[Jolie] managed the almost unheard-of task of turning the home-wrecker label into a wholesome, family-friendly triumph. There was little Maddox, who was growing up and clearly enjoying tossing footballs with his mother's new boyfriend. Jolie had managed to head off the scarlet letter by giving a boy an ideal masculine counterpoint...."Ideal masculine counterpoint"... you mean in terms of ideal "male beauty and virility"? A boy needs a role model... if he is to grow up to fit the traditional "self-entitled category" that we admire so much... at least in a woman... or whatever....
[S]he took for her own pleasure the male seen as the most desired of the tribe, Brad Pitt, who is always ranked at the top of indexes of male beauty and virility. As for the constraints of social convention — ahem, he was still married? You can have a variety of feelings about this, but Jolie's evident disdain of that social constraint certainly, for better or worse, put her in the same self-entitled category as those men who have traditionally taken what they wanted and let the emotional chips fall where they may.
९ जून, २००९
"Jolie's image is not just a mirror of one woman but also a looking glass for female fantasy life writ large."
Naomi Wolf raves inanely about Angelina Jolie. Excerpt:
Angelina Jolie,
Brad Pitt,
Naomi Wolf
११३ टिप्पण्या:
Discussing Hollywood PR releases as if there is a real event taking place is like a study of Greek Mythology telling all of the interesting details of the quirks and strengths of Greek Gods and Goddesses. If people throw out the Christian God and his Good News, then they must revert to another pantheon of Idol Gods.
Ms. Wolf raves inanely about, well, everything.
put her in the same self-entitled category as those men who have traditionally taken what they wanted and let the emotional chips fall where they may
I really must start keeping count of how many times this argument gets used on a typical day. "It's ok that I'm doing it because you do it too, but you suck for doing it."
The problem is Jolie, Madonna, Oprah, and many other celebrity women are modeling behavior that only works for them because they are multi-millionaires. So too, with many male celebrities. Many of these behaviors -- moving into and out of marriage at the drop of a hat, having children without the benefit of marriage, etc. -- would prove financially (and emotionally?) disastrous for people of more modest means.
I'm curious to see how her child rearing experiments pan out. As for Ms. Wolf...a visit from an Alpha Male seems to be in order, provided one could be coerced into maintaining the necessary inspiration that is undoubtedly self-negated by her very presence in the room.
(Hey - this "intellectual" writing thing is fun!)
Tom, let's be honest: regardless of her politics, one must admit that Naomi Wolf is quite a fox.
Maybe so..but she's never gonna get in my henhouse. And that's faux, not Fox...pay attention!
A few years ago I read Thomas Friedman's book "The World is Flat". At one point, while discussing the ability of the US to compete in a global economy, he writes that current US culture and education worry him. In China, he wrote, Bill Gates is their Britney Spears; in the US, Britney Spears is our Britney Spears... and that's one of our big problems.
This little piece just reminded me of that line from his book. Naomi Wolf is considered by many in academia to be an intellectual spokesperson on politics, culture and women. But hey, maybe this is a nice break from articles on Michelle Obama's strong motherly arms giving us a powerful embrace from the White House.
And now we get the "inane" whining and bitching about an article complimenting Angelina Jolie?
What is this TMZ? Entertainment Tonight?
Why no disgust or discussion related to your Republican icons?
You know, big family guys and heroes of Ann...studs like Newt or Rush?
Remember their relationships?
How many times have the fat man and Newt been married and divorced?
(Remember Newt during his wife's bout with cancer?)
How many children have Newt or Rush adopted? How many are they supporting?
Is there anything you idiots, with Ann providing the lead...will not bitch about?
Jeremy, please stop bitching about us bitching.
Why must leftists and moronic leftists distill some of the most basic of human interactions as a function of tribalism. Brad Pitt isn't part of any tribe. We don't have tribes anymore unless you are African, Afghani, Pakistani, or Indian of some variety from around the world. He's just a good looking guy who made his choice about which woman he wanted to spend time with. Unfortunately he had to commit adultery to do it, but that isn't tribalism either. If Angelina somehow skirted the scarlett letter because of her ability to steer her children to the hottest guy from the tribe of man, then Jeniffer Aniston is Mother Teresa for the public humiliation she endured at the whim of these two pillars of stupidity. Oh, Naomi Wolfe is a moron.
