We need to stop pretending that actors' opinions are more important than everyone else's. They didn't get to where they are on the strength of their political and social theorizing and just because someone keeps sticking microphones in their faces doesn't mean they have something to say.
Voight is saying what many people have been thinking, but have been afraid to say because of an innate reverence for the tradition of the Presidency that George washington established, and Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson completed for us. Chavez, Castro and Obama will not be pleased to see Joseph Stalin's legacy being so rudely disrespected by Voight. Therefore Voight must be called derranged and dangerous.
Hate filled? Voight and the hose, Mike Huckabee, were civil in their remarks. Voight clearly disagrees with Obama's policies. I disagree with some of the things Voight said. Still, I did not hear anything hateful in what was said.
Nobody has five minutes to watch a video of Jon Voight, so the folks at HuffPo or whoever tagged it "hate-filled" and "delusional" are hoping to spin it in a way that destroys Voight's credibility among those who don't take the time, or for whom all they need to know is that he was on "Faux."
The folks who are circulating this clip don't actually want you to hear it, they want you to obediently agree with their view of a world in which anyone who disagrees with Obama is some kind of lunatic. And there are millions of obedient leftists.
For a change, I actually listened to it, and to call it hate-filled or delusional is just a lie. That hdhouse, whose views I respect (okay, I'm kidding about that) could equate him to a clown like Glenn Beck or imply Voight is foaming at the mouth, suggests either he didn't watch it, or that he's hypnotized by his friends in the left-wing cocoon to see things as they want them to be seen.
Huckabee is a decent, likeable man with a quick sense of the absurd. That said, his talk show is awful. The skills of a talk show host and those of a politician in some places overlap, but they are not congruent.....The really important thing, the elephant in the room that Huckabee does not address, is Voight's relationship with his daughter Angelina Jolie. On other issues, I give Jon Voight the same weight as Sean Penn.
It's not like he was calling people the "Worst Person in the World" or engaging in assassination or rape fantasies - that would be wholly the province of MSNBC.
I really have to wonder if as a nation we’re polarized beyond the point of no return. It seems that even the slightest disagreement with this administration is now categorized as hate or racism and dissent is greeted with union thugs who get the order to ‘punch back just as hard’. It kind of makes you wonder if that former KGB analyst was right and that the country is going to fragment. When you have a sizable segment of society that is more than willing to allow the government to provide cradle to grave social services from health care to day care to education and the other side that believes in self-reliance and individual liberty, it certainly seems like we’re on a collision course.
"...and so, I have directed my very Blackwater-like defense contracting company to purchase a shipment of neuro-toxin laden missiles from an African nation and plan to direct them at American cities to highlight this administration's misguided policies..."
Hard to tell where Voight ends and his "24" character picks up.
Hoosier Daddy said... "...than willing to allow the government to provide cradle to grave social services from health care to day care to education and the other side that believes in self-reliance and individual liberty, it certainly seems like we’re on a collision course."
I'll trade some cradle to grave social services for some of the liberties crap that GWB pulled off. I said then as i say now, my civil liberties are not for sale or loan. I'm not giving the government an inch of my privacy.
For the good the country and its citizens (by the way one of the central reasons why this republic formed up)..usually stated in terms of "common" or in common (like in defense)there are things that are not available equally such as education and health care and the only entity that can possibly take on that problem is the federal government.
don't get your britches in such a stir. you'll be better off in the long run if we start to get things right instead of just doing without thinking.
I'm with william on this--celebrities are certainly entitled to their opinion but when the move outside of the stagecraft, they are just another looney--on either side of the political spectrum.
Jon Voight us one of the few Hollywood types who attend the (tiny) memorial day service held at the Los Angeles Federal cemetary. The actors read letters from veterans and say a few words about veterans in their family. Its moving.
His regular attendence and enthusiastic particiption at that event makes him OK in my book.
Is Althouse a loony then for moving outside of her stagecraft?
One of the points of a democracy is to have the freedom to state your opinion, and to try to effect the outcome of your government. More and more people are speaking out, and we don't need special credentials to do so.
It's true, the political opinions of actors and other celebs are generally nowhere near worth the weight they are given. But considering the 50:1 ratio of liberal to conservative celeb opinions that get put on display in popular culture, it's kinda entertaining all by itself the way liberals get their knickers all tied up in a twist when a conservative celeb is finally heard from.
Nobody has five minutes to watch a video of Jon Voight
Honestly, the only reason I made it through 5 minutes is because I was looking for something, anything that could be justified as the "delusional hate filled rant" that the person who posted this labeled it. I didn't see that at all.
I don't care what any celebrity thinks, but it's far less of a hate filled rant than I've seen from other hollywood types, like garafalo or damon.
For the good the country and its citizens (by the way one of the central reasons why this republic formed up)..usually stated in terms of "common" or in common (like in defense)there are things that are not available equally such as education and health care and the only entity that can possibly take on that problem is the federal government.
Why stop with health care and education then? Why not a house, 3 squares a day, a car so I can get to work, how about a clothing allowance? Why can the federal government provide those too?
You don't want to give up an inch of privacy but you want the Federal governemnt to wipe you ass for you? That's why liberals are like 16 year olds. Respect my privacy mom and dad and stay out of my stuff but continue to pay to house me, feed me, clothe me and educate me.
I'm not giving the government an inch of my privacy.
Unless it's something miniscule and unimportant, like all of your medical records and health care cost-benefit decisions, right? Not something really important, like whether or not you checked out naughty library books.
Hoosier Daddy said... "You don't want to give up an inch of privacy but you want the Federal governemnt to wipe you ass for you? That's why liberals are like 16 year olds. Respect my privacy mom and dad and stay out of my stuff but continue to pay to house me, feed me, clothe me and educate me."
