March 2, 2009


... grovels.


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le Douanier said...

So, the BHO folks want to have Rush as the leader of the Rs.

And, occassionally an R tries to minimize the power of Rush on the R Party.

And then, the outspoken R must grovel to Rush.

The BHO folks are proved correct in the most effective way imaginable.

If Rs don't think they should distance themselves from Rush, they must not listen to his show. He says a lot of stuff that is pretty out there, and that's before the Ds take stuff out of context. It's like fish in a barrel.

JAL said...

How much have you listened to Limbaugh?

Just asking.

Zachary Sire said...

Hahaha. Imagine if while Bush was in power, Obama went apologizing to Michael Moore for something. Even liberals aren't stupid enough to pick someone as universally loathed as Limbaugh to lead their party. This is all so awesome.

Anonymous said...

Given how many Dems have posted on Daily Kos or appeared at a Kos convention...this is hardly relevant.

I anxiously await Obama to go to his old playbook and get Rush's divorce records unsealed and released to the public.

Beau said...

I anxiously await Obama to go to his old playbook and get Rush's divorce records unsealed and released to the public.

You mean there's more to know about Rush's proclivities? Hard to imagine but awesome.

le Douanier said...

A couple to three times a week.

Most recently I listened to the weekly recap thing they play on the weekend on my local AM station. But, I didn't listen today mostly because I knew the Steele stuff would be covered and I could not care less about that. Jabbering abut the so-called insult to Rush is boring to me, and Rush's response was too predictable.

I'm still waiting for someone to go back and dig up the tape of Rush saying "BHO hates America." Even in context this was over the top. Maybe the Ds are waiting to further cement Rush's leadership role before they bring out stuff like that.

And, BTW isn't it odd that the Ds didn't make any note of Rush's Magic song until it was officially tied to the R party? Seems like the Ds may have learned to avoid calling wolf. As soon as the Ds reach the maximum level of connecting Rush to the Rs I would expect some of Rush's "jems" to be rolled out when the Ds need to divert attention.

Michael Haz said...

I regularly listen to Rush Limbaugh. I don't always agree with what he says, but he is a consistent voice of conservatism, and not one who nuances his statements to match the ebb and flow of political whim.

Plus, on good days, he is wonderfully entertaining.

He did a few very big favors for Michael Steele when the Dems were running ads that contained false information against Steele. Steele should have remembered that before he said what he did.

Revenant said...

Limbaugh's response was absolutely perfect:

"I'm not in charge of the Republican Party, and I don't want to be. I would be embarrassed to say that I'm in charge of the Republican Party in the sad-sack state that it's in. If I were chairman of the Republican Party, given the state that it's in, I would quit. I might get out the hari-kari knife because I would have presided over a failure that is embarrassing to the Republicans and conservatives who have supported it and invested in it all these years."

That pretty much sums it up.

Revenant said...

Even liberals aren't stupid enough to pick someone as universally loathed as Limbaugh to lead their party.

Um, Michael Steele is the head of the party, little brain. Limbaugh has no role in the party, other than that a lot of Republicans listen to his show.

chuck b. said...

I just want to know why he wasn't wearing a tie for that speech.

Middle-aged fat men should not go around being photographed with an unbuttoned shirt like that. Ugh.


Zachary Sire said...

Um, Michael Steele is the head of the party, little brain.

Ha! Sure he is, fool.

TitusisCuddlingClumbers said...

I would imagine Rush Limbaugh is enjoying all of this. The Obama presidency seems to be a good thing for his profile and career.

traditionalguy said...

Rush is a human who is not perfect: He is bombastic, and has had a divorce, and has used Oxycoton drugs. That's not why the Dems are cranking up their Slander Teams. They fear Rush's tremendous communication skills and near perfect political analysis skills. Now everyone who wants Rush's image to quit embarrassing the Republicans so badly needs to start defending Palin and Jindal when they are portrayed as defectives and ridiculous pretenders. Do you want a two parties competing in our government or a ONE party permanent rule?

Revenant said...

The funny thing about this "Republicans follow Rush Limbaugh" meme is that Rush Limbaugh enjoys greater public approval than the actual Republican leadership does.

Ken Pidcock said...

Many years ago, Barney Frank observed that the reason conservatives command the American political conversation is that conservatives see every liberal as a potential convert while liberals see every other liberal as a potential heretic.

Any student of human nature would know that, some day, the tide would turn, and these stories confirm that.

As, by the way, does the Althouse commentariat. Are there any liberals here who feel they've been treated as potential converts?

save_the_rustbelt said...

I gave up Rush when he decided he was an intellectual instead of a clever showman.

I gave up the GOP when it was clear Bush was both incompetent and dishonest, and the Republicans in Congress were going to lick his boots anyway.

I'm certainly not going to become a Democrat, Pelosi and Reid give me hives.

So I guess I sit on the sidelines until sanity returns.

MadisonMan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MadisonMan said...

I don't listen to Rush, so I don't know if the characterization of Steele groveling is accurate, but if it is, I have to say the Republicans are in deep shit. Leaders of parties should lead, they should not grovel.

Having read the linked piece, though, I don't think it's fair to characterize it as groveling, just unnecessary apologizing. Steele should just tell Rush that he hopes his listener numbers and advertising revenues are up because of what he (Steele) said. My impression is that that is all Rush cares about.

garage mahal said...

The look on Limbaugh's sweating face on the podium at CPAC reminded me of a Tony Soprano in the last few episodes when he knew the gig was up, the halcyon days of hookers and easy money gone, barring some unforeseen undeserving miracle. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy!

UWS guy said...

Steven Colbert makes this point on Feb. 3rd interestingly...if you ignore the ad hom. against rush the point Colbert makes is right on.

Wince said...

Does anyone really think Team Obama's focus on Limbaugh reflects their success so far in office?

Chennaul said...

How many of Rush Limbaugh's listeners vote?

Seems to me he manufacturers malcontent and gives his listeners reasons to be angry, and excuses not to vote.

I am almost willing to bet that he is more of a dissuader than a persuader critique always being that much simpler.

Virginia said...

chuck b. said...

I just want to know why he wasn't wearing a tie for that speech.

Middle-aged fat men should not go around being photographed with an unbuttoned shirt like that. Ugh.
He's totally into pleasure, and such people don't much care for coat and ties. Their most comfortable position is on a beach chair, drink in hand and showing some chest hair. He was probably hoping to get laid that night.

His greatest danger is becoming too sybaritic (and sophisticated-sounding) in the eyes of his audience.

But yeah, right now, he is the voice of the opposition party, and members of the opposition party are afraid of him.

TMink said...

You liberal guys think 22 million listeners makes you universally despised?

Only an idiot cannot distinguish between an ideology he loathes and the popularity of a very public figure.

Or are you whistling past the graveyard?


Beth said...

