১৪ এপ্রিল, ২০০৯

"I'm passing out."

Pay attention, Beck. He said he was passing out. Enough about the cancerous treasuries already.

And now you know the answer to the question what would it take for Althouse to blog about Glenn Beck. To be fair, his name does appear once in the Althouse archive, back in November 2008, as #23 on a list of right wingers loved by right-wing bloggers.

(I got a kick out of digging up that old post, for reasons revealed in an update I just added to it.)

২৫টি মন্তব্য:

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Glenn Beck is a very boring guy. Everything about him is dull and unappealing.

Fainting goats.One of the best I've seen is Bruce Smith being interviewed by Trev Alberts. Can't find it. Too bad because it's one of the best TV faints ever and one of the best interviewer reactions as well.

Peter V. Bella বলেছেন...

Well I guess that should silence your Glen Beck critics.

TJ বলেছেন...

God forbid he put an actual arm around the guy. No, here's my hand in a manly handshake kind of way. Cause that's going to keep him standing.

Ron বলেছেন...

Well...Meade's line was funny, no question, but based on the Merry Pranksterism that goes on around here, you could've at least had a fling with about 20-30 of us, and married (and probably divorced) I'm guessin', 5 or 6 commenters by now!

I'd like to think you've done this already and kept it on the QT.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Passing out is a misstep socially unless you're a girl.

michaele বলেছেন...

I found the thing rather endearing because Buckner was trying to be so discrete and politely low voiced about it. Then you have the humorous connection between the sickening subject matter and how it could inspire a person to want to escape the reality of what our government is doing. Beck seemed sufficiently solicitous when it became undeniable the guy wasn't kidding.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

I like the shoes.

ricpic বলেছেন...

Glenn Beck is beneath the notice of all the bien pensants who voted for Zero? Could it because they don't want to have their sleep disturbed? Yes, that's it.

Leland বলেছেন...

God forbid Glen from being omniscient and able to realize the guy wasn't kidding. So yes, God did forbid Glen from considering that putting his arm around the guy was necessary.

God forbid Trevor cut some slack to people he dislikes.

JAL বলেছেন...

Yeah well, he just got done telling us all that garbage is now in Treasuries, so what does that do for my mom who has her money (what little she has) in Treasuries? Mmm?

No wonder the guy passed out.

Unknown বলেছেন...

According to MediaBistro, Glenn thought he was kidding about passing out! Honestly it sounded weird to me when I saw the video. How many people say it that clearly and calmly before they go down? How many people say anything before they go down?

TJ বলেছেন...

Who said I dislike him? I dislike his response to wobbly people who say "I'm passing out."

To his credit, Beck does more than these two local news shmoes. Watch the guy on the left never take his hands out of his pockets.

Fen বলেছেন...

bleh fox news bleh

rhhardin বলেছেন...

The garbage isn't in Treasuries. The Treasuries are as good as ever.

Especially the short term ones that you can roll over at the current interest rate, and the inflation protected long term ones (but you owe tax on gains you have not received yet, which isn't cool).

Long term stuff runs an interest rate risk, as always, independently of the creditworthiness of the borrower. You can find your bonds worth 50 cents on the dollar if interest rates rise, just from the mathematics, if they're long term.

Also long term stuff can be called back if interest rates fall, a heads we win tails you lose aspect that is not favorable to you. For any bond, though, not just Treasuries.

He was going to explain that but unfortunately passed out.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez বলেছেন...

Beck should have noticed that the guy was as pale and waxy as a sheet of parchment paper. He should have stopped talking. However, Trevor, let me give a possible explanation for the lack of help by way of a true and ongoing story: a friend of mine is being sued for allegedly dropping a woman he pulled from inside a car during a crash. More ironic is the fact that the woman had just crashed into him while he was taking cash out of an ATM in Orlando, and that he has had to foot all the medical expenses because her insurance has refused to pay him anything due to pending litigation. In some parts of this country, being a Good Samaritan comes at a high price.

Again, I think Beck shows himself to be a bit clueless in this case, but there may be a reason for his lack of help to this guy.

Trooper York বলেছেন...

We had a meeting of the Court St. Merchants association where they brought up the possibility of forming a Business Improvement District. Now I was totally against it as were all of the old line merchants of the mom and pop stores. They brought in this douche from the city to tell us how great it was. But he wasn’t ready for the vociferous opposition. Now the pizza store guy and the pastry store guy and the mafia restaurant guy where all up in his face shouting about how they didn’t want to pay $1,000 a year for services the city is supposed to supply anyway. I took a different approach. I spent some time on the internet and did some research and had many questions to ask. Like how much typically was spent on administration on a BID? Did the fees ever go down or did they always go up? Did he know that the city closed down a BID after an $800, 000 judgments for back wages was filed? Now he didn’t know any of this information which was basic and which you could have found in ten minutes on the internet. He was hemming and hawing and pulling his tie and stuttering because he thought we were all a bunch of yokels who would just buy the bullshit he was selling. As he got more and more bothered he suddenly just fell down and fainted dead away right on the floor. A bunch of people rushed to help him. I thought to myself that’s not good, that makes him too sympathetic. So I told the pizza store guy to fall on the floor to pretend that he was having a stroke. You have to even the playing field.

Sometimes fainting is just good theatre. Just sayn’

I'm Full of Soup বলেছেন...

Too funny "you told the pizza guy to pretend he was hving a stroke"!

Methadras বলেছেন...

I don't know what it is, but Glenn Beck just bugs the shit out of me. There is something about his radio voice, the over-annunciation of it all that makes me want to strangle him. His radio show is so overproduced that it induces vertigo.

IgnatzEsq বলেছেন...

Stephen Colbert's take on Glenn Beck is worthwhile to look at.


DaLawGiver বলেছেন...

Stephen Colbert's colonoscopy, too funny!

Thanks and a tip o the hat to Matthew :)

Ernesto Ariel Suárez বলেছেন...

I just realized this guy is on Fox News. The last and second time I saw him he was still in CNN. Interesting...

AlphaLiberal বলেছেন...

So the guy has fallen right in front of him and Glenn Beck is worried about the camera.

Glenn Beck is a creep.

The colonoscopy skit should have a warning label on it: may cause terminal laughing.

AlphaLiberal বলেছেন...

Wow. This is some crazy Fox News propagandizing. Why anyone believes FauxNews, I'll never know.

Fox News goes off the deep end pushing teabagging..

Kansas City বলেছেন...

The criticism of Beck is crazy. He had a reaction that was totally within the range of a normal reactions to a guest passing out in the middle of a discussion. He was surprised, did not recognize what was happening at first, then reached out to try to steady him and apparently lead him to a resting spot, and then caringly knelt down to see if he was okay. You folks need to be fair.

I'm Full of Soup বলেছেন...

Beck bugs me too. He is too apocalyptic. Did I spell that gooder? {gooder is one of my favorite words]

But the people who hate Fox News the most are the ones who have never even watched it. As an example, I give you Alpha Liberal.