1) She's running for president; 2) She's undergoing fame withdrawal and plans to get more attention in the lower 48; 3) She wants to cash in ($); 4) There's another shoe about to drop; 5) She'll now run against Murkowski for Senate. 6) She needs to tend to her family. 7) She's bonkers. 8) She's preggers. 9) She wants to "effect positive change outside government at this point in time on another scale and actually make a difference for our priorities." 10) Actually being a governor in a recession is no fun.Well, the obvious and only theory to me was #1. Mickey's #2 and #3 merge with my view of #1. Eh, so do they all really.
July 3, 2009
Mickey Kaus counts 10 theories about Sarah Palin.
I thought it was obvious that there was only one, but Mickey has all these:
11. She's had enough of this bullshit.
1-3 and 10 get my vote. No need to pick just one.
Going for a second 200 comment thread?
Sarah, we just can't quit you. You knocked Michael Jackson off the news!
Oh, wait. Just what you said. But I don't think she's pregnant or crazy.
#1 seems obvious but why now?
She needed to finish her term.
None of the above really seem to fit.
This is incredible – how does "quitting" your only claim to viability boost your presidential chances?
Also – how did scandal get ruled out? She made vague references to "this is what's best for Alaska." Why would somebody interested in running for president say that letting someone else run her state is what's best for the state?
If she's going to stay in politics, she's not going to have much luck if her supporters continue to be just as feckless as they've been in the past.
If you're a supporter - or you just don't like her opponents - and you have a website, here's an effective way to knee-cap those who have smeared her. The fact that her supporters were too incompetent to do that before the election helped BHO win, but they can always get a clue.
She finally came to her senses before, unlike the equally unqualified Obama, it became too late.
Why now is interesting.
Someone said... because all the Dem heavy hitters are out of the office this weekend.
I'm now wondering if it's because everyone else is out of the office and online.
If she's been thinking of quitting politics for some time it doesn't show by what she's doing... things like the Runner's World interview and pictures, etc. If she's quitting politics entirely, why not stay in office for now and disappear?
If the plan was to bind her up in constant litigation over talking to reporters in her own office... you'll notice that she made this announcement at her home and not in any government venue. But if that's the case she can't say anything at all about her reasons more than she has until after she is not governor any longer.
So we have to wait until the end of this month.
"Why would somebody interested in running for president say that letting someone else run her state is what's best for the state?"
I thought she'd said... the frivolous lawsuits and what not were consuming state resources to the tune of a couple of million dollars. Not to mention causing a huge distraction.
Number one, you betcha! The toming is perfect to show that she is serious and a fighter in these dark times. Next year will be too late for the Romnoids to finish their plans for sinking the unsinkable Sarah Palin.
11. some kind of scandal she's pre-empting
12. she's ill
I bet there's at least 25 "plausible" reasons, none of which are true!
Somebody with future ambitions wouldn't leave open the bonkers possibility.
Ross Perot of course changed his mind about leaving politics again, cementing the bonkers idea permanently.
It couldn't possibly be:
12. The (now unsubstantiated) rumors that Palin is facing three additional ethics complaints as well as an IRS investigation for the embezzlement of materials used to construct her home?
See also here.
The Alaska Report says: Big dirty scandal about to hit the Palin universe - Evidenced by Palin's announcement that she's stepping down today. Stay tuned....
And now a Alaskan blogger and radio host Shannyn Moore just said on MSNBC that unconfirmed reports indicate Palin is under a criminal probe.
If the talking heads are panning Palin, she made the right move.
Her spokesperson used a sports analogy with Anderson Cooper, and he responded "I don't know anything about sports"!
Well what does a national news anchor know if he can't grasp a sports analogy. Anyone know what he majored in at college? Art History is my bet.
Palin wanted to upset the apple cart and she succeeded.
I bet Palin attends a Tea Party this weekend. Any one want to take that bet?
Remember the palindrome "harass Sarah"?
Does this news mean the harassment will end?
I'll bet Andrew Sullivan knows the real reason. Question is, why is he keeping it a secret.
