What the fuck does a black man, who, over time, has been right about almost every important issue out there, have to do to get some respect around here?
Oh yea:
Put on a fucking dress.
Megan McArdle, for in stance, has had to apologize (or reverse herself) countless times but Glenn Reynolds (who's also wrong a lot) keeps posting her shit like she's brilliant - word to Glenn:
Just because she takes on topics, like law and economics, doesn't make her - or you - smart. Hell, I love Ann but SHE VOTED FOR OBAMA, DOOFUS!!! I, on the other hand, voted against Obama, said climate change was an unscientific crock run by a cabal, said NewAgers were openly killing people without the need of touching them (James Arthur Ray) and countless other correct observations, and all anyone can focus on is how angry I get and how I express myself. Fucking wimps. My life was highjacked by two people no one else is demanding be put in prison for murder, as part of a spiritual movement none of these so-called smart people recognize as dangerous because they're too busy reviewing iPhones.
You're damn skippy, I'm pissed!
Handing out an award because gay people think women are cool? Stupid. Try handing out awards to people who can help see us out of this mess for a change.
BTW - because of her totally-American free speech policy - I vote for Ann. :)
Hey, Crack, I don't think it's quite as bad as you think. People do take these issues seriously, they just can't stand to live life as a doom and gloomer, whether or not it's justified. The level of apoplexy one maintains is not an indication of the seriousness with which one views an issue.
"People do take these issues seriously, they just can't stand to live life as a doom and gloomer, whether or not it's justified."
You don't have to be a "doom and gloomer" - you gotta be a man (or an adult) - and start taking some responsibility. I had this same argument with scientists (that's when I learned they were a bunch of AGW cultists) who will joke about NewAge but never take more of a stand against it - despite the fact they knew, from experience, it was killing people.
My sister blog, Panda Bear, M.D., became my sister blog because he saw me taking on the medical establishment, alone, over NewAge in medicine and decided to do something. The result? He went from being called brilliant to never being mentioned by those other online "scientists" again. (It's not just climate science, folks). Meanwhile, those other scientists are referenced in the mainstream media all the time - just like with AGW.
At some point, you guys have got to decide when enough's enough, stop making jokes, and actually take a stand because these people are not going to stop on their own. You can't just sit around hoping for a Tiger/O.J. moment to solve your problems for you. I got no special education and I can see the right way, usually, pretty clearly - just by sticking to the values I was raised with, using common sense, and (under duress) taking the time to understand NewAge, cultism, and/or groupthink.
Why you guys think there's something else necessary to get us out of this - like becoming doom and gloom - confuses, and depresses, me.
You, standing by as the world goes to shit, make things "doom and gloom".
One thing a black man could do is quit throwing a cathedral about the evils of New Agers unless the subject at hand actually has something to do with New Agers.
NewAge touches everything. Like the gay community has nothing to do with NewAge. No, they just worship at the alter of divas, and the "goddess" - and against almost anything straight men say or do - because women have created so much of the art, science, and other disciplines we need to survive and understand the world, right? Bullshit. They have this world view because they've bought into, and are a part of, NewAge cultural thinking:
And Louise Hay is a huger donor to PBS, which gives us all those "spiritual but not religious" broadcasts during Pledge Week, and works to infect the minds of black people - without their knowledge - and on and on and on.
And, then, another ugly incident happens - just as I say - and you go back to chattering amongst yourselves (along with submitting the wrong answers - sure, the AGW controversy is all about science, when we can all see there's something many call "religious" about it - though they don't investigate that because it would say too much about the madness of our society) and continue hoping these bad things just stop happening.
Here - I'll play the kid:
Crack, I'm pretty sure that there are few people who share your level of intensity on this matter, simply because they have not had the personal experiences you have had. That doesn't mean that they don't see your point, it's just that they also have their own long list of issues which take priority based on their experiences.
You can convince many more people of these dangers by harnessing the intensity you have about these issues into a productive exposé without the bipolar attack-the-world/I'm-the-only-one-who-understands demeanor.
Actually, Emcee's comment reminded me of the dream I had last night.
