Joe makes Sarah look exactly as she is; an ignorant self-absorbed bitch with shit for brains.Is that your profession opinion hdhouse or are your hemorrhoids flaring up again?
Yeah, 'cause Democrats don't have to pay their share of taxes.Actually hdhouse freely admits he doesn't pay his fair share either. Like a true liberal, he counts on others to shoulder his burden.
"an ignorant self-absorbed bitch with shit for brains."
Ahh, there's that famous liberal respect for women, right there!
Just you wait, LoafingOaf will be along any minute now. He still hasn't shaken Sarah Palin's pussy off his leg. Man, you'd think that thing would have eaten him by now.
Joe makes Sarah look exactly as she is; an ignorant self-absorbed bitch with shit for brains.And yet, when it comes to actual accomplishment, Sarah comes out favorably when compared to Obama, Biden, and especially you.
Larry J, that's just nonsense. Obama has been elected President. As an achievement, that ranks pretty far above anything the governor of a state is going to do.
The power of Sweet Sarah Palin to spook the Libtards into wildly false personal attacks continues as the 2012 election looms. What has she got that they need so bad to attack her? She has won the hearts and minds of the Red State's voters and there is nothing they can to accuse her of doing wrong except being a Stupid Mother in public. Wow!
McCain then quickly joked, "I've left out somebody's name and I'm going to hear about it."Thus, McCain makes a non-event newsworthy in his quest to restore his "media darling" status.
Larry J, that's just nonsense. Obama has been elected President. As an achievement, that ranks pretty far above anything the governor of a state is going to do.What? He's an affirmative action hire, nothing more. All those white liberals voted for him because "it's time for a black president". That's more of an insult than an accomplishment.
There's no way on God's green Earth Obama would have even been nominated if he were white.
Hdhouse said: “Joe makes Sarah look exactly as she is; an ignorant self-absorbed bitch with shit for brains.”
My, my house. You are quite the misogynist. How long have you had this irrational hatred for women? How long have you harbored this acid dislike for accomplished females? Did you hate your mother or grandmother too? Do you pick up rocks every time you see a woman on the street? Were you one of those guys who were serially turned down for dates as a teenager? I thought you people were supposed to be kind, generous in spirit, politically correct, and supportive of woman. You have proven that you people are nothing more than venal, cruel, hating sadists. Hey, house, I hear the Taliban has openings.
Get a clue; the only reason Biden was put on the ticket was a sop to the people at the Special Olympics. You know how weepy, touchy, and feely those liberals are about hadicapped and retarded people.
"There's no way on God's Green Earth Sarah Palin would have even been nominated if she was male."May be as true as that Obama's nomination was solely color-based.
Thanks to lefties, class balkanization in the USA is nearly complete.
There's no way on God's green Earth Obama would have even been nominated if he were white.And there's no way that Sarah Palin would have been even mayor of Wasilla if she was black.
Sure, a popular Governor of a reliably Republican State. Why would a western Legislator pick a western Governor? To pick up the state, maybe, but Alaska's gonna go (R) anyway. What kind of ticket-balancing is that? Answer: LOUSY!
If you don't accept the fact that Palin was picked because McCain wanted to poach disgruntled Hillary! supporters, I think you're not doing very astute political analysis.
Now, it certainly didn't hurt Palin that she was popular among some Conservatives. But MO is that if Sarah had been a male governor of Alaska, popular with Conservatives, no way is McCain going to give him even a first look. He's going to look at someone from the midwest or the east.
Funny how just mentioning Sarah Palin's name in the presence of leftoids always becomes like dangling red dripping meat on a stick over snarling snapping wolves.
I can argue that Obama may have been the nominee if he was not black -- it might not convince you however.
I think it's clear, however, that an alternative to Hillary! was very much needed, because there are many voters, such as me, who did not want Bill in the White House. What a wretched distraction that would have been. And the whole Bush Clinton Bush Clinton thing. Ugh. The key was for a candidate to appear that could offer something else. How many of the Democratic candidates were stale retreads of Washington, and because of that tied to the Clintons in some way? Someone quasi-outsiderish was needed (I still lament that Vilsack ducked out, oh well).
I credit Obama with recognizing this trend and capitalizing on it quite well. Would it have happened if he were not black? It would depend on how closely a first-term Senator from somewhere in the heartland of the United States who had a reported gift for oratory was tied to Clinton.
There certainly are lots of people who voted for Obama just because he was black. There are others, like me, who voted for him as the lesser of two evils, and because McCain behaved so erratically with respect to the Economy. There are many reasons to have voted for or against Obama, including his race. My own opinion, though, is that the spectrum of reasons is fairly broad, with a peak on race. For Sarah Palin, reason for her selection as a VP candidate also encompasses a broad spectrum of reasons, but the peak on female is very very strong. Not quite a delta function, but nearly.
One of the difficulties in making the comparison is that there are many people choosing Obama, but only a handful choosing Palin, and we will never know what was going through all the choosers' minds.
Well, that didn't take long for someone to tar the residents of Wasilla as racists. Cry Me a River! It's not my fault that Alaska represents the demographics of the US about as much as Atlanta represents Georgia. The fact that you can on one hand make unproveable claims about Obama's black priviledge while on the other hand whine about any assertions of Sarah Palin's white privilige is laughable.
MadisonMan, I think you are correct that Palin's gender was a large part of her being picked.
But McCain does not get Governor Palin. She is one of us, an Evangelical Christian. We are different from moderate Republicans, we are really not even Republicans once we think about it.
So I understand the confusion in the McCain camp and family about her. She would not play ball the way she was supposed to, she was great in her job of supporting him in some areas, like his heroic military service, but would not lie and say that his appeasement, big government approach to politics was good for America.
People who hold conservative values and who are saved get her perfectly. And that Christian thing means that she is intrinsically insulting to people who reject Christian ideology. Especially when she is kind or gracious or real. That does not fit the unbeliever's vortex about who they want to think we are.
Obama was chosen to give a speech at the 2004 Dem convention when he was still just a state senator from Illinois who tended to vote "present" on tough issues!
He would not have even been on the political radar if he was not black IMO.
Now, it certainly didn't hurt Palin that she was popular among some Conservatives. But MO is that if Sarah had been a male governor of Alaska, popular with Conservatives, no way is McCain going to give him even a first look. He's going to look at someone from the midwest or the east.He may have looked, but there wasn't anybody. Jeb? The only other conservative on the radar was Huckabee, and he's only conservative on social issues. McCain had a really big problem last election - he'd spent so many years snubbing his natural constituency he no longer had a base outside the beltway. Hell, but for the open primary he wouldn't have been the nominee.
I'm sure he would have loved to pick someone less conservative, but that wasn't really an option. Without a conservative on the ticket he was looking at Mondale numbers.
A big problem in 2008 was neither party really had their stars ready for prime time. The Republican party of the time was made up of beaten hulks with the idealism of 1994 beaten out of them, or worse, grafted out of them by the lure of big money and pork.
The Democrats was the same core of bitter, insiders pols who had been wheeling and dealing since the 80's, and a bunch of new guys nobody knew or trusted.
There were some rising stars, like Obama on the left, and Jindal, and Palin on the right. The problem was, they got thrust center stage too soon. Palin, a woman of demonstrated ability, is the punchline of every boring late night host, and President Obama proves day in, day out that he really wasn't quite as ready for the big job as we hoped he would be. Both would look a lot better in 2012 than they do now.
Trey - The problem with Palin was that she was supposed to be the person that would bring in the women after Hillary was bypassed by the Dems - but was an absolute disaster at attracting any women outside the Religious Right. That attracted you and many others that were going to vote Republican anyways - a Religious Right Goddess! Palin drove off the idependents that McCain once attracted in droves, and did nothing to show she had any brains on matters that McCain himself admitted were not his "fortes". When the economic collapse started, Palin was essentially useless, limited to staying with the right wing red meat to rev up rural white voters and Fundies.
About that point, McCain was likely thinking his Hail Mary pass was a bad toss, not helped by interviews where Palin showed an inability to catch the balls tossed at her.
I agree with John McCain. A leader like Mitt Romney for example would be a great choice to lead America out of this recession. Romney is definitely a front runner in 2012. Whereas Palin has too much going on, too many past and present "issues" in her own or her family's life to effectively campaign for the presidency in 4 years. I think if you read McCain right, he is finally going public, albeit in a joking way, that he himself agrees that picking Palin was a mistake.
Through August, McCain was keeping pace with Obama, in spite of it being a difficult year to run as a Republican. McCain was hammering Obama on the issue of experience, but threw away that advantage when he picked Palin.
Yes, Palin had executive experience -- more of it than Obama and McCain combined -- but her performance in unscripted interviews reinforced the idea that she was a newbie to the political stage. That made her fans love her all the more, but it made independents balk. And the Hillary! supporters never migrated to Palin in sufficient numbers.
We'll never know what would have happened had McCain picked Pawlenty, but I suspect that a McCain-Pawlenty ticket would have exploited the experience gap.
