১৬ এপ্রিল, ২০০৯

CNN reports.

For CNN, MSNBC and other media outlets, it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to use the word "teabagging" in a sentence. Teabagging, for those who don't live in a frat house, refers to a sexual act involving part of the male genitalia and a second person's face or mouth.
So when the anti-tax "tea party" protests were held Wednesday across the country, cable anchors and guests -- who for weeks had all but ignored the story -- covered the protests by cracking a litany of barely concealed sexual references.

CNN anchor Anderson Cooper interspersed "teabagging" references with analyst David Gergen's more staid commentary on how Republicans are still "searching for their voice." "It's hard to talk when you're teabagging," Cooper explained. Gergen laughed, but Cooper kept a straight face.

MSNBC's David Shuster weaved a tapestry of "Animal House" humor Monday as he filled in for Countdown host Keith Olbermann. The protests, he explained, amount to "Teabagging day for the right wing and they are going nuts for it."

He described the parties as simultaneously "full-throated" and "toothless," and continued: "They want to give President Obama a strong tongue-lashing and lick government spending." Shuster also noted how the protesters "whipped out" the demonstrations this past weekend.

১১৬টি মন্তব্য:

kentuckyliz বলেছেন...


Term loosely used.

On another note, CNN ratings are dropping like a rock. Go in the tank for the Big O, abandon all pretense of objectivity, and people go away. Same for the dead tree media. Fewer people subscribe to sock puppet PR papers and hence papers shut down.

She's not a reporter. She just plays one on TV.

kentuckyliz বলেছেন...

Priceless: faux reporter calling a protest "anti-CNN". Howler!

Chennaul বলেছেন...


Obama's Roving Debate Team.

Daryl বলেছেন...

Thank you for posting about this.

The amount of liberal bias in the MSM is overwhelming.

This is not an aberration. It's just business as usual for the MSM.

This whore won't be fired for what she's done. She'll be given a commendation.

The poor man in the video is probably already being targeted by left-wing bloggers. They want to know who he is and where he works, so they can destroy him.

Peter V. Bella বলেছেন...

Was she really a reporter or a flack for the administration?

Excuse, me. I meant to say hack.

garage mahal বলেছেন...

Boo hoo hoo! CNN didn't run 78 promos for the teabaggers like FOX did! We're persecuted! It's always about us! EVERYTHING IS ALWAYS ABOUT US. Why is this CNN bitch attacking Palin's vagina!? In the tank. The One. Messiah. Whaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!

Peter V. Bella বলেছেন...

Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) blasted "tea party" protests yesterday, labeling the activities "despicable" and shameful."What I find despicable and shameful is that a United States Congresswoman would blast legitimate protest and redress of grievances- real or imagined. This woman is dishonorable, Un-American, and not patriotic. I thought that legislators took an oath to uphold the Constitution. They do not have to like protest, they do have to accept it.

Jan Schakowsky is despicable, shameful, and dishonorable.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

I would love to see someone shove that microphone into a portion of her anatomy where the sun don't shine.

I love it where she begins arguing with the guy instead of allowing him to speak or actually ....oh, I don't know....reporting.

"Are you aware that you get a $400 credit.?" she says.

Are you effing serious??? How out of touch can a person be? Woo hoo!!!! the government is going to give me back $400 of the thousands they have taken from me? Spread out over the entire year? Wow....how generous. Let me get on my knees and kow tow to the great Obama.

Thank you, thank you, Massa for letting me keep some of my own money.

Invisible Man বলেছেন...

I love it! It's funny how now conservatives want people to be PC with them, after years of whining. Republicans laughed at the immigration rallies, Code Pink, Answer, Al Sharpton and others, but now that their mainstream is seen as kooky as our kooks now its self-pity and whining. Face it, it was a loser rally for losers and people find it funny. You even wrote the material by advertising it as "teabagging". These morons deserve every bit of mockery that they get.

kentuckyliz বলেছেন...

Anderson Cooper outed himself.

No straight man would think that you couldn't talk while teabagging.

Anderson's mouth is full so he can't talk.

Get it?

Joke's on him.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

Conservatives are you joking?

Fox has been plugging this CNN thing all day. [They pushed this almost as often as they kept repeating that the tea parties were full of Rs, Ds, and Is because there was no partisanship.]

Right, this clip on CNN (and the double entendrepaloza on CNN and MSNBC) is the best example of media bias associated with the tea parties.

You betcha.

BTW, does anyone know which cable network had at least one of their on-air talent (initials GB) do a FUNDRAISER for these events? Apparently non-stop advertising for theses parties and openly encouraging viewers to attend them wasn't enough.

Should we just change conservative to conservictim. I mean these conservatives are constantly being abused. Conservictims are like crack addicts and the the profe$$ional conservatives are their crack suppliers.

kentuckyliz বলেছেন...

And then the protesters, wearing pearl necklaces, got in their Hummers and went home.

I didn't see it. Just heard about it. A little bird told me. A swallow, I think.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

The Congresswoman thinks the people being robbed by Congress have a lot of nerve complaining out loud in public speeches being reported on in the FOX News. She believes that "Obama Won" means one person, one vote, one time. The Dems honestly see the Tea Parties as a prisoner uprising in their jail.

Automatic_Wing বলেছেন...

Liz- I think Anderson Cooper was already "out".

Seriously, though, I must have missed it when a CNN reporter covered an antiwar rally and went straight for the guy with most obnoxious sign in order to get confrontational with him.

Back in those days, all you heard was how wonderful it was for folks to peacefully gather to protest government policies they disagreed with. Apparently protesting against the government ain't so wonderful anymore.

Hoosier Daddy বলেছেন...

I wonder if that same CNN reporter thought all the Bushitler references were 'offensive' too.

No wonder CNN ratings are somewhere around the same depth as Titus' loaves.

Hoosier Daddy বলেছেন...

Apparently protesting against the government ain't so wonderful anymore.Not when it gets you mentioned in a Homeland Security report.

Obama's bringing us all the change we can believe in.

jayne_cobb বলেছেন...

Actually there is a video of her and a literal Bushitler


Chennaul বলেছেন...

