Inconclusive. I see a few patches of green, but there are also dark scruffy spots (for instance, on the path at the lower right) that could be bare trees. The poor overall quality of the picture limits my ability to tell.
The picture of Liberty Island taken 15 days earlier is wholly unconvincing. It's spring -- things are blooming.
It's fun to hold the administration's feet to the fire, but let's not accept shoddy evidence or reasoning.
The more interesting thing about this photo debacle is that the people who put it out as a coverup really think that the public is so stupid that we don't notice these little things. Like there isn't lush foliage on the trees this time of year.
Why, it's almost like the Bush memo that was debunked because it was formated on a modern computer and NOT on a typewriter. No one will notice...right?
The government needs to learn this. Never underestimate the power and tenacity of nerds who have access to the internet. Oh wait....that IS next on the list....take away internet access.
I studied the WH picture and the pictures from Flickr and it appears that there is really no evidence to suggest the WH pic is a fake. There are a couple of more verdant trees to the back left and right of the statue. Both appear in the Flickr pics from April and in the WH picture. The less leafy trees are in front of those and also appear in all sets of pictures.
I suspect the picture is real. The questions remain though - who was on the flight? Was Obama on the flight? Were donors or George Lucas on the flight?
At this point, we'll never know the answers to those questions and frankly it's probably time to just file it under forgotten.
studied the WH picture and the pictures from Flickr and it appears that there is really no evidence to suggest the WH pic is a fake. There are a couple of more verdant trees to the back left and right of the statue. Both appear in the Flickr pics from April and in the WH picture. The less leafy trees are in front of those and also appear in all sets of pictures.I think the flip side of the question is more interesting.
Why was there a need to update file footage of the VC25a over Lady Liberty?
I mean it would look just the same as a shot taken in say 1989.
I'm tracking the development of what I'm calling the 4/27 Truther movement. Some of the theories are good and some may be bad. Until the government coughs up a believable story, I will track this.
Dust Bunny - We went to war in Iraq and have lost over 4,000 American lives, with another 30,000 wounded...based on distortions and flat out lies...and people here are up in arms about this?
I understand partisan politics, but this is really over the top.
We're still spending about 1 1/2 billion dollars a MONTH in Iraq and you're upset over "hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars??"
This is how IMPORTANT the the 4/27 Truther movement is to the REST of the world:
If you Google "the 4/27 Truther movement" the first and ONLY link that appears relating to such an incredibly IMPORTANT story is..."Althouse: The 4/27 Truther movement marches on.'
Sofa King said..."It's not the crime, it's the cover-up. Why are they offering such transparently unreasonable explanations? Do they think we're stupid?"
The "crime?"
The "cover-up?"
And you base this on what? The link Ann provided? Did you read the title of the article ("Oh, Hell… SOMEONE’S Got to Start the Rumor…") or the background on the site?
"IMAO (In My Arrogant Opinion) is a humorous blog started by me, Frank J., back on July 9th, 2002. It is a funny website that is mainly about politics because politics is funny."
Fact: We know the planes flew when and where they did. Fact: we know that it was strangely kept secret from the public. Fact: We know the administration claims it was for a photo op, first said the photos would be kept secret, then offered up a single crappy photo as the product. Fact: we still don't know who was on the plane.
Do you buy the official explanation? Why do you think the passenger list is not being disclosed? Why do you think the rest of the pictures are not being released?
Aside from the foliage, there should be a large crowd of tourists around the statue at that time of day. But I can only make out one guy...standing on the grassy knoll....
You're correct, the money here is really small potatoes compared to the billion and a half per month OBAMA is spending in Iraq. Which is really tiny, compared to the OBAMA deficit this year of a trillion and a half.
Sofa - Fact: We know the planes flew when and where they did...SO?
Fact: we know that it was strangely kept secret from the public...(you mean they didn't announce it. And they took plenty of heat)
Fact: We know the administration claims it was for a photo op, first said the photos would be kept secret, then offered up a single crappy photo as the product...SO?
Fact: we still don't know who was on the plane. (Why do YOU or does ANYBODY care who the hell was on the pane?)
Do you buy the official explanation? Why do you think the passenger list is not being disclosed? Why do you think the rest of the pictures are not being released?
I could give a flying fuck. The real question is WHY YOU care.
With all that is going on right now via the economy, Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan, really think this is important?
This has to be (and boy, there have been some bizarre political topics and criticisms of the Obama administration on this site)...the most inane and thoroughly ridiculous discussion I've seen in quite some time.
Would anybody like to take a shot at the period of time this will be BIG NEWS?
*My take: Considering it isn't even BIG NEWS now...I would say...not very long.
Jeremy said... This has to be (and boy, there have been some bizarre political topics and criticisms of the Obama administration on this site)...the most inane and thoroughly ridiculous discussion I've seen in quite some time.Relax Troll,
Most of us are just having fun trying to be Truthers, after watching the 9/11 Truthers go simply bat-shit over melting steel, we decided to have a few laughs.