Now, see, that's why everyone with brains thinks that the rabid right is just chock full of jerks. Unlike you, my little fellow, we use reason and logic and pragmatism. You operate on an "on/off" switch. You automatically assume (because it appears how to be how you operate) that all will go to extremes and behave badly. perhaps the prior 8 years molded your minds into this set. heaven knows.
but for once in your life you have to trust that a certain percentage of the population has brains and knows limits. not your percentage but a certain percentage.
oh AJ. don't be such a bore. the transliteration is "ya'betcha!" not the tawdry mock indian dialect You Betcha (cowboy).
besides you fook, if you google hdhouse and ya'betcha! i go about 3pages deep so if i'm so successful with ya'betcha you you aren't why should i change to be like you.
You automatically assume (because it appears how to be how you operate) that all will go to extremes and behave badly.
This country was founded by people who knew exactly what could happy when too much power was given to the government. They knew that they would eventually go to extremes and behave badly. They knew, because that is what always happens, eventually. Because humans are imperfect creatures, not philosopher kings. Sure, the occasional good leader comes along, but they are sure to be followed by worse and worse leaders, who acquire more and more power until the people are either forced to revolt or to accept lives without such freedoms that we now take for granted. Or they could leave and found a new country, starting the whole circle again.
HD: As an ardent defended or personal privacy I know you will join us in opposing..... A Senate bill would offer President Obama emergency control of the Internet and may give him a "kill switch" to shut down online traffic by seizing private networks -- a move cybersecurity experts worry will choke off industry and civil liberties.
Details of a revamped version of the Cybersecurity Act of 2009 emerged late Thursday, months after an initial version authored by Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.V., was blasted in Silicon Valley as dangerous government intrusion.
This was totally tame as a pussy cat discussion in which he named an African American, Thomas Sowell, as the thinker he prefers to the African American BHO (or should we just start calling him by his middle initial, as was done with the last president?).
I see nothing wrong here at all.
It makes you wonder where they heard all this hate, and whether they weren't projecting their own hatred on to poor Mr. V.
LarsPorsena said... HD: As an ardent defended or personal privacy I know you will join us in opposing..... A Senate bill would offer President Obama emergency control of the Internet and may give him a "kill switch" ...."
the bill you refer to is S773 and if you read the text of the bill it says no such thing. NO SUCH THING.
Unlike you, my little fellow, we use reason and logic and pragmatism.
Damn hdhouse and I thought you were incapable of humor.
You automatically assume (because it appears how to be how you operate) that all will go to extremes and behave badly.
You're right hdhosue. Government social programs never go to the extreme and never behave badly. I keep forgetting what a smashing success welfare, WIC and public housing have been.
What a nut he has turned into. But, sure, let him say it. This is not a freedom of speech issue. No one is trying to silence him. Instead we use our free speech right back at him to say he is a paranoid clown.
I think you have a reading comprehension problem.. May 13, 2009 7:19 PM - Does this bill permit the President to effectively "shut down" the Internet when he deems it necessary? - Read Answers Answered by a visitor on Jun 17, 2009 12:59 PM - Actually since the Executive Branch is given the authority to decide what is and isn't critical infrastructure, this bill would allow them to shut down anyone on the internet period without a court order or even any kind of hearings. Answered by a visitor on Jun 27, 2009 9:55 AM - Look at the definition in Sec 23 of Critical "Government" Infrastructure.
(B) State, local, and NONGOVERNMENTAL information systems and networks in the United States DESIGNATED by the President as critical infrastructure information systems and networks.
House: might want to read section 18, particularly paragraphs 2, 5, and 6--this can, of course be parsed, and I would assume the internet would still continue to function--it would depend on what critical cyber infrastructure the president designated. So does it shut down the internet? No, but it give him sweeping authority over a considerable swath of critical cyber infrastructure.
Obama shutting down the internet. Big effing deal. The president has the ability to declare martial law too. But just because the president has the power to do something does not automatically mean he will. Good lord. Take a deep breath. Obama is not going to become dictator. [As much as, oddly, you may actually want him to].
I'm still waiting to see where in the bill Obama can do what you suggest. Can he take the government "offline" to protect data? always has been able to.
you turds have given up on everything for the last eight years because you thought or were told that death was a second away. now you run like a freak show rabbit at the thought that someone would act prudently...ohmygod.
You operate on an "on/off" switch. You automatically assume (because it appears how to be how you operate) that all will go to extremes and behave badly.
That is just so priceless, coming as it does right on the heels of this report in our own Milwaukee. To sum up, it's a report of repeated, ongoing, blatant fraud of social services, to the tune of millions of dollars, aided and abetted by the very officials charged to oversee them. The city, county, and state, of course, are all overwhelmingly run by the Democratic Party.
So I don't trust them. Why do you? On what is your faith based?
I keep forgetting what a smashing success welfare, WIC and public housing have been.
Don't forget the USA PATRIOT act! Why won't you people give the government the tools it needs to do the difficult job of protecting this country from people who would do its citizens harm"?
Sofa King It is always easy to pull anecdotal evidence to support your claims. But please note that the Government also includes plenty of offices and organizations and military sections that are not corrupt and work pretty well – or at least give you and all Americans the things they need. Similarly, one could easily point out the fraud and corruption in the private enterprise corporate world. Wall Street would be a good place to start. I would also note that many on the Right were not as anti-government when Bush was running the show. And, guess what? It hasn't actually changed that much.
The difference is you and I don't have much of a say when it comes to corporate malfeasance. But as a voter you have some say in your government. We went from Bush to Obama in the matter of one day of voting. And we can go back in 4 years if you have the organizational might. Think about it.
I wouldn't characterize Voight's comments as "hate-filled," but they're certainly ignorant and kookoo...a digest of the more popular delusions currently promulgated by the radical right wing.
I find it easy enough to forgive Voight for being silly because he brought his daughter Angelina into this world and she makes it a much nicer place for so many of us. Alas, they are not on speaking terms, we are told, so I have to take her side.
In which the resident communist calls insane those who dare disparage communism, the One True Faith, the belief that permitted governments to kill 100 million of their own people, that has bankrupted England and now Canada and the US, the faith that permits no debate, and remains forever blind to the moral implications of the abnegation of freedom it demands.
