"You're going to find the most powerful story coming from the witness, from the victim," [Phillip Garrido] said. "If you take this a step at a time, you're going to fall over backward and in the end you're going to find the most powerful, heartwarming story."Horrifying.
He added, "Wait 'til you hear the story of what took place at this house. You're going to be absolutely impressed. It's a disgusting thing that took place with me in the beginning, but I turned my life completely around."
२७ ऑगस्ट, २००९
"I feel much better now. This is a process that needed to take place."
Says the monster from his jail cell.
९७ टिप्पण्या:
I can think of several alternate processes that would make me feel better. Not him though.
But the good news is, this crime had to happen in order that the criminal could enjoy free will.
So the kids have got that going for them, at least.
Death penalty, anyone?
It's a disgusting thing that took place with me in the beginning, but I turned my life completely around.
Well, good for you. I always love to hear stories of redemption.
Now somebody hand me that white-hot fire poker.
It's surprising that the sicko had a wife with him all this time. Monsters are guys 99.999% of the time. Was she brainwashed, terrified, or what?
All those sheds. Plenty of wood for the justice system to build something else. Something with stairs and a trapdoor in the floor.
Death Penalty? How about removing this sub-human piece of diseased matter from the face of the earth and dropping his carcass in molten iron somewhere. It's bad enough that this animal has shattered a life and crippled two more, but continue to let him live is an insult to all that is decent. Please, for the sake of humanity, kill him now.
That animal needs to be put down.
"It's surprising that the sicko had a wife with him all this time. Monsters are guys 99.999% of the time. Was she brainwashed, terrified, or what?"
In cases I've read about where the monster had a wife, girlfriend or another female accomplice, she will plenty of times be monstrous too. No empathy, amoral - directly participating in the crimes, watching them, encouraging them, mocking the victim, and actively covering things up without any apparent guilt or discomfort.
Other times the wife/girlfriend is just in powerful denial. Overlooks things. Doesn't want to see things. Not sure if that was the case here, as the shed was on their property, but the power of denial is great, if you want to keep believing you have a normal life with a normal marriage.
And then there might be cases of being and brainwashed/terrified... though for something that goes on for years and years like this did... plus it's often the case that these men aren't violent or threatening towards their actual wives. They keep up this facade of being the normal husband - a front for their wives and the rest of the world - and save their dark violent impulses for their victims.
This really is just horrifying. And it's not even the first time such a thing has been in recent news - for instance there was that monster in Austria who kept a female victim in his basement for decades since childhood, and she had his children. I think he also had a wife... I don't remember if she knew what was going on or not.
Alternate processes, white hot fire pokers, death penalties, and enough wood for a thousand trap doors-- these materials and methods have been tried over and over by a variety of civilizations without much long term success. Human weird stuff keeps cropping up.
Honestly Revenant, why does the most highly developed and intelligent species on the planet continue to reveal such aberrant and self destructive behavior?
What do any kids have going for them?
In cases I've read about where the monster had a wife, girlfriend or another female accomplice, she will plenty of times be monstrous too. No empathy, amoral - directly participating in the crimes, watching them, encouraging them, mocking the victim, and actively covering things up without any apparent guilt or discomfort.
Yup. See here for further evidence that this is precisely and inarguably the case. (WARNING: strong stomach necessary for some entries. For real. No foolin'.)
"Something with stairs and a trapdoor in the floor."
In the cold, damp, dark. For the rest of his sorry, stinking, disgusting, filthy life.
But I'm so glad *HE* feels better! Let's hope that doesn't last very long.
It's time to cull the herd.
For a seriously creepy experience, look up this guy's street address -- 1550 Walnut Ave., Antioch CA -- in Google Maps and click the satellite tab. The double-backyard full of tarps, sheds and other random structures is clearly visible. It makes me wonder just what else is there to be seen in the satellite shots, if only we knew what to look for.
I see it as news channel audience bait.
John and Ken (KFI, all outrage all the time) have devoted 8 hours to it already.
Imus's Bernie McGuirk however suggested that the guy is an Imus fan, and has all his early comedy albums; a reference to Imus's wife being 20 years younger than Imus; a slight hole poked in the balloon.
The insensitivity to being played for gain always surprises me.
It also shows up in politics. It's not good in either place.