As a private citizen people will have to start using their own money to investigate her.
7 and ?. She's obviously bonkers by the meandering about not quitting while she is in fact....quitting, but I just have no idea with this woman is going to do. Whatever it will be, I'm going to get some popcorn and my "run-on sentences translator" and enjoy the ride.
What kinda bullshit link was that Falsifiabilitor? Worse than stealth porn!
I think she's pretty clearly NOT running for President. It is always better to do that as a sitting governor. In the short term she can do better, financially and politically, as a speaker and a pundit. In the long term, she won't be too old to run for President until 2036 or 2040.
11. Palin understood that a very vindicative President Obama was intent on making the state of Alaska suffer financially by choking off federal money to the state.
There is a conspiracy thory for you.
As a private citizen people will have to start using their own money to investigate her.
Will they? Democrats used government resources to investigate "Joe the Plummer", after all.
Of course you can go with the official "Our Sarah!!" explaination. That she gave. That she can't finish out her term because she would be a lame duck eventually some time into her 2nd term, if she ran for reelection and won.
chickenlittle said:
What kinda bullshit link was that Falsifiabilitor? Worse than stealth porn!
Which link are you complaining about? I don't think any of them are the equivalent of "stealth porn," or are NSFW.
As I said in my original comment, the rumors are "unsubstantiated." I've been seeing them for awhile, and have been trying to track them down.
People have been speculating regarding why she resigned. I think once something has been reported on MSNBC as a possibility, it is not unworthy of comment as an unsubstantiated possibility.
The "Quitting" meme is B grade mud slinging. I remember on June 6, 1945 when the allied Armies under Eisenhower quit England. Left England high and dry. That was small consolation to the Paper Hanging Son of a Bitch in Berlin. No, Sarah has only quit waiting and launched her great crusade against another SOB who thinks he is the messiah.
BINGO, AJ. Palin wanted to upset the apple cart, and I love that she did so on the eve of America's Independence Day.
Of course I seriously doubt this would have happened if we couldn't count on Alaskans to elect another Republican governor when they get the chance.
It's a two-fer.
What Meade said!
Tell us, Sully! Don't hog the news!
And if in fact it turns out to be a successful two-fer, watch for more of the same around the country.
I LOVE out-of-the-box thinking.
Which link are you complaining about? I don't think any of them are the equivalent of "stealth porn," or are NSFW.
I meant silly that if one clicks one of your links unsuspectedly, what one finds makes one suspect the rest! No thanks!
Now go play with yourself somewhere else!
Inside the box thinking has gotten us in a big mess.
Hope & Change looks like more of the same.
So Palin is gonna try something different. Since when is that a crime?
Come to think of it- the country could also use a few Dems who want to try something different.
Obama is same old same old.
Yes, you need to be a seating governor to run for the POTUS. That's why Reagan lost in 1980. And its why Romney won't run in 2012 and didn't run in 2008.
Yes, you need to be a seating governor to run for the POTUS. That's why Reagan lost in 1980. And its why Romney won't run in 2012 and didn't run in 2008.
Palin is no Reagan. As for Romney, need I remind you he lost, badly, when he tried running?
I hope the rumors are true about her eventually taking some sort of job in media/journalism. After all, journalism was an early interest of hers in college. Sometime people regain strength returning to their earlier interests and passions.
Lord knows, some once formally independent news media have made a lot of us uncomfortable lately, and THEY could stand a good shaking up just about now.
If the full court press worked, she might have decided to change the game.
Yes, she could slog her way through another year and a half of defending herself as the funds for it all came out of the state budget and diverted donations from her PAC to her legal defense fund.
Would that really do less damage than the appearance of being a quitter?
Now... what *if* it's something bad. What if someone in her family is ill? What if there actually is something like a criminal indictment or something honestly *big*? While anything is possible it would seem that the speech would have been a little bit heavier toward pre-emptive defense.
BTW, General MacArthur didn't say
"We're not Retreating -We're advancing in another direction"
That was the Marine Corps General at the Chosin Reservoir.
