Graham says:
Here’s what went on the front page instead [of "Pelosi Says She Knew of Waterboarding by Early 2003"]: Chrysler telling dealers to close, Mexican immigration plummeting, Afghans fault U.S. for airstrikes, the end of a pension case at the Carlyle Group, an advertising story headlined "Does Ranting Sell? Worth a Try," and the light story of the day: "For Frozen Entrees, ‘Heat and Eat’ Isn’t Enough." It came complete with a photo of a Banquet chicken pot pie box.
६२ टिप्पण्या:
The paper's motto, as printed in the upper left-hand corner of the front page, is "All the News That's Fit to Hide."
God needs to watch over the New York Times like he did the C-4's Germans. Its defeat will make the world rejoice. Newspapers need to contain the latest news and then add their own spin and an Editorial Page. The NYT long ago decided theyhad power to just censor news and run filler stories about human interest and faux-shameful practices needing reform. A small town weekly community paper at least would continue to run the local news events so readers would pick it up along with the filler stories making more pages for advertisements.
I believe that the issue at hand is the charge the Ms. Pelosi knew in 2002. She says 2003.
certainly you kneejerks have to some more pressing issue...water boiling on your stove perhaps? cat litter full?...
news isn't news just because you want it to be.
Hey, but they get letters from angry leftists complaining about a rightward bias, and, you know, that proves they're not biased at all.
news isn't news just because you want it to be.
By the same token, house, just because you close your eyes and cover your ears it's not gonna go away.
Elephant? What elephant? This big gray smelly thing is my couch. Always been there, I swear!
I believe that the issue at hand is the charge the Ms. Pelosi knew in 2002. She says 2003.
Is that where the story is now? I mean, it has come so far from "I was never told" that I'm losing track.
This was the article about the now infamous press conference. Anyone who doesn't think that was real news is kidding himself.
news isn't news just because you want it to be.
As the Tim Graham article states, the WaPo had it on the front page, "with a box promising two more stories inside."
news is news even if you don't want it to be.
Since the nine people who still read the NYT don't really care about real news, why should they put it front and center? Save your money and get a paper with comics!
News is always a lifestyle choice. The trick is to find a genre with an audience.
It's just getting hard to defend this one against what it pretends to be (``you are serious people because you are reading this serious news''), the suspicion now being that you are definitely not a serious person.
"certainly you kneejerks have to some more pressing issue...water boiling on your stove perhaps? cat litter full?..."
I agree. We should start an organization devoted to getting past this. We could call it MoveOn...
That would Mis-Speaker of The House, Nancy Pelosi-D.
Once it was a great paper, with great writing. Not that long ago really: "It is a fine thing that a man astride two wheels can, in a six-day race, distance a hound, horse, or a locomotive. It confirms the assumption, no longer much contested, that the human animal is superior to the other animals. But this undisputed thing is being said in too solemn and painful way at Madison Square Garden. An athletic contest in which participants 'go queer' in their heads, and strain their powers until their faces become hideous with the tortures that rack them, is not sport. It is brutality. Days and weeks of recuperation will be needed to put the Garden racers in condition, and it is likely that some of them will never recover from the strain."
I know a lot of the Althouse commentariat likes to trash the New York Times but I still like it well enough.
I admit I seldom read the articles but it almost always has a nifty illustration on the front cover that looks pretty good on a coffee table.
I always read the cartoons on the inside but they’re not nearly as good as they used to be. They pretty much nose-dived after Lee Lorenz stepped down.
My dad always bought the Herald Tribune, unless there were good train crash photos to bring home to me in the Times.
The NYT is not even fit for fishwrap. No self respecting fish would allow itself to be wrapped in such filth.
Pelosi is untouchable. She is running the country with Obama as the talking dummy. She can lie, cheat, steal, and get away with it. No one, including the media has the guts, fortitude, or courage to go up against her. She will just force a law the forbids such yellow journalism. Harry Reid will say yes maam, get Senate approval. Obama will sign it- he will sign anything- and wahm, bam, thank you maam, no free press.
