March 13, 2009

Where I'm blogging from...


... 500 miles from home.


knox said...

Dang, somebody's got a nice house. I'm envious!

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Not quite my style, but very good taste!

rhhardin said...

This is as clean as my house ever gets (May 2006).

It had just been puppy-proofed, which means swallowable things off the floor.

Swallowable things are allowed to accumulate on the floor until a new puppy is needed, and no eating stuff as a rule has to be taught again.

traditionalguy said...

Even with gold walls, the surroundings look cold and sterile to me. What's with the stone floors with no rugs? I trust that the bedroom is more welcoming.Who would drive 500 miles in one day just to Blog the time away?

Zachary Sire said...

All of the furniture in that room looks incredibly uncomfortable. Yikes. Hope the warmth of the fire makes up for it.

Triangle Man said...

Is there a chicken patrolling the yard outside?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Is that a working office ? Does not look like part of a home to me. Let me know if I am correct.

I'd guess a shrink's office perhaps or part of a small design firm.

KCFleming said...

Looks like those college underwater basket-weaving courses finally paid off.

Or are you dating a Longaberger scion?

J. Cricket said...

The Self-Absorption cafe: Road Edition.

chickelit said...

Is there a chicken patrolling the yard outside?

Exsqueeze me?

MadisonMan said...

What kind of refrigerator is just peaking into the left side of the image? Someone has a sliding door on their 'fridge?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I know just the thing that's missing in that room.. give it that 'mi casa' look.

A rattan basket ;)

Joaquin said...

Nice stained concrete floors and partner desk.
Something tells me that's not a home.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I forgot we are on strike!

And it's my turn to walk the picket lines.

TitusisheadingtoPtown said...

Looks fabulous. Should you be petting some exotic cat in that picture?

I have a question for my fellow republicans. Do any of you get upset with something that another commenter has said to you or about you on this site?

Ann Althouse said...

Yes, it is not a home.

American Liberal Elite said...

Who needs books when you've got baskets?

Trooper York said...

They don't call it a "home" anymore. It is an "assisted living facility." I told you not to give JAC that power of attorney.

And you a law professor.

Trooper York said...

It's exactly what Tony did to Livia.

TitusisheadingtoPtown said...

Is that a home for Wayward Wonderers?

Jason (the commenter) said...

Even with gold walls, the surroundings look cold and sterile to me.

The mouse trap kind of takes away from that. And the bed is low to the ground. They'll be hopping in with Althouse.

KCFleming said...

And you may ask yourself
What is that beautiful house?

And you may ask yourself
Where does that highway go?

TitusisheadingtoPtown said...

I think I need to send a picture of my place into this establishment. I think you all would be very impressed. I wouldn't show my face but I would have my bicep in the picture as a tribute to Michelle Obama. And an ear of a rare clumber. I shelter them from publicity similar to the Tom Cruise family.

TitusisheadingtoPtown said...

Please take a picture of the lou.

TitusisheadingtoPtown said...

Hello Clams Casino. I am heading to Ptown now to go timeshare shopping. The beamer is packed and the rare clumbers are glistening.

Wish me luck.


KCFleming said...

"And an ear of a rare clumber."
Are you holding the clumbers for ransom?

Or is perhaps the dog an artist gone mad?

Lawyer Mom said...

Are you in a silo?

KCFleming said...

It's exactly what Tony did to Livia.

Tony Orlando had Livia Newton John put in a home?
Is she there with Dawn?
Has it been three long years?

Tony Orlando is a bad man.

The Dude said...

Ann may or may not be similar to Livia, but it is certain that JAC is no Tony.

Methadras said...

Is that a wicker chair in the corner? If so, that is a big no-no in my sphere of styling.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Trooper suggested:

"Assisted living center due to premature power of attorney" ....LOL.

Althouse could still blog from there I guess.

Meanwhile back to the picket line:

Hey Hey Ho Ho
Fing trolls gots to go.
[brought to you by Althouse Union Local 101 and its shop steward Seven Machos which means "sign the fing union card"]

Host with the Most said...

500 miles, 500 miles
500 miles, 500 miles
You can hear the whistle blow
500 miles

Gosh Ann - all of your posts are beginning to inspire songs . . .

Freeman Hunt said...

Pretty room. Maybe a room within a stylish "cabin" or resort.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

They don't call it a "home" anymore. It is an "assisted living facility."

Althouse is there reprising the role of Geraldine Page, the tormenter interior decorator from Woody Allen’s “Interiors” 1978 ;)

Host with the Most said...

500 miles:

Buffalo , NY?

Nashville, TN?



