May 1, 2009

Horse legs!

You know you want them...

(Via Boing Boing.)


MadisonMan said...

I need to get those for a pal o' mino.

rhhardin said...

They're already in shoe stores.

bearbee said...

Ha, have legs like a horse.

They looks like prosthetic devices similar to those made for Andre a rescue dog who when caught in an illegal trap chewed off two of his own legs.


Meade said...
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Moose said...

Are these the same people that brought us the cat in the scuba suit?

The Dude said...

Get some for Hillary - presto, cankles-be-gone.

The rule of Lemnity said...

The Hooves and the hooves not.

The rule of Lemnity said...

With the ones for the arms you would have – The hooves and the hooves some more.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

I would love to have a set if I were going to a Battlestar Gallactica Convention dressed as a Centurion.

Meade said...



The rule of Lemnity said...

To behoove or not to behoove.

Coupled with my Ipod/Cell phone experience, the hooves are a restoration of the balance of nature..

I think Bob would approve ;)

Trooper York said...
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traditionalguy said...

Please tell me that this has nothing to do with cloning.

Moose said...

York wins...

JackOfClubs said...

Just not the same without the coconuts.

Wince said...

The demand from the two-man horse suit performer market should be robust. At least for the performer playing the, ahem, horse's ass. Those look like rear legs.

Pony legs? I suppose, you would have to attach them to your bent knees.

SteveR said...


Buford Gooch said...

Men should never wear these. Women would expect way too much.

Anonymous said...

Well, hoof a loaf is better than none...

Jason said...


Hasn't been a problem for me.

kentuckyliz said...

York and Gooch tied.

Drat, I wish I had known about these earlier. I could have worn them to the Kentucky Derby tomorrow. It would have given me a better view from the groundlings field.

Bissage said...

Those horse legs must come with a warning never to bend over near a stallion.

Bissage said...

Sorry. That was the best I could do. The minotaur joke just wasn’t going to happen.