He needs to be put to death for what he did and so that he can never speak again. If he's kept alive, he will only continue to haunt everyone involved.
If I were his current and past parole officers, I'd be considering changing my name, moving out of state and seeking redemption as well.
I think Deb has the best solution. 6 by 6 hole in the earth. maybe 15 foot deep. Lower him down with food and water for maybe 60 days. Board it over and walk away. forever...
Don't forget, the death penalty is barbaric.
That is why I just want to forget about where the hole is.
Well I for one would be happy to be the barbarian at the gate for this POS. Maybe a dull battleaxe since ammo is getting quite expensive.
Revenant at 11:23 was alluding to, I believe, his discussion yesterday with Traditional Guy and Paddy O. about Casper the Holy Ghost. During that discussion, I believe it was Paddy O. who talked about the value of Christian community.
What am I babbling about?
Well, when I was very small, my mother made an effort to be religious and we had this little white plastic church that was sort of like a piggy bank. We put coins in it but I don’t remember how or why.
This very nice man came by one evening to pick it up. I was spying from the other room and noticed that he wasn’t very interested in the money at all. Instead, he sat at our kitchen table with my mother for 5 or 10 minutes talking about stuff I didn’t understand.
Even at my young age, though, it was clear to me that the real reason he was there was to check up on us.
Again, what am I talking about?
A lot of us make a lot of noise here at Althouse, and elsewhere, about “Freedom” which of course includes the freedom to be left alone.
Maybe having somebody snooping around every once and a while isn’t so very bad an idea after all.
What was that, again, about community?
what you want is a Sabre.
With a Battleaxe, its hard not to kill somebody if you hit him. With a Sabre, it's unlikely that you'll hit anything vital if you are careful.
18 years. Damn.
Was the rape and kidnapping he was released for of a young child? Maybe that was a bad idea. Child molesters rarely change. They should be kept locked up.
With a Battleaxe, its hard not to kill somebody if you hit him. With a Sabre, it's unlikely that you'll hit anything vital if you are careful.
You know, that reminds me of the movie Robin Hood where Alan Rickman plays the Sheriff and he's asked by his cousin why he wanted to use a spoon to cut out Robin Hood's heart.
Guy of Gisborne "Why a spoon cousin?"
Sheriff: "Because it's dull you twit it will hurt more!"
"It's bad enough that this animal has shattered a life and crippled two more, but continue to let him live is an insult to all that is decent.
You are waaaaay underestimating the lives damaged by this man. For the minimum: the mother who lost a child and the chance to raise her and the stepfather who lived 18 years under suspicion.
If only he and his wife could be put to death more than once.
'Sometimes, I guess there just aren't enough rocks.'
The film version of "The Lovely Bones" comes out in December (trailer), about a 14 year old girl murdered by such a man in 1973. Peter Jackson directed. It's perhaps overly sentimental, but I loved that book. The author also wrote "Lucky", a memoir about her own rape in college.
My own work has led me to many such women, and sometimes men, dealing the rest of their lives with the trauma. Every day with them is a great sadness. I wish 'enough rocks' were even part of the answer.
And that's cute, Rev. Were you in the band XTC by any chance?
Having this bland sociopath use the word "heartwarming" is stomach-turning in seven ways.
If you want him to go relatively fast as opposed to my pit option, then let me suggest two personal favorites. The first is favored by Afghan women, who are always responsible for these sorts of missions in their society.
1. strap the guy down in any comfortable chair, say an adjustable barber chair, then get out a sharp carving knife and heat up a hot iron. Start whereever you want and try to taken off as small a piece as you can, then use the hot iron to cauterize. repeat until done.
2. Second option lacks the finess of the first. substitute an 18 inch piece of pipe for the carving knife and iron. start with the fingers and try to break every bone at least once. the advantage here is this method requires less carving skill, it is less messy/smelly, and of course you can break bones more than once. I forgot to say you should use a plastic drop cloth in both.
3. Option three comes from a painting in Bruge. One of those old Dutch primitives. I doubt in can be done today, because we lack the skill, but it would entail a box cutter and trying to get the guys skin off in one piece. I'll leave out the details. very messy.
Sarge remind me never to piss you off.
Going to be tough to find a jury in Antioch.
They aren't nearly as understanding as their betters in the West Bay.
