April 30, 2009

"The aptly-named Harpactea sadistica."

Violent spider sex.

Beware of the pedipalps.


paul a'barge said...


paul a'barge said...

I thought the Latin name for the species is Downtownus Ladus.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Yup, and then she eats him. Homo Sapiens Sapiens is the only species in which being male has some sort of advantage.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Unless the spiders get squashed by a giant Godzilla foot, there is no way I'm looking at that link.

I HATE spiders.

traditionalguy said...

Aptly this was found in the area once ruled by Vlad the Impaler. Didn't Julie Christy play a woman impaled by an amorous computer? That could be a good Posting to add to the today'Spiderman Sex. One of these spiders in the ear could break the best terrorist's will next time the CIA guys dare to risk commiting insect torture crimes.

jimbino said...

Regarding "manually inserted using a pair of appendages on their undersides known as pedipalps," I find it interesting that feet (or is it "kids"?) are used as hands.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Oh what a tangled web we weave
What’s in store if we don’t heed
Bob Dylan's
inward warning.

(hey, were did everybody go)

rhhardin said...

Paglia has some theory why women don't like spiders that makes no sense to me but it has to do with the birth canal. She's a woman and I'm not, I figured, and went on.

I leave spiders alone in the house because they trap pantry moths and so are on my side in the battle against entropy and spoiled oat bran.

Eli Blake said...

dust bunny queen,

Why do you hate spiders?

Spiders are very useful for the ecosystem and they get rid of things like flies and mosquitos (unless you'd rather have the flies and mosquitos.)

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Eli, why can't anyone hate spiders?

Has DBQ advocated the elimination of spiders?

What do you hate?

kjbe said...


Sean E said...

Homo Sapiens Sapiens is the only species in which being male has some sort of advantage.I don't know. I always had the impression male lions did OK.

Spiders are very useful for the ecosystem...It's possible to appreciate something's role in cosmos and still find it distasteful. Spiders, investment bankers, lawyers, squirrels ...

Penny said...

No foreplay? What a pity.

Jason (the commenter) said...

I didn't like the BBC video. Isabella Rossellini is still my favorite!

Chip Ahoy said...

Did you know the porcupine and the hedgehog can never be buggered?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Why do you hate spiders?

Because they are sneaky, creepy, crawly, often very fast amd can be poisonous. I have poor distance vision but even without my glasses I can spot a 1/4 inch spider running across the floor at 30 feet wherease without my glasses I can barely recognize my husband sitting next to me on the couch.

Scoop it up in a paper cup and throw the cup and spider outside where it belongs. ICK ICK ICK.

I'm not in the least afraid of snakes, lizards or amphibians. Just creeped out by spiders. The Wolf Spiders that we have are huge. There is nothing more disgusting than a 2 inch female wolf spider with a zillion little spiders clinging to her back. ICK ICK ICK.

I had read in one of my old anthro books that possibly the dislike of spiders is an ativistic memory of larger land crabs that might have preyed upon our ancient ancestors and their babies millions of years ago and that the shape signals something like "danger danger will robbins" just like a moving shadow might make you flinch until you realize that the danger isn't real.

traditionalguy said...

The old collective unconscious of Jung and his dreams definitely includes a fear of spiders for no known reason. Do you remember the Big Tarantulas crawling on people in movies? That would break most Terrorist's will, or would they feel a kinship with Spiders like lawyers do with Sharks?

joewxman said...

Of course after mating females kill and devour the males. Not that much different in humans.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Of course after mating females kill and devour the males. Not that much different in humans.

Except that humans usually require the assistance of attorneys