Pitt and Aniston didn't have any kids, which is why this wasn't a big deal.
I've never understood why Pitt would want Billy Bob's seconds.
Anyway, Pitt will leave Jolie for someone hotter soon enough and leave thee nanny to raise to the kids.
Jolie's image is not just a mirror of one woman but also a looking glass for female fantasy life writ large.
Sorry, but I’m still trying to figure out if we’re talking about an image, a mirror or a looking glass. All the same thing?
Whatever it is, it seems to be bigger than female imagination, itself, like the invisible creature in “Forbidden Planet.”
I wouldn’t be so very flattered, if I were Ms. Jolie.
Wolfe freely admits she used her looks to help get ahead in life. She is now pushing 50 and the looks are quickly fading. She is turning into the angry bitter crone everyone who was paying attention always knew she would.
"I'm curious to see how her child rearing experiments pan out."
And yu bast this ridiculous comment on what?
Has she done something that makes you think she's not a good mother? That she's not going to be a good mother?
You ask this after she adopted one child from Cambodia.
Another child from Ethiopia.
Gave birth to a child in 2006, then donated the 3.5 MILLION paid for the child's pictures to charities.
Then adopted another child from Vietnam.
Then gave birth to twins in 2008, and again deposited over 4 MILLION dollars into their own foundation, funneling money to such efforts as Doctors Without Borders, Global Action for Children and Global Health Committee to establish a center to aid children affected by tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS in Ethiopia.
Now...let's have the local whiners list all of the adopted children they've taken in, why they're such experts on child rearing and motherhood...and be sure to include the millions you've donated to charities that relate to adoption and child rearing efforts.
John said..."Wolfe freely admits she used her looks to help get ahead in life."
This is the most shocking bit of information I've ever heard!!!
A woman (or a man for that matter)...that "used" their looks to get ahead??
You should consider a career as a journalist.
Have you told anybody else about this?
Tom Spaulding - You people live to bitch.
Do any of you have any friends at all? Any life at all?
I've never seen so many negative and downright depressing people gathered in one place in my life...other than the GOP of course.
Naomi Wolf?
Breaking news - sky remains blue.
DKWalser said..."The problem is Jolie, Madonna, Oprah, and many other celebrity women are modeling behavior that only works for them because they are multi-millionaires....moving into and out of marriage at the drop of a hat, having children without the benefit of marriage, etc."
American divorce rate is right at 50%.
I had no idea so many were multi-millionaire celebrities.
Jeremy you are an unbelievable moron. Just striking how stupid you are. But, sadly you are right about Jolie. How many children she wants to adopt is her business. If only you might use this experience of actually getting something right for once in a positive way. You know like considering that if it is none of anyone's business how many children Jolie adopts, perhaps it is none of anyone's business about other things. Doubtful, but we can always hope.
Yup, Jeremy, she's awesome. You should really follow her lead and do exactly the same things she does...just like you think I should.
BTW, Your insistence on erratically formatting random sentences as paragraphs makes it that much harder for us to scroll over your posts without reading them...why do you hate us so?
Sigivald said..."Naomi Wolf? Inane? Breaking news - sky remains blue."
If you consider someone who graduated from Yale and was a Rhodes Scholar "inane" you really need to get out more...or at least start to read.
It's got to be more challenging to revile men when you're turned on by them.
Tom - The fact that you're having a tough time understand my posts is not surprising.
And if you're saying you "scroll over" my posts...how is it you keep responding?
Not real bright are you?
*By the way... I don't remember you mentioning how many children you've adopted.
How many?
"If you consider someone who graduated from Yale and was a Rhodes Scholar "inane" you really need to get out more...or at least start to read."
Appealing to authority is not argument. There is nothing to say a Rhodes Scholar cannot grow up to be inane. What is interesting is that on the one hand, you are whinning about everyone slamming on Jolie. But then on the other hand you are telling us how brilliant Wolfe is. Hello!!! Is there any one home Jeremy?!!
In case you missed it, the whole post is about how Wolfe thinks Jolie is a homewrecking slut.
Pitt's lucky not to be lacerated by Jolie's scimitar shoulder-blades.
