১৩ নভেম্বর, ২০০৯

"it was pointed out to me that you have wet dreams of Obama... now I understand the brain dead posts on your blog..."

The latest hate mail.

৪৮টি মন্তব্য:

John বলেছেন...


You did vote for a guy who is turning out to be the worst and most destructive President in history. I mean you gotta kind of expect a little bit of hate mail over it.

You should have sat this one out. Not voted in protest. Voted for Bob Barr. Wrote in Richard Nixon. Something, antying but voted President Suit. It not something you will ever be able to live down.

The upside is that for a long time in this country people who had child molesters and rapists and suicide bombers in their families always felt really ashamed. Now, since so many people have Obama voters in their family, those people can feel less ashamed about their family members' crimes.

former law student বলেছেন...

Unfortunately it looks like I was right about Palin being the new third rail for conservatives. At least you know they read only one post, if that.

John বলেছেন...

"Unfortunately it looks like I was right about Palin being the new third rail for conservatives. At least you know they read only one post, if that."

All conservatives need is a creepy social realist poster that some hack stole for AP and a good slogan. How about Hope? Or Change? And they also need to start selling some Palin naked on a unicorn paintings as well. Conservatives are new to this. Surely Obama cult members can give some advice on forming such a cult.

Fred4Pres বলেছেন...

Palin Uterus Obsessed? Guess who wishes he was Tina Fey?

John বলেছেন...

Sullivan is a sick pervert. He really is disgusting. What is sad is that he gives gay people and gay men in particular such a bad name. None of the gay people I know have such issues with women are are so preverted. He is a sad pathetic human being.

somefeller বলেছেন...

Arrgh! Methinks the saucy Althouse wench should have noted my tagline suggestion in this thread with a "somefeller" tag on that thread, since she uses it now on this blog. And the last time I captured a landlubber as dumb as John on my ship, I made him walk the plank and sent him to Davy Jones' Locker. Arrgh!

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

These living brain dead insult artists are a black eye to real thinkers "who are on the side of truth". I find it hard to believe that these guys/gals are Palin supporters. Their conduct makes supporting Palin into a risky business for reputations by association. Your Vote in Wisconsin, with no hope for McCain taking that state, was a non event. So they are venting a proper anger for Barack Obama, the newly revealed Super Con-man, onto their potentially best converts to Palin Support. That leaves them as either everyday foolishly angry people or as a serious false flag operation hired by Move-on apparatchiks to make Palin support unattractive to the swing voters. Hmmm.

Jason (the commenter) বলেছেন...

When Althouse made her pledge of cruel indifference this was a Conservative blog, then she voted for Obama and it became Liberal, then she went after Sullivan for his anti-Palin comments and it became Conservative, and now it's back to being Liberal again.

People are ridiculous; I'm laughing and I love what Althouse is doing here.

Peter Hoh বলেছেন...

Is hate mail that comes from the right substantially or stylistically different than hate mail that comes from the left?

Unknown বলেছেন...

" you have wet dreams of Obama... "

I thought that was a guy thing (no pun).

Ann, you're arranged properly, aren't you?

WV "coutheas" What doughboys in WWI had in their bedrolls.

Titus বলেছেন...

Hi Althouse, just stopped by to say I love you.

You are a much stronger gal than I taking all the slings and arrows.

I read some of the comments on a couple of the postings and must say they are pretty harsh. It's Friday people, relax, enjoy the weekend, have fun, take a walk, smile.

But I must say I am impressed with your strength.

Those of us who have been around forever and know you....love you.

A special big hug and kisses going your way, though I don't think you really need one.

Be strong girl.



Titus বলেছেন...

Totally jel that you were called a dirty libtard pirate whore.


Joe M. বলেছেন...

When Althouse made her pledge of cruel indifference this was a Conservative blog, then she voted for Obama and it became Liberal, then she went after Sullivan for his anti-Palin comments and it became Conservative, and now it's back to being Liberal again.

