March 19, 2009

"Somebody said that we're not in President Obama's Final Four..."

"... and as much as I respect what he's doing, really, the economy is something that he should focus on, probably more than the brackets."


traditionalguy said...

Doesn't Coach K know the rule about white boys trying to jump?

hdhouse said...

didit didit didit... Krzyzewski should worry about his team more than the economics...although Mr. Obama must be particularly threatening to his lifestyle with his $1.5 salary base and God knows how much more in endorsements....this will be a Rush talking point and a breaking news story on Faux News by noon.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

So, hdhouse, laymen can only worry about the economy when it is to praise The Dear Leader (PBUH)? All other opinions should be outlawed. Right?

Did you listen to the fart jokes on The Prairie Home Companion this past saturday? I thought they were brilliant. Toodles!

Bissage said...

The rumors are probably false that President Obama is learning to play the fiddle.

Sofa King said...

Krzyzewski should worry about his team more than the economics...

That doesn't even make any sense. The only thing he said about the economy was that someone who is not himself and whose job it is to worry about it, should worry about it instead of worrying about him.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Oh, yeah, and Faux only sounds like Fox if you mispronounce it. I am shocked that such a brilliant person like you wouldn't realize that! You are making the party faithful look dumb. Get with the program, comrade!

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

hdhouse said...
[...]although Mr. Obama must be particularly threatening to his lifestyle with his $1.5 salary base and God knows how much more in endorsements....(sic) [...]9:14 AM

Exactly why is that?

Peter V. Bella said...

I wonder if the Messiah has appointed an official White House Bookie and if that is a cabinet position. Next, the Savior will pick give out what he thinks are the winning numbers. Maybe there will be an official numbers bank in the White House too.

Who gives a rat's ass what his final four brackets or picks are. This is what our government has descended to- the personality cult of an empty headed celebrity.

The guy is smoove, sawvey, and deboner; so hey, everything he does is great.

TitusMyLipchins said...

I pinched my morning loaf today and it was more like a bisque. Very rich and creamy.

Anonymous said...

After going line-by-line through every bill that's before congress, I'm glad he has the time to analyze the field and make picks.

When he's on Leno maybe he can give us his American Idol predictions.

Invisible Man said...

I wonder if the Messiah has appointed an official White House Bookie and if that is a cabinet position. Next, the Savior will pick give out what he thinks are the winning numbers. Maybe there will be an official numbers bank in the White House too.

Who gives a rat's ass what his final four brackets or picks are. This is what our government has descended to- the personality cult of an empty headed celebrity.

The guy is smoove, sawvey, and deboner; so hey, everything he does is great.


TosaGuy said...

"The problem with Oklahoma, they have the player of the year, but they play like, seven guys," Obama said. "I think you start getting worn down."

Maybe he actually means this:

"The problem with the Treasury Dept, they have Tim Geithner, but they have like, no other guys," Obama said. "I think you start getting worn down."

traditionalguy said...

Take heart basketball fans. Obama's cap and trade for picking all winners is not yet enacted by Congress. This year's winner will be the Winner, not a Chicago Pol smiling and saying sweet things while he steals the trophy.

Chris said...

I don't think it makes sense for someone unhappy about Obama's picks to say that Obama's paying too much time on the bracket. K should say, "Well, Obama's a busy guy, and his poorly-done bracket reflects how little time he was able to give to it."

David J. Backes said...

Given what he's doing to our economic future, I'd rather have him focus on basketball.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Chris, there is no Verbal Gymnastics World Championship...

Big Mike said...

When does the guy plan to stop campaigning and start being President? This is the sort of thing a candidate would say, not a President. In The Glory and the Dream historian William Manchester writes about how JFK understood the need to be seen as a President, vice candidate, as early as possible. Barack Obama doesn't get this. Perhaps they didn't teach American History at Columbia?

BTW, it's by no means clear that the Tar Heels will even make it out of their region, particularly if Ty Lawson is still less than 100%. I look to the winner of the Oklahoma-Clemson matchup to win the South region.

Beta Conservative said...

The Coach should know that Obama's teleprompter picked Duke to win it all.

The Dude said...

