৪ ডিসেম্বর, ২০০৯

Palin goes birther.

Sarah Palin was asked "Would you make [Obama's] birth certificate an issue if you ran?":
"I think the public rightfully is still making it an issue. I don't have a problem with that. I don't know if I would have to bother to make it an issue, because I think that members of the electorate still want answers," she replied.

"Do you think it's a fair question to be looking at?" Humphries persisted.

"I think it's a fair question, just like I think past association and past voting records -- all of that is fair game," Palin said. "The McCain-Palin campaign didn't do a good enough job in that area."

McCain's campaign counsel has said the campaign did look into the birth certificate question and, like every other serious examination, dismissed it.

Palin suggested that the questions were fair play because of "the weird conspiracy theory freaky thing that people talk about that Trig isn't my real son -- 'You need to produce his birth certificate, you need to prove that he's your kid,' which we have done."
But I thought she thought the question of Trig's parentage was not fair. Do 2 unfairs make a fair in her thinking? Is she saying that since people got all "weird" and "freaky" on her, she wants equal treatment for Obama in the "weird" and "freaky" department?

২৬৪টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   264 এর 201 – থেকে 264
vbspurs বলেছেন...

Careful. My recollection is that John Kerry had lower IQ scores than Bush, and Kerry's grades weren't so hot either.

Bush's grade average was actually higher -- 77 to Kerry's 76.

Incredibly, Kerry got a 77 for Freshman French at Yale. That's a very poor grade for a fluent French speaker. His overall Freshman grade was 71. Barely a C.

Adele Mundy বলেছেন...

Andrew Sullivan would be a beagle with a distended rectum.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

While I agree with him that Sarah Palin is Trig's mom, her stories about that pregnancy are still pretty bizarre.

Like what? What are bizzare stories?

LoafingOaf বলেছেন...

Adele Mundy said...
Except of course for Loafing Oaf who never has anything harden. This is the source of most of his animus towards Sarah Palin and all other attractive women. I have seen it so many times that I have lost count.

So, you defend Palin jus because she gets you hard?

What would Jesus think about your impure thoughts towards a married woman? How many times have you jerked off to pics of her? Does she get kinky in your fantasies?

Adele Mundy বলেছেন...

To Loafing Oaf and others of his ilk, anyone who would love and nurture a Downs syndrome baby and not abort it is both a fool and a fanatic.

It is the ultimate basis of all the hatred spewn at her from both liberals and feminists.

Matt বলেছেন...

You are letting conspiracy theories drive your logic. Look, Bush was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Obama clearly was not [either was Clinton] - so the idea that somehow Obama gained [or had] an advantage because of that is just nuts. He has achieved a lot from pretty humble origins.

What's more, let's say for the sake of argument that Obama had bad grades and only got into college because of affirmative action and favors done for him. Now, the fact that he taught for 12 years at a highly respected law school, became a state Senator, became a US Senator and then became President of the United States [all before age 50] tells me that no matter what favors came his way he used them wisely and has succceeded pretty darn well.

You may disagree with his political views but the man has succeeded in ways few Americans ever will. Give him that.

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

AC245: Nice job cherry-picking my quotes. Context is everything.

You do get bonus points for no ellipses, however.

Perhaps you can share how you'll pay for a Medical Care for everyone who wants aggressive preventative care right up to the end of their life, or for bridges to nowhere, without a tax increase, which was the point of that little rant of mine.

Adele Mundy বলেছেন...

I am afraid that Sarah spends much more time in your fantasy life than she does in mine Mr. Oaf. That is clear by your obsession with her. It seems quite unhealthy. It might be time for you to change it up.

What’s Jodie Foster up to these days?

vbspurs বলেছেন...

Look, Bush was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

So was I. And that populist angle doesn't sit too well with me.

garage mahal বলেছেন...

Like what? What are bizzare stories?

