killed in moslem ruled areas. They know where their weakness is located.
And, allegedly, those underpants are available as part of an explosive new range of fashion lingerie ;-)
Janet Incompetano is just feining stupidity :
The Transportation Security Administration did little to explain the rules. And that inconsistency might well have been deliberate: What's confusing to passengers is also confusing to potential terrorists.
"It keeps them guessing," transportation expert Joseph Schwieterman said.
Come on, Fred4Prez - you know, in bed, this guy is DA BOMB!!!
Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week,...
Show me the equivalent of a woman who is motivated by female sexual urges and puts a bomb up her vagina and I will give you my answer.
You are SO full of shit!
Why don't you show us proof that this bomber was motivated male sexual urges?
After seeing it, she said it was an "isolated incident" in the extremis.
When a man straps a 6 inch cylindrical explosive device to his dick, it says a lot about masculine violence. We are entitled to respond in kind, and I think it is useful to mock men who do this. Show me the equivalent of a woman who is motivated by female sexual urges and puts a bomb up her vagina and I will give you my answer.
In an attempted hijacking of an Israeli airliner in 1970, one of the Palestinian terrorists, Leila Khaled, had grenades hidden her bra. Is that close enough?
The pilot, Uri Bar Lev, was finishing his climb out of Amsterdam. With the seat belt signs still on, he realized that the hijackers were the only ones in the cabin that were not seated and belted, so he put the 707 into a negative G dive. That allowed the armed Israeli marshalls on board to pounce, killing the male and seizing Khaled.
The situation in hand, Bar Lev diverted to London so that a wounded steward could get medical care. Anticipating a problem over the dead terrorist on board from the British authorities, as the plane taxied to the gate, the marshalls jumped out and hot footed it to another El Al plane waiting on the tarmac. The pilot was prescient since the entire crew was detained and questioned for hours by British authorities, who only relented after being assured that the hijacker was killed outside of British airspace.
A few months later the Brits released Khaled in a deal with other Arab terrorists.
This war has been brewing for a long time.
It should be noted that security people had identified four suspicious passengers before the flight. Two were kicked off the plane and later hijacked another airline's flight, and the other two turned out to be hijackers. They'd been searched but their weapons went undetected.
That's one reason why the Israelis put more effort on screening passengers than on searching luggage. It's more effective to question passenger and identify the hinkey ones than rely on baggage searches for everyone. In 1970 they were still refining their methods, but it should be noted that the Israelis were already pretty successful at averting air piracy.
The last successful hijacking of an Israeli plane was in 1968. The 1970 attempt was part of a flurry of hijackings that continued for a few years, but even by then the Israelis were getting pretty good at it.
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