For some reason, I was at one of those self-improvement seminars, you know the type, the ones run by the handsome Mr. Guru who smiles that fake smile much more than he should, who has teeth much whiter than normal teeth should be, and who would not hesitate to throw a couple of dozen poor souls into a heated sauna then lock the door for two hours. Anyway, so I, and the group of about twenty-five who are all of the tie wearing professional variety, are being taught various stretches and pseudo tai chi moves, and being evaluated by Mr. Guru's staff and the Mr. Guru himself.
Toward the end of the "get your positive energy flowing session", or whatever the hell we were doing there, the guru starting drumming a specific, easy rhythm that everyone else in the room started to mimic by following along with their hands drumming on the exercise mats. I was of to the side, and by some piece of equipment, and started drumming on that. But, being a musician, I didn't copy what Mr. Guru and the rest of the lemmings were doing, I was embellishing here and there, creating a counter rhythm. Then the drumming stopped, except me of course. When I realized everyone else, including guru guy, had stopped and were staring at me, I concluded my little concerto with the typical wrap-up: thump thumpy thump thump... thump thump. Mr Guru leaned over to one of his acolytes, and told him to keep me detained and then let the other faceless feckless professionals go. Apparently, I needed a talking to.
Jump cut to a beach. It's almost certainly Mr Guru's private beach, as it's a warm day, and there is no one around accept me and Mr. Guru. At first, he's talking about all the benefits of his innovative program, and how "self-unity" can be achieved by following his message. Me? I'm noticing how beautiful and serene it is to simply watch a seagull glide just over the ocean waters horizon. Mr. Guru steps in front of me, capturing my complete attention, looks me straight in the eyes, takes me by the shoulders, and then asks...
Sorry guys. This is where the dream was at when I woke up. I think Mr. Guru was going to ask me to be his right hand man, or maybe even succeed him as he's dying of cancer or something and I would be the ideal replacement, though I would have to get my teeth bleached. It's where it felt like the dream was headed. Anyway, maybe I'll have an update tomorrow.
BTW I've been a member of the Gay Patriot club for many years, since at least April of 2005. As I was in the dream, I am not a blind follower of the politics there. I'm usually at odds with the others who hang out there, and often disagree with the two GP's who run the site. But, since I am one of the first to discover the blog when it was new, I have earned the right to be the Dan Akroyd to their Jane Curtin..
"They also have their own long list of issues which take priority"
If I'm right - and I am - that this is what's warping our culture and causing our country to be ground down - tell me:
What other "priority" is there?
"You can convince many more people of these dangers by harnessing the intensity you have about these issues into a productive exposé without the bipolar attack-the-world/I'm-the-only-one-who-understands demeanor."
That attitude is right out of the NewAge playbook. Killing the violent male impulse is all you know - never deciding whether someone is right or wrong and letting that be your guide.
Fuck being nice and gentle. This is a fight for our very existence and you think whispering sweet nothings is what's called for? Was Patton a nice guy? Did Mike Tyson win his fights by having a good attitude? What scholarly paper on NewAge could I write that'll turn the tide?
You want me to change who I am to make you feel good, but I don't want you to feel good - I want you to feel complicit in the cult of "feelings" - because you are. Use your head, not your emotions, when listening to arguments, no matter how they're phrased.
In South Central, Los Angeles (where I'm from) an argument is won on it's merits:
We don't always have the luxury of sounding, or being, educated - and don't want to be. I know tons of uneducated black men (and women) who can think circles around the Glenn Reynolds' and Megan McArdle's of the world, given the right circumstances. That's what I see against me:
People who refuse to allow such circumstances to occur - for their own gain.
So go on, attend to your "priorities", all concerned about being the most popular guy at the "party". But when the music stops again - because someone else is dead in the bathroom or you've discovered you're sick because the punch is spiked - I'll still be standing outside, as you file out holding your stomaches, singing, "Momma told me not to come".
Crack, I think guys like Ray are absolutely wrong. It's not a matter of right and wrong, I can tell the difference. You know what else is wrong? You telling me I'm part of the problem. By the way, you're "if i'm right, and I am" behavior is cult-like too. The "you either follow me, or your out" attitude is wrong also. You are not the sole repository of wisdom and knowledge: if you were, we'd be following your guidance as our One True Leader. I'm not being nice and gentle by telling you you're wrong Crack; I'm showing you where you're wrong so you can do something more than shout really loudly on the web.
