A respelling of the place where I am, right now, having a coffee and WiFi break.
We spent last night on the largest inland island in the world — or rather, a town named for its location on the largest inland island in the world. (The town was subsequently moved, but the name was kept.)
What are we up to? Some readers have a clue.
ADDED: Actually, I should have titled this post "Car Knee," not because I'm cramped from all the driving, but because that's proper pronunciation. We did hear someone say "Cur Knee" though.
२१६ टिप्पण्या:
216 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Althouse is getting married?
What are we up to? Some readers have a clue.
Congrats! Are you two around in Madison the 14th to 24th?
Having a good time, eh?
Congratulations guys.. again.
Dont spend it all at once ;)
It's August! Congratulations.
Lem, if Althouse is, Meade must be, too.
Did you visit Squirrel Town while there?
We spent last night on the largest inland island in the world — or rather, a town named for its location on the largest inland island in the world. (The town was subsequently moved, but the name was kept.)
Kearney Nebraska?
Grand Isle?
Heading west on I-80?
I suspect Lem and chickenlittle are correct. But I'm still baffled by the place. The only place I know with a name like that is Kearney, Nebraska. Why would anyone go there to get married? Of course, Kearney, Nebraska, is just off I-80, so you must be on your way to someplace else. I wonder if anyone else has any clues as to where you might be headed.
Your are correct Beth.
(i did say 'guys' with an s)
Beware of the logging trucks!
Smack in the middle of the two coast?
I'm guessing.
What are you doing in Brazil?
By all means, take the _I-76 cutoff down to Denver, if that is where you're heading, instead of cutting south on I-25 in Cheyenne.
Also, try and time this drive for the early AM with sun at your backs: the first glimpse of the Front Range from around 50-100 miles out is stunning!
Actually Omaha NE is closer to the middle.
Hints to Chickenlittle, Kurt & Lem: 1) Google is your friend. 2) Note the regional accent. ;-)
@Randy: I'm doing this from memory. I drove from Madison to Fort Collins, CO several times.
You r way off Paul.
How could she travel all that way in ... never mind.
The 'kids' are with them.
I'm guessing they are near Chesapeake Bay.
Or, Knee of the Cur?
Let me add my best wishes.
Are you two going to stay on the island. After I found it on Google Earth I was thinking that it must be a great place for someone who likes to take nature photographs.
Hope you remembered your passports.
just ask.com
The World's largest inland island is Manitoulin Island in Lake Huron.
It's Car Knee. We spot all the foreigners that way. Same way we know you're from out of state if you pronounce Norfolk the wrong way.
just ask.com
The World's largest inland island is Manitoulin Island in Lake Huron.
Ask.com has its limitations. Mantoulin Island is 2,766 sq. km in size. Ilha do Bananal, on the other hand — an Israel-sized island that's a Brazilian national park, where the Araguaia River divides in two then rejoins some 200 miles later — is about 20,000 sq. km in area.
The 'kids' are with them
My condolences
Althouse : What are we up to? Some readers have a clue.
Yes, congratulations! There has been some buzz on Twitter about it the past few days. We were seriously considering sending you the decapitated head of one of your enemies as a present, but decided against it.
Is it too early to toast the newlyweds?
There has been some buzz on Twitter about it the past few days.
Thats a shame.. I thought we came first ;)
Will Obama send a note?
Bush would have sent a note.
Today's the day, eh?
All blessings and delights, especially the lasting ones.
Kearney and Grand Island are in Nebraska.
Killarney, Ontario...just off Manitoulin Island, on Georgian Bay.
Today's the day?
* nods head *
Congratulations! Don't act like curs, don't knee each other, and you'll probably do alright.
Oh it.. hasent happened yet?
of course not you moron. its only 1 in the pm.
Well.. just get on with it then ;)
Althouse blogs on her wedding day..
She does care ;)
WARNING: My earlier comment may be a case of premature congratulation. [Insert Bob Dole joke here]
Grand Island, which is formed by the Wood River and the North Platte River, is the largest inland island in the world...
Best wishes today to you both.
For those of you not keeping score we have tree candidates so far.
