This has been a long, hard day. My wife was born in Binghamton and lived there for many years. She left New York State to join me in Wisconsin (and we in fact met via the Internet, but that's another story). She loves the city. We visit regularly, most recently in February to watch the local hockey team, the Binghamton Senators. She's devastated.
The American Civic Association does great work. An attack like this is almost incomprehensible.
Kind thoughts for the families of the victims and the people of Binghamton would be much appreciated.
The crazy guy may have snapped after having come all the way here at great expense he now finds that his dream of hard work and success in the USA was going down the socialist drain as fast as "we can" enact the government controls.
This is the bitter fruit of right-wing hate mongering. Immigrants have been a target for attacks and hate for years. So some unbalanced violent person goes looking for a target and picks the people we've been told are harming in the country.
I'm definitely not saying the right wing has espoused this - they've stopped short. But the irresponsible vitriol towards immigrants leads to this type of thing.
Just like the overheated anti-government rhetoric fed the Oklahoma City bombings.
As ye reap, so shall we sow.
WTF Jimmy? The guy was Asian and possibly (probably?) an immigrant himself. Doesn't sound much like the "bitter fruit of right-wing hate mongering" to me. But then again I am willing to wait for the answers and not just start spouting off liberal talking points.
In recent years, America has descended into high stress. Globalisation has placed a great deal of our jobs in jeopardy, even those whose jobs are probably safe say they live in regular fear that they will lose them and with them their ability to pay off debt or get health care.
We have TV and movie shows where problems and situations are routinely solved by violence.
Americans have lost about 40% of the wealth they thought they had in 2007. In some cases, far, far more.
We have created a status-conscious culture of the smugly well-off calling those in lower skill jobs 'losers' and 'burger-flippers' in a way their grandparents would never insult the laborers and clerks and typists and blue collar tradesmen of their day.
Lots of guns around, as is our 2nd Amendment right, that end up in the hands of law-breakers.
We have some 50 million people here thanks to "Open Borders" including admitting the mentally ill - that sick in the head or not, have the additional stress of expectations, coping with an alien society and snap. (mass family slaughters by Hmong, a Hmong hunter in Wisconsin, Seung Cho of Virginia Tech, now this Vietnamese guy.)
I expect more such incidents, lots more...until we get control of immigration, reduce the huge amount of stress and shame and danger of loss of family care that comes from the fear in America that no job is safe and failure and doom of dreams is the outcome of loss of work...
Hey, Alpha, look, it looks like you were right. Here comes Cedarford to prove your point. But wait! He's not right-winger! He loves Obama (PBUH)! And he's advocating gun control!
It is unbelievable but predictable that you would milk this for political reasons. Shame on you both!
" their grandparents would never insult the laborers and clerks and typists and blue collar tradesmen of their day."
The steno-pool was never a dignified place to be, even back in the day. Those gals were dense beyond words. They weren't intelligent enough to work a switchboard, and certainly weren't good-looking enough for reception.
No, I think it was AA looking at what he wrote and making an approprite decision. We all have this happen to us, but not all of us click on the trashcan.
But in all seriousness. Terrible. There are crazy and evil people in the world and they do crazy and evil things and all attempts to explain it seem in vain.
May the dead rest in peace, and the living find peace.
Richard said..."I don’t know why anyone would be so angry. We’re always helping people. It’s just a great place to be. Liberals see evil and they don't understand it. If we be nice then evil should be nice back. Heh."
This has to be one of the most offensive comments I've ever read on a blog site.
What does this madman killing and wounding all of these people have to do with liberalism, conservatism or anything remotely related to politics?
And what's with the "Heh" at the end??
13 or more innocent people dead and wounded, and you think it's funny?
No way! Did Alpha post some drivel about this being a conservative nut and is it actually an immigrant? Really?
The thing that happened is obviously awful beyond words. Thank you, Alpha, for bringing some unexpected levity. We can always count on you to fit our stereotype of the projecting leftist idiot. Is this irony?
Blue-collar labor in the 30s, 40s and 50s was essentially Caucasian.
My grandmother got to enter through the maid's entrance... she's 101 this year, and I suppose that was before she was married. Anyone rich enough to hire domestic help was certainly going to expect all of the trappings of rank and class that went with it, including that the servants knew their place.
A guy in North Carolina shot up a nursing home last week. I really thought that might be the end of a long arc of begun with the McDonalds guy some 30 years ago.
Sympathies to you and your wife, Greg. I live a short distance from Binghamton and people here are just heartsick.
Most tragic, to my mind, is the news that some of the people killed may have been at the center taking a class to prepare for their United States citizenship exams.
Richard is a total douchebag, turning this tragedy into a partisan food fight. Dude, just GTFO of this country. Go to any other country, I don't care which.
What though the radiance which was once so bright Be now for ever taken from my sight, Though nothing can bring back the hour Of splendour in the grass, of glory in the flower; We will grieve not, rather find Strength in what remains behind; In the primal sympathy Which having been must ever be; In the soothing thoughts that spring Out of human suffering; In the faith that looks through death
William Wordsworth.
This is very sad news.. my heart goes out to the victims' survivors.
This is first and formost a real tragedy. Until the investigation is complete, all is pure speculation, except that humans are dead. It is sad.
But this incident is also going to be politicized for various reasons; for some strange reason tragedy is fodder for the political types. A lot of mileage will be gained by groups with axes to grind In this case it will be the the anti-gun nuts who will exploit this incident and these poor victims to promote their own agenda.
It is really a shame that the politics starts before the grieving begins.
This is absolutely tragic. I work with immigrants. I have helped people study for the citizenship test; to be honest, most people who are born in the US don't know most of the information needed to become a citizen. I see immigrants willing to work and work hard, who appreciate the bounty that we have in America- people who were, in many cases, willing to risk all to be here.
The lady that cuts my hair is from Vietnam and she just passed the citizenship exam last fall. She has two kids and the oldest is about to enter college (maybe UPenn) and wants to be a doctor.
I thought of her when I heard this story- she would not have been able to defend herself. It's very sad story.
But Cford and Alpha there is still plenty of opportunity for kids and hard workers here in America. This recession will pass in time.
Epic Fail by AlphaLiberal. Note for the record his cowardice in trying to memory-hole his error instead of owning up to it like someone who isn't a coward.