"Jeremy" wrote: "Do any of you have any friends at all? Any life at all?"
Of course we have. That is why we spend so much less time on here than you do, Gene.
If Jolie is your role model, model your role after her if you want to. Who's stopping you? Adopt a Benetton poster full of kids if you want to...who's stopping you?
BTW, loved you in the "Leave Britney Alone" video, looking forward to the sequel with Jolie.
I wonder - if you had to throw up on one body part of Naomi Wolf, which body part would it be? But can God create a rock too big for Him to lift?
Gene Olson wrote "And yu bast this ridiculous comment on what?"
The meds are off a bit today - he has forgotten English.
But he is commenting frequently, so all decent people can abandon this post. He can carry on without further input.
Tom Spaulding said..."If Jolie is your role model, model your role after her if you want to."
Where did I say anything about Jolie being my "role model?" (Reading comprehension?)
I said it was disingenuous for people here to jump on Wolf or Jolie, based on an obvious puff piece complimenting Jolie.
Jolie, for being a a very wealthy and popular celebrity, appears to be more concerned with helping people than anybody I've ever encountered here. What is it about that that YOU and others can't understand? (Jealousy would be my assumption.)
Again: How many children have you adopted, Tom? How many do you support?
How many do I need until I can join your club?
NKVD - I've asked Palladian about this over and over again: Does this Gene person you refer to know you idiots are infatuated and in love with him?
Oh, and once again: Suck my dick, little man.
Where did I say anything about Jolie being my "role model?" (Reading comprehension?)
Yet, you insist she be MY role model...apparently, until I contribute millions of dollars (equivalent to tens of dollars for me) and adopt X number of kids, you refuse to let me be a smart-assed whiny bitch posting on a blog headed by a law prof in Wisconsin. What an odd set of rules you insist upon.
What price freedom, Jeremy? What price freedom?
Tom - You just need to read more slowly.
I'm the one defending Jolie.
You and others are the ones attacking her and Wolf.
If you actually believe Jolie is somehow selfish or can't be trusted to be a good mother, why not provide any evidence of such behavior, instead of just throwing out silly insults?
As for Wolf; she's an author that writes what her publisher wants and pays for.
Maybe if you had a job you'd understand this concept.
Tom - "Yet, you insist she be MY role model."
I never said anything of the kind.
Tom, are you mentally deficient, drunk or doing drugs?
And why are you responding to posts you "scroll" over?
Not that bright.
John - "But then on the other hand you are telling us how brilliant Wolfe is."
I never said she was "brilliant."
I merely pointed out that she was highly educated and she's obviously an accomplished and popular writer.
If you consider than to be indicative of being "inane," you need to read more.
Or better yet, stick to the comic books.
Oh, and once again: Suck my dick, little man..
I thought you were happiy married? What would your wife say if she knew you were soliciting blow jobs on the internet?
Another thread dies. It's Jeremicide.
Hoosier - I know you like to visualize me getting my dick sucked, but I really use the term as a form of derision.
Does my saying it make you hot?
Are you thinking about it right now?
How's that corn crop coming along?
If you drew a vertical line for each of Jeremy's comments and spaced them out by the count of intervening comments by all other commenters you could generate a bar code.
But a bar code for what?
DKWalser said..."Another thread dies."
And what a thread it was!!!
Wolfe is bad, Jolie is bad.
An intellectual gold mine.
Henry - There's a nice "bar" near my house that serves very good prime rib.
And, contrary to the local pack of wingnuts, many of the people there actually read newspaper and books.
Imagine that.
Oh, what the hell, I'm bored what with the drinking, drugs and funemployment I face everyday. Here's some Purina Troll Food:
I'm curious to see how her child rearing experiments pan out.
That is the entirety of my comments directed towards Ms. Jolie on this thread.
You, Jeremy, then listed all of the Jolie achievements that you consider laudable (look it up). Then you posted this:
Now...let's have the local whiners list all of the adopted children they've taken in, why they're such experts on child rearing and motherhood...and be sure to include the millions you've donated to charities that relate to adoption and child rearing efforts.
Thus a de facto (look it up) setting of the bar for commenting on Jolie, a bar you yourself have yet to reach, based on the check stubs, tax returns, and adoption papers you have failed to provide.