It's 2009. Our next election is in 2012. Are people really going to forget who Sarah Palin is because John McCain didn't mention her during one question on Leno?
Ironically, it looks bad because Sen. McCain's joke made the failure to mention Palin look intentional. Maybe it was; I wouldn't have even known that the Senator was on Leno, but for the "snubbing." (In that way, this story reminds me a lot of the Harrelson zombie accident from earlier in the week.)
Larry J, that's just nonsense. Obama has been elected President. As an achievement, that ranks pretty far above anything the governor of a state is going to do.Obama is the biggest nothing to be elected president in US history. And it shows. He was sworn in less than 3 months ago (the sum total of his executive experience) and has managed one screw up after another. It's going to be a long 4 years with this moron in the White House. It could take decades to undo the damage he's doing.
There's no way on God's Green Earth Sarah Palin would have even been nominated if she was male.And what great experience did John Edwards have when Kerry nominated him that beats Sarah Palin’s?
I don't think it's the men who are being held to higher standards here.
There's no way on God's green Earth Obama would have even been nominated if he were white.Ooh, ooh, let me play!
There's no way on God's green Earth Bush would have even been nominated if he were George W. Smith.
But the idea that Obama would not have been nominated assumes a sort of Talking Dog effect, exactly what Biden commented on: “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” he said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”
From a blogger's analysis at the time:
Jesse Jackson is articulate, bright, and relatively clean-cut; he’s not mainstream. Al Sharpton is bright and articulate but not particularly clean-cut, let alone meanstream. Colin Powell was articulate, bright, clean-cut and mainstream, but not a presidential candidate.
It's obvious that Obama would not have been elected Senator or President if he were white, and Palin would not have been nominated for VP if she were male.
However, when comparing what they both accomplished without benefit of affirmative action- Obama getting elected to the Illinois State Senate and Palin to the governorship of Alaska- Palin's accomplishement is the more impressive.
Cederford said: "A leader like Mitt Romney for example would be a great choice to lead America out of this recession. Romney is definitely a front runner in 2012."
I supported Romney in the 2008 primaries and would do so again, as he would have made a far better president than either Obama or McCain.
However, he's dead to me now that he's flip-flopped and come out in favor of amnesty.
I will probably be supporting Jindal in the 2012 primaries if he runs.
FWIW Romney currently has the lead on Intrade, with Jindal in 2nd place (they were tied before Jindal's SOTU response debacle).
"Through August, McCain was keeping pace with Obama, in spite of it being a difficult year to run as a Republican. McCain was hammering Obama on the issue of experience, but threw away that advantage when he picked Palin."
The problem with that is that it doesn't fit the timeline. The McCain/Palin campaign didn't falter and fall behind until McCain suspended his campaign, jumped into trying to broker a bailout, while everyone mistook Obama being clueless for being sage and thoughtful. Then, the stock market started to fall, and along with it, the McCain/Palin numbers.
Nevertheless, Gov. Palin was attracting huge, enthusiastic crowds all the way up to election day, something that Sens. McCain and Biden were never able to do on their own.
Of course, if you get your news from CNN, MSNBC, or John Stewart, you wouldn't know that.
However, when comparing what they both accomplished without benefit of affirmative action- Obama getting elected to the Illinois State Senate and Palin to the governorship of Alaska- Palin's accomplishement is the more impressive.Obama got elected to the Illinois State Senate with 48,476 votes, while Palin got elected to the governorship of Alaska with 114,697 votes, so Palin's accomplishment is 160% more impressive.
LarryJ (one of the Stooges?) says: "Obama is the biggest nothing to be elected president in US history. And it shows. He was sworn in less than 3 months ago (the sum total of his executive experience) and has managed one screw up after another."
This, after about 80 days in office and polling less than 24 hours ago from CNN and the Opinion Research Corporation polling firm indicating the following:
1. Nearly six in 10 Americans -- 58 percent of respondents -- said the president has "a clear plan for solving the country's economic problems."
2. Only 24% said Republicans have a clear plan for the economy.
3. There is also significant public support for Obama as he attempts to piece together an economic rescue "puzzle" that justified unpopular bailouts for the banking and finance industries.
4. 62 percent of respondents said Obama was "doing enough to cooperate with the Republicans in Congress."
5. Only 37 percent for Republican cooperation with Obama.
Gallup Polling:
1.71% of Americans said they have a "great deal" or a "fair amount" of confidence in Obama to do or recommend the right thing for the economy."
2. 51 percent said they had a "great deal" or a "fair amount" of confidence in Democratic leaders on the economy.
3. Only 38 percent felt the same for Republican leaders.
It appears Larry is a tad out of step with his fellow Americans.
I sometimes feel a bit uncomfortable when the Palin adulation gets so out of hand. Yet, at times, I also feel why she has that effect on some people.
Her danger to the Democrats is that she, better than probably any other major Republican politician, speaks to and connects with middle and esp. the working class. And this blue collar demographic is one of the key Democratic constituencies at least since FDR, and likely much longer.
At one point, she and her family are so normal, as compared to other politicians. A couple of days ago, I was reading a story about Todd Palin, being a house husband, snow machine competitor, fisherman, union member, etc., while his wife was working down in Juneau. Five kids, friends, extended family, and all, floating in an out of the house all day. You cannot imagine Obama, Biden, or McCain having anything near this sort of tumultuous, warm, family life.
And then, you see her charisma. And you realize that they aren't normal. This is someone who cannot be ignored.
Obama got elected to the Illinois State Senate with 48,476 votes, while Palin got elected to the governorship of Alaska with 114,697 votes, so Palin's accomplishment is 160% more impressive.Except that Obama didn't do much of anything there, and he didn't do much of anything as a U.S. Senator except to run for President. You mistake getting elected with actually accomplishing something.
"This, after about 80 days in office and polling less than 24 hours ago from CNN and the Opinion Research Corporation polling firm indicating the following:"
Well, after that CNN interview I watched earlier today, I don't have as much faith in the poll as you apparently do.
If you italicize a paragraph and then put a blank line or two after it before you start your comments (as I typically do), Blogger is now eating those blank lines, running things together.
BUT if you put quotes around the italics, Blogger works as it should, turning the blank lines into HTML breaks.
Bruce - "Her danger to the Democrats is that she, better than probably any other major Republican politician, speaks to and connects with middle and esp. the working class."
(If you don't accept the fact that Palin was picked because McCain wanted to poach disgruntled Hillary! supporters, I think you're not doing very astute political analysis.)
Well I am having a hard time keeping straight McCain's reasons for picking Palin. I heard a lot more about her being the sop for the evangelical vote in Jesusland than her trying to being a magnet for Hillary voters.
I think that a Hillary voter is supporting her for her political stand rather than the fact she has a vagina which is the only thing she and Palin would have in common.
(Hillary, as most here will attest, when it comes to politics, is more like a man than a woman.)
I can't even imagine what that is supposed to mean.
(McCain needed Palin like he needed another hole in his head. I really think he could have won had he picked Romney, Pawlenty or even Lieberman.)
You're right. Prior to Palin joining the ticket, thousands were flocking to McCain rallies. McCain wasn't going to win because of McCain. If anything, Palin closed the gap to where Obama won by a lesser margin that Bush 41.
I also wish you guys would give up the Lieberman angle. Outside of his stance on the Iraq war, Lieberman is pretty much at odds with a GOP/conservative platform on, well everything. How adding a Democrat to a weak GOP candidate was supposed to translate to a win for McCain is beyond me.
Hoosier - "I can't even imagine what that is supposed to mean."
You know exactly what it means.
I've heard any number of people right here make comments relating to Hillary at least having the balls to say or do something or having more guts or being more aggressive that Obama and others.
MM: I also agree with many of the points you made in your 10:09 comment. The fact of her being female played a big part in her selection. Sort of a cynical pandering to the Hillary voters
But like Trey, I don't think that McCain understood the appeal of a Sarah Palin to conservatives. The Democracts certain don't get it and it is evident from the posters here. I don't think you need to be Christian or born again to appreciate her political conservatism, her personal convictions and her history.
As I stated before, I wasn't even going to vote at all in the election. I would never vote for Obama because he represents everything that I loathe in a politician, in his political views. I would never vote for McCain for some of those same reasons. However, when Palin was brought on the ticket and I read about her political career, I was persuaded. After hearing her speak, I knew that she was the real of us. Working people, middle class, unpretentious, family oriented and CONSERVATIVE fiscally and in principles.
The rabid knee jerk reactions by the left, only convinced me more. I think that IF she did try to run in '12, she would be a very strong candidate and would draw many from the center and center right who are basically the same people who are now protesting the corruption, waste and direction that our country is heading.
Since phony is the word of the day, Jeremy is here with phony poll results. The only people who pay attention to those phony polls are the politicians.
My poll is better. I talk to people. Most who I talk to are sorry they voted for Obama and are having buyer's remorse. They are real, true Americans.
I guess you got the phony talking points from the Party late today.
"After hearing her speak, I knew that she was the real of us. Working people, middle class, unpretentious, family oriented and CONSERVATIVE fiscally and in principles."
