२२ जुलै, २००९

Goodbye to the Blue Ridge Mountains.


And goodbye to that dreadful picture that's been holding the top position on this blog since 5 last evening.

On to a new morning in the beautiful city where we arrived at 1:30 a.m. — Madison, Wisconsin!

१३ टिप्पण्या:

Fred4Pres म्हणाले...

Bye Bye Blue Ridge Mountains.

Fred4Pres म्हणाले...

Hello Wisconsin.

former law student म्हणाले...

Had I driven all the way to Asheville, I would have continued to the Atlantic Ocean. Or at least gone to the kitschfest that is South of the Border.


Fred4Pres म्हणाले...

The outer banks rock.

Scott M म्हणाले...

I almost lost everything I owned outside Ashville once. I was U-Haul'ing and was in between Knoxville and Ashville when I stopped at a rest stop in the middle of the mountains. The parking lot itself was a decent slope.

I put the full-sized truck in park, set the break, and got out to stretch my legs. My wife went to use the bathroom while I got the dog on a leash for a walk. It was about 9pm, so pretty dark.

While she was gone, I thought I noticed some movement where there shouldn't have been any...namely, the truck. It was rolling backwards toward the sheer drop down into a very steep canyon.

I hell-bent-for-leather to the cab and got it stopped before it really picked up any steam. My wife, completely oblivious, come out of the bathroom with the dog sitting there, leash and all, sans me.

To add insult to injury, once we got through the mountains and on to the south side of Asheville, the highway does a very long, straight slope downward before it curves (west I think). As we started to pick up speed, I applied to break to keep us under 60 and it went right to the floor. I clearly remember looking at my wife with the dog on her lap and saying, "well, this is it"...lol.

We never rented U-Haul again. Go Penske!

अनामित म्हणाले...


"..Or at least gone to the kitschfest that is South of the Border.."

South of the Border is beyond kitsch
(or below?). It stands in a class by itself. It must be experienced to be believed. The gold-chained thugs, the mullet coiffed peckerwoods, the Bates Motel with amusement park atmosphere, creepy staff, the crappy goods and Oh! Glory!!building upon building with fireworks.

Miss Ann's constitution may be a bit too frail for this experience.

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

Welcome back to Wisconsin.

kjbe म्हणाले...

welcome back...

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

We went to Asheville for a specific thing: a family reunion. And we love the mountain views. I never go to the beach, not for swimming anyway. I need shade. But anyway, we have some things to take care of in Madison before our August trip.

(Note: I am on a 9-month salary here at the law school, and all of June, July, and August are free time, not even vacation, but unpaid and outside of my job.)

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

That dreadful picture has broken us. We will love any picture that you post from now on with no critical comments made. Just please don't post "that picture" again.

Deb म्हणाले...

I love North Carolina. Highlands is one of my favorite places. I love to stay at The Highlands Inn although I haven't been there in a while. I would love to live in NC.

RLB_IV म्हणाले...

Highlands Manor in the 1950's was a hot spot as was Lake Lure for south Floridians escaping the heat. Highlands Manor and the estate grounds are long gone.I have fond memories of trips in the 1950 Ford woody driving up for two weeks in the summer. I loved Lake Lure in those days. Cabin in the woods on the shore, rent a boat and go fishing. Heaven as a kid. Lake Lure in present time, property in the millions, Oy.

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

Deb...Highlands is blessed with 4000' altitude so it was the favorite southern summer place pre air conditioning. My grandparents stayed there in the inn for two weeks every summer since 1924 until their death in the 1970s.