Former citizens of the USSR have said that learning how to read PRAVDA was an important but difficult skill.
What was not said, who was not mentioned, what stories were not told, all gave the astute reader a clue.
In a more open society such a practice becomes harder to defend, except as pure propaganda. Or if the society is not actually an open one at all.
For example, on the brink of adopting national health care, no one has yet written the story that Medicare patients are being dropped fromprimary care and specialty practices across the US. I see some elderly who live 250 miles from me who want me to be their "primary" doctor. Practices are routinely 'capping' their Medicare exposure at 20% of the total (far below actual demand), because it's making them go broke.
But you won't read about it.
In a way, the NYTimes is entirely correct, as is hdhouse. News isn't news just because you want it to be. The narrative can be controlled. It is controlled in the schools and across the media.
For once, hdhouse and I are in full agreement.
Chicken Pot Pie!
Chicken Pot Pie!
I don't care
If Pelosi Lied
Just give me more
Of that Chicken Pot Pie!
Nancy Pelosi lied about National Security.
I know because Jon Stewart showed her lying.
She said that she NEVER knew that the CIA was waterbooarding.
The CIA and other members of Congress made her tell the truth: She knew for sure and can't deny it anymore by Feb 2003.
She should step down, the liar.
From watch dog to lap dog. who woulda thunk it?
Somebody help me here, as I'm having trouble wrapping the implications of Speaker Pelosi's knowledge and conduct around my brain.
Is it the Republican view that her knowledge (tacit approval?) of waterboarding is the basis for some sort of bipartisan estoppel, making the practice OK (then, now, and forever)?
While the fact that the Speaker of the house is a brazen liar is admittedly one of those things you either care about or you don't, I believe the Republican view is that if waterboarding is non-OK, it's at least not so obviously non-OK as some-- including the brazen liar who will shortly be stepping down as Speaker of the House-- would have us believe.
That does it!
* looks up estoppel *
No, that is not the Republican view. You do not understand Republicans at all, do you? That, or you just like being thick. It's the Republican view, I gather, that when one actually pays attention and follows the arc of what Pelosi says, the only conclusion one can draw is Pelosi lies through her teeth about important matters of national security for her own minor political advantage. They're observing her squirm. It reinforces in the mind of Republican voters and other rational observers that Democrat partisans can be total wankers.
Of course, it is not really news that politicians lie, most of them do. This is news for different reasons. First, it is the Speaker of the House, third in line. We pretend to expect more from someone in that position. Certainly, if the statements of the Bush Administration about its understanding of WMD can be called a lie, and be deemed worthy of impeachment. Nancy’s veracity should be of national interest. Second, it is a matter of national security. Indeed, when the Speaker claims the CIA has lied to Congress on a regular basis, that very charge deserves airing. But, in my view, the reason this is new is because it puts an end to any talk of prosecution of or retribution toward anyone approving or executing waterboarding. It is that last reason that so disappoints the Times and cause it, in a fit of pique, to hide it.
In other words, as Lindsay Graham has said (paraphrasing), "If a crime has occurred then Nancy Pelosi is part of it." The logic is preserved no matter where you come down on the premise.
Why do I think the liberals hunger for "truth trials" has suddenly been dampened a bit lately? As Pelosi continually blusters between multiple positions that she absolutely didn know, how about she did know but didn't feel she could make a difference or no the CIA lied to her, no wait she didn't mean that she meant Bush lied to us, yeah, that's the ticket. Obama isn't the only one that just wants this all to go away.
Only the truly foolish or the senile like hd house would expect anything but prevarication and deceit from the New York Times or any other of the minions of Satan who populate the main stream media. They lie for a living. Their business is dying slowly but inexorably. The Times is exploring running a pledge drive and getting readers to buy memberships.
The real problem is shared by both the New York Times and hd house. They need to die. Sooner rather than later. Their demise can not happen fast enough. It would make the world a so much better place.