Middle Class, working people, family oriented... The kind of people the new left hates with a passion and rightfully fears. The kind of people who the new left is trying to destroy with more government dependency and power.
The pander to us during election; "hey bail out main streeet. Forget greedy wall street. New jobs for everyone. A hybrid inevery garage and tofu in every pot." Then they bail out wall street while main street suffers. They love suffering. It is what keeps them in power.
Remember, they hated poor people so much during the Sixties that they created the new slavery; welfare. Keep them poor, unemployed and paid.
(I've heard any number of people right here make comments relating to Hillary at least having the balls to say or do something or having more guts or being more aggressive that Obama and others.)
Oh I see. So you agree with others here that Hillary has more balls than Obama. Thanks for the clarification.
"I've heard any number of people right here make comments relating to Hillary at least having the balls to say or do something or having more guts or being more aggressive that Obama and others."
I have always said that Hillary had the balls to tell blatant lies and create fantasy biographies and consistently get away with them. She never had the balls to eave that POS Bill; her only accomplishment was being his doormat.
Peter V. Bella said..."Jeremy is here with phony poll results."
First of all, they're not the least bit "phony."
Second, if you actually think "nobody" pays attention to polling, you're even dumber than first thought. (You think McCain didn't think about the potential effect and "polling" Palin might bring to the ticket? Really?)
And of course, if you don't think every politician in American doesn't rely on reliable polling you know little if anything about politics and our election process.
Obama getting elected to the Illinois Senate was not an accomplishment. It was a guaranteed cake walk. Anyone can get elected to the Illinois Senate, or any other Illinois elected office, from Chicago if they have three things:
1.)A pulse 2.)A political godfather. 3.) Backing from the Chicago Democrat Party.
Obama had a pulse. His political godfather was Emil Jones, a thoroughly corrupt, immoral, and unethical politician. Obama had the backing of the Chicago Democrat Party in the personage of Mayor Daley.
Guaranteed slam dunk. A total moron could get elected in Chicago. Even Jeremy or DTL.
Hoosier - "Oh I see. So you agree with others here that Hillary has more balls than Obama. Thanks for the clarification."
I see your reading comprehension is still at a standstill.
Saying I've read such comments has nothing to do with "agreeing" with the comments. I read all kinds of drivel here that anybody with a brain or an education wouldn't agree with.
Bruce Hayden @ 12:51 Of course, if you get your news from CNN, MSNBC, or John Stewart, you wouldn't know that.Hypothetical that doesn't apply to me. I'm too cheap to get cable TV.
Yes, the economic meltdown and McCain's response combined to sink his campaign. Right in the middle of that came the Couric interviews, after which it became difficult for McCain to press his experience advantage.
We'll never know how things would have turned out had McCain picked Pawlenty. I think he regrets picking Palin.
Jeremy, Had you read the comments above, if you can read or even comprehend, you would have noticed that someone made the comment that Obama getting elected to the Illinois Senate was an accomplishment.
Now go back to your altar, get on your knees, and pray that the Messiah will forgive your sins.
(I see your reading comprehension is still at a standstill.
Saying I've read such comments has nothing to do with "agreeing" with the comments. I read all kinds of drivel here that anybody with a brain or an education wouldn't agree with.)
Jeremy, let me help you out buddy. Please scroll up to your 1:29pm post where you wrote:
(Hillary, as most here will attest, when it comes to politics, is more like a man than a woman.)
(Why would you not understand that?)
Because that is not what you said. You plainly said in that 1:29 post that Hillary is more like a male than a female when it comes to politics and used 'others here will attest' as support of that statement.
Might want to work on those writing skills a bit more before throwing out insults. Just a suggestion.
HD, Jeremy, or whatever his name is, does that all the time. He filp flops about like a fish out of water. Then he creates artful lies to cover up the slime.
Hoosier - When I said: "Hillary, as most here will attest, when it comes to politics, is more like a man than a woman."
I was referring to the collection of wingnuts who constantly say such things, not necessarily myself, although in the case of Hillary I certainly lean in the direction of her having more guts (or balls) than most politicians.
As I said before, you and others are pure contrarians.
Oh, and - Get a fucking life.
Peter - YOU posted the comment relating to Obama's election to the Illinois Senate not being an accomplishment and that's what I responded to:
2:16 - "Obama getting elected to the Illinois Senate was not an accomplishment. It was a guaranteed cake walk."
“However, when comparing what they both accomplished without benefit of affirmative action- Obama getting elected to the Illinois State Senate and Palin to the governorship of Alaska- Palin's accomplishement is the more impressive.
12:15 PM”
Bold emphasis mine.
Jeremy, I guess you do not know how to read, you have no reading comprehension skills, or you just come here to preen and to prance your pseudo fucking intellect. But the above is the comment I responded to. You are a liar, charlatan, and a fraud. You prove it every day.
Jeremy, I have never ever asked why Obama won. I have never ever been infected with the personality cult of anyone. He is the president. I can criticize. That is American; as American as apple pie. I can also tell the truth unlike you who lives in a world of lies. It is Un-American to disallow criticism. It is not patriotic. No true American would do such a thing.
I cannot believe that you, a true American and a good liberal- liberals do believe in civil liberties don't they?- would not allow criticism of the President of the United States.
Peter - "I have never ever asked why Obama won. I have never ever been infected with the personality cult of anyone."
Really? Well, where does this come from then?
Peter - "Get a clue; the only reason Biden was put on the ticket was a sop to the people at the Special Olympics. You know how weepy, touchy, and feely those liberals are about hadicapped and retarded people."
Nice. Especially the combination of the terms; Special Olympics, "hadicapped"? and "retarded??"
Peter - "Obama had a pulse. His political godfather was Emil Jones, a thoroughly corrupt, immoral, and unethical politician. Obama had the backing of the Chicago Democrat Party in the personage of Mayor Daley."
Biden was put on the ticket to help out with the "retarded?"
And Obama won because he was backed by "a thoroughly corrupt, immoral, and unethical politician," along with Mayor Daley?
I know you live in Chicago, but do you ever read the fucking newspapers?
How did this thread turn from being a discussion about two accomplished, but imperfect, politicians to the narcissistic Jeremy?
After Thompson dropped out I personally regarded McCain as the strongest of a fairly thin lot. I don't know if Thompson really deep down inside really wanted the nomination, but damn! could he make great commercials. (I have no plans to vote for Huckabee, Romney, or Guilani in the 2012 primary should they run.) If McCain thought that having a woman, any woman, on his ticket would help with the nonexistent PUMA vote, then that's yet another sign that he's not presidential material.
Does anybody beyond their family and personal circle really ever know a politician? But from what I see of her I really like Sarah Palin as a person, and if I could have her and Todd over for dinner I'd do it in a heartbeat. But you win a presidential election by winning 270 electoral votes. It's hard to see how a person who takes her religion seriously enough to carry a Downs child to term is going to win those votes.
I am upset that she didn't jump all over Biden at their debate. I remembered that Article 1 is about the legislative branch of the US government, something I learned in 6th or 7th grade. Given that Biden taught Constitutional law, she should have let him have it right there on the spot. People would wonder about someone who teaches Constitutional law and doesn't know what's in Article 1.
So in that sense McCain is actually right; she's not going to be a good candidate for the presidency in 2012. She should concentrate on being the best governor Alaska she can be for the next 1 1/2 years, win reelection, then run against Begich in 2014, and look around again in 2016 or 2020.
Big Mike, I don't really know know him, but Mayor Dave of Madison lives fairly close to me, and I see him (or his wife) out walking their dog occasionally, and he seems very likeable. That's as close as I come to knowing a politician -- a nodding acquaintance between two dog walkers. I could easily see inviting him to dinner, and think he'd be a charming guest. (He'd have to leave the dog at home, though -- what a neurotic, although vastly improved from a couple years ago)
Pogo said..."Like the Scarecrow, I'm a Doctor of Thinkology. And I think Jeremy has a point. But if he wears a hat, no one will notice."
A perfect example of why I think, whether he's a doctor or not, which I find hard to believe, he posts dumb comments that do not relate to any discussion at hand. If you read through hi last 20 or so, all are nothing more than petty postings about me.
It's a waste of time.
Oh, and unless he's running it, he stole the term "Doctor of Thinkology" from a website by the same name.
@Jeremy, if you're trying to win someone over to your side, then starting out with an insult strikes me as suboptimal.
As to your "points," you would have done well to shut up and let MadisonMan do the talking. I don't agree with all of his politics, but his analysis (esp. the comment at 10:07) seems pretty spot on to me.
As to how well Obama is doing, I see via the DrudgeReport that Sarkhozy thinks he's an empty suit. But that's neither here nor there.
Is Sarah Palin "good for the Democrats"? For a certain kind of hard left type, she's probably as useful to them as Streisand is to Republicans. But Blue Dog Democrats may possibly feel otherwise. She's attractive, she's more at home without a teleprompter than the current POTUS, she won't compromise her principles -- to the point of carrying a Downs child to term -- and she's not afraid of guns.