She didnt tell anyone about it until she was 8 months prego, and when she broke her water in Texas, she decided to take a trans continental flight to Alaska to deliver a special needs baby. Face it, that is weird. Now I know you will come back and say that's perfectly normal course of action for a 43 yr old woman giving birth to a special needs baby, of course. And I say, yes normal for her.

LoafingOaf বলেছেন...

vbspurs said...
Bush's grade average was actually higher -- 77 to Kerry's 76.

Yeah, and while I don't feel like Googling for it, I know there's stuff out there that show Kerry had a lower IQ than Bush. Military IQ scores, I think it was.

The media didn't want people to know Kerry wasn't smarter than Bush. It didn't fit with all their jokes and so forth.

Maybe people won't believe this because I now consider the Bush administration a terrible failure, but I thought Kerry would be an awful President at the time of the 2004 election, and I still think he would've been worse than Bush. If I were transported back in time and could vote in 2004 again, I'd head to a bar instead, and stuff the ballot box with votes for Johnnie Walker.

I remember when Kerry booked himself on Meet the Press the weekend of the Iraq elections because he assumed there'd be bloodbaths all over Iraq, and when there weren't he had nothing to talk about. So, he'd obviously have called off the Iraq elections if he had been Prez. And, as a Senaor, he did one of the worst things a Senator can do: He voted for war solely to help his own political career, not because he believed it was the right vote.

vbspurs বলেছেন...

Like what? What are bizzare stories?

DBQ, Palin doubters of every kind arise because they cannot relate to her. Her entire story is alien to urban-dwelling BoBos who are exemplified by Barack Obama and his cohorts. Men and women who think rural folk are weird, violent, and ignorant.

One century ago a woman sucking up the pains of childbirth whilst on the job, then giving birth to a child only to return to her job shortly after wouldn't even receive a blink of congratulations. American women were tough. This is what they did.

But today, in an age of epidurals and extended birth stays at hospitals where everything you need for your baby is given to you in a cute Hospital dufflebag, her actions in Texas are nearly incomprehensible.



Adele Mundy বলেছেন...

Garage there is a whole reality show about people who don't tell anyone they are with child. It's called "I Didn't Know I was Pregnant" It happens every day.

I do not think she did not know she was preggers, just that she did not want it known. Most of the girls on the show knew they were with child and just didn’t want it known for one reason or another. Those that have children can gauge it pretty well.

Matt বলেছেন...


Yeah but the 'populist angle' is reality. Look at Sarah Palin. She defines populism. So does the entire Tea Party crowd.
And anyway, if you are claiming that Clinton and Obama succeed because of populism then clearly populism is the way to win.

The only other option is elitism and divine right. America strives for populism. [Although in practice it rewards the wealthy].

chickelit বলেছেন...

America strives for populism. [Although in practice it rewards the wealthy].

At least America hasn't destroyed upward mobility (yet).

garage mahal বলেছেন...

Garage there is a whole reality show about people who don't tell anyone they are with child. It's called "I Didn't Know I was Pregnant" It happens every day.

I admit I've watched it a few times. Remarkably, there was a young asian woman who "didn't know she was pregnant" TWICE. As in, right after the other, to two different fathers.

vbspurs বলেছেন...

And anyway, if you are claiming that Clinton and Obama succeed because of populism then clearly populism is the way to win.

You misunderstand. I detest people raising the "rich" angle in a negative fashion(in my case, I am not rich, but I come from a privileged, worldly background).

Americans only like rich people if they are self-made. Anyone else, they are deeply uncomfortable with. Of course, in Britain, it is more tortured still. But there will always be a place for the moneyed and landed because we Brits are inveterate snobs. Americans just are not. And you know, though I complain, I prefer it.

My favourite president, Reagan, was a poor boy whose parents didn't even own a house. His father was a drunk who couldn't keep his job. Everything that Reagan achieved, he achieved on his own back. But because he's a Republican, liberals discount that entirely.

THAT is what I mean by populism too.


LoafingOaf বলেছেন...