Trooper York said...

I get it now. "Something wicker this way comes."

It all ties together.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Who is that Masked Man?

KLDAVIS said...

Wherever it is can't be too far out in the sticks, that Yellow Pages looks to have some heft.

KLDAVIS said...

Host: It's not likely Nebraska or Kansas, as this photo was taken driving away from the sunset.

Simon said...

KL Davis: all that proves is that there was an eastward stretch of road on the journey, not that the destination is to the east of Madison.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Nice stained concrete floors and partner desk.
Something tells me that's not a home.

Looks like a kitchen dining /slash office area to me. You don't need rugs in a kitchen. The chair in the corner looks comfy enough. I can envision sitting with my feet up in near the fire, snuggled in a nice lap blanket, with a glass of wine set on the butcher block table to the right of the chair, reading a good book.

Clyde said...

OTOH, most highways go one direction and don't squiggle around like the Mississippi River. If she was heading west or southwest, it's unlikely we'd be seeing her driving east. Not impossible, but not likely.

And the room looks cozy enough, with the fire in the fireplace. Living in Florida, I forget about things like that. Down here, a fire would just run up the cost of the air conditioning...

The Crack Emcee said...

I almost hate to say this, but that's exactly the picture I have of most bloggers:

Driving the newer (and unimaginative) VW, and sitting in cold, sterile environments, with that (also unimaginative) Pier One interior design - completely out of touch with the rest of us - getting kudos because we're reading their 60's-inspired ideas on "karma" and other Alice In Wonderland takes on reality. Really - I know it sounds like sour grapes but - who are you people and why are you (as unimaginative as you appear to be) entitled?

And, to those of you who think this is "good taste," head down to any mall in America and you can have it, too - cheap.

Fritz said...

I don't think she would be that mean to have a directional indicator the opposite direction. The grass and trees definitely indicate a south of Madison location.

MadisonMan said...

It's not Nashville, or anywhere in Kentucky. The sun is coming in the window and it's cloudy today in those states.

If I had to guess, I'd say somewhere near Bloomington, IN, or within 75 miles of Sandusky OH.

Trooper York said...

Well Simon what does the tracking device you put on the car tell you?

KCFleming said...

And, to those of you who think this is "good taste..."

I have never been accused of having good taste in my entire life.

Anonymous said...

Far from the hurly burly,
Untouched by the hoi polloi,
Smug in a silo of solitude,
With the fish-eye fully deployed.

knox said...

Pier One interior design - completely out of touch with the rest of us

Since when is Pier One decor a sign of entitlement or exclusivity? As if this roomo even looked like Pier One, which, wicker chair notwithstanding, it doesn't.

Crack, I always thought of you as having your finger on the pulse of interior decorating. I am disappointed.

DaLawGiver said...

For once I agree with ZPS, it's a very uncomfortable looking room. After you've finished a box or two of wine there are just too many sharp corners to smash your head on and that floor doesn't look like a place where you'd like to wake up. But on the other hand there are a lot of things you can throw out the window.

KCFleming said...

And the floor is too hard for falling on in a drunken heap.

But it would clean up the ralph nicely.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I think Trooper had it right. Althouse is getting comfortable in her new digs at the "Home" that also has a "Memory Wing" just in case.

Althouse's last blog post will read "Damn you forever Jac and the other son"!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

There is a "fire" tag..

Trooper York said...

It is better to taste good than to have good taste.

I recomend pineapple juice.

Your partner will thank you for it.

Just sayn'

traditionalguy said...

The plot deepens: On Friday the Thirteenth the innocent and carefree Little Anne from Althouse is in a strange location. Outside the Wolf-dog is finishing off the last visitor's organs. Innocent Little Anne thinks this is only sweet deer morsels. Inside the floors are obviously designed for hosing down the blood that drips from Morsels of the former guests. Outside the landscape looks to be setback from other community activities too far for any one to hear screams of victims. Inside Innocent Little Ann is all set up to interview the intriguing owner who has lured her there by telling her he is an expert Cereal Blogger, or was that Serial Flogger? Tune in tomorrow to see whether Innocent Little Ann has talked her assailant to sleep (she is good at this) and escaped, or has entered the food chain leaving behind only an unexplainable purpleness.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Oh.. right.. the fireplace...

It was Oliver Wendell Holmes birthday a week ago.

He was from Mass. Although Althouse did say she was not going to Boston.

Ralph L said...

But it would clean up the ralph nicely.
Ahem, I do not clean up nice. You should always speak to me on the big white phone.

Jeremy said...

