August 2, 2009

Lunch at the Butterhorn Bakery & Cafe in Frisco.

Frisco, Colorado. Where I was seated under a picture of a fox and back-to-back with a tattooed lady.


We overheard the waitress talking about her birthday, and my not-quite-yet-husband subsequently wished her a happy birthday and said other Hoosierly things to her, leading her to advise me "He's a keeper." Indeed!

ADDED: Chip Ahoy animates not the tattoo, nor the batik of my shirt but...

... the fox.


chuck b. said...

I'm going to throw up!

chuck b. said...

Throw up my hands--and clap!

Chip Ahoy said...

In'nit I-70 bee-u-tee-foo?

Jennifer said...

Ah, sigh. And also :D

That's how Althouse + Meade makes me feel.

RLB_IV said...

Now that is the look of bliss. Love after 50 is almost beyond comprehension. Cheers to you both.
Tip of a vodka on the rocks...
God speed on your adventure as it continues into the mist of time.

KLDAVIS said...

Less just about 5 miles from where we got married shy of 3 short years ago. Best of luck. That's a beautiful and unique part of the world.

KLDAVIS said...

If you're looking for a place for the 'reception', Hearthstone in Breckenridge is superb.

JAL said...

Foxy lady.

Ron said...

of course he's a's past the trade deadline! Last week, you coulda got a commenter who could field and at least two commenters to be named later...

knox said...

who remembers this:


+ 4ever


= 6cess

Learned that one in 7th grade.

RLB_IV said...

Knox, you're making me feel ancient.

David said...

A pair of foxes!

ark said...

That is so sweet!

blake said...

Well, sure, the happiness thing is all well-and-good, if a little trite. The long lives in bliss--a bit hack, really.

Look, just try this on for size. No pressure, just think of it as an alternate route.

Three little words:

Natural Born Killers

JAL said...

Blake, you're sweet.

Chip Ahoy said...

Althouse at the Frisco Foxes Love Spaceballs Butterhorn Cafe.

[Foxes Love Spaceballs anim by b3ta member Happy Toast]

James Wigderson said...

There are those happy moments in the heady days of love when every passerby can't help but notice and feel happy for you. Those are the moments to cherish.

Bruce Hayden said...

Too bad this wasn't a week later, or I was back in CO a week earlier. I spent most of 2002 through 2007 five miles away, across the dam, in Dillon, and will be back there for a week starting next weekend.

So, what route did you take from Rocky Mtn. Nat. Park to Frisco?

I mentioned in an earlier post that I had gone from Dillon through Silverthorne down the Blue to Kremling, then up the Colorado (U.S. 40) to Grand Lake, and thence over Trail Ridge to Estes Park. The route east from Grand Lake/Granby back over Berthod pass on U.S. 40, and then west on I-70 through Eisenhower tunnel is a little faster, but not as scenic. Also, for those who are a bit scared of heights (over Trail Ridge Road), the route down the east edge of the front range, through Nederland, and thence Central City, then up U.S. 6 and I-70 is about as fast, still scenic, but misses one of my favorite scenic routes (Trail Ridge).

I mention all these, because we considered all of them before taking my favorite - the Kremling/ Grand Lake/ Trail Ridge route.

Bruce Hayden said...


Where did you tie the knot? I have spent a lot of the last 45 years in Summit county there, mostly across the dam from Frisco in Dillon.

Bruce Hayden said...

Ann and Meade

What is next on the Grand Tour? Or are you just winging it?

amba said...

You go, Blake! A bit of Tabasco was needed.

amba said...

Ann, you look Midwestern. As the Quakers would say approvingly, "You look plain."

Fred4Pres said...

Have fun.

Anonymous said...

I spent nearly my whole life in Indiana, and this is the first time I've seen "Hoosierly."

J. Cricket said...

Wow, you're looking old and tired out. Not to mention that you're wearing a hideously ugly t-shirt. I wonder why.

Unknown said...

Wow Jurist Dentist. You are such a big man ...feel better about yourself?

This world is littered with trash like you.

Anonymous said...

Never mind JD, Ann honey, you look fabulous. You have an inner glow, that nothing can detract from.

The rule of Lemnity said...

lol Ron

Ignorance is Bliss said...

I'll have what she's having.

Ignorance is Bliss said...


I think the 'Multiple orgasms before lunch' look is quite charming.

Then again, I'm not surprised that you didn't recognize it.

KLDAVIS said...

@Bruce Hayden: Sapphire Point.

save_the_rustbelt said...

The last time I saw that glow I was put into a tuxedo and marched down the church isle.

35 years and counting.

Good luck!

dbp said...

Love appears to agree with Althouse. This pleases me and most commenters, but not all.

Christy said...

Summit County. A favorite place to Winter!

Ann, you look younger, and freckled. Maybe that's why.

Jason (the commenter) said...

That was a good omen, but how do we interperate today's xkcd cartoon?

bearbee said...

@ Chip Ahoy, can you make the tattoo boogie?

Anonymous said...

I'd like to officially recognize this happy occasion by:

(1) Demanding that you post about some news story that I imagine will embarrass most of your regular commenters;

(2) Implying that said commenters are the sort of low-SES people for which I normally fancy myself an advocate;

(3) Calling you old and, apropos of nothing in particular, a dipsomaniac;

(4) Alluding to the Jessica Valenti incident in a way that simply takes for granted that you were wrong.

Though I'm sure this is all appropriate as can be, I hope your commenters will get in a huff about it so I can feel self-righteously persecuted.

There! Now that I've done it, no one else has to.

Moose said...


Arent you afraid that being so happy and in love is going to set Sully off about SSM? Again? and Again? and Again?

Big Mike said...

@Ron, who would the Professor trade with? Not Rachel Lucas -- she's pretty happy with Rupert-not-really-his-name. And Meade would turn down a trade to HuffPo.

Besides, I imagine he's got a no-trade clause. Perfectly understandable. ;-)

froggyprager said...

I am not a stawker but I live in Madison and saw A & M walking together the other day. They looked like an in-love happy couple if I ever saw one.

BJM said...

Arrggghh! Prenuptial tension is palpable at the M manse!

Teh intertubes are amazing, I'm anticipating/giggling with Althouse and Meade and crying with Rachel Lucas and I've we've never met.

As James Wigderson said
Those are the moments to cherish.


Bruce Hayden said...

Summit County. A favorite place to Winter!

Summers there are glorious. Sunny days, not very hot, and cool nights. Days typically start cloudless, then maybe a little rain in the afternoon, but no clouds in the sky by dusk. And the sun setting behind the Ten Mile Range (right by Frisco where Ann and Meade were) is gorgeous most nights.

BJM said...

May I suggest a soundtrack for the photo?

William said...

The good food and bright sun have gone to your hips if you catch my drift. Congratulations. You got the mountain view at an age when it is more typical to be lost in a dark wood.....I can sympathize with juris dentist. Among the envious, malice is the sincerest form of flattery. Happiness is as unstable as a soap bubble, and the world is full of pricks.