Either Andi knows this is somehow getting him tons of page hits, and is trying to capitalize on her book publicity... or he's actually working for Palin in some way to make her more sympathetic.
I don't understand how these idiots attacking her in this way would think they aren't helping her out.
I was a sucker and clicked through. No need to bother, though. Andi just links to another site that shows how some celebs, mainly twigs, show a larger tummy than Sarah Palin does at some points.
Anyone out there knows that different women show different bellies, but Palin looks pregnant enough for me (not that I even trust the claimed dates of the pictures were taken). This is some kind of hatred. It is literally fantastic (and yes, I know what 'literal' means).
that Trig has downs and Palin is older for a mom makes it pretty obvious it's her child. Oh, and that whole 9.5 months thing. Amazing that anyone would think a governot with 80% approval would fake a pregnancy to hide that her daughter had a kid... and that the kid's overlapping pregnancy would then be almost celebrated.
These people must be trying to help Palin look like a victim of horrible attacks.
When you are a professional blogger and you consistently write boring twaddle, you have to do what you can do get hits.
Poor Andrew Sullivan is just trying to put food on the table. And pay for the elaborate drug cocktail he needs as a result of his poor sexual decisions.
I didn't think Andrew Sullivan cared as much about her belly as he cared about her vagina. Never has someone with no working knowledge of a cooch obsessed as much about it.
Which of these things is not like the others? Well, since 2 are typical size 00 Hollywood bodies, and one has a larger "real person" body carrying the same weight, I'm going to go with "the noncelebrity."
What to Expect When You're Expecting says that every woman's pregnancy is different. Glad AS thinks women should fit into cookie cutter shapes.
There really is something seriously wrong with Andrew. This is a first class obsession of delusional dimensions. No one else is talking or thinking about this. But Andrew can't get it out of his mind. In its focus on a specific part of a woman's body and her fecundity, the obsession is strongly sexualized and gendered. In its hatred for a powerful political figure, it is quite paranoid. I really am beginning to think that Andrew is crossing the line into a clinical condition. Given how extremely well-defended he is (psychologically speaking), medication might be of some real use to him.
lucid said... There really is something seriously wrong with Andrew. This is a first class obsession of delusional dimensions.
My theory, which some might call a vicious rumor in the waiting that many could get great mileage out of .....(a la Bristol/Sarah rumors)
Is that Andy's increasing erratic, obsessional behavior is sign that his AIDs is progressing and the HIV has begun eating away at his brain.
No doubt so doctor can detect clear neurological signs of progressive damage...
Perhaps even more definitively than Andrew can detect "concealed prenancy".
I know! If he makes his medical records public, along with HIV and T-cell counts...and agrees to take a full range of mental acuity and psychological tests...this sort of vicious rumor of AIDs-Addled Andy can easily be dispelled!
This is all very sad. Here is a human whose sexual desires fight against the flow of life itself. Cursed by a disease that may wither him to a shrub of what he once was, he screams for more attention. It's all about taking down the societal purity the Palin represents. If you believe that there is a Mind that created the physical universe, ask that Andrew is healed.
Normally I'd say Sullivan must be smoking pot to keep up with these shenanigans. Of course, now we kind of know he keeps up with these shenanigans BECAUSE he smokes pot and needs friends in the government to keep him from being deported.
i'm kind of with pogo. it's easy for gay guys to tumble into a ghetto where a woman is threatening for no reason other than that she doesn't have a dick. for sullivan, though, it's probably worse because SP is more butch than anything that's fucked sullivan in a very long time. all very confusing stuff for him.
What's funny is that there was a thread on DU (IIRC) where the whole thing about Trig was fabricated, and the participants *knew* they were making stuff up. Just politics, you know. If I'd had any idea how successful that bit of BS would be, I would have made a screen capture. But no one expects a Sullivan.
Sullivan is just the most well known person to succumb to a most virulent form of hatred. It infected him after George W Bush suggested that he did not support gay marriage and persisted after it became clear that Sarah Palin had taken his place in the hearts of social conservatives everywhere. I stopped reading him in 2004 but I suspect Sullivan heaped hatred on Huckabee as well after it appeared he was truly up for the nomination.
Sure, the female as strong political force probably plays a major factor but I would argue that Sullivan and hundreds of thousands like him who detest social conservatism see in Sarah Palin the antithesis of every libertine impulse they subscribe to. They must destroy because of this. They must prove her hypocrisy and will stop at nothing to do so. I have said it before and will say it again - Sarah Palin is at a greater risk of harm than any Democrat in power today. For f*@#'s sake, someone tried to burn down her church with people inside it.
How come we often see Althouse commenting on Andrew Sullivan posts but we almost never see him posting replies? I like Andrew Sullivan, but I wish he'd engage in more back-and-forth between him and bloggers who disagree with him. Althouse tends to post replies when bloggers post criticism of her. In recent years, a lot of the bigshot political bloggers have decided to just ignore debating people who disagree with them.
Not to repeat my earlier comment, well, actually to repeat my earlier comment...
Sullivan on sex:
I have had sex out of love and it's an amazing, wonderful, transformative thing. At its height, it is the most overwhelming thing I have ever experienced. I have also had sex in my life largely as a way to escape this fucking brain in my head, that won't stop constantly analyzing and thinking. I have had sex for these reasons as well - so I can gain a few blissful moments when I do not think at all. The relief of this is indescribable and, for me at least, an element of mental and psychological health.
I recall one marathon twelve-hour session of passion many years ago now. It was only afterwards that I realized I had barely had a single trace of an analytic thought for the longest period I could then remember. I was never happier. As I finally collapsed into my lover's arms with the final orgasm that drained every last drop of desire or need from my body and soul, I understood for the first time why the French call coming "le petit mort". It can be the emptying of self entirely. Which is why sex is so close at times to the presence of the divine, and reflects and incarnates God in ways few other things can so easily. We are more animal and more divine in sex than in any other activity.
The ordeal of consciousness is at times oppressive. To leave that consciousness and yet stay so vividly alive is one of sex's great wonders. Love is deeper than that; friendship is deeper still. But I know nothing that God has given us - save psilocybin - that gives us this divine, if fleeting, parole from a vale of tears.
wv-"satab" = ask your doctor about satab... for when you've been acting like a god damn goodie two-shoes
god thats tiresome writing EDH. did he really write that embarrassing twaddle?!
i love that all that overwritten nonsense about the subliminity of "sex" is wrecked by his mention of magic mushrooms. "oh sex and love are the most amazing forces ever in the universe!" well that and magic mushrooms, of course. which would you rather do, spend hours getting rug-burn on sullivan's man-drag beard helping him escape from the wondrous intensity of his singularly impressive brain, or take a dose of mushrooms you scored at "burning man" and get the same thing without the flaccid melodrama and potential viral transfer?
and why hasnt this mediocre, semi-insane, drug-using meddling foreigner been deported?? a hard working mexican dishwasher charged as sullivan was would have been shipped away in a heartbeat. but because of the filth of power and influence, because this tenth-rate hack spent the last year or so giving barack obama hum-jobs, we are forced to watch this clown mentally disintegrate for the indeterminate future. and pretty soon we the taxpayers will be paying for andys testosterone jelly and retrovir enemas.
