June 4, 2009

At the Tall Grass Café...


... you might as well lie down and luxuriate, because I've got 500 miles to traverse, and I don't know when we'll take an off-ramp for some cheeseburgers and WiFi and offer up some new nuggets for you.


traditionalguy said...

I know what you need for a wedding present now: a new set of tires.

Bissage said...


knox said...

As long as they're not McNuggets.

American Liberal Elite said...

Happy motoring!

The rule of Lemnity said...

Rekmember to put the cap backm in the gas tankm ;)

The rule of Lemnity said...

KMy m kmey sokmetikmes is grabing the km and vice versa.

sokmebody has been typing in mky kmeys.

The rule of Lemnity said...

i have to go get the it guy - be backm later.

Michael Haz said...

Yes! A road trip with Holly The Dog Who Can Drive! Watch out, Althouse.

Anonymous said...

Ann, with all the driving, and another regular passenget (and attendent stuff), have you thought of getting an A5 or better yet, the S5?

Unknown said...

Ann, I love your blog! I'm from Dayton, so I am loving the images of Cincinnati! Also, thanks for opening the InstaComments.....that was a kick!

Bissage said...

Pointless Gripes #51: There are these guys who go into the men’s room; they ignore the available urinals, they piss in a stall without raising the seat, they don’t flush, they don’t wash their hands, and then they touch the door handle on the way out.

And yet, if I were to have them killed, I’d be the one who gets in trouble.

Where is the justice, I ask you.

Freeman Hunt said...

The autoglass man is here to replace my windshield. I was holding the baby while signing the forms outside when I heard a loud splash. Turned to see that the baby had projectiled fresh(ish) milk onto the porch at the man's feet.

I laughed. Sure am glad he laughed too.

KCFleming said...

Baby projectile vomiting.

It's a hoot, until you're the one holding them over your head, looking up at their sweet face, mouth open and smiling, soon a vessel for that just-eaten meal.

Then you're not laughing.

My wife was laughing though, for she had just said 'don't do that, she just ate'.

'What does she know?', thought I.

Freeman Hunt said...

Ha ha ha.

We had a similar experience with the older son a few weeks ago. He woke up in the middle of the night, and I announced after looking at him, "He's going to throw up." "What are you talking about? He's not acting sick." "He's going to throw up." "Nah."

And as my husband carried him down the hall to bed, I was suddenly proven right five times in the row.

Michael Haz said...

Projectile vomiting reminds me of freshman year at University.

Michael Haz said...

Boy oh boy Althouse. I can just imagine your day.

Drive fast.
Post on two blogs.

KCFleming said...

First baby, first emesis: PANIC!!!1!

Third baby, emesis number 182:

Anonymous said...

Dear Ann,

Loved the coreopsis image on Instapundit. But I can't think of coreopsis without thinking of the tense moment in Thurber's "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" where a nervous medical attendant says "coreopsis has set in."

(The millionaire in the OR was suffering from "obstreosis of the ductal tract," and you can imagine the fun a good eighth-grade English teacher could have dissecting that phrase.)

rhhardin said...

I usually made three stops, back when I commuted between Ohio and New Jersey.

ricpic said...

Just Off To Powder My Nose, Darling

In the tall grass
A lady can pee
Without rebuffing

rhhardin said...

Living constitution for dogs.

Each Doberman I've had, trained to stay inside the property line (they can't escape when a gate's left open if there is no fence, and they're held in only by their own character), has interpreted the rule to apply strictly only while they were standing. All have felt that if they're lying down, the rule is that only some body part must be inside the property line.

That way they can reach the greener grass and still be legal.

former law student said...

Blago says his wife's tarantula eating was an act of love


My love isn't strong enough to eat a tarantula.

The Dude said...

ricpic, you left off "Burma Shave".

Big Mike said...

Stumbled across this a short while ago. Worth contemplating IMAO.

Big Mike said...

@Pogo, when it comes to kids the mother always knows.

rhhardin said...

Doberman runs behind tall grass.

Kev said...

KMy m kmey sokmetikmes is grabing the km and vice versa.

sokmebody has been typing in mky kmeys.

I feel for ya, Lem. I had a whole column of keys go out on my laptop over the weekend, and they were important ones, too: I, J, K, M, the numbers 7 and 8, and the comma. It made it very hard to write emails, and everyone who spoke with me on AIM thought I had been drinking. ;-)

Since it was cheaper to buy a USB keyboard rather than go to the Computer Hospital, i did that, and now I'm back among the non-gibberish speakers again.

To give an example of how hard it was to talk with me before last night, I'll type the rest of this comment on the old keyboard:

t was a aor pan for e to tal to peole becase so few eys wored. t really dd loo le was drn.

hilbert said...

What kind of camera did you use for this photo?


Ann Althouse said...

"Ann, with all the driving, and another regular passenger..."

We don't have another regular passenger. Or do you think we have a dog? Pure illusion!