Crack, you don't have to emasculate yourself to improve your message. You have to quit lashing out at people who are receptive to it. Otherwise, you're just a little kid throwing a temper tantrum thinking it's going to make a difference. You'll just get spanked in the end, and you'll have increased the power of those you're railing against.
By the way, Crack you complain on your blog about how your wife never considered you in your relationship. It was all about her and her needs. That's how you behave to everyone around you. You attack and berate people to relieve your pain, but you don't care how your behavior affects others.
It's enough for you to rant without actually having to consider whether you're even being marginally effective. Everybody must conform to Crack, because he sure isn't going to be bending for them. People ignore what you say because you demand adherence to your word that no human can claim.
What the fuck does a black man, who, over time, has been right about almost every important issue out there, have to do to get some respect around here?
That's easy, when you only have one issue... the evils of New Age Crap.
Look, I've been a reader of the GP blog for almost five years, and they are definitely NOT subscribers to New Age religious or medical sillyness that you see throughout so much of the web. And "New Age" is not a "gay thing" by any means. I have seen no evidence to suggest that homo's are more likely to believe in this stuff than hetero's. And the term Diva has been around a lot longer than the term "New Age", and the concepts behind it. You're letting your hatred for all things new-age-y get in the way of some people have a little fun.
"You're 'if i'm right, and I am' behavior is cult-like too. The 'you either follow me, or your out' attitude is wrong also."
I have no such attitude. Traditionalguy is a Christian and I accept him, just as he accepts my atheistic ass, because - unlike the rest of you - we take the subject of spirituality in and on society seriously. Y'all are always trying to deny it, opting for political explanations for spiritual acts because you don't have much of a connection to anything deeper. I do, and I don't need to believe to get it: I have it already, was born with it, and refuse to be influenced by the shallow BS that y'all put out there as knowledge - it's just a bunch of lies and there's nothing cultish about saying and knowing I'm right about it.
"By the way, Crack you complain on your blog about how your wife never considered you in your relationship. It was all about her and her needs. That's how you behave to everyone around you. You attack and berate people to relieve your pain, but you don't care how your behavior affects others."
I've said, repeatedly, I'm fighting fire with fire now. Y'all never acknowledge the insults you throw out there - I make them obvious - and I'll stop when you do. I know I'm outnumbered, so that leaves me two options:
1) Do it your way and become a fellow milquetoast.
2) Die on my feet and not on my knees.
last time I checked, I still had my nuts, so I'll go for #2.
"I've been a reader of the GP blog for almost five years, and they are definitely NOT subscribers to New Age religious or medical sillyness that you see throughout so much of the web. And "New Age" is not a "gay thing" by any means. I have seen no evidence to suggest that homo's are more likely to believe in this stuff than hetero's. And the term Diva has been around a lot longer than the term "New Age", and the concepts behind it. You're letting your hatred for all things new-age-y get in the way of some people have a little fun."
No offense, but you know about as much about me, or NewAge, as my dog. I've had older Metachine Society (Sp?) gay friends who agree with me, completely, that the gay community is it's own worst enemy and I've also hung out with the youngsters at 4am when all the bridge-and-tunnel folks are gone and the devil horns come out in "Club Bad". The difference between me and you, I think, is that I've analysed (sp) what you call "fun" and found it wanting - and it's roots.
My ex-wife's "Reiki Master" was a gay man. Many of the friends who turned on me as we were divorcing - in defense of her "freedom" - were gay men. Some tried to hit on me as we were divorcing. None said shit - including apologies to me - when it was discovered she'd killed people.
I lived in San Francisco for 20 years and managed a gay hangout in Los Angeles before that. I was a black liberal that they wanted - bad - and I know gay people.
Is GP NewAge? Not as you're superficially defining it. I'm defining a cultural phenomena that touches everything - everything. If it can get scientists, then why not the gay community?
You really need to quit fighting and just let me stick it in, man.
Crack, the whole world is not against you; you don't need to take the entire thing on at once. Make allies (like tg) and you'll find that you can make people realize the danger of this mindset much more effectively. I've not attacked you once in what I've written — I give to you straight, just like you like it — and yet you accuse me and the general public of operating out of the New Age playbook, of shallow BS, lies and insults against you. I agree with much of what you say (and actually view you as some sort atheistic modern day prophet), but you're too busy pronouncing the evils of everyone around you to stop and see when others are seeing what you're seeing. I am saying this not to minimize you, but to help you hone your message (face it, you do care that people see the problem, otherwise you would be posting here and on your blog).
