Camille Paglia wants heads to roll:
Heads should be rolling at the White House for the embarrassing series of flubs that have overshadowed President Obama's first seven weeks in office and given the scattered, demoralized Republicans a huge boost toward regrouping and resurrection. (Michelle, please use those fabulous toned arms to butt some heads!)Heads should roll and arms should be used to butt heads. But butting heads is done with 2 heads colliding. If arms are involved, it's not butting. Even if the arms are fabulous and toned, it's not butting. Meanwhile, can you go mano-a-mano with a lamb? Lambs don't have manos. They have those little hooves. Perhaps fabulous hooves, but still. Butt still: Fight on, Camille! We love you... some of us do anyway. Others say Salon can "get Ann Althouse to do the same thing for much less money."
AND: Some day, when I get home after a long, strange conversation, I'll tell you everything about My Dinner with Camille.
२६७ टिप्पण्या:
267 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»What about if you take your toned arms to smack the heads of two other people together, Three Stooges style? Does that count?
The possibility that Obama is the consummate fixer, flack and goon hasn't occured to her.
The country is being run with philosophy taken from a dorm room, as someone put it.
``That monkeys have hands should give us pause.'' -- Old saying
The only ones who want heads to roll are Republicans. Because they know if Obama fired Geithner, the markets would tank, and Obama would look like a fool.
Geithner is doing a good job. Obama needs to stick with his policies and wait for them to have an impact in the real economy.
The stock market under Reagan slumped for two years before finally taking off. Obama, having read history, knows that.
And what does Paglia know about economics?
Nothing. So why do I care what she says on this subject? I don't.
Fabulous Hooves=that is funny.
I am a little fascinated by all the attention that Michelle's arms are getting. From women primarily. Why is that? Are they intimidating or that impressive? They look like arms to me, nice arms, but not the type of arms that are getting so much attention.
I saw Tim Geithner on Charlie Rose last night. He is really hot. He is a little man. But man that hair. I haven't seen hair that suave since JFK Jr. The hair is wavy and succulent. I want to put my face in his hair. You know it smells delish. Also, when he was speaking I was getting turned on.
Why have so many Democrats abandoned the hallowed principle of free speech? Limbaugh, like our own liberal culture hero Lenny Bruce, is a professional commentator who can be as rude and crude as he wants.
As modern history has shown, the Democrats do not believe in free speech, free expression, free association, or the First Amendment. They do not believe in civil liberties. Unless those rights are a parroting of their message in a totally acceptable politically correct way; preferably from a pre written and vetted script.
…if Obama fired Geithner, the markets would tank, and Obama would look like a fool.
Man, that is one of the funniest things I have ever heard? I am still laughing at you as I write. You, like the clown in chief, are a very entertaining fellow; immature, but very entertaining. Do you really believe that Geithner, a single person who has done nothing since taking his appointment, is the savior of the markets or the economy? If anyone does not understand economics or markets it is you.
Michelle's arms are not Madonna's arms or anything. Now those are arms. I love Madonna. Madonna is my Ray Of Light!
She could use her gigantic ass, when she is not fisting her husband.
After Obama fires everyone associated with the Gordon Browne gaffe, he should fire Hillary Clinton. She has made us the laughing stock of the international affairs community and her total inexperience has finnaly been put on public display.
People need to shut up about Michelle's arms.
The markets are upset that Geithner has not come up with a simple answer to solve our economic problems. That's because there is no simple answer. We have the biggest credit burst ever, and it's going to take years to get back to normal.
Also, people are realizing that the economy is in much worse shape than we thought. It shrunk at an 11% annual rate in January. Bush left the economy in horrible shape. People knew it was bad, but not that bad.
Most Americans know that it will take time to fix things - which is why Obama's approval rates are sky high.
It would be a hot video of watching Rahm and Geithner doing it. I would enjoy that.
Rahm would be the top. Geithner would be the bitch on the bottom saying Harder, Harder!!
I think she wants Michelle to take a staffer's head in each hand and smash them together like they do in the cartoons.
Mixed metaphors aside, the article is pretty weak. She's trying to convince us that the Obama administration is fucking up but it's not Obama's fault, it's those damn frat-boy advisers. Sure, Camille, whatever.
For a lot less money. Yes, but can you write a book that I could not understand and put down after 100 pages out of frustration with my obviously defective intellect?
Titus, have you seen this pic of Madonna in her latest fashion statement?
So Paglia thinks that Obama criticizing Rush is a violation of free speech. And Peter Bella thinks the same.
re Madonna, the question is: What do we think of Jesus Luz?
That's not Madonna Bob.
Madonna is amazing. I love her so much. All my friends love her. Madonna is the queen. She is amazing in concert. She is very flexible. She has good songs. She can dance. I would like to be her cooch for one day and do every hot guy that walked by.
What do we think of Jesus?
We likey.
We likey lot.
What's not to like?
DTL - I knew I recognized you from somewhere "LEAVE BWITTNAY ALONE". ...sob sob...
Ann Althouse said...
re Madonna, the question is: What do we think of Jesus Luz?
According to Camille, Madonna used to cruise Spanish Harlem in her limo, pick up little toyboys like Jesus, screw them in the back seat and then drop them off. Sort of the sex version of a McDonald's run.
Could you imagine being in a cafe or club or anywhere and Jesus Luz looked your way.
I would totally melt.
He is universally hot as in everyone would do him. You would have to. He is just too beautiful. It's almost a sin that someone is that beautiful. He also wreaks of sex.
Bob, Madonna did do that. Her and Keith Harring would have nights out where they would drive around and pick up young men from Spanish Harlem.
Madonna also would do booty calls all over New York in the 80's. She would go to David Blaines place at 2:00 in the morning, screw him, and leave. How hot is that? We love her. What a woman.
Is anyone compiling a complete list of Obama's failures for publication at year's end? It would make a rousing anniversary present for, say, Mr. Sullivan. I'd take a crack at it myself, but I'm sure I'd miss a good number.
Today's homonym lesson: wreak/reek.
wreak: to cause. He wreaked havoc among the ladies tea party.
reek:: to smell; malodorous. He reeks of fish heads and WD-40.
Sorry Bob.
Reek, is that wright?
That's because there is no simple answer.
Sure there are simple answers. We just have to get rid of the simple minded people in DC and replace them with people who have a modicum of common sense.
Geithner and Obama have done more for the economy in the last 6 weeks than Bush did in 8 years.
1) Largest Tax cut in history - due to hit paychecks on April 1st.
2) Huge Aid package for the states, which will help prevent layoffs by state governments. Except for South Carolina, which doesn't want the money, because their economy is doing so well with 10.4% unemployment and climbing . . .