"You don't want to give up an inch of privacy but you want the Federal governemnt to wipe your ass for you? That's why liberals are like 16 year olds. Respect my privacy mom and dad and stay out of my stuff but continue to pay to house me, feed me, clothe me and educate me."
What's lunatic is calling a reading of a paragraph by economist Thomas Sowell 'delusional', but Krugman, who advised bankrupting the nation and setting us up for rampant inflation, he gets a pass.
In a July 28, 2008 op-ed in The Washington Times, he wrote that he regrets his youthful anti-war activism, calling it the result of "Marxist propaganda". He pointed in particular to the massive human rights abuses in Vietnam and Cambodia after the American withdrawal.[6] Voight has said about his political transformation that: “ We were traumatized in the Sixties and all of that behavior — the dancing in circles, the smoking pot and saying "all we need is love" — it was because we couldn't identify evil; we couldn't believe in evil — we didn't want to believe in evil so we just hid from it. It was a very disturbing time... overwhelmingly, it was a very bizarre, selfish and hedonistic philosophy that wasn't very helpful. It attacked the family — the attack on the family was very severe because not only was there this idea of [indiscriminate love] and that would solve the world's problems, which gave rise to teen pregnancy, but also this idea not to trust anyone over 30. This was from people who were over 30 and bombed out of their minds with every kind of drug they could put into their system. Then there was the romanticization of the drugs — there were people coming out with [pseudo] scientific evidence that [drugs] increase your enlightenment — it was devastating. Today, I find that people look back at that time in a romantic way and that's as dangerous as anything is. It wasn't a romantic time. It was a time of great distortion.[4]
So why did Voight see the light with regard to the human rights catastrophe of Vietnam/Cambodia but not the rest of his leftist brethren?
In which the resident communist calls insane those who dare disparage communism, the One True Faith, the belief that permitted governments to kill 100 million of their own people, that has bankrupted England and now Canada and the US, the faith that permits no debate, and remains forever blind to the moral implications of the abnegation of freedom it demands.
Our resident pinkos will say that those countries were not practicing true Communism. Besides, the 100 million figure is "made up neocon bullshit"! They are sure that capitalist societies killed more people in the 20th century then Communist...
What a nut he has turned into. But, sure, let him say it. This is not a freedom of speech issue. No one is trying to silence him. Instead we use our free speech right back at him to say he is a paranoid clown.
8/31/09 2:56 PM
So say the new leftists who throw the old ones under the bus when they dare to go off the reservation. Spoken like a true-believer Bolshevik...
"Don't forget the USA PATRIOT act! Why won't you people give the government the tools it needs to do the difficult job of protecting this country from people who would do its citizens harm"?"
Has Obama done away with that yet?
I always saw the Patriot Act as an ineffective but politically necessary domestic sop to those with a bunker mentality... which included all the anti-war crowd who thought we could be made safe here at home by thinking happy thoughts. 9-11 made a whole lot of people feel insecure and helpless. This gave them the reassurance that "something was being done." Bush got a lot of criticism for taking so long to respond, directly post 9-11. Passing the Patriot Act gave Congress something busy to do, too. Like most things done for the sake of being seen to do something, we're probably better off without it.
("Best" comment I heard about health care reform... "we need to do *something*!")
It would be funny if it wasn't... but we're dealing with people who see no potential at all for invasion of privacy by giving government authority over our medical conditions and personal financial arrangements and choices, as personal as it's possible to get and potentially affecting everyone directly, and certainly, immediately, affecting those who the present bill is meant to serve... no risk in that at all... but heaven preserve us if someone in the government tracks nameless and unidentified financial transfers in and out of the country to look for patterns... because this is MORE of an invasion of privacy than having to show my finances and legal arrangements to the government to prove that I don't have to buy their "optional" government subsidized health insurance?
Obama surrounded himself with every silk stocking corporate whore he could find, and the right calls this communism. Glenn Beck thinks there is a coup, and Rush Limbaugh thinks Obama wants to take a scalpel to his cock. It's seriously too dumb for words.
garage - yet you expound the wonders of Obama when you're in another mood. Make up your mind about Obama already. We know you really worship the guy like a new Che.
This gave them the reassurance that "something was being done."
Precisely. This is what government does whether the left or right is in power. It is as much nonsense to claim that health care reform (or WIC, or Medicare) is an effort to drag us to Communism as it is to claim that USA PATRIOT was an act to bring us under Fascist control. This claim of Communist or Socialist ideation tacitly underlies much of the hysteria surrounding the debate about health care.
"In which the resident communist calls insane those who dare disparage communism, the One True Faith,yaddayaddablahblahblah...."
Now calling Obama, a corporate stooge bought and paid for every bit as much as was Bush or Clinton or Bush, to name only three, a "communist" is ignorant and kookoo. (I know, you called me a communist--incorrectly of course, not that I take offense--but if you think Voight is disparaging communism, you must mean that Obama, the source of Voight's confusion and the perceived author therefore of this imagined communism, must then be a communist. Truly classic John Birch Society level delusions!)
Note that Voight is taking his own personal sixtes naive drug-use situation and then applying across a wide spectrum of other people. People do this all the time. They have an experience but they have an inablilty to see beyond their own nose. I know plenty of people from the 60's who were liberals then and are liberals now. But they are not communists.
Opposing a war that killed 50,000 Americans hardly makes one crazy. The logical extension of opposition to that war is opposition to most wars. But I think you and mr Voight are assuming that all Democrats are far left or something odd. Just not true. What gets me too is Mr Voight freaks out about government control when it deals with health care but he had no problem with the Patriot Act or spying on Americans. The potential with those programs to cause trouble is pretty obvious.
Maybe if we could get healthcare passed on the notion that it would help protect us from terrorists we could get Mr Voight on board.
Matt - I notice you glossed over the millions of Vietnamese and Cambodians killed as a result of the US withdrawal from the region in 1975. Just like your side could care less about the 200K Iraqis killed in bombings since 2003 by the jihadis. Whatever suits your immediate political aims.