Her entire story is alien to urban-dwelling BoBos who are exemplified by Barack Obama and his cohorts. Men and women who think rural folk are weird, violent, and ignorant.

One of the things I despise about Palin was how gung-ho she was about aerial wolf hunting, a cruel and evil practice. I don't think you have to be an urban dweller to consider that cruel and evil. In fact, plenty of people in Alaska - including the wildlife experts up there - were outraged about it. I don't think ayone who loves nature and the wilderness would approve of that sort of barbaric and deranged culling of wolves.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"My theory about Trig's birth, which I possess the ownership of and which belongs to me, that is to say, which is mine, is mine." --Miss Anne Ilk

smrstrauss বলেছেন...

Re: "All of this happy horsehsit could be put to rest by just disclosing his actual birth certificate and college records. It would a very very simple thing to do. The fact that he won't is what is fueling the controversy"

No president has shown his complete college records, a few have voluntarily shown their grade point averages. Obama did well enough to get into Harvard Law School, which he graduated from Magna Cum Laude.

If you are implying that Obama applied to college as a foreign student, he didn't. Obama was never a citizen of Indonesia, as both the US State Department and Indonesia have said.

Re: "just disclosing his actual birth certificate.

Obama has disclosed his actual birth certificate. He posted and showed to both Politifact and FactCheck the official birth certificate of Hawaii, which is the only birth certificate that Hawaii currently sends out. It no longer sends out copies of the original (http://www.starbulletin.com/columnists/kokualine/20090606_kokua_line.html).

That being the case, Obama cannot show the original because he does not have it. He lost the original sent to his family, as shown by the fact that in 2007 he asked Hawaii for a copy of his birth certificate. Hawaii send him the short-form COLB, which it does to everyone.

Still, it shows that he was born in Hawaii, and the facts on it were repeatedly confirmed by the officials in Hawaii. (http://www.swamppolitics.com/news/politics/blog/2008/11/obama_hawaaianborn_citizen_for.html)

The Wall Street Journal commented: "Obama has already provided a legal birth certificate demonstrating that he was born in Hawaii. No one has produced any serious evidence to the contrary. Absent such evidence, it is unreasonable to deny that Obama has met the burden of proof. We know that he was born in Honolulu as surely as we know that Bill Clinton was born in Hope, Ark., or George W. Bush in New Haven, Conn."

Re: "Then why not release the records?"

Obama cannot release a copy of the original birth certificate because he does not have it. He can ask Hawaii to change its rules to send out a copy of the original. But then so can anyone.

And the official birth certificate is sufficient, as the Wall Street Journal comments.

chickelit বলেছেন...

She didnt tell anyone about it until she was 8 months prego, and when she broke her water in Texas, she decided to take a trans continental flight to Alaska to deliver a special needs baby.

You sound like an expert GM. Parents tend to take a more relaxed and realistic approach to births after the second or third one. I once knew someone whose father (an MD) told her mother (also an MD) to sit down and relax after her water broke and let him finish his dinner first. It was their 7th or 8th child.

Republican বলেছেন...

Palin took it back on her Facebook page.

She didn't mean it.

chickelit বলেছেন...

vbspurs said:
I am not rich, but I come from a privileged, worldly background).

That's a big part of your charm IMO, along with your point of view.

chickelit বলেছেন...

I don't think ayone who loves nature and the wilderness would approve of that sort of barbaric and deranged culling of wolves.

I suppose you were put off by the turkey slaughter too.

Hmm, lemme go check the archive to verify.

AC245 বলেছেন...

MadisonMan, I didn't cherry pick anything. And I didn't need to use any ellipses because I quoted your entire comment in full.

Several other commenters on that original thread also noticed and pointed out that your obsession with Sarah Palin's sex life was creepy, and asked you to explain, but you never did.

(Out of curiosity and fairness, I'll ask directly: have you ever expressed interest and outrage about any other citizens who might be having unprotected sex with their spouses, or is it only Sarah Palin's bedroom activities that trigger your, uh, concerns about tax increases?)