3) Stimulus plan
4) $250 billion dollar housing plan, which will result in 10 million foreclosures prevented and millions of refinancings, which is also a stimulus to the economy.
5) TALF Program announced - "TALF’s purpose is to induce investors to buy up AAA-rated securities backed by new consumer and small business loans by offering low-interest loans. The idea is to get up to $1 trillion in credit flowing to Main Street borrowers."
6) Stress test plan for banks in the works
7) Credit for small business - "Mr. Geithner said Monday that the Obama administration will launch a plan next week that will provide financing, liquidity and guarantees to open up small-business lending, which is seen as a crucial element of economic recovery."
You might disagree with these programs, but when people like Peter Bella say Geithner has done "nothing" they are LYING.
``That monkeys have hands should give us pause.'' -- Old saying
I always thought it was "That monkeys have hands should give us paws.''
People need to shut up about Michelle's arms.
I don't think Geithner is doing a bang-up job, but DTL is right. It's inane to talk about heads rolling. People do learn from mistakes. Secretary of State Clinton surely remembers that provincial-rube days of her husband's persidency. Things got better, after a fashion.
You might disagree with these programs, but when people like Peter Bella say Geithner has done "nothing" they are LYING.
Peter Bella should have said that Geithner has done "worse than nothing."
This is the bubble that has burst.
But Peter Bella has a magic plan to fix this. Tax cuts and a spending freeze. Idiots.
Geithner should just stop giving high-profile speeches. He's not a politician.
He's a wonk. Let him work behind the scenes. Obama should give the speeches.
Hey DTL,
Where is the bailout for mainstreet- you know allthose small and mid-sized businesses that folded due to the credit being shut off? The only people bailed out are Wall Street Billionaires and Institutions- you knowthe same people and institutions that Bambi accused of creating this mess?
Main Street my ass. The only liars are Bambi and all those who are infected with his personality cult.
Geithner should just stop giving high-profile speeches. He's not a politician.
He's a wonk. Let him work behind the scenes. Obama should give the speeches.
Largest Tax cut in history - due to hit paychecks on April 1st.
This 10 dollar a week thing is the largest tax cut in history? By what metric?
Obama should give the speeches.
Yeah. Real informative speeches:
Um, eh, er, the problem, ah em, er, huh...
Yeah, let him keep giving speeches.
Thinking of Jesus, really any Jesus has me horny.
Do you know that I am not wanking much? Only about 1 time a week. I think it is the weather.
Unless you reduce the tax rate, instead of reducing the withholding, you'll have to pay the tax on that money next April 15.
The money going to banks is for one reason only - to get credit flowing again. Without that the economy will never recover.
Do we really want to repeat what happened in the Great Depression - when the majority of banks in the country went bust (thousands). That didn't work out too well . . .
I don't blame the banks either. I blame the American people, who gorged themselves on credit.
Take a look at my graph again. This credit bubble just went "pop".
I did a Jesus for awhile. I called him Tropicana. He didn't seem to mind. He had a sad life. His parents disowned him. He wanted to get married but I said no.
I remember Reagan, and Obama is no Reagan. I'm not even that big a Reagan fan. Obama's "actions" (of which there are, admittedly, PLENTY), are likely to create the opposite result of Reagan's, ie. a renewed stimulus bubble short- term, with even greater hell to pay later.
When you're in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging. Obama has brought in the heavy digging machinery instead to dig bigger and faster.
Titus - Humans are horniest in the autumn.
Increasing the deficit by 2% of GDP over two years is not going to cause "hell to pay later".
"Do we really want to repeat what happened in the Great Depression"
Not me.
So why is Obama doing the same stupid shit as FDR did, which prolonged and deepened the Depression?
Rhhardin is correct. Obama is the consummate fixer, flack and goon.
Paglia's post is one of those dumb "if only Stalin knew" pleas.
Summer seems to be my season. It is warm out, you wear less clothes, you are focused on your body more as well as the bodies around you. You have more options.
This time of the year people aren't out as much. Give me another month or two and I should snap out of it.
FDR prolonged and deepened the recession?
Um - The facts don't back that up.
Geithner and Obama have done more for the economy in the last 6 weeks than Bush did in 8 years.
Should read:
Geithner and Obama have done more to the economy in the last 6 weeks than Bush did in 8 years.
downtownlad wrote: I don't blame the banks either. I blame the American people, who gorged themselves on credit.
I thought you said it was Bush's fault? Make up your mind.
Fact is there's plenty of blame to go around: overspending consumers, greedy house speculators, everyone who believed "real estate never goes down", Repubs and Dems who induce moral hazard by putting taxpayer money behind private risk-taking, government incentives/regulations that encouraged lending to people who couldn't afford it. Bush probably had less to do it with it than most of the parties involved. He basically continued the same policies that Clinton had, who had the same policies as Bush I, Reagan, etc.
As for Ms. Obama's arms: are we permitted to point out the perhaps sensitive fact that black people have higher levels of testosterone (women have some as well as men) and that testosterone facilitates muscle development and leanness? Look at arms on the tennis Williams sisters...those two look like linebackers with wigs on. I doubt Ms. Obama does anything more than let her genes do their thing.
Paglia is probably referring to the maneuver whereby you grab two people and manually butt their heads. I'm sure someone can post a scan of She-Hulk performing it.
It's interesting that two smart, outspoken women are big fans of Rush.
One is a liberal lesbian prof and the other of course is the liberal-at-times law prof Althouse.
Does this say more about Rush or about the women?
DTL, that graph is crap. Why isolate it at among those years?
It's not an arguable point, really.
Thomas Sowell:
"Many people argue that the New Deal got us out of the Depression by spending. Well, the New Deal spent for years without getting us out of the Depression and then the war came along. The defenders come along and say, “You see with the war, spending increased and that did it.” What the war did was put an end to the New Deal. When the New Deal ended, the economy revived."
Frankly DTL, if you want to believe in stupid magic fairy dust like the Noo Deal or Keynes or all that Democrat econocrap, I can't argue you out of it.
dtl said: "Most Americans know that it will take time to fix things - which is why Obama's approval rates are sky high."
Only if "sky high"= historically average, and about the same as Bush at this point in 2001
Well shucks, DTL, you just gave your game away.
"embarrassing flubs" like??
Let's all say a prayer for Tropicana and hope he has reconciled with his family.
Let us also say a prayer in hopes that Madonna will release a new cd soon.
OK< I need to go to the gym.