I wouldn't say that this is where Althouse is blogging from, so much as it's where Althouse is "blogging" from.

Hey oh! Am I right? Huh?

KCFleming said...


Zachary Sire said...

If you're "blogging" from somewhere, doesn't that mean you should actually be, uh, "blogging"?

KLDAVIS said...

If I had to guess, I'd say somewhere past Cleveland...Ashtabula? Geneva?

Sandusky isn't quite 500 miles, if you take anything approximating a straight route.

Anonymous said...

My guess is Nashville. Will we ever learn the truth?

Does the Pineapple juice trick work? That would really spice up a Pina Colada!

I'm Full of Soup said...

I figured it out. Althouse is getting some pre-nuptial counseling and she is waiting for Meade to get there.

Methadras said...

Hmmm. This begs the question on whether Althouse has a boner for any of the commenters on this blog. I'm sure she does, but wouldn't dare say. The picture almost looks like an invitation of sorts. Hmmm...

traditionalguy said...

Five hours have passed without any Althouse Blog-mots. The clock is now fast approaching midnight on Friday the Thirteenth...and still no signs of internet life. We should not worry so much about her. After all she is 5 feet tall and weighs 100 pounds, so she can handle anything. We should just all go to bed. She'll be home in the morning safe and sound, wont she? How long before we should put out the Google Missing Blogger alert? Drudge is sure to put that story into his alarm flasher, and millions of internet geeks will start reporting Althouse sightings everywhere. Never mind, that is too cruel.

chickelit said...

This begs the question on whether Althouse has a boner for any of the commenters on this blog.

Is it just me, or is there something wrong with that sentence?

dbp said...

It would only be natural for Althouse to be pleased that so many gays, I mean guys, like her so much.

Graham Powell said...

You're blogging from Ikea?

Methadras said...

chickenlittle said...

This begs the question on whether Althouse has a boner for any of the commenters on this blog.

Is it just me, or is there something wrong with that sentence?

It's because I said boner isn't it?

chickelit said...

Interesting: I can see the blue painter's tape and drop cloth to the left of the second computer. This person is into DIY.

Jason (the commenter) said...

Is it just me, or is there something wrong with that sentence?

I think this is a better construction (changes in bold):

This begs the question of whether or not Althouse has a boner for any of the commenters on this blog.

blake said...

A fire? What's with you people! It's practically spring! We're readying the pool for swimming!

chickelit said...

@Methadras: Yes that's what I meant. I mean, women get boners too, but the word choice just seemed funny/wrong because it makes Althouse sound mannish. I should have used "funny" instead of "wrong". My bad.

What I read into the painter's tape is that somebody was very, very busy, right up to the last minute, getting this place ready for her. How sweet. I looks like really good workmanship too, whoever renovated the place (new construction usually doesn't need mousetraps).

David said...

It looks like the office for a very modern and stylish undertaker.

hdhouse said...


traditionalguy said...

David... You said an Undertaker's place. OMG should we organize the rescue mission right away? (What would Dr Scarpetta do now?) If you can hear us Professor, send a message that your captor will think is innocent, but we will understand. A Blogger sign like "Save Our Sweet-one" (SOS) embeded innocently in the next photograph you post.

David said...

Rescue mission?

In your dreams.

Althouse is not a damsel.

traditionalguy said...

David... OK, she's not a Damsel. But in my dreams she is a Dame. Besides, everybody needs a Guardian Angel at times. Or are you thinking a rescue team should be sent out to save Our Dame's friend. I suspect he is tough enough to survive Althouse's brainpowers.

David said...

A babe. Althouse is a babe. Also a great tease. A tease babe. With a brain. Tease-babe-brain. A formidable combination. Plus, she's tenured. Tenured-tease-brain-babe. Needs no rescue. Rescue the friend? The friend may need a rescue but he does not want a rescue. No chance for glory here. But you truly are a Traditional Guy.

dick said...

I'll guess the Univ of Cincy Law School. They have a fairly good one, especially on tax matters. And there are a couple of cool bloggers there as well, especially bizzy blog.

blake said...

Except that she'd tell us that, most likely.

former law student said...

partner desk

Not desky enough. My guess: In the old country kitchen tables come with silverware drawers -- makes setting the table a cinch. That sliding glass door fridge looks like the kind grocery stores keep near the registers for people who want to grab a coke. I would guess a 'lounge' in a moderne bed and breakfast, or some sort of staff room.

Freeman Hunt said...

I mean, women get boners too...

They did not have a mandatory health class at your high school alma mater, CL?

Why are all the pictures broken now?

blake said...

Pictures are showing up here fine, Freem.

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