२७ एप्रिल, २००९
Perez Hilton thanks Miss California for giving him the chance to make gay marriage a big news topic all last week.
Oh, and of course, he lets President Barack Obama off the hook for having exactly the same "hateful" opinion that infects the feeble mind of the pathetic Miss U.S.A. contestant. This is all a big media performance. Don't you understand that, Howard Kurtz? Don't you get Perez Hilton? I don't know if you've read his website before....
(Via Newsbusters, via The Rhetorican, via Instapundit.)
And I love that new word "espew," which I take to be a portmanteau of "spew" and "eschew." I'm not going to espew it. I mean, I'm going to espew it everywhere. Use it in a sentence today.
५१ टिप्पण्या:
Regardless about how you feel about Gay Marriage, one can recognize that Perez Hilton is a slimy publicity hungry putz
Would you mind taking two steps back? You're espewing espittle in my eface every time you espeak.
Espewing is like sliming someone with a vomit of words. Hilton expects and demands that the same advantages be given to him as the Blacks routinely recieved from White Guilt over slavery and segregation days. Can't we all just get along, without the next LA riot being thug gangs of angry, righteous gay men attacking Straights. Sorry Hilton, Guilt not accepted.
I espewed my coffee when I read your post. My portmanteau is cantilivered and needs bracing...
After all of the canards Andrew Sullivan has spewed against people in the former administration, the US military and Sarah Palin, I wish I didn’t agree with him on anything.
Perez Hilton = Truman Capote - (Skill x charm) + 0.5(Ernest Borgnine) + lamprey²
I'm sorry,
But this guy has probably done as much damage to the gay marriage movement as the anti-prop 8 people did after the election.
Yeah, he's not attacking churches outright but he did punish a woman for her religious beliefs. And ultimately that's all the people whose votes are needed are going to see.
I still eschew Perez Hilton's espew due to his (not new) campaigns to forcefully out unwilling celebs. Wish he'd subdue his espew.
He is gay, right?
Let me get this straight (oops) - he hates the woman, because she is a woman opposed to gay marriage, and loves the effeminate black guy, because he is an effeminate black guy who opposes gay marriage, but doesn't hate blacks, who voted overwhelmingly against gay marriage, but hates Mormons, who voted against gay marriage.
Yeah, it makes perfect sense when you look at it like that.
He asked the young woman a question. She answered the question truthfully and forth rightfully. She did not give a weasel answer, a hypocritical answer, or even a smidgen of a cover up answer. She told the truth, she believes xyz. Putting aside the homosexual issuesa and agenda, the young lady should be lauded for standing by her beliefs.
Instead, she has been criticized, verbally abused by Mr. Lavanderia- isn’t that Spanish for launder mat?; no wonder he changed his name- and of course the public relations weasels at the Miss USA Contest.
I guess in the new Amerika, standing by your beliefs is no longer tolerable, honorable, or acceptable. In the new AmeriKa, hypocrites and weasels are heroes and are to be rewarded. Honesty is not tolerable. We must all be hypocrites to satisfy the political whims of others.
Hilton should be fired from the Miss USA pageant for his abusive conduct language. He does not represent the values they allegedly are promoting.
Perez Hilton. Another New Hero of the RepubliK.
Mr. Laundermat should look up the name Yolande(Betbeze) Fox.
By comparison, this jerk makes Andrew Sullivan look like John Kenneth Galbraith.
Jim said...
He is gay, right?
the term "Flaming Queen" was invented for Perez :)
He does not represent the values they allegedly are promoting. LOL, he doesn't represent their audience either. Unless flaming gay men are now the only arbiters of feminine fashion.
"Unless flaming gay men are now the only arbiters of feminine fashion."
That ship sailed long ago.
Women in general would have a much better body image if the arbiters of fashion were not (1) gay men and (2) other women.
Has he showered yet?
Perez Hilton does as much for the cause of SSM as Fred Phelps does for the cause against SSM.
Is Perez Hilton the person that got famous using celebrity photographs without paying royalties to the photographers and got around it by crudely photoshopping "semen" onto the images and claiming it as parody?
Classy! I'm certainly glad to have such an august champion of gay rights in my corner!
The question was a total setup. They had to know that Miss. California considered herself a religious Christian and they sought to expose her as such.
The Left is completely ok with Obama's "view" on gay marriage because they all know he was lying to get elected and they accept the fact that he was lying.
"The Left is completely ok with Obama's "view" on gay marriage because they all know he was lying to get elected and they accept the fact that he was lying."