I'm not saying you should give up the straight talk — that's what you do best — I'm saying avoiding unnecessarily attacking the entire world would help in getting out your message. People who don't know the name of the disease they're fighting against don't need to be labelled as part of the disease: they need a clear voice showing them how to struggle against it. With a slight change in tone, you could be the latter instead of the former.
You'd be shocked at what I've seen since this happened (the first friend who came to console me when my marriage cracked up suggested I should get my astrological chart done,...) and discovering the extent of this belief system has, literally, blown my mind. I can't comprehend how it exists in 2010, much less that it's popular, and the fact that there's no organized effort to eradicate it is just adding insult to injury. I mean, forget about me, but consider all the other innocents out there being blind-sided in the worst possible manner by this shit - with no recourse but to "deal with it", as they lose everything, because everyone else (on TV, in movies, newspapers - even The New York Fucking Times) is promoting it while claiming it's either beneficial or harmless. It's too much, from where I sit, and - when you include shit like climate change cults and what I discovered about "scientists" these days (long before "ClimateGate") - does seem, since it struck me, like the whole world is against me. Hell, against everyone.
It gets even worse once you understand it, can see the connections, and know that so few are paying attention to it that these evil people have free reign to keep destroying the fabric of society right under our noses. Not to mention the number of people who defend it - this is a world-wide phenomena - while, as cover, denying it exists.
Sorry, dude, but even now - four years later - with it happening to my wife, and the deaths and everything, it's just over-whelming to behold, and the fact anyone (but The Onion) would dare joke about it is galling. I've seen a lot of ugly shit in my life but, seriously, this shit takes the cake:
Nothing - and I mean nothing - compares to the horror of NewAge.
At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if it'll be the end of us all.
Crack, that last post is what I'm talking about. Keep doing that, and I think you'll find your efforts much more effective than trying to take on the world (even though that's how it looks). You'll find more people who will agree with you or be convinced by what you have to say.
When it comes to issues such as global warming, I've long not understood why people willingly accept it as truth without the least bit of skepticism. I guess, because I'm not an expert, when I point out such basic concerns as the reliability of a proxy record that doesn't correspond at all with the actual record for almost half of their overlap, people can safely ignore these challenges to the orthodoxy they've been taught to believe.
Before climategate, I pointed out to my brother that modern science differs little from the alchemy that the' magicians and wise men of the kings of old used to produce. With that remark, I think I've permanently marked myself as anti-science, though it is not science that I am against, but the arrogance of a scientific community that views science as a tool to obtain power and wealth. The kings' magicians used knowledge of the physical world (though, perhaps, poorly understood) to increase their apparent knowledge and worth to a king. In doing so, they advanced greatly in the kingdom. Exposing another magician as a fraud would only increase the king's estimation of them. Modern scientists who rely on the ruling class for prestige and wealth are subject to the same motivators as the magicians of old. The only thing that works to promote humility in their claims is the fear of being exposed as a fraud (but both magicians and scientists are masters at spinning a matter into a technical maze that keeps the less knowledgeable from questioning them).
Modern scientific principles were developed as a precaution against the lack of intellectual rigor in alchemy. But science has once again drifted into the realm of the magician, making broad claims with weak evidence. To distinguish modern day magicians from true scientists, the title of scientist should not be given to anyone with the right degree or in the right institution, but rather only to those who show true humility in their claims, who don't try to make grand claims to attract more funding.
I think it's a fear of being labelled an outsider or irrelevant that makes people go along with a dubious consensus without challenging it.
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२४ टिप्पण्या:
I've always known there were gay conservatives, but something about this website's existence just makes me giddy.
...not that there's anything wrong with that...
and, lol;
WV - phole
Grande Conservative Blogress Diva?
What the fuck does a black man, who, over time, has been right about almost every important issue out there, have to do to get some respect around here?
Oh yea:
Put on a fucking dress.