People are ridiculous; I'm laughing and I love what Althouse is doing here.


Steven বলেছেন...

Apparently there's a demand that one either deify or demonize Palin. Evaluating her as an ordinary human being with strengths and flaws isn't allowed.


Dustin বলেছেন...

Piracy is a serious crime.

Anyway, serious arguments have been made about this blog's calling Palin 'dumb' based on a book that Althouse hasn't actually read, with arguments that don't really show she's dumb.

Those arguments haven't really been responded to... just a Charles Johnson style attack... point out the worst crap and act like that defines Palin supporters. It doesn't.

Althouse supported Jesse Jackson, so I'm not sure it really matters, and it's cool to laugh at dumb attacks, of course. But Althouse looked stupid and obnoxious today for making an argument that was simply terrible, and is ignoring those pointing it out with thoughtful discussions. no biggie... she's 'stirring the pot'. This type of email, though I have no idea if it really was sent, is precisely what Althouse wanted to get, when she titled a post about Palin's subservience to her leader as 'Palin is Dumb'.

I don't really know why this particular attack bothers me so much. I was annoyed by the ugliness towards Althouse earlier this week, but for some reason, I am just really sick of the unintelligent attacks on Palin. anyone can bash Palin in a stupid manner... we see that all the time.

And yeah, a lot of people can make thoughtful criticisms of her. But when I see someone that you thought was smart, acting like an idiot, in a really boring way, in this case, it really got under my skin. I will be dissapointed if Palin's really the best the GOP has to offer... she's not quite Huckabee, but man is she too close for comfort for my preference. Still... how lazy. I knew Althouse would try to get at least ten posts out of this.

so now we have the classic 'look at the horrible email I just got! 'I am a victim of anti-althouseia'. That's very self serving, but really, you're the target of anti-dumb, anti-lazy, anti affirmative action tenure.

Conservatives have been flamed for their support of Althosue ever since that crying 'racist' at the table thing. I get that this kind of rudeness is a schtick. It's also boring. If it's deliberately inflammatory too, then why should we do anything but yawn when someone is inflamed?

Oh well... Althouse is clearly not into this blog lately... she went out and get herself a real life, and I'm glad for her. I don't respect her intellect, which is a change and I know she cares about that. You can't get your integrity back. Lazy writing is a breach of integrity.

victoria বলেছেন...

Wow, like I said before, you all are haters. Grow up and grow a pair.
John, Obama is anything but destructive. And comparing voting for him to having rapists and molesters in the family is just downright creepy. Take your meds and call me in the morning. Maybe you will make some sense. you are one sick puppy. You and Florida related?

Vicki from Pasadena

Palladian বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Fred4Pres বলেছেন...

Ann, you are great wench. You hang tough girl. You defend Carrie Prejean and slam Sarah Palin. A little over the top on both but both have a bit of merit.

I like Sarah Palin a lot, but Sarah definitely made some mistakes and not all of them can be blamed on "the other other" McCain staffers like the Bald Headed Daddy Warbucks Wannabee Steve Schmidt or his spider woman henchbitch Nicole Wallace(although quite a lot can).

Meanwhile, talking about henchbitches:

Palin Uterus Obsessed? Sullivan's latest Palin litigation bondage sex fantasy makes me think he is having strange feelings that do not involve guys (in the form of Sarah Palin) and it is freaking him out.

Palladian বলেছেন...

"Is hate mail that comes from the right substantially or stylistically different than hate mail that comes from the left?"

Probably not. I never really see much of a difference in vile partisan idiocy, whatever "side" it comes from.

Politically-oriented people are generally too dumb or too cynical to understand or accept what is happening here.

A wise man once said (and thanks to his attentive students, we remember it):

I know you won't believe me, but the highest form of Human Excellence is to question oneself and others.

Some search for answers. Some search for questions. The latter delivers the former.