They're always sorry. So sorry. I wonder how that works exactly, and who plays consigliere and makes the call. They're very effective, because it takes merely hours to go from "Rush doesn't speak for me" to "Ditto, Rush! Mega Dittos!"

Chennaul said...


Good question.

TMink said...

"Are there any liberals here who feel they've been treated as potential converts?"

Well, there is that time I asked Alphaliberal to accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior as a way to end racism.

That should count for something.


rcocean said...

Steele should be fired for stupidity. Why is the RNC Chairman on TV talking about Rush Limbaugh? Its not his job. He gave the Liberals exactly what they wanted.

He's not supposed to be a TV taking head. He's paid to raise money behind the scenes, recruit candidates, and help unify the party. We've had RNC party chairman come and go for 20 years, Steele is the first one to attack Limbaugh. Maybe, he should spend more time attacking the Democrats.

He didn't have to agree with Rush, just not attack him. Politics 101.

Donna B. said...

I'm on record various places around the 'net as having never been a Rush fan. Never. The only thing I've ever heard him say that made me laugh was when he was calling evolution a "theory that has never been proven".

In the '90s I saw Dems sporting bumper stickers reading "Flush Rush" and I think it's time for conservatives to start using them.

I just lost a ton of respect for Michael Steele.

Chennaul said...

Rush Limbaugh makes what?

I've heard $8 million.

Here's the only two donations he's made personally that i an find-

NEW YORK, NY 10121

Senate - VA

$1,000 general 11/02/94

NEW YORK, NY 10121

Christopher (Kit) Bond (R)
Senate - MO


primary 06/10/91

So grand total of $2,000 in almost two decades worth of time.

Roberto said...

Rush Limbaugh...2009...leader of the party.

Have the Republicans lost their minds??


Back in December 2007, Americans learned that then-head of the CIA's clandestine service Jose Rodriguez two years earlier ordered the destruction of at least two videotapes of detainee interrogations. Today, government lawyers revealed the number of tapes destroyed was much higher, totaling almost 100.

That shocking revelation prompts two questions. First is the issue of whether the videos might have revealed enhanced interrogation techniques constituting torture, actions which might have both jeopardized detainee prosecutions and led to legal action against CIA and Bush administration officials themselves. A second, less serious question goes out to conservative propagandists and Bush apologists: do you still believe Jose Rodriguez deserves a medal?

traditionalguy said...

Hating Rush for his personality is acceptible. He is only valuable for his calling what he sees quickly and accurately, like a good Umpire calling ball,strikes, and foul line calls.The resulting exposure of their plays gets players in the game mad at him. Right now Obama and Pelosi and friends do not want an honest call of the game. They have blown the attack whistle, and every issue now becomes How Bad a Man Rush is and how hated he is by everyone. Newt Gingrich enjoyed this kind of attention too. When will conservatives quit agreeing with these personal disqualifications of all of their Stars?

Roberto said...

madawaskan sare you daft?

Limbaugh is from a wealthy family was a DJ...and is NOW the VOICE of the the Republican Party??

Revenant said...

So sorry. I wonder how that works exactly, and who plays consigliere and makes the call.

I suspect it is more a matter of thinking "I can't believe I just said that out loud" and then hurrying to do some damage control. I'm inclined to think that his explanation is true, and he was trying to say that OTHER people thing Limbaugh's show is ugly.

One would hope Steele doesn't need a phone call explaining to him that helping Rahm Emmanuel with his talking points is not what Republicans elected him to do. :)

Roberto said...

Traditional Dolt - You are so fucking dumb it is almost entertaining.

"He is only valuable for his calling what he sees quickly and accurately, like a good Umpire calling ball,strikes, and foul line calls."

Yeah...thanks to Rush...we have a "good umpire."


somefeller said...

It's always funny when you hear conservatives talk about how Rush is just an entertainer, and that liberals who take what he says seriously just don't get it. Leaving aside the fact that such a statement is inconsistent with the argument (often given by the same people) that Rush is a fountainhead of great ideas that liberals are afraid to engage, it should be noted that people who are just entertainers usually don't get to be the keynote speaker at CPAC or get the head of a major political party to give a groveling apology to them. I guess now, even more than in previous years, Rush is the leader of the opposition.

Eli Blake said...


That is really, really interesting.

Rush talks all the time about candidates but he's never willing to put his wallet where his mouth is?

I once gave 20 bucks to Al Sharpton. Yes, you can laugh if you want. But proportionately that means I've probably given more than Rush (donations I've made to other candidates aside.)

Roberto said...

Eight of the top 10 pornography consuming states gave their electoral votes to John McCain in last year's presidential election.

Peter V. Bella said...

Even liberals aren't stupid enough to pick someone as universally loathed as Limbaugh to lead their party.

Universally loathed by who? The haters of free speech in the Democratic Party? The haters of free speech who call themselves liberal? The haters of free speech who would silence people like him and trash civil liberties?

I did not realize that "those" people were the universe.

Peter V. Bella said...

Even liberals are not stupid enough to pick Michael Moore for, well, gee, anything.

Peter V. Bella said... you still believe Jose Rodriguez deserves a medal?

Yes. Now what does this have to do with Steele, Limbaugh, or the Party of hatred- the Democrats.

Roberto said...

Peter V. Bella said..."Even liberals are not stupid enough to pick Michael Moore for, well, gee, anything."

What does Michael Moore have to do with this?

Are you drunk?

Michael Haz said...

A couple of quick points.

1. Rush is not a Republican. He is a conservative. He has never been a member of the Republican Party, and has frequently criticized Republican politicians including Bush I, Bush II and McCain when they take positions he disagrees with.

2. Rush is very generous, but does not often contribute to political campaigns. He has given millions of dollars to, and serves on the board of, a foundation that provides college scholarships for the sons and daughters of Navy and Marine personnel who die in the line of duty.

As any regular listener to his show knows, he frequently gives his callers cars, money, trips, computers, etc. he is very generous.

Revenant said...

It's always funny when you hear conservatives talk about how Rush is just an entertainer, and that liberals who take what he says seriously just don't get it.

I'm sure it is very funny indeed. But since neither Michael Steele nor any of the conservative posters in this thread said he was "just an entertainer" I'm not sure why you brought it up. Looking for a straw man to attack, I'd imagine.

Limbaugh is both an entertainer and a promoter of political ideas, like Michael Moore and soon-to-be Senator Al Franken in the Democratic Party. Being the one doesn't preclude being the other, obviously.

Roberto said...

And I'll bet 40% of the idiots here...are "dittoheads."

*Not that anybody listens to him...yeah.

Roberto said...

REV - "I'm sure it is very funny indeed. But since neither Michael Steele nor any of the conservative posters in this thread said he was "just an entertainer" I'm not sure why you brought it up."

Oh, RIGHT...this is a new concept to YOU.

As if you haven't read 100's of comments that say he is an "entertainer."

Lying is not good for the soul.

Revenant said...