Mac said "I shall Return" - and I think Palin will too.
That speech said "she is mad as hell and ain't gonna play by their rules anymore".
What she is doing takes a lot of guts. I admire her even more.
The "Quitting" meme is B grade mud slinging. I remember on June 6, 1945 when the allied Armies under Eisenhower quit England. Left England high and dry. That was small consolation to the Paper Hanging Son of a Bitch in Berlin. No, Sarah has only quit waiting and launched her great crusade against another SOB who thinks he is the messiah.
The problem is that she hasn't launched anything. If she really wanted to save us from the great Messiah/One/whatever silly name you have for him this week, she should have just said so. Instead we got a self-pitying speech that explained absolutely no reason for why she's quitting. I know she's a woman, but she should grow a sack and speak to what she wants to do.
But its "Sarah Barracuda" so I'm guessing that her followers will just lover her that much more for ducking out on her responsibilities.
Again -
2012 is 2 political lifetimes away.
Remember Richard Nixon - he was "finished" in both 1960 and 1962? I also remember Bill Moyers on TV in 1974 making a sarcastic remark about something to the effect of "yeah, and Reagan will be President someday." Moyers turned out to be a fool.
Be careful. All of the derisive towards Palin writing here can be part of a very public dressing down of the anti-Palins in 2012: "Daddy, why did you write something so stupid? You really weren't that smart about how the world works back then were you?"
Palin will be assured of the nomination if the ultra left and Democrats shoot their wad early on the Palin hating.
But seeing as how right now Obama and the Congress keep prematurely ejaculating their poorly thought out and rushed-though legislation combined with their slow but sure-as-the-sun-rises falling poll numbers, it might not be too early to start practicing the phrase "President Palin".
rcocean, Palin isn't retreating. She is merely leaving her position as Governor of Alaska. Interesting how we categorize people by what they were, and not by where they are going.
This post is not so different than the one about Al Franken, except that Franken now knows where he is going.
I think it's 3 and 7, and possibly 4. Maybe 1, too, if she's really bonkers.
Hopefully her replacement won't be so gung-ho about aerial wolf hunting as this stupid woman was.
Yes, rumors of a criminal probe. It is interesting that Palin continued on as governor while running for VP but now suddenly she is quitting when her schedule is clear to focus on Alaska 100%. Something is going on. We shall see. Or, maybe she just wants to quit to make money.
I think she has a very protective streak towards her family and she is just sick of the endless attacks.
There is nothing she, or any of them can do to end the hate. It has become sport to those on the left, and the sport now includes making fun of a Downs syndrome infant. There is no bottom to this type of vileness, and I think she realizes that.
BHO can sit for 20 years in a church that spews anti-semetic, anti- American racist crap, and he cam take his kids there to be baptized, and that, apparently, is a private matter.
Ted Kennedy can let a young girl drown while he seeks an alibi, and our own LoafingOaf is of course more concerned with a wolf killer, who acted in the best interests of species balance and on the advice of her DNR.
I hope she comes back, but I wish her and her family peace, at least for a while.
I think #10 is a true statement. Whether it relates to why Sarah Palin resigned, well only she knows that.
But its "Sarah Barracuda" so I'm guessing that her followers will just lover her that much more for ducking out on her responsibilities.
Yeah, they're like in love with her and worship her, so she can do no wrong to them. Even though she was the most pathetic candidate for high office from a major party I've ever seen. Are people forgetting she didn't know jack squat about anything while claiming she was the best choice to be Vice Prez? Oh, that's right -- she's hot and she didn't abort her baby, so who cares if she didn't know jack squat and was completely unprepared to be a heartbeat away from the presidency.
I think Palin got treated easier as a woman than she would've as a man. Imagine if a male candidate had been such a complete dunce while running for VP. I mean, sitting down for interviews and literally not knowing anything about anything. No one would've gone soft on him. They'd have called him a dunce and he'd have been laughed off the stage. Most other politicians i this day and age are already not far away from this (we're far away from the days when we had brilliant politicians, such as Jefferson), but Palin set a new low for how ignorant a politician running for high office can be. Thank the Lord she's not Commander in Chief right now.