Think about that before you high-five Althouse when you think she's taking your side.

Peter Hoh বলেছেন...

Speaking of Florida, has he weighed in today?

Fred4Pres বলেছেন...

I say wench with all due respect in connection with the pirate theme of the day.

Jason (the commenter) বলেছেন...

Slow Joe: Anyway, serious arguments have been made about this blog's calling Palin 'dumb' based on a book that Althouse hasn't actually read, with arguments that don't really show she's dumb.

Those arguments haven't really been responded to...

This is confusing. You use "arguments" twice in the first sentence/paragraph, meaning different arguments each time. Then you start the next paragraph talking about arguments but not specifying which ones.

Lazy writing is a breach of integrity.

Funny, but you know, Althouse did more than call Palin "dumb"; she had a long list of criticisms which I haven't seen addressed.

John Stodder বলেছেন...

I love an independent. Period. People on the right or left who go all "Who moved my cheese? Where's my Uzi" when you say something they wouldn't have predicted or is out of their comfort zones are just showing their limits as thinkers. This is not aimed, by the way, at everyone who disagrees with you. Just at those who deny you the right to call them as you see them.

"Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes." That should be your motto.

LouisAntoine বলেছেন...

Aw, where is the love? People use the internet to vent, and politics is the real sport of the masses.

Don't these people know that it's pointless to send hate mail? You're supposed to find the person's email and subscribe them to funny email lists!

Palladian বলেছেন...

"Aw, where is the love? People use the internet to vent, and politics is the real sport of the masses. '

Isn't that what, you know, sports is for? I'd prefer people vent and play their games with baseballs, soccer balls and footballs, not with my balls.

Chip Ahoy বলেছেন...

It was pointed out to me ...

something incredibly stupid intended to be mean spirited.

And now I understand the brain dead things you write.

Ha ha ha ha ha. Does it get any more stupid than that?

Boy, blogging sure does bring out the dumb and nasty in people sometimes, in'nit?

This causes me to show you a few pictures unrelated to politics.

Unknown বলেছেন...

"And they also need to start selling some Palin naked on a unicorn paintings as well."

Did that, on a moose.

Peter Hoh বলেছেন...

Chip, here's hoping that your bread works its magic. Maybe you and the sandwich babe can start making your own cooking videos, like this one.

Chip Ahoy বলেছেন...

Peter, that's hilarious! OMG, I can't stop laughing. + Dr. Who to boot.

Cedarford বলেছেন...

John - You should have sat this one out. Not voted in protest. Voted for Bob Barr. Wrote in Richard Nixon. Something, antying but voted President Suit. It not something you will ever be able to live down.

You do realize that it is more shameful and cowardly to vote for a candidate you know has no shot, or not vote at all - than man up and make the call? It's sort of like voting "not present", or being on a jury and not wishing to be responsible...so the person just retreats into "I'm undecided and always will be..".

You man up, and vote, John. Sometimes you pick wrong. Most people have absolutely no problem living with themselves, even then.

Notice there are almost nill people saying they should have voted for McCain and his more wars and give any person who bought to much house to afford all the free money they need to get the owner equity needed to get them an affordable mortgage.

Many people voted on the premise that McCain was an erratic, near-incoherent man who got worse and worse each day the campaign went on...and was bound to be a dismal President. With full buy-in to the bailouts, cap 'n trade, illegal alien Amnesty, closing GITMO, free trade with China...and a new major war with Iran.
Obama, compared to that mess...was at least a roll of the dice. After 6 straight years of the hapless bumbling Bush screwing up everythng he touched...no one was in any mood for another screwed up "compassionate conservative". So voters who thought both were not especially savory choices likely thought - maybe a 55% chance he would be better than McCain, 45% that he would be slightly worse than the dismal Presidency of a McCain. And if worst came to worst - Democrats would own the mess - vs. McCain making all his fuckups "Bipartisan".

Synova বলেছেন...