Megan McArdle, for in stance, has had to apologize (or reverse herself) countless times but Glenn Reynolds (who's also wrong a lot) keeps posting her shit like she's brilliant - word to Glenn:
Just because she takes on topics, like law and economics, doesn't make her - or you - smart. Hell, I love Ann but SHE VOTED FOR OBAMA, DOOFUS!!! I, on the other hand, voted against Obama, said climate change was an unscientific crock run by a cabal, said NewAgers were openly killing people without the need of touching them (James Arthur Ray) and countless other correct observations, and all anyone can focus on is how angry I get and how I express myself. Fucking wimps. My life was highjacked by two people no one else is demanding be put in prison for murder, as part of a spiritual movement none of these so-called smart people recognize as dangerous because they're too busy reviewing iPhones.
You're damn skippy, I'm pissed!
Handing out an award because gay people think women are cool? Stupid. Try handing out awards to people who can help see us out of this mess for a change.
BTW - because of her totally-American free speech policy - I vote for Ann. :)
Hey, Crack, I don't think it's quite as bad as you think. People do take these issues seriously, they just can't stand to live life as a doom and gloomer, whether or not it's justified. The level of apoplexy one maintains is not an indication of the seriousness with which one views an issue.
"People do take these issues seriously, they just can't stand to live life as a doom and gloomer, whether or not it's justified."
You don't have to be a "doom and gloomer" - you gotta be a man (or an adult) - and start taking some responsibility. I had this same argument with scientists (that's when I learned they were a bunch of AGW cultists) who will joke about NewAge but never take more of a stand against it - despite the fact they knew, from experience, it was killing people.
My sister blog, Panda Bear, M.D., became my sister blog because he saw me taking on the medical establishment, alone, over NewAge in medicine and decided to do something. The result? He went from being called brilliant to never being mentioned by those other online "scientists" again. (It's not just climate science, folks). Meanwhile, those other scientists are referenced in the mainstream media all the time - just like with AGW.
At some point, you guys have got to decide when enough's enough, stop making jokes, and actually take a stand because these people are not going to stop on their own. You can't just sit around hoping for a Tiger/O.J. moment to solve your problems for you. I got no special education and I can see the right way, usually, pretty clearly - just by sticking to the values I was raised with, using common sense, and (under duress) taking the time to understand NewAge, cultism, and/or groupthink.
Why you guys think there's something else necessary to get us out of this - like becoming doom and gloom - confuses, and depresses, me.
You, standing by as the world goes to shit, make things "doom and gloom".
One thing a black man could do is quit throwing a cathedral about the evils of New Agers unless the subject at hand actually has something to do with New Agers.
You're sister has a blog???? Is she hot????...
Oh, sister blog.... well, nevermind.
Plus, like everyone else around here, I'm gay.
Now for my next trick, I'll impersonate Titus....
NewAge touches everything. Like the gay community has nothing to do with NewAge. No, they just worship at the alter of divas, and the "goddess" - and against almost anything straight men say or do - because women have created so much of the art, science, and other disciplines we need to survive and understand the world, right? Bullshit. They have this world view because they've bought into, and are a part of, NewAge cultural thinking:
"AIDS gave Louise Hay a following,...'
And Louise Hay is a huger donor to PBS, which gives us all those "spiritual but not religious" broadcasts during Pledge Week, and works to infect the minds of black people - without their knowledge - and on and on and on.
You guys miss the everything with that usual, stupid, defiant stance.
And, then, another ugly incident happens - just as I say - and you go back to chattering amongst yourselves (along with submitting the wrong answers - sure, the AGW controversy is all about science, when we can all see there's something many call "religious" about it - though they don't investigate that because it would say too much about the madness of our society) and continue hoping these bad things just stop happening.
Here - I'll play the kid:
Oh - and since they ain't writing about the influence of NewAge either - that includes our gaggle of "Grande Conservative Blogress Divas".
Totally bogus.
Crack, I'm pretty sure that there are few people who share your level of intensity on this matter, simply because they have not had the personal experiences you have had. That doesn't mean that they don't see your point, it's just that they also have their own long list of issues which take priority based on their experiences.
You can convince many more people of these dangers by harnessing the intensity you have about these issues into a productive exposé without the bipolar attack-the-world/I'm-the-only-one-who-understands demeanor.
Actually, Emcee's comment reminded me of the dream I had last night.
For some reason, I was at one of those self-improvement seminars, you know the type, the ones run by the handsome Mr. Guru who smiles that fake smile much more than he should, who has teeth much whiter than normal teeth should be, and who would not hesitate to throw a couple of dozen poor souls into a heated sauna then lock the door for two hours. Anyway, so I, and the group of about twenty-five who are all of the tie wearing professional variety, are being taught various stretches and pseudo tai chi moves, and being evaluated by Mr. Guru's staff and the Mr. Guru himself.