AJ, while we agree on Palin and that apple cart, I beg to differ about Obama being "more of the same".
Agree with him or not, he "popped" out, not unlike a jack-in-the-box. Where the heck did this guy come from, that half of us were so totally entertained by the music, while the other half of us stepped back from the clown in white-face?
There are none among us today who would see him as any less than a damn good sprinter, even if they aren't enjoying the race.
Obama is out of the box AND out of the blocks.
I think she has a very protective streak towards her family
Well, maybe she should keep 'em off OxyContin. Oh, that's right, we're supposed to pretend we didn't read about that in the National Enquirer.
I have no idea if some member of her family had tried drugs. I know Al Gore's son was arrested for posession, and it was treated as a private matter by a protective press.
John Conyers wife was just convicted. Imagine if it had been Todd Palin who plea bargained out on a felony.
There is a grotesque double standard at work here, and I think it worked in this case.
By the way, nothing Sarah has done will ever be as stupid as justifying a trillion in "stimulus" on the premise that it will keep unemplyment at 8% or below.
Our children will pay for this folly.
Oh, that's right, we're supposed to pretend we didn't read about that in the National Enquirer.
You're welcome to say you read it in the National Enquirer. Be our guest. :)
LO-- typical.
I assume you mean her grandchild's other grandmother?
Maybe you read in the National Inquirer of other family members abusing Oxycontin?
Why it is some people think that others are responsible for, can, or even should, control the behaviors and activities of those around them?
Oh. I forgot. We are observing the liberal thought process here.
Jesus wept, Loafing Oaf, are they bringing back Weekly World News just for you, too?
You know, "I married Bigfoot", the "Alien voting for Bush", and all that great stuff?
Are all the things in the National Enquirer about politicians true?
If so:
Obama had a "father-son" relationship with Frank Marshall Davis, who has confessed to having sex with children, sadomasochism, bondage and practicing a wide array of deviant sexual activities.
Michelle Obama - cracking under the pressure of being First Lady - is drinking way more than she should, friends fear.
Some dude named Larry Sinclair had a drug and sex encounter with Barack Obama.
Don't even get me started on the Clinton family saga.
But, yeah, I'm sure having a drug-addled kid disqualifies you from the presidency. That's what happened to Al Gore. Right?
The links from Falsifiabilitor are pretty thin, to the point of fantasy/rumor. Nothing remotely substantial, but who knows?
Funny, at least, to muse on the nature of rumors and speculation: they are not falsifiable. We just have to wait and see what happens next.
Good evening fellow Althousians. I am writing this comment as I sit in my room at Camp Deadhorse in Deadhorse, Alaska, some 400 miles north of the Arctic Circle.
II now hold the record for furthest north commenter on the Althouse blog.
The reaction to Palin's announcement herein the oilfield was generally "Good, now she can go clean up that damn mess in Washington".
Cut away everything else and that's probably it.
Wow Michael, we're lucky your intertubes aren't frozen.
Or am I getting personal?
Beta - there is Internet service in the place where I am staying the night, which is housing provided for workers. Old, but clean, quiet and the food is top notch.
The two day drive on the DaltonIghway to get here was through a vast area that has no cell phone service, no 911, no Internet and one gas station at the 300 mile mark. It has no sign and is down a back road. Seriously.
Incredible trip, though.
If I lived in Alaska and had to deal with 2 hours of sun everyday I would probably be on Oxy.
What's the big deal?
Bill Clinton killed people.
I also don't care for the term "preggers". I think it is deragotory to women.
I would still pump Sarah hard though. With those amazing hips. You know she is a screamer when getting plowed. I am horny just thinking about pumping her.
Where's Palladian?
Fellow republicans it is our responsiblity to support our Sarah in whatever she decides to do.
Fox news we will be there.
Books we will buy them and love them.
Speeches we will pay for them.
And finally, hopefully in 2012 we will support her.
Did I mention she is hot.