Can Eric Cantor not be on the tele anymore. He is painful to watch. He is such a queen. Flowers come out of his mouth when he speaks. I love all his views but jeez Mary could you be any more constipated and gay? He has definitely been at a rest area or some bathroom somewhere. He "wreaks" of fag. And I can smell a fag a mile away.
OK, that's all.
How are you?
"embarrassing flubs" like??
If you can't see them then you're not paying attention.
It's like when you're rooting for your favorite football team. You always see the penalties on the other side and throw a temper tantrum when he calls your team for pass interference.
"The money going to banks is for one reason only - to get credit flowing again. Without that the economy will never recover.
Do we really want to repeat what happened in the Great Depression - when the majority of banks in the country went bust (thousands). That didn't work out too well . . ."
These are two different issues. The credit crunch is largely over. Credit is flowing, but it's only flowing to worthy borrowers (as it should). The view that banks should be lending more is entirely at odds with the other expressed view that previously banks were too loose with lending.
The other issue you touch on is the pending insolvency of some of our largest banks, and Geithner has yet to come up with any solution to that problem. This is why it seems like every other week another "proposal" gets "leaked" to the media. Geithner is throwing ideas to see what floats. First we hear about "public-private partnerships," then RTC-style asset buyouts, then "nationalization." What's next?
Reagan prolonged the Cold War, and made it worse. And please, no stupid historical graphs or statistics showing me otherwise. I don't want to hear it.
That's probably your funniest comment. I suppose that had he just surrendered, it would have been over sooner. Ultimately, we had to wait another 10 years, until we won. I guess you didn't like the result.
are we permitted to point out the perhaps sensitive fact that black people have higher levels of testosterone (women have some as well as men)
That's a fact, Mark? Source, please.
downtownlad said... The money going to banks is for one reason only - to get credit flowing again.
Exactly. See, the plan is to take your money and give it to the banks. Then, if the banks are feeling generous, they might loan some of your money back to you. Who could object to that?
The number of people who just can't wait for all the details about a dinner you had with someone years ago: zero.
The value of watching you delude yourself into thinking that the world cares: priceless.
DTL-How does one launch a plan?
Is it like a ship, with champagne bottles or is it more like a rocket with gas, flames and loud noises.
Howard Fineman of NEWSWEEK says the “establishment” is beginning to suspect Obama doesn’t have what it takes.
Obamas presidential run lasted longer than all the combined nationwide days of high terror threat level following the 9/11 attacks.
You think two years would have been enough.
Obama is getting even with the rich. He's getting even with the rich. What more do you people want? Obama's getting even with the rich. And he's doing it for YOU.
Beth: I read about this study where a researcher seeking to understand why black men had higher rates of prostate cancer theorized that it was related to levels of testosterone. He conducted a study and found that black men do in fact have higher levels of testosterone, up to age 40 - after that it is about statistically the same.
I did a quick Google. Here's a link to the study, published in a French journal but the abstract is in english:
"Although several studies have suggested that African-American men have higher serum testosterone levels than white men, these differences were noted only in men 40 years of age or younger."
Titus - are you sure you'd want to be a 52 year old cooch? Surely there are younger ones, since you obsess about youth...
Reagan prolonged the Cold War, and made it worse.
You're right garage. The Soviet Union was on the brink of collapse during the Carter years.
Garage, I'm worried that Hillary getting whooped by the former very junior senator from Illinois is starting to affect your reason.
If you need help, we're here for you man. Just need to ask.
Mark, there's a lot more on that subject and it doesn't appear to be settled. And women don't seem to be the subjects of the studies, so to say black women have higher levels of T is problematic, even in the context of ongoing studies into what causes the higher rates of prostate cancer in black men.
Give Camille a break. To her credit, she did get the flack/flak thing right.
Garage and DTL feel not only are they entitled to their own opinion, but also their own facts. If a Republican said the sun came up in the east, both would argue strenuously that it did not. Only difference would be that DTL would say the Sun is gay.
Garage, I'm worried that Hillary getting whooped by the former very junior senator from Illinois is starting to affect your reason.
Sometimes I just get in the spirit of storytelling and can't resist jumping in with something I just picked from thin air. And a real pro owns it as if it's the gospel truth. That's the key.
I'm with Hoosier, here.
First, Obama shows his arrogance, announcing he's won prior to stumbling right off the blocks.
Then Hillary shows what a high school level politician she really is.
I mean, she-hit, what a car wreck this has been so far. It's like the Washington version of Crash.
so to say black women have higher levels of T is problematic,..
Beth, do you see a problem with this study, which supports it rather matter of factly?
But I still don't see the link between higher testosterone and Michelle O's muscularity, let alone the topic of the post.
His staff is unworthy of Him. Obama-God loves us and wants to do what is best for's His staff, His staff that is standing in His way. Kill them! Kill them!! For Obama-God. Obama-God. Obama-God.
Why would it be "problematic," rather than "not established by the study you cited" or "incorrect as a matter of fact based upon studies x, y and z?"?
Beth, I don't think it's as big a leap as you seem to want it to be.
1. Black men under 40 have higher testosterone than white men. It's genetic. The link I provided referred to multiple studies showing this.
2. Women have testosterone as well as men, but not nearly as much. (I assume you don't dispute this.)
3. Therefore, black women have more testosterone than white women.
As additional anecdotal evidence I give you the Williams sisters of the tennis world. Look at their musculature. Do their bodies look like the bodies of white female tennis players to you? In fact, if you cover their chests, do they even look like women?
Basically, what this means is that blacks compete in athletics with a natural advantage, sort of like being on steroids without having to take them.
It may also possibly explain other social pathologies. Men are more violent and are bigger and stronger than women. How much of a role does testosterone have in that? A significant amount, I bet. If testosterone explains some of the male/female differences in aggression and so on, might it explain some of the black/white differences?
henry - not supported by what he cited.
Mark, there's a gap between point 2 and 3. And offering an example of athletes isn't a good indicator of any particular trend.
Other studies dispute the higher T findings you cited as well, in regards to males. My point is it's far from a settled finding. And doesn't really have anything to do with Michelle Obama's particular musculature. Or Madonna's for that matter.
Basically, what this means is that blacks compete in athletics with a natural advantage, sort of like being on steroids without having to take them.
That's why white boys have to stick with less demanding sports like golf and table tennis. We're only better at water sports because black men wouldn't fit in those little Speedos if you get my drift.
If testosterone explains some of the male/female differences in aggression and so on, might it explain some of the black/white differences?
Right. There we go - the real point. Again, if you take even a few minutes to research that assertion you find wide disagreement on the findings, and the data. But it turns up as gospel once you start looking at websites with an agenda.
Are you saying that higher testosterone has nothing to do with more musculature or more defined (less body fat) physiques?