Manitoulin Island in Canada, Grand Island NY and the highly unlikely Bananal Island in Brazil. (nuts)
Chickenlittle appears to be on track with this road rally. His link to "hint" provides the time stamp, and his geographical clues appear on track.
There's a fourth choice lem...somewhere right in the middle, where two may appear to becoming one.
Hah...Pushing "publish" before "preview" resulted in what appeared to be an overuse of the word appear...but maybe, just maybe, it was INTUITION at work
To appear:
1. To come or be in sight; to be in view; to become visible.
2. (intransitive) To come before the public; as, a great writer appeared at that time.
3. (intransitive) To stand in presence of some authority, tribunal, or superior person,
4. (intransitive) To become visible to the apprehension of the mind; to be known as a subject of observation or comprehension, or as a thing proved; to be obvious or manifest.
They're headed to Reno, the only place you can get married on Saturday.
I went and posted on as many regulars as i could find.. Maxine is a pain .. its like she dosent want to be reached.
I'm not on any of those Facial books and My space nets. She's all about them these days.
I hope you guys dont mind.. I went ahead and opened a Guinnes.
Some people here seem to be insiders..
Wath is that all about?
For those of you not keeping score we have tree candidates so far.
Manitoulin Island in Canada, Grand Island NY and the highly unlikely Bananal Island in Brazil. (nuts)
What's been mentioned in this thread so far is Grand Island, Nebraska, not Grand Island, New York. Neither Wikipedia article mentions the areas of those two islands, but I seriously doubt that either is anywhere near as large as the state of Israel, which Brazil's Ilha do Bananal approximates in size (almost 20,000 sq. km).
Just why Lem would call Bananal “highly unlikely” as an island is quite mysterious as it, like the other two mentioned, is formed by rivers splitting then rejoining. Moreover, Britannica states that the lesser of the two branches of the Araguaia that collectively form Bananal is navigable by boats, so clearly it's entirely surrounded by water (and more than a trickle) as an island should and must be.
Can somebody tweet Maxine?
Michael McNeil...
Did you read the post?
right now, having a coffee and WiFi break.
WiFi break? in Bananal Island in the middle of a rain Forest?
give me some kudos for at least not ignoring it.
"Lem said...
Althouse blogs on her wedding day..
She does care ;)"
Yes, about not breaking her consecutive days blogging streak.
I'm relatively sure they were near Grand Island, NE...that town was moved. Where their final destination might be is anyone's guess.
Yes, about not breaking her consecutive days blogging streak.
Oh common!
Its her weeding day for Christ sake can you get off the routine?
Michael McNeil…
Did you read the post?
“right now, having a coffee and WiFi break.”
WiFi break? in Bananal Island in the middle of a rain Forest?
Oh, I'm not implying that Althouse et al. are at Bananal, just that they and other fans of wherever they are are wrong about it being the largest inland island in the world.
Actually though, since Bananal is a major national park in Brazil (as well as being hundreds of miles south of the Amazonian rain forest in somewhat higher terrain), it's not too unlikely these days that there might be wifi available somewhere on the island.
Chickenlittle appears to be on track with this road rally.
Thank you MamaM.
In my 10:15AM I said "Grand Isle," but meant "Grand Island." As I told Randy, this is all from memory and I haven't driven that route in over 25 years.
Cheers, congratulations, and good luck!
I said “Grand Isle,” but meant “Grand Island.” As I told Randy, this is all from memory and I haven't driven that route in over 25 years.
Actually, according to Wikipedia the French originally named it “La Grande Isle.”
Sorry about the spelling guys.
Sin! Blasphemy! Corruption! Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!
You two better stay together or, I swear, you're never gonna hear the last of it.
You have my most sincere congratulations. I think you're, both, great (and I think you know that.) Don't let me down now:
I'm considering this marriage a "teaching moment".
Smiles all around, from The Macho Response.
Congratulations and best of luck!
Wonder if they popped in to get the Sage of Omaha's blessing.
If they get hitched in Mooselandia, are they really married? Will we see the marriage certificate? Can they be impeached? What does it say when one of the premier blogresses of American culture seeks nuptials beyond the borders? Is it hypocritical?