Having said that, the most ethica and transparent WH in history can't seem to tell a good cover story on this one, like:
1. Whose idea was it anywat? 2. who was on the plane? 3. All we got for $350,000 was one bad photo?
1. Whose idea was it anywat? (The guy who was forced to resign would be my guess...but what difference does it really make? Are you planning on having them arrested?)
2. who was on the plane? (Why do YOU care? What difference does it make?)
3. All we got for $350,000 was one bad photo? (I would assume there are plenty of photos, but why do YOU care?)
You call yourself Drill Sgt. and apparently care more about what we got for $350,000...when we've spent over a trillion dollars in Iraq, have lost 4,294 American lives, have 31,249 wounded, we're still buried there, protecting people who don't even want us there, still spending billions and billions of dollars.
This is the kind of thing you concern yourself with?
The director of the White House military office, Louis Caldera:
"Last week, I approved a mission over New York. I take responsibility for that decision," Caldera said. "While federal authorities took the proper steps to notify state and local authorities in New York and New Jersey, it's clear that the mission created confusion and disruption. I apologize and take responsibility for any distress that flight caused."
When told of the flight, President Barack Obama was furious, a White House official said on the condition of anonymity to discuss private conversations.
I'd better comment now, before Jeremy buries the thread with 75 or 100 comments within the space of two hours. (Do you even work? Is this all that you do?)
Consider the possibility of a double-reverse. Remember the absurd controversy over Obama's birth certificate? Obama refused to release a decent copy of the document, when that's all he had to do to shut up the "Obama is a ferrunner" crowd -- because he didn't want them silenced.
They'll allow their opponents to pursue this blind alley for a while, and in the meantime they'll seize control of more private companies and spend us into total oblivion. If there's ever any danger of this 4/27 Truther movement causing real political damage, they'll release the 200 actual photos that they took with professional equipment and make them look like douches.
The theory that several VIPs were on this jetliner as it careened between buildings like a fat man on rollerskates seems implausible to me -- unless George Soros enjoys vomiting.
dtl, gee I dunno, probably because people at Mt.Rushmore didn't crap their pants running for cover? Could that be why? It's really about context, isn't it?
Pastafarian said..."Consider the possibility of a double-reverse. Remember the absurd controversy over Obama's birth certificate? Obama refused to release a decent copy of the document, when that's all he had to do to shut up the "Obama is a ferrunner" crowd -- because he didn't want them silenced." (Right...what a strategy.)
Actually a copy has been released and viewed by millions. Maybe your computer is not functioning or you're just lying.
And by the way, if that picture is of your wife, she's uglier than balls.
Jeremy, the copy of the birth certificate that I was talking about was a crudely scanned electronic copy, and the poor quality fueled the troofer speculation about Obama's actual birthplace.
Maybe another better copy, or an actual hardcopy, was eventually provided -- I wouldn't know, I never followed this seemingly manufactured controversy. But if it was provided, it wasn't until after these people had wasted their time and energy pursuing a false lead, when they could have been looking into other things -- like the fact that Obama worked for over a year in the same building, and on the same floor, as a man (Ayers) who he'd claimed to have spoken to just a handful of times.
We're still spending about 1 1/2 billion dollars a MONTH in Iraq and you're upset over "hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars??".
Just chalk up the continuance of the Iraq war as another one of Obama's lies; you know, the countless promises he made that he'd end the war.
And I'm pissed about the lies over Iraq too Lucky. I mean that fucking Bill Clinton kept telling the same lies about Saddam's WMDs so much that he even got Bush and Hillary and Kennedy and Kerry and Byrd to believe him. Hell he even primed the pump by bombing those poor Iraqis to make his point.
Hoosier Daddy said..."Just chalk up the continuance of the Iraq war as another one of Obama's lies."
Anybody with the semblence of a fucking brain knows Obama couldn't pull our troops out within three months so your comment is just another high pitched whine and lie from another right wing fool.
He promised to do so in an orderly fashion and he will.
I know its just another lame conspiracy gig here, but if the flight really was a photo op, where was the chase plane taking pictures? I mean really, the F-16 fighter jet tailing the modified 747 is a single-seat jet with the mission of aerial bodyguard. While you didn't see them, there should have been several other fighter jets nearby as well. Are there any photos or eyewitness accounts that place the fighter jet above and to the side of the VC-25? All the pictures I saw had the F-16 flying behind Air Force One. And for what its worth while this might not be that big a deal in the big picture, if we can't trust someone to be truthful about small things, why would we expect truthfulness about big things?
RockHead - "And for what its worth while this might not be that big a deal in the big picture, if we can't trust someone to be truthful about small things, why would we expect truthfulness about big things?"
Yes, we should start the impeachment proceedings IMMEDIATELY!!!
This picture snafu is exactly what the Constitutional remedies are designed to address.
*By the way, did you think the lies leading up to the Iraqi invasion were..."small things" not worthy of consideration?