Rush talks all the time about candidates but he's never willing to put his wallet where his mouth is?

Two points:

(1): He may be avoiding contributions for legal reasons. Broadcasters have gotten in trouble for using the airwaves to promote candidates they've given money to.

(2): His mouth is worth more than his wallet. That's why people pay him to talk. :)

somefeller said...

But since neither Michael Steele nor any of the conservative posters in this thread said he was "just an entertainer" I'm not sure why you brought it up. Looking for a straw man to attack, I'd imagine.

You are correct, none managed to say that in this thread, but I've certainly seen that said on other threads talking about Limbaugh, both here (that took all of two seconds of Google to find, and there's plenty more where that came from if you search for the terms "Rush Limbaugh" and entertainer) and elsewhere. It's not a strawman when the example in question doesn't turn up in one particular thread. And I suspect it would have come up sooner or later tonight, and still might. C'mon Revenant, I'd expect a much better line of attack than that from you.

TitusisCuddlingClumbers said...

What is CPAC? They just showed part of his speech on CNN. The crowd looks really young. Is this a young conservative group?

Roberto said...

Michael-Get-Your Head-Out-Of-Your-ASS:

"Rush is not a Republican. He is a conservative. He has never been a member of the Republican Party, and has frequently criticized Republican politicians including Bush I, Bush II and McCain when they take positions he disagrees with."

Can you name the last Democrat he voted for??

Rush grew up in a rural city in Missouri, belongs to an extremely wealthy REPUBLICAN family.

I suggest you read something before posting such drivel.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Has Obama's press secretary been instructed to make sure he attacks Rush at least once a month?

So far he is 2 for 2 and Obama has been in office less than 60 days.

Can we agree on one thing? It shows how insecure Obama is that his administration lackeys like Emanuel and Obama media suckups are attacking a radio show personality.

I guesss they can't defend the crappy Obama plans and programs so let's try and distract the public's focus by attacking straw man like Rush.

As Althouse would say, grow a set Obama & company. Show us why your plans make sense.

Unknown said...

somefeller: you might try that search again with the exact quote Revenant is claiming: "just an entertainer".

Unknown said...

Lying is not good for the soul.

Do you have any personal experience with having a soul?

somefeller said...

And while being an entertainer and a promoter of political ideas isn't inconsistent, it is inconsistent for people to say you should just take the joke and not get worked up about what he has to say because he's just an entertainer and then say he's a great source of ideas to whom attention must be paid. People on the left generally didn't say that about Michael Moore, or Al Franken after he began to run for office.

somefeller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Donna B. said...

"He is only valuable for his calling what he sees quickly and accurately, like a good Umpire calling ball,strikes, and foul line calls." -- traditional guy

He calls them quickly and predictably, but accurately? I don't see how as I believe he has no idea what his political and/or policy beliefs actually are.

He has always hurt the Republican/conservative brand. Always. And if he's got so many supporters in the party, enough that anyone would think of him as a leader, then I guess that makes the party shallow also, doesn't it?

traditionalguy said...

Michael... Thanks for the attention you are giving to me. Everytime you waste a comment on my personal defects you have missed out on another cheap shot at a Republican defect that has you so angry. In the movie Die Hard, John McClain's wife seeing the Austrian Terrorist's frustrated anger,turns and tells her friend that her husband must still be alive because,"Only John could get someone that angry."

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

For those of you in Rio Linda (like Michael) compare this speech with anything that Obama has said since becoming president.

Rush is always talking about the potential of people to be better, to pursue happiness.

Obama just talks doom and gloom all the time.

Unknown said...

mcg, that was just the first one that popped up on the search. There are plenty more that you can find along with that one, both here and elsewhere, but I don't feel like spending the night doing html links to blog comments.

You don't have to. Just fine one; you haven't yet. Again, Revenant is saying that neither Steele nor the posters here are claiming that Limbaugh is just an entertainer. That "just" is an important distinction, because without it your claims of inconsistency don't hold up.

somefeller said...

mcg, that was just the first one that popped up on the search phrase "entertainer". (I didn't make that clear on the first post, so I deleted that post.) There are plenty more that you can find along with that one, both here and elsewhere, but I don't feel like spending the night doing html links to blog comments. That would involve more time and effort than I think the subject is worth.

somefeller said...

Crap, I see mcg posted a response at the same time I deleted and revised my comment. No matter, because the point is the same. And limiting the phrase to the term "just an entertainer" is an exercise in semantics. The issue is how Limbaugh is commonly called an entertainer, when that suits some people to minimize what he is saying or to make it seem that those who are taking his words seriously are being overly earnest.

Unknown said...

No, it's not just semantics. In fact, if you do a proper search, one of the first things you come up with is an explanation of that very distinction from Ace of Spades:

2) Limbaugh is an entertainer. Not just an entertainer, of course, but he's appealing largely because he's so entertaining. And being entertaining often means making impolitic statements -- and not being gray, boring, bland, and inoffensive. Which is what most politicians and "serious" public intellectuals strive for. Again, I don't see the big deal on this. Part of what makes Rush listenable is that he's allowed to say things others in the public realm can't.

Roberto said...

AJ Lynch said..."Has Obama's press secretary been instructed to make sure he attacks Rush at least once a month?"

Hail Rush.


MCG: Are YOUR beliefs more relevant than mine?

You, being such a good Christian?

Unknown said...

Let's put it this way: could Obama ever get away with using the term "orgasmic" in a speech? :-) I think not. That Limbaugh is in part an entertainer and not a serious politician allows him to communicate his ideas with a kind of levity that is not possible otherwise, even if the ideas themselves are serious. And it gives those ideas wider audience because even people who disagree with him still listen.

I don't think conservatives use the entertainer label to minimize his impact; it helps explain it. But it also explains why he can say things that a serious politician cannot.

Unknown said...

MCG: Are YOUR beliefs more relevant than mine?


Henry said...

He's an entertaining straw man, apparently.

Roberto said...

MCG MR. CHRISTIAN...uses this as his proof?

"No, it's not just semantics. In fact, if you do a proper search, one of the first things you come up with is an explanation of that very distinction from Ace of Spades:"


One of the most right wing insanity sites on the internet?

Rove and Cheny busy??

Unknown said...

Besides, Michael, it's not a matter of belief. You accused Revenant of lying; that is false.

somefeller said...

mcg, it is semantics when the idea being stated is that Limbaugh is just an entertainer or even primarily an entertainer. The word string "just an entertainer" isn't the only way to express the concept. But let's turn the question around, are you or Revenant denying that the "hey, lighten up liberal Francis, he's just an entertainer" line of argument isn't used frequently by many of his supporters?

Unknown said...

Uh, Michael, if you want evidence of a right winger talking about Limbaugh's entertainer status, what do you expect me to do, go to Think Progress?

Does your mother know you're on the computer this late?

Roberto said...