Toward the end of the "get your positive energy flowing session", or whatever the hell we were doing there, the guru starting drumming a specific, easy rhythm that everyone else in the room started to mimic by following along with their hands drumming on the exercise mats. I was of to the side, and by some piece of equipment, and started drumming on that. But, being a musician, I didn't copy what Mr. Guru and the rest of the lemmings were doing, I was embellishing here and there, creating a counter rhythm. Then the drumming stopped, except me of course. When I realized everyone else, including guru guy, had stopped and were staring at me, I concluded my little concerto with the typical wrap-up: thump thumpy thump thump... thump thump. Mr Guru leaned over to one of his acolytes, and told him to keep me detained and then let the other faceless feckless professionals go. Apparently, I needed a talking to.
Jump cut to a beach. It's almost certainly Mr Guru's private beach, as it's a warm day, and there is no one around accept me and Mr. Guru. At first, he's talking about all the benefits of his innovative program, and how "self-unity" can be achieved by following his message. Me? I'm noticing how beautiful and serene it is to simply watch a seagull glide just over the ocean waters horizon. Mr. Guru steps in front of me, capturing my complete attention, looks me straight in the eyes, takes me by the shoulders, and then asks...
Sorry guys. This is where the dream was at when I woke up. I think Mr. Guru was going to ask me to be his right hand man, or maybe even succeed him as he's dying of cancer or something and I would be the ideal replacement, though I would have to get my teeth bleached. It's where it felt like the dream was headed. Anyway, maybe I'll have an update tomorrow.
BTW I've been a member of the Gay Patriot club for many years, since at least April of 2005. As I was in the dream, I am not a blind follower of the politics there. I'm usually at odds with the others who hang out there, and often disagree with the two GP's who run the site. But, since I am one of the first to discover the blog when it was new, I have earned the right to be the Dan Akroyd to their Jane Curtin..
BTW, my last post WAS NOT intended to be an impersonation of Titus. In retrospect, I could never do what he does.
"They also have their own long list of issues which take priority"
If I'm right - and I am - that this is what's warping our culture and causing our country to be ground down - tell me:
What other "priority" is there?
"You can convince many more people of these dangers by harnessing the intensity you have about these issues into a productive exposé without the bipolar attack-the-world/I'm-the-only-one-who-understands demeanor."
That attitude is right out of the NewAge playbook. Killing the violent male impulse is all you know - never deciding whether someone is right or wrong and letting that be your guide.
Fuck being nice and gentle. This is a fight for our very existence and you think whispering sweet nothings is what's called for? Was Patton a nice guy? Did Mike Tyson win his fights by having a good attitude? What scholarly paper on NewAge could I write that'll turn the tide?
You want me to change who I am to make you feel good, but I don't want you to feel good - I want you to feel complicit in the cult of "feelings" - because you are. Use your head, not your emotions, when listening to arguments, no matter how they're phrased.
In South Central, Los Angeles (where I'm from) an argument is won on it's merits:
We don't always have the luxury of sounding, or being, educated - and don't want to be. I know tons of uneducated black men (and women) who can think circles around the Glenn Reynolds' and Megan McArdle's of the world, given the right circumstances. That's what I see against me:
People who refuse to allow such circumstances to occur - for their own gain.
So go on, attend to your "priorities", all concerned about being the most popular guy at the "party". But when the music stops again - because someone else is dead in the bathroom or you've discovered you're sick because the punch is spiked - I'll still be standing outside, as you file out holding your stomaches, singing, "Momma told me not to come".
Crack, I think guys like Ray are absolutely wrong. It's not a matter of right and wrong, I can tell the difference. You know what else is wrong? You telling me I'm part of the problem. By the way, you're "if i'm right, and I am" behavior is cult-like too. The "you either follow me, or your out" attitude is wrong also. You are not the sole repository of wisdom and knowledge: if you were, we'd be following your guidance as our One True Leader. I'm not being nice and gentle by telling you you're wrong Crack; I'm showing you where you're wrong so you can do something more than shout really loudly on the web.