If I was a Blue Dog and Sarah Palin showed up to a trap shooting meet in my district with her over-and-under 12 gauge, I think I'd crap my pants. Especially if she won, as she very well might.
Hold the phone here folks. Jeremy has proven to us three very important things.
1.) He cannot read. He is probably a product of the self esteem philosophy of education. 2.) He is an accomplished and polished liar. He denies what he says or he makes up lies about what others actually said. 3.) He is Un-American and un-patriotic. No true American would be so obstructive of criticism of our government; a criticism guaranteed by the US Constitution.
BigMike - "If I was a Blue Dog and Sarah Palin showed up to a trap shooting meet in my district with her over-and-under 12 gauge, I think I'd crap my pants."
But we know you're a very conservative Republican so what difference does it make what you think a Democrat would do?
The Democrats would love to see Sarah Palin as the leader of the party, but she isn't and she won't be.
Between the old timers like Newt and others there is absolutely NO way they'll allow someone who surfaced for no apparent reason, to become their leader.
Peter - "Nope. You are defending you continuous ies, distortions, and lack of reading comprehendsion skills."
Speaking of reading and writing...What the hell does that mean?
And what is with you and others constantly using the term "liar" when anyone posts a comment that doesn't fit with what you believe or a comment that is in any way incorrect or off the mark? Or the term "hate" when anyone criticizes Bush or the Republicans.
The term is overused and is certainly germane to the any discussion or debate.
(Hoosier - When I said: "Hillary, as most here will attest, when it comes to politics, is more like a man than a woman."
I was referring to the collection of wingnuts who constantly say such things, not necessarily myself, )
Well let me suggest that you learn proper sentence structure because that is not what you wrote.
(although in the case of Hillary I certainly lean in the direction of her having more guts (or balls) than most politicians.)
I'm getting dizzy, now which is it? So you're saying that while you don't necessarily say Hillary has more balls but you lean in the direction that she has more balls. Wait, I got it. You won't say she has balls but you agree that she does have balls.
But we know you're a very conservative Republican so what difference does it make what you think a Democrat would do?I suppose I could equally ask how you, as a happy member of the left wing lunatic fringe could imagine how "old timers like Newt and others" would have much to say about the next leader of the Republican party. A leader doesn't wait for some old guard to annoint him (or her). By definition a leader leads. It's that simple.
Meanwhile, "what difference does it make what [I] think a Democrat would do?" Keep thinking that way, sonny. Keep thinking that way.
Sometimes debate or rebuttal is pointless, not because the opinion is unassailable, but because the points of argument are obvious enough that if they've been discounted there is no point to bring them up again.
I can understand someone not being exited about Palin or not agreeing with her politics because those things are arguable and political opinions differ.
"[Palin is] an ignorant self-absorbed bitch with shit for brains."...OTOH, is hyperbolic. If that is the opinion you're talking about then there is no point in presenting a counter argument. The opinion is obviously *deeply* rooted in emotion.
"Palin is an ignorant self-absorbed bitch with shit for brains."
house, My opinion stands. Joe Biden is a lying son of a bitch who makes Palin look like a member of Mensa. Joe Biden is Obama's sop payback to the Special Olympics people and the retards.
ignorant? that's hard to counter self-absorbed? anyone who hangs her daughter out to dry for political gain... bitch? ohhh pleeeze shit for brains? perhaps a bit over the top but afterall she did see Russia from her front porch.
I know you are smarter than most on here, particularly distancing yourself from the likes of Peter the beautiful and hoosier what' when i toss some red meat out for fun and games please refrain unless the least amongst the right wing here can't get up the nerve to come out of the corner. they are who i am after...
hdhouse: Joe Biden: Ignorant. Hard to counter. Hung his dead first wife out to dry for political gain. Hard to counter. Self absorbed; hair plugs and pec transplants. Hard to counter Lying son of a bitch. Pleeeze. Makes morons look intelligent. Hard to counter. Makes Palin look brilliant. Hard to counter.
Ya know house maybe you are really Joe Biden in drag.
I think that Palin is great. It would not have been possible for her not to bring her family into the campaign because then it would have all been about how ashamed she was of Bristol and Levi and Trig. I've listened to a multitude of interviews with her and have often been impressed by her ability to express what is important in a substantiative way. I've been impressed with her ability to sort and prioritize and plan ahead as governor, judging by her post election answers to "what now?" I'm not intimidated by her accent (it's the one I was born with). As far as I can tell, the vast majority of criticism of her exists on the same level as "hoochi-hoop-gate"... all noise and no substance.
I most particularly liked a statement she made after one of her husband's earlier race wins when asked something about allowing him to race again. I felt like it was an excellent insight into her character that she expressed, essentially, that she wouldn't presume to think it was her decision to make.
I disagree with some of her politics. In some ways she's like a Democrat of a couple generations ago.
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१२२ टिप्पण्या:
Say what you will about McCain, but the guy's not too old to learn.
Dissing Palin? Two words- Joe Biden.
HA HA HA HA HEE HEE HEE HEE Hee!! Joe makes Sarah look like a member of Mensa.
McCain is busy working on the amnesty program and political speech reform.
The worst thing that happened to Palin was getting picked by McCain.
He served his country, honorable man blah blah.. but God all mighty, McCain can be a real jerk sometimes.
Thanks for reminding me to contribute to her PAC.
We all get to a certain age at which we should talk a lot less.
I think McCain has reached that age.
McCain: "I lost."
Perhaps she should have been left of the list. Any list. All lists.
better pin the tail on the donkey rather than pin your hopes on Palin.
Peter V. Bella said...
"Joe makes Sarah look like a member of Mensa."
Joe makes Sarah look exactly as she is; an ignorant self-absorbed bitch with shit for brains.
"better pin the tail on the donkey".
Yeah, 'cause Democrats don't have to pay their share of taxes.
Unless they get appointed to a cabinet position.
My friends, I am so tired of hearing McCain's 30-year old reach-across-the-aisle malarchy [and I voted for hom last November].
Joe makes Sarah look exactly as she is; an ignorant self-absorbed bitch with shit for brains.Is that your profession opinion hdhouse or are your hemorrhoids flaring up again?
Yeah, 'cause Democrats don't have to pay their share of taxes.Actually hdhouse freely admits he doesn't pay his fair share either. Like a true liberal, he counts on others to shoulder his burden.
"an ignorant self-absorbed bitch with shit for brains."
Ahh, there's that famous liberal respect for women, right there!
Just you wait, LoafingOaf will be along any minute now. He still hasn't shaken Sarah Palin's pussy off his leg. Man, you'd think that thing would have eaten him by now.
Ssummary: Some ancient has-been doesn't mention Palin and thin-skinned Palindrones react to it, making it a bigger news event than the non-mention.
hoosierdaddy...that's pretty much my professional opinion.
Joe makes Sarah look exactly as she is; an ignorant self-absorbed bitch with shit for brains.And yet, when it comes to actual accomplishment, Sarah comes out favorably when compared to Obama, Biden, and especially you.
Larry J, that's just nonsense. Obama has been elected President. As an achievement, that ranks pretty far above anything the governor of a state is going to do.
The power of Sweet Sarah Palin to spook the Libtards into wildly false personal attacks continues as the 2012 election looms. What has she got that they need so bad to attack her? She has won the hearts and minds of the Red State's voters and there is nothing they can to accuse her of doing wrong except being a Stupid Mother in public. Wow!
I agree.
Palin's got a mighty powerful vortex ala Althouse.
Trying to remember why I voted...
McCain then quickly joked, "I've left out somebody's name and I'm going to hear about it."Thus, McCain makes a non-event newsworthy in his quest to restore his "media darling" status.
McCain's lame jokes always betray his thoughts.
The bad news is that Obama won.
The good news is McCain lost.
And I hope he loses his Senate seat, too. Time to be put out to pasture.
He has a great retirement plan and a rich wife, why is he still bothering us?
Larry J, that's just nonsense. Obama has been elected President. As an achievement, that ranks pretty far above anything the governor of a state is going to do.What? He's an affirmative action hire, nothing more. All those white liberals voted for him because "it's time for a black president". That's more of an insult than an accomplishment.
There's no way on God's green Earth Obama would have even been nominated if he were white.
There's no way on God's Green Earth Sarah Palin would have even been nominated if she was male.
Hdhouse said: “Joe makes Sarah look exactly as she is; an ignorant self-absorbed bitch with shit for brains.”
My, my house. You are quite the misogynist. How long have you had this irrational hatred for women? How long have you harbored this acid dislike for accomplished females? Did you hate your mother or grandmother too? Do you pick up rocks every time you see a woman on the street? Were you one of those guys who were serially turned down for dates as a teenager? I thought you people were supposed to be kind, generous in spirit, politically correct, and supportive of woman. You have proven that you people are nothing more than venal, cruel, hating sadists. Hey, house, I hear the Taliban has openings.
Get a clue; the only reason Biden was put on the ticket was a sop to the people at the Special Olympics. You know how weepy, touchy, and feely those liberals are about hadicapped and retarded people.