That's why people take steroids, which are artificial forms of testosterone. It's why men are more muscular and have less body fat than women.
And I hypothesize that it could explain why Michelle Obama's arms are like they are. Not sure why you're saying it has nothing to do with it. I think this would be absolutely uncontroversial if it didn't make liberals uncomfortable that there might be genetic differences between races that aren't trivial.
Beth: if you take even a few minutes to research that assertion you find wide disagreement on the findings, and the data.
Athletes dope. Using them as examples of anything other than cheaters is illogical.
I forgot about chess. White guys are really good at that.
Boxing, not so good.
Mark, don't be obtuse. I haven't said that testosterone plays no role in human development, nor that there are no physical distinctions among people of various genetic backgrounds. But your assertion that T accounts for differences in size, performance and levels of violence across races is naive, and apparently, as I said, given even the most cursory search, subject to much debate. A list of links would show only conflicting results, and not argue for any conclusion.
Beth, I've been Googling this while waiting for your response and I haven't found a single source disputing that blacks have more testosterone than whites. What I keep seeing is a 15% difference, about the same between a 15 year old boy and a 35 year old man - a significant difference.
Sorry but unless you can provide some kind of evidence that there is actually any controversy that blacks have more testosterone, I'm going to conclude that you are just blowing smoke because this steps on your ideological toes.
White guys are better cyclists since thats more an endurance sport and big muscles are not required.
Plus black guys would find that little cycling seat too painful if you get my drift.
"Sorry but unless you can provide some kind of evidence that there is actually any controversy that blacks have more testosterone, I'm going to conclude that you are just blowing smoke because this steps on your ideological toes."
You do realize you are avoiding her point and arguing your own straw man, right?
She is pointing out that you can not claim that studies show black men have more testosterone and therefor are more violent and aggressive. Which seems to be the point you keep trying to make.
Thanks, Jeff. That's pretty much the point.
actually there is a book out about menopause type which lists a rather thorough list of questions and you discover which hormone is more prevalent in your body.
it was actually not a bad suggestion to honestly go through an evaluation of such and cheaper than a blood/secretion/ body fluid test. And PRIVATE. I know people consider naturopaths quacks and such, but it helped me to understand the body a bit because i'm no doctor.
no use denying the mix of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone is different in all of us.
My sister took pictures of me before my swim race. I looked quite muscular in one. I was surprised. Of course I was pumped mentally , maybe physically(?) for the race.
Thank goodness it was a swimming race: It has been suggested that swimming as an exercise actually results in a temporary reduction in serum testosterone levels for both men and women.
Otherwise you'd be making fun of me being mancy instead of nancy. Perhaps taking a cold shower is the same as jumping in a lake.
White guys are better cyclists since thats more an endurance sport...
I could add something to that but I won't go there.
Seems to me this whole discussion should moved to a earlier thread.
Back to the topic of the post.
I don't understand why Obama's administration is making such easily avoided mistakes. There are already many people in the Diplomatic Corps who would be able to guide them. Vetting and doing background checks on potential nominees to avoid tax frauds, breaches of law and other embarrassing conflicts should be a fairly routine activity.
My thoughts on this are:
1. They are so arrogant that they don't think they need any help and are stumbling around in the dark.
2. They truly are totally incompetent and clueless and couldn't find their butts with both hands.
3. They are completely corrupt and don't consider tax fraud or other law breaking to be of any great concern. No big deal.
4. They are so immersed in the Chicago way of corrupt politics that pay for play and othe payola kickbacks are just normal. It is hard to give up an addiciton.
5. They hold the people in such contempt that they don't care what we think as long as they get their way.
6. The are truly malevolent Socialists who desire to destroy the country and remake it into their own image no matter what it takes including alientating our allies and vapor locking on the asses of our enemies.
Maybe some and/or all of the above.
As to Michelle's arms. She comes from a family that inherited an atheletic build. Maybe more testosterone than others.... or not. I
It is the arm length ratio to muscle mass that gives her such nice toned arms not to mention her youth and probable excercise regime. Personally, I'm jealous. I would love to have such lovely arms to be able to wear sleeveless dresses with such aplomb.
7. Smartest person in the room syndrome. Clearly you know best in everything so you ignore or marginalize anyone else. This is what the Clinton administration suffered thru the first 2 years.
Serum estrogen, but not testosterone, levels differ between black and white men in a nationally representative sample of Americans.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2007 Jul;92(7):2519-25. Epub 2007 Apr 24
Rohrmann S, Nelson WG, Rifai N, Brown TR, Dobs A, Kanarek N, Yager JD, Platz EA.
"A total of 1413 men aged 20+ yr and who attended the morning examination session of the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III) in 1988-1991 were included in this cross-sectional study.
CONCLUSIONS: Contrary to the postulated racial difference, testosterone concentrations did not differ notably between black and white men. However, blacks had higher estradiol levels. Mexican-Americans had higher testosterone than whites but similar estradiol and SHBG concentrations. Given these findings, it may be equally if not more important to investigate estradiol as testosterone in relation to diseases with racial disparity."
The "Best and the Brightest" was a work of "fiction" to enhance the legacy of the Kennedy Administration.
The fiction to enhance and soldify history about the Obama Administration: "The Dumb and the Dunces".
Sooooooooooooo, suddenly...the local "pack" a fan of...Salon?
What a bunch of hypocritical fools.
And, speaking of just doesn't get better than this:
18-year-old Bristol Palin and Johnston are no longer together:
Levi's sister, Mercede: "Levi tries to visit Tripp every single day, but Bristol makes it nearly impossible. She tells him he can't take the baby to our house because she doesn't want him around 'white trash'!" Bristol won't even allow him to watch the baby for a few hours -- unless he's babysitting!
Mercede ; "Bristol's just crazy. That's the nicest way I can put it. She and Levi actually broke up a while ago!"
*A breakup would be additionally unfortunate for Levi as he has "Bristol" tattooed on his ring finger.
*A breakup would be additionally unfortunate for Levi as he has "Bristol" tattooed on his ring finger.
Just tattoo Stomp on the pinky finger...Problem solved.
There's pretty much a study to support any damn conclusion you wish to draw, at least for some areas.
Puts the whole notion of science to the test in a way.
downtownlad said...
The only ones who want heads to roll are Republicans. Because they know if Obama fired Geithner, the markets would tank, and Obama would look like a fool.
On this blog, I'm always going to wonder at what level your stupidity will finally bottom out at because so far it's in free-fall. If the little black jesus was smart he would have seen that knowing tax cheat who heads up treasury as a problem and booted him. Instead he clung onto him like he had a life jacket thrown to him from the deep end of the pool. He already looks like a fool. Can't say much for you though except that maybe someone stole your jesters hat.