I stand by what I said much much earlier... yesterday...

There must have been a universal souring of milk for everyone's Cheerios at breakfast.

Everyone is acting like idiots and mobys. Honestly... if you're conservative but you're sounding like a moby (and a whole lot of people are)... think about it.

Hector Owen বলেছেন...

peter hoh, thanks for "Posh Nosh"! Oh my, oh dear, oh well. I need to go cook something. Anything.

wv = mistio - possibly the most purely evocative non-word ever. The wraggle-taggle gypsies vanished off into the mistio, one moisty morning; later they camped, and cooked a mistio of all their gleanings and gatherings, a bit of rabbit, a bit of carrot, a small piece of an old shoe's tongue, a ramp, a radish, a rose hip, everything salvaged from the stone soup made in the last town. Later, the Gypsy King convened a meeting, and what happened there cannot be told, for no one dares speak of what is done at the Mistio.

LoafingOaf বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
LoafingOaf বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
LoafingOaf বলেছেন...

Nice to see you again, Palladian. We always seem to run into each other in these Sarah Palin threads.

You wrote: Think about that before you high-five Althouse when you think she's taking your side.

I opened my laptop an hour ago, still in bed, not fully awake, wiping sleep from my eyes. Oh, what's this? Althouse headlined a post "SARAH PALIN IS DUMB", and has a bunch of follow-up posts about how the Palin crowd is pissed at her!?

I thought I was dreaming!

I strangely decided not to touch my laptop yesterday. And all day I had the feeling I was missing out on stirrings in the blogosphere that I should be checking on.

master cylinder বলেছেন...

I have really enjoyed the threads/hysteria surrounding
your posts on Sarah. I like to come to this blog to see what conservatives are thinking, it's boring to only read that with which you agree. I am so glad I voted for Obama, he is MY president. Again, I want to encourage you all to get SP up there as your candidate for whatever party will take her...[R,I, Green, Alaska Seccessionist]. I am comforted by your unhinged
support of SP. Keep up the batshit!

bearbee বলেছেন...

Make the hate work for you.

I don't like Palin as a pol but I like her grittiness as a person.

Keep up the batshit!

One could say the same thing of Obamatrons

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Thanks for restoring the natural order Master Cylinder. As a Palin supporter, I welcome your offer to donate to the sacrificial lamb to the slaughter Palin's campaign. Yesterday all the libs were into a Fearing the Wrath of the Lamb mood.

master cylinder বলেছেন...

AA is trying to warn you.

Shanna বলেছেন...

I thought the pirate whore thing was funny (had to scroll down to see where it came from and it's not surprising to hear it's from Ace commentors), but this is just dumb.

Apparently there's a demand that one either deify or demonize Palin. Evaluating her as an ordinary human being with strengths and flaws isn't allowed.

Sadly, I think this is true in some quarters but not all. One of my friends is a big Palin supporter and she decided she hated Krauthammer forever because of something he said about her, but I don't think she actually reads him with any regularity so it was just a response to the Palin thing. He's one of my favorites so I'm not going to hate him because he had doubts about Palin, and I'm not going to hate Althouse for it either. Palin has strengths and weaknesses like everybody else.

section9 বলেছেন...

Hey guys, I'm a regular over at Conservatives 4 Palin, and I went over and stood up for Ann. I think she just made a boneheaded, self-contradictory post about the Drudge short that got published, is all.

Some Palinistas who don't know Ann went all ballistic and started sending her hate mail, which was beyond stupid. They need to stop.

Lot's of people voted for Obama last year. Many of those lots of people now wish they hadn't.

Everyone has a right to their opinion. In Ann's case, everyone has a right to Ann's opinion, too.

In the case of this blog, everyone has a right to Titus' opinion, as well.

LouisAntoine বলেছেন...

Lots of people voted for Obama last year who are still really happy they did, by the way. Conservatives have developed the whole "the con is up!" meme as a way of coping.