I don't have any anwers, but the whole thing raises lots of questions.
I just went and took my frustrations out on a sink full of dishes, and then something occured to me:
Ann Althouse is getting married and she's not going to LiveBlog it? ("I had to get it on Tivo so I could get the dialogue right,..")br>
You're slippin', babe,...
Con Grats.
There's a fourth choice lem...somewhere right in the middle, where two may appear to becoming one.
As far as I can tell there are no inland Islands anywhere near Fort Collins, Co. nor Denver.
(but i could be wrong)
Denver?.. Denver is closer than Brazil.
Thats for Prize fighters and Mobsters.
Congratulations and very best wishes, Ann and Laurence. Long life, and much happiness!
There will be a public reception in Madison, right? At State Street Brats, I hope. Let us know when.
Thanks for the ping, Lem.
Ann Althouse is getting married and she's not going to LiveBlog it?
It may "show up" - as the vulgo might go - "Dis" the other bloggers?
I'm guessing, I dont have any inside knowledge in the house of Althouse ;)
The "first" tag might be too much of a burden?
Very nice! Big congrats.
May this day be utterly wonderful in every way and a new beginning of wonderful fun, excellent adventures, and all kinds of joys together.
Well, the Colorado theory certainly makes sense. It's possible that they're headed to someplace near Rocky Mountain National Park. I remember when Ann blogged from there a few years ago.
For those of you not keeping score we have tree candidates so far.
Manitoulin Island in Canada (my bet), Grand Island NY and SOMEWHERE near Colorado.
Brazil is out of the running.
yes we have the numbers and we have our distant arboreal cousins way to the ...
I was going to say right but its not about that.
its the number 3
Bananal is the largest inland island. Manitoulin is the largest island IN A LAKE. Then again, maybe they are on the island of Pulau Samosir on Sumatra, the largest island in a lake on an island.
Congrats to both of you
We have a late entry ladies and worms.
The island of Pulau Samosir on Sumatra..
(thats half way around the world)
Althouse.. runs silent runs deep ;)
I'm surprised we have not heard from the birthers.
Waht? Althouse did say she was at an Island?
any theories?
BTW according to my research the birthers were born in the Hillary "Obama has not been vetted" camp.
I'm waiting for Althouse to do a post on it .. I will unleash some friendly fire.. dont leave that baby at the footstep of our cathedral.
I will punt it back from wher eit came.
I would really appreciate a tip from the wedding floor?
Im about to turn blue here!
Did Meade choke? did he lock himself up in the john?
wahts going on?
What happened to the Grand Island, Nebraska, option? According to Wikipedia, it claims to be the largest inland island.
I know it would be too much to ask of Meade..
but those kids of yours Althouse..
My God.
Dont they know we are here!
Not that it actually is, but the Althousehousehold might have heard it there.
I know wahts going on.
Alhouse does not hand over the kyes to her blog willi nilli?
we are just going to have to be calm... and hope the canadian military dosent mistake the right wing gathering for a muslim wedding ;)
i'm kidding!
And so the uninvited crowd impatiently circles the the venue, tromping down the flowers and bushes, eagerly pressing their faces against a window, that is, if they could find a window.
I dont tweet i dont do any of that!
its that my fault?
I know there are insiders here that know everything and they prob think its cool to keep evryb in the dark
Hmmmm...I've been wondering if the family gathering was a pre or post nuptial bash?
Anyhoo...whatever, Congrats!
Uninvited? What is her posting but an invitation beckoning us to investigate and at least try to figure out where she and Meade might be.
Once the nuptials are official, I will have my VP remind me so I can call you to offer my congratulations and best wishes.
I've been wondering if the family gathering was a pre or post nuptial bash?
that sounds cunning.
All I'm asking is for a leak!
OMG.. Althouse is like Bush!
OMG i just remember the Forbes birthday party in Mooroco.
Morocco is an island?
but that was a birthday, this is a wedding!
The Sox game is coming up soon.
I hate to have to live blog the game ;
This Althouse is compleately in the bunker.
I dont know how she doest it ;)
For those of you not keeping score, we have five candidates so far.