"Althouse tends to post replies when bloggers post criticism of her. In recent years, a lot of the bigshot political bloggers have decided to just ignore debating people who disagree with them."
I ignore nearly everything people write about me, actually. I don't want to reward them for attacking me. You occasionally see a response here, but only because there was something particular I was motivated to say. I don't respond whenever someone is trying to debate me. There needs to be something more.
"Althouse tends to post replies when bloggers post criticism of her. In recent years, a lot of the bigshot political bloggers have decided to just ignore debating people who disagree with them."
I ignore nearly everything people write about me, actually. I don't want to reward them for attacking me. You occasionally see a response here, but only because there was something particular I was motivated to say. I don't respond whenever someone is trying to debate me. There needs to be something more.
Here's a list of about a dozen of my posts about Sully. Oddly enough, this post from 8/09/2009 (in the list too) is something you won't hear about from anyone else, despite the fact that he objectively wasn't telling the truth about that issue.
One of the best ways to discredit someone's opinions is to show how they lie about facts. Also oddly enough, not too many others seem to have figured that out.
I'm another sucker that clicked through. It's a bunch of side by side shots of supermodel Heidi Klum and skinny singer Gwen Stefani in tight fitting shirts and sundresses juxtaposed against Gov. Palin in business attire. In every picture she's wearing a jacket or coat. Then again, in these folk's minds that in and of itself is evidence of a conspiracy.
Why would a pregnant, middle-aged professional woman who lives in Alaska fail to dress like a Hollywood celebrity from southern California if not to prevent Andrew Sullivan and his intrepid Trig-o-nauts from discovering her fake pregnancy belt that she was wearing for a vice presidential bid that she didn't know was coming in a year or so.
Nuttier'n squirrel poo the lot of 'em.
Also, for a gay guy, he seems oddly interested in female genitalia...
Sometimes the internet can be so incredibly useful.
Like today I learned from a simple post to a group on Flickr how to get the flash to fire remotely where the manual for the flash and another for the camera had failed, and a whole book on the specific camera gave the short shrift.
And other times the internet is all preening vanity.
Call me crazy, but in many of those photos she totally looks like she could be pregnant. The other photos show some exaggerated bumps on very skinny women. I've known girls who don't look very big until the very end. Haven't we all?
Oh, why am I bothering? He's truly lost it over her. Like the rest of the media. What's new.
When I first heard the term "birthers", I assumed it referred to the loons who convinced themselves that Palin faked the birth of her son. So when I saw a link about Sullivan condemning birthers, I was shocked. "Good heavens", I thought, "Andy Sullivan, admitting he was wrong? Defending -- however indirectly -- the evil Sarah Palin? Will wonders never cease!"
Then I found out what birthers actually are. Which transforms Sullivan's action from a touching story of intellectual redemption to another boring tale of one pack of loonies attacking another.
Knox wrote: Oh, why am I bothering? He's truly lost it over her. Like the rest of the media. What's new.
What new is the sustained effort to harass Sarah. I'd rather see Sullivan and few others destroy themselves than succeed in destroying her.
And just to pre-empt any charges of unfairness, remember that Palin hadn't been elected to anything at the national level when the ranting began, nor was she in the spotlight as a spouse like Hillary was.
The looney left hit a new low in the politics of personal destruction with Sarah Palin.
1) I hate to make a belabored point, but Sullivan occupies a wholly deluded state vis a vis Palin. Not even Keith Olbermann (my personal bellwether for clownshit-insane leftist derangement) has touched the Trig Palin story. I think that's significant.
2) On a lighter note, I think a good nickname for Mr. Sullivan would be "Tokey the Bear."
The cover photograph was taken by photographer Iain Macmillan. Macmillan was given only ten minutes around 11:30 that morning to take the photo on a zebra crossing on Abbey Road. That cover photograph has since become one of the most famous and most imitated album covers in recording history. McCartney is bare-footed and out of step with the other three. The photograph also played a prominent part in the "Paul is dead" urban legend in late 1969.
Hoosier Daddy - "Isn't it simply obvious that Sullivan is envious that he doesn't have a vagina?"
Vaginas and all things female scare Sullivan. A lot. In the early 2000's, Sullivan was outed for having posted an ad on a bareback website (i.e., condomless sex). Sullivan's ad offered to "milk loads" (i.e., act as depository for the semen of other men) with his "raw muscle glutes" (i.e., he would lay there motionless while guys basically ejaculated in him). But in his ad, Sullivan specified "no fats or fems". His rants against Sarah Palin are basically a continuation of his "no fats or fems" policy.
Any adult hetero man - IE, a girl watcher - knows different women wear pregnancy differently. I've known women that right up until a month or so before birth really didn't look outwardly pregnant. I've also known women that looked like the swallowed a watermelon 3 months into pregnancy.
My wife had a lot of trouble with pregnancy, she showed pretty quickly and had all sorts of swelling and whatnot. Another woman I was around weekly last year told me she was pregnant when she was 5 months along and I had never noticed - and believe me I did notice her, she was quite attractive - but it was her third child.
It has always seemed to me that how pregnant women look is largely based on what they are wearing. If you click through to the photos Sullivan links you see Palin in business attire, facing the camera, compared to 2 other women in very tight tops photographed in profile.
The other observation I'd make is that women I know that have multiple pregnancies tend to 'look less' pregnant. I've always thought that was because women's bodies change due to pregnancy but not being a woman - and not being obsessed with the subject - I never asked any of them.
Some women's bodies handle being pregnant better than others. Palin has what...5 kids? Obviously she doesn't struggle with being pregnant.
Well, of course he has an amazing resistance to shame. He is openly and proudly gay while an adherent of a religion that clearly calls his sexual behavior abhorent and damnable. How could he not be amazingly resistant to shame?
that Trig has downs and Palin is older for a mom makes it pretty obvious it's her child.
Exactly. WTF is wrong with this guy?
From the March of Dimes: •At age 25, the risk of having a baby with Down syndrome is 1 in 1,250. •At age 30, the risk is 1 in 1,000. •At age 35, the risk is 1 in 400. •At age 40, the risk is 1 in 100. •At age 45, the risk is 1 in 30.
I did take a look at those pictures. Most were side picts of tiny celebrities wearing bright or clingy clothing that would show off the baby bump, contrasted with front on picts of Palin in black.
Understood Trey. I just feel compelled to state the distinctions between the Catholic Church's far more nuanced and pastoral position on the issue of homosexuality, as contrasted with the Fred Phelpses of the world. My little rural mission parish has gay and lesbian members and I cannot abide being lumped in with those eager to damn.
I am well. My ovarian tumor was not cancer so I am delighted not to be having chemo right now. :-) Thank you for your continued prayers, I am early in my survivorship; if I were on the same timeline as my mother, I would die in 2011. :-o
Lest anyone think my castigations of Sully being a breederhater is applicable to all GLBTQQQ's, I did not say that and do not believe that. Just sayin'.
wv chings The recession is so bad, cha-ching has been reduced to ching. *sigh*
Someone should point out to Andrew, that besides the fact that pregnancy "showing" varies so widely as to make his comparison ridiculous, that Trisomy 21 babies are more likely to be undersized, and there may be associated oligohydramnios.
