April 16, 2009

20 million.

Some time today or so, this blog will receive its 20 millionth visitor. (That's visitor, not page view. I've got over 30 million page views already.)

Just letting you know. I don't have any special plans for celebrating. Not quite yet anyway.

UPDATE: The 20 millionth visitor came from Philadelphia at 9:50:00 pm Central Time. They arrived on "Is Rush Limbaugh really that hard to understand?" and left — 1 minute and 57 seconds later — from "Why has 'Crash' topped the Netflix most-rented list since 2005?" Was that you?

Whether that was you or not, I thank you for reading! I am endlessly happy to have readers — and commenters! I've gone 5 years, 3 months, and 3 days, posting every single day, and I have never lost the great, energizing feeling of knowing that someone is reading. In the beginning, I hoped to get to the level of 60 readers a day that my colleague had and looked with envy at another lawprof who'd worked his way up to 400 readers a day. I remember in my first year thinking how great it would be to hit the 1 million mark and not quite making it. Anyway, now I've hit 20 million. That's pretty cool! Thanks!


AlphaLiberal said...

For my contributions, I repent.

I'm good for your traffic, Ann.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

For my contributions, I repent. .

You are forgiven my son.

*makes the sign of the cross*

Go and blog no more.


Henry said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Henry said...

I'm good for your traffic, Ann.

Not if we're talking unique visitors.

AlphaLiberal said...

DBQ, I fear I am but human. Oh well!

Bissage said...

20 million.


That’s pretty much incalculable in dog years.


chuckR said...

Working as fast as I can, Boss.

And, congratulations.

Big Mike said...


Trooper York said...

Hey maybe you should marry the 20 million commenter.

Oh wait, you are already doing that. Never mind.

I'm Full of Soup said...

What no prize for the lucky visitor? Hold a contest or offer a door prize or booby prize?

Joe M. said...

Let's not get started on boobies.

I'm Full of Soup said...

OK we could call it a booty prize to keep with the pirate news this week.

Or we could put a reverse ransom on DTL's head and pay the pirates to take him.

rhhardin said...

No visiter.

MadisonMan said...

If I'm #20M, I'd like a nice Egg Salad sandwich from Memorial Union.

(For me, not for you)

ricpic said...

As per Chicago: Althouse makes; the world takes.

Walt said...

20? Jeepers!

KCFleming said...

I have about one hundred trillion cells in my body, give or take.

So there.

blake said...


Apparently they don't count as unique visitors.

That seems somewhat oppressive. That you, the entity known as Pogo, speaks on behalf of a hundred trillion cells without so much as a "by your leave".

Zachary Sire said...

And, just think, that 20 millionth visitor might come to you via a link from Andrew Sullivan.

Anonymous said...

...it's 20 millionth visitor.

Some time in today...
Who are you and what have you done with Althouse?

Michael Haz said...

20 million visitors? Trick or Treat must be a bitch; that's a lot of candy.

KCFleming said...

"That you ....speak on behalf of a hundred trillion cells..."

Actually, it was by majority vote.


The rest wanted Rocket J. Squirrel.

Penny said...

Congratulations, Althouse! I must admit I am a bit surprised there won't be a formal celebration. If I had twenty million visitors to my house, I think I would at least have a pot-luck dinner. Should you change your mind, put me down for the potato salad.

blake said...

So about half of your likes Althouse while the other half likes squirrels? Sounds most unharmonious.

Ger said...

I think that Meade fellow probably was responsible for about 11 million of those visits yes?

kentuckyliz said...

30m page views
20 m unique visitors

Meaning, most people only view it once and don't come back.

Or half the people look at two pages.

Or lots of one page views, and a small crowd of us regulars.

So, congratulations I guess.

Anonymous said...

I see you corrected one typo, but that pesky apostrophe is still making the possessive into a contraction.

Calling Annie Gottlieb.

hdhouse said...

It happened 167 visits ago. congrats anne. these are good visits and i'm sure your "time on page" is very high as well.

google stock is way up....you deserve your share.

Ann Althouse said...

Sorry about the typos!


john said...


Congratulations, and I hope it helps make all your hard work here feel worthwhile. It's certainly appreciated by your commenters.

blake said...

Especially the ones who hate you!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! And thank you, too.

blogging cockroach said...

unlike pogo i only have 960 brain cells
but i get the most out of them
and they vote unanimously for althouse
who should get rocket j squirrel as a regular
so pogo could be unanimous too
anyway congratulations
and if i have my way you d get
20 million insect visits too
which as long as they re on the internet
isn t as bad as it sounds

The Dude said...

Hey, HD - how are you doing? Has your accountant given you the ok to write on a public blog that you and your company cheat on your taxes? Yes? You might want to get a new accountant.