Exactly. I've heard quite a few Democrats and Obama supporters say "oh he has to say that. He doesn't really mean it. He supports gay marriage. That's just for the retarded people in flyover country" when questioned about Obama's anti-gay-marriage views.
The Applicant
Sylvia Plath - adapted
"First, are you our sort of a person?
Do you wear
A glass eye, false teeth or a crutch,
A brace or a hook,
Rubber breasts or a rubber crotch,
Stitches to show something's missing? No, no? Then
How can we give you a thing?
Stop crying.
Open your hand.
Empty? Empty. Here is a hand
To fill it and willing
To bring teacups and roll away headaches
And do whatever you tell it.
Do you support gay marriage?
No, no?
Then how can we give you a crown?
Now your head, excuse me, is empty.
I have the ticket for that.
Come here, sweetie, out of the closet."
Obama opposed Proposition 8. Miss Callifornia supports it.
So when Ann says that Miss California has the same views on gay marriage as Obama, well Ann is either ignorant or lying. Which one?
Barack Obama's position is that marriage is between a man and a woman.
Same as Miss California.
"Obama opposed Proposition 8. Miss Callifornia supports it."
This may be true but it is also true that both Obama and Miss California have stated that they believe "marriage should only be between a man and a woman". Obama may oppose using a proposition to reaffirm that fact but, from his lips to my ears, he still supports the traditional view of marriage.
I should also note that Miss California said not one word about Proposition 8 when she answered the question on stage.
But Obama's just lying and pretending he doesn't support gay marriage because he needs the votes of ignorant retards like Miss California! That's what my Democrat friends tell me anyway.
I have criticized Obama before for his position on gay marriage. He's clearly an anti-gay bigot.
But his position is a hell of a lot different than that of Miss California. Miss California supports proposition 8 and supports DOMA. Obama opposes both.
And Miss California is a dumb bitch.
A minor mystery: Why did Althouse ignore this Miss CA story all last week when it was the #1 water cooler topic, then post something on it only after the story was completely played out?
"Why did Althouse ignore this Miss CA story all last week when it was the #1 water cooler topic, then post something on it only after the story was completely played out?"
Perhaps she was hoping the distance of time would keep the hysterics from showing up and calling those they disagree with, "bitches".
Jon said...
A minor mystery: Why did Althouse ignore this Miss CA story all last week when it was the #1 water cooler topic, then post something on it only after the story was completely played out?.
Because Althouse, while she may be attractive and artistic and formidable and command the vortex - is not omniscient
downtownlad said...
...And Miss California is a dumb bitch.
You know, if you want people to ignore your comments as being the espewing of a shallow bigot, free of meaningful content, you could just not comment at all.
"And Miss California is a dumb bitch."
Project much?
Still think they should just drop all the votes of Perez Hilton and recalc the contest as if he were not even there. He showed that he is not a serious judge upholding the standards of what the contest was about and should be totally shunned and disregarded.
Laura and Buggy are dumb bitches as well.
Really. You are. Because you don't even get the joke. Because you are both dumb bitches.
But his position is a hell of a lot different than that of Miss California. Miss California supports proposition 8 and supports DOMA. Obama opposes both.Yes, but you will have noticed that Obama isn't proposing to do anything about DOMA until at least 2010. He's got a Democratic Congress; what's the holdup? Presumably that even a Democratic Congress isn't keen to repeal DOMA until after the 2010 elections are over. What a collection of cojones.
And Miss California is a dumb bitch.Oh, and also a c---. We mustn't leave out the C-word when once we've used the B-word, surely.
Look, if two people say "marriage is between a man and a woman," maybe they're both bigots or they're both right or they're both morally confused or they're both groping towards a better understanding of marriage, but at any rate they're agreeing with one another. It's one of those elementary axioms of mathematics that two things equal to the same thing are equal to each other.
PEREZ Hilton called a US beauty pagent hopeful "a dumb bitch" after she answered a question about same-sex marriage during the competition.Repeat after me. Buggy and Laura are dumb bitches.
The idealogues have taken the Miss USA Contest, a festival of pure, crass commercialism and attempted to make it into something it is not. Is there no place on earth that we can go to seek refuge from the high ideals of the sanctimonious. Donald Trump, the patron saint of greed and sleazy sex, has let us all down. The Miss USA Contest should aspire to nipple slip shots and not moral grandstanding. For Perez Hilton and Ms Prejean to use this upskirt platform as a bully pulpit for their sermons is a perversion of all that is fun and crass with American life. This is the reverse equivalent of sewing advertising patches onto your daughter's communion dress.