He's too ignorant to undestand how stupid his comparison is.
My mom did not tell anyone at her office she was pregnant with me, until she called in that Thursday morning from the hospital saying she wouldn't be in.
Nice to see that most here equate dislike/distrust of Sarah Palin with being gay or being HIV positive. What a charming bunch you are.
As a hetero male who finds Sarah Palin to be quite attractive, I can successfully compartmentalize that with her being a shallow proven liar (wasn't she for the bridge to nowhere before she was against it?). After watching her impromptu resignation speech, does anyone seriously think she could write her facebook post on 'death panels' or write a 400 page book in 2 months?
Does Sully go over the top on Sarah Palin? Yes, he does. He's a human being who blogs about quite a few subjects. Does he obsess about her? Sure, he does. He's also pissed that this country seriously considered to someone who's clearly out of her league. It was a cynical, stupid, move on his part. Wasn't Kay Bailey Hutchinson available? Does anyone seriously think Sarah Palin's smarter, has more experience, and knows better how government works than Hutchinson?
I don't see most here equating dislike of Sarah Palin with being gay/HIV positive. Andrew Sullivan is a gay, HIV positive (who solicited bareback sex) man who happens to be a douchebag. Said douchebaggery has manifested itself rather prominently against both Ann and Sarah Palin. All of us like Ann and I would argue most of us are fond of Sarah Palin.
Wow, there is an astounding amount of hate speech over this story. I'm astounded that Ann tolerates this bigotry on her site. I wouldn't give those sorts of folks a forum for their sickness.
I don't care for Palin, and while I lost my taste for the ever-sensitive Ann (who can't seem to stand an ounce of criticism but lets it rage on her comments section), supremely bigoted bile on this page takes the cake. Jesus.
I don't care for Palin, and while I lost my taste for the ever-sensitive Ann (who can't seem to stand an ounce of criticism but lets it rage on her comments section), supremely bigoted bile on this page takes the cake.
Wow, there is an astounding amount of hate speech over this story. I'm astounded that Ann tolerates this bigotry on her site. I wouldn't give those sorts of folks a forum for their sickness.
I agree. Queen Mary Jane Milky Loads has her own forum.
I wonder if all the individuals worried about the hate speech on this site are similarly concerned when a thread appears on The Daily Kos or The Huffington Post graphically speculating about the sex lives of Palin's teenage daughters or mocking her retarded infant son. Just curious, that's all.
It's not just the vaginaless who are clueless about childbirth; this group includes vast swaths of singles and married without children who have rarely, if ever, been around anyone pregnant since they were in elementary school. At best a classmate in high school got pregnant.
I'm continually astonished at the stupid things women in this group say. And not just about pregnancy; they also know exactly how to raise a child, despite knowing almost none.
But what do expect when you lock yourself away in your insulated, childless yuppie communities?
"I wonder if all the individuals worried about the hate speech on this site are similarly concerned..."
Actually, that's why I don't read those sites - I read Frum's "The New Majority", the American Conservative's blog, Obsidian Wings, etc. for thoughtful conservative/moderate commentary. Of course, there are idiots on both sides of the aisle.
I'm just simply blown away by the commentary of people, many of whom would consider themselves Christian, who engage in petty ad hominem attacks based on someone's sexuality. It reminds me of that great line from Hannah and Her Sisters, "If Christ ever came down and saw what was done in his name, he'd never stop throwing up."
""If Christ ever came down and saw what was done in his name, he'd never stop throwing up.""
do you think Christ would have thrown up had he come down and seen woody allen porking his adopted daughter? how bout if he came down and saw roman polanski drugging and raping a 13 year old?
todays lesson: dont use lines from woody allen movies as moralistic examples the week after allen became a child rapists most prominent apologist.
i dont hate gay people, and i suspect that few people posting here do. i also dont like sarah palin. but i think andy 'milky loads' sullivan repulsively and embarrassingly crossed a line (and re-crossed it and re-crossed it) by insanely fixating on palins uterus and the maternity of her children, all the while embarrassingly fellating barack hussein obama. this combination of nasty personal 'hate speech' and shameless promotion of a politician with substantially the same exact anti-gay policies as sullivans once-love-now-nemesis dubya makes sullivan fair game for any and all attacks that can be thrown at him. hes a scoundrel and a hypocrite of the highest order, not to mention a foreign agitator who feels entitled to influence my countrys elections and break my countrys laws and get away with both in a way no non-connected person could.
sully sullies the reputation of the atlantic. i no longer read it since they see fit to employ such a vicious mediocrity as andrew sullivan.
if you want to call this hate speech feel free. ill enjoy my right to speech hateful or otherwise while i still have it.
The Sullivan trolls are acting like the overriding character of this thread is similar to a Westboro Baptist Church rally. Have there been some out of line comments? Of course, but few and far between. One defends Sullivan's pathology of Palin's gynecological history as evidence of passion for his adopted homeland. Are we supposed to see Sullivan as a moral arbiter? Would a thoughtful individual, years after a positive HIV diagnosis, solicit unprotected sex over the internet?
"todays lesson: dont use lines from woody allen movies as moralistic examples the week after allen became a child rapists most prominent apologist."
I used the Woody Allen quote because it's a good quote - I don't care where it came from as I'm not defending Woody Allen or Roman Polanski (whom everyone - outside of Hollywood - agrees are scumbags anyway)- I'm speaking of those who think of their sexuality as being superior to that of someone else and instead of making a point about how Sullivan is mistaken about the awesomeness that is Sarah Palin are instead engaged in pithy comments about his sexual practices.
If Roman Polanski started quoting Christ's teaching of forgiveness, then you could say slam that line from Woody Allen's movie, but it's still true - take a look around at those who identify themselves as Christian and their actions and hatreds and tell me Christ wouldn't be appalled. Remember lovely Sarah whipping up crowds telling them that Obama doesn't see America 'as we do'? Remember people in the crowd shouting that Obama was a terrorist? At least McCain had the decency to see what was happening and talk them down. You can't say that for Sarah. Those nice people carrying loaded automatic weapons outside of health care townhalls? That's Sarah's crowd and don't you forget it.
I'm a heterosexual parent of two kids and I don't give a damn about Sullivan's bedroom behavior - it's how I feel he comports himself - owning up to mistakes when he makes him - issuing corrections, etc. - those things I think are admirable and the traits of a first class mind.
You want to make an argument - make it - don't fall into cheap shots - and don't use the argument that others are doing it - stick to the subject and make your point. I don't give a damn about so-called 'hate speech' either - but if when people start resorting to 7th grade tactics, they've already lost the argument.
Steve tossed some Red Meat out in the middle of Reagan Country:
Wasn't Kay Bailey Hutchinson available? Does anyone seriously think Sarah Palin's smarter, has more experience, and knows better how government works than Hutchinson?
There is the small matter of Palin not having conspired to having run the country into the fucking ground over the past ten years, bucko! Thanks, I'll take Palin over a squish like Hutch anytime. In fact, I'll take Rick Perry over Hutch in the Texas Gubernatorial Primary anytime.
