September 10, 2009

The bee finds its perfect place.



Jack said...
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Jack said...

Stings like a bee.

I thought it was funny all the wailing and bitching and sobbing and moaning emitting from the lunatic wingnut quarters (aka The Althouse mob-blog and other conservative hangouts) in response to the president's speech last night. I guess he was pretty damn effective.

Oh, and are there still people here who think Althouse, who now cuts and pastes whole rants from Fatboy Limbaugh into her "moderate" blog, is not a fullblown conservative?

The joke is on you.

chickelit said...

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

Peter Hoh said...

I know reds tend to do this. Some, like this nasturtium, are worse than others.

Have you tried using picnik to edit your flickr photos? I find that it's better than iphoto's editing tools, though my version of iphoto is a few years old, so Apple may have improved it since.

blake said...

Do bears bare?
Do bees be?

rhhardin said...


wv thamblap, bee meets his end.

bearbee said...

Do bears bare?
Do bees be?


wv- mulgerre: mule warning before attack

Jason (the commenter) said...

These would be perfect in a salad.

KCFleming said...
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KCFleming said...

I dunno, Jason, bees taste sorta gamey.

Bissage said...

I’d gladly switch places with that bee so long as I got to ride that flower around in the sky like a magic carpet.

You know, after a while I can get pretty tired of flapping my arms so much . . . gums, too.

wv = istor. Reduces fatigue and inflammation. Ask your doctor if Istor® is right for you.

MadisonMan said...

The race is on. Will that seed be mature before frost kills the plant?

traditionalguy said...

Last night I felt like a Bee in his perfect place enjoying reading a new novel called SOUTH OF BROAD by a favorite writer, Pat Conroy. He has upped his game with a funny, realistic story about the new south of the 1960s which Conroy and I knew so well. His writing ability seems to have come up to Dickens and to Steinbeck in its skill and the pleasure that reading it imparts.

The rule of Lemnity said...

CNN put out a false terror report?

I'm shocked!

Treacle said...

i wanna know where althouse is on her enemy andrew sullivan. he gets special treatment after being punished for pot possession in a national park. and not a word from ann?

The rule of Lemnity said...

Andrew is a pot head?

I'm shocked ;)

Rick Lee said...

Just wondering if Ms. Althouse saw this:
it looks like your old neighborhood.

Treacle said...

lem - according to this article, sullivan is a pot head but one who gets special treatment:

garage mahal said...

Always knew Sullivan hit the hippie lettuce. Aside writing about decriminalizing pot frequently, he seems to space out quite a few links on his blog. Speaking of Lettuce, I almost forgot about these guys. There you go Sully.

BJM said...

Earlier in the week I took took photos of bees visiting volunteer nasturtiums growing in a pot of golden bamboo on the patio.

I've morphed my handwritten, illustrated garden journal into a binder with digital photos; like the garden, my digital archive is a satisfying work in progress.