"I know, you called me a communist--incorrectly of course" Oh, I am quite correct.
"but if you think Voight is disparaging communism" No, he is disparaging the current US flavor of socialism, not Russian or Chinese communism, but the ideologies differ as a Black Lab differs from an Irish Setter: they're both dogs.
"you must mean that Obama ...must then be a communist" He of the Ayers training and community organizing is a socialist, yes. Communism is just one of its stupid facets, but it's all the same Marxist hooey.
Alex I'm not ignoring those deaths at all. Instead I am looking at reality. Do you really think it would have been realistic or even possible for us to stay in Vietnam until the bitter, bitter end? I'm sure you can find right wing buddies who think so. But you couldn't find enough people in Nixon's administration at the time for that. 58,000 deaths without an end in sight also put a damper on the war. And, also, I see no reason to say that the families and friends of the US dead - who wanted the war to end - were wrong.
Also note that we have sat on the sidelines while plenty of atrocities have gone on. Some of which we actually allowed to happen. But I would hope even you would agree that we cannot really be the policemen of the world. Although I do think that the war against terrorism is justified to some degree. It is the handling of it has been less than graceful.
What you don't understand about communism is a lot. You don't think corporations exist under communism?
So the theory is Obama surrounded himself with corporate America, so he can takeover corporate America as head of the government? Bernanke, Geitner, and Paulsen are all communist agents? Whoa! That's John Birch fluoride in the water worthy. Actually, at least there was fluoride being added to our water, so that theory has at least some plausibility.
Obama wants the shut the internet up. We can't have people sharing ideas and being critical Dear Leader. He also wants to shut down the right wing media who are not parroting the party line.
If we would only all JUST SHUT UP!!!! he could get something done.
"So the theory is Obama surrounded himself with corporate America, so he can takeover corporate America as head of the government"? He's installing a socialist government.
"Bernanke, Geitner, and Paulsen are all communist agents"? Socialists in ideology ('government takeover of the economy can solve the depression'); trained from grade school through college in its core beliefs. They don't need to ever have said the word 'socialism', for they have never thought a non-socialist thought their entire lives. Like you, it's the most natural thing in the world.
Garage, business people very often hate free markets. Once a business succeeds, they are forever engaging in rent-seeking behavior, trying to get the government to curtail competition.
You don't have to be a socialist to be willing to sell your soul to one in exchange for business favors.
Garage, business people very often hate free markets. Once a business succeeds, they are forever engaging in rent-seeking behavior, trying to get the government to curtail competition.
Well said. "Separation of Business and State" is in order.
Garage-hate to tell you this, but all that is happening is Crony Capitalism with the Democratic Pigs feeding at the trough.
IOW, the Third Bush Term. Exactly what the D's promised us would NOT HAPPEN.
Obama lied through his teeth so he could hand out largess to his friends. This was all a huge con game, biggest scam in history. At least Bush was earnest about the War. Obama is earnest about lining the pockets of his looter friends.
That's what no one sees yet.
Trust me. It's all about the Looting. This is Ayn Rand come to horrible life.
So the theory is Obama surrounded himself with corporate America, so he can takeover corporate America as head of the government? Bernanke, Geitner, and Paulsen are all communist agents?
Sounds more like fascism. At least the sold school defintion anyway.
Hey garage, how's that hope and change working for you buddy? So much for business as usual in Washington with Obambi eh?
I suppose that's why his poll numbers are falling faster than Bill Clinton's pants in a strip bar.
Paul Krugman predicted the stimulus package wouldn't work because it was too little, too late. If you're damned if you do and damned if you don't, err on the side of doing.
I also love the Right's borrowing the women's-right-to-choose argument: the government should not interfere with healthcare decisions patients make in consultation with their doctors.
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९३ टिप्पण्या:
Am I alone in thinking that Voight has his finger in a light socket. Move over Glenn Beck. New hatehoncho in town.
Foam at 11.
.. hate filled.
code for racist.
Freedom of speech is a big problem for Obama.
I wonder if George Constanza will still want his car?
hypoo: Asian Indian hypothetical?
This is a hate filled rant? Really? The standards for that have apparently fallen.
The only point were you could tell he was angry was when he said Obama was not god, but that was in context of the discussion of free will.
Shanna said...
This is a hate filled rant? Really? The standards for that have apparently fallen."
Shanna, this if Faux Noise....there are no standards.
We need to stop pretending that actors' opinions are more important than everyone else's. They didn't get to where they are on the strength of their political and social theorizing and just because someone keeps sticking microphones in their faces doesn't mean they have something to say.
"And some folks are not very happy with Jon Voight."
Far more admire and respect him.
Voight is saying what many people have been thinking, but have been afraid to say because of an innate reverence for the tradition of the Presidency that George washington established, and Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson completed for us. Chavez, Castro and Obama will not be pleased to see Joseph Stalin's legacy being so rudely disrespected by Voight. Therefore Voight must be called derranged and dangerous.
Who gave this video the title.."hate-filled delusional.."?
It was not Fox news, was it the person or groupwho put it on You Tube?
Much more disturbing is the news in the text line at 4:45. What's the world coming too?
Am I alone in thinking....
I picture hdhouse thinking and in place of a brain I see a gerbil on a running wheel.
Hate filled? Voight and the hose, Mike Huckabee, were civil in their remarks. Voight clearly disagrees with Obama's policies. I disagree with some of the things Voight said. Still, I did not hear anything hateful in what was said.
Nah Hoosier, I am reminded of the Three Stooges episode when they x-rayed Curly's head and the doctor said:
"Definite evidence of vacancy of the cranium- it is almost totally unoccupied".
Oops, my last post contains another typo...
New hatehoncho in town.
Are you kidding?
"... impervious alike to documentary evidence and moral discrimination."
Nah Hoosier, I am reminded of the Three Stooges episode when they x-rayed Curly's head and the doctor said:
"Definite evidence of vacancy of the cranium- it is almost totally unoccupied".
Nyuk, nyuk nyuk!