Manitoulin Island in Canada (thats my baby) Grand Island NY, Grands Island Nebraska (late enty) and SOMEWHERE near Colorado.
Brazil is as of a last hurried minute check - still out of the running.
wait thats four ladies and worms..
we have for entries.
its coming up on the 6 pm and we still have no word as to the fate of the couple's nuptials somewhere on the planet earht..
we.. of couse will keep you informed as soon as a malboro update come in.
this just in ... an alert viewer has reminded us that we have reported a sighting in Sumatra and failed to count it in subsecuent reports.
it seems our initials report of Five sightings was correct.
This is CBS News
coming up on a hard break..
The red sox are playign the last place Orioles... the Nat anthem just ended.
On a bid ot kkep ypu informed as to the fate of the lost bloggers we will go split screens as soon as reports of the mistery of Althose .. and Meade comes in.
Kalokairi, oh wait, nevermind, that is where Ace is going to go get married when he finds his true "Scandi".
But first he has to find his true father: (1) (2) or (3).
Marriage is like a road trip with no particular destination in mind. You don't know exactly where you're headed, but you know it's going to be a great ride.
Best wishes, Ann. Congratulations, Meade.
This is CBS news
Late reports have one of the absconded running from waht was otherwise reported as a sucsees..
Marriage is like a road trip with no particular destination in mind. You don't know exactly where you're headed
late report.
This is an unconfirmed report! repeat unconfirmed!
Pedroria just hit one out!
The bast second basement in the majors!
Boston 1
Althouse.. no show,
..they may have to scratch Althouse from the game (color man)
It sure looks that way (play by play man)
I dont think Iver seen anything like it..
Well.. Althose was sheduled to get married earlier today.. it was all very hush hush
She does have a mean fade away.
the last placed orioles have came up with a late replacement..
rigth hander from Japan .. Michele Malkin.
For those of you not keeping score, we have five candidates so far.
Manitoulin Island in Canada (thats my baby) Grand Island NY, Grands Island Nebraska (late enty) and SOMEWHERE near Colorado.
Grand Island, Nebraska is not a “late entry” — folks have been talking about it all along in this thread. Moreover, I haven't heard anybody even mention Grand Island, New York, except for you (Lem). Furthermore, Grand Island, Nebraska is “somewhere near Colorado.” And, as I say, according to Wikipedia, G.I. NE claims to be the largest inland island in the world (though it isn't) — so it's definitely my preference for the Althousiana locale in this sweepstakes.
Word is Malkin is not a rookie..
Shes been around.
I have never been to Nebraska. It has a lot of white people right?
We have a source in the Texas Nat Guard that claims to to have unimpeachable proof that Althouse was never in NY for that marriage..
Make sure to check in 60min Wednesday for the latest reports.
CBS news has a report that Althouse made a call from a beach..
but we could confirm were the beach was so we have held those reports from the air.
Again we are trying to restablsih contact... we will let you our viEwers know as soon as we have news of the fate of the newlyweds.
TOP of the second
Last place Orioles 0
World champs 04,07 Sox 1
There's Gross Ile ("eel") too, in Detroit's French quarter.
Best wishes, Professor. Congratulations, Meade.
I don't know if either of you are in any part Irish, but I couldn't help but think of this blessing:
May your mornings bring joy and your evenings bring peace.
May your troubles grow few as your blessings increase.
May the saddest day of your future be no worse than the happiest day of your past.
I've just been informed that CBS news has the late Howard Cosell on its way to the most likely place were one as of last report single white female Althouse might be...
Bottom of the second
Last placed Orioles have not scored!
In order to keep our viewer up to the latest..
There was a report of a sighting in Ireland...
we have no way of confirming that report since a Catholic Supreme court has banned alcohol and severely restricted travel to that country.
End of the second
Last placed Orioles 0
07 World Chmps Sox 1
CBS news does not f*ing tweet.. let them call in like everybody else.
this mike was opend?
waht the f*ck its goig on here!
we interrupt this program to give an exlusive presentation.
our earlier schedule program has no longer been deemed the national interest..