"but I'm not going to hold back in saying that it's to be expected that a place that enables illegal aliens eventually, sooner or later, has these kinds of problems. "---Debbie Schlussel
I'll never understand the need to snap, go bat-shit crazy and have the first thing that comes into your mind as being, "Hey, you know what? I think I'm going to kill a lot of people."
Why must this type of crazy equate to taking it out on people you don't know, have never met, have nothing against you? I just will never get it.
This is the bitter fruit of right-wing hate mongering. Immigrants have been a target for attacks and hate for years. So some unbalanced violent person goes looking for a target and picks the people we've been told are harming in the country.
I'm definitely not saying the right wing has espoused this - they've stopped short. But the irresponsible vitriol towards immigrants leads to this type of thing.
Just like the overheated anti-government rhetoric fed the Oklahoma City bombings.
As ye reap, so shall we sow.
You are a disgusting piece of sub-human filth. You and your ilk are repugnant, vile, and unworthy of being called American(s). The idea that you would try to attach/equate this type of murderous maniac to conservativism is why the moniker of ideological bankruptcy is leveled your way. You are just a pussy. A deballed eunuch that slathers at his leftists masters bootheels.
I think we need to run at the nuts with guns...I think that the authorities staging and losing in a whimper says it all viz a viz government-especially now...
I think this is a metaphor for the entire world right...painfully now...
This is the bitter fruit of right-wing hate mongering. Immigrants have been a target for attacks and hate for years. So some unbalanced violent person goes looking for a target and picks the people we've been told are harming in the country.
I'm definitely not saying the right wing has espoused this - they've stopped short. But the irresponsible vitriol towards immigrants leads to this type of thing.
Just like the overheated anti-government rhetoric fed the Oklahoma City bombings.
As ye reap, so shall we sow.
Great comment Alpha and such a clever follow-up by Michael/Jeremy. What a pair of losers.
I had been thinking what a wonderful organization, to educate immigrants to become Americans. You would hardly think of an out-of-the-way place like Binghamton to be so cosmopolitan.
An attack like this is almost incomprehensible.
Domestic disputes apparently motivated last week's California murder-suicide. Perhaps one of the victims was the estranged wife or girlfriend of the killer. But in big cities, the most likely victims of homicide are involved with illegal drugs.
Most tragic, to my mind, is the news that some of the people killed may have been at the center taking a class to prepare for their United States citizenship exams.
Yeah. I love people who want to be Americans, not just live here to make a few bucks to wire home. Especially when so many native-born hate America.
You would hardly think of an out-of-the-way place like Binghamton to be so cosmopolitan.
In reality, the federal government intentionally directs large groups of refugees to out of the way places like Binghamton, Des Moines, Lincoln NE, etc, because the people there will actively welcome and assist them, unlike your "cosmopolitan" cities where no one will give a damn.
Pittsburgh police say a man wearing a bulletproof vest opened fire on officers during a domestic disturbance call, killing three of them.
Police chief Nate Harper says the motive for Saturday's shooting isn't clear. Friends say the gunman recently had been upset about losing his job and that he feared the Obama administration was poised to ban guns.
Michael, you are very very predicatble, and very very disgusting. Have you no shame? No, you could have none at all. You and the other Messianic minions are just out to take advantage of these tragedies for political gain, no matter on whose blood you have to walk.
ElcubanitoKC said..."Have you no shame? No, you could have none at all. You and the other Messianic minions are just out to take advantage of these tragedies for political gain, no matter on whose blood you have to walk."
What in the world are you talking about? "Messianic minions"??
What in the world are you talking about? "Messianic minions"??
What does that even mean??
Don't get out much do you Jeremy? Don't read either, I suppose. Messianic minions are those who suck up everything the One, the Savior, the Chosen One, the Messiah says. They are the true believers and truthers. They are the disciples of Barak, the Son of God, Obama.
"I had been thinking what a wonderful organization, to educate immigrants to become Americans. You would hardly think of an out-of-the-way place like Binghamton to be so cosmopolitan."
The Binghamton--Johnson City area has drawn immigrants for many years. The Endicott-Johnson Shoe Company hired hundreds, maybe thousands. They'd come off the boat saying "Which way E-J?"
Peter V. Bella said..."Uh, Jeremy, what was the purpose to post the Pittsburgh incident? Do you, as a good uber leftie, want to ban mentally ill people?"
No, fool.
First of all I have absolutely NO idea what you even mean when you say: I want to "ban mentally ill people." Ban them from what? killing people or buying guns?
How about both?
I posted it to illustrate how people are apparently beginning to go fucking crazy after losing their jobs. The point regarding Obama just tells you how far out some of these people really are.
Peter V. Bella said..."Don't get out much do you Jeremy? Don't read either, I suppose. Messianic minions are those who suck up everything the One, the Savior, the Chosen One, the Messiah says. They are the true believers and truthers. They are the disciples of Barak, the Son of God, Obama."
This crazy notion that Americans who voted for and support Obama are somehow really worshiping him as some kind of savior is the same silly crap Savage, Beck, Limbaugh, COulter and other right wing idiots spout.
Well, it's because they just can't come up with an intelligent explanation for the failure of the Republican Party and the also can't fathom a smart black man being respected by a vast majority of Americans. You just can't get over losing the election and the racial aspects of your criticisms are obvious.
If there are those who believe the promised deliverer of the Jewish people is Obama that's something for others to debate, but other than the simpletons like yourself and a few others here, I sure as hell have never heard anybody I know mention it. (Other than your right wing radio heroes.)
Personally I don't believe in any of it, and I think you should be embarrassed even posting such childish notions.
Michael, get off it. Not everyone who voted for Obama (PBUH) is an Obamabot, or a Messianic minion like you. Don't try to bundle yourself with actually rational people.
You are an idiot, and a worm, and a general waste of organic chemistry.
The sad thing is that all the people in the American Civic Center were legal residents who were applying for citizenship the right way. Even Wong had a Green Card and was in the country for 28 years. He was a licensed gun holder. But no one is really discussing the real issue in all of these mass shootings.
All the gunmen in these past shootings were addicted to Marijuana or using marijuana with another potent drug.
Why is it that 90% of all gun crimes involve drug use and the drug is rarely mentioned? Why do police officers only disclose when a someone is driving drunk but never when someone is driving high on weed? When will marijuana numbers be cited in felony reports?
And finally when will there be a critical debate on the issue of marijuana use in this country. 95% of people still believe marijuana is a harmless plant. And very know that marijuana can have deleterious effects on the brains of some people. While others can use it for years and live a normal life.