I aksed mcg this: "Are YOUR beliefs more relevant than mine?"

His Christian response: "Yep."

What would Jesus say?


Unknown said...

But let's turn the question around, are you or Revenant denying that the "hey, lighten up liberal Francis, he's just an entertainer" line of argument isn't used frequently by many of his supporters?

Sure, I'm denying it. Revenant?

Roberto said...

MCG- You're just another right wing, far Christian right fool who doesn't read.

Your comments are always the same: YOUR opinions...regardless of any other.

That's the sign of a narrow, uneducated person who doesn't really care what anybody else has to say...or believes.

Unknown said...


Ouch, he got me! Michael, demonstrating any civility whatsoever to you long blew past the "casting pearls before swine" level. You deserve nothing but contempt in this audience.

somefeller said...

Sure, I'm denying it.

Well, with all due respect, you're denying something that is a real phenomenon, such as in the second link I provided. The facts go in another direction. And I need to go in the direction of my bedroom. Good night, all.

Roberto said...

MCG: You try to represent yourself as some kind of "Christian," yet you behave like a Cretin.

If you are indeed a Christian, act like one.

garage mahal said...

But let's turn the question around, are you or Revenant denying that the "hey, lighten up liberal Francis, he's just an entertainer" line of argument isn't used frequently by many of his supporters?

Only when he mocks people with horrible disorders or sings racist songs on the radio. Stuff like that he's an entertainer. Convenient ain't it?

Unknown said...

MCG: You try to represent yourself as some kind of "Christian," yet you behave like a Cretin.

Only to you, sweetie. Give us a big kiss.

If you are indeed a Christian, act like one

I am living His very words with you, Michael! Specifically there: “Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.”

Lari said...

I just happened to see Steele on CNN, which I loath to watch, while channel surfing and just happened to tune in to hear him say that Rush's show was "incendiary" and "ugly" and that was it for me. I always liked Steele but that was a dealbreaker...just another suckup to his liberal homies when he's around them apparently.

As someone who actually listens to Rush a couple of times a week I know who and what he is and it has absolutely nothing to do with the false characterization that the braindead left smear him with. The gall of the left calling Rush "hateful"??!! Talk about projection. The troll Michael on this blog displays more pure psychotic animosity in an average comment than you could ever hope to distill out of a year's worth of Rush's show. Give me a break.

I'm Full of Soup said...


If Rush does not know his own political views or opinions, he must be using a teleprompter [like Obama does] to do his 3-hour radio show five days a week.

Unknown said...

somefeller, I followed the second link but I am just not agreeing with your take on it. Here is a quote:

Look, Rush is an entertainer. He is the first to admit that. He is also highly intelligent. He speaks the truth, even if it's hard to hear. The rhetoric that he speaks hate couldn't be farther from the truth, and anyone who really listens to him knows that. On a personal level, he is far from perfect and he would also be the first to tell you that. Rush's gift is being able to put in simple terms how destructive liberalism is and how powerful and empowering conservatism is. That's the bottom line.

That just doesn't sound to me like someone who is trying to minimize the merit of his ideas. This person is making the same distinction that Ace of Spades was making above.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

So while the financial wealth and retirement of millions is flushed further down the toilet on a daily basis, all the media and Dems can focus on is attacking Rush Limbaugh and Bobby Jindahl? All this time and effort wasted on partisan search and destroy missions while the country bleeds to death. What a disgrace.

Roberto said...

MCG: You're not in the least a real Christian.

You talk the talk, but behave in an entirely different manner.

Whining and howling at me means nothing. I'm an atheist and don't buy into any of your false savior bullshit.

I suggest you take control of your life instead of relegating it to the whims of whatever religion your parents shoved down your throat.

*By the way, which God do you believe in? You probably don't know or understand this, but there are plenty of them.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Rush is the the epitome of the raconteur who was lucky enough to turn that wit, wry wisdom and and humor into a very well-paying gig.

Liberals resent and hate that about Rush and they hate him because they can't find anyone to match wits and radio ratings with Rush.

Unknown said...

Well, the apostle Paul did say that if the resurrection isn't true we believers are among the most miserable people on earth. So look at it this way, Michael, mocking you brings just a little bit of joy into my miserable existence. Consider me your little charity case, sweetie.

Revenant said...

You are correct, none managed to say that in this thread, but I've certainly seen that said on other threads talking about Limbaugh

Nice try. But you claimed that conservatives, including the ones who think he is a "fountain of great ideas", have said he is "just an entertainer". Finding people saying that he is "an entertainer" is easy, since it is an objective fact that he is one. But he is obviously more than just that. A Google search linking Rush to the phrase "just an entertainer" is very instructive; the phrase largely appears in left-wing sources. The top conservative hits are all to arguments that he's more than just an entertainer.

And I suspect it would have come up sooner or later tonight, and still might.

Well heck, I guess I can say you're an admitted sex offender. After all, you might admit to it eventually.

I'm confident that somewhere out in the world there exist people who claim Limbaugh is "just an entertainer" but nevertheless a "fountainhead of great ideas that liberals are afraid to engage", since with 300 million people in America you can find someone supporting any ridiculous position you can name. But don't try to act like it is some sort of common phenomenon, because that's just silly.

Freeman Hunt said...

You have to cut Michael some slack. His dinosaur has been acting lethargic and not eating much lately. Will barely allow Michael to saddle him even. Tough times for everyone's favorite troll.

Roberto said...

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said..."So while the financial wealth and retirement of millions is flushed further down the toilet on a daily basis..."

And how did we get her...assssshole?

Obama's been President for about a month.

YOUR gy ran the show for the last ueight years...remember??

DBrooks17 said...

This kills me. The Obama Administration is in the process of destroying the future wealth of this country, and that of its citizens, on a scale that is borderline incomprehensible, and all his supporters want to complain about is Rush Limbaugh. Rush is despised by the left because he has a huge audience to which he exposes the mental gymnastics required by the secular religion that is modern liberalism...period. If they truly thought he was an idiot, and damaging to the cause of Conservatism, why would they be complaining about him all the time? And why any of you here even respond to this moron Michael is beyond me. Why do you care what he thinks about anything?

Revenant said...

But let's turn the question around, are you or Revenant denying that the "hey, lighten up liberal Francis, he's just an entertainer" line of argument isn't used frequently by many of his supporters?

I don't see that we need to expend much energy denying it. Despite its supposed popularity, you haven't actually been able to find any examples of people using it. :)

Roberto said...

MCG : "Well, the apostle Paul did say..."

When did he say it, who heard it, and why did Well, the apostle Paul did say it take so fucking long to say it??

Freeman Hunt said...

And why any of you here even respond to this moron Michael is beyond me.

Hard to explain. Always entertaining, and if you keep at it, he'll always, without fail, eventually write something very very funny.

Michael said...

MCG : "Well, the apostle Paul did say..."