Not true, MM. She is a popular conservative governor. How many of those are there?
"There's no way on God's Green Earth Sarah Palin would have even been nominated if she was male."May be as true as that Obama's nomination was solely color-based.
Thanks to lefties, class balkanization in the USA is nearly complete.
There's no way on God's green Earth Obama would have even been nominated if he were white.And there's no way that Sarah Palin would have been even mayor of Wasilla if she was black.
Well, that didn't take long for someone to tar the residents of Wasilla as racists.
Can anyone argue Obama would still have been the Dem candidate if he was not black?
Sure, a popular Governor of a reliably Republican State. Why would a western Legislator pick a western Governor? To pick up the state, maybe, but Alaska's gonna go (R) anyway. What kind of ticket-balancing is that? Answer: LOUSY!
If you don't accept the fact that Palin was picked because McCain wanted to poach disgruntled Hillary! supporters, I think you're not doing very astute political analysis.
Now, it certainly didn't hurt Palin that she was popular among some Conservatives. But MO is that if Sarah had been a male governor of Alaska, popular with Conservatives, no way is McCain going to give him even a first look. He's going to look at someone from the midwest or the east.
Funny how just mentioning Sarah Palin's name in the presence of leftoids always becomes like dangling red dripping meat on a stick over snarling snapping wolves.
I can argue that Obama may have been the nominee if he was not black -- it might not convince you however.
I think it's clear, however, that an alternative to Hillary! was very much needed, because there are many voters, such as me, who did not want Bill in the White House. What a wretched distraction that would have been. And the whole Bush Clinton Bush Clinton thing. Ugh. The key was for a candidate to appear that could offer something else. How many of the Democratic candidates were stale retreads of Washington, and because of that tied to the Clintons in some way? Someone quasi-outsiderish was needed (I still lament that Vilsack ducked out, oh well).
I credit Obama with recognizing this trend and capitalizing on it quite well. Would it have happened if he were not black? It would depend on how closely a first-term Senator from somewhere in the heartland of the United States who had a reported gift for oratory was tied to Clinton.
There certainly are lots of people who voted for Obama just because he was black. There are others, like me, who voted for him as the lesser of two evils, and because McCain behaved so erratically with respect to the Economy. There are many reasons to have voted for or against Obama, including his race. My own opinion, though, is that the spectrum of reasons is fairly broad, with a peak on race. For Sarah Palin, reason for her selection as a VP candidate also encompasses a broad spectrum of reasons, but the peak on female is very very strong. Not quite a delta function, but nearly.
One of the difficulties in making the comparison is that there are many people choosing Obama, but only a handful choosing Palin, and we will never know what was going through all the choosers' minds.
Well, that didn't take long for someone to tar the residents of Wasilla as racists. Cry Me a River! It's not my fault that Alaska represents the demographics of the US about as much as Atlanta represents Georgia. The fact that you can on one hand make unproveable claims about Obama's black priviledge while on the other hand whine about any assertions of Sarah Palin's white privilige is laughable.
MadisonMan, I think you are correct that Palin's gender was a large part of her being picked.
But McCain does not get Governor Palin. She is one of us, an Evangelical Christian. We are different from moderate Republicans, we are really not even Republicans once we think about it.
So I understand the confusion in the McCain camp and family about her. She would not play ball the way she was supposed to, she was great in her job of supporting him in some areas, like his heroic military service, but would not lie and say that his appeasement, big government approach to politics was good for America.
People who hold conservative values and who are saved get her perfectly. And that Christian thing means that she is intrinsically insulting to people who reject Christian ideology. Especially when she is kind or gracious or real. That does not fit the unbeliever's vortex about who they want to think we are.
Have a happy tea party day!
MadisonMan, another great and cogent post at 10:09. Thanks dude, it made me think and see some things I had not seen before.
"unproveable claims about Obama's black priviledge".
Tell me, how exactly does one prove privilege?
Is their a scientific protocol?
Is it weighed in grams, or measured in joules?
Further, how do you prove it is based on race or gender or any other status?
Is there a lab test, or a CT scan, or a financial analysis involved?
Obama was chosen to give a speech at the 2004 Dem convention when he was still just a state senator from Illinois who tended to vote "present" on tough issues!
He would not have even been on the political radar if he was not black IMO.
I agree with most of your points about Palin.
Now, it certainly didn't hurt Palin that she was popular among some Conservatives. But MO is that if Sarah had been a male governor of Alaska, popular with Conservatives, no way is McCain going to give him even a first look. He's going to look at someone from the midwest or the east.He may have looked, but there wasn't anybody. Jeb? The only other conservative on the radar was Huckabee, and he's only conservative on social issues. McCain had a really big problem last election - he'd spent so many years snubbing his natural constituency he no longer had a base outside the beltway. Hell, but for the open primary he wouldn't have been the nominee.
I'm sure he would have loved to pick someone less conservative, but that wasn't really an option. Without a conservative on the ticket he was looking at Mondale numbers.
A big problem in 2008 was neither party really had their stars ready for prime time. The Republican party of the time was made up of beaten hulks with the idealism of 1994 beaten out of them, or worse, grafted out of them by the lure of big money and pork.
The Democrats was the same core of bitter, insiders pols who had been wheeling and dealing since the 80's, and a bunch of new guys nobody knew or trusted.
There were some rising stars, like Obama on the left, and Jindal, and Palin on the right. The problem was, they got thrust center stage too soon. Palin, a woman of demonstrated ability, is the punchline of every boring late night host, and President Obama proves day in, day out that he really wasn't quite as ready for the big job as we hoped he would be. Both would look a lot better in 2012 than they do now.
Trey - The problem with Palin was that she was supposed to be the person that would bring in the women after Hillary was bypassed by the Dems - but was an absolute disaster at attracting any women outside the Religious Right.
That attracted you and many others that were going to vote Republican anyways - a Religious Right Goddess!
Palin drove off the idependents that McCain once attracted in droves, and did nothing to show she had any brains on matters that McCain himself admitted were not his "fortes".
When the economic collapse started, Palin was essentially useless, limited to staying with the right wing red meat to rev up rural white voters and Fundies.
About that point, McCain was likely thinking his Hail Mary pass was a bad toss, not helped by interviews where Palin showed an inability to catch the balls tossed at her.
I agree with John McCain. A leader like Mitt Romney for example would be a great choice to lead America out of this recession. Romney is definitely a front runner in 2012. Whereas Palin has too much going on, too many past and present "issues" in her own or her family's life to effectively campaign for the presidency in 4 years. I think if you read McCain right, he is finally going public, albeit in a joking way, that he himself agrees that picking Palin was a mistake.
Romney/Jindal 2012!!!
Through August, McCain was keeping pace with Obama, in spite of it being a difficult year to run as a Republican. McCain was hammering Obama on the issue of experience, but threw away that advantage when he picked Palin.
Yes, Palin had executive experience -- more of it than Obama and McCain combined -- but her performance in unscripted interviews reinforced the idea that she was a newbie to the political stage. That made her fans love her all the more, but it made independents balk. And the Hillary! supporters never migrated to Palin in sufficient numbers.
We'll never know what would have happened had McCain picked Pawlenty, but I suspect that a McCain-Pawlenty ticket would have exploited the experience gap.
It's 2009. Our next election is in 2012. Are people really going to forget who Sarah Palin is because John McCain didn't mention her during one question on Leno?
Ironically, it looks bad because Sen. McCain's joke made the failure to mention Palin look intentional. Maybe it was; I wouldn't have even known that the Senator was on Leno, but for the "snubbing." (In that way, this story reminds me a lot of the Harrelson zombie accident from earlier in the week.)
Larry J, that's just nonsense. Obama has been elected President. As an achievement, that ranks pretty far above anything the governor of a state is going to do.Obama is the biggest nothing to be elected president in US history. And it shows. He was sworn in less than 3 months ago (the sum total of his executive experience) and has managed one screw up after another. It's going to be a long 4 years with this moron in the White House. It could take decades to undo the damage he's doing.
There's no way on God's Green Earth Sarah Palin would have even been nominated if she was male.And what great experience did John Edwards have when Kerry nominated him that beats Sarah Palin’s?
I don't think it's the men who are being held to higher standards here.
There's no way on God's green Earth Obama would have even been nominated if he were white.Ooh, ooh, let me play!
There's no way on God's green Earth Bush would have even been nominated if he were George W. Smith.
But the idea that Obama would not have been nominated assumes a sort of Talking Dog effect, exactly what Biden commented on: “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” he said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”
From a blogger's analysis at the time:
Jesse Jackson is articulate, bright, and relatively clean-cut; he’s not mainstream. Al Sharpton is bright and articulate but not particularly clean-cut, let alone meanstream. Colin Powell was articulate, bright, clean-cut and mainstream, but not a presidential candidate.
It's obvious that Obama would not have been elected Senator or President if he were white, and Palin would not have been nominated for VP if she were male.
However, when comparing what they both accomplished without benefit of affirmative action- Obama getting elected to the Illinois State Senate and Palin to the governorship of Alaska- Palin's accomplishement is the more impressive.