Ghee ya-

Invisible Man and 1letter scramble-

I always saw CNN reporters going up to Liberal protesters and defending the honor of the office of the Presidency.

CNN reporters were always going up to Liberal protesters and arguing with them about how unfair the fascist Bush Hitler comparisons were.

Uh huh that really happened somewhere in your "reality".

Jason (the commenter) বলেছেন...

I love seeing the liberals' reaction to these protesting conservatives. Shock! Christains protesting doesn't seem to bother them, but conservatives, that seems to do the trick.

It's amazing because I always thought of liberals as the kind of people who get off on shocking conservatives; with "controversial positions" and such. Now the shoe is on the other foot and the liberals are practically turning hysterical. You can SEE that they have no idea what is going on and it is scaring them. They can only make jokes because they don't know what else to do. Meanwhile their bosses are having secret meetings to make sure they don't seem too negative towards Obama, while the government is looking for an excuse to brand all conservatives terrorists.

It seems like the liberal hierarchy can dish it out, but can't take it. More please!

Palladian বলেছেন...

It's nice hearing the Thin White Vanderbilt making his little aristocratic joke over the folly of the serfs.

Let's see how the sensitive little closet case laughs when the serfs finally get tired of the aristo's funnies at their expense.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...


Were those anti-war events promoted (and supported with fundraisers) by a rival cable network?

You conservictims and Fox get all upset when folks point out that Fox (and talk radio and conservative think tanks) pushed and supported these events. You think it's bad to point this out. You want everyone to support the lie that this support didn't occur. That would be fair and balanced--to perpetuate fraud.

Henry বলেছেন...

A legitimate story made the front page of the Providence Journal -- with video on the online version -- so I'm proud of my local paper at least.

Chennaul বলেছেন...

jayne cobb-

Oh! So when it's Bush they are protesting a Devil with horns and a Hitler mustache is referred to as a-

"[Bush] look-alike"

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Curious --- we had to take Cindy Sheehan seriously ... but protesting unprecedented spending? Yeah, THAT is worth mocking.

Well, CNN, FNC handed you --- and MSNBC --- and Headline News your collective butts with ease. That can't feel good.

Cedarford বলেছেন...

This news moment was a big swing in viewership to Fox. The other networks controlled by liberals are fine in covering a Code Pink protest of 20 pretending to cry over fake soldiers coffins, or 80 gays ranting against Prop 8 - but not rallies of 30,000 to 800 in 200cities in the US on one day. (And sympathized with by multitudes. It's simply nuts - sacrificing ratings to move away from fair treatment of news because the news goes against your ideology.

Bella - Jan Schakowsky is not the most despicable, shameful, and dishonorable person in her family. That would be her husband, who was convicted and spent time in jail for bank fraud, fraud by check kiting, and tax evasion.

Schakowsky is simply a hardcore Leftist activist with deeper ties to Bill Ayres and other radicals than Obama ever dreamed of.

Frankly, the biggest mistake the Feds made was not letting both of them flee to Israel prior to Mr, Schakowsky's sentencing. Two birds with one stone.

joewxman বলেছেন...

on the local news levels the tea party stories had the..organized by conservatives" line in every other sentence; purposelyy done in order to discredit it. MSM journalists should be ashamed as what passes for objectivity.

Here on Long Island they were out all over the place protesting. When you add property taxes everyone here in the peoples republic of the state of ny is seeing at least half their money being confiscated by the government. Very sad indeed!

Peter V. Bella বলেছেন...

"Bella - Jan Schakowsky is not the most despicable, shameful, and dishonorable person in her family. That would be her husband, who was convicted and spent time in jail for bank fraud, fraud by check kiting, and tax evasion."

I don't care if he is a chid molester and serial killer, her husband is not a United States Congressman sworn to uphold the constitution. She is also a liberal and supposedly believes in civil rights and civil liberties.

Revenant বলেছেন...

Who cares if the news networks responded to the protests in a juvenile manner? All they're doing is alienating more viewers.

In the long run, they're the only ones hurt by that.

Invisible Man বলেছেন...

This news moment was a big swing in viewership to Fox. The other networks controlled by liberals are fine in covering a Code Pink protest of 20 pretending to cry over fake soldiers coffins, or 80 gays ranting against Prop 8 - but not rallies of 30,000 to 800 in 200cities in the US on one day. The Pro-Immigration rally in LA (yes, that's in one city) had an estimated 500,000 people on hand, and I guarantee that if you combined the amount of time that HLN, CNN, MSNBC and FOX spent on that for the day and the entire week preceding, it wouldn't equal half of FOX's time spent with the teabaggers just on Wed. And I guarantee that CNN and MSNBC weren't rallying people to come on down and adding graphics such as "CNN Immigration Day parade" either. Face it, FOX is a propaganda outfit and not a real news station. CNN and MSNBC may be biased at times but at least they seem to give a shit about trying to present news. FOX News stopped trying years ago with maybe a couple of exceptions.

Automatic_Wing বলেছেন...

Were those anti-war events promoted (and supported with fundraisers) by a rival cable network?

No, those anti-war events were promoted and supported by Marxist front groups like
International ANSWER
, a fact that was rarely, if ever mentioned by the likes of CNN.

Wonder why they were so reluctant to discuss the loons who backed the antiwar protests, since Fox supporting the tea party stuff is such a big scandal.

jayne_cobb বলেছেন...

I suppose ZPS ain't going to be all that happy.

Chennaul বলেছেন...

Oh like the anti-war protests were effective?

Ghee has Obama done anything different from what they were protesting?

Oh ya-

He put the Good Liberal Seal of Approval on just about all of it now.

In fact Obama is sending 30,000 more troops overseas and bombing Pakistan!!!1!

Revenant বলেছেন...

The Pro-Immigration rally in LA (yes, that's in one city) had an estimated 500,000 people on hand,

Considering that the crowd consisted mostly of illegal immigrants, I'd have liked to see the news networks give it more coverage, too. But that would probably have undermined their standard position that only right-wing kooks think illegal immigration is a serious problem.