Obama 2012 in a landslide.

Rialby বলেছেন...


There are always going to be Progressives who fall in lockstep behind Obama. You'll defend him until the end no matter what he does. When conservatives talk about, "the con being up" they are referring specifically to the con that Obama and his minions pulled on moderates and independents who thought he would govern from the center due to his temperment, because he needed Congress to stay blue in 2010, because he just seemed so gosh darn nice, etc.

People like Althouse.

former law student বলেছেন...

I've been thinking some more about la Palin's potential to grow and develop as a politician. I think she should have modeled her farewell speech after Willie Stark's, about how the city slickers came to her and told her she could be Vice President, and how she was sucker enough to think she could, but how she figured out what they were doing, and what she was going to do now that she knew.:


...No, I'm not gonna read you any speech. [He casts his speech away behind him] But I am gonna tell you a story. It's a funny story so get ready to laugh....Get ready to bust your sides laughin', 'cause it's sure a funny story. It's about a hick. A hick like you, if you please. Yeah, like you. He grew up on the dirt roads and the gully washes of a farm. He knew what it was to get up before dawn and get feed and slop and milk before breakfast, and then set out before sunup and walk six miles to a one-room, slab-sided schoolhouse. Aw, this hick knew what it was to be a hick, all right. He figured if he was gonna get anything done, well, he had to do it himself. So he sat up nights and studied books. He studied law, because he thought he might be able to change things some - for himself and for folks like him. Now I'm not gonna lie to ya. He didn't start off thinkin' about the hicks and all the wonderful things he was gonna do for 'em. Naw, naw, he's done it all thinkin' of number one. But something came to him on the way. How he could do nothin' for himself without the help of the people. That's what came to him. And it also came to him with the powerful force of God's own lightning back in his own county when the school building collapsed 'cause it was built of politics' rotten brick. It killed and mangled a dozen kids. But you know that story. The people were his friends because he'd fought that rotten brick. And some of the politicians down in the city, they knew that, so they rode up to his house in a big, fine, shiny car and said as how they wanted him to run for governor...And he swallowed it. He looked in his heart and he thought, in all humility, how he'd like to try and change things. He was just a country boy who thought that even the plainest, poorest man can be governor if his fellow citizens find that he's got the stuff for the job. All those fellows in the striped pants, they saw that hick and they took him in...Now, listen to me, you hicks. Yeah, you're hicks too, and they fooled you a thousand times, just like they fooled me. But this time, I'm gonna fool somebody. I'm gonna stay in this race. I'm on my own and I'm out for blood. Now listen to me, you hicks! Listen to me, and lift up your eyes and look at God's blessed and unfly-blown truth. And this is the truth. You're a hick, and nobody ever helped a hick but a hick himself!...I'm the hick they were gonna use to split the hick vote. Well, I'm standin' here now on my hind legs. Even a dog can learn to do that. Are you standin' on your hind legs? Have you learned to do that much yet?

Then she would have captured my vote.

People like Althouse.

Well of course they do! She's very tolerant of idiots of all flavors.

Zachary Sire বলেছেন...

I'd just like to say that the Althouse blog has been highly entertaining—riveting, actually—the past 24 hours. She challenges her liberal fans all the time with anti-Obama material, and now she's flipped the script and challenged the wingnuts. This is what any good blogger should do, and it should make liberals not be so quick to discard her next anti-Obama post. What twists and turns does Althouse have in store for us next? Stay tuned!

Kylos বলেছেন...

fls, the problem with that speech is it hints at the orator's self-focus. Willie Stark turned out bad, but he always had a habit of using people to get what he wanted. It was only when he was powerful enough to throw them away that we saw the true vileness of his nature.

Titus বলেছেন...

OMG, Peter Hoh, that Posh Nosh clip is fucking hilarious.

thanks so much for sharing.

David53 বলেছেন...

I wish I could have a wet dream. About anything. Sigh.