I suppose the marijuana lobby will unleash ad hominem attacks on me now.
krog - "I suppose the marijuana lobby will unleash ad hominem attacks on me now."
No, it doesn't really have to do with your stand regarding marijuana, but you can bet your ass that anybody who disagrees with your will certainly attack you.
This is kind of a right wing "club" and if you're out of the loop...look out.
Michael, I have a much better education than what you claim to have. After all, I went to college in two different countries, including one that you must surely admire.
You probably know more about Hannity than myself. I don't watch him.
I am also old enough to have better and more extensive experience. When you finally graduate from high school and move out of your parents', you may actually get it. And, if this is such a hateful right-wing club as you call it, what the fuck are you still doing here?
Oh, now I get it. Duh! Anyone who criticizes Obama is a racist. Anyone who makes fun of Obama is a racist. Anyone who does not bask in the glow of Obama's bowel movement is a racist.
What next? Are your people going to pass a heresy law? Anyone who criticizes the messiah will be convicted of heresy and stoned to death. I'll bet you really love the Taliban too.
I see that you uber lefties have redifined the definition of racist. A racist is anyone you say it is. I guess free speech and criticism only goes one way; yours.
I am not a racist you fucking asshole. I hate no one; well, now I hate you. I only hate what people do, especially people like you.
You are nothing but a charlatan and a fraud. You are living proof that we should allow neo-natal abortion.
So, he is going to bomb Iranian nuclear sites, North Korean nuclear sites, and others? Or is this just more Kumbayah bullshit? Do you really think that his comments are going to stop anything? Obama says it so it must be?
You just can't make this stuff up. Here is Master Peter explaining his lack of hatred:
"I hate no one; well, now I hate you. I only hate what people do, especially people like you. You are nothing but a charlatan and a fraud. You are living proof that we should allow neo-natal abortion."
First of all, "hate" is an overused term, and to defend yourself in such a truly bizarre and childish manner really exemplifies your lack of intellect.
Also: You and this ElcubanitoKC character both appear to be rather obsessed with me. If you're gay, I suggest you both move on because I'm straight and have been happily married for quite some time.
Maybe you should try to articulate your points, regardless of how inane or out of touch they are, instead of attacking me or anybody with whom you disagree.
Obama won, he carries a hefty approval rating and he deserves time to do his job...that's why we have elections.
Peter, I felt and still feel the 2000 election was stolen in Florida, but I also supported Bush right up until the decided to invade Iraq instead of pursuing Osama and the real terrorists who carried out the 9/11 attack.
Over a period of eight years he fell short of literally every expectation of the American people, both left and right.
Why you (especially being a retired police officer) can't give Obama the same support you afforded Bush is difficult to understand.
You say he's the product of a corrupt Chicago political machine, yet produce absolutely no credible evidence that Obama was criminal in any way.
Your constant attacks on literally anything I say that is supportive of Obama is a waste of your time.
I supported him, voted for him, and as an American I want him to succeed. For whatever reason, you and some others here apparently want our own President to fail, and I find that embarrassing.
ElcubanitoKC - A gay man who doesn't support a Presidnet who supports gay rights.
And I haven't "highjacked" anything. Other than defending myself against idiots like yourself, my comments are related to the topic at hand. You merely disagree and want to whine because I don't agree with you and others who evidently think in lockstep. Maybe you should consider taking a reading comprehension course.
Blogger Peter V. Bella - "What in God's name does being a police officer have to do with supporting anyone's politics."
Supporting our duly elected President is called being an American.
You don't have to support his every policy, but your arguments and comments are almost exclusively personal and denigrating.
Right, because one has to be a brainless idiot like you to be gay? As I said before, when you move out of your parents' basement, and are exposed to the real world (not D&D or WOW), you may actually get it. However, I am starting to doubt it.
ElcubanitoKC - Right. The Americans who supported, voted for and continue to support President Obama are all "brainless."
Any gay who supports the Republican Party and their archaic policies relating to woman, blacks and gays deserves exactly what they've been getting for decades on end.
A majority of conservatives (lead by the Christian right) dismiss you as less than human, denigrate you as someone who "chooses" their lifestyle versus the reality that you were born gay, and continue to treat you as degenerate outcasts.
I read your bio, but it appears you haven't taken the time to understand America and why it's so important to support our leaders during a time of crisis.
And you inane "basement" comments are just that; inane...and childish. I'll lay odds I'm older than you think, and over the years I have experience in many industries and have owned five businesses.
Liberalism is what created this country, brought most of our real personal liberties, and someday even someone as shortsighted you will understand that.
Liberalism, true liberalism, has absolutely nothing to do with the policies you and the rest of the Messianic minions spouse. It is another stolen word, like "progressive".
Social conservatives and homphobes exist in any political party. Your previous gay comment shows you to be one of them.
There is no legal document or social contract in this nation that forces anyone to support the individual occupying the office of the POTUS at any point. None. If that were so, people like you would have been guilty of treason for the past eight years. Let me remind you that dissent is the highest form of patriotism. Isn't it?
The rest of your personal attack is laughable. It doesn't really merit a response.
ElcubanitoKC said..."Who told you I am a Republican?"
Your comments make it clear.
"Liberalism, true liberalism, has absolutely nothing to do with the policies you and the rest of the Messianic minions spouse. It is another stolen word, like "progressive"."
Your use of the ridiculous and denigrating term "Messianic minion" also tells me your just another foolish Republican who can't articulate a reasonable argument to not support Obama. And if you think the people YOu support are liberal ins any way, shape or form, you're even dumber than first thought...and that takes some doing.
"Social conservatives and homphobes exist in any political party. Your previous gay comment shows you to be one of them."
Sure they do, but there are one hell of a lot more in the Republican Party than the Democratic or Independent, why would you not know that?
As to my comment about you and related to your obsessive comments attacking me over and over again because I don't agree with you.
And I don't. You appear to be uneducated and inexperienced.
*Oh, and provide the names of all the Republicans who support your rights.
While Binghamton might have been an immigrant mecca between 1900 and 1910, it is decidedly off the beaten path today. One hundred eighty miles from NYC, only regional airlines serve its airport, taking passengers to Philadelphia, Detroit, and Washington, DC. The last passenger train there was in 1970. Travelers to NYC drive or take Greyhound.