Henceforth, if you are a man of your implications, you are not going to allow yourself to comment on this thread any more.
Didn't know Jeremy was such a huge fan of Byron "Whizzer" White.
Pitt and DeCaprio are girls' ideals of handsome men, who oddly look a lot like girls. Jolie's lips and tits look like they're from boys' comic books (and so's her acting).
I've never seen so many negative and downright depressing people gathered in one place in my life.
Stop ptojecting. It is well established that conservatives are happier than liberals and give more generously to charity as well.
Jolie is not a generally appropriate role model. Her admirable qualities do not alter that, nor do those qualities somehow accrue to the credit of lefties in general, who tend to be a nasty, puling, niggardly bunch.
Someone said (in comments) this behaviour only works for the *elite* (my words) or wealthy...and I think NOT. It doesn;t work - and in the long run, and maybe not even in this life - we'll see. It is so sad to have these type of role models though for young people.
Naomi Wolfe has JUMPED THE SHARK! (my new favorite saying for liberal/inane journalists! - yes, I know it has been used for t.v. shows. :D)
Pitt and DeCaprio are girls' ideals of handsome men, who oddly look a lot like girls.
Really? I've always thought Brad Pitt looked kind of like a monkey. He's one of a whole set of actors all of whom look vaguely simian to me. Is that racist?
elHombre said..."Jolie is not a generally appropriate role model."
Who would you suggest as a "role model?"
Sarah Palin? Has a daughter who got pregnant out of wedlock?
Naomi Wolf: Pot. Kettle. Black.
Tom Spaulding said “As for Ms. Wolf...a visit from an Alpha Male seems to be in order, provided one could be coerced into maintaining the necessary inspiration that is undoubtedly self-negated by her very presence in the room.” LOL. Very true.
EKatz said “Naomi Wolf is considered by many in academia to be an intellectual spokesperson on politics, culture and women.” If I am understand EKatz correctly, then I quite agree with him. That Naomi Wolf is considered so brilliant says a lot more about the decrepit state of America’s intellectual life than it does about the brilliance of Naomi Wolf.
John said “Wolfe freely admits she used her looks to help get ahead in life. She is now pushing 50 and the looks are quickly fading. She is turning into the angry bitter crone everyone who was paying attention always knew she would.” Well said. Really, I long for the day when she fades completely from our national consciousness.
Sigivald is right that Naomi Wolf is inane. Just because she went to Yale and Oxford doesn’t mean she is brilliant. It’s said, but, as I point out below, very often “academic brilliance” is often simply skillful social networking.
I actually like Jolie. She is a whack job, but in many ways a very sweet and endearing person. Think back to high school or middle school. Angelina Jolie was the beautiful Goth who was weird, did drugs, and had sex. But she was also nice to people, even the geeks and nerds. Perhaps even especially to the geeks and nerds.
Naomi Wolf, on the other hand, was the self-important narcissist who was moderately smart, but kissed up to the teachers and principals relentlessly. She was obsequious before the powerful, but stepped on the little people who got in her way.
Naomi Wolf is one of the most overrated “intellectuals” this country has seen in the last 25 years. She is moderately bright, but hardy brilliant.
How's that corn crop coming along?.
Still waiting for planting. I'll let you know when it's in.
Re: Jeremy.
Do . . . not . . . feed . . . him.
Re: Jeremy.
Do . . . not . . . feed . . . him.
Oh don't worry. I'm sure Jen will be along soon enough.
"Jolie, for being a a very wealthy and popular celebrity, appears to be more concerned with helping people than anybody I've ever encountered here."
Everybody but Jennifer Aniston, that is. And other people suffering from adultery - she didn't seem to care about them too much.
And for the guy who thinks we aren't tribes anymore, you've really got to dig into the NewAge Movement more to determine who these people are
We may not be a part of their cult but that doesn't mean it's not there. Or do you think this cultural push to do as they want/do is a coincidence?
Naomi Wolf raves inanely.
What more can be said than that?