Total beave waxing I can tell. And we men like beave waxing because our hogs look large against the bare beave. Burly, hairy beaves can cause our hogs to get buried and our size may be diminished.
I am getting horny.
My dog had a "soft issue injury" and i have been dealing with 3 weeks of hell. She is finally starting to walk but today, with my help, we went outside.
As soon as we got out the door she pissed like crazy all over the hallway, including my neighbors door mats and shoes. The hallway looked like a Jackson Pollack painting. She then took a dump in the elevator.
I smell like piss.
Can someone please explain to me how this could possibly be considered a good strategy for positioning herself for 2012? This looks entirely un-presidential. I can't see why anyone would support her if she actually resigned before the end of her first term as Governor, three years before the presidential campaign, as a political strategy.
Seriously, Sarah, what David Letterman said wasn't THAT bad. You don't have to quit your job and curl up in a ball and hide.
Seriously, maybe this isn't about her "positioning herself for 2012."
Maybe this is about her dealing with 2009, in a way that we don't completely appreciate yet.
chickenlittle: That's what I'm currently thinking, which is why I don't understand why this is a way of beginning to campaign for 2012.
Incidentally, Huffington Post is saying that her insiders are saying that she is actually through with politics. Now, that I could believe as an explanation.
Chris: I tend to mistrust news about Sarah Palin's motives from the same sources invested in her undoing. Can you blame me? Seriously?
Chris: I mean, the whole problem with media these days is mistrust, n'est pas?
It's the flip side of the Nixon era.
Love the way those in the media who had no idea that this was going to happen are now explaining exactly why it did.
How utterly foolish they sound, especially the third-string cutesy lib bot girls who were available to comment due to lack of other holiday plans.
Good, now she can go clean up that damn mess in Washington".
If only the people in the lower 48 could appreciate!
(hey, that rhymes)
G'evening Michael, always good to hear from a real guy.
Mark Steyn applies Occam's Razor with pretty good effect: With Sarah Palin's announcement WYSIWYG.
This makes sense if we agree that Sarah just wasn't up to the task, as many suspected during the campaign. I know that Mark snarks about single-mindedness and other things, but it takes an extraordinary person to be President of the United States. I'm sorry but having David Letterman make fun of you isn't worse than having the responsibility of men and women's lives in combat or being blamed for the swings in the entire US economy. If her reasons are for non-health related, then I think the judgment of the American people was right in 2008. She's fine as a governor of a small state, but she doesn't have IT to be trusted with the chance of being the President of the United States.
LoafingOaf said...
I think Palin got treated easier as a woman than she would've as a man.
There is one HUGE problem with your theory. One so HUGE that it actually invalidates your WHOLE theory.
What is that problem?
Joe Biden is currently the Vice President of the United States.
Palin's daughter's boyfriend's mother got arrested for drug use and its front page news. Endless stories were printed of unsubstantiated rumors about drug use by her children. A man claimed that he had video of Biden's daughter actually taking drugs and it disappeared faster than one of Obama's promises. One of his son's (and his brother) is part of a criminal probe. You don't see that on the front of magazines in the drug store.
Imagine if a male candidate had been such a complete dunce while running for VP. I mean, sitting down for interviews and literally not knowing anything about anything.
First, you need to explain if you are referring to the edited - or unedited - version of the Gibson interview. I recall that, in that interview, Palin was ripped for failing to acknowledge a specific point - only to find out later that ABC had literally edited out half of a sentence where she had, in fact, made the very statement that they had claimed that she had not.
But, in direct answer to your question, we have Biden - who, it has been demonstrated time and again - just makes up crap when he doesn't know the answer to the question. And who is Joe Biden? The CURRENT Vice President of the United States.
No one would've gone soft on him. They'd have called him a dunce and he'd have been laughed off the stage. Most other politicians i this day and age are already not far away from this (we're far away from the days when we had brilliant politicians, such as Jefferson), but Palin set a new low for how ignorant a politician running for high office can be. Thank the Lord she's not Commander in Chief right now.