Nobody has five minutes to watch a video of Jon Voight, so the folks at HuffPo or whoever tagged it "hate-filled" and "delusional" are hoping to spin it in a way that destroys Voight's credibility among those who don't take the time, or for whom all they need to know is that he was on "Faux."
The folks who are circulating this clip don't actually want you to hear it, they want you to obediently agree with their view of a world in which anyone who disagrees with Obama is some kind of lunatic. And there are millions of obedient leftists.
For a change, I actually listened to it, and to call it hate-filled or delusional is just a lie. That hdhouse, whose views I respect (okay, I'm kidding about that) could equate him to a clown like Glenn Beck or imply Voight is foaming at the mouth, suggests either he didn't watch it, or that he's hypnotized by his friends in the left-wing cocoon to see things as they want them to be seen.
Huckabee is a decent, likeable man with a quick sense of the absurd. That said, his talk show is awful. The skills of a talk show host and those of a politician in some places overlap, but they are not congruent.....The really important thing, the elephant in the room that Huckabee does not address, is Voight's relationship with his daughter Angelina Jolie. On other issues, I give Jon Voight the same weight as Sean Penn.
It's not like he was calling people the "Worst Person in the World" or engaging in assassination or rape fantasies - that would be wholly the province of MSNBC.
Remember, anyone who disagrees with Obama in a vociferous manner is hate filled.
"Shanna, this if Faux Noise....there are no standards."
Faux Noise, weren't they the ones that edited a clip so you couldn't see that the gun-totin' white redneck anti-Obama racist as actually black?
I really have to wonder if as a nation we’re polarized beyond the point of no return. It seems that even the slightest disagreement with this administration is now categorized as hate or racism and dissent is greeted with union thugs who get the order to ‘punch back just as hard’. It kind of makes you wonder if that former KGB analyst was right and that the country is going to fragment. When you have a sizable segment of society that is more than willing to allow the government to provide cradle to grave social services from health care to day care to education and the other side that believes in self-reliance and individual liberty, it certainly seems like we’re on a collision course.
"...and so, I have directed my very Blackwater-like defense contracting company to purchase a shipment of neuro-toxin laden missiles from an African nation and plan to direct them at American cities to highlight this administration's misguided policies..."
Hard to tell where Voight ends and his "24" character picks up.
...the elephant in the room that Huckabee does not address, is Voight's relationship with his daughter Angelina Jolie.
Only for people who think the National Enquirer is a newspaper and/or who prefer not to talk about the excesses of the Obama administration.
Voight is saying what many people have been thinking, but have been afraid to say..
I don't know of anybody afraid to say.
It's just not carried as a profitable media narrative.
So public debate never reencounters it as a settled point, but only as something only just beginning and probably about to die out.
An Obama birdbrain narrative might finally change things, but until the media like its profit possibilities, it's all just marching in place.
Hoosier Daddy said...
"...than willing to allow the government to provide cradle to grave social services from health care to day care to education and the other side that believes in self-reliance and individual liberty, it certainly seems like we’re on a collision course."
I'll trade some cradle to grave social services for some of the liberties crap that GWB pulled off. I said then as i say now, my civil liberties are not for sale or loan. I'm not giving the government an inch of my privacy.
For the good the country and its citizens (by the way one of the central reasons why this republic formed up)..usually stated in terms of "common" or in common (like in defense)there are things that are not available equally such as education and health care and the only entity that can possibly take on that problem is the federal government.
don't get your britches in such a stir. you'll be better off in the long run if we start to get things right instead of just doing without thinking.
honest. you'll be much happier. ya'betcha!
Hard to tell where Voight ends and his "24" character picks up.
It doesn't.
I'm with william on this--celebrities are certainly entitled to their opinion but when the move outside of the stagecraft, they are just another looney--on either side of the political spectrum.
Jon Voight us one of the few Hollywood types who attend the (tiny) memorial day service held at the Los Angeles Federal cemetary. The actors read letters from veterans and say a few words about veterans in their family. Its moving.
His regular attendence and enthusiastic particiption at that event makes him OK in my book.
Is Althouse a loony then for moving outside of her stagecraft?
One of the points of a democracy is to have the freedom to state your opinion, and to try to effect the outcome of your government. More and more people are speaking out, and we don't need special credentials to do so.
It's true, the political opinions of actors and other celebs are generally nowhere near worth the weight they are given. But considering the 50:1 ratio of liberal to conservative celeb opinions that get put on display in popular culture, it's kinda entertaining all by itself the way liberals get their knickers all tied up in a twist when a conservative celeb is finally heard from.
Nobody has five minutes to watch a video of Jon Voight
Honestly, the only reason I made it through 5 minutes is because I was looking for something, anything that could be justified as the "delusional hate filled rant" that the person who posted this labeled it. I didn't see that at all.
I don't care what any celebrity thinks, but it's far less of a hate filled rant than I've seen from other hollywood types, like garafalo or damon.
For the good the country and its citizens (by the way one of the central reasons why this republic formed up)..usually stated in terms of "common" or in common (like in defense)there are things that are not available equally such as education and health care and the only entity that can possibly take on that problem is the federal government.
Why stop with health care and education then? Why not a house, 3 squares a day, a car so I can get to work, how about a clothing allowance? Why can the federal government provide those too?
You don't want to give up an inch of privacy but you want the Federal governemnt to wipe you ass for you? That's why liberals are like 16 year olds. Respect my privacy mom and dad and stay out of my stuff but continue to pay to house me, feed me, clothe me and educate me.
I'm not giving the government an inch of my privacy.
Unless it's something miniscule and unimportant, like all of your medical records and health care cost-benefit decisions, right? Not something really important, like whether or not you checked out naughty library books.
hdhouse said...
Shanna, this if Faux Noise....there are no standards.
And the irony is lost upon you, stooge. Oh, I forgot, you are the Schemp of the Althouse Stooges.
Hoosier Daddy said...
"You don't want to give up an inch of privacy but you want the Federal governemnt to wipe you ass for you? That's why liberals are like 16 year olds. Respect my privacy mom and dad and stay out of my stuff but continue to pay to house me, feed me, clothe me and educate me."