Sure they do, but there are one hell of a lot more in the Republican Party than the Democratic or Independent, why would you not know that?
Hmmm? The Republicans have had two gays in major party positions. How many have the Democrats had? Quick, name them. You can't. Yeah, the Democrats are all for gay rights. Sure they are.
Peter - "So, you not supporting Bush on Iraq is UnAmerican? Right? Riiight!"
I never said you or anyone had to support every Presidential decision or policy, but right now your entire argument is that Obama has no idea what he's doing after 70 days.
And a majority of Americans, after seeing what the invasion was based on, and the aftermath, and the deaths and wounded...came to NOT support Bush on're not aware of this? You think I'm just making this up?
Do you think Bush left office with a 25% approval rating because he was supported by Americans?
I can't even understand your argument. Are you saying George W. Bush did a good job? That Obama, after 70 days in office, can be evaluated and denigrated as a failure?
Right now Obama carries a 60% approval rating by Americans.
Michael, it had already been established that you are a waste of carbon and water. It had also been established how extremely childish and retarded you are. Now we can add homophobia and narrow-mindeness to it. I am sure others cringe at the possibility that you may be taken as an example of any group.
And go ahead, have the last comment, it seems to get you off somehow. I am sure that's all you can get. Prom should be soon enough, but that won't solve the problem. Will it?
"All the gunmen in these past shootings were addicted to Marijuana or using marijuana with another potent drug....Why is it that 90% of all gun crimes involve drug use and the drug is rarely mentioned?"
That's a very interesting set of assertions, but they'd be much more interesting if accompanied by some links to actual sources of data.
For the record, I posted in haste and then quickly pulled down my post when I realized my mistake. I didn't have the facts and was too busy to find them.
I know. If I was a conservative I would never make a mistake.
OTOH, the very next day we had a right wing gun nut shoot 3 cops dead because he was worried the government would take his guns.
I do think Timothy McVeigh was egged on by extremist and hateful rhetoric. He repeated it, for Pete's sake. Now we have more violent right wing extremism.
The right wing has become completely unhinged. Your leaders keep espousing violence and the more mentally weak fall prey to these calls.
Several examples, of many, of conservative leaders making calls for violence, revolution or people arming themselves.
"As the comedian Bill Maher pointed out, strong language can poison weak minds, as it did in the case of Timothy McVeigh. (We sometimes forget that not all dangerous men are trained by Al Qaeda.)
At the same time, the unrelenting meme being pushed by the right that Obama will mount an assault on the Second Amendment has helped fuel the panic buying of firearms. According to the F.B.I., there have been 1.2 million more requests for background checks of potential gun buyers from November to February than there were in the same four months last year."
I fully expect more deaths and violent outbursts from this crowd in years to come. I wish the calls for militancy, violence and hate would end.
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१०६ टिप्पण्या:
Almost unbelievable.
This has been a long, hard day. My wife was born in Binghamton and lived there for many years. She left New York State to join me in Wisconsin (and we in fact met via the Internet, but that's another story). She loves the city. We visit regularly, most recently in February to watch the local hockey team, the Binghamton Senators. She's devastated.
The American Civic Association does great work. An attack like this is almost incomprehensible.
Kind thoughts for the families of the victims and the people of Binghamton would be much appreciated.
--Greg, Madison
An attack like this is almost incomprehensible.
That's why we call them "crazy people".
The rule laid down by Willie Sutton is presumed to be controlling until there is credible proof to the contrary.
It's a horrible tragedy. My thoughts and prayers to the victims and their families.
The crazy guy may have snapped after having come all the way here at great expense he now finds that his dream of hard work and success in the USA was going down the socialist drain as fast as "we can" enact the government controls.
I don’t know why anyone would be so angry. We’re always helping people. It’s just a great place to be.
Liberals see evil and they don't understand it. If we be nice then evil should be nice back. Heh.
This is the bitter fruit of right-wing hate mongering. Immigrants have been a target for attacks and hate for years. So some unbalanced violent person goes looking for a target and picks the people we've been told are harming in the country.
I'm definitely not saying the right wing has espoused this - they've stopped short. But the irresponsible vitriol towards immigrants leads to this type of thing.
Just like the overheated anti-government rhetoric fed the Oklahoma City bombings.
As ye reap, so shall we sow.
WTF Jimmy? The guy was Asian and possibly (probably?) an immigrant himself. Doesn't sound much like the "bitter fruit of right-wing hate mongering" to me. But then again I am willing to wait for the answers and not just start spouting off liberal talking points.
Alpha Liberal... You don't really believe what you are shoveling, do you? I thought you had some grasp on the real world.
You removed your comment but a little too late, Alpha.
I just noticed Althouse replaced "Andrew Digs In" as her subheader - not a coincidence I presume.
The big motivation is the media coverage.
Furthermore the media know it.
“I don’t know why anyone would be so angry,”
I've often times asked myself the same question after AlphaLiberal, hdhouse, downtownlad, formerlawstudent... posts their comments.
In recent years, America has descended into high stress. Globalisation has placed a great deal of our jobs in jeopardy, even those whose jobs are probably safe say they live in regular fear that they will lose them and with them their ability to pay off debt or get health care.
We have TV and movie shows where problems and situations are routinely solved by violence.
Americans have lost about 40% of the wealth they thought they had in 2007. In some cases, far, far more.
We have created a status-conscious culture of the smugly well-off calling those in lower skill jobs 'losers' and 'burger-flippers' in a way their grandparents would never insult the laborers and clerks and typists and blue collar tradesmen of their day.
Lots of guns around, as is our 2nd Amendment right, that end up in the hands of law-breakers.
We have some 50 million people here thanks to "Open Borders" including admitting the mentally ill - that sick in the head or not, have the additional stress of expectations, coping with an alien society and snap. (mass family slaughters by Hmong, a Hmong hunter in Wisconsin, Seung Cho of Virginia Tech, now this Vietnamese guy.)
I expect more such incidents, lots more...until we get control of immigration, reduce the huge amount of stress and shame and danger of loss of family care that comes from the fear in America that no job is safe and failure and doom of dreams is the outcome of loss of work...
Hey, Alpha, look, it looks like you were right. Here comes Cedarford to prove your point. But wait! He's not right-winger! He loves Obama (PBUH)! And he's advocating gun control!
It is unbelievable but predictable that you would milk this for political reasons. Shame on you both!