1. Planning for the flight started in March or earlier. 2. They don't describe, who, when, what or why the flight 3. according to the Deputy Director, who was notified on 9 April, "the mission was unusual". no specifics given. Since it was unusual, it was cleared inside the WH. It was NOT a "typical or routine training mission".. 4. around 20 april, the DD notified Caldera. 5. Effectively, Caldera was fired for not telling anyone higher between 20 and 27 April, not for planning the flight, which he didnt. he was just ineffective at oversight.
what made the "photo shoot" not be a "routine or typical training mission"?
Hoosier Daddy - Think there are any of those "illegal immigrants" picking any of that Indiana corn or other know, to keep the consumer pricing down?
Anybody with the semblence of a fucking brain knows Obama couldn't pull our troops out within three months .
Really? Well considering we were marching down the streets in Bagdhad in three weeks of combat operations, it seems to me it would be quite easy to redeploy 150,000 troops a few hundred miles to Kuwait inside of 3 months.
He promised to do so in an orderly fashion and he will./
He promised to end the war. Or at least that's what his campaign commercials were spouting here in Indiana every five minutes. You know the ones were we were spending billions in Iraq with our schools needing money. But you're right, Obama who speaks with fork tongue can say two things to mean the same thing.
Orderly fashion means when he gets around to it which could mean anytime he wants. Translation, lies! all lies!
Think there are any of those "illegal immigrants" picking any of that Indiana corn or other know, to keep the consumer pricing down?
Are you demanding to pay higher prices?.
I am right now in the form of taxes, higher health care costs to pay for Conchita and Manuel's ER visits not to mention social services like law enforcement, welfare and schooling.
Gee Lucky, you sound like you're in favor of a permanent underclass to do grunt work so you don't have to pay an extra 10 cents for an ear of corn. Some progressive you are.
you sound like you're in favor of a permanent underclass to do grunt work so you don't have to pay an extra 10 cents On behalf of America's "grunts" we take offense.
Hoosier Daddy said..."Really? Well considering we were marching down the streets in Bagdhad in three weeks of combat operations, it seems to me it would be quite easy to redeploy 150,000 troops a few hundred miles to Kuwait inside of 3 months."
Have you run this theory by Gates or Petraeus?
They apparently agree with Obama.
I know you're not the brightest bulb on the block, but even YOu know it would be an impossiblity to pull our troops out over such a short period of time.
You're just arguing to argue...and whining about usual.
Well gee whiz there Lucky, guess what they agreed with Bush too! Whatya think about that? I mean holy fuckshit, Bush warned about pulling out before the job was done and Obama actually listened to the grownups in charge and had a fucking come to Jesus moment. So even though he promised to end the war in his campaign, he has since modified that stance and said he do it in an orderly manner. Wow, just like Bush!
I know you're not the brightest bulb on the block, but even YOu know it would be an impossiblity to pull our troops out over such a short period of time..
Well lets put it to the test. Anyone military around think it's impossible to get 150K troops out of Iraq in three months? And out of Iraq to me means Kuwait, KSA, out of combat ops.
Hell, I'd give him credit for even pulling half, 3/4 out by now. Like he promised.
Hoosier - "Well lets put it to the test. Anyone military around think it's impossible to get 150K troops out of Iraq in three months?"
Look, could fly a million people out of Iraq in one month, but unless you've suffered a fucking stroke, there are other aspects to the actual "pullout" that have nothing to do with just flying "people" out of the country.
I know you love to bitch and whine about Obama, but you're sounding more and more like the other idiot, Dare To Be Illiterate.
Look, could fly a million people out of Iraq in one month, but unless you've suffered a fucking stroke, there are other aspects to the actual "pullout" that have nothing to do with just flying "people" out of the country..
Listen douchebag, Obama promised to end the war. He hasn't. Period. No withdrawals, not even a gradual drawdown. That means he lied. QED.
But as you say Gates and Pretraus agreed with him. They also agreed with Bush. That must really cause your hemmoroids some inflammation.
Kevin Barrett said... I'm tracking the development of what I'm calling the 4/27 Truther movement. Some of the theories are good and some may be bad. Until the government coughs up a believable story, I will track this..
On the contrary, I'm dazzling, brilliant in fact. People have to wear sunglasses.
Sorry to keep pointing those flaws in your boy Lucky but he did say those things and has since 'modified' his stance. I call that lying. Just like when he told all those unemployed folks in Ohio and Michigan how we were going to bring those good paying mfg. jobs back. Then once he won, he went to great lengths to reassure the Canadians and Euros that all that America first, buy American bullshit was just that and was only to get those dumbass proles to vote for him.
Just like he won't do anything about illegal immigration so heartless liberals like you have cheap labor to save 10 cents on lettuce.
My first thought was that Tim Geitner had some Arabs on the flight to view the hole-in-the ground next to St Paul's Church and Wall Sreet, Where Washington took his oath, and to offer it to them as the new site for an Arab owned Financial Center across the Atlantic from Eurabia. Money talks and flies on planes too.