Cederford said: "A leader like Mitt Romney for example would be a great choice to lead America out of this recession. Romney is definitely a front runner in 2012."
I supported Romney in the 2008 primaries and would do so again, as he would have made a far better president than either Obama or McCain.
However, he's dead to me now that he's flip-flopped and come out in favor of amnesty.
I will probably be supporting Jindal in the 2012 primaries if he runs.
FWIW Romney currently has the lead on Intrade, with Jindal in 2nd place (they were tied before Jindal's SOTU response debacle).
"Through August, McCain was keeping pace with Obama, in spite of it being a difficult year to run as a Republican. McCain was hammering Obama on the issue of experience, but threw away that advantage when he picked Palin."
The problem with that is that it doesn't fit the timeline. The McCain/Palin campaign didn't falter and fall behind until McCain suspended his campaign, jumped into trying to broker a bailout, while everyone mistook Obama being clueless for being sage and thoughtful. Then, the stock market started to fall, and along with it, the McCain/Palin numbers.
Nevertheless, Gov. Palin was attracting huge, enthusiastic crowds all the way up to election day, something that Sens. McCain and Biden were never able to do on their own.
Of course, if you get your news from CNN, MSNBC, or John Stewart, you wouldn't know that.
However, when comparing what they both accomplished without benefit of affirmative action- Obama getting elected to the Illinois State Senate and Palin to the governorship of Alaska- Palin's accomplishement is the more impressive.Obama got elected to the Illinois State Senate with 48,476 votes, while Palin got elected to the governorship of Alaska with 114,697 votes, so Palin's accomplishment is 160% more impressive.
LarryJ (one of the Stooges?) says: "Obama is the biggest nothing to be elected president in US history. And it shows. He was sworn in less than 3 months ago (the sum total of his executive experience) and has managed one screw up after another."
This, after about 80 days in office and polling less than 24 hours ago from CNN and the Opinion Research Corporation polling firm indicating the following:
1. Nearly six in 10 Americans -- 58 percent of respondents -- said the president has "a clear plan for solving the country's economic problems."
2. Only 24% said Republicans have a clear plan for the economy.
3. There is also significant public support for Obama as he attempts to piece together an economic rescue "puzzle" that justified unpopular bailouts for the banking and finance industries.
4. 62 percent of respondents said Obama was "doing enough to cooperate with the Republicans in Congress."
5. Only 37 percent for Republican cooperation with Obama.
Gallup Polling:
1.71% of Americans said they have a "great deal" or a "fair amount" of confidence in Obama to do or recommend the right thing for the economy."
2. 51 percent said they had a "great deal" or a "fair amount" of confidence in Democratic leaders on the economy.
3. Only 38 percent felt the same for Republican leaders.
It appears Larry is a tad out of step with his fellow Americans.
What a shocker.
I sometimes feel a bit uncomfortable when the Palin adulation gets so out of hand. Yet, at times, I also feel why she has that effect on some people.
Her danger to the Democrats is that she, better than probably any other major Republican politician, speaks to and connects with middle and esp. the working class. And this blue collar demographic is one of the key Democratic constituencies at least since FDR, and likely much longer.
At one point, she and her family are so normal, as compared to other politicians. A couple of days ago, I was reading a story about Todd Palin, being a house husband, snow machine competitor, fisherman, union member, etc., while his wife was working down in Juneau. Five kids, friends, extended family, and all, floating in an out of the house all day. You cannot imagine Obama, Biden, or McCain having anything near this sort of tumultuous, warm, family life.
And then, you see her charisma. And you realize that they aren't normal. This is someone who cannot be ignored.
Obama got elected to the Illinois State Senate with 48,476 votes, while Palin got elected to the governorship of Alaska with 114,697 votes, so Palin's accomplishment is 160% more impressive.Except that Obama didn't do much of anything there, and he didn't do much of anything as a U.S. Senator except to run for President. You mistake getting elected with actually accomplishing something.
"This, after about 80 days in office and polling less than 24 hours ago from CNN and the Opinion Research Corporation polling firm indicating the following:"
Well, after that CNN interview I watched earlier today, I don't have as much faith in the poll as you apparently do.
As for Palin and her incredible political acumen.
She nominates a man as Attorney General of Alaska who said the following:
"If a guy can’t rape his wife, who’s he gonna rape?”
“If a woman would keep her mouth shut, there wouldn’t be an issue with domestic violence.”
And you wonder why McCain is trying to put distance between himself and this nutcase?
To all concerning the Blogger problem.
If you italicize a paragraph and then put a blank line or two after it before you start your comments (as I typically do), Blogger is now eating those blank lines, running things together.
BUT if you put quotes around the italics, Blogger works as it should, turning the blank lines into HTML breaks.
Bruce - "Well, after that CNN interview I watched earlier today, I don't have as much faith in the poll as you apparently do."
All of the polling from all objective and reliable polling organizations says the same thing, Bruce.
Commentary via talking heads on CNN or any network don't diminish the results.
Why not provide objective polling from reliable organizations that says he ISN'T doing a good job or that Americans DON'T support him.
Take your time.
Bruce - "Her danger to the Democrats is that she, better than probably any other major Republican politician, speaks to and connects with middle and esp. the working class."
You're kidding, right?
Palin is God's gift to the Democrats.
(If you don't accept the fact that Palin was picked because McCain wanted to poach disgruntled Hillary! supporters, I think you're not doing very astute political analysis.)
Well I am having a hard time keeping straight McCain's reasons for picking Palin. I heard a lot more about her being the sop for the evangelical vote in Jesusland than her trying to being a magnet for Hillary voters.
I think that a Hillary voter is supporting her for her political stand rather than the fact she has a vagina which is the only thing she and Palin would have in common.
"I heard a lot more about her being the sop for the evangelical vote in Jesusland than her trying to being a magnet for Hillary voters."
I do think the initial thinking related to her pulling women from Hillary but it sure didn't make sense to people I discussed it with.
Hillary, as most here will attest, when it comes to politics, is more like a man than a woman.
McCain needed Palin like he needed another hole in his head. I really think he could have won had he picked Romney, Pawlenty or even Lieberman.
(Hillary, as most here will attest, when it comes to politics, is more like a man than a woman.)
I can't even imagine what that is supposed to mean.
(McCain needed Palin like he needed another hole in his head. I really think he could have won had he picked Romney, Pawlenty or even Lieberman.)
You're right. Prior to Palin joining the ticket, thousands were flocking to McCain rallies. McCain wasn't going to win because of McCain. If anything, Palin closed the gap to where Obama won by a lesser margin that Bush 41.
I also wish you guys would give up the Lieberman angle. Outside of his stance on the Iraq war, Lieberman is pretty much at odds with a GOP/conservative platform on, well everything. How adding a Democrat to a weak GOP candidate was supposed to translate to a win for McCain is beyond me.
Hoosier - "I can't even imagine what that is supposed to mean."
You know exactly what it means.
I've heard any number of people right here make comments relating to Hillary at least having the balls to say or do something or having more guts or being more aggressive that Obama and others.
You're just being a contrarian.
Jeremy/Michael/Luckyoldsen's here.
MM: I also agree with many of the points you made in your 10:09 comment. The fact of her being female played a big part in her selection. Sort of a cynical pandering to the Hillary voters
But like Trey, I don't think that McCain understood the appeal of a Sarah Palin to conservatives. The Democracts certain don't get it and it is evident from the posters here. I don't think you need to be Christian or born again to appreciate her political conservatism, her personal convictions and her history.
As I stated before, I wasn't even going to vote at all in the election. I would never vote for Obama because he represents everything that I loathe in a politician, in his political views. I would never vote for McCain for some of those same reasons. However, when Palin was brought on the ticket and I read about her political career, I was persuaded. After hearing her speak, I knew that she was the real of us. Working people, middle class, unpretentious, family oriented and CONSERVATIVE fiscally and in principles.
The rabid knee jerk reactions by the left, only convinced me more. I think that IF she did try to run in '12, she would be a very strong candidate and would draw many from the center and center right who are basically the same people who are now protesting the corruption, waste and direction that our country is heading.
Since phony is the word of the day, Jeremy is here with phony poll results. The only people who pay attention to those phony polls are the politicians.
My poll is better. I talk to people. Most who I talk to are sorry they voted for Obama and are having buyer's remorse. They are real, true Americans.
I guess you got the phony talking points from the Party late today.
"After hearing her speak, I knew that she was the real of us. Working people, middle class, unpretentious, family oriented and CONSERVATIVE fiscally and in principles."
Middle Class, working people, family oriented... The kind of people the new left hates with a passion and rightfully fears. The kind of people who the new left is trying to destroy with more government dependency and power.
The pander to us during election; "hey bail out main streeet. Forget greedy wall street. New jobs for everyone. A hybrid inevery garage and tofu in every pot." Then they bail out wall street while main street suffers. They love suffering. It is what keeps them in power.
Remember, they hated poor people so much during the Sixties that they created the new slavery; welfare. Keep them poor, unemployed and paid.