I know for a fact that Coach K earns more than a dollar and a half a year, with or without bonuses.

And Obama loves him some b-ball, right?

Anonymous said...

This from a man who takes what should be pronounced 'Cry shoof ski' and renders it 'Shi shefs ski'.

This from a man who pales in comparison to the demi-god Dean Smith. Who pronounces it 'Smith'.

BJK said...

For the record, Obama picked FSU over Wisconsin in the first round.

...if only that were my biggest problem with the current administration.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Coach K sounds like he took a big bath in the stock market. Poor baby.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Economy? What me worry? Timmy Geithner's on the job baby. Best damn Treasury Secretary since Alexander Hamilton don't ya know. Now listen up sweetie, no more concerns about the economy. Just let me eat my waffle and work on my brackets.

You betcha

Paddy O said...

Maybe making tournament picks is the way Obama is focusing on the economy.

Winning a pool can bring in a lot of cash.

MadisonMan said...

It mystifies me that someone on Obama's team thought this was a good idea.

Automatic_Wing said...

Just let the man eat his waffle and fill out his basketball pool.

jayne_cobb said...

Between this and Leno I can't help but think that a great many people are muttering something similar.

TitusMyLipchins said...

Bisque people Bisque, not a loaf today. Focus.

Parker Smith said...

My worry is who did the Chinese pick?

We're in trouble if they win the pool...

Mark said...

"It mystifies me that someone on Obama's team thought this was a good idea."

In the best light, I see the current Administration's Celebrity Circus Strategy as a massive over correction of the previous Administration's Versailles Strategy; one of the job's responsibilities is to be charismatic. Obama wants to be a rock star; Bush never did, even though the best politicians have to be able to turn that on when they need it.

But I really can't shake the feeling that Obama thinks that's the only thing he has to do, and that no one on his team has the cojones to tell him those fine clothes are starting to look mighty sheer, if you know what I mean.

Anonymous said...

Madison Man -- It's getting to be hilarious. It's like the band that was the coolest band in the world waking up to find that it is no longer very cool, but it's so used to the adulation that it can no longer process objectively.

That's right. Obama = U2.

OSweet said...


And I should focus on my crap marriage instead of going out drinking with the boys.

David said...

Nah--go drinking. Let some other guy focus on your marriage.

Cedarford said...

Coach K's comment has impact...well..because it is the Duke Coach speaking. But Mike Krzyzewski is in the same idiot trap as those who lectured Clinton and Bush II that they have "no right" to ride an exercise bike, take a vacation, watch a sporting event, or greet 4-H Winners from Iowa, or even to opine on other matters while

1. Babies are being slaughtered in abortion clinics.
2. "Our Hero" troops are dying and getting wounded in some butthole country overseas.
3. The President is failing to "do something to cure the fact" that AIDs continues to spread in reckless homos and promiscuous, IV drug using blacks.
4. Or "people are hurting, somewhere".
5. The nation is in mourning over Natasha Richardson.

Shuttup Coach K.
Notice you didn't call for your "trivial in context of the economic catastrophe" basketball team to suspend their season and refund part of Duke's 44,000 annual tuition so players could run several food kitchens for seniors with their 401Ks wiped out.

Anonymous said...

Cedarford -- Plus, doesn't Coach K. look kind of Jewish?

Hoosier Daddy said...

That's right. Obama = U2.

More like KC and the Sunshine Band.

David said...

Obama, at least since high school, as been cool. He was surfer dude-hipster-Barry Obomber in high school. He was so cool at Occidental he did not fit in with the paleface yuppies. Very Cool at Columbia, where he inhaled New York street and club life without making any impression whatsoever on anyone at Columbia. (Check out the photo session with the smoke wreaths.) Supercool as a semiradical organizer stikin' it to da man, way cool at Harvard, where he rose above the petty ideological bickering and let Harvard feel great about itself by becoming chief elitist at the Law Review, outasight cool back in Hyde Park with Bill Ayers and the white whine crowd, national cool as a Senator and Presidential candidate and historically, epochally cool as the first half African American to become the President.

It's been a long time since anyone (except probably Michelle) has told him that he's uncool and what he's doing is very uncool and he'd better shape up.