I hope the jurors are smart enough to lie to the defense attorney.
6 by 6 hole in the earth. maybe 15 foot deep. Lower him down with food and water for maybe 60 days. Board it over and walk away. forever...
Alligators, don't forget the alligators.
Pogo, please don't forget about The Virgin Spring.
Remember, you promised!
Bissage -
someone was snooping around! From the linked story:
The presence of "Allissa" and the two children surprised the parole officer, who had never seen them during visits to Garrido's house, Kollar said.
There are more levels of weird evil going on.
Well, as interesting as all these fantasies are, the outcome of this case is likely to be very bland. Probably life in prison for this guy. The good news is inmates don't like child molestors.
I suspect there will be folks willing to take time out to get on that jury.
I actually have a friend who is an ADA in Contra Costa County. I have no idea whether he'll be judged there, in Antioch proper or up in Lake Tahoe.
Bissage, I saw it a few weeks after you wrote about it. Wonderful film, in ways superior to Taken by being much more realistic.
Michael, Michael,
You just dont get it.
Gators are fast.
I'm looking for 60 miserable days and nights in a stinking dark, dank hole, knowing that the door is never gonna open.
Just fresh water and live rats.
and for the record, these are examples of real torture, not that CIA slapping stuff.
He only raped her a little. Just you wait and see.
Also, I hope the state only executes him for the bad stuff he has done.
Just think, if this story happened in an Islamic country, this woman might be in a lot of trouble.
The horror of stealing children and making them into servant/slave girls in the tribe is abhorrent to Northern Europeans but was SOP for tribal people we call American Indians. What is so revolting is that we must face that we are not yet living in a pure world. In pockets hidden in the outlying wilderness territories there remain lots of warped people using drugs and alcohol and their own or step-children as virtual slaves. The worst part is that when the children grow up they are run off or killed when their existence being exposed becomes a threat to the controlling adults. We need to thank God for the Christianity of our forefathers culture, and never let that tradition lose its power in our communities.
I am trying to fathom what it will take to bring Jaycee Dugard and her two children back into the world. Is it even possible? Who will be able to summon the love, patience and energy to try? I just hope there are some angels out there for Jaycee and her children (and for her mother and stepfather, who have her alive but now must figure out what to do.)
Althouse's one word comment was the best: horrible.
"I feel much better now. This is a process that needed to take place".
This guy is in full ‘celebridom’ mode.
I wonder if it would be possible to impose additional penalties when people do a ‘celebridom’ after committing crimes.
I really have to ask the bleeding heart left out there that thinks capital punishment is a barbaric practice, how many lives like this kid's have to be destroyed before they can face the reality that there are some people on the planet who simply don't have any business wasting our oxygen.
And I use the term 'people' loosely.
I hope there's enough therapy available for the re-found daughter and her kids and her parents. If they can make a triumph of their life, this will be a great story of human spirit.
I will strive not to listen to one word the kidnappers says. Pogo's 7:08 comment says it all.
Kristian said...
You are waaaaay underestimating the lives damaged by this man. For the minimum: the mother who lost a child and the chance to raise her and the stepfather who lived 18 years under suspicion.
From the UK Mail Online:
For almost two decades, Carl Probyn has lived with the double trauma of fearing his stepdaughter had been murdered and of being a suspect in her disappearance.
As the last person to 11-year-old Jaycee Lee Dugard alive and as her stepfather, he inevitably came under suspicion when she vanished without trace.
It is only with her stunning reappearance - alive and well - in California this week, aged 29, that the dark cloud of doubt over his name has finally lifted.
But it has not been without cost. Although his stepdaughter has now been found, his marriage to her mother has crumbled thanks to the stress of her abduction.
Life must have been hell for Carl. Seeing the girl taken, no witnesses, police would be sure to think the Stepdad faked it all...
Wife has doubts about him telling the truth, or not doing enough if he is truthful...
Normally I agree with Freeman and Pogo and Hoosier Daddy and Rev, but I favor at least the appearance of a soft landing for this animal.
Reason? I don't think he's the only one out there. I'm sure (or at least I hope) that guys like this are very rare, but he's the fourth or fifth one I've heard about in the past decade and, thanks to that Austrian fellow, the second in about a year or so. If he were certain to be the only case like this, then, yeah, maybe the community needs that catharsis of violent and definite punishment if only because of a sense of collective guilt that we -- the rest of humanity -- failed to prevent what happened, and perhaps even shame that we are of the same species as Phillip Garrido.