Letting the public see 500,000 Mexicans marching through an American city doesn't do anything to help the open borders crowd. That's why support for border enforcement rose following the protests.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

I believe MSNBC's David Shuster got suspended for saying that Chelsea was being "pimped out" by Hillary, and was made to apologize.

I dout Anderson Cooper will be punished with anything resembling a suspension.

1 - like Palladian says Cooper is royalty.. can do no wrong.

2 - the comment is an interpretation of the MSM's fake but accurate modus operandi.

Steve M. Galbraith বলেছেন...

Whether good or bad (I'm nonplussed) this "movement", as inchoate (and sometimes silly) as it is, will return in another form. It simply has to.

The reckless spending by both parties, by Bush and now Obama, the mind-boggling printing by the Treasury, all will eventually lead to high inflation and middle class tax hikes. There is no way that Washington will be able to generate the revenues necessary only through taxing the wealthy. And they'll be taking away more and money less valuable dollars.

Not a good approach to winning middle class voters.

So, three years from now or five or ten, either the parties will adopt the cause or someone (hopefully not the proverbial "Man on Horseback") will lead it.

The utter failure of the press to recognize this is just appalling. The sneering by the liberal/left doesn't help.

Chennaul বলেছেন...

Well it's rich that ZPS was all "warm and fuzzy" because Althouse wasn't reporting these protests...

First of all ZPS was on unemployment until just recently and finally moved out of Mom's house not too long ago.

So ZPS and taxes are not that well "acquainted".

You could call ZPS a "catcher" when it comes to redistribution-he's on the receiving end.

JSF বলেছেন...

And I thought for the past 8 years, Dissent was patriotic!

It's nice to know the CNN and MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, The NYT, the LA TIMES are members of MiniTrue.

Now we know we must all follow the Great Leader Obama and the Thousand year democratic Reich!

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Tell me, did that faux news reporter think it was funny, ha-ha-ha when MoveOn.org posted clips of George W. Bush's face morphing into Hitler's? Suddenly now she's upset? I guess she doesn't get it, does she?

If you asked a journalist anytime in the last ten or fifteen years why he or she went into journalism you'd hear words about wanting to change the world.

Well, the world changed. Now she's irrelevant.

KCFleming বলেছেন...

A CNN reporter harangues a protester just seconds into his interview.

A CNN anchor uses a sex reference to describe protesters.

Liberal fascism.

Lyle বলেছেন...

What Anderson Cooper had to say was pretty funny actually.

The CNN reporter in Chicago embarassed herself and CNN, however.

Wince বলেছেন...

"It's hard to talk when you're teabagging," Cooper explained.Isn't it hard to talk when you are being teabagged, not when you are teabagging.

Teabaggee versus teabaggor.

Not that I'm speaking from personal experience.

Invisible Man বলেছেন...

Considering that the crowd consisted mostly of illegal immigrants, I'd have liked to see the news networks give it more coverage, too. But that would probably have undermined their standard position that only right-wing kooks think illegal immigration is a serious problem.And your proof about the amount of illegal immigrants is ? Quite frankly, I have more proof about the Tea Parties being half filled racists and White Supremecists with all of the signs where half the critique seemed to be about Obama being the black President.

Peter V. Bella বলেছেন...

The reporter became the story. She was actually protesting the protesters. Big, big, no no.

Journalistic ethics does not exist.

Revenant বলেছেন...

And your proof about the amount of illegal immigrants is?I have two reasons for making this claim. The first is that one of the main points behind the event was that illegal immigrants would do the protest march in lieu of showing up for their normal jobs. The goal was to show that illegal immigrants are already a normal part of American society doing valuable jobs and blah blah blah.

That didn't work out so well. It turned out California managed to survive with its lawns unmowed that day. The major impact of the one-day illegal immigrant work stoppage was that the freeways were unusually clear of traffic.

The second reason for making the statement is simple observation -- I live in Southern California, and I watched one of the protests. Nothing but Mexican flags and speeches in Spanish. Nary a white, black, or Asian face to be seen. Oh, I'm sure some of the folks were legal immigrants, but considering that the Spanish-speaking population of California is overwhelmingly illegal it seems unlikely that very many of them were.

Quite frankly, I have more proof about the Tea Parties being half filled racists and White Supremecists with all of the signs where half the critique seemed to be about Obama being the black PresidentAs lies go, that one's particularly silly. There is too much footage of the tea party protests available for a line like "half the critique seemed to be about Obama being the black president" to be taken seriously by anyone.

Invisible Man বলেছেন...

Nope, no racists at all

Chip Ahoy বলেছেন...

Republicans searching for their voices? Those voices were never lost. I've been observing these two chief miserable political parties all of my life and I see they have their voices, but if Cooper believes this tea bagging -- ha ha ha ha ha NOT! -- phenomena is a purely Republican thing he's mistaken. But do, laugh. Have yourself a fine good time. We've all seen the political pendulum swing its predictable swing and I sense this glorious cycle will be short. This is the reason why this political party has been denied the executive branch these last several cycles when reasonably it was predictably theirs for taking. They were seen generally insufficiently serious. So I encourage the good humor. It reminds me of tone-deaf "let them eat cake" that preceded the beheadings. Dismissed too was the original tea party that led eventually to straight up revolt. The sound of mocking prepubescents thinking themselves clever is so much more appealing than the banshees screaming like jilted lovers at every perceived and contrived affront, a state they'll be returning sooner than they imagine as their own members become fed up with out of control spending and wild-ass government expansion into every portion of their lives, and observe their investments and retirements and their careful planning evaporate while their children and grandchildren are left holding the tab for the debt they carelessly run up today. I've seen these interviews and the degree of cluelessness is astounding.

Fox News is the awful bugbear to CNN, MSNBC and CNBC reporters. The network is chewing their asses in ratings, even newly positioned risable Beck. So the network must be disparaged with every breath. If it were insignificant, Fox wouldn't even be mentioned. As those reporters are of a single mindset and tend to take their marching orders and absorb their talking points from centralized sources they assume naturally their anitpodes do too, and project that tendency. But this is not the case that the protest were centrally organized or even supported, although it is true they were reported sympathetically by Fox and that constitutes the chief difference between these networks, that assumption adds to the inanity of their whole response and goes far in explaining why those networks do poorly relative to Fox which is denigrated reflexively.