What a shock it must be for him to be President and find that the multitudes are becoming skeptical.

Anonymous said...

Limp Bizkit.

kjbe said...

Obama's bracket is actually pretty conservative. He'll never win a pool with that. And btw, it only takes a few minutes to fill one out.

As for Coach K, I see plenty of extra time for golf after this weekend.

patriarchal landmine said...

obama, soon to be the worst US president since Carter

From Inwood said...

I think the The One's teleprompter had him saying to Joe The Plumber:

"... and as much as I respect what he's doing, really, the plumbing is something that he should focus on, probably more than the economy."

This was considered a brilliant reply by The One. And all the Kings Horses Asses went forth & spread the word to the faithful MSM, & therefore the word went forth & it was repeated ‘til it became Revealed Truth.

In the beginning was the Word. And all basketball brackets were made through him and without him was made nothing that has been made. In him was The Final Four and they saith “My Lord thou knowest".

jeff said...

Shuttup Coach K.
Notice you didn't call for your "trivial in context of the economic catastrophe" basketball team to suspend their season and refund part of Duke's 44,000 annual tuition so players could run several food kitchens for seniors with their 401Ks wiped out."

Good point. The people that work parking, concessions, make the food, stock the food, deliver the food, the beer, the drinks, make the souvenirs, provide security, clean the building, work the businesses close to the arena, etc etc etc wont mind suffering a little bit so that Cederfords brilliant idea of suspending the season to make a point about the economy. Next, maybe we can raise the taxes on luxury yachts and make tons of money off of those evil rich. What could possibly go wrong with that idea?

submandave said...

C'ford's silly jibe at Duke and the idea that for the "basketball team to suspend their season and refund part of Duke's 44,000 annual tuition" constitutes a constructive idea is very revealing. It takes the same myopic idea of financial independence to ignore the enormous industry and job structure that is supported by that 44,000 tuition to ignore the fact that if it weren't for those "evil rich guys" hiring folks to work in their companies things would be even worse.

But hey, go ahead and milk the "rich" for a few extra tax $$ atthe expense of business growth, kill that goose for the eggs you believe are still inside because, after all, "we won."

jeff said...

Oh, and I hate Duke. Kansas is my team.

MadisonMan said...

That's the way (uh-huh, uh-huh) I like it (Uh-huh).

Kurt said...

Great comment, Bissage!

Cedarford said...

Seven Machos said...
Cedarford -- Plus, doesn't Coach K. look kind of Jewish

Amazing how some Israel 1st ball lickers try and see any issue as somehow being all about Israel and the Jews.


Jeff - You completely miss it. Coach K lecturing Obama that his entertainment watching basketball is a trivial luxury when all he should do is don a hairshirt and deal with malaise is a little rich. What sacrifice is Coach K and his Team making? Your point seems to be that self-indulgent luxuries like yachts, Coach K's 1.5 million dollar salary are wonderful because they create jobs. So your position really should be that Coach K is wrong because it is wonderful that rich important guys like Obama are basketball fans and boosters and create all those splendid bookie, popcorn seller, parking lot attendent, and ad executive jobs that produce the revenue that Coach K gets a cut of.

Anonymous said...

Cedarford -- Perhaps if you didn't rant against Jewish people and Israel so much you wouldn't be known as that guy here who rants against Jewish people and Israel.

Reminds me of a joke. Two guys are sitting in a bar. One says to the other one, "Look at that horrifically ugly guy back by the pool table."

Other guy says, "Yeah. He gets laid by beautiful women every single night."

First guy says, "Really? No way! How?"

Other guy says, "I don't know. All he does is sit back there and lick his brows."

Hoosier Daddy said...

Amazing how some Israel 1st ball lickers try and see any issue as somehow being all about Israel and the Jews.

Am I the only one stunned by the irony of this comment?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Do a little dance. Make a little love. Get down tonight.

Get down get down get down tonight baaabeee.

jeff said...

I missed the point? Please. You couldnt find the point with a flashlight, a dog and a map. And (just for you) a Jewish guy.