Adele Mundy বলেছেন...

Mr. Oaf is a delicate sort.

I bet he belongs to PETA.

garage mahal বলেছেন...

You sound like an expert GM. Parents tend to take a more relaxed and realistic approach to births after the second or third one.

As a father, if your wife told you upon breaking her water she was going to fly 8 hours away to a place that has inferior facilities to deliver your special needs baby from where she broke her water at, I think you would say no.

Matt বলেছেন...


I hear you now. True there is a double standard. I applaud Reagan his success even though I disliked his policies as a president.
I don't buy the argument that if someone is 'from the people' they are better than the rich. That's strictly for movies by Jean Renoir.

But I'm just saying, look, despite how Obama got into his position he got there. And, in my book, his achievments are significant. This does not make him better than Bush but it makes his particular achievements noteworthy. He still has to produce. [And, since I am a Liberal I give him the benefit of the doubt. Many conservatives do not]. Oh well.

Adele Mundy বলেছেন...

As a woman, if I was having a baby and I told my husband where to take me and he said no, I would be looking for a golf club to break the back window of the Escalade.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Oaf: To your credit you weren't whining about the turkeys back in relevant thread, so I take back my 4:45 comment.

garage mahal বলেছেন...

As a woman, if I was having a baby and I told my husband where to take me and he said no, I would be looking for a golf club to break the back window of the Escalade.

If my wife broke water and wanted to hop on an 8 hour flight, and let's face it, chance of delivering on board the plane at 45k feet were high, I would take my chances on the golf club.

Adele Mundy বলেছেন...

You are certainly thick headed so you have that going for you garage.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Matt from about 200 posts ago:

Your response seemed to imply that I was part of this birther idea, so I just wanted to make sure that I was clear (which I think I was in earlier posts, particularly the one where I say that if SP starts arguing it, rather than just answering questions in a weasely manner, I will lose respect for her), I am definitely not, and I don't think that he has anything to gain by "giving in" to them. Believe me, if I see someone arguing it, I usually turn the other direction.

I just don't think that (some of) the concerns are completely off base- citizenship is required.

As for the I-9, you need proof of identity (driver's license) and proof of work eligibility (citizenship or right to work in the U.S.). The work eligibility can come from either a social security card or a birth certificate. In my experiences, about half provided one and half the other. No one asserted that I had no right to question it, was my point.

- Lyssa

vbspurs বলেছেন...

But I'm just saying, look, despite how Obama got into his position he got there. And, in my book, his achievments are significant. This does not make him better than Bush but it makes his particular achievements noteworthy.

I was just having this argument with my mother yesterday, Matt. A lifelong liberal she may be, but she dislikes Obama a lot, much more than me. I told her that whatever you can say about him, that one has to credit him for reaching the pinnacle of American society -- there is no higher accolade for an American than the US presidency. She didn't say much.

vbspurs বলেছেন...

That's a big part of your charm IMO, along with your point of view.

Thanks, Chicken! You know, I had to work really hard for what I have achieved. It angers me when people take away some of that, just because I didn't come up the hard way. I think that may be a clue of why I like JFK so much. He was never apologetic about his origins (and unlike Bush, the press at the time didn't take away what he had achieved, just because he was a rich man's son).

Adele Mundy বলেছেন...

It is so true that JFK was never denigrated because of his wealthy family. He managed to overcome being born on third base by sheer determination and fortitude. Luckily he had a best seller ghost written, a horrible mistake transmuted into a heroic deed by press releases during the war, his debilitating and potential fatal disease and drug addiction covered up, and his many dangerous and sordid sexual dalliances hidden by a compliant mainstream media. Thank God that America did not hold it against him that his father got the money to buy the West Virginia primary from the Mafia and put his boyish vigor and charm into the highest office in the land. It is enough to make all of us Proud Americans.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

To my question about the bizarre stories Palin supposedly told about her pregnancy

"She didnt tell anyone about it until she was 8 months prego, and when she broke her water in Texas, she decided to take a trans continental flight to Alaska to deliver a special needs baby. Face it, that is weird. Now I know you will come back and say that's perfectly normal course of action for a 43 yr old woman giving birth to a special needs baby, of course. And I say, yes normal for her.