Incidental to all this, I attended the Denver protest yesterday. My first photo would have been a tea bag I noticed on the sidewalk leading up to the capitol. It would have been a nice shot representing the whole set but for the first time I got an error message on my camera and it refused to cooperate. I almost went home. But I sat down and took awhile to work it out but I missed that shot because by then it was stomped. I've never seen as large a crowd surrounding the capitol and flooding the surrounding streets, if numbers mean anything, and I think they do. I do not have a wide angle lens so I wasn't able to get the entire crowd in a single shot although I was able to photograph the scene from a block away but even that didn't capture the sense of the traffic surrounding me at that distance. Flickr slideshow.

I can report everybody there was incredibly polite! The cops rarely deign to speak to civilians while on crowd control but even they chatted it up pleasantly with the bikers whom they asked to move their machines. Speakers were from both parties. A Few Ron Paul supporters. Several Democrat sign holders, a few planted Democrat agitprops who laughed and mocked and who were themselves largely dismissed.

I learned protest attendees like being photographed. They did bother making signs and in some cases put together costumes, after all. When asked, they always said yes. Also,children like flags. Boys parade American flags like proud little color guards. Asking a parent for permission to photograph their flag-bearing little darlings is inevitably affirmed. That's been my experience. Show the child the result in the viewfinder and they beam with gratitude at the thought of contributing something important. One parent was so pleased she asked me to email this photo.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

Something is severely broken when national journalist in America feel the need to attack Americans for peacefully protesting against taxation. Just think about how much that says about the distance we have strayed from our founding principles. Well, "journalist" anyway. Bizarro, man!

Peter V. Bella বলেছেন...

Invisibe Man show us your proof. We want to see the videos of KKKers and Nazis. What, the new meme is if you are against government waste, higher taxes, and bail outs of billionaires, you are racist? Is that what you are telling us? Or is criticism of the nation's first Black President off limits?

We are to have a day of silence for four or eight years so a legacy can be founded and history can be made.

Peter V. Bella বলেছেন...

I just replayed the video. The harpy made reference to a four hundred dollar tax credit. Wow! Hot damn! Ole Uncle Barak is going to save me a whopping less than eight dollars a week. That is some tax saving.

Only a low life crack whore would get exicted about that. Oh, wait, maybe she is one.

Peter V. Bella বলেছেন...

She stated that the protest wqas anti-Cnn. Now all she did was antagonize and provoke. The protesters she interviewed were anti-her.

It is amazing that the Press which relies on the First Amendment would bash those practicing their First Amendment Rights. Talk about hypocrisy.

Revenant বলেছেন...

Nope, no racists at all.

I don't recall anyone saying there were NO racists at the rally. There are racists at most rallies. Heaven knows there was no shortage of racists at the illegal immigrant rallies -- they were, after all, co-organized by La Raza, a racial supremacist movement.

That's another little detail the news forgot to mention. :)

Elliott A বলেছেন...

There is a palpable sense of the beginning of a movement, coupling the anti tax and spend with reaffirmation of the 10th amendment. It is difficult to rationally argue against this amendment since the founding fathers wrote this one in clear and concise language. It boggles the mind to realize that every day, the president and the congress break their sworn oath of office. It will become a major issue in next years congressional elections.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

For a bit more of this: Awesome: Chicago tea partiers confront CNN hack after hit piece; Update: Hack did puff piece on lefty protests in January.

First, a bit was tacked on to this video showing what happened after CNN quit taping. The crowd verbally went after the way that she was handling the interview. Then, she was talking to a "suburban housewife" who retorted something to the effect that it was organized online, and asked what did she think the Internet was for. Did the reporter think they were stupid?

And then added later, the very different way that this reporter handled leftist demonstrators.

Great fun.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

"The wingnuts doth protest too much, methinks."

-The amount of liberal bias in the MSM is overwhelming. (Other than Fox?)

-Thank you, thank you, Massa for letting me keep some of my own money.(Racist to say the least)

No straight man would think that you couldn't talk while teabagging.(And the wingnuts use the term?)

-I wonder if that same CNN reporter thought all the Bushitler references were 'offensive' too.(Still whining)

-I love seeing the liberals' reaction to these protesting conservatives.(And he also love whacking off)

-Let's see how the sensitive little closet case laughs...(If only YOU could FIT into a closet.)


JSF বলেছেন...

Herr Michael/Luckyoldson/Jeremy is here to quelch dissent for President-for-life Obama and the Thousand Year Democrat reich!

Seig Jeremy!
Seig Jeremy!
Seig Jeremy!

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

"I just replayed the video. The harpy made reference to a four hundred dollar tax credit. Wow! Hot damn! Ole Uncle Barak is going to save me a whopping less than eight dollars a week. That is some tax saving."

That seems to be one of their favorite talking points. I saw it with another CNN reporter on I think Tues. The response there was that the target (of the reporter) didn't want it, if it destroyed the country. And he made the same response to another of the reporter's questions.

Somehow the average citizen is supposed to be completely grateful that the government gives most of them a $400 refund, payed for either by borrowing from our children and grandchildren, or taxed out of those who are already paying most of the income taxes.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Peter V. Bella said..."I just replayed the video. The harpy made reference to a four hundred dollar tax credit."
I don't think it's a "tax credit."

Think about reading something before posting drivel.

You do know how to read?

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

BTW, have folks seen the other sign that the guy w/ the BHO as Hitler sign had. CNN didn't show it.

But, as the CNN reporter likely saw, it said:

"The American Taxpayers are the Jews for Obama's Ovens"

Anyone doubt that I'm right about this?

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

On another note, CNN ratings are dropping like a rock. Go in the tank for the Big O, abandon all pretense of objectivity, and people go away.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

Don't forget that this event (promoted, encouraged, and fundraised (GB, if not others too) by Fox, among others of the right) was totally bipartisan. I know this because Fox News told me so many, many, many times today.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

Don't forget that this event (promoted, encouraged, and fundraised (GB, if not others too) by Fox, among others of the right) was totally bipartisan. I know this because Fox News told me so many, many, many times today.'