You removed your comment but a little too late, Alpha.
This was certainly an excellent example of his "flame conservatives first and check the facts later" approach to posting.
fengfk2008 said...
Uh oh, looks like there's an Asian immigrant in the Althouse blog. Everybody hide!
" their grandparents would never insult the laborers and clerks and typists and blue collar tradesmen of their day."
The steno-pool was never a dignified place to be, even back in the day. Those gals were dense beyond words. They weren't intelligent enough to work a switchboard, and certainly weren't good-looking enough for reception.
No, I think it was AA looking at what he wrote and making an approprite decision. We all have this happen to us, but not all of us click on the trashcan.
But in all seriousness. Terrible. There are crazy and evil people in the world and they do crazy and evil things and all attempts to explain it seem in vain.
May the dead rest in peace, and the living find peace.
"grandparents would never insult the laborers and clerks and typists and blue collar tradesmen of their day."
You seem to forget, there was lots of anti-Irish sentiment. Wops, Micks, Spics and so forth...
Blue-collar labor in the 30s, 40s and 50s was essentially Caucasian.
But, that was a long time ago, before the Darkies took over such jobs.
As the old saying goes:
"You can't predict crazy"
Although you can usually predict which people are going to attempt to politicize a tragedy.
Richard said..."I don’t know why anyone would be so angry. We’re always helping people. It’s just a great place to be. Liberals see evil and they don't understand it. If we be nice then evil should be nice back. Heh."
This has to be one of the most offensive comments I've ever read on a blog site.
What does this madman killing and wounding all of these people have to do with liberalism, conservatism or anything remotely related to politics?
And what's with the "Heh" at the end??
13 or more innocent people dead and wounded, and you think it's funny?
Being recently laid off from IBM probably played a big part.
Michael, you do realize that Richard was quoting your great pal AL. Right?
If everyone being laid off were to go on a killing rampage, there wouldn't be one standing human being on this Earth. Crazy is crazy, period.
No way! Did Alpha post some drivel about this being a conservative nut and is it actually an immigrant? Really?
The thing that happened is obviously awful beyond words. Thank you, Alpha, for bringing some unexpected levity. We can always count on you to fit our stereotype of the projecting leftist idiot. Is this irony?
Speculation is intoxicating.
Waiting for the facts to come out is the right thing to do though.
Prayers to those lost and the families and friends left behind.
Michael -- Your massive intelligence seems to keep you from understanding things. Weird, isn't it?
Blue-collar labor in the 30s, 40s and 50s was essentially Caucasian.
My grandmother got to enter through the maid's entrance... she's 101 this year, and I suppose that was before she was married. Anyone rich enough to hire domestic help was certainly going to expect all of the trappings of rank and class that went with it, including that the servants knew their place.
The reason 13 (?) innocent people come up is it's an entertaining story.
The number one absolute priority is that you not tune away. The media sell you to advertisers. You, not news, are their product.
Learn to recognize entertainment, is my suggestion.
10,000 innocent Americans die on an average day, with no particular tragedy or disaster. Each one important to somebody, just not the same somebody.
Not good for holding audience, however.
It's a shame someone working at that center didn't have a 38 snubby in his desk drawer.
Or would that have been illegal in Binghamton, or in that particular facility?
A guy in North Carolina shot up a nursing home last week. I really thought that might be the end of a long arc of begun with the McDonalds guy some 30 years ago.
Sympathies to you and your wife, Greg. I live a short distance from Binghamton and people here are just heartsick.
Most tragic, to my mind, is the news that some of the people killed may have been at the center taking a class to prepare for their United States citizenship exams.
Richard is a total douchebag, turning this tragedy into a partisan food fight. Dude, just GTFO of this country. Go to any other country, I don't care which.
What though the radiance which was once so bright
Be now for ever taken from my sight,
Though nothing can bring back the hour
Of splendour in the grass, of glory in the flower;
We will grieve not, rather find
Strength in what remains behind;
In the primal sympathy
Which having been must ever be;
In the soothing thoughts that spring
Out of human suffering;
In the faith that looks through death
William Wordsworth.
This is very sad news.. my heart goes out to the victims' survivors.
This is first and formost a real tragedy. Until the investigation is complete, all is pure speculation, except that humans are dead. It is sad.
But this incident is also going to be politicized for various reasons; for some strange reason tragedy is fodder for the political types. A lot of mileage will be gained by groups with axes to grind In this case it will be the the anti-gun nuts who will exploit this incident and these poor victims to promote their own agenda.
It is really a shame that the politics starts before the grieving begins.
This is absolutely tragic. I work with immigrants. I have helped people study for the citizenship test; to be honest, most people who are born in the US don't know most of the information needed to become a citizen. I see immigrants willing to work and work hard, who appreciate the bounty that we have in America- people who were, in many cases, willing to risk all to be here.
The lady that cuts my hair is from Vietnam and she just passed the citizenship exam last fall. She has two kids and the oldest is about to enter college (maybe UPenn) and wants to be a doctor.
I thought of her when I heard this story- she would not have been able to defend herself. It's very sad story.
But Cford and Alpha there is still plenty of opportunity for kids and hard workers here in America. This recession will pass in time.
Epic Fail by AlphaLiberal. Note for the record his cowardice in trying to memory-hole his error instead of owning up to it like someone who isn't a coward.
I took the new citizenship test and passed easily, but then I went to school back in the 50s and early 60s before they screwed it all up.
You mean AL posted some tiresome left-wing drivel AGAIN???
I find that hard to believe!
Virginia Tech = innocent victims with greater potential, thus their lives are more valuable.
These "immigrants" were illegals with no goals other than dodging taxes and collecting welfare.
People that break the law, should expect something like this.
"but I'm not going to hold back in saying that it's to be expected that a place that enables illegal aliens eventually, sooner or later, has these kinds of problems. "---Debbie Schlussel
I'll never understand the need to snap, go bat-shit crazy and have the first thing that comes into your mind as being, "Hey, you know what? I think I'm going to kill a lot of people."
Why must this type of crazy equate to taking it out on people you don't know, have never met, have nothing against you? I just will never get it.
AlphaLiberal said...
This is the bitter fruit of right-wing hate mongering. Immigrants have been a target for attacks and hate for years. So some unbalanced violent person goes looking for a target and picks the people we've been told are harming in the country.