"So your position really should be that Coach K is wrong because it is wonderful that rich important guys like Obama are basketball fans and boosters and create all those splendid bookie, popcorn seller, parking lot attendent, and ad executive jobs that produce the revenue that Coach K gets a cut of."

Yeah. THAT'S my position. Because those jobs will always be there, with or without Coach K. Why, we could fire him tomorrow, promote the waterboy for far less money and the revenue will continue to just roll in.

And I dont think Coach K is "lecturing" anyone. He is making the common sense point that the President of The United States should be worrying more about the economy than the NCAA. After all, we are in the most dangerous recession ever, just ask Obama. (back when he wanted to get his porkfest bill passed). And clearly it isnt just the NCAA brackets. Maybe a little more time in the office, a few less parties and late night tv show appearances.

OTOH, maybe we should encourage him to do more of those things and less screwing around with Presidential things. Can I get a button with "overcharge" on it? Whoops, I mean reset.

XWL said...

The real problem with Obama's picks, isn't there existence, it's how boringly pedestrian they are.

Big surprise, pick three #1s, and one #2 to make the Final Four, and in the Sweet 16 he has no worse than a #5 seed advancing, that's showing a remarkable lack of audacity, if you ask me.

Also, he's seriously anti-Pac10 (he has only Washington making past the first round, and he has them losing to Purdue in the second).

What does his brother-in-law have to say about all this hating so hard on the Pac10?

(my picks, have audacity out the yin-yang)

Fen said...

So, hdhouse, laymen can only worry about the economy when it is to praise The Dear Leader (PBUH)? All other opinions should be outlawed. Right?

Hey now, be nice to hdhouse, we know his measure - he'll be the punk on the street corner sporting his ACORN armband, beating up shopkeepers who refuse to put Our Leader's poster in the window.

Issob Morocco said...

Very interesting delve into the One's personality. He was very adept at knowing key players' names and coaches for teams. It was all very natural and one could certainly see a passion about what he was doing.

Now, when needing to discuss economic issues or foreign policy or any issue outside of campaigning, why don't we see that same passion and knowledge? My guess is that he isn't passionate because he doesn't really care. He play acts his way as President.

Bad timing to look so much like one of us, when we are really focused on making ends meet not making the final four.

Shanna said...

I can't believe the SEC is nowhere this year. That's going to make March way less fun.

MadisonMan said...

By the way, I'll show you all my picks in a couple weeks. I usually do REALLY well!

Kurt said...

I'd say the SEC has been nowhere for a while. I think they've just been watching basketball when they should have been paying attention to corporate filings.

Oh, right. Different SEC.

EnigmatiCore said...

"although Mr. Obama must be particularly threatening to his lifestyle with his $1.5 salary base and God knows how much more in endorsements"

Actually, I bet the poor are significantly more at risk of having their lives disrupted by the economy tanking than the wealthy are.

Despite the class-warfare fantasies of the rabid left.

Big Mike said...

@MadisonMan, who do you have in the South? Not the Zags, please not the Zags.

@Issob I think you get my point. I've got nothing against a president relaxing -- not for nothing is it called the toughest job in the world -- but announcing your bracket picks in a press conference is the kind of crowd-pleasing stunt you do as a candidate. The President is supposed to have a bit more gravitas. So far the guy doesn't get it.

Greg Toombs said...

Hey! The Holy D'ohBAMA went through the bracket line-by-line.

So there's that.

Of course the 'stimulus' bill and the 9,000 earmark Omnibus bill were another story. -sigh-

(BTW, "rich" people are not allowed to voice an opinion in D'ohBAMA World.)

And BHO's personal bodyguard, Reggie Love ('05), played for Coach K at Duke.

Anonymous said...

Milli Vanilli.

traditionalguy said...

Coach K is from the old school of Bobby Knight and West Point. They insist on seeing what is literally real, and they intentionally fail to teach young men how to bow down to the latest basketball myths. Coach K is dull and un-entertaining, especially when under consideration by an American Idol President. But Coach K does teache his players real survival skills, instead of con-men skills of a Great Politboro Leader using a smiling Teleprompter read speech.

JAL said...

Tarheels fan much, Helen?

Issob Morocco said...