But I would want nothing to stop any others that are out there from surrendering with their victim(s) still alive.
It makes me wonder just what else is there to be seen in the satellite shots, if only we knew what to look for.
Me too.
(1) TheCrankyProfessor: Thank you for pointing that out.
(2) Pogo: I feel a sense of accomplishment that you saw “The Virgin Spring” and found it valuable. It deals with some gut-wrenching issues in a way that is both immediate and abstract at the same time.
(3) Everyone else: If you ever find yourself trying to make sense of good and evil and God’s apparent indifference, and what we can do about it, then, please, set aside two hours to watch “The Virgin Spring.”
It is in Swedish, but don’t let that stop you. It is very easy to follow. And one screening will last a lifetime. I highly recommend it.
(4) [T]raditionalguy: Please accept my apology for getting your name wrong. I was moving fast. It won't happen again.
(5) wv = bingo. No kidding!
Marriages are often rent asunder by traumatic events and their aftermath. Blame and heartache and the unanswerable questions beget bitterness, anger, and even chronic unexplained medical symptoms such as fatigue and pain.
Rare are the couples that can weather this storm together.
The perpetrators, however, sleep like babies. Lacking a soul to plague them leaves him untroubled, except by thoughts of discovery.
I mean no insult to babies; better said they sleep like wolves or foxes.
Bissage - perhaps tighter communities mean nosier neighbors.
From an AP update:
But neighbors said there were clues even before a parole agent on Wednesday noticed Dugard, now 29, who accompanied Garrido, his wife and the children to a parole office.
Neighbor Diane Doty said she could see the tents and often heard children playing in the backyard, the corner of which abuts her own backyard. She said she even suspected the children lived in the tents, but her husband said she should leave the family alone.
"I asked my husband, 'Why is he living in tents?'" she said. "And he said, 'Maybe that is how they like to live.'"
I cannot fathom what this poor girl has gone through over these many years. Reading this degenerate piece of human trash's comments leaves me both chilled and incensed beyond imagination. It is with some solace that I remind myself of scripture - vengeance is not ours - but that makes it no easier to tolerate. Anything that happens to this despicable man will be much, much too good for him. I will definitely continue to pray for this girl, her children and her family.
As a rule, I'm not a fan of executions, as I am not sure what good it really produces. There's the instant gratification of the revenge, but when that's over, then what? Honestly, I don't know what to do with this monster. As a few others have said, I'll choose to focus on the girls and their family. I hope that some day they can trust again and see love as a good thing.
Revenant, that's a good one. Made me laugh
Course, the criminal already had free will. Look how he used it. To squash the free will of others. Free will clashing, destroying, embracing darkness, self-obsessed, seeing this world as only their playground in their attempts to satisfy their unsatisfiable yearning for some meaning.
This guy is just disgusting in his tastes and monstrous in his acting them out.
Who was with that young woman this whole time when her free will was robbed? Did she find any comfort from anything?
What about justice? All the comments here speak to the fact there's no justice even at death for such a monster? What if he was suddenly, fully, confronted with the depths of all he did, suddenly his eyes and heart and mind were opened to feel all that he destroyed and mangled in that woman's life, in those kids lives, in his wife's life, in his life. What if justice was not limited to a time in prison but was something that transcended time and space so that all would be able to say that justice was fully realized.
Would that give back the lost years of this woman? No. But at the same time it acknowledges, mourns, weeps, at the loss for the loss of goodness at the expense of sin and says it should not be like this, it does not have to be like this, this is not the way it is supposed to be. We can hate it with full knowledge that it is not what life is supposed to be like. There's more. And there's more for this woman and her kids now, who have lost so many years, but have the hope of finding restoration. But who can give them peace after such monstrous conditions?
You? Your words don't have peace or hope for those who are lost. They're comforting to those who are comfortable, whose trouble has been the religions. But for those who were stolen, and enslaved, and beaten, and worse? That's how life is, you can just say.
I say no. I say this is sin. I say this monstrous behavior is wrong on a social and spiritual and eternal scale. I say there will be justice, for this man and for the terrible men who have never been caught.