I'm definitely not saying the right wing has espoused this - they've stopped short. But the irresponsible vitriol towards immigrants leads to this type of thing.
Just like the overheated anti-government rhetoric fed the Oklahoma City bombings.
As ye reap, so shall we sow.
You are a disgusting piece of sub-human filth. You and your ilk are repugnant, vile, and unworthy of being called American(s). The idea that you would try to attach/equate this type of murderous maniac to conservativism is why the moniker of ideological bankruptcy is leveled your way. You are just a pussy. A deballed eunuch that slathers at his leftists masters bootheels.
If Debbie Schlussel ever says something intelligent, it's by accident.
I think we need to run at the nuts with guns...I think that the authorities staging and losing in a whimper says it all viz a viz government-especially now...
I think this is a metaphor for the entire world right...painfully now...
I agree 100%. She is a knee-jerk righty.
I think we need to run at the nuts with guns
If just one of those "nuts" had a gun they could have taken him down before he killed so many. The only nuts are the anti-gun nuts.
The only way you will take my gun is from my cold dead hands.
I can see this event has saddened you greatly and brought sorrow to your hearts.
Please, in an effort to cheer you, have yourself a fennec fox.
I think this bears reposting, again and again.
AlphaLiberal said...
This is the bitter fruit of right-wing hate mongering. Immigrants have been a target for attacks and hate for years. So some unbalanced violent person goes looking for a target and picks the people we've been told are harming in the country.
I'm definitely not saying the right wing has espoused this - they've stopped short. But the irresponsible vitriol towards immigrants leads to this type of thing.
Just like the overheated anti-government rhetoric fed the Oklahoma City bombings.
As ye reap, so shall we sow.
Great comment Alpha and such a clever follow-up by Michael/Jeremy. What a pair of losers.
I can see this event has saddened you greatly and brought sorrow to your hearts.
When you feel like crying Piensa en mi
Volver with Penelope
Volver con Morente
Alpha: This is the bitter fruit of right-wing hate mongering... the irresponsible vitriol the overheated rhetoric
Ha. No sense of irony.
At least you're clinging to your party's mantra: "never fail to take advantage of a crisis".
To those who offered good wishes, thank you.
(The Fennec fox was also a nice touch).
If Alpha was human...
Ah, nevermind.
The American Civic Association does great work.
I had been thinking what a wonderful organization, to educate immigrants to become Americans. You would hardly think of an out-of-the-way place like Binghamton to be so cosmopolitan.
An attack like this is almost incomprehensible.
Domestic disputes apparently motivated last week's California murder-suicide. Perhaps one of the victims was the estranged wife or girlfriend of the killer. But in big cities, the most likely victims of homicide are involved with illegal drugs.
Most tragic, to my mind, is the news that some of the people killed may have been at the center taking a class to prepare for their United States citizenship exams.
Yeah. I love people who want to be Americans, not just live here to make a few bucks to wire home. Especially when so many native-born hate America.
You would hardly think of an out-of-the-way place like Binghamton to be so cosmopolitan.
In reality, the federal government intentionally directs large groups of refugees to out of the way places like Binghamton, Des Moines, Lincoln NE, etc, because the people there will actively welcome and assist them, unlike your "cosmopolitan" cities where no one will give a damn.
Pittsburgh police say a man wearing a bulletproof vest opened fire on officers during a domestic disturbance call, killing three of them.
Police chief Nate Harper says the motive for Saturday's shooting isn't clear. Friends say the gunman recently had been upset about losing his job and that he feared the Obama administration was poised to ban guns.
Maxine: "These "immigrants" were illegals with no goals other than dodging taxes and collecting welfare."
Are you drunk or just a fool?
Lawgiver - What exactly did I say that you're so upset about?
You're just looking for shit.
Michael, you are very very predicatble, and very very disgusting. Have you no shame? No, you could have none at all. You and the other Messianic minions are just out to take advantage of these tragedies for political gain, no matter on whose blood you have to walk.
ElcubanitoKC said..."Have you no shame? No, you could have none at all. You and the other Messianic minions are just out to take advantage of these tragedies for political gain, no matter on whose blood you have to walk."
What in the world are you talking about? "Messianic minions"??
What does that even mean??
I think you need some help.
Don't project, Michael, don't project. You are not clever at all. You are actually rather pathetic.
What in the world are you talking about? "Messianic minions"??
What does that even mean??
Don't get out much do you Jeremy? Don't read either, I suppose. Messianic minions are those who suck up everything the One, the Savior, the Chosen One, the Messiah says. They are the true believers and truthers. They are the disciples of Barak, the Son of God, Obama.
Uh, Jeremy, what was the purpose to post the Pittsburgh incident? Do you, as a good uber leftie, want to ban mentally ill people?
This morning there were two possible motives given on CNN:
He had been fired from his job at Shop Vac, and while he was there he had been teased a lot for not being able to speak English.
He lived alone, apparently. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
"I had been thinking what a wonderful organization, to educate immigrants to become Americans. You would hardly think of an out-of-the-way place like Binghamton to be so cosmopolitan."
The Binghamton--Johnson City area has drawn immigrants for many years. The Endicott-Johnson Shoe Company hired hundreds, maybe thousands. They'd come off the boat saying "Which way E-J?"
Peter V. Bella said..."Uh, Jeremy, what was the purpose to post the Pittsburgh incident? Do you, as a good uber leftie, want to ban mentally ill people?"
No, fool.
First of all I have absolutely NO idea what you even mean when you say: I want to "ban mentally ill people." Ban them from what? killing people or buying guns?
How about both?
I posted it to illustrate how people are apparently beginning to go fucking crazy after losing their jobs. The point regarding Obama just tells you how far out some of these people really are.
Peter V. Bella said..."Don't get out much do you Jeremy? Don't read either, I suppose. Messianic minions are those who suck up everything the One, the Savior, the Chosen One, the Messiah says. They are the true believers and truthers. They are the disciples of Barak, the Son of God, Obama."
This crazy notion that Americans who voted for and support Obama are somehow really worshiping him as some kind of savior is the same silly crap Savage, Beck, Limbaugh, COulter and other right wing idiots spout.
Well, it's because they just can't come up with an intelligent explanation for the failure of the Republican Party and the also can't fathom a smart black man being respected by a vast majority of Americans. You just can't get over losing the election and the racial aspects of your criticisms are obvious.