Again, Biden is the answer that refutes your theory. Or do you think being put in charge of the stimulus and whatever else he is supposed to be in charge of constitutes being "laughed off the stage"? Oh, many people think that he is a complete idiot, but they felt the same way BEFORE he was picked as the VP candidate but, he was picked anyway ahead of dozens of capable men AND women.
I could mention a dozen names of male politiicians who did far worse, said far worse and still got protected by the media but Biden alone is enough to disprove your theory about Palin.
Jonah Goldberg writes Palin a letter to an adolescent girl explaining that it's nothing bad if you don't know shit but you have to learn and even a girl can do it.
Second, peddling a few platitudes and truisms about free markets and limited government is no substitute for really knowing what you’re talking about.
Which would be my impression of Palin, but I'm not condescending about.
One other comment:
I am amused by all those "outraged" by her "quitting" before her term was up. For the last several elections we have seen politicians devote 24/7 to running for office while they still hold other offices.
What's preferable? Someone ending one committment to devote time and energy to a new committment or someone holding on to a job that they aren't doing while they seek what they consider to be a "better" one?
Most Americans wouldn't keep their jobs a week if they had done what Obama (and countless others) did while he campaigned, as Senator, for President, but politicians get away with it everyday.
I have no idea what her plan is or if it was a wise or stupid move. Time will tell on those questions. However, if she couldn't be the best governor of Alaska she could, then I think she made an honorable decision to say so rather to pretend one thing, but do something completely different.
rhhardin said...
Jonah Goldberg writes Palin a letter to an adolescent girl explaining that it's nothing bad if you don't know shit but you have to learn and even a girl can do it.
Second, peddling a few platitudes and truisms about free markets and limited government is no substitute for really knowing what you’re talking about.
Which would be my impression of Palin, but I'm not condescending about.
Good for you. At least you have the guts to admit you ARE being condescending in your reference and can laugh at yourself for doing so.
Chris althouse said:
Seriously, Sarah, what David Letterman said wasn't THAT bad. You don't have to quit your job and curl up in a ball and hide.
Then there was the recent Vanity Fair hit piece 5 months after the end of the election when she is no longer a candidate, the Huffington Post "platform of retardation" that was just pulled down, etc etc. Her enemies have now lodged ethics complaint after ethics complaint which has left her in debt and she's not a rich woman. Not to mention the usual suspects saying Trig was really her daughters baby (yes, referring to the FAG who shall not be named though his name rhymes with Nandrew Hullivan.)
I have never seen anyone savaged to the degree she was, and not just her but her children. And not just by the left but by many on the right, including people who were running Mccains campaign and jerks like David Frum. And don't they know that it was her that brought any excitement to the campaign and not the RINO senior citizen at the top of the ticket?
At the end of the day, she probably just came to the conclusion that the presidency wasn't worth it when she can reach more people by pulling a huckabee or writing a book. And to hell with politics. Shame on any republican who treated her with such low class.
Has anybody speculated that Sarah will lead a conservative movement to defeat cap & trade? Energy is a subject she knows, and she knows all too well what this ill-fated effort by Obama will do to the economy. Could she be the face of the movement, and then let the people and the party decide if they want her to run for president in 2012?
I won't be surprised at all if it turns out that the contractors building the Wasilla Sports Center built the Palin's house as a way of expressing their gratitude for living in such a great country. God Bless the USA and God Bless Sarah Palin!
Has anybody speculated that Sarah will lead a conservative movement to defeat cap & trade? Energy is a subject she knows, and she knows all too well what this ill-fated effort by Obama will do to the economy. Could she be the face of the movement, and then let the people and the party decide if they want her to run for president in 2012?
This is just laughable. Sarah Palin may know something about the oil indusry, but "Energy" is a pretty complex industry that she hasn't shown a wit of overall knowledge about. Not happenin'.
Anybody else notice that there is a direct relationship between how much someone hates Palin and how obsessed they are with her resignation. Conversely, people who supported Palin or at least thought she was preferable to McCain don't give a shit.