And I say there is hope. Because that life in the shed is not her whole life. And life in the chains is not all of life. The life we see is not the whole of the story. And in that is hope, not to give up to disastrous circumstances, but to press on, to find freedom as it can be found.
Hope too that you or I or anyone else here doesn't have to give in to life marring sins that can destroy and feed the chaos. You and I or anyone else here can fight back, be better, help those who need hope, feed those who need food, lift up those who are caught, comfort those who have tasted only pain.
I echo Ann.....Horrifying. And very very sad.
I think back on what my daughter was like at age 11. She is now just a few years older than this poor girl.
At 11 there is still wonder at life. As she grew up we got to see the promise and a peek at who she might be. There was innocence, laughter, emerging from childhood, crushes on boys and teen music idols, angst about wearing the right clothing, fights with girlfriends, fun times with friends, playing sports, going on first dates, going to the prom in your first fancy dress. Learning to become who you are. Looking forward eventually to college, career and marriage and children of your own. As a parent I got to enjoy, and sometimes not so much as the teen years came, the process and am proud of the wonderful woman my daughter has become.
It brings tears to my eyes to think that Jacyee and her Parents were robbed FOREVER of these things. Her children have also been robbed FOREVER of a normal childhood. They will NEVER be the same and will NEVER be able to recover what they have lost.
Think of the years of pain on the part of the parents. The years of suffering on the part of Jaycee and her children. And we are supposed to be even the least bit considerate of this monster and the monsteress who aided and helped him in this horrific crime.
Death is too good for him. I suggest we go back and take a look at some of the innovative torture machines of the Auto de Fe and then maybe .....maybe...grant him the gift of death.
Reading the whole story I'd like to point out that the two UC Berkeley police officers who noticed something funny about how the monster related to the young girls were female. (The monster was preaching and passing out religious tracts on campus.)
I suspect that men would not have picked up on the "subtle behavior" they noticed.
From CNN:
A school spokesman identified the officers as Allison Jacobs and Lisa Campbell, and said the two became suspicious of "subtle behavior" Garrido exhibited.
They passed on the information to Garrido's parole officer, who requested that the 58-year-old man appear Wednesday at the parole office.
Garrido did just that, accompanied by his wife, Nancy, "and a female named Allissa," Kollar said.
The presence of "Allissa" and the two children surprised the parole officer, who had never seen them during visits to Garrido's house, Kollar said.
"Ultimately, Allissa was identified as Dugard," Kollar said.
fls - Good point. Score one for women's intuition.
The film version of "The Lovely Bones" comes out in December (trailer), about a 14 year old girl murdered by such a man in 1973. Peter Jackson directed. It's perhaps overly sentimental, but I loved that book. The author also wrote "Lucky", a memoir about her own rape in college.
Pogo, I read Lucky but haven't made it to The Lovely Bones yet (I tend to avoid books that I know will make me cry and that one sound depressing as hell). It's still on my list, though. I had no idea there was a film coming out! This is what happens when you cancel your subscription to EW. I may have to read the book before the movie comes out, because I know I will want to see it.
This is exactly how Rome and many ancient settlements were populated. Y'all need to read your bibles!
In re the LEOs picking up on the "strange" and/or subtle relationship between this degenerate and the girls, I noticed that as well and, to myself, commended them for picking up on such a (presumably) latent aspect. I did not know, or perhaps missed, the fact that these two LEOs were women.
As a rule, I'm not a fan of executions, as I am not sure what good it really produces.
Let me try and help you out.
This POS was already a convicted rapist and kidnapper. Had he gotten a double tap to the back of the head back in 1971, his current victim would have most likely had a normal childhood rather than be repeatedly raped. So there's one for you.
There's the instant gratification of the revenge, but when that's over, then what?
So your alternative is to lock him up for life? Ok now what? Well, there is the financial burden that is now laid on the back of the taxpayer, ironically probably the victims themselves to give this asshole three hots and a cot for the rest of his life. We are in a budget crisis after all.
Sorry but there are some crimes that are simply beyond the pale of what defines someone as a human being, this is one of them. Honestly, a bullet is too good for him.
I suspect that men would not have picked up on the "subtle behavior" they noticed.
Well I guess that depends on what the 'subtle behavior' was doesn't it?