Oh for crying out loud. Not this same shit.

She didn't tell anyone? Not anyone? Not her parents, her friends, the people she worked closely with? Seriously?? Really? Not anyone?

Or did she just not make a big fucking deal out of it? Maybe she didn't want to make a big fucking deal out of it and go on Ophra or Nightline with the news.

As to the water breaking issue. You men act like it is the equivalent of Niagara Falls. Huge gushing that will swamp anyone within 50 feet. The water can "break" and it is just a constant annoying dribble not a tidal wave. When it happens this way.....and believe me....women know the difference, you might not be in hard labor for days.

When my water broke I was still in mild labor for over 12 hours before I went into actual hard labor. We played cribbage and trivial pursuit to pass the time.

Nothing at all abnormal about wanting to get home to your own doctor and your husband and family instead of hanging out in Texas twiddling your thumbs while you dribble.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

If you are implying that Obama applied to college as a foreign student, he didn't

I'm not implying anything. I just imply that if Obama wanted to squelch all this supposition he could. He could just release his records.

That he doesn't is a puzzle and leaves the door open for tinfoil hat speculation.

Either there is nothing there...so release the records.

Or there is something unsavory to hide.

Or....putting on my tin foil hat...Obama wants to have to controversy because it distracts from other possibly worse discoveries.

garage mahal বলেছেন...

When my water broke I was still in mild labor for over 12 hours before I went into actual hard labor. We played cribbage and trivial pursuit to pass the time.

My wife didn't, she had both babies in less than 4 hours of breaking water. The last one had the cord wrapped around her body pushing on the baby's heart, lowering her blood pressure during contractions. Was fairly concerning watching specialists walking in and out talking amongst themselves either. They induced because of it. Glad she wasn't on a jet at 45k feet either.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

My wife didn't, she had both babies in less than 4 hours of breaking water

Well, I'm glad to hear that it all worked out...so to speak ;-)

But....don't you think the moral of our two stories is that each woman is different???

You can't judge Sarah Palin's pregnancy or mine or anyone else's against the experiences of your wife.

So if Palin decided, based upon her OWN experiences and familiarity with her OWN body that an immediate rush to the emergency room wasn't warranted.....who are you to decide that she was wrong.

woah....vw = agueshfm

What women say during the final stages of delivery!!!!!

vbspurs বলেছেন...

DBQ, you are badass. I always wanted to tell you that.

vbspurs বলেছেন...

wv: proac!! One z removed from a bad birth pang.

James বলেছেন...

Cedarford had the analogy wrong. It's not like having a random HR person hounding you for irrelevant records after the hiring committee made its decision. It's like having to walk around the entire office building after getting hired, going to every salesman, secretary, janitor, maintenance man, and cook, and showing them all your school records, birth certificate, urine sample, VD test results, old diaries and love letters, etc. These people are insane, and Sarah Palin wants to encourage them.

Synova বলেছেন...

"To me the case is analogous to the fuss over Kerry's military records. A lot of people thought that there must be something juicy if he was refusing to release them, but in the end the "scandal" was that his grades were no better than George Bush's (which I guess is a sort of scandal since Kerry is supposed to be a thoughtful policy wonk while George Bush is supposed to be stupid -- and not even Bush argues that he really tried to apply himself in college)."

Did this actually get found out?

Because I have said this dozens of times but I was just guessing. It would be fun to find out that I'd been right.

Kerry was promoted as so very very smart and Bush so very dumb and his military records would have had the equivalent of his IQ scores.

This wouldn't have been a minor revelation considering the strength of that meme for Kerry's campaign.

Synova বলেছেন...

"One of the things I despise about Palin was how gung-ho she was about aerial wolf hunting, a cruel and evil practice."