If there are those who believe the promised deliverer of the Jewish people is Obama that's something for others to debate, but other than the simpletons like yourself and a few others here, I sure as hell have never heard anybody I know mention it. (Other than your right wing radio heroes.)
Personally I don't believe in any of it, and I think you should be embarrassed even posting such childish notions.
But I bet you're not.
Michael, get off it. Not everyone who voted for Obama (PBUH) is an Obamabot, or a Messianic minion like you. Don't try to bundle yourself with actually rational people.
You are an idiot, and a worm, and a general waste of organic chemistry.
The sad thing is that all the people in the American Civic Center were legal residents who were applying for citizenship the right way. Even Wong had a Green Card and was in the country for 28 years. He was a licensed gun holder. But no one is really discussing the real issue in all of these mass shootings.
All the gunmen in these past shootings were addicted to Marijuana or using marijuana with another potent drug.
Why is it that 90% of all gun crimes involve drug use and the drug is rarely mentioned? Why do police officers only disclose when a someone is driving drunk but never when someone is driving high on weed? When will marijuana numbers be cited in felony reports?
And finally when will there be a critical debate on the issue of marijuana use in this country. 95% of people still believe marijuana is a harmless plant. And very know that marijuana can have deleterious effects on the brains of some people. While others can use it for years and live a normal life.
I suppose the marijuana lobby will unleash ad hominem attacks on me now.
ElcubanitoKC - I have a suggestion.
Get yourself an education.
You sound like someone who has never attended a class or read a book.
Kind of like Hannity.
Get some new material; the we all hate Obama material is wearing thin and you're out of step with a majority of Americans.
I think Jeremy called me a racist. Considering the source...
krog - "I suppose the marijuana lobby will unleash ad hominem attacks on me now."
No, it doesn't really have to do with your stand regarding marijuana, but you can bet your ass that anybody who disagrees with your will certainly attack you.
This is kind of a right wing "club" and if you're out of the loop...look out.
Oh, this should really go over big with the "we all hate Obama" crowd here.
Peter - You are a racist.
You know it, too.
Why deny something that is apparent by your comments and behavior?
If you want to take a stand, do it. But complaining when someone calls you out, be a man and accept the response you're comments elicit.
And I still have no idea what your insane comment that I, "as a good uber leftie, want to ban mentally ill people."
What the hell does that even mean?
Michael, I have a much better education than what you claim to have. After all, I went to college in two different countries, including one that you must surely admire.
You probably know more about Hannity than myself. I don't watch him.
I am also old enough to have better and more extensive experience. When you finally graduate from high school and move out of your parents', you may actually get it. And, if this is such a hateful right-wing club as you call it, what the fuck are you still doing here?
You're just looking for shit.
Actually I wasn't looking for you Michael, you magically appeared in the comments section like dog turds appear around a fire hydrant.
Peter - You are a racist.
I hope you can prove that.
Oh, now I get it. Duh! Anyone who criticizes Obama is a racist. Anyone who makes fun of Obama is a racist. Anyone who does not bask in the glow of Obama's bowel movement is a racist.
What next? Are your people going to pass a heresy law? Anyone who criticizes the messiah will be convicted of heresy and stoned to death. I'll bet you really love the Taliban too.
I see that you uber lefties have redifined the definition of racist. A racist is anyone you say it is. I guess free speech and criticism only goes one way; yours.
I am not a racist you fucking asshole. I hate no one; well, now I hate you. I only hate what people do, especially people like you.
You are nothing but a charlatan and a fraud. You are living proof that we should allow neo-natal abortion.
So, he is going to bomb Iranian nuclear sites, North Korean nuclear sites, and others? Or is this just more Kumbayah bullshit? Do you really think that his comments are going to stop anything? Obama says it so it must be?
Dream on poltroon, dream on.
You just can't make this stuff up. Here is Master Peter explaining his lack of hatred:
"I hate no one; well, now I hate you. I only hate what people do, especially people like you. You are nothing but a charlatan and a fraud. You are living proof that we should allow neo-natal abortion."
First of all, "hate" is an overused term, and to defend yourself in such a truly bizarre and childish manner really exemplifies your lack of intellect.
Also: You and this ElcubanitoKC character both appear to be rather obsessed with me. If you're gay, I suggest you both move on because I'm straight and have been happily married for quite some time.
Maybe you should try to articulate your points, regardless of how inane or out of touch they are, instead of attacking me or anybody with whom you disagree.
Obama won, he carries a hefty approval rating and he deserves time to do his job...that's why we have elections.
Peter: As to a nuclear freeze, etc. - You have to start somewhere.
Instead of complaining, maybe you should hope he can get the job done.
Obama won, he carries a hefty approval rating and he deserves time to do his job...that's why we have elections.
Did you fel the same way in 2000 when Bush won? Or were you one of the rabid, faoming at the mouth critics?
Turn around is fair play.
Especially since we have a neophyte from a criminally corrupt political combine - the Chicago Machine.
I felt and still feel the 2000 election was stolen in Florida, but I also supported Bush right up until the decided to invade Iraq instead of pursuing Osama and the real terrorists who carried out the 9/11 attack.
Over a period of eight years he fell short of literally every expectation of the American people, both left and right.
Why you (especially being a retired police officer) can't give Obama the same support you afforded Bush is difficult to understand.
You say he's the product of a corrupt Chicago political machine, yet produce absolutely no credible evidence that Obama was criminal in any way.
Your constant attacks on literally anything I say that is supportive of Obama is a waste of your time.
I supported him, voted for him, and as an American I want him to succeed. For whatever reason, you and some others here apparently want our own President to fail, and I find that embarrassing.
Michael, I won't continue to help you hijack this thread.
And I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole. Ew.
You call me racist because I do not support Obama. You then revert to the teenage bully and call me gay, when racist does not work.
What in God's name does being a police officer have to do with supporting anyone's politics. You really need to do better than that.
ElcubanitoKC - A gay man who doesn't support a Presidnet who supports gay rights.
And I haven't "highjacked" anything. Other than defending myself against idiots like yourself, my comments are related to the topic at hand. You merely disagree and want to whine because I don't agree with you and others who evidently think in lockstep. Maybe you should consider taking a reading comprehension course.
Blogger Peter V. Bella - "What in God's name does being a police officer have to do with supporting anyone's politics."
Supporting our duly elected President is called being an American.
You don't have to support his every policy, but your arguments and comments are almost exclusively personal and denigrating.