When did he say it, who heard it, and why did Well, the apostle Paul did say it take so fucking long to say it??

Okay I'll take a 7 year old girl

Roberto said...

DBrooks17 said..."This kills me. The Obama Administration is in the process of destroying the future wealth of this country, and that of its citizens, on a scale that is borderline incomprehensible, and all his supporters want to complain about is Rush Limbaugh."

And you base this on Obama's first 35 days as President?

Why not just kill yourself?

Roberto said...

Freeman Hunt said..."You have to cut Michael some slack. His dinosaur has been acting lethargic and not eating much lately."

Just for fun: Did humans roam the planets at the same time as dinosaurs?


Michael said...

Freeman Hunt said..."You have to cut Michael some slack. His dinosaur has been acting lethargic and not eating much lately."

Just for fun: Did humans roam the planets at the same time as dinosaurs?


Don't make me do my daughter again

Freeman Hunt said...

Did humans roam the planets at the same time as dinosaurs?

The planets? I dunno about the other ones...

Roberto said...

Rent "A Face In The Crowd"

Then get back to me.

Roberto said...

Freeman - Typos aside.

Do you?

Michael said...

Freeman - Typos aside.

Do you?

DO you have young girls?

Beth said...

I suspect it is more a matter of thinking "I can't believe I just said that out loud" and then hurrying to do some damage control.

I can't follow you there, Revenant. It happens EVERY time a conservative goes off the reservation and says anything even slightly negative about Rush. And thinking "I can't believe I just said that out loud" and doing damage control? That doesn't say much for the independence of conservative thinkers, does it?

Conservatism is a big old plantation and Rush is Big Daddy.

Freeman Hunt said...

Rent "A Face In The Crowd"

Then get back to me.

Does that go for all of us? If some of us live in the same town, there might not be enough copies? We should coordinate. Who goes to what rental store? Who has Netflix?

This is an important assignment. We must organize. We need a secretary. Volunteers?

Roberto said...

Beth - "Conservatism is a big old plantation and Rush is Big Daddy."

You got that right.

And just listen to the local field hands.

Freeman Hunt said...

Do you?

No. I do not take you to be my lawfully wedded husband. That's bad manners anyway. You never even properly proposed.

Roberto said...

Freeman, I realize you consider yourself to be quite the intellectual, but the film I suggested is quite relevant to this discussion.

You'd know that if you were half as smart as you think you are.

Freeman Hunt said...

Beth, I doubt that anyone has to "make the call" to Steele or any other Republican who criticizes Rush. I would think that enough run-of-the-mill conservatives would call offices to complain. Rush is a comedian, but many conservatives admire his ability to explain conservative ideology in a crisp and accessible way. Steele should not, in my opinion, have bad-mouthed him.

I do think it's quite possible that Steele's explanation is accurate though. It's easy to get caught up in words and not express exactly what you'd like.

Roberto said...

Freeman - You actually believe dinosaurs existed at the same time as humans.

I don't know why, but I thought even you were smarter than that.

Freeman Hunt said...

Freeman, I realize you consider yourself to be quite the intellectual, but the film I suggested is quite relevant to this discussion.

Film? The stuff in the canisters? My camera is digital.

Freeman Hunt said...

Freeman - You actually believe dinosaurs existed at the same time as humans.

I do? Who knew?

Roberto said...

Freeman: "Rush is a comedian, but many conservatives admire his ability to explain conservative ideology in a crisp and accessible way."

Oh, good lord...where do you come up with that insane drivel???

Rush explains things in a "crisp and accessible way"???

And you wonder why Obama kicked yor ass?????

Roberto said...

Freeman - Why not just admit it: You've never even heard of the film.

C'mon...just for honest.

I'm Full of Soup said...

The biggest celebrity libtards are Sean Penn, Sarandon, Garafolo, Michael Moore and Bill Maher.

Conservatives mock and laugh at their collective lack of knowledge and intelligence. Conservatives do not fear the power or influence of these d-bags.

Rush incites fear in libtards and in a sitting president and in high-ranking members of his administration!!! That is astounding and makes me wonder why?
What are they afraid of?

Beth said...

It's easy to get caught up in words and not express exactly what you'd like.

Yes, I'm sure Steele did exactly that. And Rep. Gingrey.

And now they're sorry. Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! I didn't mean it! Sorry, Rush!

No one in the GOP can bring himself to say "Rush is wrong" about anything, not without later being sorry, sorry, sorry.

Michael said...

Freeman - Why not just admit it: You've never even heard of the film.

C'mon...just for honest.

I'll start. The truth about me is that I have a small dick, and I can't help lusting after small girls, 8 to 9 years old. DO you have any daughters?

Peter V. Bella said...

I did not bring up the fat, ignorant slob from Michigan. If you could read, you would have seen one of your people did- you know the liberal haters who believe that hate is not a family value?

Freeman Hunt said...

Freeman - Why not just admit it: You've never even heard of the film.

No, I've heard of film. It comes with numbers on it like 100, 200, 400, 800, etc. But really, I don't know where you live, but it's not "the" film. Most stores have more than one roll. Everyone used to use it to take pictures on, so really there are probably hundreds of thousands, heck millions, of rolls out there.

Freeman Hunt said...

We'll have to talk more about dinosaurs later, Michael. I have to go to bed. I'm going to dream about dinosaurs on film. Night.

Roberto said...

Freeman, No, I'm sorry, but it is indeed a film.

Just as Citizen Kane and American Beauty are "films."

The fact that you don't know or understand the relevance of "A Face In The Crowd" has to this discussion makes you look rather shallow and uneducated.

Roberto said...

Peter V. Bella said..."Michael,
I did not bring up the fat, ignorant slob from Michigan."


No comprende.

Ann Althouse said...

I'm deleting the idiotic comments. Please don't respond to them.

Roberto said...

Ann: Can I assume you're referring to whoever usurped my moniker to disrupt the flow?

Ann Althouse said...

I'm deleting the stuff that relates to children, whoever it's from.

Michael said...

I guess I'll have to talk about sex with adults then.

But I don't, because I hate myself.

Roberto said...

I'll bet it's a regular.

Michael said...

Is sex with multiple wives okay?

Roberto said...

Ann: I love to start shit, but I have to say: You have some very strange people here.

Michael said...

Ann: So, it's okay if I say to someone, like above at 10:07 above,

Why not just kill yourself?

Tell people to kill themselves = good.

Talk about child sex = bad.

Got it!

Roberto said...

DBrooks: "This kills me. The Obama Administration is in the process of destroying the future wealth of this country, and that of its citizens, on a scale that is borderline incomprehensible, and all his supporters want to complain about is Rush Limbaugh."

Michael: "Why not just kill yourself?"



Roberto said...

Who is this idiot talking about "child sex" and why isn't everybody calling him or her out on it???

Michael said...

Because the child sex is rhetorical.


Michael said...

And sadly, no one calls me on it because, well, I am Michael, and everyone wishes I would go away.