Now, see, that's why everyone with brains thinks that the rabid right is just chock full of jerks. Unlike you, my little fellow, we use reason and logic and pragmatism. You operate on an "on/off" switch. You automatically assume (because it appears how to be how you operate) that all will go to extremes and behave badly. perhaps the prior 8 years molded your minds into this set. heaven knows.
but for once in your life you have to trust that a certain percentage of the population has brains and knows limits. not your percentage but a certain percentage.
The correct phrasing is "you betcha" you dope.
oh AJ. don't be such a bore. the transliteration is "ya'betcha!" not the tawdry mock indian dialect You Betcha (cowboy).
besides you fook, if you google hdhouse and ya'betcha! i go about 3pages deep so if i'm so successful with ya'betcha you you aren't why should i change to be like you.
makes no sense.
You automatically assume (because it appears how to be how you operate) that all will go to extremes and behave badly.
This country was founded by people who knew exactly what could happy when too much power was given to the government. They knew that they would eventually go to extremes and behave badly. They knew, because that is what always happens, eventually. Because humans are imperfect creatures, not philosopher kings. Sure, the occasional good leader comes along, but they are sure to be followed by worse and worse leaders, who acquire more and more power until the people are either forced to revolt or to accept lives without such freedoms that we now take for granted. Or they could leave and found a new country, starting the whole circle again.
oh and AJ it is very easy to rub your nose in the dogshit....you just need to learn to get up off all fours sometime.
As an ardent defended or personal privacy I know you will join us in opposing.....
A Senate bill would offer President Obama emergency control of the Internet and may give him a "kill switch" to shut down online traffic by seizing private networks -- a move cybersecurity experts worry will choke off industry and civil liberties.
Details of a revamped version of the Cybersecurity Act of 2009 emerged late Thursday, months after an initial version authored by Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.V., was blasted in Silicon Valley as dangerous government intrusion.
This was totally tame as a pussy cat discussion in which he named an African American, Thomas Sowell, as the thinker he prefers to the African American BHO (or should we just start calling him by his middle initial, as was done with the last president?).
I see nothing wrong here at all.
It makes you wonder where they heard all this hate, and whether they weren't projecting their own hatred on to poor Mr. V.
I'm not giving the government an inch of my privacy.
LarsPorsena said...
As an ardent defended or personal privacy I know you will join us in opposing.....
A Senate bill would offer President Obama emergency control of the Internet and may give him a "kill switch" ...."
the bill you refer to is S773 and if you read the text of the bill it says no such thing. NO SUCH THING.
read for a change.
The Left is so empty. Racist and hater: the tags for every one who dares oppose.
Unlike you, my little fellow, we use reason and logic and pragmatism.
Damn hdhouse and I thought you were incapable of humor.
You automatically assume (because it appears how to be how you operate) that all will go to extremes and behave badly.
You're right hdhosue. Government social programs never go to the extreme and never behave badly. I keep forgetting what a smashing success welfare, WIC and public housing have been.
Is Voight the 'Great White Hope'?
What a nut he has turned into. But, sure, let him say it. This is not a freedom of speech issue. No one is trying to silence him. Instead we use our free speech right back at him to say he is a paranoid clown.
I think you have a reading comprehension problem..
May 13, 2009 7:19 PM - Does this bill permit the President to effectively "shut down" the Internet when he deems it necessary? - Read Answers
Answered by a visitor on Jun 17, 2009 12:59 PM - Actually since the Executive Branch is given the authority to decide what is and isn't critical infrastructure, this bill would allow them to shut down anyone on the internet period without a court order or even any kind of hearings.
Answered by a visitor on Jun 27, 2009 9:55 AM - Look at the definition in Sec 23 of Critical "Government" Infrastructure.
(B) State, local, and NONGOVERNMENTAL information systems and networks in the United States DESIGNATED by the President as critical infrastructure information systems and networks.
House: might want to read section 18, particularly paragraphs 2, 5, and 6--this can, of course be parsed, and I would assume the internet would still continue to function--it would depend on what critical cyber infrastructure the president designated. So does it shut down the internet? No, but it give him sweeping authority over a considerable swath of critical cyber infrastructure.
Obama shutting down the internet.
Big effing deal.
The president has the ability to declare martial law too. But just because the president has the power to do something does not automatically mean he will.
Good lord. Take a deep breath. Obama is not going to become dictator. [As much as, oddly, you may actually want him to].
I'm still waiting to see where in the bill Obama can do what you suggest. Can he take the government "offline" to protect data? always has been able to.
you turds have given up on everything for the last eight years because you thought or were told that death was a second away. now you run like a freak show rabbit at the thought that someone would act prudently...ohmygod.
You operate on an "on/off" switch. You automatically assume (because it appears how to be how you operate) that all will go to extremes and behave badly.
That is just so priceless, coming as it does right on the heels of this report in our own Milwaukee. To sum up, it's a report of repeated, ongoing, blatant fraud of social services, to the tune of millions of dollars, aided and abetted by the very officials charged to oversee them. The city, county, and state, of course, are all overwhelmingly run by the Democratic Party.
So I don't trust them. Why do you? On what is your faith based?
I keep forgetting what a smashing success welfare, WIC and public housing have been.
Don't forget the USA PATRIOT act! Why won't you people give the government the tools it needs to do the difficult job of protecting this country from people who would do its citizens harm"?
[N]ow you run like a freak show rabbit at the thought that someone would act prudently...ohmygod.
Projection & Irony 1, Self-reflection 0.
Sofa King
It is always easy to pull anecdotal evidence to support your claims. But please note that the Government also includes plenty of offices and organizations and military sections that are not corrupt and work pretty well – or at least give you and all Americans the things they need. Similarly, one could easily point out the fraud and corruption in the private enterprise corporate world. Wall Street would be a good place to start.
I would also note that many on the Right were not as anti-government when Bush was running the show. And, guess what? It hasn't actually changed that much.