Geithner is doing a good job. Obama needs to stick with his policies and wait for them to have an impact in the real economy.
How can you possibly make that assessment about the tax cheat in treasury? What is the metric by which you base this on? Everytime he opens his mouth the market says fuck you. Maybe you think he's to cute to fail? Besides, the only impact on the economy that Mr. Barely's policies will have is one of massive debt and massive inflation. You can hear the sucking sound already starting. Oh wait, you already know what that sounds like.
The stock market under Reagan slumped for two years before finally taking off. Obama, having read history, knows that.
Mr. Barely is not a student of history. Maybe a student of alternate historical theory because he certainly is following the path of the insane and you know how that's defined right? But it's interesting that you would throw Reagan into the mix considering that Reagan was actually accomplished in his presidency and your little savior got his start fumbling through his last 2 months in office with one act of buffoonery over another. But you like buffoons right? I mean after all you are one and we all know how you love yourself so much. Have a nice day living in your fantasy world of stupid, poopsy.
Oh, c' I the ONLY ONE who's upset over this break-up?
*Oh, and when are we ever going to see those medical records from Princess Palin?
I still don't believe the last kid was really hers.
28 Senators who voted NO...sponsored $240 million in EARMARKS...gosh, that seems rather hypocritical.
And people here are concerned about the Obama White House team...via an article in Salon?
Hypocrisy Continued:
Here are some of the contributions to the Republican Opponents of the Employee Free Choice Act (and of course unions):
Sen. Lamar Alexander -- since 2002 $2.79 million from business Political Action Committees (82 percent of PAC donations) $15,000 from "labor"
House Minority Leader John Boehner - since 1989
$7.48 million from business PACS (94 percent)
$200,000 from "labor"
Minority Whip Eric Cantor - since 2000
$5.34 million from business PACS (93 percent)
$42,500 from "labor"
Sen. John Ensign - since 1994
$5.4 million from business PACS (86 percent)
$59,200 from "labor"
Sen. Mike Enzi - since 1996
$3 million from business PACS (89 percent)
$37,500 from "labor"
I hope Barry lets those terrorists out of Gitmo soon. He needs someone to pal around with because Michael is on his way to Alaska to molest Tripp.
"Oh, c' I the ONLY ONE who's upset over this break-up"
Quick! Your new issue of TeenBeat is here!
And more:
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell - since 1989
$7.79 million from business PACS (87 percent)
$43,750 from "labor"
Rep. Buck McKeon - since 1992
$2.2 million from business PACS (90 percent)
$112,00 from "labor"
Rep. Joe Pitts - since 1996
$1.39 million from business PACS (91 percent)
$32,000 from "labor"
Sen. John Thune - since 1996
$2.5 million from business PACS (71 percent)
$12,000 from "labor"
Now why do you suppose these wonderful representatives are so...anti-labor...and pro-business?
The sun will eventually flame out and in its last gasps will expand and consume the Earth and all on it.
And people here are concerned about the Obama White House team...via an article in Salon?
Go figure. OK, fess up...who forgot to run the topic past Michael and get his ok? Althouse? WTF?
Matt - "Michael is on his way to Alaska to molest Tripp."
Good one.
Quick! Your new issue of TeenMoonBat is here!
There, I fixed that for you...
jeff - Are YOU really, really concerned about the White House staff...or are you just sucking up to your right wing friends here?
C'mon...we BOTH know you don't give a flying fuck about the staff or anything relating to Obama's team.
You're just whining and usual.
Just tattoo Stomp on the pinky finger...Problem solved.
That makes me chuckle.
But, but, but,.....Michael...what do you really think about Michelle's toned arms? Enquiring minds want to know.
"C'mon...we BOTH know you don't give a flying fuck about the staff or anything relating to Obama's team."
Yep, you caught me. Your mind reading powers correct again. You are the only principled person here. Why in Gods name would I be concerned about the government, my stock, my retirement, my job, my house, my taxes. No reason at all.
jeff - "You are the only principled person here."
I never said anything of the kind.
I just called you out for your bullshit.
Why not have the guts to admit it instead of whining?
I do not know who the bigger ass hat is, Michael or DTL. But here is something for the two of them to ponder; Barney Frank, one of the people who caused the mortgage meltdown, was interviewed by Andrea Mitchell. He stated that the media is looking at minor flaws- cheating or non-payment of taxes- when assissing Obamas choices. He thinks the bar is too high. What is worse, Mitchell agreed with him about the media.
Using that example, maybe the next person Obama hires will be a bunch of bright ex-con white collar criminals. Hey, maybe he could get Madoff- community service instead of prison.
I hate black people and the easiest way to denigrate them is to post inane comments on blog sites.
Paglia is increasingly out of touch with "mainstream" America...Rush Limbaugh is universally looked down upon by a vast majority of Americans, but she spends a whole page defending him, as if that would somehow make the Obama administration look "better," when in fact they look fine already to the same vast majority of Americans. She has no idea what she's talking about, ever, and she's not even fun to read any more. Too bad.
Her segue into that Brazilian shit was just bizarre. Someone should really put this loony old bat out of her misery.
Ohhhhh....Petey...quit wining and post something of relevance.
I realize you love to suck up to your fellow wingnuts, but just once...try to say something that makes sense.
We're about 50 days into this administration and all you ever do is bitch about literally everything that Obama or his administration does.
And this after supporting one of the most corrupt and thoroughly inept administrations in our nation's history.
You have absolutely NO credibility.
"jeff - "You are the only principled person here."
I never said anything of the kind.
I just called you out for your bullshit.
Why not have the guts to admit it instead of whining?"
Sigh. Is there someone there who can read the comments to you? Perhaps a orderly or LEO of some type? Your macros are once again not matching up with the comments you attempt to refute.
And JSF, who's sock puppet are you? We already have one Moby.
Dust Bunny Queen said..."But, but, but,.....Michael...what do you really think about Michelle's toned arms? Enquiring minds want to know."
This is exactly what I'm talking about: You and others here are more concerned about whether Michelle Obama wears a fucking sleeveless blouse than supporting the President.
Why should we care what the woman wears?
Mark said: "Basically, what this means is that blacks compete in athletics with a natural advantage, sort of like being on steroids without having to take them."
Except that the sport where you'd expect higher levels of testosterone to make the most difference, weightlifting, isn't dominated by blacks. Most elite powerlifters are white and Asian. Watch one of those world's strongest man competions on ESPN, you'll notice that the top finishers are disproportionately guys with names like Lars Olafson.