The wolf cull that was necessary in one of the southernish areas of Alaska because the caribou herds had a calf survival rate of near ZERO at the age of one year. (Or two calves out of a hundred or something very close.) Killed a grand freaking total of FOURTEEN wolves. Seven adults, and as one had pups, the pups were found and destroyed.

That horrific horrible cruel and totally evil slaughter of less than 20 individuals resulted in an increase of survival of caribou calves in that herd at one year to something like 20 out of 100.


Because allowing it at all is "gung ho", yeah, you betcha. But Ashley Judd needs something to do when she can't get work acting.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

Why, thank you very much Victoria. I appreciate the sentiment and it is returned double fold.


Synova বলেছেন...

Oh hey...

My water NEVER broke on it's own in four pregnancies.

Not once.

Synova বলেছেন...

And yes, not at all in labor but leaking tiny dribbles of clear amniotic fluid is not labor and not an emergency.

Not telling hardly anyone seems the most common among mothers of multiple children. It would have been bizarre had Palin acted like a first time mother and called all of her friends about the home pregnancy test from the bathroom.

Once she found out that Trig had Downs she (and *she* has said this, I believe) chose not to tell anyone for as long as possible because she didn't want to be bombarded with sympathy when she was doing her best to focus on the expectation and joy involved.

garage mahal বলেছেন...

So if Palin decided, based upon her OWN experiences and familiarity with her OWN body that an immediate rush to the emergency room wasn't warranted.....who are you to decide that she was wrong..

So youre saying she knew she wouldnt give birth on that 8 hour flight to Alaska after breaking water? okie....

Synova বলেছেন...

"Cedarford had the analogy wrong. It's not like having a random HR person hounding you for irrelevant records after the hiring committee made its decision."

I think the birther thing is pretty silly, and certainly silly to bring up in relation to McCain (and why McCain wouldn't do it?).

But I also think that you both have it wrong because in 2012 it IS the hiring committee once again.

Synova বলেছেন...

"So youre saying she knew she wouldnt give birth on that 8 hour flight to Alaska after breaking water? okie...."

If I had a leak and no contractions (and I've never heard any report that she got on a plane with contractions) I would KNOW that I wouldn't have the baby for at least 8 hours. Someone with a history of four hour labors would obviously not have gone on the trip in the first place.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

So youre saying she knew she wouldnt give birth on that 8 hour flight to Alaska after breaking water? okie....

So...when Sarah Palin or I can tell you how to experience and achieve an orgasm, THEN you can tell us how to experience the delivery of a child.


vw: spumerte.

I don't even want to go there.

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

AC245, I have difficulty answering compound questions. If I say No, what does that mean?

P.S. Paul Z @ 4:34: That was funny.

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

When my wife told me her water broke, I gave her a kleenex. (True story!)

In my defense, I was sound asleep when she told me.

reader_iam বলেছেন...

How about this idea, to make everything equal and just and by the rules and easily determined and all that jazz, now for decades ahead evermore:

Let's pass federal legislation that every child born in the United States, in all 50 states (and its territories, if possible) and every jurisdiction of any kind within each and every individual state etc., must be born in a registered institution, with at least one attending physician (licensed by the state, in general--but in the name of extra-sure surety of documention, why not also require an additional certification that the attending physician must have an additional certification such that, for all time, his or her signature settles any and all disputes, for all time). Let's further pass legislation, on the federal level, binding on all states and within every jurisdiction there within, that any and all details of a child's birth (including the complete records of the mother and father before, at, and just after said birht) be reported to the state and kept in a central database, not to be distributed all willy-nilly, mind you--but should there ever be any question w/r/t to a politician or of any stripe and his or her parentage or progeny, that information could be immediately accessed--and by law SHALL be accessed, in that context of there be questions, on the part of the electorate.

Please note: This would require participation and compliance by every man, woman and child in these United State--because you never know, we never can know, which baby born today might be a candidate of tomorrow.