27 out of 83 comments by Jeremy, a sexually frustrated unemployed 20 year old with very little of substance to add to any debate. About half of those 27 comments included crude insults directed at long-time and valued commenters.
That's a shame.
There are quite a few liberal commenters here who I value -- without people like AlphaLiberal, MadisonMan (yes, he'll deny that he's a liberal, but he counts as one from where I sit), even hdhouse -- without them this blog would be a sterile and barren place.
"27 out of 83 comments by Jeremy, a sexually frustrated unemployed 20 year old with very little of substance to add to any debate. About half of those 27 comments included crude insults directed at long-time and valued commenters."
The sad thing is that "Jeremy" is actually a middle-aged psychology teacher named Gene Olson.
If this is true: The sad thing is that "Jeremy" is actually a middle-aged psychology teacher named Gene Olson. Then I'm no longer irritated; I'm resignedly appalled. My experiences in college led me to believe that the soft sciences were just that, and little I've observed these last twenty or so years has altered that perception.
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८९ टिप्पण्या:
Maybe Obama took the short walk from Battery Park to the Island and told the foiiage to comply.
Inconclusive. I see a few patches of green, but there are also dark scruffy spots (for instance, on the path at the lower right) that could be bare trees. The poor overall quality of the picture limits my ability to tell.
The picture of Liberty Island taken 15 days earlier is wholly unconvincing. It's spring -- things are blooming.
It's fun to hold the administration's feet to the fire, but let's not accept shoddy evidence or reasoning.
The more interesting thing about this photo debacle is that the people who put it out as a coverup really think that the public is so stupid that we don't notice these little things. Like there isn't lush foliage on the trees this time of year.
Why, it's almost like the Bush memo that was debunked because it was formated on a modern computer and NOT on a typewriter. No one will notice...right?
The government needs to learn this. Never underestimate the power and tenacity of nerds who have access to the internet. Oh wait....that IS next on the list....take away internet access.
(reposted from lmao)
Searching for “Liberty Island” pictures taken on or after April 25, 2009, shows several pictures with trees in bloom or budding:
Taken April 27
Taken April 26
Taken May 4
It's an interestig idea, but I'd have to say it's debunked.
I studied the WH picture and the pictures from Flickr and it appears that there is really no evidence to suggest the WH pic is a fake. There are a couple of more verdant trees to the back left and right of the statue. Both appear in the Flickr pics from April and in the WH picture. The less leafy trees are in front of those and also appear in all sets of pictures.
I suspect the picture is real. The questions remain though - who was on the flight? Was Obama on the flight? Were donors or George Lucas on the flight?
At this point, we'll never know the answers to those questions and frankly it's probably time to just file it under forgotten.
studied the WH picture and the pictures from Flickr and it appears that there is really no evidence to suggest the WH pic is a fake. There are a couple of more verdant trees to the back left and right of the statue. Both appear in the Flickr pics from April and in the WH picture. The less leafy trees are in front of those and also appear in all sets of pictures.I think the flip side of the question is more interesting.
Why was there a need to update file footage of the VC25a over Lady Liberty?
I mean it would look just the same as a shot taken in say 1989.
why update :)
And this is important...because?
"And this is important...because?"
Because of sheer enjoyment of a finely tuned observation.
Well, maybe absurdly tuned rather than finely tuned.
The absurd gets more audience.
And this is important...because?
The government spent hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars on a so called photo op?
The so called photo op produced one lousy picture that could have been photoshopped for about $50.00?
They used the above mentioned tax dollars to scare the bejezus out of some people in New York?
They lied about the entire event?
They won't say who was on the plane and what the "real" reason for the expensive flight was?
What else are they lying about?
AND last but not least. It's fun to poke holes in the Obama balloon.
I'm tracking the development of what I'm calling the 4/27 Truther movement. Some of the theories are good and some may be bad. Until the government coughs up a believable story, I will track this.
Dust Bunny - We went to war in Iraq and have lost over 4,000 American lives, with another 30,000 wounded...based on distortions and flat out lies...and people here are up in arms about this?
I understand partisan politics, but this is really over the top.
We're still spending about 1 1/2 billion dollars a MONTH in Iraq and you're upset over "hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars??"
I will follow this story until Sarah Palin reveals exactly when and where Trig took flying lessons.
and how did he (or she, I can't tell with those Palin kid's names) reach the rudder pedals?!
This is how IMPORTANT the the 4/27 Truther movement is to the REST of the world:
If you Google "the 4/27 Truther movement" the first and ONLY link that appears relating to such an incredibly IMPORTANT story is..."Althouse: The 4/27 Truther movement marches on.'
It's not the crime, it's the cover-up. Why are they offering such transparently unreasonable explanations? Do they think we're stupid?
Dammit! I thought this was going to be something about the legalize marijuana movement.
Although, now that I take a closer look at it, if you zoom in on some of the plants on Ellis Island, they do look an awful lot like....
So what is your point Jeremy?
Althouse is a trendsetter and an excellent BS detector. That scares dimwits like you.