The sports that blacks do dominate are those which involve running and jumping. If they have a genetic advantage there, it's probably due to skeletal proportions (narrower waists, longer legs relative to torso).
Blacks do also dominate boxing, but not ultimate fighting.
If blacks are so good at running and jumping, how come so many were caught, and shipped over here?
Just tattoo "stomp" on the pinky finger.
Good one DBQ.
Bush never, not once...vetoed a single spending bill.
When he came into office the debt was 2 trillion.
When he left office: 10 trillion.
And the "pack" spends its time whining about the Obama staff?
Paglia is not "increasingly" out of touch with mainstream America. She has always been widely out of touch with mainstream America, which is one of the reasons she is and interesting voice in the mix.
OT - Michael's rantings and incessant whining merely confirm the rule that those who go into psychology as a discipline are the biggest head cases around.
Point of clarification. I have been a fan of Paglia for a while.
Other that that you are correct- I do not like the other Salon writers - they are pussies.
I'm glad you're upset.
Henry Fuckstick - Instead of posting the standard "pack" mentality bullshit about ME...why not post a defense of the comments I posted relating to the hypocrisy of those voting no to the Omnibus Bill while hoarding earmarks of their own?
Or the others railing against unions or the Employee Free Choice measure while accepting millions from "businesses" who obviously don't want anything to do with unions?
Or how about the $10 trillion debt G.W. left us with...because we BOTH know you supported him from day one.
You'd rather whine along with the others.
Zachary said: Rush Limbaugh is universally looked down upon by a vast majority of Americans
Your adverbs need work.
Also, there's life outside of your bubble, you might want to check that out some day. Limbaugh's audience eclipses every news program out there. You could add up the total viewers for practically every news program and it just might equal Limbaugh's audience. I'm sure some percentage of his listeners detest him, but surely not all.
He thinks the bar is too high
LIMBO!!! How low can we go???.
Must be my day for old dances and rock and roll songs ;-D
You really do have issues with hostility and and self control Michael. Does lashing out in the Althouse comments help you, or does it amplify your problems, I wonder. Perhaps another form of therapy would be more beneficial.
Instead of posting the standard "pack" mentality bullshit about ME...why not post a defense of the comments..
Maybe it's because you're the idiot who, for absolutely no reason, starts rambling about Palin's daughter. Or maybe it's because you have repeatedly shown yourself to be a world-class asshole.
Oh yeah, blow me, fuck off, get back on meds.
Why should we care what the woman wears?
Trooper York cares. His store carries Donna Ricco dresses. Donna Ricco cares too. I bet her sales are way up.
Same reason we all cared what Jackie Kennedy wore. A new fresh face with a different fashion sense will drive the sale of clothing and accessories.
Don't you WANT us to have an economic recovery?
As far as malapropisms, Pagila has nothing on Tom Friedman as discussed by Matt Talibi. Talibi's discussion of Friedman's 'the Earth is Flat' was a hoot.
I have absolutely no fashion sense, but I do like to badmouth Michelle Obama.
Well, because the other wingnuts here like hearing it.
AllenS said..."If blacks are so good at running and jumping, how come so many were caught, and shipped over here?"
The slavetraders hired other blacks to catch them.
Lawgiver: "Oh yeah, blow me, fuck off, get back on meds."
Whatsa matter little man?
You get up off the wrong side of someone's cock this morning?
Michelle Obama is doing a great job wearing American designers and helping the ready to wear industry buy bringing attention to more mass market lines such as Donna Ricco. That is different than wearing a specailly designed line that other people rip off. When she wears stuff right off the production run she is really helping American companies that need the help in this economy. She is doing a great job with this and I applaud her.
Henry - Try to drag your head out of your fellow wingnut's assholes for a few minutes and post something of relevance.
Trooper - Are you feeling okay?
Of course as has been mentioned, most women do not have arms as well toned as the First Lady so the designers have to adapt some of the dresses. She is in great shape and does fall into the "plus" sizing catergory because of her height and her shoulders. She would be a tough fit.
Michael's in drag again as the fake Dust Bunny Queen.
What a bore.
Well, because the other wingnuts here like hearing it.
DBQ: that's the best laugh I've had all day! We butt heads, I know, but I do enjoy your sense of humor.
Somewhere Michael's village is forming a search party. "Where is Michael?", they wail.
"Why has he abandoned us again?", they question themselves, to the point of self blame for driving him from the safety of their hamlet of unreality into the Althouse of reality. "Never again should we let him disappear and become frothy and angry at those whom he cannot nor will never understand", the village leader proclaimed.
"Hear! Hear!", roared Michael's neighbors, hoping that their clamor for change in him would finally take root.
I don't talk to child molesters Luckyoldson.
Dammit! I've been had. Sorry, real DBQ. I took that in a whole other context - as sarcasm.
I TIRE of these fucked up identity thieves. Lameness, lameness.
Mrs. Obama is doing a great thing by pumping up the American rag trade. It is in a serious crisis mode right now. A lot of businesses have failed in the last two months. One vendor told me fourteen stores went out of business last month.
What a lot of people don't get is that this has serious foriegn policy ramifications. China's factories depend on the orders that we send them for lots and lots of goods especially clothing in the ready to wear market. I had actual Chinese communists dudes approach me about some factory deals. They are scrounging around for business and if it doesn't break right we could have some big time problems.
Joan - "Limbaugh's audience eclipses every news program out there."
There's no doubt the fat man has a huge radio audience, but there are about 300 million Americans and every objective poll that has been taken illustrates the fact that a majority of Americans have a negative view of him and his political views.
Defending Rush Limbaugh, after much of what he's said is a waste of time, based a radio audience, that is made up of right wing fools who also love Hannity, O'Reilly, Savage and Ann (the walking talking trash barrel) Coulter.
DBQ: that's the best laugh I've had all day! We butt heads, I know, but I do enjoy your sense of humor.
Well, thank you Beth. I appreciate you too...especially since you promised to hord transfat laden Crisco for me for my non politically correct southern fried chicken.
But you do realize that that comment was made by Michael pretending to be me.
In some sense, he is right even though he didn't mean to be. We can all disagree, sometimes agree and joke around without calling names.
Trooper York said..."I don't talk to child molesters...I just like to watch."
Have you had your little kid yet today?
There's pretty much a study to support any damn conclusion you wish to draw, at least for some areas.
Pogo, let's write a grant and study that.
Pogo said..."Michael's in drag again as the fake Dust Bunny Queen.
What a bore."
Hey...I'm only following the lead of others.
It's funny, isn't it?
It's funny, isn't it?
So are pull my finger jokes.....once.