Crack, you don't have to emasculate yourself to improve your message. You have to quit lashing out at people who are receptive to it. Otherwise, you're just a little kid throwing a temper tantrum thinking it's going to make a difference. You'll just get spanked in the end, and you'll have increased the power of those you're railing against.
By the way, Crack you complain on your blog about how your wife never considered you in your relationship. It was all about her and her needs. That's how you behave to everyone around you. You attack and berate people to relieve your pain, but you don't care how your behavior affects others.
It's enough for you to rant without actually having to consider whether you're even being marginally effective. Everybody must conform to Crack, because he sure isn't going to be bending for them. People ignore what you say because you demand adherence to your word that no human can claim.
What the fuck does a black man, who, over time, has been right about almost every important issue out there, have to do to get some respect around here?
That's easy, when you only have one issue... the evils of New Age Crap.
Look, I've been a reader of the GP blog for almost five years, and they are definitely NOT subscribers to New Age religious or medical sillyness that you see throughout so much of the web. And "New Age" is not a "gay thing" by any means. I have seen no evidence to suggest that homo's are more likely to believe in this stuff than hetero's. And the term Diva has been around a lot longer than the term "New Age", and the concepts behind it. You're letting your hatred for all things new-age-y get in the way of some people have a little fun.
As a wise philosopher one said - "Lighten up Francis"!
PS. I'm a non-New Age-r", I'm gay, and a skeptic.
Weird. my ver-word is: equal
Emcee, you wrote:
"My life was highjacked by two people no one else is demanding be put in prison for murder,"
You've got me curious. Can you provide a link to your blog where you discuss this?
I nominated the Ace of Spades because he types like a girl.
"You're 'if i'm right, and I am' behavior is cult-like too. The 'you either follow me, or your out' attitude is wrong also."
I have no such attitude. Traditionalguy is a Christian and I accept him, just as he accepts my atheistic ass, because - unlike the rest of you - we take the subject of spirituality in and on society seriously. Y'all are always trying to deny it, opting for political explanations for spiritual acts because you don't have much of a connection to anything deeper. I do, and I don't need to believe to get it: I have it already, was born with it, and refuse to be influenced by the shallow BS that y'all put out there as knowledge - it's just a bunch of lies and there's nothing cultish about saying and knowing I'm right about it.
"By the way, Crack you complain on your blog about how your wife never considered you in your relationship. It was all about her and her needs. That's how you behave to everyone around you. You attack and berate people to relieve your pain, but you don't care how your behavior affects others."
I've said, repeatedly, I'm fighting fire with fire now. Y'all never acknowledge the insults you throw out there - I make them obvious - and I'll stop when you do. I know I'm outnumbered, so that leaves me two options:
1) Do it your way and become a fellow milquetoast.
2) Die on my feet and not on my knees.
last time I checked, I still had my nuts, so I'll go for #2.
"I've been a reader of the GP blog for almost five years, and they are definitely NOT subscribers to New Age religious or medical sillyness that you see throughout so much of the web. And "New Age" is not a "gay thing" by any means. I have seen no evidence to suggest that homo's are more likely to believe in this stuff than hetero's. And the term Diva has been around a lot longer than the term "New Age", and the concepts behind it. You're letting your hatred for all things new-age-y get in the way of some people have a little fun."
No offense, but you know about as much about me, or NewAge, as my dog. I've had older Metachine Society (Sp?) gay friends who agree with me, completely, that the gay community is it's own worst enemy and I've also hung out with the youngsters at 4am when all the bridge-and-tunnel folks are gone and the devil horns come out in "Club Bad". The difference between me and you, I think, is that I've analysed (sp) what you call "fun" and found it wanting - and it's roots.
My ex-wife's "Reiki Master" was a gay man. Many of the friends who turned on me as we were divorcing - in defense of her "freedom" - were gay men. Some tried to hit on me as we were divorcing. None said shit - including apologies to me - when it was discovered she'd killed people.
I lived in San Francisco for 20 years and managed a gay hangout in Los Angeles before that. I was a black liberal that they wanted - bad - and I know gay people.
Is GP NewAge? Not as you're superficially defining it. I'm defining a cultural phenomena that touches everything - everything. If it can get scientists, then why not the gay community?
You really need to quit fighting and just let me stick it in, man.
I gotta go to work - see y'all tonight.
Love you, Ann!
My pleasure.