And you know it was partisan because you were told so by CNN, MSNBC, et al.? And that it was organized by Fox for the same reasons?

Back to the video of the aftermath of the video here, where the news babe claims just what you are claiming about Fox, etc. organizing it, and makes her comment about the Internet.

Keep parroting your CNN talking points, and see how much it buys you.

CarmelaMotto বলেছেন...

When I heard this on the radio it made me so mad. No you moron, that 50 million to Illinois is not FREE, we all paid for it.

What also annoyed me was the meme of "they are anti-government, anti-tax, anti-Obama," and it's such a lie. Where outside of my paycheck, everything is nickled and dimed in taxes. My gas bill, my electric bill, tolls (the bridges still aren't paid for) my phone bills! Sales tax, sin tax, entertainment tax. No one minds paying taxes for schools, roads (which are shit in NY - like a freakin 3rd world country but it's paid for 10 times over!), cops, etc. It's the nickle and dime BS, say, on my phone bill that goes where? That's what has me enraged.

Oh, and I paid federal tax on the $375 (and the $189 last year) the state refunded me last year in this years taxes.

That's why I am angry.

MnMark বলেছেন...

Nope, no racists at all.Nothing to see here folks, just a bunch of dirty racists spewing hate...move along now folks, no need to pay attention, just dirty racists. You can tell cuz there was one guy at one rally who had a sign about "white" slavery - that's all we need to know folks. Move along, don't pay them any attention...nothing here but dirty racists...keep it moving, folks....

The signs about a "Tea Party"? No that's nothing like the patriotic uprising in our Founders' days when the citizens were outraged about government fiscal policy and unrepresentative government. No, these are nothing but a bunch of ridiculous "teabaggers" - yeah, like people who lick scrotums! - yeah, haha! yeah! They're just ridiculous scrotum-lickers! Keep moving it along, folks, nothing to see here...

Zachary Sire বলেছেন...

Well it's rich that ZPS was all "warm and fuzzy" because Althouse wasn't reporting these protests...

First of all ZPS was on unemployment until just recently and finally moved out of Mom's house not too long ago.

So ZPS and taxes are not that well "acquainted".

You could call ZPS a "catcher" when it comes to redistribution-he's on the receiving end.
I'm flattered, really, that you would think of me. But since you seem to think you know so much about me, allow me to set you straight, so to speak.

1. I was on unemployment for 9 weeks, after working full time or attending school consistently since I was 18, and collected just under $2000. I moved to my mother's house after being laid off, and lived there for almost 5 months.

2. I'm quite familiar with taxes, having paid them since I was 16 and had my first job as a busboy in a diner. I filed my taxes yesterday online (I am a procrastinator!) and will be receiving $1078 back from federal and $440 back from state. I also am receiving about $35 more each paycheck thanks to Obama's tax cuts. Things are going quite well for me, thank you.

3. I'm versatile.

CarmelaMotto বলেছেন...

For the silly people pointing out a racist or some other idiot, there are idiots at every large gathering. So I am pretty sure it's a wash with the protests you support.

Rather than wasting your breath discrediting it, why don't you so called liberals tell me why you support the exhorbitant taxes you pay (varies from state to state I know...) all of the taxes you pay? Would you enjoy paying so much in tolls and fees and taxes and then have to drive through pot holes a foot deep? Do you enjoy spending so much in taxes for schools that are failing and they keep pouring more and more money into it and kids aren't getting the education they deserve? Please, I would love to hear how you think the government handles your money better than you do.

Zachary Sire বলেছেন...

I also love that Althouse puts up an entire article about how mean and juvenile CNN and MSNBC are...that is written by Fox News. Now that's credibility!

Chennaul বলেছেন...

Holy Crap-

You got Bruce Hayden irked-that takes some doin'.

Fr Martin Fox বলেছেন...

Since when do big demonstrations have to be:

a) bipartisan
b) middle-of-the-road
c) not visibly organized (as if?)

...in order to be considered legitimate?

Lots of leftwingers have demonstrations, and that's fine; and the media covers them as they see fit--but I don't recall a burning need to say, "this is just a big leftie thing."

The thing is, right wingers don't demonstrate as much. Except for the prolife movement, mass demonstrations tend to be more a feature of the left. Could it be this kind of flummoxes some in the media?

Chennaul বলেছেন...


Well seriously if your feeling "warm" post operatively you could be getting an infection.

I'm not joking about that.

Anyways hope you are feeling better which I think you are.

Chennaul বলেছেন...

Ah hell your=you'te

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

I attended the tea party in Santa Monica, Ca. yesterday. It was a fairly diverse group. Primarily white like the country and especially the surrounding community, but all minorities were represented to some extent. A number of young attractive women held signs stating "Lesbians for Liberty". I got a Chris Matthews type thrill up my leg. I expect that many normally liberal folks will eventually find that what is happening to their country is not good for anyone who values liberty and the amazing miracle to the world that this country has been. Big government and liberty are mutually exclusive. Many know it, more will.

As noted at other tea parties, the attendees where extremely polite and happy. I attend all kinds of rallies left and right and I do find that the majority of people on both sides are poorly informed as far as arguing points go. Not wrong, just low on facts. It seems to me from talking to many that after you get past the anger, it really does come down to the simple difference that the left's highest principle is equality and the right's is liberty. These are also mutually exclusive and both of course impossible in the pure forms, but I see equality as unnatural and quite undesirable. While liberty, well that's as universal as loving puppies.

Revenant বলেছেন...

Don't forget that this event (promoted, encouraged, and fundraised (GB, if not others too) by Fox, among others of the right) was totally bipartisan.

Well, I wouldn't call it bipartisan. After all, we've got a situation with two sides, here -- the one that wants to add trillions of dollars to the debt, and the one that doesn't. There's no question that the tea parties consisted of partisans for the latter side. :)

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

Zachary Paul Sire said...

I also love that Althouse puts up an entire article about how mean and juvenile CNN and MSNBC are...that is written by Fox News. Now that's credibility!

10:31 PM
Well, who else is gonna report it? It's either true or not, and it is.