The only thing worse than a journalist is a lawyer.
Moonbat: news isn't news just because you want it to be.
Sure, hdhouse. Here's what would qualify as "a more pressing issue" in your alternate reality:
President Palin’s First 100 Days
A near disaster.By Victor Davis HansonWASHINGTON (AP) — The first 100 days of the Palin presidency, according to a consensus of media commentators, have proven a near disaster. Perhaps it was Palin’s scant two years’ experience in a major government position that has eroded her gravitas, or maybe it was her flirty reliance on looks and informal chit-chat. In any case, the press has had a field day, and it is hard to see how President Palin can ever recover from the Quayle/potatoe syndrome. Here is a roundup of this week’s pundit mockery.
“Ted Stevens may have gotten off,” wrote Bob Herbert in the New York Times, “but he taught our Sarah something first — like using $100-a-pound beef for her state dinners. And what’s this $50 mil for her inauguration gala? Since when do you fly in your favorite pizza-maker from across the country on our dime? Or send the presidential 747 for a spin over the Big Apple for a third-of-a-million-dollar joyride? Does Palin think she’s still in Alaska and has to have everything flown in from the South 48 by jumbo jet?”
Also in the Times, Gail Collins weighed in on the already-tired yokelism of the new commander in chief. “What we’re getting is Wasilla chic. That’s what we’re getting. She arrives in the Oval Office, and first thing sends back Blair’s gift of the Churchill bust as if it’s a once-worn Penney’s outfit. Then she gives the Brits some unwatchable DVDs as a booby prize — as if she idled the old Yukon and ran into Target’s sale aisle. Did Sarah send Bristol into Wal-Mart back in Anchorage for that ‘engraved’ iPod for the queen? And what’s this don’t-bow-to-the-queen stuff, but curtsy for a Saudi sheik? Maybe that explains why she brags to Stephanopoulos about her ‘Muslim faith.’ So far, the best things going for her are Todd’s biceps.”
“Well,” lectured Paul Krugman, again in the Times, “we were worried that they didn’t teach math at Idaho U., and now we know for sure they don’t. Is it $1.6 trillion, $1.7 trillion, or $2 trillion in red ink this year? Are we supposed to be impressed that she offers ‘fiscal sobriety’ by cutting 0.003 percent of the budget? She gives out money to those who don’t pay taxes and calls it a tax cut. And now Queen Sarah tells us that in four years she’ll ‘halve’ the deficit, as if she hasn’t borrowed another $5 trillion in the meantime. Does she think we’re morons? How many ‘Drill, baby, drill!’ oil wells can she tap into up there in Alaska to pay for the extra $11 trillion in debt she’s saddling us with?”
ABC’s Katie Couric summed up the general disappointment with the president’s communication skills. “I tried to warn the American people in that interview a few years back what they would get if they voted for her. Let’s face it: She’s a walking embarrassment. I mean just count ’em up: The mayor of Wasilla thinks Austrians speak some lingo called ‘Austrian.’ Then she tries her hand at Spanish and comes up with some concoction, ‘Cinco de Cuatro.’ Next thing she’ll walk into the window of the Oval Office and expect it to open — oops, she’s already done that. No wonder that when her Teleprompter stalls, she shuts her mouth until it catches up. I’m surprised she managed to get sworn in. And did she think that tasteless ‘Special Olympics’ slur was funny? Or making fun of octogenarian Nancy Reagan’s séances? No wonder Wanda Sykes feels at home.”
A “dragon lady in heels” is what President Palin is, according to the NYT’s Frank Rich. “Don’t fall for this pageant nice-girl stuff. Our former beauty queen is a ward hack. Look at her nominations. Can’t Palin find anyone who has paid his taxes — or do they simply ignore that stuff in no-tax Alaska? Does ‘No more lobbyists’ mean ‘More lobbyists than ever’? Her chief performance overseer doesn’t perform too well herself — and, like Daschle, Geithner, and the rest, skips out on her taxes. When Palin brags about fiscal sobriety, it really means record deficits. In Sarahland, not wanting to take over banks and car companies translates into, ‘She already has.’ Highest ethical standards equates to ‘There are none.’ Calling herself the VA president means she’s just told vets to use their own health insurance.”