These liberals are great. They ask us to trust the Political Class while the same Highwaymen spend vaporware dollars just because the guy wearing Clown Shoes in the White House has a "D" next to his name.
Too bad the same libs are living through the Third Bush Term they voted for. Suckers. Keep whining about Stupid Sarah while Ogabe turns your currency into something that will be laughed at on the streets of Harare.
Wow. I do a good Cedarford. I need to work on my Jew-baiting and then I'll have it down pat!
I know we're off topic here, but why assume I'm a liberal? In Illinois, we're proud of voting in crooks despite their party affiliation!
Seriously, voting for Palin on the ticket was just a temper tantrum. If it were up to you, what would you cut? The only difference between the Dems and the Repubs was that Dems tax and spend where Repubs just borrow and spend.
How much of the budget is left after Social Security, Defense, and Medicare? What would Palin have cut? Would she have done the responsible thing and put both wars on the books? Institute a war tax?
Seriously, voting for Palin on the ticket was just a temper tantrum.
I'm neither Republican nor conservative, and I knew Palin was in the top 5 (along with Jindal and Pawlenty) over a year before the announcement.
The idea that it was a bolt out of the blue, even, came from the elite media who really don't like conservatism one whit. This includes the ones who pretend to be them.
"Remember lovely Sarah whipping up crowds telling them that Obama doesn't see America 'as we do'? Remember people in the crowd shouting that Obama was a terrorist? At least McCain had the decency to see what was happening and talk them down."
It's a matter of public record that quotes like "pallin' around with terrorists" and "doesn't see America as 'we do'" were uttered at the explicit instruction of the "decent" McCain people.
"Yes! Althouse's delusional obsession with Andrew Sullivan *proves* that Andrew Sullivan has obsessional delusions!" It's the natural human impulse to gape in awe at a train wreck. Althouse is normal because Sully is very publicly not.
Man, for people who don't like homosexuality, you guys sure like eloquently describing its various traditions and peccadilloes.
It always makes me a little... curious... when guys are so powerfully, vocally heterosexual while simultaneously describing homosexual acts in such precious and fawning detail.
If you didn't fear it so much, maybe it wouldn't have such rhapsodic power over you. It's such a very silly thing to be a busybody about.
By the way, I think the obsession with Sarah Palin's family life is more than a little ridiculous. Mostly because Sarah Palin is completely irrelevant- but a little bit, too, because it's a hell of an accusation to make with a few snatches of photographic evidence.
Classy bunch, these commenters. Piercingly intelligent. I am begging the Republican Party - I mean literally on-my-knees BEGGING - that you nominate Sarah Palin, the noblest woman ever to walk the planet, to be your standard bearer in 2012. Please, please, please, please, please
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Either Andi knows this is somehow getting him tons of page hits, and is trying to capitalize on her book publicity... or he's actually working for Palin in some way to make her more sympathetic.
I don't understand how these idiots attacking her in this way would think they aren't helping her out.
I was a sucker and clicked through. No need to bother, though. Andi just links to another site that shows how some celebs, mainly twigs, show a larger tummy than Sarah Palin does at some points.
Anyone out there knows that different women show different bellies, but Palin looks pregnant enough for me (not that I even trust the claimed dates of the pictures were taken). This is some kind of hatred. It is literally fantastic (and yes, I know what 'literal' means).
that Trig has downs and Palin is older for a mom makes it pretty obvious it's her child. Oh, and that whole 9.5 months thing. Amazing that anyone would think a governot with 80% approval would fake a pregnancy to hide that her daughter had a kid... and that the kid's overlapping pregnancy would then be almost celebrated.
These people must be trying to help Palin look like a victim of horrible attacks.
When you are a professional blogger and you consistently write boring twaddle, you have to do what you can do get hits.
Poor Andrew Sullivan is just trying to put food on the table. And pay for the elaborate drug cocktail he needs as a result of his poor sexual decisions.
I didn't think Andrew Sullivan cared as much about her belly as he cared about her vagina. Never has someone with no working knowledge of a cooch obsessed as much about it.
Which of these things is not like the others? Well, since 2 are typical size 00 Hollywood bodies, and one has a larger "real person" body carrying the same weight, I'm going to go with "the noncelebrity."
What to Expect When You're Expecting says that every woman's pregnancy is different. Glad AS thinks women should fit into cookie cutter shapes.
There really is something seriously wrong with Andrew. This is a first class obsession of delusional dimensions. No one else is talking or thinking about this. But Andrew can't get it out of his mind. In its focus on a specific part of a woman's body and her fecundity, the obsession is strongly sexualized and gendered. In its hatred for a powerful political figure, it is quite paranoid. I really am beginning to think that Andrew is crossing the line into a clinical condition. Given how extremely well-defended he is (psychologically speaking), medication might be of some real use to him.
Sullivan shows a certain facination with Sarah Palin's pooter*
* I am still not buying that pooter means definitions 1 & 2 instead of definition 3.
P.S. I wouldn't be completely surprised if Andrew felt his mother hated him and that she didn't want him to be born.
When you go on the first pooter link scroll down to this comment:
Ann Althouse said...
Please check Urban Dictionary for the dominant meaning of pooter. It's not what people here are assuming.
10/4/09 2:17 PM
He's like a 12 year old boy earnestly discussing the "Paul is dead" clues in Sgt. Pepper.
I don't think he says this kind of stuff because he believes it. He's just after hits.
Yes! Althouse's delusional obsession with Andrew Sullivan *proves* that Andrew Sullivan has obsessional delusions!
I don't think he says this kind of stuff because he believes it. He's just after hits.
That would imply he's hurting for business- is he?
It's obvious he is attracted to Sarah Palin.
He must have written this during one of his "petit mort" seizures-which is proof that he is ambidextrous;
able to look at her pictures, render himself thoughtless-yet type all at the same time.
In many, many ways Sarah Palin is every man's fantasy. Sullivan's latent heterosexuality is showing through.
Fight! Your inner hetero Sully!
Beat it!1!
And here we were thinking that nothing could be more obsessive than Bush Derangement Syndrome. Ohhhh, boy, were we ever wrong.
Pogo - LOL.
wv: outicize. Speaks for itself.
Sarah Palin is attractive. Sullivan is just confused by her sexual powers and is lashing out instead.
That might explain why he lashes out occasionally at Ann too. She runs a "torture blog" because she tortures Sully with her charms!
As for his occasional lash outs at Glenn Reynolds...well that is Andrew's gay side.
lucid said...
There really is something seriously wrong with Andrew. This is a first class obsession of delusional dimensions.
My theory, which some might call a vicious rumor in the waiting that many could get great mileage out of .....(a la Bristol/Sarah rumors)
Is that Andy's increasing erratic, obsessional behavior is sign that his AIDs is progressing and the HIV has begun eating away at his brain.
No doubt so doctor can detect clear neurological signs of progressive damage...
Perhaps even more definitively than Andrew can detect "concealed prenancy".
I know! If he makes his medical records public, along with HIV and T-cell counts...and agrees to take a full range of mental acuity and psychological tests...this sort of vicious rumor of AIDs-Addled Andy can easily be dispelled!
A birther by any other name ...
