JournaList is keeping an eye on your behavior.(Note: it's JournoList.)
I wonder, are they putting together a dossier on those sites that, you know, traffic in hate?
Because that might come in useful to some, especially in a climate wherein the Fairness Doctrine is ascendant.
४८ टिप्पण्या:
(Note: it's JournoList.)
I'm going to a resto with a journo to eat osso bucco cooked al forno. But then we're going our separate ways, because he plans to watch a porno featuring Jacko.
The Boy In The Bubble comes to mind with Ezra Klein's secret society of like minded smart people.
Life on the outside is not like the consensus building at Journolist.
Conflict leads to resolution.
Methinks Ezra is a conflict avoider and is happy to lob nasty words at those who upset him from the bubble without having the courage to engage them head on.
Ann, kick him in the ass until his head falls out.
(Note: it's JournoList.)
buon journo!
Jeff Goldstein is leading the fight on calling the left and MSM on its hypocritical double standards. Conservatives and republicans always get treated different (worse) than liberals and democrats.
A current example is Obama's rather dumb Special Olympic joke. If Bush had said something like that, he would have been pillared. Obama says it and gets a few comments from the right. When Sarah Palin comments (having a special needs kid) she gets vilified for it.
This actually sums up things pretty well
Warning the language is a bit over the top.
Fred4Pres said...
"Conservatives and republicans always get treated different (worse) than liberals and democrats."
Ahhh Fred...before you move this thread into some god awful recesses of a paranoid mind, the reason Con/Rep get treated differently than lib/dems is because they are different. duhhhh. what part of the social agenda don't you understand?
Because people ultimately agree on something doesn't mean that they didn't start off with disagreement. That is one aspect of the definition of who changes and adapts (rather than conserves).
so don't go down this road so early in the morning. it is the road to nowhere.
hdhouse: That is one aspect of the definition of who changes and adapts (rather than conserves).
Thats so funny that I won't bother to correct it. Let it stand as a monument to your ignorance.
The Porno Journo de jour-no is Ezro?
hdhouse--I have not even had coffee yet!
Yes conservatives and liberals are different. But liberals engage ina faux outrage about language that is used as a weapon against those they disagree with. They really do not care about intent of the speaker, but just winning their point.
That is what Jeff G. is railing about Ezra Klein and her comment.
hdhouse, the defining feature of your comments is that they are always childishly insulting... and yet attempt to achieve some sort of high-mindedness at the same time. You always end up embarrassing yourself. It's cringe-worthy.
lib⋅er⋅al /ˈlɪbərəl, ˈlɪbrəl/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [lib-er-uhl, lib-ruhl] Show IPA
–adjective 1. favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs.
2. (often initial capital letter) noting or pertaining to a political party advocating measures of progressive political reform.
3. of, pertaining to, based on, or advocating liberalism.
4. favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, esp. as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties.
5. favoring or permitting freedom of action, esp. with respect to matters of personal belief or expression: a liberal policy toward dissident artists and writers.
6. of or pertaining to representational forms of government rather than aristocracies and monarchies.
7. free from prejudice or bigotry; tolerant: a liberal attitude toward foreigners.
8. open-minded or tolerant, esp. free of or not bound by traditional or conventional ideas, values, etc.
9. characterized by generosity and willingness to give in large amounts: a liberal donor.
10. given freely or abundantly; generous: a liberal donation.
11. not strict or rigorous; free; not literal: a liberal interpretation of a rule.
12. of, pertaining to, or based on the liberal arts.
13. of, pertaining to, or befitting a freeman.
Now to moron number 1 (boy I hate to do this so early but if we must to get back to the topic, then shall be it)...FEN.
I think I just said enough by saying the name of the dark one.