Donna Ricco has descided to cash in a big way with this pimping by going onto QVC and selling an cheaper line for around $49 to $69 a dress as opposed to the brick and motor pricing of around $149 to
$169 per dress. Of course these are actually different styles and lesser fabrics and the QVC items are of a lower quality. But she is selling them like hot cakes and reaping the benefit of the push that the First Lady gave her.
Dumb question. But can any of that stuff you design actually be made here in the U.S. cheaply enough to resell?
Also, there's life outside of your bubble, you might want to check that out some day.
Ditto, lady.
Show me a poll where the vast majority of Americans universally love (the adverb remains) Rush Limbaugh?
Got one?
Didn't think so. Who's in a bubble now, biyatch?!
Donna Ricco has descided to cash in a big way with this pimping by going onto QVC and selling an cheaper line for around $49 to $69 a dress as opposed to the brick and motor pricing of around $149 to
$169 per dress.
Don't despair. There are still those of us shoppers who like to feel the fabric before buying the dress. Trying on the outfit ...before buying it. There have been times when I bought on line only to be so disappointed that what looked like nice drapy fabric was chintzy and sleasy...or stiff and polyesterish.
Michelle looks fabulous in her clothing...most of the time and it is good that she is promoting American designers.
Who's in a bubble now, biyatch?!
Are there people who actually say "biyatch"?
Apparently so.
Pogo, let's write a grant and study that.
Yes, let's!
I propose a multi-facility study with the acronym IS.ISNT.IS.ISNT.IS SO.IS NOT.
It''ll take at least $50M and 15 years to complete. Strangely enough, just when I had hoped to retire.
Yes actually there are quite a few places that manufacture in the USA. Most of the stuff I buy is made in the USA. There is a big industry out in LA where small shops make limited runs. Also here in New York in areas like Flusing Queens there are small "shops" that do piece work. Now they used to have high minimuns to put in an order. Say 200 dresses. That's a lot for one small store to buy. But because business really sucks they are cutting down to around 20 to 50 dresses as long as you are a frequent order guy. So that's what I am doing. I am giving a lot of work to small shops for small limited runs and keeping both of us in businesss. Thus we have unigue and different stuff every other week or so and try to sell it out on the limited runs.
The problem is the big stores like Macy's and Nordstrums have really cut back big time on the midlevel buys. So only the real low end stuff like Wal-mart and Conway and Costco and places like that are putting in big orders ovreseas. But it is a much lower quality thing. Nothing wrong with that it has it's place. But it shouldn't be the only place you know. I mean I have a lot of cheap suits but I have some nice ones too. The balance is off. Something has to give.
Where is the real and funny Trooper?
This Trooper is telling us about international trade and whatnot.
Oh and Dust Bunny Queen, I have three great new dresses in limited runs of 18 dresses or so that are great and selling really well.
It was funny. I am having a sale and people are buying a lot of the new stuff and not so much of the stuff I put on 50% off. If you have the fit and the fabric people will buy as long as the price is not crazy. So people will buy this new stuff I just got from France and stuff from my small runs and top it off with one or two sales pieces. It is working out pretty good so far. It is just a lot of work ramroding this stuff through the pipeline.
It's cutting into my blogging time.
Hey give me a break. I just did a new Laura Bush's Diary.
AJ Lynch: "Where is the real and funny Trooper?"
Get out much?
rhhardin said..."That monkeys have hands should give us pause."
Oh, you funny olf racist you!!
Keep 'em coming...a day without a racist comment denigrating the President is a day without sunshine.
*And who cares if it's an "old saying"...lots of garbage just like it are "old sayings."
It never fails. We have a good thread going and Michael comes in and scoots across the rug and ruins the party.
what are the mistakes?
Hold it, flacks? Flax? Linen? Yards and yards of linen are required to cover Michele's enormous butt?
Bear arms? What?
Height and shoulders are a problem? Her tiny intellect is a bigger problem.
But back to the subject at hand - the market is in the early stages of an enormous rally - the bulls are running and all is right with the world.
Is this a great country or what?
Hoosier Daddy - Whining and bitching.
Bite me.
fcai - "Her tiny intellect is a bigger problem."
Michelle graduated from Princeton University and Harvard Law School. She held a position with the law firm Sidley Austin, and has for the University of Chicago Medical Center.
Care to post your educational and professional we can compare?
I didn't think so.
Two words - affirmative action. Check and mate, you strange little Obama lover.
I'm surprised Obama calls them earmarks.
so in real life, when doctors and lawyers and professors get together at dinner parties, do you all talk like this. Do you drink? Do you get a little loose with your tongue?
Do you make fun of your clients who were dumb enough to release thier signature to have you look through their entire medical file. Time spent time in behavioural health clinics, etc.Really weird stuff they did or did not do because the doctors and nurses observations were way way off as to what the patient was really thinking. But it's written and signed. Yea, I know it's against rules to talk about patients and names, but come on, after so many clients or patients don't they get to be just another cog?
If you discuss people like this online, i mean not just commenting with a bit of physiological interest in human race, but personal sarcasm, envy, disgust, do you really think the average joe wants to go to any of you professionals for help? But what choice do we have?
I'd rather be a turnip, parsnip, parsley root, or celeriac who fell off the truck. Naturopaths please keep writing books and delivering them to the public library so that i may stay healthy. As for justice with less contracts and off the grid that I may soon own my little house on the prairie with as little legal intervention as possible. I might just find a gentler race of animals.
Two words - affirmative action. Check and mate, you strange little Obama lover.
Actually, that's not a checkmate. It's just the standard whine of the loser when the topic of conversation is the list of accomplishments of a minority or woman who has done well in life and who the loser in question dislikes and is envious of.
And as far as Camille Paglia goes, the high point of her career was when her book "Sexual Personae" was used as a prop in an amusing scene in the movie "It's Pat". Not much to talk about since then.
Ann and Camille are so similar in a lot of ways.
what are the mistakes?
Offending Russian thugs and not spending nearly enough of your money on a foreign leader during an economic crisis at home.
Camille, a lot like Rush, over the last 20 years made for herself a loyal readership by calling things like she sees them, like that honest baseball umpire. Rush uses a faith in the free market and in the middle class Americans' native intelligence as his measure of the strike zone. Camille uses her classical Greek/Roman cultural iconography translated into popular culture as her measure of the strike zone. Surprisingly, Pres. Obama has been called out on strikes by both of these analysts. Rush says to his audience, "I told you so". But Camille says to her audience, "It must be a failure by his assistants". The last 20 years of these two trusted analysts building up an audience is at they believe what they say that they see each from his/her own frame of reference. I also hear what DTL and Michael are saying warning us not to listen to Rush and Camille because only a faith in Pres. Obama's goodness is a worthy frame of reference. OK, let's wait and see. My own frame of reference awaits two Obama actions: (1) the Obama Supreme Court Appoinments. (One will certainly be Hillary).(2) The active support by the Obama Administration of Israel, or its suggestion to Isreal that they surrender to extermination by Mohammeden forces, sort of the ultimate Blood For Oil strategy. The answer should be clear by this time next year.