Andrew's Gay-Man Woman-Haters Club has also announced that they will now meet weekly in his treehouse hideaway, and No Girlz Allowd.
that was just a hell of game that ended in Minnesota.
One of the most exiting baseball games I've ever seen.
Congrats to the Twins.
(please beat the Yanks for us)
Sully is such an interesting blogger.
Really. I mean that.
This is all very sad. Here is a human whose sexual desires fight against the flow of life itself. Cursed by a disease that may wither him to a shrub of what he once was,
he screams for more attention. It's all about taking down the societal purity the Palin represents. If you believe that there is a Mind that created the physical universe, ask that Andrew is healed.
Yeah but the conversation in the comments of the "Bree Palin" site is astounding.
I knew there were "truthers" out there ... and there are "birthers" ... but these girls are "preggers."
The ignorance is astounding.
And they clearly would have flunked the "one of these things is not like the others" Sesame Street test.
The preggers are all pifferbed.
Heh Lem -- hubby didn't know who to root for ...
He shares your plea!
He must have written this during one of his "petit mort" seizures-which is proof that he is ambidextrous
Too much weed for Little Miss Sullivan or he's just troping on a semen high. Who knows with him.
wv = emonster. That is hilarious.
Looks like Sullivan needs some parking tickets fixed again!
Normally I'd say Sullivan must be smoking pot to keep up with these shenanigans. Of course, now we kind of know he keeps up with these shenanigans BECAUSE he smokes pot and needs friends in the government to keep him from being deported.
Andrew Sullivan? I thought he was irrelevant along time ago?
i'm kind of with pogo. it's easy for gay guys to tumble into a ghetto where a woman is threatening for no reason other than that she doesn't have a dick. for sullivan, though, it's probably worse because SP is more butch than anything that's fucked sullivan in a very long time. all very confusing stuff for him.
I've got to give the man credit for his amazing resistance to shame.
What's funny is that there was a thread on DU (IIRC) where the whole thing about Trig was fabricated, and the participants *knew* they were making stuff up. Just politics, you know. If I'd had any idea how successful that bit of BS would be, I would have made a screen capture. But no one expects a Sullivan.
What, A. Sullivan is still in country? Why for goodness sakes? What does it take to deport perverts and scofflaws like A. Sullivan?
Sullivan is just the most well known person to succumb to a most virulent form of hatred. It infected him after George W Bush suggested that he did not support gay marriage and persisted after it became clear that Sarah Palin had taken his place in the hearts of social conservatives everywhere. I stopped reading him in 2004 but I suspect Sullivan heaped hatred on Huckabee as well after it appeared he was truly up for the nomination.
Sure, the female as strong political force probably plays a major factor but I would argue that Sullivan and hundreds of thousands like him who detest social conservatism see in Sarah Palin the antithesis of every libertine impulse they subscribe to. They must destroy because of this. They must prove her hypocrisy and will stop at nothing to do so. I have said it before and will say it again - Sarah Palin is at a greater risk of harm than any Democrat in power today. For f*@#'s sake, someone tried to burn down her church with people inside it.
How come we often see Althouse commenting on Andrew Sullivan posts but we almost never see him posting replies? I like Andrew Sullivan, but I wish he'd engage in more back-and-forth between him and bloggers who disagree with him. Althouse tends to post replies when bloggers post criticism of her. In recent years, a lot of the bigshot political bloggers have decided to just ignore debating people who disagree with them.
Not to repeat my earlier comment, well, actually to repeat my earlier comment...
Sullivan on sex:
I have had sex out of love and it's an amazing, wonderful, transformative thing. At its height, it is the most overwhelming thing I have ever experienced. I have also had sex in my life largely as a way to escape this fucking brain in my head, that won't stop constantly analyzing and thinking. I have had sex for these reasons as well - so I can gain a few blissful moments when I do not think at all. The relief of this is indescribable and, for me at least, an element of mental and psychological health.
I recall one marathon twelve-hour session of passion many years ago now. It was only afterwards that I realized I had barely had a single trace of an analytic thought for the longest period I could then remember. I was never happier. As I finally collapsed into my lover's arms with the final orgasm that drained every last drop of desire or need from my body and soul, I understood for the first time why the French call coming "le petit mort". It can be the emptying of self entirely. Which is why sex is so close at times to the presence of the divine, and reflects and incarnates God in ways few other things can so easily. We are more animal and more divine in sex than in any other activity.
The ordeal of consciousness is at times oppressive. To leave that consciousness and yet stay so vividly alive is one of sex's great wonders. Love is deeper than that; friendship is deeper still. But I know nothing that God has given us - save psilocybin - that gives us this divine, if fleeting, parole from a vale of tears.
wv-"satab" = ask your doctor about satab... for when you've been acting like a god damn goodie two-shoes
Your point is eluding me??????
god thats tiresome writing EDH. did he really write that embarrassing twaddle?!
i love that all that overwritten nonsense about the subliminity of "sex" is wrecked by his mention of magic mushrooms. "oh sex and love are the most amazing forces ever in the universe!" well that and magic mushrooms, of course. which would you rather do, spend hours getting rug-burn on sullivan's man-drag beard helping him escape from the wondrous intensity of his singularly impressive brain, or take a dose of mushrooms you scored at "burning man" and get the same thing without the flaccid melodrama and potential viral transfer?
and why hasnt this mediocre, semi-insane, drug-using meddling foreigner been deported?? a hard working mexican dishwasher charged as sullivan was would have been shipped away in a heartbeat. but because of the filth of power and influence, because this tenth-rate hack spent the last year or so giving barack obama hum-jobs, we are forced to watch this clown mentally disintegrate for the indeterminate future. and pretty soon we the taxpayers will be paying for andys testosterone jelly and retrovir enemas.
"Althouse tends to post replies when bloggers post criticism of her. In recent years, a lot of the bigshot political bloggers have decided to just ignore debating people who disagree with them."
I ignore nearly everything people write about me, actually. I don't want to reward them for attacking me. You occasionally see a response here, but only because there was something particular I was motivated to say. I don't respond whenever someone is trying to debate me. There needs to be something more.
"Althouse tends to post replies when bloggers post criticism of her. In recent years, a lot of the bigshot political bloggers have decided to just ignore debating people who disagree with them."
I ignore nearly everything people write about me, actually. I don't want to reward them for attacking me. You occasionally see a response here, but only because there was something particular I was motivated to say. I don't respond whenever someone is trying to debate me. There needs to be something more.
For starters, he says he uses sex "largely" to distract himself from his cerebral obsessions.
Given that this Palin thing has quite clearly risen to the level of an obsession, should we be surprised if one bled into the other?
Here's a list of about a dozen of my posts about Sully. Oddly enough, this post from 8/09/2009 (in the list too) is something you won't hear about from anyone else, despite the fact that he objectively wasn't telling the truth about that issue.
One of the best ways to discredit someone's opinions is to show how they lie about facts. Also oddly enough, not too many others seem to have figured that out.
I'm another sucker that clicked through. It's a bunch of side by side shots of supermodel Heidi Klum and skinny singer Gwen Stefani in tight fitting shirts and sundresses juxtaposed against Gov. Palin in business attire. In every picture she's wearing a jacket or coat. Then again, in these folk's minds that in and of itself is evidence of a conspiracy.