No. They don't agree with each other.
Miss California favors every constitutional amendment that has made gays second class citizens.
Obama opposed each of them.
And yes - Miss California is a cunt as well.
And yes - Miss California is a cunt as well.
Whereas Obama is just a pussy.
Obama has also never voted to take my rights away.
Miss dumb bitch California has.
Obama barely muttered a word about any opposite to Proposition 8 and his actual words in opposition of same-sex marriage likely tilted the vote toward the affirmative.
As President of the United States with a Democrat controlled congress, he could eliminate DOMA tomorrow, but hasn't even tried. He could also eliminate Don't Ask Don't Tell, but hasn't even tried.
I doubt Obama gives a shit one way or the other and everything he's said is just posturing. It also means that he's not going to spend political capital on such a divisive issue.
Obama "supports" gay marriage by making public statements that marriage is between a man and a woman and that this is his opinion *because* he is a Christian man.
Words from his own mouth.
Christianity is very much into public confessions. There isn't any room at all for believing one thing and publicly confessing another in order to avoid hardship.
How is "he's lying" an excuse?
"Yes, but you will have noticed that Obama isn't proposing to do anything about DOMA until at least 2010. He's got a Democratic Congress; what's the holdup? Presumably that even a Democratic Congress isn't keen to repeal DOMA until after the 2010 elections are over."
He's got a Democratic Congress and knows he can't pass it. He likely doesn't even want to.
In 2010 he very well may not have a Democratic Congress and will be able to go back to blaming his lack of action on someone else.
He's not even planning to do anything about DADT, is he?
The man is very good at lying to people who want to be lied to.
Obama barely muttered a word about any opposite to Proposition 8 and his actual words in opposition of same-sex marriage likely tilted the vote toward the affirmative.To which you might add that, without the added Black turnout due to Obama's candidacy, it's unlikely that Prop. 8 would have passed. Black voters supported the initiative more than the est of the electorate did.
DTL, I'll just reiterate what Joe said in the rest of his comment. Obama has perfect conditions to repeal DOMA, perfect conditions to repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." He's a very popular President with a majority of his party in both houses of Congress. Yet he's sitting on both things, and it looks as though he won't address either until next calendar year at the earliest.
Why do you suppose that is?
If a conservative activist had been put on the panel, and called a contestant a "cunt," the news for the next week would be about how much conservatives hate women.
The uniformly left-wing news rooms are able to drive what issues people think about, in order to shape (in the long term) how people feel about the issues.
Instapundit might get 15 minutes of fame by calling Althouse a "cunt" (I'll bet it would show up in the NYT) but it would come at a cost to his reputation and his career, even if he temporarily got a few extra hits. That's why polite people eschew such attention-getting tactics.
Mr. "Hilton's" reputation, on the other hand, is that he is complete slime. He wants to be a slime, and would hate to miss an opportunity to be a slime. That's why polite people should not invite him to judge beauty pageants.
Imagine if one of the contestants behaved like Mr. Hilton! They would never accept that. They would never accept a female judge who behaved like that, because it would contrast with the message they are trying to send about women. Thus the pageant organizers give Mr. Hilton, as a MAN, extra leeway to attack a woman.
No one has been denied the "right" to get married.
I wouldn't be shocked at all to find out the Perez Hilton is really our own DTL. In fact whenever I reply to DTL, I pretend that it's actually Perez.
Hey, DTL,
Stop being a bigoted heterophobe. You do nothing but espew hatred from your every pore. Hell, your very existence is nothing less than a hate crime in progress.
That young lady showed something that is greatly missing in society, journalism, and politics- integrity. Instead of being praised for standing by her position, she is smeared by the haters like Hilton laundermat. She was not a weasel or a liar. She answered the wuestion honestly and with integrity.
You people have no shame, no integrity, no civility, no morals, no decency, and no ethics. You are worse than criminals. Actually, you give heinous crime a good name.
Whose views on gay marriage had a greater effect on the California Prop 8 vote: Barack Obama's or Miss California's?
After this, we'll turn to the math portion of the exam.
Mario "Perez Hilton" Lavandeira is nothing more than a smear artist who has managed to earn an income by being willing to insult upwards.
Obama has also never voted to take my rights away.
Let the record show he was, at least, present.
Perez Hilton: Does he espew or wallow?
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