Then moron #2.. enter KNOX..according to this nitwit i'm "childishly insulting... and yet attempt to achieve some sort of high-mindedness at the same time"
kinda like a kid on stilts right?
and behind door #3 is Fred4Pres who makes a good deal of sense although we disagree. He is articulate and on point although when he says: " But liberals engage ina faux outrage about language that is used as a weapon against those they disagree with." he good rule in debate is don't generalize the opposition as in "all liberals" or "liberals" as a collective noun. You will always loose.
Media Matters hasn't picked it up yet, so maybe Jeff's right--they're doing it in secret now.
He who dares not offend cannot be honest." - Thomas Paine
hdhouse: Now to moron number
Hey, you're the one who thinks conservatives are all about conserving.... Too funny. Here it is again:
hdhouse: That is one aspect of the definition of who changes and adapts (rather than conserves).
Keep em coming baby.
A professor who teaches mathematics at UCI is not off-limits. Neither is one who teaches law at Madison !
UCI is a public school, taxpayer-supported. Public-school professors live off the public dime in a tenured cocoon, pampered for life.
And yet, I said nice things about Professor Klein. I said he was much better looking than his son.
In any case, I'd rather be supremely insane, than numbingly boring.
Jeff Goldstein is leading the fight on calling the left and MSM on its hypocritical double standards.
If he's the one leading the fight, I don't think the left and the MSM have much to worry about.
hdhouse, Jeff Goldstein considers himself a classical liberal which unfortunately the second part of that term has been bastardized over the years by leftists.
Classical Liberalism promotes individual freedom, free markets, limited government, property rights, natural rights, the protection of civil liberties, individual freedom from restraint, equality under the law, and the constitutional limitation of government.
Unfortuantely the liberalism of the left is virtually none of that.
Hey, Fen is back! Many happy returns. I thought you might have moved to France or something after the election. For this, I quote a fine exchange from John Wayne's "Big Jake":
Dying villain: "I thought you was dead."
Big Jake: "Not hardly."
Thanks. Not back, just dropping in on a bored Sat morn. Hope you all have been well, liberals and conservatives alike.
somefeller, your comment was provably intended to be mocking of Goldstein but unfortunately many on the right do not realize how stacked the deck is against them. It is like gambling your savings each week in Vegas in slots or blackjack as your retirement plan. Occasionally you will win but in the long run it will not work. The odds are against you.
So unfortunately right now he is a voice in the wilderness.
Well, drop in some more, Fen. Keeps the blood up. Though I don't comment here that often, either. Not enough time on my hands.
Fred, I was mocking Goldstein and I have to say, if Goldstein is a leader of anything on the right, the right is in a lot worse shape than I thought it was. Frankly, this sort of commentary sounds more like self-pity than real analysis, in a world where guys like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck make millions and have good-sized audiences. Plus, I know way too many savvy Republicans to think that they have to rely on Jeff Goldstein and his blog in the way that conservatives might have had to hang on to Bill Buckley and Russell Kirk in the 1950s. But your point is taken.
hello Fen....though we disagree on everything and agree on nothing you are a sturdy debator and glad to have you around.
Maxine Weiss said...
A professor who teaches mathematics at UCI ...
Ok Maxi...I give up. what is UCI University of Central +Idaho..Central Indiana///Central I'gnotz zip for Brains? what????
Yea welcome back Fen, it seems you like you disappeared right after the election results.
Yah, I had to eat some polling data, about 30 pages. For future reference, mustard adds just the right bit of flavour and texture.
If he's the one leading the fight, I don't think the left and the MSM have much to worry about.
Whatever you mean by that, all he does is put on a show. He's like someone who stands on the river bank whining all day about the need to build a bridge without even once being able to come up even the inkling of a plan to build the bridge.
Althouse's buddy Instapundit is perhaps even worse. Rather than just putting on a show, he's encouraging people to waste their time on completely ineffective "tea parties" that are supposedly grassroots but which are promoted by questionable groups and through things like a video surreptitiously from the GOP.
Compare Goldstein's act to my guide on how to actually get things done.
Liberals change and adapt? Hmm...