Why would a pregnant, middle-aged professional woman who lives in Alaska fail to dress like a Hollywood celebrity from southern California if not to prevent Andrew Sullivan and his intrepid Trig-o-nauts from discovering her fake pregnancy belt that she was wearing for a vice presidential bid that she didn't know was coming in a year or so.
Nuttier'n squirrel poo the lot of 'em.
Also, for a gay guy, he seems oddly interested in female genitalia...
Prof A
Has Andrew seen your "Splendor in The Grass" photo of Sept 27?
I'd love his comments.
BTW, The photo reminded me of those shots of actresses in the 1940s & a scene of Maggie Smith (now "Dame" Maggie) in Young Cassidy. (Showing my age.)
Also, I have responded, on the original thread to all commenters on my Inwood/Basketball Diaries of Sept 30
I want more info about what Cindy Sheehan is doing. Why can't Andrew obsess about her?
Sometimes the internet can be so incredibly useful.
Like today I learned from a simple post to a group on Flickr how to get the flash to fire remotely where the manual for the flash and another for the camera had failed, and a whole book on the specific camera gave the short shrift.
And other times the internet is all preening vanity.
An updated saw describing Sullivan's agony:
Nor wonder how I lost my Wits; Oh! Sarah, Sarah, Sarah twits!
Call me crazy, but in many of those photos she totally looks like she could be pregnant. The other photos show some exaggerated bumps on very skinny women. I've known girls who don't look very big until the very end. Haven't we all?
Oh, why am I bothering? He's truly lost it over her. Like the rest of the media. What's new.
I thought someone should have taken Sullivan to the woodshed the first time he toyed with this idea.
Everybody needs someone who can tell them when they've gone too far off the deep end.
I notice all our usual suspects are absent from this thread. I wonder why?
I'm not a usual suspect, Alex? That hurts.
When I first heard the term "birthers", I assumed it referred to the loons who convinced themselves that Palin faked the birth of her son. So when I saw a link about Sullivan condemning birthers, I was shocked. "Good heavens", I thought, "Andy Sullivan, admitting he was wrong? Defending -- however indirectly -- the evil Sarah Palin? Will wonders never cease!"
Then I found out what birthers actually are. Which transforms Sullivan's action from a touching story of intellectual redemption to another boring tale of one pack of loonies attacking another.
Knox wrote:
Oh, why am I bothering? He's truly lost it over her. Like the rest of the media. What's new.
What new is the sustained effort to harass Sarah. I'd rather see Sullivan and few others destroy themselves than succeed in destroying her.
And just to pre-empt any charges of unfairness, remember that Palin hadn't been elected to anything at the national level when the ranting began, nor was she in the spotlight as a spouse like Hillary was.
The looney left hit a new low in the politics of personal destruction with Sarah Palin.
A few thoughts:
1) I hate to make a belabored point, but Sullivan occupies a wholly deluded state vis a vis Palin. Not even Keith Olbermann (my personal bellwether for clownshit-insane leftist derangement) has touched the Trig Palin story. I think that's significant.
2) On a lighter note, I think a good nickname for Mr. Sullivan would be "Tokey the Bear."
This is a guy who believes he is most divine, in a god-like way, when he doesn't think.
Perhaps we should assume that he had great sex or wasillacybin just before he writes one of his Sarah Palin posts?
He's like a 12 year old boy earnestly discussing the "Paul is dead" clues in Sgt. Pepper.
Umm, if I remember my history correctly, it was Abbey Road not Sgt. Pepper.
From Wiki:
The cover photograph was taken by photographer Iain Macmillan. Macmillan was given only ten minutes around 11:30 that morning to take the photo on a zebra crossing on Abbey Road. That cover photograph has since become one of the most famous and most imitated album covers in recording history. McCartney is bare-footed and out of step with the other three. The photograph also played a prominent part in the "Paul is dead" urban legend in late 1969.
Paul being barefoot on the cover of Abbey Road was a clue, but the other clues were supposedly on the White Album.
(I have nothing to say about Sully.)
Donn, if you read the rest of that Wiki article you'll notice a lengthy section on supposed "Paul is dead" clues on Sgt. Pepper.
Isn't it simply obvious that Sullivan is envious that he doesn't have a vagina?
Andrew Sullivan should borrow one of those White House doctor coats and go around as Dr. Sullivan, OB-GYN.
No clues in Sgt. Pepper!
Oh, for shame!
♪ He blew his mind out in a car...
Hoosier Daddy - "Isn't it simply obvious that Sullivan is envious that he doesn't have a vagina?"
Vaginas and all things female scare Sullivan. A lot. In the early 2000's, Sullivan was outed for having posted an ad on a bareback website (i.e., condomless sex). Sullivan's ad offered to "milk loads" (i.e., act as depository for the semen of other men) with his "raw muscle glutes" (i.e., he would lay there motionless while guys basically ejaculated in him). But in his ad, Sullivan specified "no fats or fems". His rants against Sarah Palin are basically a continuation of his "no fats or fems" policy.
This is so stupid. Even for Sullivan.
Any adult hetero man - IE, a girl watcher - knows different women wear pregnancy differently. I've known women that right up until a month or so before birth really didn't look outwardly pregnant. I've also known women that looked like the swallowed a watermelon 3 months into pregnancy.
My wife had a lot of trouble with pregnancy, she showed pretty quickly and had all sorts of swelling and whatnot. Another woman I was around weekly last year told me she was pregnant when she was 5 months along and I had never noticed - and believe me I did notice her, she was quite attractive - but it was her third child.
It has always seemed to me that how pregnant women look is largely based on what they are wearing. If you click through to the photos Sullivan links you see Palin in business attire, facing the camera, compared to 2 other women in very tight tops photographed in profile.
The other observation I'd make is that women I know that have multiple pregnancies tend to 'look less' pregnant. I've always thought that was because women's bodies change due to pregnancy but not being a woman - and not being obsessed with the subject - I never asked any of them.
Some women's bodies handle being pregnant better than others. Palin has what...5 kids? Obviously she doesn't struggle with being pregnant.
Its a bunch of nonsense.
I think Sullivan lost it when he was treated for sleep anepea (or however it is spelled). Somehow he changed after he starting sleeping normally.
To paraphrase Churchill "Never in the course of human events has one gay man been so obsessed with one straight woman's vagina"
I suffer from OCD. That is my only qualification for the statement that follows. I think Sullivan suffers from OCD.
Well, of course he has an amazing resistance to shame. He is openly and proudly gay while an adherent of a religion that clearly calls his sexual behavior abhorent and damnable. How could he not be amazingly resistant to shame?
My spouse has OCD and she is compelled to call it CDO in correct alphabetical order.
One of the pluses - we have an immaculate, well organized home.
Mebbe Andy just wants to get pregnant.
If you're referring to the Catholic Church, you're overstating the Catholic position on homosexuality.
Catechism of the Catholic Church on homosexuality
Sully saying homosex is like the presence of the divine, well, all I gotta say is, I've never felt the presence of the divine pounding my ass before.