There's more but I'm trying to get out of here. Find the tags for "Karine Anne Brunck" and "Dr. Robert Wohlfart"
Just to point out that you don't have to be either gay or conservative to respect Professor Althouse.
Crack, the whole world is not against you; you don't need to take the entire thing on at once. Make allies (like tg) and you'll find that you can make people realize the danger of this mindset much more effectively. I've not attacked you once in what I've written — I give to you straight, just like you like it — and yet you accuse me and the general public of operating out of the New Age playbook, of shallow BS, lies and insults against you. I agree with much of what you say (and actually view you as some sort atheistic modern day prophet), but you're too busy pronouncing the evils of everyone around you to stop and see when others are seeing what you're seeing. I am saying this not to minimize you, but to help you hone your message (face it, you do care that people see the problem, otherwise you would be posting here and on your blog).
I'm not saying you should give up the straight talk — that's what you do best — I'm saying avoiding unnecessarily attacking the entire world would help in getting out your message. People who don't know the name of the disease they're fighting against don't need to be labelled as part of the disease: they need a clear voice showing them how to struggle against it. With a slight change in tone, you could be the latter instead of the former.
You'd be shocked at what I've seen since this happened (the first friend who came to console me when my marriage cracked up suggested I should get my astrological chart done,...) and discovering the extent of this belief system has, literally, blown my mind. I can't comprehend how it exists in 2010, much less that it's popular, and the fact that there's no organized effort to eradicate it is just adding insult to injury. I mean, forget about me, but consider all the other innocents out there being blind-sided in the worst possible manner by this shit - with no recourse but to "deal with it", as they lose everything, because everyone else (on TV, in movies, newspapers - even The New York Fucking Times) is promoting it while claiming it's either beneficial or harmless. It's too much, from where I sit, and - when you include shit like climate change cults and what I discovered about "scientists" these days (long before "ClimateGate") - does seem, since it struck me, like the whole world is against me. Hell, against everyone.
It gets even worse once you understand it, can see the connections, and know that so few are paying attention to it that these evil people have free reign to keep destroying the fabric of society right under our noses. Not to mention the number of people who defend it - this is a world-wide phenomena - while, as cover, denying it exists.
Sorry, dude, but even now - four years later - with it happening to my wife, and the deaths and everything, it's just over-whelming to behold, and the fact anyone (but The Onion) would dare joke about it is galling. I've seen a lot of ugly shit in my life but, seriously, this shit takes the cake:
Nothing - and I mean nothing - compares to the horror of NewAge.
At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if it'll be the end of us all.
Crack, that last post is what I'm talking about. Keep doing that, and I think you'll find your efforts much more effective than trying to take on the world (even though that's how it looks). You'll find more people who will agree with you or be convinced by what you have to say.
When it comes to issues such as global warming, I've long not understood why people willingly accept it as truth without the least bit of skepticism. I guess, because I'm not an expert, when I point out such basic concerns as the reliability of a proxy record that doesn't correspond at all with the actual record for almost half of their overlap, people can safely ignore these challenges to the orthodoxy they've been taught to believe.
Before climategate, I pointed out to my brother that modern science differs little from the alchemy that the' magicians and wise men of the kings of old used to produce. With that remark, I think I've permanently marked myself as anti-science, though it is not science that I am against, but the arrogance of a scientific community that views science as a tool to obtain power and wealth. The kings' magicians used knowledge of the physical world (though, perhaps, poorly understood) to increase their apparent knowledge and worth to a king. In doing so, they advanced greatly in the kingdom. Exposing another magician as a fraud would only increase the king's estimation of them. Modern scientists who rely on the ruling class for prestige and wealth are subject to the same motivators as the magicians of old. The only thing that works to promote humility in their claims is the fear of being exposed as a fraud (but both magicians and scientists are masters at spinning a matter into a technical maze that keeps the less knowledgeable from questioning them).
Modern scientific principles were developed as a precaution against the lack of intellectual rigor in alchemy. But science has once again drifted into the realm of the magician, making broad claims with weak evidence. To distinguish modern day magicians from true scientists, the title of scientist should not be given to anyone with the right degree or in the right institution, but rather only to those who show true humility in their claims, who don't try to make grand claims to attract more funding.
I think it's a fear of being labelled an outsider or irrelevant that makes people go along with a dubious consensus without challenging it.
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