Maguro said...
fls - Good point. Score one for women's intuition.
Otherwise known as "profiling"
Paddy O, that was inspiring.
It reminded me of the book Left To Tell: Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust, not to mention Frankl's "Man's Search for Meaning", on the Holocaust.
Shanna, "The Lovely Bones" will make you cry, but it is not depressing overall, but rather surprisingly uplifting.
But then, I'm a sucker for schmaltz, and a poor guide to 'good literature', so, uh, factor that in.
We pay off the national debt with this one. We have a channel on the tube that is devoted to this guy, 24/7. Daily lotteries are held at $20 per ticket to get ten creative minutes with the guy who will be suitably bound but able to scream. The coffers will overflow, the people will be entertained, the sheer genius of some will deter those who might see themselves in his place.
There's a depth and breadth of evil involved in this crime that is staggering. The fact that the criminal finds a "heartwarming" story of redemption in his horrendous acts takes it to another magnitude of evil. I have reservations about the capital punhisment of human beings. I don't think that's an issue here. Ditto with the Lockerbie bomber.
Am I to assume that my three sugestions @ 8/28/09 7:19 AM would be out of bounds?
If you allow tools, he certainly would not be available on a regular basis.
Or were you just thinking of beatings? Like the one that Scorpio pays for in "Dirty Harry"
Leather gloves allowed, but no brass knuckles beatings?
You might be able to get regular episodes that way
William said...
I have reservations about the capital punhisment of human beings. I don't think that's an issue here.
Nicely put and nuanced as well.
PS: I note, No trolls have appeared to condemn my torture fantasies. Maybe there are lines that our trolls won't cross.
"PS: I note, No trolls have appeared to condemn my torture fantasies. Maybe there are lines that our trolls won't cross."
Where is Freder? If this were some Afghani mullah he's be on it like white on rice
mrs whatsit said...
For a seriously creepy experience, look up this guy's street address -- 1550 Walnut Ave., Antioch CA -- in Google Maps and click the satellite tab. The double-backyard full of tarps, sheds and other random structures is clearly visible. It makes me wonder just what else is there to be seen in the satellite shots, if only we knew what to look for.
I'm living in Pleasant Hill at the moment, which is just a stones throw from Antioch. That is all people are talking about around right now in terms of the news I've been listening too.
Rape and kidnapping are capital offenses in Georgia, and along with that goes a "No Bond pending trial" rule. Since the Philosopher kings on SCOTUS have forbidden Death Penalty for crimes not causing death,(along with prayer in schools and abortion being a crime), that old No Bond rule is the only thing making rape and kidnapping carry any worse penalty than a Credit Card fraud. That tells me that the government stubbornly refuses to value our human lives, and only values bragging rights in liberal morality plays. By their sanctimonius favoring of these predators lives, the SCOTUS allowed laws are intentionally aiding and abetting evil men among us.
Changing focus,
The guy did a kidnapping/rape in 76 and was paroled in 88 into the Lake Tahoe area as a registered sex offender. He was on parole.
I can't believe he would not be looked at for a kidnapping three years later.
I wonder what happened?
He will be released. The jurors have all been tainted by the publicity. The judge will rule that he can't receive a fair trail.
And the ACLU will concur with the judge.
My son was stuck in traffic when a kid ran out, pressed a 9mm into his temple, and told him, "You gonna die now." (He didn't.) I was in court to speak at the sentencing. The defense attorney made a point of the gun being unloaded, as if you could tell that by looking, with a semi-auto. I don't know for sure that I helped, but when I was done, the judge threw out the plea deal and sent him up, saying, "I'm not going to HAVE this in our community."
I got to listen to the sentencing of 4 other defendants that morning. The defense attorneys offered 'arguments:' "They could have arrested him sooner, but no, your Honor, they just wanted to pile up the charges."
"Counsellor, he was free to stop selling drugs at any time, wasn't he?"