Sofa King said..."It's not the crime, it's the cover-up. Why are they offering such transparently unreasonable explanations? Do they think we're stupid?"
The "crime?"
The "cover-up?"
And you base this on what? The link Ann provided? Did you read the title of the article ("Oh, Hell… SOMEONE’S Got to Start the Rumor…") or the background on the site?
"IMAO (In My Arrogant Opinion) is a humorous blog started by me, Frank J., back on July 9th, 2002. It is a funny website that is mainly about politics because politics is funny."
How about any "truth?"
Until the government coughs up a believable story, I will track this.
It won't come out that way. The most we can hope for are leaks.
Jeremy -
Fact: We know the planes flew when and where they did. Fact: we know that it was strangely kept secret from the public. Fact: We know the administration claims it was for a photo op, first said the photos would be kept secret, then offered up a single crappy photo as the product. Fact: we still don't know who was on the plane.
Do you buy the official explanation? Why do you think the passenger list is not being disclosed? Why do you think the rest of the pictures are not being released?
Aside from the foliage, there should be a large crowd of tourists around the statue at that time of day. But I can only make out one guy...standing on the grassy knoll....
"Until the government coughs up a believable story, I will track this."
Yes, with all that confronts America...the administration should get RIGHT ON THIS!!
Good grief...
At this very minute, I bet the administration is conspiring to release more info at 6PM on the Friday before Memorial Day.
"And this is important...because?"
You're correct, the money here is really small potatoes compared to the billion and a half per month OBAMA is spending in Iraq. Which is really tiny, compared to the OBAMA deficit this year of a trillion and a half.
(But so what? You won, we lost.)
Sofa - Fact: We know the planes flew when and where they did...SO?
Fact: we know that it was strangely kept secret from the public...(you mean they didn't announce it. And they took plenty of heat)
Fact: We know the administration claims it was for a photo op, first said the photos would be kept secret, then offered up a single crappy photo as the product...SO?
Fact: we still don't know who was on the plane. (Why do YOU or does ANYBODY care who the hell was on the pane?)
Do you buy the official explanation? Why do you think the passenger list is not being disclosed? Why do you think the rest of the pictures are not being released?
I could give a flying fuck. The real question is WHY YOU care.
With all that is going on right now via the economy, Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan, really think this is important?
Get a grip.
This has to be (and boy, there have been some bizarre political topics and criticisms of the Obama administration on this site)...the most inane and thoroughly ridiculous discussion I've seen in quite some time.
Would anybody like to take a shot at the period of time this will be BIG NEWS?
*My take: Considering it isn't even BIG NEWS now...I would say...not very long.
I care because I don't buy their explanation. Which means they are lying.
You don't care if the President is lying? Do you just have faith that if they lie, it's for a noble reason?
I'd check for dandelions.
John - I appreciate your attempt at slamming President Obama, but...
Why is Obama spending that money in Iraq?
How did we get there?
Why is he spending the money addressing the economy?
How did we find ourselves in such a situation?
Do you remember...George?
Sofa King said..."I care because I don't buy their explanation. Which means they are lying."
No, Sofa...the fact that YOU don't "don't buy their explanation" doesn't mean they're "lying."
It just mean you don't believe them.
Jeremy said...
This has to be (and boy, there have been some bizarre political topics and criticisms of the Obama administration on this site)...the most inane and thoroughly ridiculous discussion I've seen in quite some time.Relax Troll,
Most of us are just having fun trying to be Truthers, after watching the 9/11 Truthers go simply bat-shit over melting steel, we decided to have a few laughs.
Having said that, the most ethica and transparent WH in history can't seem to tell a good cover story on this one, like:
1. Whose idea was it anywat?
2. who was on the plane?
3. All we got for $350,000 was one bad photo?
The Drill SGT said...
1. Whose idea was it anywat? (The guy who was forced to resign would be my guess...but what difference does it really make? Are you planning on having them arrested?)
2. who was on the plane? (Why do YOU care? What difference does it make?)
3. All we got for $350,000 was one bad photo? (I would assume there are plenty of photos, but why do YOU care?)
You call yourself Drill Sgt. and apparently care more about what we got for $350,000...when we've spent over a trillion dollars in Iraq, have lost 4,294 American lives, have 31,249 wounded, we're still buried there, protecting people who don't even want us there, still spending billions and billions of dollars.
This is the kind of thing you concern yourself with?
Shorter Jeremy to Drill Sgt:
"none of your business!".
The director of the White House military office, Louis Caldera:
"Last week, I approved a mission over New York. I take responsibility for that decision," Caldera said. "While federal authorities took the proper steps to notify state and local authorities in New York and New Jersey, it's clear that the mission created confusion and disruption. I apologize and take responsibility for any distress that flight caused."
When told of the flight, President Barack Obama was furious, a White House official said on the condition of anonymity to discuss private conversations.
There's a lot more evidence that Sarah Palin faked her pregnancy actually.
And yes - Obama was on the plane then. Never mind that he was giving a speech in Washington at the same time . . .
AJ - It can be your "business" if you choose.