Peter V. Bella বলেছেন...

Hey, cockbreath Jeremy,
Replay the video. Listen. There were no subtitles to read. The whore stated a four hundred dollar tax credit.

You are a liar. A big fucking liar. You are Un-American and un-patriotic. You would stifle free speech, protest, and freedom of expression.

Now go and bow before your Obama statue.

Peter V. Bella বলেছেন...

If people want to see the real effects of whacko liberalism look up two names. Wesley Cook, AKA mumbo jumbo cumbo bumbo African American asshole and Tookie Williams.

Wesley Cook murdered Philidelphia Police Officer Danny Faulkner almost thirty years ago. SCOTUS has upheld his conviction two or three times. Yet, the left keeps trying to get him out of prison. There is a world wide movement to free him.

Tookie Williams murdered people in cold blood during a robbery. He was a street gang leader and killer. The left, including California state and federal elected officials, mooovie stars, and other fatuous leftists tried to keep him from being executed; saving his miserable life.

This is what the left is all about. They love murderers. They need murderers. Without murderers people like Jeremy, Alpha, and others would not be able to survive.

Revenant বলেছেন...

Jeremy and Peter,

Would each of the two of you please stop trying to prove that the other fellow is a dishonest twit. You both succeeded long ago. Find a new topic to discuss.

Peter V. Bella বলেছেন...

I left out something. Fortunately, Tookie Williams was executed. May he roast in hell.

Derek Kite বলেছেন...

Wow, the lefties are out in force. Must be bad.


BJM বলেছেন...

The thing that made me laugh out loud was Nancy Pelosi sitting in a Prada suit snarking about the "rich".

Do you have any idea how wealthy she and husband Paul are?

From the SF Chronicle:In fact, Nancy Pelosi's most recent financial disclosure statement shows just how careful Paul Pelosi has been in his investment decisions. Because the federal statements require a politician to give only a range of value for investments, they show the Pelosis' net worth was $14.7 million to $55 million in 2005, ranking them ninth in the House and 17th in the entire Congress.

The bulk of the Pelosis' money comes from investments in stocks and real estate. Operating through Financial Leasing Services, his San Francisco investment firm, Paul Pelosi owns stock in companies including Microsoft, AT&T, Cisco Systems, Disney, Johnson & Johnson and a variety of tech stocks.

Real estate investments include a four-story office building at 45 Belden St. in the Financial District, office buildings on Battery and Sansome streets near the Embarcadero, a building housing a Walgreens drugstore near Ocean Beach and other commercial property in San Anselmo.

Other investments include a St. Helena vineyard worth between $5 million and $25 million, a $1 million-plus townhome in Norden (Nevada County), and minority interests in the Auberge du Soleil resort hotel in Rutherford, the CordeValle Golf Club in San Martin, and the Piatti Italian restaurant chain.

(links added)

From McClatchy News Service:Only 1 percent of all Americans are considered millionaires.

"With a median net worth of $746,000, most members of Congress have a comfortable financial cushion to ride out any recession," said Sheila Krumholz, executive director of the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics, which conducted the study.

In the House of Representatives, Rep. Jane Harman, D-Calif., ranks No. 1, with $397 million, followed by Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., with $343 million. Rep Robin Hayes, R-N.C., ranks third, with $173.4 million. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., ranks sixth, with $62 million.
Who's zoomin' whom here?

Hypocrites all.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...


I know that Fox was pushing this and asking its viewers to attend these parties all over the country because I watch Fox, not CNN. It was funny on Tuesday when at one point one of the on-air folks went so far as to say that it would be a victory for the Ds if the attendance wasn't into the millions, so it was important for the viewers to get out to their closest tea party.

And, I know that Glenn Beck was part of a fund raiser for a tea party because I heard him say this on his radio show.

I don't think that CNN knows how deeply involved Fox (and conservative think tanks and right wing radio) was w/ these parties because I don't think they are as fascinated by conservative media as I am. For example, the only reason I know about Glenn Beck's fund raiser is because I regularly listen to his radio show. This fundraiser does seem relevant because it (in addition to the on-air tea party advocacy that saturated fox for many days) clearly demonstrates that conservatives are Frauds when they claim that Fox (not to mention other profe$$ional conservative promoters) weren't pushing these parties.

And, for the record, I don't think protests should be nonpartisan. But, I think it's dishonest for Fox to be pushing the idea that these tea parties were nonpartisan.

But, most conservative folks here are smart enough to know that Fox and other profe$$ional conservatives were pushing these parties, and most of you know that these weren't bipartisan events. And, yet some of you choose to perpetuate the fraud. Do you think your participation in obvious fraud advances your political philosophy? You're wrong. The truth will eventually come to light. Best to acknowledge reality, and then move forward, imho.

But, whatever floats your boat.

Alex বলেছেন...

If the left keeps on with this juvenile bullshit term "teabaggers", they will cause such an upheaval in 2010 they won't know what hit them.

Revenant বলেছেন...

And, I know that Glenn Beck was part of a fund raiser for a tea party because I heard him say this on his radio show.

How is "Glenn Beck raised money for tea parties" the same as "Fox News raised money for tea parties"? That's a pretty dumb thing to claim, don't you think?

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

If you conservatives want to screw CNN you can sign up to follow Ashton Kutcher in the great battle to one million followers.

It's a nail biter, and it's very near the end. He needs still about 5000, CNN is w/in a few hundred of him.

Okay, that's enough grade school twittering lameness. I must go rebuild a carburetor.


GB works for Fox, and he covered the exact event that he raised money for. BTW, he didn't tell his TV audience that he raised the funds ($300/plate) for the event he was "covering." And, Fox was telling it's viewers to go to these events (in at least one case, explicitly because by attending the viewers would be able to express opposition to the Ds.)

BJM বলেছেন...

1jpb how very clever of you to substitute $$ for "ess", but I don't recall the MSM outrage when billionaire hedge fund king George $oro$ financed moveon.org. Why was that?

Or how Soros's "side pocket" gimmick morphed into Geithner's toxic asset plan?