Each one of the defendants came in separately, and did not hear the remarks of the previous defendants. Each had taken a long hard look at his life while in jail, and hadn't much liked what he saw. But then he had found Jesus. Jesus was like this Personal Presence for them, now. This had really turned their lives around. In each case they clearly expected to be let off because of finding Jesus. "Hey, I found Jesus. What would be the point of punishing me now? I mean, it's like I've leaped over all that troublesome stuff to the real crux: moral redemption. Why, punishing me now would just be pointlessly cruel. It wouldn't ... solve ... anything. I've become a new person, so I might as well start my new life of service to others, right away." They looked up at the judge, expectantly. I was thinking of Huck Finn's father, and maybe the judge was too. He listened gravely, looked down at them, and sent them to prison. If they actually had found Jesus, Jesus was going to help them with their life in prison. They actually looked a little shocked when the gavel fell. Shit. Finding Jesus was supposed to work. Somehow it didn't, with this judge.
Perhaps the offender in this case has actually found redemption in this life. If true, good. It will help him with his time in prison. Personally I think him about as persuasive as the cons I watched in that courtroom long ago. My thought is, this guy and his wife did not do well at all with this life. Let's get them recycled quick - maybe they'll do better next time around. It's the humane thing to do.
I keep thinking about the wife- I still remember Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka. The evil that can happen when two monsters work together defies description.
I was reading an article about male and female psychopaths. I'd have to dig up the link, but the the thesis was that females are much rarer, but more organized than male psychopaths. So it's easier to successfully execute crimes like this when there's a female to provide cover.
I wonder what happened?
I agree, Drill, those are questions that someone should be asking.
I wonder what the computerization of parole records looked like in 1991.
If this were some Afghani mullah he's be on it like white on rice
Ooooh. Gonna hafta report you to the PC police. Didn't you hear. You can't say that anymore. It is racist, at least in Europe and coming soon from our new socialist overlords.
The political correctness genie in the bottle that is now out of his bottle and running rampant over society is why we allow monsters like these people to even exist. We must be cognizant of his deprived childhood...boo freaking hoo, and allow him second, third and to infinity chances to fuck up other people's lives.
The bleeding heart liberals can't accept that actual evil exists and that some human beings are just bad and cannot be rehabilitated, or counseled into goodness.
Shanna, "The Lovely Bones" will make you cry, but it is not depressing overall, but rather surprisingly uplifting.
Oh good, I can deal with that. I'll pick it up at the library sometime.
This religious cult nut must have held some power over the mind of his accomplice wife, and he must have had her help in controlling the 11 year old captive. He sounds like a demonic Charles Manson type. There is not much hope for the children of this "family" to ever enjoy normal lives, but saving them needs to be the goal here.
"The bleeding heart liberals can't accept that actual evil exists and that some human beings are just bad and cannot be rehabilitated, or counseled into goodness."
Yes they can; but only in the hearts of white European males.
Death by lethal injection (which is unfortunately the only method left these days) is much too lenient, too quick and too painless.
Life without parole and put him in with the general population. Let the other cons give him the kind of punishment he really deserves.
Clyde wrote: "Life without parole and put him in with the general population. Let the other cons give him the kind of punishment he really deserves."
Guess you never saw those "home" videos of Richard Speck in the big house in Illinois, with breasts (due to taxpayer funded hormone injections). Speck was having the time of his life, perhaps even better than killing 7 nurses.
Just to put what this "man" did into perspective, he:
1. Kidnapped a child (11 years old),
2. Raped her,
3. He never took her to the doctor, so when she got pregnant at age 13 or 14, she had to go through a potentially dangerous pregnancy on her own, and
4. She gave birth without medical care. First births are often prolonged and a child that young often has a difficult delivery. No medical care, no drugs, significant chance of complications and death, then
5. He did it again and got her pregnant a few years later.
Neither the kidnap victim nor her children had any medical care or education. He may not have killed them but he robbed them of a chance at a normal life.
Turn him loose in the general prison population. They'll take care of his sorry ass.
The story doesn't strike anybody as primamrily an entertainment choice?
Turn him loose in the general prison population. They'll take care of his sorry ass.
If society does not see fit to mete out judgement, I think it's cowardly to expect the prisoners to do it.
In other words, if Courts, Legislatures, etc., say NO to the Death Penalty, putting him in the prison system to have him be killed is the wrong thing to do. It's wrong because the people in prisons should not be serving as society's executioners. There's probably a better way to say that.
Boy, CNN Is really loving this story though. They are all over it -- that and Teddy. While waiting for the doctor to see the boy, I started wondering whatever did we do for news before Cable started shouting at us what was newsworthy!