DBrooks17 said...

Ann--FWIW, I am someone who used to comment here with some regularity. The inane and pervasive comments from Titus, Michael, and others like them who seem more interested in disrupting sober discourse than in adding anything substantive to the comments have basically driven me off. I still visit regularly, but usually just skip the comments when I see them hijacked. I know you have your reasons for allowing such comments to continue, but, personally, I think it is juvenile and unproductive. I know traffic is traffic, but--you deserve better, and it reflects poorly on your site. Of course, that's just my opinion.

Michael said...

But I don't go away, because I have deep, deep personal issues that prevent me from relating to people in a healthy normal way.

Also, I get my rocks off when anyone responds.

I'm Michael.

I'm pathetic.

sirpatrick said...

Ann Althouse said...
I'm deleting the idiotic comments. Please don't respond to them

GREAT..Start with the first one at the top of the column that started this Limbaugh bashing palooza..


Michael said...

The truth be told,

DBrooks17 is entirely correct.

This site would be so much better served if Ann didn't tolerate people like me, Michael.

But she has a secret why she allows me, Michael the hater of everyone, to continue undeleted.

And it's personal.

Michael said...

Here's part of the secret

(don't tell)

Ann knows who I am personally.


Anonymous said...

I have just read through bits and pieces of this thread. The leftists here strike me as a little silly. You vaunt that things have really, really changed. Yet here you are, vaunting that things have really, really changed.

Doesn't that strike you as odd behavior? I mean, if things had really changed, there would be no need for you to vaunt. You would just walk away victorious.

Again, 2010 is going to be a lot of fun.

Palladian said...

"Again, 2010 is going to be a lot of fun."

Not if the movie was any indication...

Roberto said...

DBrooks: "Ann--FWIW, I am someone who used to comment here with some regularity. The inane and pervasive comments from Titus, Michael, and others like them who seem more interested in disrupting sober discourse than in adding anything substantive to the comments have basically driven me off."

ANd of course YOU think this posting by YOU is not in the least "inane"???

DBrooks17 said..."This kills me. The Obama Administration is in the process of destroying the future wealth of this country, and that of its citizens, on a scale that is borderline incomprehensible, and all his supporters want to complain about is Rush Limbaugh."

To each his or her own, asshole.

You think Obama is failing, I think he deserves a chance.

Try being an American and support your President.

Brian said...

Liberals telling us not to listen to Rush or it will be the end of Republicans is a big laugher for me. If that were true, they would sit there and say nothing.

Rush's CPAC speech resonated with a lot of people, which is why it is getting so much play. I listened to it and it was great. Not even Obama could articulate the American ideal half as good as Rush, and the liberals know it.

Roberto said...

Seven: "You vaunt that things have really, really changed."

WHO does this?

All the Democrats, liberals Independents as is that you give our President some time.

He's held office for about 35 days.

Michael said...

Try being an American and support your President.

Did I really say that?

HA HA HA! Just kidding.

You all know how much I, Michael, supported the last President

Anonymous said...

Palladian -- Do you remember the "documentary" movie about Nostradamas? Wikipedia tells me it was from 1981.

I remember two things from it vividly: that the movie predicted that there would be a bunch of starvation later in the decade and that some dastardly guy from the Middle East would rise up and threaten a terrible war.

I remember no other prophecies. However, I always thought someone should do a semi-ironic article making a case about how prophetic the movie producers and writers were.

Michael said...

You guys will have to forgive me for being such an asshole to everyone.

But I like it!(I hate you all!)

Michael said...

Can I talk about animal sex?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Rush Limbaugh...2009...leader of the party.

Skipping to the end of the thread....

What does it take to get you "guys" to realize that Conservative does NOT equal Republican? Seriously. Buy a clue or better yet get Obama to give you one by taking the money from someone else who actually owns a clue and bought his own through his own hard work. You know. Spread the clues around.

Rush is not the 'leader' of the Republican party. In fact Rush represents the Conservatives that want to punch the Republican Party in the face.

I hang up on the RNC or yell at them (depending on how many cocktails I've had) and tell them until they kick some Repbulican ass and take some names, they will never ever have another dime from my pocket.

You liberals will never understand this because you all want to march to the same drummer, read from the same liitle red book and chant in unison.

Roberto said...

Brian said..."Liberals telling us not to listen to Rush or it will be the end of Republicans is a big laugher for me. If that were true, they would sit there and say nothing."

Not true.

If YOU want to listen to and follow the lead and words of Rush be it.

But keep in mind, we liberated Iraq so they could be a democratic society and that means respecting the results of democratic elections and their results.

That being the case, and based on the results of our own elections, what is the problem with giving or own new President a chance to succeed or fail? (Would YOU have afforded the Iraqi government 35 days to get things in order?)

Rush can say whatever he wants, but as most love to say: he's just an "entertainer" and that means he has nothing to lose by taking whatever stand he wants.

Our President represents America and has much more at stake.

Revenant said...

I can't follow you there, Revenant. It happens EVERY time a conservative goes off the reservation and says anything even slightly negative about Rush.

Could you name some examples?

And thinking "I can't believe I just said that out loud" and doing damage control? That doesn't say much for the independence of conservative thinkers, does it?

The correct term for speaking your mind without regard for the consequences is "unintelligent", not "independent". This is politics we're talking about.

The Democratic Party is currently mounting a coordinated attack on Limbaugh. Michael Steele, either accidentally or deliberately, publicly agreed with the Democrats' main accusation, namely that Limbaugh is a divisive figure who should not be listened to. Since it is an objective fact that most Republicans like Limbaugh and approve of what he says, this pretty much means that Steele just came out and claimed that, yep, Rahm Emmanuel's right, the Republicans really are following a hatemonger. Now even if that were true (which it isn't), it would still be a stupid thing for Steele to say in public. His job is to help the Republican Party win elections, not to help the Obama administration score points against it.

Anonymous said...

Michael had every right to criticize President Bush but we have no right to criticize President Obama.

This is one of my favorite of his "arguments." What has any of us done to make us remotely equal to Obama? Hilarious on so many levels. There is the quasi-religious angle: Let he is without sin cast the first stone. Michael is too stupid to see the parallel. There is the gross hypocrisy that allows these really dumb leftists to make such arguments now when, by their own admission, they had been bitching without end for eight straight years. It goes on.

As I have often said here, I wish I were a leftist much of the time because logical standards would not have to apply to my thinking and cause and effect would not have to apply to my economic or political views. A much easier life.

Cousin Bob said...

Seven vaunts. You vaunt. I vaunt

Vee all vaunt somethink.  Vhat I vaunt iss Obama's Plan should like a chom voik.

Vhat I expect iss Obama's Plan vill like Michael's stumpp voik.

Roberto said...

Dust Bunny says this...witht a straight face?

"You liberals will never understand this because you all want to march to the same drummer, read from the same liitle red book and chant in unison."