And I do like Jolie well enough, though I wish she didn't get "work" done, because she sure didn't need any. Supposedly she's bright and articulate in support of her international causes (refugees and displaced people?) and she likes Ayn Rand. As for her children... she *is* rich and she can well afford as much help as she wants or needs and she (and this goes for Madonna, too, whom I care for less) seems to be genuinely and closely involved in their lives. Bitching about a failure to follow an ideal family plan isn't something I'm interested in.
The Brad Pitt thing, however, has always bothered me. I actually knew people who gushed about "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" because they said, it was so clear that the actors were "in love". Ugh. Ptewie. Spit.
I don't think my opinion of *that* would be different if I actually thought Brad Pitt was sexy.
Which I don't.
Jeremy is accomplishing his goal. As a "lurker" I don't much care to comment. But Jeremy is well on his way to making the comments section unreadable.
But that's his plan isn't it.
Who would you suggest as a "role model?" Sarah Palin? Has a daughter who got pregnant out of wedlock?
Are you arguing that Jolie is "generally" a good role model? Or are you claiming that having "a daughter who got pregnant out of wedlock" disqualifies someone from being a role model?
You do realize, Gene, that either contention is silly, don't you? Is it really necessary to keep embarassing yourself to draw attention away from Barack and his guys screwing up everything they touch?
It's like SETI research. There may be intelligent life out there, but all we can pick up is random noise.
Envy, writ large.
No self-respecting male would nail Wolf with a Senco pneumatic framing nailer.
The Crack Emcee said..."Everybody but Jennifer Aniston..."
Oh, good lord...maybe we should stone the woman.
No self-respecting male would nail Wolf with a Senco pneumatic framing nailer.
The same does not, however, hold true for Angelina -- skinny or no skinny.
I think Angelina is sometimes pretty cool and I would prefer that my granddaughters not seek to emulate her.
elHombre said..."Are you arguing that Jolie is "generally" a good role model?"
I'm not "arguing" anything.
But I do think, that based on her actions, and I certainly don't see anything she's done as being horrible in any way, she serves as a pretty good role model for most.
Bitching about her stealing away Brad Pitt is petty and with the divorce rate at about 50% in America it's a rather specious complaint.
There are plenty of people in the same position as Jolie who do absolutely nothing to help anybody anywhere, and she appears to be doing one hell of a lot more than most.
Pastafarian - You're comment is just another regurgitation of the same whiny bullshit I hear from others here on a regular basis.
My responses and comments relate to the ridiculous notion that Wolfe and Jolie are somehow horrible people who need to be put in their place...by people who don't know them and have done nothing themselves that would warrant such criticism.
Wolfe wrote a puff piece...not exactly a new journalistic invention.
Jolie has gone out of her way to adopt children who need a home and puts her own money where her mouth is...so why are you whining about what I have to say?
Are you saying, that instead of anyone like myself providing a counter to the standard fare...everybody needs to be on the same page?
If you don't like what I say...don't read it.
Balfegor said..."I've always thought Brad Pitt looked kind of like a monkey. He's one of a whole set of actors all of whom look vaguely simian to me. Is that racist?"
Kind of, but it's more stupid than anything else.
Who are these other "actors" who you think look "simian?"
mccullough said...
Pitt and Aniston didn't have any kids, which is why this wasn't a big deal.
I've never understood why Pitt would want Billy Bob's seconds..
As I understand the "Bradgelina" thing, the big reason Pitt left his girlfriend Aniston was that he wanted a family and she wanted no kids. She thought kids would hurt in her quest to become an A-list actress after Friends ended.
So Pitt found what he needed elsewhere. Who happened to be a slightly loopy gorgeous young babe with kids...who had A-List standing, too.
Finally, too late to save her relationship with Pitt, Aniston decided to get married and have kids.
And for Pitt going for "seconds"...I'd line up for "thirds" of Jolie.
Ralph said...
Pitt and DeCaprio are girls' ideals of handsome men, who oddly look a lot like girls.
Pitt is one of the ones that can look "gorgeous" as a man, yet both men and women both see him as "all-man". That started back in "Thelma and Louise."
Pitt is like those red-blooded but handsome to the point of beauty Aussie guys in films. Like a young Mel Gibson or Hugh Jackman now. Can do drama, comedy, even foppish roles....but absolutely convincing as tough guys.