In other words, if Courts, Legislatures, etc., say NO to the Death Penalty, putting him in the prison system to have him be killed is the wrong thing to do. It's wrong because the people in prisons should not be serving as society's executioners. There's probably a better way to say that.
No. That is a very good way to say that.
We, as a society, want to pretend that bad things don't happen and if we DO recognize the bad things, we don't want to take real responsibility to mete out punishment or judgement. Like Pontius Pilate, we wash our hands and let others do the dirty work.
This is an issue that I have with the liberals who wail and moan about the horrible mean military and cruel treatment of terrorists. They are happy to keep the wolf from the door and live in peace, but they want to berate and belittle the people who are beating the wolf away and putting themselves in harms way.
DBQ said...They are happy to keep the wolf from the door and live in peace, but they want to berate and belittle the people who are beating the wolf away and putting themselves in harms way.
As a former "rough" man, I quote Orwell for something he may not have said.
"Gentle people sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."
Here's to rough men! Absent friends...
PS: if the main story wasn't bad enough, do the math. Jaycee was kidnapped at 11, now 29, with 15 y/o and 11 y/o children.
k*thy said...
As a rule, I'm not a fan of executions, as I am not sure what good it really produces. There's the instant gratification of the revenge, but when that's over, then what? Honestly, I don't know what to do with this monster. As a few others have said, I'll choose to focus on the girls and their family. I hope that some day they can trust again and see love as a good thing.
That's because you are a social coward that is incapable of seeing what is before you and instead choose to turn your head or bury it for fear of appearing to be someone who advocates violence for the sake of revenge when you, deep down know, that this piece of filth isn't worthy enough to be worm food for what he has done to this now woman. By denying her justice you advocate him and you end up being nothing more than a rubber stamp for excusing behavior while redirecting your fake piety towards the victims as a measure of what a genial soul you are. Your kind make me sick. If you had any lick of sense in you, you would be advocating seeing this spit smear assume room temperature. Coward.
"If society does not see fit to mete out judgement, I think it's cowardly to expect the prisoners to do it."
I agree with MM.
The thing is, though, that the people who want the prisoners to do it would be entirely willing to do it an orderly way through the courts.
OTOH, I'm suddenly strongly reminded of Matt Damon quoting some officially expert-ish person saying that of *course* we'd expect anyone to torture information out of a prisoner to save lives but it is very very important that we do not officially sanction that thing that we want and demand that they do without sanction.
So... maybe it's that the commenters *here* would be willing to support capital punishment but since that won't happen, are hoping for justice in the prison system... and maybe other people really do want the man to be killed horribly because he deserves it but really *are* too cowardly to advocate that in any way that did not simultaneously give them moral cover and supposedly clean hands.
The death penalty is a joke in California. You're more apt to die of old age than by lethal injection, especially now, when courts have required proof of painfree death before it can be administered.
Death by lethal injection (which is unfortunately the only method left these days) is much too lenient, too quick and too painless.
Currently by federal court decision, what is considered to be humane euthanasia when applied to a suffering dog, is cruel and unusual punishment when applied to a serial killer.
No, what's horrifying is that he was paroled in the first place. What's horrifying is that the members of the board who paroled him aren't being charged with manslaughter for letting him out.
The ratings score so far, over at John and Ken, KFI, all outrage all the time.
JK0828096P.mp3 Berkeley Police Officers Speak About Garrido Arrest
JK0828095P.mp3 Police Search Garrido Home For Other Crimes
JK0828094P.mp3 Stepfather Of Jaycee Lee Dugard Talk To John & Ken
JK0828093P.mp3 Phillip Garrido And His Wife Charged With Kidnapping & Rape
JK0827096P.mp3 Neighbors & Clients Of Philip Garrido Speak
JK0827095P.mp3 Missing Jaycee & Her Kids Were Seen In Public Often
JK0827094P.mp3 People Who Know Phillip Garrido Speak
JK0827093P.mp3 Woman kidnapped as child resurfaces 18 years later
8 hours solid. Ratings gold.
The perpetrators of the Elizabeth Smart kidnapping are in a mental institution. Coincidentally, they are a male/female couple.
They have been ruled unfit to stand trial.
Same will happen here, the guy uses a box to read thoughts!
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