(I've heard any number of people right here make comments relating to Hillary at least having the balls to say or do something or having more guts or being more aggressive that Obama and others.)
Oh I see. So you agree with others here that Hillary has more balls than Obama. Thanks for the clarification.
"I've heard any number of people right here make comments relating to Hillary at least having the balls to say or do something or having more guts or being more aggressive that Obama and others."
I have always said that Hillary had the balls to tell blatant lies and create fantasy biographies and consistently get away with them. She never had the balls to eave that POS Bill; her only accomplishment was being his doormat.
Peter V. Bella said..."Jeremy is here with phony poll results."
First of all, they're not the least bit "phony."
Second, if you actually think "nobody" pays attention to polling, you're even dumber than first thought. (You think McCain didn't think about the potential effect and "polling" Palin might bring to the ticket? Really?)
And of course, if you don't think every politician in American doesn't rely on reliable polling you know little if anything about politics and our election process.
Peter - "I have always said that Hillary had the balls to tell blatant lies and create fantasy biographies and consistently get away with them."
See? I told you so.
*Peter, how do you talk with balls in your mouth?
Obama getting elected to the Illinois Senate was not an accomplishment. It was a guaranteed cake walk. Anyone can get elected to the Illinois Senate, or any other Illinois elected office, from Chicago if they have three things:
1.)A pulse
2.)A political godfather.
3.) Backing from the Chicago Democrat Party.
Obama had a pulse. His political godfather was Emil Jones, a thoroughly corrupt, immoral, and unethical politician. Obama had the backing of the Chicago Democrat Party in the personage of Mayor Daley.
Guaranteed slam dunk. A total moron could get elected in Chicago. Even Jeremy or DTL.
Hoosier - "Oh I see. So you agree with others here that Hillary has more balls than Obama. Thanks for the clarification."
I see your reading comprehension is still at a standstill.
Saying I've read such comments has nothing to do with "agreeing" with the comments. I read all kinds of drivel here that anybody with a brain or an education wouldn't agree with.
Why would you not understand that?
Other than just being a contrarian prick?
Bruce Hayden @ 12:51 Of course, if you get your news from CNN, MSNBC, or John Stewart, you wouldn't know that.Hypothetical that doesn't apply to me. I'm too cheap to get cable TV.
Yes, the economic meltdown and McCain's response combined to sink his campaign. Right in the middle of that came the Couric interviews, after which it became difficult for McCain to press his experience advantage.
We'll never know how things would have turned out had McCain picked Pawlenty. I think he regrets picking Palin.
Peter - "Obama getting elected to the Illinois Senate was not an accomplishment."
You're still talking about Obama being elected to the Illinois Senate...while he's already serving as the President of the United States?
You really need to move on, Dude.
"Bruce Hayden @ 12:51 Of course, if you get your news from CNN, MSNBC, or John Stewart, you wouldn't know that."
Yes, the evil MSM.
I wonder if Fox has ever thought about becoming mainstream?
Or Rush, Sean, Ann, Laura, Michael, Glenn and others.
Pogo - I bet you campaigned for Michelle Bachmann.
Similar mindset.
"You really need to move on, Dude."
Had you read the comments above, if you can read or even comprehend, you would have noticed that someone made the comment that Obama getting elected to the Illinois Senate was an accomplishment.
Now go back to your altar, get on your knees, and pray that the Messiah will forgive your sins.
(I see your reading comprehension is still at a standstill.
Saying I've read such comments has nothing to do with "agreeing" with the comments. I read all kinds of drivel here that anybody with a brain or an education wouldn't agree with.)
Jeremy, let me help you out buddy. Please scroll up to your 1:29pm post where you wrote:
(Hillary, as most here will attest, when it comes to politics, is more like a man than a woman.)
(Why would you not understand that?)
Because that is not what you said. You plainly said in that 1:29 post that Hillary is more like a male than a female when it comes to politics and used 'others here will attest' as support of that statement.
Might want to work on those writing skills a bit more before throwing out insults. Just a suggestion.
Jeremy, or whatever his name is, does that all the time. He filp flops about like a fish out of water. Then he creates artful lies to cover up the slime.
Jeremy is road kill performance art.
Hoosier - When I said: "Hillary, as most here will attest, when it comes to politics, is more like a man than a woman."
I was referring to the collection of wingnuts who constantly say such things, not necessarily myself, although in the case of Hillary I certainly lean in the direction of her having more guts (or balls) than most politicians.
As I said before, you and others are pure contrarians.
Oh, and - Get a fucking life.
Peter - YOU posted the comment relating to Obama's election to the Illinois Senate not being an accomplishment and that's what I responded to:
2:16 - "Obama getting elected to the Illinois Senate was not an accomplishment. It was a guaranteed cake walk."
Pogo - I see you still have nothing of relevance to say.
Is it hard typing with your hands in your pants?
Oh, and say hello to Michelle.
“However, when comparing what they both accomplished without benefit of affirmative action- Obama getting elected to the Illinois State Senate and Palin to the governorship of Alaska- Palin's accomplishement is the more impressive.
12:15 PM”
Bold emphasis mine.
Jeremy, I guess you do not know how to read, you have no reading comprehension skills, or you just come here to preen and to prance your pseudo fucking intellect. But the above is the comment I responded to. You are a liar, charlatan, and a fraud. You prove it every day.
"Jeremy is road kill performance art."
We can only hope!
The Tea Baggers are out there...and I mean "out there."
(Damn testicle suckers)
An interview with one of the Chicago wingnuts via Susan Roesgen of CNN:
Wingnut: He's a fascist.
Roesgen: Why do you say he's a fascist? He's the President of the United States. Do you realize how offensive that is?
Wingnut: I think he's a fascist.
Roesgen: Why?
Wingnut: Because he is.
She then asks another Wingnut what does any of this have to do with taxes...
Wingnut: Huh?
Pogo...was that YOU being interviewed?
Peter - Why in the world are YOU still talking about Obama being elected to the Illinois Senate?
Why in the world are YOU still talking about Palin being elected Governor of Alaska?
You're like a fucking broken record, over and over again..."why, oh why did Obama win...why, oh why did Obama win..."
Remember what ol' Al said about such things?
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
Obam wins.
McCain loses.
I have never ever asked why Obama won. I have never ever been infected with the personality cult of anyone. He is the president. I can criticize. That is American; as American as apple pie. I can also tell the truth unlike you who lives in a world of lies. It is Un-American to disallow criticism. It is not patriotic. No true American would do such a thing.
I cannot believe that you, a true American and a good liberal- liberals do believe in civil liberties don't they?- would not allow criticism of the President of the United States.
Peter - "I can also tell the truth unlike you who lives in a world of lies."
What lies?
I had a dog like Jeremy once.
Never stopped barking.
Continuous effing barking.
My Dad said it "ran away".
I never missed it at all.
Peter - "I have never ever asked why Obama won. I have never ever been infected with the personality cult of anyone."
Really? Well, where does this come from then?
Peter - "Get a clue; the only reason Biden was put on the ticket was a sop to the people at the Special Olympics. You know how weepy, touchy, and feely those liberals are about hadicapped and retarded people."
Nice. Especially the combination of the terms; Special Olympics, "hadicapped"? and "retarded??"
Peter - "Obama had a pulse. His political godfather was Emil Jones, a thoroughly corrupt, immoral, and unethical politician. Obama had the backing of the Chicago Democrat Party in the personage of Mayor Daley."
Biden was put on the ticket to help out with the "retarded?"
And Obama won because he was backed by "a thoroughly corrupt, immoral, and unethical politician," along with Mayor Daley?
I know you live in Chicago, but do you ever read the fucking newspapers?
Little Pogo - You just can't muster the intelligence to post a relevant comment.
Let's take a guess why: Dumb? Uneducated? Inexperienced? Illiterate? Dumb?
People wanna know...
How did this thread turn from being a discussion about two accomplished, but imperfect, politicians to the narcissistic Jeremy?
After Thompson dropped out I personally regarded McCain as the strongest of a fairly thin lot. I don't know if Thompson really deep down inside really wanted the nomination, but damn! could he make great commercials. (I have no plans to vote for Huckabee, Romney, or Guilani in the 2012 primary should they run.) If McCain thought that having a woman, any woman, on his ticket would help with the nonexistent PUMA vote, then that's yet another sign that he's not presidential material.
Does anybody beyond their family and personal circle really ever know a politician? But from what I see of her I really like Sarah Palin as a person, and if I could have her and Todd over for dinner I'd do it in a heartbeat. But you win a presidential election by winning 270 electoral votes. It's hard to see how a person who takes her religion seriously enough to carry a Downs child to term is going to win those votes.
I am upset that she didn't jump all over Biden at their debate. I remembered that Article 1 is about the legislative branch of the US government, something I learned in 6th or 7th grade. Given that Biden taught Constitutional law, she should have let him have it right there on the spot. People would wonder about someone who teaches Constitutional law and doesn't know what's in Article 1.