Leonard DiCaprio suffered for about 10 years from a perception of being a pretty boy, an androgynist. He wasn't my choice to be cast as a street tough in "Gangs of New York" - it looked like Cameron Diaz's Jenny could beat him to a pulp, let alone Bill "The Butcher".
But in the last few years, he turned up the testosterone. DiCaprio was utterly convincing as a hardass ex-Rhodesian merc in "Blood Diamond".
"Oh, good lord...maybe we should stone the woman."
In case you haven't noticed, that would be more acceptable than what we have now: shallow self-centered immorality paraded before us on the wide screen as something to admire. I don't mind Jolie living a lie as much as I hate have to endure it as well. And like Jolie's efforts to "help others", your assistance to her media manipulations isn't doing much for anyone else's perception of integrity within this life at all. For instance:
Tell me, Jeremy, how do you define "character"?
I never understood the weird obsession with Angelina Jolie after she married Brad Pitt. She’s done some good things and good for her, but she basically stole someone’s husband as well (not even to get into the wearing blood around her neck thing). And then people had the nerve to act like Jennifer Annisten saying that that "wasn't cool" was evil or somehow inappropriate. I wouldn't blame JA if she spent 5 minute of every interview talking about how much she hates Angelina.
You ask this after she adopted one child from Cambodia.
Another child from Ethiopia..
Man, if I weren’t at work I would be looking for that clip from Best Week ever about Angelina Jolie thinking “what goes with Cambodian” when picking out her next child. Heh.
"Jeremy aka Gene said...
If you consider someone who graduated from Yale and was a Rhodes Scholar "inane" you really need to get out more...or at least start to read."
Well, afterall, she did put that Yale and Rhodes to good use when she saw the inner pussy in Al Gore and wanted to make him an Alpha male so that other Alpha or Beta males could say, "Yeah, here is a real dude. I'm going to vote for you real Alpha male, man, guy, dude."
Say it with me Gene, ManBearPig.
"Shanna said...
I never understood the weird obsession with Angelina Jolie after she married Brad Pitt. "
They've never married and the reason why is because they will never marry until everyone else is allowed to marry. So they join the ranks of having children that are now celebrity bastard babies. Pillars of high intellect those two.
Jeremy/Gene Olson obviously hasn't heard the rumor that Jolie is a libertarian.
The Crack Emcee said..."In case you haven't noticed, that would be more acceptable than what we have now: shallow self-centered immorality paraded before us on the wide screen as something to admire."
Stoning women because they leave someone to marry another...would be "more acceptable than what we have now: shallow self-centered immorality paraded before us on the wide screen as something to admire."
What Jolie movies are you talking about? Lara Croft?
A Mighty Heart?
The Good Shepherd?
Beyond Borders?
Girl, Interrupted?
The Bone Collector?
You need to get out more, Dude.
They've never married and the reason why is because they will never marry until everyone else is allowed to marry..
Ah, forgot that part. I actually do my best to avoid celebrity gossip, but some of it always seeps through. And I do watch shows like The Soup and sometimes Best Week Ever.
The whole thing was mostly irritating because Angelina almost seemed to be applauded for stealing someone’s husband, which is something I can’t get behind. She has good points and bad points, like all of us. Let’s not elect her to sainthood.
Knox - And yet another who's evidently infatuated with this Gene person.
Does he know about this? DO you love him, along with Palladian?
And, as to Jolie being a libertarian...you think that flies in the face of a liberal?
Libertarians are one hell of a lot closer in their beliefs to liberals than to far right fools who complain about "socialism" when they apparently don't even know what it is:
Are you or any of your family and friends taking part in any of these "socialist" programs:
Social Security
Veterans Benefits
Child Welfare
Shanna said..."The whole thing was mostly irritating because Angelina almost seemed to be applauded for stealing someone’s husband, which is something I can’t get behind."
Can you provide any links, articles or evidence that would support that drivel?
Who are these other "actors" who you think look "simian?"
Why I am glad you asked (although I think it is a bit unkind to the actors to put them in scare quotes): Matt Damon and Val Kilmer. For the longest time, I had difficulty differentiating one from another (although this is probably partly because I do not watch many movies). Arnold Schwarznegger also looks a little ape-like, especially with his bulked up arms, but he mostly reminds me of an Eastern Island statue.