The difference is you and I don't have much of a say when it comes to corporate malfeasance. But as a voter you have some say in your government. We went from Bush to Obama in the matter of one day of voting. And we can go back in 4 years if you have the organizational might.
Think about it.
I wouldn't characterize Voight's comments as "hate-filled," but they're certainly ignorant and kookoo...a digest of the more popular delusions currently promulgated by the radical right wing.
I find it easy enough to forgive Voight for being silly because he brought his daughter Angelina into this world and she makes it a much nicer place for so many of us. Alas, they are not on speaking terms, we are told, so I have to take her side.
" they're certainly ignorant and kookoo"
In which the resident communist calls insane those who dare disparage communism, the One True Faith, the belief that permitted governments to kill 100 million of their own people, that has bankrupted England and now Canada and the US, the faith that permits no debate, and remains forever blind to the moral implications of the abnegation of freedom it demands.
Angelina Jolie is Jon Voight's daughter? Wow--guess I have been out of the loop.
"You don't want to give up an inch of privacy but you want the Federal governemnt to wipe your ass for you? That's why liberals are like 16 year olds. Respect my privacy mom and dad and stay out of my stuff but continue to pay to house me, feed me, clothe me and educate me."
I've got pretty darn good teenagers but... Yeah.
What's lunatic is calling a reading of a paragraph by economist Thomas Sowell 'delusional', but Krugman, who advised bankrupting the nation and setting us up for rampant inflation, he gets a pass.
He was very good in Midnight Cowboy.
Actually, Voight's analysis of Obamacare is right on. Pretty good in fact!
Hidsksem in plain sight!
This is interesting:
In a July 28, 2008 op-ed in The Washington Times, he wrote that he regrets his youthful anti-war activism, calling it the result of "Marxist propaganda". He pointed in particular to the massive human rights abuses in Vietnam and Cambodia after the American withdrawal.[6] Voight has said about his political transformation that:
“ We were traumatized in the Sixties and all of that behavior — the dancing in circles, the smoking pot and saying "all we need is love" — it was because we couldn't identify evil; we couldn't believe in evil — we didn't want to believe in evil so we just hid from it. It was a very disturbing time... overwhelmingly, it was a very bizarre, selfish and hedonistic philosophy that wasn't very helpful. It attacked the family — the attack on the family was very severe because not only was there this idea of [indiscriminate love] and that would solve the world's problems, which gave rise to teen pregnancy, but also this idea not to trust anyone over 30. This was from people who were over 30 and bombed out of their minds with every kind of drug they could put into their system. Then there was the romanticization of the drugs — there were people coming out with [pseudo] scientific evidence that [drugs] increase your enlightenment — it was devastating. Today, I find that people look back at that time in a romantic way and that's as dangerous as anything is. It wasn't a romantic time. It was a time of great distortion.[4]
So why did Voight see the light with regard to the human rights catastrophe of Vietnam/Cambodia but not the rest of his leftist brethren?
In which the resident communist calls insane those who dare disparage communism, the One True Faith, the belief that permitted governments to kill 100 million of their own people, that has bankrupted England and now Canada and the US, the faith that permits no debate, and remains forever blind to the moral implications of the abnegation of freedom it demands.
Our resident pinkos will say that those countries were not practicing true Communism. Besides, the 100 million figure is "made up neocon bullshit"! They are sure that capitalist societies killed more people in the 20th century then Communist...
Matt said...
Is Voight the 'Great White Hope'?
What a nut he has turned into. But, sure, let him say it. This is not a freedom of speech issue. No one is trying to silence him. Instead we use our free speech right back at him to say he is a paranoid clown.
8/31/09 2:56 PM
So say the new leftists who throw the old ones under the bus when they dare to go off the reservation. Spoken like a true-believer Bolshevik...
"Don't forget the USA PATRIOT act! Why won't you people give the government the tools it needs to do the difficult job of protecting this country from people who would do its citizens harm"?"
Has Obama done away with that yet?
I always saw the Patriot Act as an ineffective but politically necessary domestic sop to those with a bunker mentality... which included all the anti-war crowd who thought we could be made safe here at home by thinking happy thoughts. 9-11 made a whole lot of people feel insecure and helpless. This gave them the reassurance that "something was being done." Bush got a lot of criticism for taking so long to respond, directly post 9-11. Passing the Patriot Act gave Congress something busy to do, too. Like most things done for the sake of being seen to do something, we're probably better off without it.
("Best" comment I heard about health care reform... "we need to do *something*!")
It would be funny if it wasn't... but we're dealing with people who see no potential at all for invasion of privacy by giving government authority over our medical conditions and personal financial arrangements and choices, as personal as it's possible to get and potentially affecting everyone directly, and certainly, immediately, affecting those who the present bill is meant to serve... no risk in that at all... but heaven preserve us if someone in the government tracks nameless and unidentified financial transfers in and out of the country to look for patterns... because this is MORE of an invasion of privacy than having to show my finances and legal arrangements to the government to prove that I don't have to buy their "optional" government subsidized health insurance?
Obama surrounded himself with every silk stocking corporate whore he could find, and the right calls this communism. Glenn Beck thinks there is a coup, and Rush Limbaugh thinks Obama wants to take a scalpel to his cock. It's seriously too dumb for words.
garage - yet you expound the wonders of Obama when you're in another mood. Make up your mind about Obama already. We know you really worship the guy like a new Che.
And what should be obvious even to hdhouse is that someone calmly disagreeing and expressing even a radically different opinion is not a "hatehoncho."
Any time I happen upon a liberal who actually allows that people with other opinions actually have other *opinions*, I'm delighted beyond measure.
It nearly NEVER happens.
This gave them the reassurance that "something was being done."
Precisely. This is what government does whether the left or right is in power. It is as much nonsense to claim that health care reform (or WIC, or Medicare) is an effort to drag us to Communism as it is to claim that USA PATRIOT was an act to bring us under Fascist control. This claim of Communist or Socialist ideation tacitly underlies much of the hysteria surrounding the debate about health care.