Nuttier than squirrel poo--I love that expression, I'm stealing it.
Sarah is a fertility goddess, and that magic power intimidates the death-loving, poo-pounding Sully. He rejects life, life-giving, and life-bearers.
've got to give the man credit ...
Why? He's incompletely sane. Deal with it.
Andrew Sullivan is a rich/thinking man's Perez Hilton.
Pretty soon he will be drawing obscene little curlie cues over Sarah Palin's face and belly.
Andrew Sullivan wasted his talent.
that Trig has downs and Palin is older for a mom makes it pretty obvious it's her child.
Exactly. WTF is wrong with this guy?
From the March of Dimes:
•At age 25, the risk of having a baby with Down syndrome is 1 in 1,250.
•At age 30, the risk is 1 in 1,000.
•At age 35, the risk is 1 in 400.
•At age 40, the risk is 1 in 100.
•At age 45, the risk is 1 in 30.
I did take a look at those pictures. Most were side picts of tiny celebrities wearing bright or clingy clothing that would show off the baby bump, contrasted with front on picts of Palin in black.
♪ He blew his mind out in a car...
No more petit morts, merci beacoup.
Kentuckyliz, I was thinking more of the first two chapters of Romans.
How is your health? You are on my prayer list.
Sully saying homosex is like the presence of the divine, well, all I gotta say is, I've never felt the presence of the divine pounding my ass before.
Understood Trey. I just feel compelled to state the distinctions between the Catholic Church's far more nuanced and pastoral position on the issue of homosexuality, as contrasted with the Fred Phelpses of the world. My little rural mission parish has gay and lesbian members and I cannot abide being lumped in with those eager to damn.
I am well. My ovarian tumor was not cancer so I am delighted not to be having chemo right now. :-) Thank you for your continued prayers, I am early in my survivorship; if I were on the same timeline as my mother, I would die in 2011. :-o
Lest anyone think my castigations of Sully being a breederhater is applicable to all GLBTQQQ's, I did not say that and do not believe that. Just sayin'.
wv chings
The recession is so bad, cha-ching has been reduced to ching. *sigh*
sullivan has had his fudge packed so tightly it has replaced what diseased grey matter may have once occupied is cranium-
I once knew a man who was fascinated by squirrels. Whenever he saw one effortlessly jumping from branch to branch he marveled, "How do they do it?"
I think Andrew Sullivan’s fixation on pregnancy is of the same kind.
Loafing Oaf,
"How come we often see Althouse commenting on Andrew Sullivan posts but we almost never see him posting replies? "
Could it be because her positions tend to be defensible?
a hard working mexican dishwasher charged as sullivan was would have been shipped away in a heartbeat.
A hard working Mexican dishwasher is far more useful to society at large than a waste of oxygen like Sullivan.
resistance to shame
Um, ok but isn't it a direct truism that by definition a raging homosexual such as Sullivan would be the human manifestation of resistance to shame?
On a lighter note, I think a good nickname for Mr. Sullivan would be "Tokey the Bear."
Please. One ought always to refer to Sully by his true and complete regnal name:
Her Divine Majesty Queen Mary Jane Milky Loads, Sultana of Sodom, Governess of Gomorrah, and Empress of All Urania.
Someone should point out to Andrew, that besides the fact that pregnancy "showing" varies so widely as to make his comparison ridiculous, that Trisomy 21 babies are more likely to be undersized, and there may be associated oligohydramnios.
He's too ignorant to undestand how stupid his comparison is.
My mom did not tell anyone at her office she was pregnant with me, until she called in that Thursday morning from the hospital saying she wouldn't be in.
"Her Divine Majesty Queen Mary Jane Milky Loads, Sultana of Sodom, Governess of Gomorrah, and Empress of All Urania."
I was exceptionally proud of myself for "Tokey the Bear," but you sir/madam are in a class by yourself.
Nice to see that most here equate dislike/distrust of Sarah Palin with being gay or being HIV positive. What a charming bunch you are.
As a hetero male who finds Sarah Palin to be quite attractive, I can successfully compartmentalize that with her being a shallow proven liar (wasn't she for the bridge to nowhere before she was against it?). After watching her impromptu resignation speech, does anyone seriously think she could write her facebook post on 'death panels' or write a 400 page book in 2 months?
Does Sully go over the top on Sarah Palin? Yes, he does. He's a human being who blogs about quite a few subjects. Does he obsess about her? Sure, he does. He's also pissed that this country seriously considered to someone who's clearly out of her league. It was a cynical, stupid, move on his part. Wasn't Kay Bailey Hutchinson available? Does anyone seriously think Sarah Palin's smarter, has more experience, and knows better how government works than Hutchinson?
I don't see most here equating dislike of Sarah Palin with being gay/HIV positive. Andrew Sullivan is a gay, HIV positive (who solicited bareback sex) man who happens to be a douchebag. Said douchebaggery has manifested itself rather prominently against both Ann and Sarah Palin. All of us like Ann and I would argue most of us are fond of Sarah Palin.
Wow, there is an astounding amount of hate speech over this story. I'm astounded that Ann tolerates this bigotry on her site. I wouldn't give those sorts of folks a forum for their sickness.
I don't care for Palin, and while I lost my taste for the ever-sensitive Ann (who can't seem to stand an ounce of criticism but lets it rage on her comments section), supremely bigoted bile on this page takes the cake. Jesus.
I was exceptionally proud of myself for "Tokey the Bear," but you sir/madam are in a class by yourself.
Yes, the principal frequently put me in a class by myself.
I don't care for Palin, and while I lost my taste for the ever-sensitive Ann (who can't seem to stand an ounce of criticism but lets it rage on her comments section), supremely bigoted bile on this page takes the cake.
Mmmm, cake.
Wow, there is an astounding amount of hate speech over this story. I'm astounded that Ann tolerates this bigotry on her site. I wouldn't give those sorts of folks a forum for their sickness.
I agree. Queen Mary Jane Milky Loads has her own forum.
The homophobia and hatred on this blog are breathtaking. Does Althouse read these comments?
Disgusting homophobic audience. This is who Althouse writes for I guess. Sad.
I'll follow up superp here.
Jesus Christ, what is wrong with you people? You that on the internet other people can read what you write, yes?
This is how conservatives get stereotyped as ignorant bigots. Tons of homophobic shit and nobody thinks anything about it.
Grow up people. Nobody takes you seriously as it is.
I wonder if all the individuals worried about the hate speech on this site are similarly concerned when a thread appears on The Daily Kos or The Huffington Post graphically speculating about the sex lives of Palin's teenage daughters or mocking her retarded infant son. Just curious, that's all.
It's not just the vaginaless who are clueless about childbirth; this group includes vast swaths of singles and married without children who have rarely, if ever, been around anyone pregnant since they were in elementary school. At best a classmate in high school got pregnant.
I'm continually astonished at the stupid things women in this group say. And not just about pregnancy; they also know exactly how to raise a child, despite knowing almost none.
But what do expect when you lock yourself away in your insulated, childless yuppie communities?
I see Sully sent his crew over.
wv: ounce
Yes, let's discuss what they lack even an ounce of.
"I wonder if all the individuals worried about the hate speech on this site are similarly concerned..."