Meanwhile, DeCaprio looks like a weasel; Uma Thurman and Matsumoto Jun look like frogs; and Julia Roberts' smile is the stuff nightmares are made of.
Methadras said..."So they join the ranks of having children that are now celebrity bastard babies."
Yeah, those disgusting people with those out of wedlock "bastard" babies.
Like Bristol Palin?
Balfegor thinks Matt Damon, Val Kilmer and Arnold Schwarznegger all look like apes.
DeCaprio looks like a weasel, Uma Thurman and Matsumoto Jun look like frogs.
And of course, Julia Roberts' smile is the stuff nightmares are made of.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Why not post a picture of yourself...so we can see what your point of comparison might be?
Methadras - And yet another fool who is evidently infatuated with this Gene person.
Does he know you love him?
Shouldn't you tell him?
This woman's fantasy life does not feature Ms. Jolie or the twee Mr. Pitt.
Can you provide any links, articles or evidence that would support that drivel?.
Oh good lord, you want me to find links to People?
Not gonna happen, but that attitude was definately out there.
BJM - I like your favorite movies and agree with most.
And your fantasy life shouldn't stop you from considering these:
A Mighty Heart
The Good Shepherd
Beyond Borders
Girl, Interrupted
The Bone Collector
Benjamin Button
Fight Club
The Devil's Own
Legends of the Fall
Interview With A Vampire
True Romance
Thelma and Louise
Shanna said..."Oh good lord, you want me to find links to People? Not gonna happen, but that attitude was definately out there."
Throw out a crock of shit and see if it hits anybody.
You're full of it.
I thought Brad Pitt was hot way back when I was a teenager and even went to see Legends of the Fall because of it, which was disappointing because the ending to that movie was completely ridiculous.
Whoever said Angelina looks like a comic book character was dead on. She is very strange looking. Her features sometimes don't look real. That kind of look...people either think you're gorgeous or totally freakish looking.
"people either think you're gorgeous or totally freakish looking."
Yeah, I get that a lot.
Not so much the former really.
Well, not ever.
But otherwise, yeah.
This Jeremy character is a hoot:
"Are you or any of your family and friends taking part in any of these "socialist" programs:
Social Security
Veterans Benefits
Child Welfare
Can you or any of your family and friends avoid taking part in any of these 'socialist' programs? It's not like anybody has choice, genius.
As far as Jolie is concerned - whose own father says she has "severe emotional problems" - I can just picture JA at home, crying and wailing because she was betrayed, publicly humiliated, and alone and lonely - with the whole concept of "trust" redefined as non-existent - and Jeremy in Jolie's closet, as she sucks Brad's cum, yelling, "You go, Girl!"
That's just how I roll.
whose own father says she has "severe emotional problems" .
The woman went around for a year wearing a vile of blood! She's an odd duck.
Jeremy, actually quite a few of Jolie and Pitt's movies are in my collection, but as to fancying either of them or their lifestyles, not so much.
I've never seen an Angelina Jolie movie (other than a few minutes of "Girl, Interrupted" on HBO).
Brad Pitt is excellent in some of my favorite movies: "Fight Club," "12 Monkeys," "Thelma and Louise"...
I thought Brad Pitt was great in the new version of Planet of the Apes.
Her lips frighten me.
Me too.
Scare me, Angelina.
Althouse, rent "Tomb Raider", as most gamers will attest; Jolie is exactly as they imagined Lara Croft and the dishy Mr. Craig appears briefly.
I thought Pitt was great in Snatch. And he had a tiny, but hilarious role in True Romance. Jolie, eh, I don't get the appeal.
I don't find jeremy interesting to talk to, but I would like to talk about him. Here he has spent, what, hours and hours shrieking at people he hates. What interest does that serve? I mean, obviously not anything practical, but it has to have some kind of emotional importance to the dude. Did he get beat up a lot in school, and is dying to strike back? Is his love life making him miserable? Everything about the guy screams "unhappiness." He must find the shrieking soothing, but I don't get why. Anybody have experience with trauma victims? Or maybe OCD?
I dunno for sure, John, but he posts just like Wormwood, a lesser demon.
Hey Jeremy, or whatever your name is,
why don't you do the whole world a big favor and go fuck yourself. Then go into a locked room with a pistol and one bullet. The world will be a much better place.
