৫ আগস্ট, ২০০৯

Meade, talking to Texans.

Sitting in the outdoor café of our Ouray, Colorado hotel this morning, my husband Meade — who's very friendly (I call it "Hoosierly") with strangers — got into a conversation with a couple at the next table, and, naturally, one item of information exchanged was where we all are from. They were from Texas.

When we got up to leave, Meade leaned over to the man and said: "When you go back home, say hi to my favorite Texan."


"George W.!"

You should have seen the man's reaction. It was as if someone had suddenly sprayed water in his face.

ADDED: Later in the day, we got into a tour vehicle (a 4x4) for a ride up into the San Juan Mountains, and the lady in the seat in front of us started up a conversation, immediately volunteering that she was from Texas. Meade said, "That's great, but I need to be careful. I'm afraid I offended some Texans earlier this morning when I told them who my favorite Texan is." And she said, "Oh? And who is that?" And Meade, "Well, I like President Bush." "He's my favorite too!" she said, giving him a high five and getting her whole family to turn around and meet him.

২০৮টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   208 এর 201 – থেকে 208
Njall বলেছেন...

traditional guy:

"...the moon is shining bright across the ocean tonight."

Love that evocative line - Yours? If not, whose?

JAL বলেছেন...

Let's guess who Robert Cook really is.

HT বলেছেন...


Thank you dear for responding! I hope it's ok I call you dear.

Here's the thing. I live in the overvalued-real-estate land called Washington, DC. There is no way in hell I could ever afford to live in a house. Further, many of the houses are attached, bringing a whole host of probs there, too. So for me, apartment living it is. But I agree, the stress level can get kind of high sometimes, especially around noise (basically ONLY around noise). but I do love "city living." I really do. Fortunately I just found out that this time the "culprit" is someone really really really nice and sweet, and someone approachable, not at all the typical DC a-hole type. Wish me luck.

HT বলেছেন...


I responded to you earlier - either here, and it was deleted or somewhere else by accident. But I'm pretty sure it was here. Thanks for the response! I don't think I can afford a house in DC. Way too overvalued real estate here. (What happened to my response???)

Hoosier Daddy বলেছেন...

Cookie don't forget America's worst crime against humanity.

We provide a forum for Celine Dion. I mean even the fuckin Canucks don't want her back.

Synova বলেছেন...

"Those who point out America's misbehavior are truer patriots and more necessary..."

Oh, so true.

This is why I never hesitate to point out the failings of my children. They must understand so that they can improve. People tend to give me dirty looks when I do this in public, however, but they don't love my children so forget them! If I have a care at all for my kids I will make sure that I miss nothing of their shortcomings, no matter that they get surly. I'm certain that their behavior WILL improve.

My husband is very accepting of my efforts to make him a better person, but he's older than my kids and understands why it is so necessary for me not to hesitate to let him know when he's wrong or has made a mistake. Boldness, you know. It's not something that can be put off or should be hedged around but ought to be approached immediately.

And no slacking on past error either!

I aim to do my job well.

Kev বলেছেন...

Kev - Think of how much money you could get when you pass the hat.

LOL, good point. Except hats really aren't passed at the kind of places where I play. EIther the owner provides a tip jar, or someone leaves their instrument case open near the front of the band. If I were to play a gig with my baritone sax and open the case, that'd be worth two or three (or more; I've never really measured) ten-gallon hats right there...

HT বলেছেন...

(After much difficulty i have found the posts to ricpic I made. Not easy!)

To those who responded to him or her about Dems being the party to increase property taxes, and can only say that is to laugh.

I used to live a Southern city suburb, and the taxes were INCREDIBLY high. And the obvious reason, and of course I know wherefrom I speak, was to keep African Americans out. The suburb is at least 90% Republican. Everyone complains about the taxes, sure. But not one of them says it's the Democrats doing it.

Moving on to happier topics, I would selfishly love to hear more about sound proofing apartments.

Thanks all.

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন ‹পুরাতন   208 এর 201 – থেকে 208   আরও নতুন» সবচেয়ে নতুন»