Actually, that's why I don't read those sites - I read Frum's "The New Majority", the American Conservative's blog, Obsidian Wings, etc. for thoughtful conservative/moderate commentary. Of course, there are idiots on both sides of the aisle.
I'm just simply blown away by the commentary of people, many of whom would consider themselves Christian, who engage in petty ad hominem attacks based on someone's sexuality. It reminds me of that great line from Hannah and Her Sisters, "If Christ ever came down and saw what was done in his name, he'd never stop throwing up."
""If Christ ever came down and saw what was done in his name, he'd never stop throwing up.""
do you think Christ would have thrown up had he come down and seen woody allen porking his adopted daughter? how bout if he came down and saw roman polanski drugging and raping a 13 year old?
todays lesson: dont use lines from woody allen movies as moralistic examples the week after allen became a child rapists most prominent apologist.
i dont hate gay people, and i suspect that few people posting here do. i also dont like sarah palin. but i think andy 'milky loads' sullivan repulsively and embarrassingly crossed a line (and re-crossed it and re-crossed it) by insanely fixating on palins uterus and the maternity of her children, all the while embarrassingly fellating barack hussein obama. this combination of nasty personal 'hate speech' and shameless promotion of a politician with substantially the same exact anti-gay policies as sullivans once-love-now-nemesis dubya makes sullivan fair game for any and all attacks that can be thrown at him. hes a scoundrel and a hypocrite of the highest order, not to mention a foreign agitator who feels entitled to influence my countrys elections and break my countrys laws and get away with both in a way no non-connected person could.
sully sullies the reputation of the atlantic. i no longer read it since they see fit to employ such a vicious mediocrity as andrew sullivan.
if you want to call this hate speech feel free. ill enjoy my right to speech hateful or otherwise while i still have it.
The Sullivan trolls are acting like the overriding character of this thread is similar to a Westboro Baptist Church rally. Have there been some out of line comments? Of course, but few and far between. One defends Sullivan's pathology of Palin's gynecological history as evidence of passion for his adopted homeland. Are we supposed to see Sullivan as a moral arbiter? Would a thoughtful individual, years after a positive HIV diagnosis, solicit unprotected sex over the internet?
"todays lesson: dont use lines from woody allen movies as moralistic examples the week after allen became a child rapists most prominent apologist."
I used the Woody Allen quote because it's a good quote - I don't care where it came from as I'm not defending Woody Allen or Roman Polanski (whom everyone - outside of Hollywood - agrees are scumbags anyway)- I'm speaking of those who think of their sexuality as being superior to that of someone else and instead of making a point about how Sullivan is mistaken about the awesomeness that is Sarah Palin are instead engaged in pithy comments about his sexual practices.
If Roman Polanski started quoting Christ's teaching of forgiveness, then you could say slam that line from Woody Allen's movie, but it's still true - take a look around at those who identify themselves as Christian and their actions and hatreds and tell me Christ wouldn't be appalled. Remember lovely Sarah whipping up crowds telling them that Obama doesn't see America 'as we do'? Remember people in the crowd shouting that Obama was a terrorist? At least McCain had the decency to see what was happening and talk them down. You can't say that for Sarah. Those nice people carrying loaded automatic weapons outside of health care townhalls? That's Sarah's crowd and don't you forget it.
I'm a heterosexual parent of two kids and I don't give a damn about Sullivan's bedroom behavior - it's how I feel he comports himself - owning up to mistakes when he makes him - issuing corrections, etc. - those things I think are admirable and the traits of a first class mind.
You want to make an argument - make it - don't fall into cheap shots - and don't use the argument that others are doing it - stick to the subject and make your point. I don't give a damn about so-called 'hate speech' either - but if when people start resorting to 7th grade tactics, they've already lost the argument.
Steve tossed some Red Meat out in the middle of Reagan Country:
Wasn't Kay Bailey Hutchinson available? Does anyone seriously think Sarah Palin's smarter, has more experience, and knows better how government works than Hutchinson?
There is the small matter of Palin not having conspired to having run the country into the fucking ground over the past ten years, bucko!
Thanks, I'll take Palin over a squish like Hutch anytime. In fact, I'll take Rick Perry over Hutch in the Texas Gubernatorial Primary anytime.
These liberals are great. They ask us to trust the Political Class while the same Highwaymen spend vaporware dollars just because the guy wearing Clown Shoes in the White House has a "D" next to his name.
Too bad the same libs are living through the Third Bush Term they voted for. Suckers. Keep whining about Stupid Sarah while Ogabe turns your currency into something that will be laughed at on the streets of Harare.
Wow. I do a good Cedarford. I need to work on my Jew-baiting and then I'll have it down pat!
Section 9-
I know we're off topic here, but why assume I'm a liberal? In Illinois, we're proud of voting in crooks despite their party affiliation!
Seriously, voting for Palin on the ticket was just a temper tantrum. If it were up to you, what would you cut? The only difference between the Dems and the Repubs was that Dems tax and spend where Repubs just borrow and spend.
How much of the budget is left after Social Security, Defense, and Medicare? What would Palin have cut? Would she have done the responsible thing and put both wars on the books? Institute a war tax?
Seriously, voting for Palin on the ticket was just a temper tantrum.
I'm neither Republican nor conservative, and I knew Palin was in the top 5 (along with Jindal and Pawlenty) over a year before the announcement.
The idea that it was a bolt out of the blue, even, came from the elite media who really don't like conservatism one whit. This includes the ones who pretend to be them.
"Remember lovely Sarah whipping up crowds telling them that Obama doesn't see America 'as we do'? Remember people in the crowd shouting that Obama was a terrorist? At least McCain had the decency to see what was happening and talk them down."
It's a matter of public record that quotes like "pallin' around with terrorists" and "doesn't see America as 'we do'" were uttered at the explicit instruction of the "decent" McCain people.
It's also a matter of record that those things were true.
"Yes! Althouse's delusional obsession with Andrew Sullivan *proves* that Andrew Sullivan has obsessional delusions!"
It's the natural human impulse to gape in awe at a train wreck.
Althouse is normal because Sully is very publicly not.
Man, for people who don't like homosexuality, you guys sure like eloquently describing its various traditions and peccadilloes.
It always makes me a little... curious... when guys are so powerfully, vocally heterosexual while simultaneously describing homosexual acts in such precious and fawning detail.
If you didn't fear it so much, maybe it wouldn't have such rhapsodic power over you. It's such a very silly thing to be a busybody about.
As if anyone would listen.
By the way, I think the obsession with Sarah Palin's family life is more than a little ridiculous. Mostly because Sarah Palin is completely irrelevant- but a little bit, too, because it's a hell of an accusation to make with a few snatches of photographic evidence.
Classy bunch, these commenters. Piercingly intelligent. I am begging the Republican Party - I mean literally on-my-knees BEGGING - that you nominate Sarah Palin, the noblest woman ever to walk the planet, to be your standard bearer in 2012. Please, please, please, please, please
I was wondering when the inevitable "you only criticize Sullivan because you're a closeted homosexual" would come up.
Dang. How kewl is that. I'm one of the comments that Andr-loser chose to bring over to his blah-blah.
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