So in that sense McCain is actually right; she's not going to be a good candidate for the presidency in 2012. She should concentrate on being the best governor Alaska she can be for the next 1 1/2 years, win reelection, then run against Begich in 2014, and look around again in 2016 or 2020.
Pogo is a doctor you moron. Only an ignoramus like you could think he is unintelligent.
Like the Scarecrow, I'm a Doctor of Thinkology.
And I think Jeremy has a point.
But if he wears a hat, no one will notice.
Big Mike, I don't really know know him, but Mayor Dave of Madison lives fairly close to me, and I see him (or his wife) out walking their dog occasionally, and he seems very likeable. That's as close as I come to knowing a politician -- a nodding acquaintance between two dog walkers. I could easily see inviting him to dinner, and think he'd be a charming guest. (He'd have to leave the dog at home, though -- what a neurotic, although vastly improved from a couple years ago)
AJ Lynch - I base my comments on what he posts.
And what does being a doctor have to do with posting inane personal silliness have to do with political discussions on blog sites...asshole?
Big Mike said..."How did this thread turn from being a discussion about two accomplished, but imperfect, politicians to the narcissistic Jeremy?"
Good question.
One you might ask your fellow wingnuts.
My first post related to the latest polling regarding Obama and the job he's doing.
My second related to Palin's poorly thought out pick for Attorney General in Alaska.
My third was a defense of an objective and reliable poll.
My fourth related to Palin being good for the Democrats.
The next related to Hillar being more of a man than some men.
The the personal bullshit started gaining momentum...and now you want to know how it all happened?
You know exactly why: I'm not keeping my comments "in line" with the pack.
Jeremy/German Valise/ Michael/ Lyle/ Lucy/ Lucky:
You call what you do "political discussions"?
You are a moron.
Pogo said..."Like the Scarecrow, I'm a Doctor of Thinkology. And I think Jeremy has a point. But if he wears a hat, no one will notice."
A perfect example of why I think, whether he's a doctor or not, which I find hard to believe, he posts dumb comments that do not relate to any discussion at hand. If you read through hi last 20 or so, all are nothing more than petty postings about me.
It's a waste of time.
Oh, and unless he's running it, he stole the term "Doctor of Thinkology" from a website by the same name.
AJ - "German Valise"??
You're dumber than Pogo.
@Jeremy, if you're trying to win someone over to your side, then starting out with an insult strikes me as suboptimal.
As to your "points," you would have done well to shut up and let MadisonMan do the talking. I don't agree with all of his politics, but his analysis (esp. the comment at 10:07) seems pretty spot on to me.
As to how well Obama is doing, I see via the DrudgeReport that Sarkhozy thinks he's an empty suit. But that's neither here nor there.
Is Sarah Palin "good for the Democrats"? For a certain kind of hard left type, she's probably as useful to them as Streisand is to Republicans. But Blue Dog Democrats may possibly feel otherwise. She's attractive, she's more at home without a teleprompter than the current POTUS, she won't compromise her principles -- to the point of carrying a Downs child to term -- and she's not afraid of guns.
If I was a Blue Dog and Sarah Palin showed up to a trap shooting meet in my district with her over-and-under 12 gauge, I think I'd crap my pants. Especially if she won, as she very well might.
Hold the phone here folks. Jeremy has proven to us three very important things.
1.) He cannot read. He is probably a product of the self esteem philosophy of education.
2.) He is an accomplished and polished liar. He denies what he says or he makes up lies about what others actually said.
3.) He is Un-American and un-patriotic. No true American would be so obstructive of criticism of our government; a criticism guaranteed by the US Constitution.
"You know exactly why: I'm not keeping my comments "in line" with the pack."
Nope. You are defending you continuous ies, distortions, and lack of reading comprehendsion skills.
Why did blogger change my ID?
BigMike - "If I was a Blue Dog and Sarah Palin showed up to a trap shooting meet in my district with her over-and-under 12 gauge, I think I'd crap my pants."
But we know you're a very conservative Republican so what difference does it make what you think a Democrat would do?
The Democrats would love to see Sarah Palin as the leader of the party, but she isn't and she won't be.
Between the old timers like Newt and others there is absolutely NO way they'll allow someone who surfaced for no apparent reason, to become their leader.
Not a chance.
Peter - "Nope. You are defending you continuous ies, distortions, and lack of reading comprehendsion skills."
Speaking of reading and writing...What the hell does that mean?
And what is with you and others constantly using the term "liar" when anyone posts a comment that doesn't fit with what you believe or a comment that is in any way incorrect or off the mark? Or the term "hate" when anyone criticizes Bush or the Republicans.
The term is overused and is certainly germane to the any discussion or debate.
(Hoosier - When I said: "Hillary, as most here will attest, when it comes to politics, is more like a man than a woman."
I was referring to the collection of wingnuts who constantly say such things, not necessarily myself, )
Well let me suggest that you learn proper sentence structure because that is not what you wrote.
(although in the case of Hillary I certainly lean in the direction of her having more guts (or balls) than most politicians.)
I'm getting dizzy, now which is it? So you're saying that while you don't necessarily say Hillary has more balls but you lean in the direction that she has more balls. Wait, I got it. You won't say she has balls but you agree that she does have balls.
Ok thanks for clearing that up.
But we know you're a very conservative Republican so what difference does it make what you think a Democrat would do?I suppose I could equally ask how you, as a happy member of the left wing lunatic fringe could imagine how "old timers like Newt and others" would have much to say about the next leader of the Republican party. A leader doesn't wait for some old guard to annoint him (or her). By definition a leader leads. It's that simple.
Meanwhile, "what difference does it make what [I] think a Democrat would do?" Keep thinking that way, sonny. Keep thinking that way.
Without further debate, my opinion stands. As the right wing on here has nothing to offer in rebuttal that is worth the electrons, SO BE IT.
" he stole the term "Doctor of Thinkology" from a website by the same name."What a maroon.
I said "Scarecrow".
Wizard of Oz.
Jeremy is the anti-Viagra of every thread he posts to.
Which opinion was that?
Sometimes debate or rebuttal is pointless, not because the opinion is unassailable, but because the points of argument are obvious enough that if they've been discounted there is no point to bring them up again.
I can understand someone not being exited about Palin or not agreeing with her politics because those things are arguable and political opinions differ.
"[Palin is] an ignorant self-absorbed bitch with shit for brains."...OTOH, is hyperbolic. If that is the opinion you're talking about then there is no point in presenting a counter argument. The opinion is obviously *deeply* rooted in emotion.
"Palin is an ignorant self-absorbed bitch with shit for brains."
My opinion stands. Joe Biden is a lying son of a bitch who makes Palin look like a member of Mensa. Joe Biden is Obama's sop payback to the Special Olympics people and the retards.
which part distresses you?
ignorant? that's hard to counter
self-absorbed? anyone who hangs her daughter out to dry for political gain...
bitch? ohhh pleeeze
shit for brains? perhaps a bit over the top but afterall she did see Russia from her front porch.
I know you are smarter than most on here, particularly distancing yourself from the likes of Peter the beautiful and hoosier what' when i toss some red meat out for fun and games please refrain unless the least amongst the right wing here can't get up the nerve to come out of the corner. they are who i am after...
Joe Biden:
Ignorant. Hard to counter.
Hung his dead first wife out to dry for political gain. Hard to counter.
Self absorbed; hair plugs and pec transplants. Hard to counter
Lying son of a bitch. Pleeeze.
Makes morons look intelligent. Hard to counter.
Makes Palin look brilliant. Hard to counter.
Ya know house maybe you are really Joe Biden in drag.
Freely disagreeing is not "distancing."
I think that Palin is great. It would not have been possible for her not to bring her family into the campaign because then it would have all been about how ashamed she was of Bristol and Levi and Trig. I've listened to a multitude of interviews with her and have often been impressed by her ability to express what is important in a substantiative way. I've been impressed with her ability to sort and prioritize and plan ahead as governor, judging by her post election answers to "what now?" I'm not intimidated by her accent (it's the one I was born with). As far as I can tell, the vast majority of criticism of her exists on the same level as "hoochi-hoop-gate"... all noise and no substance.
I most particularly liked a statement she made after one of her husband's earlier race wins when asked something about allowing him to race again. I felt like it was an excellent insight into her character that she expressed, essentially, that she wouldn't presume to think it was her decision to make.
I disagree with some of her politics. In some ways she's like a Democrat of a couple generations ago.
Cedarford wrote: "but was an absolute disaster at attracting any women outside the Religious Right."
I agree.
"That attracted you and many others that were going to vote Republican anyways - a Religious Right Goddess!"
Well, as said elsewhere, she got enough people into the McCain fold to make it look better than Mondale.
I was certainly NOT voting for McCain. I was going to vote for Allen Keyes. The governor pulled me back in.
I think you are misunderestimating what she did for McCain's poll numbers. But I agree with your analysis of who she energized.
Oops. I forgot for a second and actually read some of Jeremy's posts.
Silly me. It is late.
"It hurts the party and it makes him look bad by dissing her a 3rd time."
Sexist pronouns persist, as if the most important thing is almost always which sex you are.
There's a theory that that's true.
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