She [Wolf] is moderately bright, but hardy brilliant.
She is, however, a typist of the first water.
Brad Pitt is excellent in some of my favorite movies: "Fight Club," "12 Monkeys," "Thelma and Louise"...
He's best if they keep him out of a pure lead. Playing off Ed Norton or Morgan Freeman he can be quite good.
Bratt Pitt is very hot.
I loved him in Thelma and Louise. A star making turn for him. Those abs wrote his ticket.
Jolie doesn't do it for me.
I think Aniston is fabulous though. Loved her in Object of My Affection with Paul Rudd who is another hottie.
Naomie Wolf is definitely fuckable though. Libtard or not most here would fuck her in a hearbeat. She's no Liddy Dole or Virginia Foxx but she is someone we wouldn't say no to in the hay.
She's no Gretchen Carlson either. I absolutely love Gretch.
I recall listening to Ms. Wolfe on a talk show a few years back warning that Bush was taking the country down the road to fascism and that he was going to be taking over the country and would use Blackwater as his pratorian guard.
She may be a babe but she's as dumb as a fucking chair.
I was curious how Angelina Jolie and Naomi Wolf could possibly inspire 103 comments in this crowd. I should have guessed. Oy.
And Naomi Wolf completely missed the point. Yet another love triangle in which the single woman is vilified and the married man is excused. One would think that the member of the home would be the homewrecker. But, no. It's positively Talibanic.
Did I miss someone excusing Brad?
I thought Pitt was great in Snatch. And he had a tiny, but hilarious role in True Romance.
Yeah, he's fantastic as a character actor in my opinion (and I'm with you on his role in True Romance). As a lead, eh, he's ok -- but he's been fantastic in quite a few supporting roles.
As far as Jolie is concerned - whose own father says she has "severe emotional problems"
My view is that the very act of going to the press and claiming his daughter has severe emotional problems proved that Jolie did the right thing in cutting off all contact with him. I was impressed by the professional and non-emotional manner in which she responded to Voight's allegations.
She's certainly a little off. She's got issues. But hey, she was abandoned by her movie-star father when she was one year old; she's allowed some issues. :)
Burn After Reading!
Althouse, rent "Tomb Raider", as most gamers will attest; Jolie is exactly as they imagined Lara Croft and the dishy Mr. Craig appears briefly..
Actually the original model for Lara Croft was Rhona Mitra who makes Angelena look like Rosie O'Donnell.
Why not post a picture of yourself...so we can see what your point of comparison might be?
Haha -- but I am not shaped for sportive tricks, nor made to court an amorous looking glass, I am afraid -- like to a chaos, or an unlicked bear-whelp. There are plenty of actors/actresses I think are quite attractive, though. Kimura Takuya is handsome; Ishihara Satomi and Han Kain are pretty; Yoon Eun-Hye is cute. And there are a bunch of American actresses who are quite pretty -- I just can't remember their names. With Angelina Jolie, if her lips were a little less blown up, I'd find her quite beautiful, I think; as it is, she's attractive, but looks a little off. All things being equal, I actually kind of prefer the thinner-lipped look (a la Hirosue Ryoko or Kobayashi Mao).
Synova - That was the general consensus, it seemed. And in the linked passage above, she credits Jolie with the homewrecker label. Then reminds us that Brad was married, then goes on to remark on Jolie's evident disdain for that social constraint.
Pretty much on par with what is generally portrayed: Angelina Jolie - homewrecker. Jennifer Aniston - poor baby. Brad Pitt - lucky dude.
I should clarify that by "general consensus", I don't just mean here in this thread or here on this blog. I mean the truly general consensus.
Yet another love triangle in which the single woman is vilified and the married man is excused..
I don’t think she’s been vilified at all! To the contrary, people seem to gush about Angelina. I certainly don't think well of Brad Pitt for it, but honestly, he comes off as kind of dumb. They are obviously both to blame, and honestly, it’s hollywood. Those people seem incapable of keeping their marriages together and I normally wouldn’t pay attention except that I think the way this thing was portrayed as some beautiful love story was pretty ridiculous. And obviously, if they’re already broken up, it’s even more so.
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