“Pretty crude, pretty petty,” Sally Quinn sighed in the Washington Post. “No manners at all. Does our new mom in chief think it’s neat to laugh when her court jester at the correspondents’ dinner calls Michael Moore a traitor and a terrorist — and hopes he dies of kidney failure? Is that funny? Ask those on dialysis. Is that what Alaskan hockey moms do — scream out at every talk-show host who hurts their itty-bitty feelings? Limbaugh, Hannity — who will it will be next? Poor old Jim Cramer?”
“She’s a Bush clone,” the Times’s Maureen Dowd chimed in. “Bush is out, Palin is in — but we keep getting renditions, military tribunals, wiretaps, e-mail intercepts, Predator drone executions over Pakistan, the same in Iraq, and even more of the same in Afghanistan — all retrofitted with new ‘hope and change’ banalities. I mean, who’s putting Mommy Dearest up to this — Wolfie, Perlie, Cheney?”
“There is no foreign policy,” Chris Matthews said on Hardball, his voice dripping with scorn. “She just tours the world and nods, as if her good looks and serial apologies are going to win us a collective tingle abroad. I don’t think Hugo Chávez and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad care much that she’s got great legs and a nice wink. How many times can Ms. Vapid say, ‘We’re sorry’ and ‘Hit that old reset button’ and expect thugs to make nice?”
Eugene Robinson worried in the Washington Post about Palin’s emphasis on race. “Look, she gets 95 percent of the working-class white vote. She promises next month to talk to the ‘Christian world’ from Estonia, of all places. Hello? She goes to the Summit of the Americas and immediately puts race on the table — as if we are supposed to separate those with European heritage from those without. Then she tells al Arabiyya that she hopes to heal the rift with Europe ‘because of my own shared European heritage that seems to resonate in ways I hadn’t imagined throughout the EU.’ I guess we’re learning that those ‘gaffes’ last year on the campaign trail, like her ‘typical black person’ remark and Todd’s ‘I am finally proud of my country again’ nonsense were not gaffes at all.”
Howard Kurtz summed up the press cynicism the best in his Washington Post column. “How long does she think she can keep picking on her right-wing plants in the audience for these softball Q-and-A sessions? I mean, there are only so many pukey ‘What has surprised you the most about this office? What has enchanted you the most about serving in this office?’ questions you can lob.”
Is it the Republican view that her knowledge (tacit approval?) of waterboarding is the basis for some sort of bipartisan estoppel, making the practice OK (then, now, and forever)?
Of course not. Where are you exposed to such nonsense?
The "view" is that Pelosi endangered national security for purely political reasons - she gave tacit approval of waterboarding in secret meetings, but allowed America to be pilloried in world opinion because it also damaged the Bush administration.
Don't expect tears from me if the California's 8th Congressional District gets hit. Actions have consequences.
Lets not lose sight of the fact that the NYTs is merely pushing the envelope here. Censorship by ommission, burying stories on page A23, leaving out party id when the perp of a scandal is a Democrat, etc. - all practices of our MSM.
Its why whenever someone tells me they're a journalist, I spit.
I'm almost in favor of a bailout of the newspaper industry by a Democrat administration. At least it spotlights them as the intellectual whores of the Left.
Truly. Maureen does this thing with her hips thats just wicked.
/hey Ann, what was it like to be a "little eichmann" working for Pravda?
Pogo said...
Former citizens of the USSR have said that learning how to read PRAVDA was an important but difficult skill.
What was not said, who was not mentioned, what stories were not told, all gave the astute reader a clue.
In a more open society such a practice becomes harder to defend, except as pure propaganda. Or if the society is not actually an open one at all.