We hope... as we have repeatedly asked that you and any of your loved ones still alive since the supreme courts Global Warming Shrinkage decision went into effect... will not blame CBS news or any of its afiliates for the nation wide ban on Viagra.
my mother in on the phone ..
my mother is still on phone ;)
My mother wants to marry me in the Dominican Republic.
The only obstacle is that my father allready got that..
she wants to convince me that its for real thsi time.
Last placed Orioles 0
07 World champs Sox 2
Im afraid my mother makes a very pesrsuasive argument.
She says (and it's true) I'm not being good to anybody.
My God if she dosent know just waht to say.
last place orioles have a man on third with two outs
bottom of the 5
We still have no word on the runaway bloggers ;)
World champ pitcher Bosox Becket comes out of the jam unscathed.
Top of the 6
Bosox 2
last place orioles 0
Clues and more clues. They spent the night in Kearney,Nebraska registered as Nick and Nora Charles. They are heading west to the coast. They may not be alone but they are traveling without a dog. The adventure continues ...
I reported to my mother 0 girlfriend.
that was her que q.. you know waht i mean.
Hooray! So happy for you both.
Just one little photo is all I ask.
We have a tip.. those of you on Satelite may have already gathered.. the runways (as of this report) are still in the continental united states.
They spent the night in Kearney,Nebraska registered as Nick and Nora Charles. They are heading west to the coast. They may not be alone but they are traveling without a dog.
Two men on base .. Big papy is at the plate.
nobody out
big papy was a little papy.. he hit into a double play.
And this whole thing makes me think of that great line from When Harry Met Sally:
"...when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible! "
As promised we have our sources following the story..
as of our last confirmed accounts the blogger and her male companion .. we can only assume he is under her complete spell at this point .. have surfaced to say they are getting married.
we have no way to confirm this as of 9 in the pm eastern standard time.
barring any phone calls from my mother we will keep you up to date.
Bottom of the six
Bosox 4
last placed orioles 0
Nick markakis hits safely.
Last place orioles showing signs of life.
we can only hope so much for our lost bloggers.
Markakis fails last placed Orioles.
top of the 7th
Sox 4
Markakis Orioles 0
I think if i had a name like Markakis I would be a married man.
sox man on first
nobody out (watch the double play .. you didn't hear this form me of course)
If comments were equivalent to press conferences, you'd even have me beat.
sox on their to spoiling a rally..
If comments were equivalent to press conferences, you'd even have me beat.
Although we have been warned by State as to the possible fate of the blogger and her companion we have kept our own phones at the disposal of anyone outhere who might feel compelled to give us any information as to their fate.
Bottom of the 7th
Sox 4
Markakis orioles 0
off the air
...rumors of ransom as always are coming in..
But this is CBS news
We are not going to fall for unconfirmed rummors by our competitors.
We are CBS news
The sox just made a double play..
about time.
they always hit into one..
never mind ;)
we are coming up on a hard break
(the stadium fan wave)
As always we seek to keep our viewers informed of the latest develoments.
we are going to take this opp to take a piss.
Allways up on the latest trends, we promise our viewrs to let them know when Markakis it up at the plate.
Big Papi is up for the sox
Ok.. Juiced Papi
So, is the name of this blog going to be changed to Meade?
Should I update my bookmarks?
when big papi hits a foul ... thats out q for he aint hitting it out.
he foould it off.
You know when Obama fouls one off.
The Cambridge police acted stupedly.
Lem, we price accuracy and thoroughness here. Please revise your score updates to say:
last placed orioles [...]
SECOND PLACE (behind the Yankees) Sox [...]
Thank you.
The sox bring in the jap Okajima..
Okajima was a best sox keep secret weapon when they won in 07.
The jap was a cunning compadre.
Assuming we're all guessing correctly, congrats Althouse and Meade! I hope this is a truly joyous day for both of you.
SECOND PLACE (behind the Yankees) Sox [...]
a temporary setback hardly noticeable here at black rock.
we are CBS news.
we are not going to listen to ditractors like you using the pajamas of intertubes to disrupt american infamation operations near Alaska and our empirious leader Palin.
Assuming we're all guessing correctly,
we are CBS news we have the lates scores.