And you say this, in a thread relating to Rush Limbaugh...who regards his faithful followers as..."DITTOHEADS??"

Now THAT is funny.

Michael said...

Again, that being the case, and based on the results of our own elections, what is the problem with giving or own new President a chance to succeed or fail? (Would YOU have afforded the Iraqi government 35 days to get things in order?)

But in reality, everyone knows when I say this I'm just talking out of my ass.

I confess that I am a hypocrite. I never gave Bush a chance - partly because I whined about his not being a legitimate question.

But hey - I'm Michael!

Do as I command, not as I personally do, conservative wingnuts!

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Our President represents America and has much more at stake.

Correction.... your President.

Roberto said...

Seven Machos said..."Michael had every right to criticize President Bush but we have no right to criticize President Obama."

That's not true at all, you prick.

Obama's been President for 35 fucking days.

Bush was running the show for eight years.

If you think Bush did a good job of're one of the 25% of AMericans who do.

Anonymous said...

Back on topic, what the Democrats are doing is very much like the Republicans attempting to use scare tactics against Keith Olberman. That guy's fans would be livid in the event.

The difference, of course, is that Limbaugh's fan base is about -- off the top of my head -- 1000 percent of Olberman's. Do you think they will be livid? What will they do? How will they vote? How is this a political win for Obama, who promised such hope and change and unity?

Roberto said...

Dust Bunny - Are you saying Obama is not YOUR President?


Revenant said...

No one in the GOP can bring himself to say "Rush is wrong" about anything, not without later being sorry, sorry, sorry.

Well, what are they supposed to say he's wrong about? Seriously, Beth. Name a political position of Rush's that the Republican Party ought to condemn.

No, not a Democratic position you wish they'd adopt, like support for the pork package or unrestricted abortion or the like. A position that could plausibly be deemed conservative, which the Republican Party supports and Rush does not. I'd be willing to bet you can't name a single one.

The worst you can say about Limbaugh is that he says mean things about non-conservatives. Gasp!

Michael said...

Obama's been President for 35 fucking days.

Bush was running the show for eight years.

And I will worship Obama even if the country goes to hell.

(Have to go pretend Obama's giving me the big one tonight)

Michael said...

Obama's been President for 35 fucking days.

Hmmmmmm! I wish he was fucking me for 35 days.

Roberto said...

Every time I begin to think there might be someone on this site that has a fucking brain in their head...I find myself reading the kind of comments that appear here on this thread.

You people actually think Rush Limbaugh is speaking for Americans.

It's pitiful.

Michael said...

Sorry I seem so schizoid tonight.

Wait, No I don't!

Where's the meds?

Anonymous said...

Beth sets up a bogeyman of Rush Limbaugh. It is one of her faults. She doesn't understand his conservative populism and, in fact, cringes at it because she is educated and does not want the hoi polloi to be thinking for the plantation.

Of course, Beth's plantation is not a racist plantation where people are subjugated. No, no. It's a peaceful place where she and her brilliant fellow professors will care for the stupid and menial people using their awesome brain power. Much like East Germanyor any other feudal state.

Michael said...

I've hated you all forever.

I'm Michael,and I approved this message

William said...

I think the backstory more than the story of A Face in the Crowd is illustrative of the liberal mind set. If I remember correctly, it was about a radio personality who used his winning ways to manipulate the masses. I have a vague memory that it made him out to be some kind of populist/fascist--half Arthur Godfrey/half Fr. Coughlin. It was a very good movie.....The movie was directed by Elia Kazan. Elia Kazan had been for a brief time in the thirties a Communist. When he was called upon to testify before HUAC he named names. He felt no obligation to protect the identities of people he barely knew and who were liars who believed that the US goverment should be forcibly overthrown. Although Hollywood leftists felt that Communists should be respected for their principles, they felt that anti-Communists deserved no such respect. They heaped coals of fire upon Kazan's head.....In A Face in the Crowd, Kazan presented the leftist view that a successful right wing entertainer has to be some kind of cynical manipulator. In his own life, Kazan was never able to sell the idead that he did what he did as a matter of principle and not as a matter of careerism. He was a victim of a mind set that he had helped to establish.

Michael said...

The fact that all you Rush loving wingnuts want to see me go away doesn't bother me in the least.I don't have a fucking brain in my head.

Besides, the girl from downstairs is spending the night.

I'm just saying.

Michael said...

"Kazan was never able to sell the idead that he did what he did as a matter of principle"

That's because he became a wingnut, and liberals like me have no moral compass, so we can say whatever and do whatever we want. They don't have to connect.

Because I worship Obama and you are a wingnut.

Unknown said...

Bush didn't get one day to prove himself, much less 35 days. Anyone who watched Fahrenheit 9/11 knows that.

Beth said...

Well, what are they supposed to say he's wrong about? Seriously, Beth. Name a political position of Rush's that the Republican Party ought to condemn.

He's right about everything, obviously. That's why his listeners all say Ditto, Rush!

He's the only person on the planet completely correct about all his opinions. All of them.

But you're trying to change the subject - which is the cringing obsequiousness of GOP public officials to Rush. No one's allowed to disagree with Rush, not with his positions, and certainly not with his style. Not without being very sorry, in public, and quickly.

Anonymous said...

Beth -- What was the substantive policy issue being disagreed about between Limbaugh and Steele?

Don't think too hard. It's a trick question.

Beth said...

Beth sets up a bogeyman of Rush Limbaugh.

Nope. Rush isn't a bogeyman. The bowing and scraping is the bogeyman. And if you seriously want to talk up populism as a good thing, please do. I see you Rush and raise you Huey and Uncle Earl, and I'll throw in Edwin Edwards for fun.

And, as expected, a conservative goes after education. On the one hand, they adore that boy genius Bobbby Jindal. But I'm a pointy-headed intellectual who doesn't get "the people." That's populism, folks.

I'm a feminazi, too - don't forget that one!

Beth said...

Beth sets up a bogeyman of Rush Limbaugh.

Nope. Rush isn't a bogeyman. The bowing and scraping is the bogeyman. And if you seriously want to talk up populism as a good thing, please do. I see you Rush and raise you Huey and Uncle Earl, and I'll throw in Edwin Edwards for fun.

And, as expected, a conservative goes after education. On the one hand, they adore that boy genius Bobbby Jindal. But I'm a pointy-headed intellectual who doesn't get "the people." That's populism, folks.

I'm a feminazi, too - don't forget that one!

Roberto said...

William: "In A Face in the Crowd, Kazan presented the leftist view that a successful right wing entertainer has to be some kind of cynical manipulator."

That's not even close.

The film is based on a short called "The Arkansas Traveler" by Budd Schulberg.

It has little if anything to do with left or right politics, but more importantly about the dangerous power of modern media.

Why not rent and watch the thing before saying things that make no sense?

Beth said...