Lone Wacko
During the election there was a website that was dedicated to showing that the stories about Palin were false. They did a Snopes type debunking of all the stories. Two weeks before the election there had been over 100 of these stories that were debunked. As soon as one was debunked, the Dems floated another lie and when that was debunked there was yet another one. Check Victoria's website. She has a lot of references to the website.
Shame nobody tried to debunk the stories about Obama. I guess they were all true but the MSM never bothered to check them out so there was no need to attempt to debunk them. They still have not even attempted to show what Bambi ever did that made anyone think he was capable of serving as president. Interesting since we know from his performance so far that he is not capable. The only reason they are still following him is that the two immediately behind him are even worse (Biden and Pelosi).
You didn't pay too much attention to the campaign last year did you? Plenty of things were said about Obama and he too had a site debunking the sh&* coming from the GOP. I guess you still believe it?
Move on.
Anyway Palin is finished as a serious politician. Even Ed Rollins [A Republican strategist] says this move makes her seem like a kook. Quitting as governor is not a stepping stone to the Presidency. However she will most likely make a lot of money speaking and selling books. But her negatives are way to high to get any traction on the national stage. That doesn't tend to change.
I don't care about Biden, nor his daughter, and if she gets busted, that's fine with me. But this is hard to follow:
A man claimed that he had video of Biden's daughter actually taking drugs and it disappeared faster than one of Obama's promises.
What is the "it" that disappeared? The video? Did anyone see it, other than the guy "claiming" to have it? Or did his "claims" disappear? What disappeared? Why claim to have something, why not just put it on YouTube? If she was snorting coke, and it was taped, the guy with the video screwed up.
And if someone was claiming to have video of one of Palin's kids doing drugs, I'd doubt that, too, until said video was actually produced.
Imagine if a male candidate had been such a complete dunce while running for VP.
You say potato, I say potatoe...there was a little Quayle redux going on in this election. Palin's not a complete dunce, and neither was Quayle. Neither was ready to be VP, and certainly not POTUS.
I wouldn't be outraged if Jindal quit to run for President. Just sayin'.
Sarah heroically defeating cap and trade? Maybe so, maybe not, but the many speculations that this is all prelude to something greater makes me think in literary and archetypal terms.
A common trope in heroic myths has the hero removing his armor and arms before returning to engage the fight. Interpretations vary: in disarming, perhaps Beowulf is honorably meeting Grendel on his same terms - Grendel carries no weapons. Or Beowulf is boastful of his power. Or it can represent a transition through despair before returning to a sense of purpose. Who knows? Palin's move here - and her fans casting it in heroic terms - just symbolically reminds me of that tradition.
Blogger Chris Althouse Cohen said...
Seriously, Sarah, what David Letterman said wasn't THAT bad. You don't have to quit your job and curl up in a ball and hide.
Chris, that is very easy for you to say. You are not a fourteen-year-old girl, and you are not the mother of a fourteen-year-old girl about whom an old goat made sexual statements on national TV. So I don't think it's for you to say that it's wasn't that bad.
Beth said:
What is the "it" that disappeared? The video? Did anyone see it, other than the guy "claiming" to have it? Or did his "claims" disappear? What disappeared? Why claim to have something, why not just put it on YouTube? If she was snorting coke, and it was taped, the guy with the video screwed up.
Well there are reports from multiple news organizations that say the tape is being shopped around to various news organizations and the contents of the tape are discussed very explicity. Further there is discussion about the person trying to shop the tape around asking for money for the tape. It even mentions the price. First it was a million, then 4 hundred thousand dollars.
So that would answer the question as to why it's not up on Youtube as of yet. The guy who has it wants to get paid. And youtube don't pay. I"m sure if and when a news organization decides to cough up the money we'll eventually see it, though considering how in the tank the media is for "the One" and by extension his subordinates we may never see it.
Though here's a hypothetical which you should answer honestly. Suppose instead of Joe Bidens daughter it was Bristol Palin and SHE was the one snorting coke. Can you imagine any news organization that wouldn't pay millions to have that tape and that they wouldn't be running with it as we speak?
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