Excellent 1st thought by Pogo.
His second, predicting perdition and doom if America follows all other advanced nations and adopts Universal Health care? Not so much..
traditionalguy said...
God needs to watch over the New York Times like he did the C-4's Germans.They are not "my" Germans anymore than the Christianized Romans and Byzantines with their war slogan
"Voviscum deum" , are.
mcg said...
In other words, as Lindsay Graham has said (paraphrasing), "If a crime has occurred then Nancy Pelosi is part of it." The logic is preserved no matter where you come down on the premise.And that is why the Sulzburgers and other influential "progressive, post-communist" Jews of the media are so vexed. They supported Pelosi for so many years, championed her rise - and now they have possibly lost their "torture show trials" - if they are to save her.
"First, it is the Speaker of the House, third in line. We pretend to expect more from someone in that position."
It is one of the singularly insane features of the US political system that we have established the Speaker and the oldest Senator of the Party in control of their respective parts of Congress as 3rd and 4th in Presidential Succession. Not only of the fact that power could transition to the rival Party without an election, but because so many of our past Speakers and Senate President Pro Tems have been singularly unqualified by disposition, life's preparation, and/or elderly enfeeblement - to be an acceptable President.
A President should be able to designate his own Succession line - from existing leaders of his own Party. Including people Outside the Beltway (especially governors) , Ambassadors, and high officials & retired military now in private life. Aside from the Constitutional requirements - the only outright ban I would put would be on nepotism.
Cedarford, I must request that you never quote me in any of your articles again, lest I become indirectly complicit in your Jew-bashing.
Cedar For Brains - "Jews of the media..."
Yeah, those damn Jews...
mcg said...
Cedarford, I must request that you never quote me in any of your articles again, lest I become indirectly complicit in your Jew-bashing..
Go fuck yourself, mcg.
If you don't want other posters to quote you, don't comment in the 1st place.
Well, that's settles that then. At least I asked. Jane Harman filed her memo away in a safe, I posted mine here.
Everyone else is welcome to quote my comments, by the way, whether you agree with them or not.. Just not the Jew-hating dickhead.
Seems like a good time to drag this little morsel out of the mothballs.
Only the truly foolish or the senile like hd house would expect anything but prevarication and deceit from the New York Times or any other of the minions of Satan who populate the main stream media.
Big Supermarket is offering fallen angel food cake today.
Meanwhile Ohio responds to Big Media in the most sensible way given trash pickup is Monday.
mcg said...
Everyone else is welcome to quote my comments, by the way, whether you agree with them or not.. Just not the Jew-hating dickhead,.
Awwwww! No wonder the little Zionist ball licker is in such a foul mood. Especially on "dickheads" that put American lives and interests 1st..
The US is finally coming around to a position that US lives and treasure cannot be expended any more to preserve Israels land grabs and WMD monopoly by going to war as directed against Israel's targets.
The whole neocon crusade of a series of wars (1st Iraq, then Lebanon, then Syria, then Iran, then maybe Saudi Arabia..Faster, faster please!!) has evaporated.
That means - given no support for a 3rd major war against Iran, and Israeli intransigence the main source of terror motivation ...that mcg's idol Netanyahu will be getting a reality check that not even Jane Harman & AIPAC can block.
1. America sees a nuclear arms race starting in the ME as the initiator, Israel, has lost it's technological exclusivity amongst ME nations to elect to enter the nuclear club. It, along with most nations, wants that arms race to end before it really starts.
2. King Abdullah of Jordan has a good proposal only the Zionists and their Islamic extremist counterparts and co-rejectionists can hate.
3. The US cannot be the party that plummets the world into Global Depression by causing a war that cuts off global oil supplies for months. Or complicit by allowing Israel to attack. Or afford to try to break the retaliatory oil embargo sure to come.
So be pissed all you want, mcg. Reality approaches for a 2-State solution and permanent ME Borders. It approaches Fast.