But are you really saying this is important?
How important?
Get real.
thread troll jeremy shows up again to lick obama's asshole clean again. What a surprise.
How come nobody complained when Bush spent $350,000 for the same stunt over Mount Rushmore?
And what's the revenue from the postcards sold from these pictures? Only then do we know if its truly a waste of money.
I personally think it is, but who knows - it could be a profit machine.
I'd better comment now, before Jeremy buries the thread with 75 or 100 comments within the space of two hours. (Do you even work? Is this all that you do?)
Consider the possibility of a double-reverse. Remember the absurd controversy over Obama's birth certificate? Obama refused to release a decent copy of the document, when that's all he had to do to shut up the "Obama is a ferrunner" crowd -- because he didn't want them silenced.
They'll allow their opponents to pursue this blind alley for a while, and in the meantime they'll seize control of more private companies and spend us into total oblivion. If there's ever any danger of this 4/27 Truther movement causing real political damage, they'll release the 200 actual photos that they took with professional equipment and make them look like douches.
The theory that several VIPs were on this jetliner as it careened between buildings like a fat man on rollerskates seems implausible to me -- unless George Soros enjoys vomiting.
Just an idea, thought I'd throw it out there.
Where are Sarah Palin's medical records?
Whose kid is that?
Why does her daughter think she can tout abstinence as being right...when she doesn't practice it herself?
Why are there so many ethics investigations being initiated against Sarah Palin?
Why are Sarah Palin's approval ratings plummeting?
dtl, gee I dunno, probably because people at Mt.Rushmore didn't crap their pants running for cover? Could that be why? It's really about context, isn't it?
Pastafarian said..."Consider the possibility of a double-reverse. Remember the absurd controversy over Obama's birth certificate? Obama refused to release a decent copy of the document, when that's all he had to do to shut up the "Obama is a ferrunner" crowd -- because he didn't want them silenced." (Right...what a strategy.)
Actually a copy has been released and viewed by millions. Maybe your computer is not functioning or you're just lying.
And by the way, if that picture is of your wife, she's uglier than balls.
14 comments and counting, and Jeremy is just getting warmed up. Is this your job? Does ACORN pay you to comment?
Wife? Dude, I'm pretty sure that's a male. That funny feeling you get in your pants when you look at it is... troubling, to say the least.
No, my wife falls into the category discussed in another Althouse post -- showing an attractive woman with a thoroughly undeserving man.
jeremy still has to eat more helpings of obama shit at this site and it will only get worse as obama's fortunes decline. Bon Apetite troll!
Jeremy, the copy of the birth certificate that I was talking about was a crudely scanned electronic copy, and the poor quality fueled the troofer speculation about Obama's actual birthplace.
Maybe another better copy, or an actual hardcopy, was eventually provided -- I wouldn't know, I never followed this seemingly manufactured controversy. But if it was provided, it wasn't until after these people had wasted their time and energy pursuing a false lead, when they could have been looking into other things -- like the fact that Obama worked for over a year in the same building, and on the same floor, as a man (Ayers) who he'd claimed to have spoken to just a handful of times.
And with that, I'm back to work. Let me know how I can get one of those sweet ACORN professional commenter gigs, Jeremy.
We're still spending about 1 1/2 billion dollars a MONTH in Iraq and you're upset over "hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars??".
Just chalk up the continuance of the Iraq war as another one of Obama's lies; you know, the countless promises he made that he'd end the war.
And I'm pissed about the lies over Iraq too Lucky. I mean that fucking Bill Clinton kept telling the same lies about Saddam's WMDs so much that he even got Bush and Hillary and Kennedy and Kerry and Byrd to believe him. Hell he even primed the pump by bombing those poor Iraqis to make his point.
daredevil-66 said..."thread troll jeremy shows up again to lick obama's asshole clean again. What a surprise."
When you have so many uneducated fools denigrating our President, someone has to step forward to defend his actions and policies.
All YOU and others do is bitch and whine about literally everything the man does...or even doesn't do.
I consider it un-American.
*Oh, and by the way, you can suck my dick little man.
Hoosier Daddy said..."Just chalk up the continuance of the Iraq war as another one of Obama's lies."
Anybody with the semblence of a fucking brain knows Obama couldn't pull our troops out within three months so your comment is just another high pitched whine and lie from another right wing fool.
He promised to do so in an orderly fashion and he will.
Do you ever think before posting?
I know its just another lame conspiracy gig here, but if the flight really was a photo op, where was the chase plane taking pictures? I mean really, the F-16 fighter jet tailing the modified 747 is a single-seat jet with the mission of aerial bodyguard. While you didn't see them, there should have been several other fighter jets nearby as well.
Are there any photos or eyewitness accounts that place the fighter jet above and to the side of the VC-25? All the pictures I saw had the F-16 flying behind Air Force One.
And for what its worth while this might not be that big a deal in the big picture, if we can't trust someone to be truthful about small things, why would we expect truthfulness about big things?
Pastafarian - the one with the ugly wife..."Acorn."