We have to admit our affiliate in Baltimore doesn't .. know when Markakis is do up
top of the 9th
Bosox 4
Last place Orioles 0
..as of one last refresh on our Iranian beauro we have no.. zero contacts with our bloger and her companion whom we believe goes by the name of Meade.
Up to this report we have chosen to keep his name... as a request of the united states military.
Speculations is that Meade was a highly placed US agent.
details after the game
The sox givethemselves up to the last placed Orioles in a rundown.
Markakis was not involved as he is an outfielder.
Needless to say
Bottom of the 9th
Sox 4
last place Orioles 0
CBS news has learned that the scretary of state will only make a call after 3 am.
The reverend Jackson (no relation to the king of pop) was heard to say "keep hope alive"
We have just learned from our sister station ESPN that the world champs Boston Red Sox have eviscerated one of the best teams in their difficult division.
Bosox - 4
World series appearance 79 Orioles - 0.
CBS news has a report allbeit unconfirmed at his point..
That our blogers might have been rescued by our Canadian neighbor to the north..
I want to emphasize these are only preliminary report..
once again
World champs Sox 4
last placed Orioles 0
Our source in the pentagon reports of a failed attempt by the White House to rescue the blogers..
We will be reporting to you later tonight from our brand new show .. consieved, borned of this crisis brought to you live by CBS NEWS..
The name of the show is Nightline. stay tuned after the network news for mare deals in your local area.
CBS news has learned of a secret deal btwg the White House and Iran that was designed to hand an election victory to our well elected president and his favoluos looking wife.
Details of the deal have been denied by the state department..
world champ Obama (whatever he says)
Hillary at state (The us is back cheer in front of our backer Red China. (whatever china says)
CBS news is working on a musical exchange with the red chinese..
We at CBS newsremain hopefull that we can can convince the reclusive Bob Dilan to perhaps sing a song .. the song that will free our bloger and her companion reported to go by the name Meade.
the red chinese have requested Bob Dylan. as of a last report be the Pentagon.
We at CBS news have no way of contacting the reclusive Bob Dilan ..
However we have an unconfirmed report that he is as this momet hiding in Madison Wisconsin.
(i told ya he is reclusive)
who are we sending to talk to bob?
who the hell is Markakis?
Markakis has freed a bunch of soldiers in Irak.
he's the best
are you sure?
He's been okaid by the comissioner of baseball..
you mean hes clean?
clean as a 3 dollar bill.. what?
the thing of it is Markakis was smart sir.
Markakis signed on early to Obamacare..
hes clean.
I dont care about baseball - heck our inestimable lost bloger dosent know an infielder from a pitcher.
Actually thats the beauty of the rescue pakage.
they are never going to see Markakis coming.
All the information our bloger has given up is about fashion and stuff like that.
Markakis will seem legit.
I wish my mother had named me Markakis.
OMFG sir.. thats exactly wath we said when we recrutit him sir.
see they were loosing to the world champs red sox..
waht are you? that HBO baseball short guy?
you cant remember his name sir?
Of course i can.. papo lucas?
Bob Lucas?
No sir?
Bob .. bob bob
Ok get me I forgot his last name Bob.
Its Bob Costas sir..
Is that hispanic Costas?...
I dont know sir.
Markakis and Bob Costas..
I want a professional in on this
See Kakis Costas..
it works!
Right sir!
should we tell State that we are sending Costansa Markakis?
who the hell is that?
Seinfeld sir..
Is he any good?
We have no way of gaging that sir
what are you good for then..
well sir it wast not the constansa show .. it was seinfeld.
Seinfeld... is he any good?
As good as it gets sir..
OMG.. dont say that..
as good as it gets?
there was a movie.. never mind..
can you get seinfeld to save our bloger?
Good as done sir.
thats waht i always say ..
if you can succer a star planet eart should be a snow cone.
a snow cone sir?
how about a piece of cake sir..
waht kind of cake does seinfeld like?
No no you moron.. waht are you forgeting..
the music sir?
W have to show the people that even tho we dont know where our blogger is.. everything will go on a though she were here..
we owe her nothing less.
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