Look, say whatever you want, Jew-hater. Just don't use my quotes to support your argument, 's'all's I'm saying.
Cedarford - Name our number one ally in the Mideast.
Name the only country in the Mideast that would support or interests if the shit ever really hit the fan.
Name the only country in the Mideast who took Saddam out of the nuclear game.
Elliott A said...
Since the nine people who still read the NYT don't really care about real news, why should they put it front and center? Save your money and get a paper with comics!"
Well Elliott, the NYT covered the Bush administration for 8 years...if that isn't humor in print then nothing is...
Trooper York said...
"The real problem is shared by both the New York Times and hd house. They need to die. "
Ohhhh Mr. RoughTough! SOOOO scared of you! ha ha ha ha
I was always told that the real chickenshits are little kids like you...all talk and bile, all Mr. Nasty at arm's length...Just a gutless whinning little prick.
Trooper - "The only thing worse than a journalist is a lawyer."
Who the hell would ever possibly need a lawyer??
Or a journalist?
Other than a fucking moron who doesn't think before he posts inane comments.
Get back to your regular silly TV and movie bullshit.
Being a Jew-hating dickhead is like being drunk. When everyone tells you you are....
Jeremy beshat:
"Cedarford - Name our number one ally in the Mideast.
Name the only country in the Mideast that would support or interests if the shit ever really hit the fan."
Yeah? Not for long boyo. Your talking head is trying to screw Israel. He makess nice nice with Hamas and other terrorist groups- oh, I am so fucking sorry, political groups and NGOs- to give them their own so called homeland; a homeland they abandoned in 1948.
If this keeps up, we will be hated by Israel.
"I was always told that the real chickenshits are little kids like you...all talk and bile, all Mr. Nasty at arm's length...Just a gutless whinning little prick.
Were you looking in the mirror when you said that? Seeing as you are all talk and bile, all Mr. Nasty at arms length and just a gutless whining little prick.
Oh, my bad. A gutless whining little pussy. There, all fixed.
Peter V. Bella - We all know how you feel about Obama...give it a fucking rest.
If you want to answer these questions, do so. Otherwise suck off.
1.Name our number one ally in the Mideast.
2. Name the only country in the Mideast that would support or interests if the shit ever really hit the fan."
3. Name the only country in the Mideast who took Saddam out of the nuclear game.
My God, Jeremy and I at last agree on one issue: Cedarford is a Jew-hating douchebag.
Cedarford wants Iran to go nuclear and nuke the Israelis because it's the only chance the pig will ever have to get a hard-on.
mcg...Don't let C-4 get to you. He loves to be seen as a good person by attacking everybody's secret enemy, like Jews, for the good of society. We knew his type well in the 1950's in Atlanta. The KKK guys made national news inforcing racial rules against black people, but their greatest hate was always directed at Jews and also some at the Catholics.These types are all mind controlled by a false idea: they really hold desparately to the idea that Jews and Catholics are dangerous enemies. The Tatooed kid (Skin Head)in a recent post holds this same idea and thinks, like C-4, that he is a White knight battling enemy forces. When you resist their great false idea, they love to go into battle with you personally, and always say that you are one of the Enemy. Becoming qualified to be called a Jew Lover by C-4, like being called a N.... Lover by the KKK, is a high complement to your courage and your integrity. Also C-4 is excited right now by Iran having power to finish off what his Fuhrer started 70 years ago by getting an operational U-235 Bomb like the Little Boy Bomb that Oppenheimer beat the Nazi scientists to building.
Palladian said..."My God, Jeremy and I at last agree on one issue..."
If you only got to really know me, you'd love me.
Don't worry, C-4's not "getting to me." It's enough to know that if he gets too close to the truth, Bibi will make a call and a couple of New Yorkers will hop the New London ferry and take care of things.
Palladian - Cedarford wants Iran to go nuclear and nuke the Israelis because it's the only chance the pig will ever have to get a hard-on..