Let's see, they adpated to a Republican president by calling him Hitler, fascist, and by publishing state secrets on the front pages of newspapers.
When social spending and money for education went through the roof, they adapted by calling Republicans heartless tools of the rich, and demanded more money for social programs and education (of course).
Now that they control the entire Federal government, they adapt by demonizing the businesses they accept massive contributions from.
In 40 years of following the left, I have never seen a speck of change or adaptation. Rail like a bunch of whiney victims when you're out of power, and crush the other team when you are not.
UCI is University of California at Irvine, in Orange County. Maxine is obsessed with Orange County, particularly Seal Beach.
I went easy on the Kleins. Hardly me at my most outrageous.
The best is when I accused the Sigma Phi fraternity house of running a brothel. (They never denied it !)
Or, what about the time when I questioned the virility of men who don't like football ....
I like Ezra Klein, and he has a fine and thoughtful blog. Not at all one of the sort of sinkholes one comes to expect from the likes of, oh, whatchamacallit, Huffington hole dug beneath an outhouse. That said, it would do to restate the observation on Twitter since his original "a lot of commenters" observation was made there. But that is all. As a commenter here, and so as one traduced by his general condemnation, his restatement seems reasonable to me.
Change a lot of to a couple annoying assholes nobody likes and everybody wants Althouse to send packing and I am in the pro-Klein camp.
But that wouldn't make for good copy for him.
"...Rather than just putting on a show, he's encouraging people to waste their time on completely ineffective "tea parties" that are supposedly grassroots but which are promoted by questionable groups and through things like a video surreptitiously from the GOP."
Ah yes, as opposed to really authentic expressions of the will of the people like the The Pledge Project Canvass, described here: Obama plans huge pledge drive for his policies.
"The Pledge Project Canvass is an unprecedented effort by a president to reach beyond Congress and tap grassroots supporters for help. Volunteers recruited online by Obama's Organizing for America, a post-election group, will ask citizens to sign a pledge in support of the president's policies on energy, health care and education. [...]
"This is just the beginning for us," said Jeremy Bird, deputy national director of Organizing for America, in an online video to Obama supporters this week. "The establishment in Washington won't welcome this new direction easily. We can't let this plan be debated solely behind closed doors in Washington, D.C."
And here's the heart of it, from Deputy Director Bird:
"For anyone who questions why the President has offered this plan, these pledges will be the answer: because the American people demanded it.
The Pledge Canvass will also be the first step in growing our movement, and growing a nation-wide network to support our agenda for change. This is just the beginning for us. Throughout this year, we'll be organizing to bring an end to this economic crisis, and to build a solid foundation for America's economy. We'll be mobilizing people everywhere and holding our elected officials accountable until we see bold change: the change we need."
Orwell would have a field day with this administration.
"That is one aspect of the definition of who changes and adapts."
From Bertrand Russell's "A History of Western Philosophy" Chapter XV:
Kant,like Darwin, gave rise to a movement which he would have detested. Kant was a liberal, a democrat, a pacifist, but those who professed to develop his philosophy were none of these things. Or,if they still called themselves Liberals, they were Liberals of a new species. Since Rousseau and Kant, there have been two schools of liberalism, which may be distinguished as the hard-headed and the soft-hearted. The hard-headed developed, through Bentham, Ricardo, and Marx, by logical stages into Stalin; the soft-hearted, by other logical stages through Fichte, Byron, Carlyle, and Nietzsche, into Hitler. This statement, of course, is too schematic to be quite true, but it may serve as a map and a mnemonic. The stages in the evolution of ideas have had almost the quality of the Hegelian dialectic: doctrines have developed, by steps that each seem natural, into their opposites.
HD house said:
Now to moron number 1 (boy I hate to do this so early but if we must to get back to the topic, then shall be it)...FEN.
I think I just said enough by saying the name of the dark one.
Then moron #2.. enter KNOX..according to this nitwit i'm "childishly insulting... and yet attempt to achieve some sort of high-mindedness at the same time"
kinda like a kid on stilts right?