Obama surrounded himself with every silk stocking corporate whore he could find, and the right calls this communism.
What you don't understand about communism is a lot. You don't think corporations exist under communism?
"In which the resident communist calls insane those who dare disparage communism, the One True Faith,yaddayaddablahblahblah...."
Now calling Obama, a corporate stooge bought and paid for every bit as much as was Bush or Clinton or Bush, to name only three, a "communist" is ignorant and kookoo. (I know, you called me a communist--incorrectly of course, not that I take offense--but if you think Voight is disparaging communism, you must mean that Obama, the source of Voight's confusion and the perceived author therefore of this imagined communism, must then be a communist. Truly classic John Birch Society level delusions!)
Note that Voight is taking his own personal sixtes naive drug-use situation and then applying across a wide spectrum of other people. People do this all the time. They have an experience but they have an inablilty to see beyond their own nose. I know plenty of people from the 60's who were liberals then and are liberals now. But they are not communists.
Opposing a war that killed 50,000 Americans hardly makes one crazy. The logical extension of opposition to that war is opposition to most wars. But I think you and mr Voight are assuming that all Democrats are far left or something odd. Just not true.
What gets me too is Mr Voight freaks out about government control when it deals with health care but he had no problem with the Patriot Act or spying on Americans. The potential with those programs to cause trouble is pretty obvious.
Maybe if we could get healthcare passed on the notion that it would help protect us from terrorists we could get Mr Voight on board.
Matt - I notice you glossed over the millions of Vietnamese and Cambodians killed as a result of the US withdrawal from the region in 1975. Just like your side could care less about the 200K Iraqis killed in bombings since 2003 by the jihadis. Whatever suits your immediate political aims.
Socialism is in full flower only when The Party surrounds itself with every silk stocking corporate whore.
Market corruption is as essential to the initial success of the ideology as it is to its final failure.
"I know, you called me a communist--incorrectly of course"
Oh, I am quite correct.
"but if you think Voight is disparaging communism"
No, he is disparaging the current US flavor of socialism, not Russian or Chinese communism, but the ideologies differ as a Black Lab differs from an Irish Setter: they're both dogs.
"you must mean that Obama ...must then be a communist"
He of the Ayers training and community organizing is a socialist, yes. Communism is just one of its stupid facets, but it's all the same Marxist hooey.
I'm not ignoring those deaths at all. Instead I am looking at reality. Do you really think it would have been realistic or even possible for us to stay in Vietnam until the bitter, bitter end? I'm sure you can find right wing buddies who think so. But you couldn't find enough people in Nixon's administration at the time for that. 58,000 deaths without an end in sight also put a damper on the war.
And, also, I see no reason to say that the families and friends of the US dead - who wanted the war to end - were wrong.
Also note that we have sat on the sidelines while plenty of atrocities have gone on. Some of which we actually allowed to happen.
But I would hope even you would agree that we cannot really be the policemen of the world. Although I do think that the war against terrorism is justified to some degree. It is the handling of it has been less than graceful.
What you don't understand about communism is a lot. You don't think corporations exist under communism?
So the theory is Obama surrounded himself with corporate America, so he can takeover corporate America as head of the government? Bernanke, Geitner, and Paulsen are all communist agents? Whoa! That's John Birch fluoride in the water worthy. Actually, at least there was fluoride being added to our water, so that theory has at least some plausibility.
And the government would NEVER interfere with the internet
Obama wants the shut the internet up. We can't have people sharing ideas and being critical Dear Leader. He also wants to shut down the right wing media who are not parroting the party line.
If we would only all JUST SHUT UP!!!! he could get something done.
Conspiracy theories everywhere!
"So the theory is Obama surrounded himself with corporate America, so he can takeover corporate America as head of the government"?
He's installing a socialist government.
"Bernanke, Geitner, and Paulsen are all communist agents"?
Socialists in ideology ('government takeover of the economy can solve the depression'); trained from grade school through college in its core beliefs. They don't need to ever have said the word 'socialism', for they have never thought a non-socialist thought their entire lives. Like you, it's the most natural thing in the world.
The head of Goldman Sachs a red diaper baby. I've heard it all Pogo.
Look up nomenklatura, garage. Or try National Socialism, and say, Volkswagen, or Audi.
Garage, business people very often hate free markets. Once a business succeeds, they are forever engaging in rent-seeking behavior, trying to get the government to curtail competition.
You don't have to be a socialist to be willing to sell your soul to one in exchange for business favors.
Hate filled hyperbole aside, I don't think we need advice on health care reform from Milo Minderbinder.
Garage, business people very often hate free markets. Once a business succeeds, they are forever engaging in rent-seeking behavior, trying to get the government to curtail competition.
Well said. "Separation of Business and State" is in order.
Stephen, those big teeth make your avatar look like John Bolton. Not that there's anything wrong with that, Bolton's a peach.
Garage-hate to tell you this, but all that is happening is Crony Capitalism with the Democratic Pigs feeding at the trough.
IOW, the Third Bush Term. Exactly what the D's promised us would NOT HAPPEN.
Obama lied through his teeth so he could hand out largess to his friends. This was all a huge con game, biggest scam in history. At least Bush was earnest about the War. Obama is earnest about lining the pockets of his looter friends.
That's what no one sees yet.
Trust me. It's all about the Looting. This is Ayn Rand come to horrible life.
So the theory is Obama surrounded himself with corporate America, so he can takeover corporate America as head of the government? Bernanke, Geitner, and Paulsen are all communist agents?
Sounds more like fascism. At least the sold school defintion anyway.
Hey garage, how's that hope and change working for you buddy? So much for business as usual in Washington with Obambi eh?
I suppose that's why his poll numbers are falling faster than Bill Clinton's pants in a strip bar.
Paul Krugman predicted the stimulus package wouldn't work because it was too little, too late. If you're damned if you do and damned if you don't, err on the side of doing.
I also love the Right's borrowing the women's-right-to-choose argument: the government should not interfere with healthcare decisions patients make in consultation with their doctors.
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