Unlike you, Palladian, I seem to get hard-ons for the normal focus of male love and lust. Women.
And you can't even say your normal by gay standards, given your little schoolboy fondnesses.
And my hope is a nuclear-free ME, rather than one with Israels WMD monopoly being vigorously challenged by Iran...Then followed by a nuke arms race where Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States - all try to counter the twin nuke threats to them of Israel and Iran.
Ah, the true Jeremy/Michael/Luckyoldson emerges. A hard Left Jew. And an Israel fan that excuses Israel everything that he condemns America for. What a surprise!
Cedarford said..."Ah, the true Jeremy/Michael/Luckyoldson emerges. A hard Left Jew. And an Israel fan that excuses Israel everything that he condemns America for. What a surprise!"
I didn't "excuse" Israel (for) anything.
You lying piece of shit.
I merely asked you three straight forward questions you apparently do not have the guts, intellect or honesty to answer.
1.Name our number one ally in the Mideast.
2. Name the only country in the Mideast that would support or interests if the shit ever really hit the fan."
3. Name the only country in the Mideast who took Saddam out of the nuclear game.
"Unlike you, Palladian, I seem to get hard-ons for the normal focus of male love and lust. Women.
And you can't even say your normal by gay standards, given your little schoolboy fondnesses."
It's always fun to go for the pedophilia insults when trashing a gay person! Lol. Yeah, me and my perverse fondness for "schoolboys" even though I'm a college teacher and 80 percent of my students are women. But reading comprehension and intelligence was never a strongpoint of low-ranking Nazi stormtroopers.
So answer Jeremy's questions!
You're suffering from eunoia lately.
Leave it to Cedarford to make Michael look like a sage observer of world events.
What can I say, sometimes there are issues that unite us. Like whether or not we think C4 would find a way to blame the Jews for a bird crapping on his car.
You misunderstand me HD. I am not trying to be a tough guy. If I wanted to look you up it would be no problem. And like I told Luckyoldson/Micheal/Jeremy when I was still communicating with him I am very easy to find.
I just sincerely want both you and the New York Times to die a horrible painful lingering death.
The Times is well on it's way.
You pal Maureen is helping us out today with her palgerism.
But you can really help us out. Croak already.
Pogo said, "For example, on the brink of adopting national health care...."Immediately you reveal that you actually have no idea what's going on in Washington. Far from being "on the brink of adopting national health care," Obama will push through a "reform" that will keep the insurance companies in their place of power for years to come. Obama has stated he does not think single payer health care is an efficient means to reform health care, and he has backed up his words with actions: in all his talks about the issue with "players from all sides of the issue" (sic), he has so far refused to invite advocates for single payer to participate, and protestors who have stood up for it have been arrested.
Buck up, Pogo old son, Obama may be your best friend in your wish to prevent what we desperately need, what a majority of Americans want, and what has proven to work in many other industrial nations, namely: single payer, or nationalized, health insurance. Obama is foursquare behind a gussied up continuation of the status quo.
As for the wretched Pelosi, I'm not really sure what crime the right wing is accusing her of, except perhaps prevaricating about what she was told and when. (Heck, this is the first line in the job description of anyone who works in D.C.) Since we do not torture (sic) and if we did it's okay anyway because it was inflicted on only the worst of the worst (i.e., ragheads), then Pelosi can only be accused of fibbing about being advised of what we were not doing but which would be okay anyway even if we were.
Jeebus you guys are nitwits.
Trooper York said...
There is no misunderstanding you Trooper..not at all. When you write like this:
"I just sincerely want both you and the New York Times to die a horrible painful lingering death."
or this:
"You pal Maureen is helping us out today with her palgerism. (sic!)"....
did you get a little careless there fella with that spellin'?
"But you can really help us out. Croak already."
You don't want me to do that do you Troopeee? I need to stay around some and show you by example what you could become if you would only apply yourself....I mean, you just can't go on just being you can ya'? Can't let that happen.
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