(For might part, that level of control--the control that would be necessary to avoid this type of obsession in the future--is horrifying to me in the name of mere certainty. But--*shrug*--what the hell do I know?

Have at it, folks. But be careful what you wish for, to employ a very old, quite traditional, and even conservative turn of phrase.)

wv: preduct

reader_iam বলেছেন...

That horrific horrible cruel and totally evil slaughter of less than 20 individuals resulted in an increase of survival of caribou calves in that herd at one year to something like 20 out of 100.

Meanwhile, we await the results of the *presumably less* "horrific horrible cruel and totally evil" putting poison into a river to get rid of carp (first introduced, arguably thoughtlessly, and pretty much without regard to the concept of unintended consequences). So far we've got an incredible number of tons of non-carp-type fish dead, and not so many carp-types even in raw individual numbers (as opposed to tons). OF COURSE, the results aren't all in. So we'll see. We must wait and see. And so we shall.


reader_iam বলেছেন...

TBC: I'm not challenging Synova's point; I'm expanding it by providing a current event to ponder.

hdhouse বলেছেন...

Adele Mundy said...
"So in turn no slander is too base no innuendo so foul that we can not lay it on the head of the One.

Every action causes an opposite and equal reaction."

Wowser Adele. I see. We can tell the truth about Sarah and you can lie about Obama's mother. That makes real sense.

All things being equal, the simplist explanation is usually the best one. She remains an idiot.

Adele Mundy বলেছেন...

I did not tell any lies about Obama’s mother. I merely speculated on her reproductive history. Much as you and your pal Andrew Sullivan have done about Sarah Palin.

Adele Mundy বলেছেন...

Plus all you traffic in is lies.

AC245 বলেছেন...

AC245, I have difficulty answering compound questions. If I say No, what does that mean?


It probably means that you're trying to be obfuscatory and dishonestly implying that I restricted you to a "yes" or "no" response.

To review: we know that you're creepily interested in how frequently Sarah Palin has sex, with whom she has sex, and the type of sex she has - ostensibly because of the effect her sex life has on tax increases (?!).

I asked you if there were any other citizens whose sexual activities you were similarly obsessed with out of concern for government revenues.

This is another opportunity for you to answer that question.

You could, for example, point out other instances where you've berated citizens for having sex because of their detrimental effect on government tax policy.

Or, you could acknowledge that Sarah Palin is the only person whose sex life concerns and enrages you (for whatever reason).

Or you could slink off into the ether without responding at all, as you did on the original thread when several people tried to get you to clarify your weird, misogynistic, stalkerish commentary.

Mick বলেছেন...

First of all, what lawyer worth anything thinks that the word of an unsworn, biased website (Factcheck) is proof of anything? Second, it really doesn't matter WHERE Obama was born. He could have been born in the White House, in JFK's lap, and he still would not be a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN (the requirement to be POTUS). Natural Born Citizens cannot be Dual Citizens at birth. Obama has admitted that, at birth, his citizenship was "governed" by Britain here:
Look down under the big green COLB (the thing that obscures the REAL legal issue), at Factcheck. Natural Born Citizens are Born in the US to 2 US Citizen parents. It is the Unity of blood and soil that allows for no competing allegiances. It was a security measure inserted in the Constitution to assure the highest possibility of allegiance and to prevent foreign influence on the office of POTUS and VP.

Mick বলেছেন...

Neither Obama nor McCain are Natural Born Citizens. McCain was born in Colon, Panama, Obama was born a dual Citizen.

Mick বলেছেন...

Obama is not eligible Natural Born Citizen because at birth he was a dual citizen w/ Britain (due to his father's Kenyan Citizenship). McCain was not eligible because he was born in Colon, Panama. Natural Born Citizen= Born in the US to 2 Citizen Parents. It is the Unity of Blood and Soil that makes someone Naturally a Citizen of one country, w/o any influence from another, which is the aim of the Natural Born Citizen requirement.

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