Good're still hanging on the Acorn bullshit?
Get some new material.
The photo is the perfect Obama Administration image showing Liberty sold under a spear.
RockHead - "And for what its worth while this might not be that big a deal in the big picture, if we can't trust someone to be truthful about small things, why would we expect truthfulness about big things?"
Yes, we should start the impeachment proceedings IMMEDIATELY!!!
This picture snafu is exactly what the Constitutional remedies are designed to address.
*By the way, did you think the lies leading up to the Iraqi invasion were..."small things" not worthy of consideration?
daredevil-66 said..." obama's fortunes decline."
Yes, he appears to be in REAL trouble...lugging that 65% approval rating around.
You just keep getting dumber every day.
Jerri, Jerri,
I usually don't wrestle with trolls in the mud, but I call your attention to the WH Internal Review, rather than Caldera's Resignation letter
In it, the WH Counsel's office says:
1. Planning for the flight started in March or earlier.
2. They don't describe, who, when, what or why the flight
3. according to the Deputy Director, who was notified on 9 April, "the mission was unusual". no specifics given. Since it was unusual, it was cleared inside the WH. It was NOT a "typical or routine training mission"..
4. around 20 april, the DD notified Caldera.
5. Effectively, Caldera was fired for not telling anyone higher between 20 and 27 April, not for planning the flight, which he didnt. he was just ineffective at oversight.
what made the "photo shoot" not be a "routine or typical training mission"?
Why do you think the passenger list is not being disclosed?.
He was flying his illegal immigrant aunt out of the country.
Pastafarian said..."Jeremy, the copy of the birth certificate that I was talking about was a crudely scanned electronic copy..."
There's nothing "crude" about it:
Maybe you need glasses.
Hoosier Daddy - Think there are any of those "illegal immigrants" picking any of that Indiana corn or other know, to keep the consumer pricing down?
Are you demanding to pay higher prices?
Anybody with the semblence of a fucking brain knows Obama couldn't pull our troops out within three months .
Really? Well considering we were marching down the streets in Bagdhad in three weeks of combat operations, it seems to me it would be quite easy to redeploy 150,000 troops a few hundred miles to Kuwait inside of 3 months.
He promised to do so in an orderly fashion and he will./
He promised to end the war. Or at least that's what his campaign commercials were spouting here in Indiana every five minutes. You know the ones were we were spending billions in Iraq with our schools needing money. But you're right, Obama who speaks with fork tongue can say two things to mean the same thing.
Orderly fashion means when he gets around to it which could mean anytime he wants. Translation, lies! all lies!
Think there are any of those "illegal immigrants" picking any of that Indiana corn or other know, to keep the consumer pricing down?
Are you demanding to pay higher prices?.
I am right now in the form of taxes, higher health care costs to pay for Conchita and Manuel's ER visits not to mention social services like law enforcement, welfare and schooling.
Gee Lucky, you sound like you're in favor of a permanent underclass to do grunt work so you don't have to pay an extra 10 cents for an ear of corn. Some progressive you are.
you sound like you're in favor of a permanent underclass to do grunt work so you don't have to pay an extra 10 cents On behalf of America's "grunts" we take offense.
Helot work, Serf work, Peasant work perhaps.
just don't call it Grunt work :)
more jeremy obama ass licking. *Sigh* must like the taste or something
Dare To Be Illiterate - You need new material, asshole.
You just keep repeating yourself.
On behalf of America's "grunts" we take offense.
Helot work, Serf work, Peasant work perhaps.
just don't call it Grunt work :).
A thousand apologies! I stand corrected. I should have known better Drill. Here's this is for you.
RIPLEY: I say we take off, nuke the site from orbit.
BURKE: Whoa whoa whoa! This facility has a substantial dollar value attached to it.
RIPLEY: They can bill me!
BURKE: Look Ripley, he can't make that kind of decision, he's just a offense.
HICKS: None taken. Ferro prepare for dust off, need immediate evac. I say we take off, nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
Hoosier - You don't make enough money to pay taxes.
jeremy "I'd eat the peanuts out of obama's shit just to see where they came from"
Hoosier Daddy said..."Really? Well considering we were marching down the streets in Bagdhad in three weeks of combat operations, it seems to me it would be quite easy to redeploy 150,000 troops a few hundred miles to Kuwait inside of 3 months."
Have you run this theory by Gates or Petraeus?
They apparently agree with Obama.
I know you're not the brightest bulb on the block, but even YOu know it would be an impossiblity to pull our troops out over such a short period of time.
You're just arguing to argue...and whining about usual.
Dare To Be Illiterate - Childish drivel.
Why not try to post something of relevance or just barely literate for a change?
Little man.
Have you run this theory by Gates or Petraeus?
They apparently agree with Obama..
Well gee whiz there Lucky, guess what they agreed with Bush too! Whatya think about that? I mean holy fuckshit, Bush warned about pulling out before the job was done and Obama actually listened to the grownups in charge and had a fucking come to Jesus moment. So even though he promised to end the war in his campaign, he has since modified that stance and said he do it in an orderly manner. Wow, just like Bush!