The only ones who want heads to roll are Republicans. Because they know if Obama fired Geithner, the markets would tank, and Obama would look like a fool.
I think the consensus among Republicans is that Geithner will be used as a fall guy when things get worse. They think he will be fired, but later on, for Obama to save face. Some people even think Obama wants the stock market to have problems, so he has an excuse to take over more of the economy. His administration did say that they couldn't waste this crisis after all.
Geithner is doing a good job.
This is the first time I've heard that said. Even democrats have been critical of him. And economists would also seem to think he is doing poorly.
We're about 50 days into this administration and all you ever do is bitch about literally everything that Obama or his administration does.
Oh Christ, you sound just like Mikey- that fifty day excuse equine excrement. As to the rest of your drivel- Obama and his so called administration of dunces, morons, cartoon characters, and corrupt Chicago politicians have done diddley squat. Actually less.
So far, all he did was sign bills he never read and make excuses for expanding the government for no good reason. His other publicity stunts were nothing more than cheap parlor tricks. Let's not forget the foreign policy gaffes and embarrassments. Then he and his gang of juveniles attack a radio host? A radio host- come on, is that the best they can do? I mean, seriously, a radio host is a threat to America?
So please tell me what the Great Savior has done except winning the election?
The only thing(s) the One, the Messiah, the Savior, actually has done is take orders from Nancy Pelosi, the real power in this country and the first female President of the United States?
How many days until January 20, 2013?
Somefeller - sounds like you are a fan of Condi Rice, too, right?
This is the first time I've heard that said. Even democrats have been critical of him. And economists would also seem to think he is doing poorly.
Gotta agree with Jason here. Geithner is not providing confidence to anyone. Wall Street thinks he's weak and indecisive, and so does most of the Left, though for different (but sometimes overlapping - like among those on all sides of the aisle who support nationalization of bad banks) reasons. Geithner really needs to step things up, or he risks becoming remembered as a bad footnote in the history books to be written about the Obama Presidency.
Michelle graduated from Princeton University and Harvard Law School. She held a position with the law firm Sidley Austin, and has for the University of Chicago Medical Center.
Unlike her wastrel no account husband with the thin resume, who was only a community organizer, a corrupty Chicago politician, and a absentee do nothing Senator. I think the wrong Obama is President. Michelle has actually accomplished things and has been an executive. Actually she has verifiable accomplishments, unlike that other woman; what's her name? You know, she married that white trash hillbilly who became president and used her as a door mat?
Somefeller - sounds like you are a fan of Condi Rice, too, right?
I think she didn't do a good job during her tenure in the Bush Administration, but I wouldn't disparage her as being nothing more than a product of affirmative action. She is a very impressive woman, even after all that's happened over the past eight years. In fact, I recently saw her give a very interesting speech here in Houston at the Baker Institute at Rice University, and I have to say, based on that speech I'm very interested to see what her post-W career will look like. I think she may surprise a lot of people on all sides. So, while I'm not a fan, you won't hear me give the whine of the culturally envious with regard to Condi Rice.
Keep in mind that Michelle didn't get her hospital job because of affirmative action, but rather because of her husband's political job. It's kinda like what Hillary did with the Rose Law Firm with her husband as the governor of Arkansas. Its a nice way to quasi-legally bribe politicians.
As for the issue of affirmative action, this is one of the big reasons why Clarence Thomas opposes them so much. We will never know whether Thomas got into YLS and the Obamas into HLS on their own merits, or whether it was due to the color of their skin. (Interestingly, it appears that affirmative action is even worse in law schools for the schools outside the very top (like YLS and HLS) The black bar pass rate is getting to be a major scandal right now as a result).
And the situation is probably worse with BIG LAW firms like the one that Michelle worked for. "Diversity" is invariably a major goal at these firms, almost at a level of profitability. Michelle was a double count, being both Black and female, both invariably underrepresented in big firms). Now, if her husband had really been a Moslem, she might have been able to triple count.
You would think that when paying $500 (and more) an hour for attorneys in these big firms, that the most important thing for big corporate clients would be legal competence. But it often isn't, I suspect because it is assumed. Rather, a surprising number take into account a firm's "diversity". And, as a result, there is probably more pressure on these big law firms to diversity hire than for the law schools to admit on those grounds.
Oh I love this. After 8 years of the most foolish and misguided administration in the history of the company the silly-right is now up in arms because no one has fixed this horrid mess in 7 weeks.
And what have the silly-right suggested to date? why, let's cut taxes. it has never worked in the past, never once, but heck let's try it again.
The definition of psychotic idiocy is to keep trying the same stupid things and this time it will be different? really?
total putzes.
Althouse -- you need to outlaw this identity thievery.
I don't think it's too hard to figure out who has been pulling most of this shit.
After 8 years of the most foolish and misguided administration in the history of the company
Mentioning Bush is fast becoming as tiring as Bush's use of the term "weapons of mass destruction" or "terrorists".
I go away for a day and looks like someone took my identity.
Strange, I give dDmocrats props when they do right (or someone honest like Paglia speaks up or Our Grande Blogress asks questions of her own party)-- but those who are doing the imitating....
Michael/Luckyoldson is happy being a Liberal syncophant -- if it isn't you michael, why did the imitation occur during your posts?
And hey, I have a challange for all Liberals and Conservatives (of which Michael/Lucky will run away from):
Name 3 policies that you support of the last two Presidents that you supported. I will folow suit.
Name 3 policies that you support of the last two Presidents that you supported.
Well, I'm not old enough to have TWO presidents I supported, so I'll have to do with one:
-Bombing Libya
-Firing the air traffic controllers who were on strike
-ending price controls on oil
My fault (I typed to fast) but I meant the last two Presidents. And to put Michael/Lucky to shame, here I go:
Clinton (whom I did not support as a D or an R):
1. Worked on a balanced Budget
2. Saw the problems that Saddam Hussain was giving to the UN and passing in 1998, the Iraq Liberation Act.
3. Welfare reform
Bush II (whom I did support)
1. Saw Wilsonianism as an answer to Terorism
2. Banning Internet taxes
3. Adam walsh Child Protection act.
Michael/Lucky, Liberals and Conservatives, can you do the same?
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