Michigan State.

JAL said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JAL said...

JAL said...
You know. I am tired of people sniping about how much other people make.

I don't make squat. But I have no problem with Duke paying Coach K whatever they pay him if that's what Duke, a private school, chooses to do, however they choose to do it.

News flash: It is not evil to be wealthy. It is not immoral to be wealthy. And for a little while still, (until BHO, who is doing quite nicely, thank you , having made $2.5 mill on book royalties decides to make a new rule in his Obamopoly game) it is not illegal to be wealthy in the USA.

Which raises this question: Who do you think worked harder for the last $2.5 mill they made? Coach K? Or Barack Obama?


John Stodder said...

Remarkably, Obama made these picks just before heading to California. He picked every California team in the tournament to lose in the first round (Cal, UCLA, USC, Cal State Northridge.)

There is a thin line between stupid and clever as we all know, and this bracket schtick is right on the line. There are thousands upon thousands of middle-managers feeling threatened by the potential of layoffs who are probably taking psychological refuge in the NCAA tournee. In a way, Obama has turned these next three weeks into a national holiday, one in which you have to go to work, but it's okay to just sit drooling in front of your computer watching all the games.

On the other hand, the competence issue is taking on life beyond the right side of the blogosphere. Obama's on the verge of losing the ability to scare congressional Democrats into buying into his policies on the basis of his popularity. When that happens, when all the avowed and closet blue dogs realize they should be taking cues from their districts and not the president, his reign pretty much will end, and his path to Mt. Rushmore will probably have to go through Afghanistan, not health care.

Anonymous said...

JAL: It's Tar Heels. Two words. And, yes, I'd count myself as a fan. The other team is named after poop. As in, "I have to go take a Dookie."

hdhouse said...

traditionalguy said...
"Coach K is from the old school of Bobby Knight and West Point. They insist on seeing what is literally real, and they intentionally fail to teach young men how to bow down to the latest basketball myths. Coach K is dull and un-entertaining, especially when under consideration by an American Idol President. But Coach K does teache his players real survival skills, instead of con-men skills of a Great Politboro Leader using a smiling Teleprompter read speech"

WELL it took 3 years of blogging here to finally come across the reason the sentence "you are so full of shit your eyes are brown" was constructed.

garage mahal said...

Filling out a stupid NCAA bracket = sitting drooling in front of a computer watching games? LOL.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Is there some sporting event going on?


Anonymous said...

This from a man who pales in comparison to the demi-god Dean Smith. Who pronounces it 'Smith'.

Q: Who’s the only man in basketball who can keep Michael Jordan under 20 points?
A: Dean Smith.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

hdhouse, you keep impressing me with your intellectual capacity...

traditionalguy said...

Hd... Have you considered applying for the Teleprompter operator's job at the White House? You could slip in some choice Althouse comments and see if The President notices. That would shake up the Great Left Wing Conspiracy, and its Talking Points media workers, for about 3 days before they figure out what happened.

Fen said...

Hd... Have you considered applying for the Teleprompter operator's job at the White House?

No, hdhouse is still pining for ACORN Section Leader so he can goose-stomp neighbors who have offended him/

I'm Full of Soup said...

Could Althouse be the brains behind the Obamateleprompter blog?

She has been away from this blog for the last few days.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Btw Mad Man I have an all Big East final.

Villanova beats Louisville and wins its second NCAA title!

yashu said...

By the way. OMG. According to the Telegraph, the DVDs given to Gordon Brown *were* only US-region, unplayable in the UK: Psycho

I'm... speechless. I guess it's true, this administration can't be made fun of-- it's beyond parody.

Oh, and: President Obama Compares Big Banks, AIG, to Suicide Bombers.

We've fallen through the rabbit hole, people.

The Dude said...

Michael Jordan scores no points on a regular basis.

But he is a miserable human being.

yashu said...

But I'm being unfair. Obama just meant the banks are "man-caused disasters".

Kurt said...

I hear what you're saying, yashu. I think that this comment sums it up best. OOOOOOOO!!!

TitusMyLipchins said...

March Madness makes me horny. I love watching all of the sweaty man bouncing their balls and blocking each other and jumping and running and seeing their armpit hair and tats.