I know you're not the brightest bulb on the block, but even YOu know it would be an impossiblity to pull our troops out over such a short period of time..
Well lets put it to the test. Anyone military around think it's impossible to get 150K troops out of Iraq in three months? And out of Iraq to me means Kuwait, KSA, out of combat ops.
Hell, I'd give him credit for even pulling half, 3/4 out by now. Like he promised.
Hoosier - You don't make enough money to pay taxes..
I wasn't aware you knew what I did for a living.
If you're right, then based upon my last tax return, I've been screwed. Maybe I should ask Obama for that check I wrote back.
Hoosier - "Well lets put it to the test. Anyone military around think it's impossible to get 150K troops out of Iraq in three months?"
Look, could fly a million people out of Iraq in one month, but unless you've suffered a fucking stroke, there are other aspects to the actual "pullout" that have nothing to do with just flying "people" out of the country.
I know you love to bitch and whine about Obama, but you're sounding more and more like the other idiot, Dare To Be Illiterate.
Look, could fly a million people out of Iraq in one month, but unless you've suffered a fucking stroke, there are other aspects to the actual "pullout" that have nothing to do with just flying "people" out of the country..
Listen douchebag, Obama promised to end the war. He hasn't. Period. No withdrawals, not even a gradual drawdown. That means he lied. QED.
But as you say Gates and Pretraus agreed with him. They also agreed with Bush. That must really cause your hemmoroids some inflammation.
Hey Lucky, how's that Gitmo closing working out? Has THE ONE found anyone willing to take the poor innocent jihadis yet?
Hell you could fly out 250 guys on a 747 in a day. Whats taking so long?
Hoosier - You're not very bright.
Buzz off.
Kevin Barrett said...
I'm tracking the development of what I'm calling the 4/27 Truther movement. Some of the theories are good and some may be bad. Until the government coughs up a believable story, I will track this..
Will you and Ann get a room already!
Hoosier - You're not very bright.
Buzz off..
On the contrary, I'm dazzling, brilliant in fact. People have to wear sunglasses.
Sorry to keep pointing those flaws in your boy Lucky but he did say those things and has since 'modified' his stance. I call that lying. Just like when he told all those unemployed folks in Ohio and Michigan how we were going to bring those good paying mfg. jobs back. Then once he won, he went to great lengths to reassure the Canadians and Euros that all that America first, buy American bullshit was just that and was only to get those dumbass proles to vote for him.
Just like he won't do anything about illegal immigration so heartless liberals like you have cheap labor to save 10 cents on lettuce.
Anyway, nice chatting with you.
If "feeding trolls" weren't a metaphor, Jeremy would need fire department assistance to leave his subterranean garrett.
If "feeding trolls" weren't a metaphor, Jeremy would need fire department assistance to leave his subterranean garrett..
Well there is feeding a troll as opposed to mocking one. I chose the latter. ;-)
Well, what's the big deal about the foliage? After all, President Obama is The Messiah, The One.
See, Occam's Razor works every time!
My first thought was that Tim Geitner had some Arabs on the flight to view the hole-in-the ground next to St Paul's Church and Wall Sreet, Where Washington took his oath, and to offer it to them as the new site for an Arab owned Financial Center across the Atlantic from Eurabia. Money talks and flies on planes too.
Maybe they released the wrong picture? That would explain both (a) why the picture looks like ass and (b) why New York is filled with lush vegetation.
How come nobody complained when Bush spent $350,000 for the same stunt over Mount Rushmore?
Because Mount Rushmore isn't surrounded by a dense cluster of eight million high-strung New Yorkers.
27 out of 83 comments by Jeremy, a sexually frustrated unemployed 20 year old with very little of substance to add to any debate. About half of those 27 comments included crude insults directed at long-time and valued commenters.
That's a shame.
There are quite a few liberal commenters here who I value -- without people like AlphaLiberal, MadisonMan (yes, he'll deny that he's a liberal, but he counts as one from where I sit), even hdhouse -- without them this blog would be a sterile and barren place.
Jeremy, you're not one of them.
Get a job, son. Taco Bell might be hiring.
Pastafarian - Quit whining you little baby.
And I still think your wife is uglier than balls.
"27 out of 83 comments by Jeremy, a sexually frustrated unemployed 20 year old with very little of substance to add to any debate. About half of those 27 comments included crude insults directed at long-time and valued commenters."
The sad thing is that "Jeremy" is actually a middle-aged psychology teacher named Gene Olson.
I've decided that we're all part of a twisted, unethical "breaching experiment".
Maybe Gene Olson is actually a pseudonym for Harold Garfinkel....
If this is true:
The sad thing is that "Jeremy" is actually a middle-aged psychology teacher named Gene Olson.
Then I'm no longer irritated; I'm resignedly appalled. My experiences in college led me to believe that the soft sciences were just that, and little I've observed these last twenty or so years has altered that perception.
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