Steele said something honest about the tone of Rush's radio show. But that's not allowed. Now he's sorry. You can't counter that fact, so now you want to talk substance. I'm fine with agreeing that Rush is, substantively, what conservatism is all about. And you're welcome to it. Ditto away.

Michael said...

Why not rent and watch the thing before saying things that make no sense?

Actually you did make sense.

I'm Michael, and I'm just talking out of my ass.

Anonymous said...

Whoever said I like Jindal? I don't know the first thing about him. If he's an egghead like you who doesn't trust people to govern themselves or spend their own money freely, then we shall have no political truck with each other, he and I.

As for populism, you aren't a genuine populist if you are totally and completely corrupt and you lie all the time. Therefore, all the people you named and, in fact, virtually every meaningful Louisiana politician cannot possibly be called a populist.

Donna B. said...

"If Rush does not know his own political views or opinions, he must be using a teleprompter [like Obama does] to do his 3-hour radio show five days a week." --AJ Lynch

Rush knows how he feels for sure, and he's able to tether those ideas to what he calls conservative values, but they are really right-wing Christian ideas and values.

So much of what he calls conservative political ideas are things that don't belong in politics at all, especially religion.

The last time I heard him speak (about an hour of his radio show, I was a passenger in someone else's car)... he was flaying Darwin and pushing for the teaching of creation mythology in schools in science classes.

Bobby Jindal and Sarah Palin apparently have this belief in creation problem too, though they have shown by actual inaction that they do not PUSH it. Their worst 'sin' is allowing it.

Roberto said...

If so many here consider themselves to be independent, open-minded people...why do you not mind being referred to as "dittoheads" by Rush??

Doesn't say much for independent thinking does it?

Michael said...

If so many here consider themselves to be independent, open-minded people...why do you not mind being referred to as "dittoheads" by Rush??

Doesn't say much for independent thinking does it?

But how would I know that?

I'm Michael after all. I do my thinking with my dick hard, so really there's no blood left for my brain after that 5 inch tool gets going.

I plan to shoot my juice all over the Obama poster in my bedroom. The one surrounded by candles, where my wife is already face down singing.

Anonymous said...

How the world was created does not matter any more than how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.

And Limbaugh is a libertarian at heart. You can tell by his own personal lifestyle. That's not a condemnation. I am a libertarian at heart myself.

Beth said...

If he's an egghead like you who doesn't trust people to govern themselves or spend their own money freely

What do you mean by "doesn't trust people to govern themselves"? Do you seriously think I oppose our right to vote and to participate in our government? Or do you advocate no government?

And are you seriously going to argue that Republicans, and conservatives, don't spend our tax dollars, and happily? The only reason the GOP is voting "no" on everything right now is because they're not in charge of the spending.

TexasJew said...

Rush Limbaugh can communicate better than anyone else these days, in particular a certain flailing Leftist who resides at the White House and who gives long-winded speeches about an economy and free market system that is as foreign to him as quantum physics is to a Louisiana possum.

Darrencardinal said...

To the guy posting about Limbaugh giving money:

First, Rush does not make $8 million a year, it is more like $35 million.

And he does give, he is well known for going to restaurants and leaving $5000 tips.

Also, he gave $1.1 million to the marine corps law enforcement foundation, in the episode where he made "dingy" Harry Reid look like an ass with the letter Reid had written.
He also does a lot of other giving that he does not speak much about.

Roberto said...

I hate to ask, but does anybody else think this strange creature using my moniker to post even stranger a little more than...creepy?

In a bad way?

Michael said...

TexasJew:"Rush Limbaugh can communicate better than anyone else these days, in particular a certain flailing Leftist who resides at the White House and who gives long-winded speeches about an economy and free market system that is as foreign to him as quantum physics is to a Louisiana possum."

Ha HA, you got that right.

Wait a minute, I'm Michael. I hate the Jews.

JSF said...


Those comments are no different then the ones you make to those you disagree with.

Don't you love Karma?

Anonymous said...

Beth, if you are for higher taxes, you are not for people spending their own money freely. Money don't work that way.

As for the rest of your post, I agree wholeheartedly and will go further: the reason Republicans got their asses handed to then in 2006 and 2008 is because they utterly abandoned small-government principles, localized government and other federalist principles, and basic fiscal common sense.

Bill Clinton in 1995 was much more conservative than any of those people and they lost their jobs.

Obama's lurch further to the left won't sit well culturally with these same voters. The economic calamities will speak all too eloquently for themselves.

Michael said...

I hate to ask, but does anybody else think this strange creature using my moniker to post even stranger a little more than...creepy?

In a bad way?


Just kidding.

I've treated all of you Althouse wingnuts for shit for so long.

Please come to my defense so I can keep calling shit down on you idiots, like telling you to think about killing yourselves.

Yep, help me out, guys


Roberto said...


"Rush Limbaugh can communicate better than anyone else these days, in particular a certain flailing Leftist who resides at the White House and who gives long-winded speeches about an economy and free market system that is as foreign to him as quantum physics is to a Louisiana possum."

And with that...good night...and...GFL.

Roberto said...

JSF - Which comments?

Anonymous said...

Darren -- I love how the leftist's view of giving is utterly and completely limited to political campaigns. Speaks volumes about the perverse mindset, doesn't it?

Roberto said...

JSF - Oh, and I don't believe in Karma.

And you don't either.

Michael said...

JSF - Which comments?

C'mon you wingnut asshole - what'd I say?

If you can't answer me, you wingnut, then you aren't my friend anymore.

I might just have to ask you to think about killing yourself, like I did DBrooks17 at 10:07 above.

Don't make me . . . wait, the neighbor girl is here.

JSF said...


I'm sure that you can find TWO comments throughout the Althouesphere that were not deragatory to president Bush or his supporters between 2003 - 2007/

Oh, right! You didn't look for them because you were not civil to President Bush.

Find me TWO comments that showed how civil you were to President Bush and I will send $50 through PayPal. If you can't find any, then anyone making fun of in the right.

Karma, baby.

Michael said...

Damn! I just shot my load before I made it to the Obama poster.

Michael said...

Two comments?

uh, uh ,uh UH UH UH O GOD O GOD . . .

Roberto said...

JSF - My comment regarding this strange person's comments have nothing to do with Bush or Obama or anything I may have said about either.

When people post comments relating to "sex with small children" I find it creepy.

If you don't I feel sorry for you.

Anonymous said...

It's not Michael has ever said "Blow me" -- and without eloquence as well -- or been a total and complete jerk.

Althouse threads aren't filled with that.

Michael said...


You said 50 dollars?

Michael said...

When people post comments relating to "sex with small children" I find it creepy.

(Wink, wink)

If you don't I feel sorry for you.

(wink, wink - send me your email and I'll send you some great stuff)

JSF said...



You don't like these things about you being published, try another tactic when talking of people you oppose.

It is not rocket science.

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