Soros on Feb 4th: The trick [to solving the bank crisis] is not to remove the toxic assets from the banks’ balance sheets but instead put them into a “side pocket,” as hedge funds are doing with their illiquid assets. The appropriate amount of capital — equity and unsecured debentures — would be sequestered in the side pocket.

This would cleanse bank balance sheets and transform them into good banks but leave them under capitalized. The same $1 trillion that is now destined to fund the bad bank could then be used to infuse capital into the good banks.
Feb 21st from Reuters: Renowned investor George Soros said on Friday the world financial system has effectively disintegrated, adding that there is yet no prospect of a near-term resolution to the crisis.

Soros said the turbulence is actually more severe than during the Great Depression, comparing the current situation to the demise of the Soviet Union.

He said the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in September marked a turning point in the functioning of the market system.

“We witnessed the collapse of the financial system,” Soros said at a Columbia University dinner. “It was placed on life support, and it’s still on life support. There’s no sign that we are anywhere near a bottom.”
You do know how Soros made his billionaires bones don't you? He broke the Bank of England.

Yet you're worried about Fox News.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

I don't think that $oro$ quite understands banking regulations and reserve requirements. Hedge funds don't have reserve requirements, so putting them to the side like that, while somewhere between translucent and opaque, is probably not illegal. It would be for a bank.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...


He didn't break the bank, hype aside. This gives him too much credit. Look into the specifics.

But, I do believe that he did have a good 2008.

And, The biggest thing MoveOn ever did was to be be a problem for the Ds when a lot of Ds (e.g. BHO) needed to denounce the BetrayUs ad.

So, you've fingered Soros and MoveOn. What's next ACORN?


Today's banks are not your father's banks, they can contain hundreds of entities w/ different regulators and requirements. I'm sure that a sister, affiliate, or some other branch entity could (on paper) be devised to "purchase" the assets. They could even use multiple branches to split ownership. Or, they could use branches to finance or partially finance the purchases of other branches. All standard operating procedure today.

But, I'm not sure that the Soros proposed shell game is wise, even if it is possible. But, I don't have enough detailed info to have an opinion one way or another.

Palladian বলেছেন...

"I filed my taxes yesterday online (I am a procrastinator!) and will be receiving $1078 back from federal and $440 back from state."

Aww, isn't that cute! Yesterday I wrote two checks totaling nearly 40,000 dollars to pay for your share of the federal government. Hope you're having fun with my money, Zach!

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

I meant Bruce, not Revenant.

You all look alike.

And, I might as well give a specific example of these branch companies. I know of banks that have branches that can avoid reserve requirements and regulator concerns about risk. And, these branches are routinely used to provide borrowers extra leverage when they obtain financing from the regulated branch of the bank. You could think of this as a sort of second mortgage, but for really big commercial deals, and w/o normal bank regulation. Really this is plain vanilla stuff. The real fun and art of "banking" is in over the counter derivatives, and integrating these into deals to hedge risk--it can be beautiful, though misunderstood and unfairly slandered.


I recall that you had a pic of some glasses a while back. Have you used the Riedel scotch glasses. IMHO, they really make a difference, things are tasting sweeter with them.

Revenant বলেছেন...

Revenant, GB works for Fox, and he covered the exact event that he raised money for.

So? The overwhelming majority of the reporters who covered the 2008 election donated to the Democratic Party. Does it follow that CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, and CBS were performing fundraising for the Democratic Party?

Assuming that a corporation is funding some activity just because one of its employees does is pretty dumb.

Eric বলেছেন...

Sure Zach, it's nice that you got a bunch of money back. But if the government didn't keep any, you're not really "familiar with taxes".

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Do sane liberals (not the trolls here) actually believe that this interview...er, argument with the CNN woman is journalism?! Does anybody believe MSNBC about anything?

Maybe the drop in ratings and the demise of major newspapers is my answer.

All in all, pretty shocking coverage all around. Since most of the people attending work and do not sit around scanning right wing TV shows, I would say they went on their own volition.

Chris Althouse Cohen বলেছেন...

I know this is a really obvious point, but I can't see how the same people who complained that they were told it was unpatriotic to question President Bush's decisions can be okay with it when people call it offensive or shameful to disagree with President Obama's tax policies. At the same time, anyone who said it was unpatriotic to oppose Bush better not take part in these tea parties.

Kensington বলেছেন...

"PRAVDA"No! I hate it when people compare the western media to Pravda. It's not fair to compare them.

Most Soviet journalists yearned to do their job properly and had to be forced by the state to be shills for the Communist Party.

On the other hand, our MSM willfully volunteers to be propagandists. They're beneath contempt. Any self-respecting Pravda journalist would spit in their face for abdicating their responsibility and opportunity.

Kensington বলেছেন...

"At the same time, anyone who said it was unpatriotic to oppose Bush better not take part in these tea parties."I agree. Fortunately, almost no one outside of liberal fantasyland ever said it was unpatriotic to oppose President Bush.

Eric বলেছেন...

At the same time, anyone who said it was unpatriotic to oppose Bush better not take part in these tea parties.

I think the complaint was there were people undermining the war effort, which translates into dead American troops. I don't ever remember anyone saying it was unpatriotic to oppose Bush. Is that too much nuance for people on the left to understand?

Peter Hoh বলেছেন...

There's no defense for the way the interviewer conducted herself. Who does she think she is, Bill O'Reilly?

TMink বলেছেন...

Chris, nobody in my circles said it was unpatriotic to criticize Bush. People in my life, I am a conservative, were too busy criticizing Bush.

Now criticizing the troops was a different matter entirely. Much of the country was determined that these soldiers would not be traumatized like the brave veterans from Vietnam.

I made it a point to thank the aging Vietnam veterans at the recent Tea Party in Nashville. Every one of them choked up when I said "thanks for your service." Every one of them.

What was done to them by the left was akin to rape, and it was absolutely unpatriotic.


TMink বলেছেন...

Funny post Peter! Of course, Bill O'Reilly is not a reporter, so the point is not nearly as successful as the joke.


Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

I know this is a really obvious point, but I can't see how the same people who complained that they were told it was unpatriotic to question President Bush's decisions can be okay with it when people call it offensive or shameful to disagree with President Obama's tax policies. At the same time, anyone who said it was unpatriotic to oppose Bush better not take part in these tea parties.The unpatriotic charge was levied against those who actively wanted the military men and women in Iraq to fail. Wishing for defeat.

Many Conservatives were apalled by Bush's policies and strongly said so. Even if you are a Conservative or a Liberal and didn't agree with going to war, to want the country to be defeated IS unpatriotic.

My husband went to a tea party in our little northern California area and there were at least 3000 people by the time he left at 6:30 pm and they were still coming in. And YES...even people who voted for Obama were there.

Not a lot of news coverage though, since our local fish wrap is controlled by liberals.

Maybe the next rally we should break something or flash our tits like the code pink hags. At least our tits look better.**

** my husband has the pictures to prove it and NO I'm not posting them** :-D

Henry বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Henry বলেছেন...

I know this is a really obvious point, but I can't see how the same people who complained that they were told it was unpatriotic to question President Bush's decisions can be okay with it when people call it offensive or shameful to disagree with President Obama's tax policies.

That's a really long sentence.

Fr Martin Fox বলেছেন...


I agree, Fox News got too involved. Of course, a lot of Fox programming is not supposed to be "news" but "opinion"--and I think the actual journalists at Fox are reasonable folks; I have no idea whether they, in their own politics, skew right, but if they do, they are no more tilted one way than their counterparts on other networks are the other way.

I watch Fox not because I have a family connection, or because I think it's without bias--but because I think they are less contemptuous of the things I value. I balance it with NPR and the Washington Post, which are totally contemptuous of the things I care about. And I check Fox, and the Washington Times, and other outlets, for the stories the left-leaning media don't consider worthy.

Peter Hoh বলেছেন...

Trey, I know it kills a joke to explain it, but the fact that Bill-O is not a reporter was an intentional part of my observation.

Dark Eden বলেছেন...

I'm actually glad that CNN etc are reacting this way. Every time they do a story like this, a few more people 'get it.' A few people who were iffy about media bias but attended tea party protests saw what was happening first hand, then went home and watched the news reports and 'got it' that the MSM is now Pravda.

The more the MSM tightens its grip the more voters fall out of its hands.

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

It is unbelievable how childish and unprofessional CNN and MSNBC were this week. I hope the FCC takes them to the woodshed. I'm sure I'm not the only complainant to the FCC this week.

Revenant বলেছেন...

At the same time, anyone who said it was unpatriotic to oppose Bush better not take part in these tea parties.

I agree. But since I don't know of anybody who said it was unpatriotic to oppose Bush, that really isn't a problem.

There were plenty of people who said that opposing specific POLICIES of the Bush administration, e.g. the War on Terror, was unpatriotic. But the "unpatriotism" of that stemmed from perceived opposition to America, not perceived opposition to George W Bush.

If people want to call it unpatriotic to oppose the government's current multi-trillion-dollar deficit because they think America, for some reasoning that escapes me, desperately needs to be an extra $10 trillion in debt? That's fine by me. Let them say it.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

It appears that the CNN "reporter's" name is Susan Roesgen.

I don't really like Glen Beck that much, but I thought that he had a good point last night. He does "opinion" and she is supposed to be doing "news". Ditto of course for Hannity, O'Reilly, Matthews, et al. her problem/mistake was becoming the news, as she did here.

Grumpy বলেছেন...

"He does 'opinion' and she is supposed to be doing 'news'".

Why do the lefties have so much trouble with this distinction?

And why are commentators at CNN and MSNBC conflating oral sex into current events? What's next, "poopy words?"

Is this the new Obot liberal intellectualism, gay frat boy sex talk and preadolescent bathroom humor?

KM বলেছেন...

Um, can anyone say SNL and Schweddy balls....

Ernesto Ariel Suárez বলেছেন...

Have at it...

নামহীন বলেছেন...

For what it's worth, which probably isn't much, I sent CNN an email telling them I'd deprogrammed CNN from the favorite's list on my remote and I wouldn't be watching CNN again till the grossly offensive Anderson Cooper was finally off the air.

CarmelaMotto বলেছেন...

Christopher Althouse Cohen - cite your source. The whole - you disagree with Bush and you are unpatriotic was left wing fantasy.

Of course, Joe Biden says it's patriotic to pay taxes yet many in the Obama administration and congress seem to have a hard time following the rules they made.

And my company isn't paying my commuting expenses every day, but I am paying for the commute of my congressmen. I wonder how much money would be saved if we discontinued the leases on the cadillacs of the Charlie Rangels of the world, not to mention their flights and Joe's free Amtrak rides.

Deb বলেছেন...

I heard Jamie Dupree on WSB radio say that you never, never argue with the person you are interviewing. You ask the question then take whatever the person dishes out. You don't confront, you don't argue. He felt that reporter, using the term loosely of course, regretted that incident but I seriously doubt it. I'm sure she got a big pat on the back from her CNN comrades.

নামহীন বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
নামহীন বলেছেন...

The teabaggers chose to call themselves teabaggers. That is how they branded themselves. That's how out of touch they are - they they didn't even know that they were calling themselves a term that has a sexual innuendo.

Almost every young adult in America knows what teabagging is - but the Republican party has an average age of 55, and almost none of them are under 30, so are we really surprised at this faux pas?

And then the idiot teabaggers, like Chip Ahoy, freak out when educated adults make fun of them.

Face it you fucktards - YOU LOST. But keep having your hissy fit teabagging parties, calling for secession like the unpatriotic fucks that you are. Americans aren't buying it. That's why Republicans are at their lowest approval ratings ever. That's why you even lose safe Congressional Republican seats like NY-20.

Keep digging.

Moira Breen বলেছেন...

dtl: "And then the idiot teabaggers, like Chip Ahoy, freak out when educated adults make fun of them."

Ah yes, because the very essence of educated adulthood, of sophistication and savoir faire, of cosmopolitan grace and flair, is for an allegedly serious news professional to go on national television and, in the time-honored manner of sniggering teenagers everywhere, loudly and repeatedly make sure that everybody knows that they know what a naughty bit of sexual slang means.