That's hot.

Franco said...

Obama is getting waaay too indulgent given the nature of our problems. He is coming off like a narcissist, and perhaps he is. We have two wars going on and a monumental financial crisis. He's having parties and vacations going on Leno and chiming in on basketball tournaments. He is looking really bad.

Cedarford said...

Franco said...
Obama is getting waaay too indulgent given the nature of our problems. He is coming off like a narcissist, and perhaps he is. We have two wars going on and a monumental financial crisis. He's having parties and vacations going on Leno and chiming in on basketball tournaments. He is looking really bad.

Revenant disagrees. It is only how Obama helps or hurts the Jews and their "Special Country" that should matter..

John Richardson said...

Look - I hate Dook but they DID just win the ACC tournament by beating Florida State handily. The same FSU which had upset the Tar Heels. So....I guess he can talk a bit.

That said, Heels - 2; Dook - 0 and we'll see you in the Final Four. Go Heels.

JAL said...

his path to Mt. Rushmore will probably have to go through Afghanistan, not health care.

One fraught with real mines, the other virtual.

One I hope succeeds, one I hope fails. Though both are equally messy.

Dealing with Social Security again on an issue in which *they* made a large mistake, for which I am being penalized, I repeat: You *do not* want these people managing your health care. They define inept.

traditionalguy said...

Duke always beat everybody for awhile in the 1990's when most players stayed 3 or 4 years, Now the Great Ones are one and done, if that.I will always remember the April 1 1991 Final Four which I watched alone at a sports bar in Fayetteville, NC, having met my oldest son's C-5A transport at Pope AFB that afternoon. Michael wanted to spend his first night home alone with his wife. Anyway those were special memories for me and they include Duke winning by hard work and skill just like the 82nd had won a war in Iraq. And my first Grandchild appeared 9 months later. Go Duke.

Jimmy said...

I'd rather Obama focus on the NCAA tournament than ruining the economy.

Jason said...

I bet Cedarford's Jewish.

Anonymous said...

Anti-Semites never cease to amaze me. Here's this group of people ultimately united by a set of beliefs that is absurdly materially and academically successful.

Let's hate them! That'll be good for us.

I'm Full of Soup said...


Nice memories. You will never forget that game, the family ties and the great outcome. Thanks for sharing!

Jon said...

More sports commentary by Obama on Leno:

"President Obama, in his taping with Jay Leno, "attempted to yuk it up with the funnyman, and ended up insulting the disabled," ABC News reports.

Obama talked about how he's gotten better at bowling and recently bowled a 129.

"That's very good, Mr. President," Leno said sarcastically.

"It's like the Special Olympics or something," the president said."

Anonymous said...

Traditional Guy: Desert Storm preceded Desert Stork.

From Inwood said...

Jon @ 8:46

Ed Morrissey: You know how you can tell when a President has a bad day? When his comparison of an American corporation to terrorists is the second-stupidest thing he said…

ron st.amant said...

I know it's tough for you GW Bush worshippers to understand that a President can actually run the country and spend 5 minutes filling out a bracket for a baseketball pool..I mean what with his predecessor unable to watch a football game and eat pretzels without nearly choking to death...but since your Obama Derangement is already at DefCon2 and he's been President only 2 months as of today, I'm sure you'll have a thousdand cows when he throws out the first pitch on opening day, or takes a walk through the Rose Garden.
But really you should pace yourselves, you've got a least 3 and 10/12ths more years, you don't want to blow your batshit crazy was all at once do you?

Anonymous said...

Well, if it's not old Ron, who liked to present himself a cool-headed, reasonable Bush hater before the election.

I'm fine. To judge from the tone of your screed, though, Ron, I'd say you are the one who is batshit something.

See you in 2010!

Gary Rosen said...

"I know it's tough for you GW Bush worshippers to understand that a President can actually run the country and spend 5 minutes filling out a bracket for a baseketball pool.."

But can he go on a talk show for 5 minutes without insulting the disabled?

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Gary, not without the teleprompter

traditionalguy said...

Alert...Alert. This Blog is now going to DefCon3. that is all.

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