And you know it, too.
Right, because one has to be a brainless idiot like you to be gay? As I said before, when you move out of your parents' basement, and are exposed to the real world (not D&D or WOW), you may actually get it. However, I am starting to doubt it.
ElcubanitoKC - Right. The Americans who supported, voted for and continue to support President Obama are all "brainless."
Any gay who supports the Republican Party and their archaic policies relating to woman, blacks and gays deserves exactly what they've been getting for decades on end.
A majority of conservatives (lead by the Christian right) dismiss you as less than human, denigrate you as someone who "chooses" their lifestyle versus the reality that you were born gay, and continue to treat you as degenerate outcasts.
I read your bio, but it appears you haven't taken the time to understand America and why it's so important to support our leaders during a time of crisis.
And you inane "basement" comments are just that; inane...and childish. I'll lay odds I'm older than you think, and over the years I have experience in many industries and have owned five businesses.
Liberalism is what created this country, brought most of our real personal liberties, and someday even someone as shortsighted you will understand that.
Who told you I am a Republican?
Liberalism, true liberalism, has absolutely nothing to do with the policies you and the rest of the Messianic minions spouse. It is another stolen word, like "progressive".
Social conservatives and homphobes exist in any political party. Your previous gay comment shows you to be one of them.
There is no legal document or social contract in this nation that forces anyone to support the individual occupying the office of the POTUS at any point. None. If that were so, people like you would have been guilty of treason for the past eight years. Let me remind you that dissent is the highest form of patriotism. Isn't it?
The rest of your personal attack is laughable. It doesn't really merit a response.
ElcubanitoKC said..."Who told you I am a Republican?"
Your comments make it clear.
"Liberalism, true liberalism, has absolutely nothing to do with the policies you and the rest of the Messianic minions spouse. It is another stolen word, like "progressive"."
Your use of the ridiculous and denigrating term "Messianic minion" also tells me your just another foolish Republican who can't articulate a reasonable argument to not support Obama. And if you think the people YOu support are liberal ins any way, shape or form, you're even dumber than first thought...and that takes some doing.
"Social conservatives and homphobes exist in any political party. Your previous gay comment shows you to be one of them."
Sure they do, but there are one hell of a lot more in the Republican Party than the Democratic or Independent, why would you not know that?
As to my comment about you and related to your obsessive comments attacking me over and over again because I don't agree with you.
And I don't. You appear to be uneducated and inexperienced.
*Oh, and provide the names of all the Republicans who support your rights.
Take your time.
While Binghamton might have been an immigrant mecca between 1900 and 1910, it is decidedly off the beaten path today. One hundred eighty miles from NYC, only regional airlines serve its airport, taking passengers to Philadelphia, Detroit, and Washington, DC. The last passenger train there was in 1970. Travelers to NYC drive or take Greyhound.
ElcubanitoKC - Oh, and provide the names of all the Republicans who support YOUR rights. Take your time.
I see you're having a tough time with this one.
Strange, huh?
Blogger Peter V. Bella - "What in God's name does being a police officer have to do with supporting anyone's politics."
Supporting our duly elected President is called being an American.
So, you not supporting Bush on Iraq is UnAmerican? Right? Riiight!
Again, what did my job have to do with supporting a president?
You still have to do better than that.
Sure they do, but there are one hell of a lot more in the Republican Party than the Democratic or Independent, why would you not know that?
Hmmm? The Republicans have had two gays in major party positions. How many have the Democrats had? Quick, name them. You can't. Yeah, the Democrats are all for gay rights. Sure they are.
Peter, there are approximately 228 gay office holders,
Here's a link to about 49 to 2...Democratic to Republican.
Now you supply me a link.
Peter - "So, you not supporting Bush on Iraq is UnAmerican? Right? Riiight!"
I never said you or anyone had to support every Presidential decision or policy, but right now your entire argument is that Obama has no idea what he's doing after 70 days.
And a majority of Americans, after seeing what the invasion was based on, and the aftermath, and the deaths and wounded...came to NOT support Bush on're not aware of this? You think I'm just making this up?
Do you think Bush left office with a 25% approval rating because he was supported by Americans?
I can't even understand your argument. Are you saying George W. Bush did a good job? That Obama, after 70 days in office, can be evaluated and denigrated as a failure?
Right now Obama carries a 60% approval rating by Americans.
You're just being a partisan prick.
Michael, it had already been established that you are a waste of carbon and water. It had also been established how extremely childish and retarded you are. Now we can add homophobia and narrow-mindeness to it. I am sure others cringe at the possibility that you may be taken as an example of any group.
And go ahead, have the last comment, it seems to get you off somehow. I am sure that's all you can get. Prom should be soon enough, but that won't solve the problem. Will it?
ElcubanitoKC - I asked you to provide the names of all the Republicans who support YOUR rights.
You can't, can you?
Talking the talk means nada.
"All the gunmen in these past shootings were addicted to Marijuana or using marijuana with another potent drug....Why is it that 90% of all gun crimes involve drug use and the drug is rarely mentioned?"
That's a very interesting set of assertions, but they'd be much more interesting if accompanied by some links to actual sources of data.
For the record, I posted in haste and then quickly pulled down my post when I realized my mistake. I didn't have the facts and was too busy to find them.
I know. If I was a conservative I would never make a mistake.
OTOH, the very next day we had a right wing gun nut shoot 3 cops dead because he was worried the government would take his guns.
Meanwhile, the radical right is hyping gun owner paranoia.
I do think Timothy McVeigh was egged on by extremist and hateful rhetoric. He repeated it, for Pete's sake. Now we have more violent right wing extremism.
The right wing has become completely unhinged. Your leaders keep espousing violence and the more mentally weak fall prey to these calls.
Pitchforks and Pistols
Several examples, of many, of conservative leaders making calls for violence, revolution or people arming themselves.
"As the comedian Bill Maher pointed out, strong language can poison weak minds, as it did in the case of Timothy McVeigh. (We sometimes forget that not all dangerous men are trained by Al Qaeda.)
At the same time, the unrelenting meme being pushed by the right that Obama will mount an assault on the Second Amendment has helped fuel the panic buying of firearms. According to the F.B.I., there have been 1.2 million more requests for background checks of potential gun buyers from November to February than there were in the same four months last year."
I fully expect more deaths and violent outbursts from this crowd in years to come. I wish the calls for militancy, violence and hate would end.
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