A typical lyrical post from that erudite wit HD House whose incoherence is only matched by his bile. While chiding others for being “Childishly insulting” he never fails to try to mock Sarah Palin by such cute phrases as “you betcha” to mock the unwashed masses he presumes worship the Alaskan governor who he holds in contempt. As he is contemptuous of most of his fellow citizens and commenters. As an elitist liberal of the old school, HD knows better than his fellow citizens what should be done in the governance of our democracy. A mere plumber or even an Alaskan governor should sit down and shut up and pay their confiscatory taxes in silence while their betters determine how the ship of state will sail. You see these are the people who scare him and who he must mock and denigrate. The electrician who fixes his mansion in the Hamptons. The waitress who serves him his oatmeal at the diner. The plumber who clears his toilet. Working people who foolishly think they should keep their hard earned pay instead of turning it over to their betters who will redistribute to others in more favored classes that dwell in a state of perpetual victimization. You know to spread it around. To be fair.
Once the liberal group think and media manipulation by a malignant cabal of leftist journalists and Democratic activists was exposed, old warhorse HD sprang into action. He immediately tried to throw sand in the face of everyone by attacking to change the topic much as little Ezra Klein did in his twitter message. “Look over here not at the topic at hand.” A tried and true tactic of the Stalinist left. He raised the tired old chestnut of anti-Semitism as though this was something the commenters at Althouse supported. When in fact Seven bitch slapped the same old miscreants who trot out the same tired memes. When in fact I mocked them. In Yiddish. When the rest of the commenters ignored the tripe that so often pollutes these threads, hd demanded that we change the subject to talk about that instead of the matter at hand. Althouse has a commendable habit of allowing full first amendment protection to all who comment. Even trolls such as Luckyoldson who destroy thread after thread with constant multiple posts of mindless vituperation are allowed to stand because people are allowed to expose themselves for what they are by their own words. You the higher the monkey climbs up the tree the more of his ass you will see. (Please note that this is not a reference to any contemporary political personages so save you indignation for another time).
Young punks like Ezra Klein have learned at the feet of masters as HD House whose whole career was based on manipulating the populace through false advertising and the creation of an alternative reality. Where your shirts can lose their ring around the collar. Where you can teach the world to sing. Where you could get a piece of the rock. Well the rock has broken. The money men know a cipher and a weak front man when they see one. They pulled a masterful bait and switch. Sign the bill now, don’t look at it, don’t question it, something must be done or the world will come to an end. Of course when it is all said and done the money men will have cashed in and the people will be left holding the bag. And the people who voted against it and said it was a bad idea will be the ones who caused the debacle. Because that is the party line that will be preached by the group think of the master media manipulators who are the subject of our discussion. Don’t look at what has just happened; look over here at the guy who just said the wrong word. You see ultimately these media whores, HD House and the President are just tools. In every sense of the word.
Or more simply, eat a shit sandwich and choke on it you senile commie bastard
You betcha.
I like Ezra Klein
I didn't know him before, but now that I do, he's on my radar as a racebaiting hate mongerer.
Trooper sums him up perfectly.
Woah...Trooper. Great post.
*reminder to self....don't piss off Trooper York*
*reminder to self....don't piss off Trooper York*
They know it Brooklyn. They know it in Queens. They know it on Althouse.
So I write again, whatever happend to Michael? Did Trooper go Trooper on him? If so, we need to take up a collection and make sure Troop gets paid for his effort.
About Michael. Just pray he doesn't come back. A million HD Houses first! And I mean that in sincere and unending respect to idiot leftist fucktard HD House.
Hey, Lone Wacko,
Shouldn't a determination of whose plan is most effective be based on who who's actually gotten something done?
I know you have a plan; what have you accomplished?
"so I write again, whatever happend to Michael?"
Nurse Ratched took away his computer.
For now.
Young Mr. Klein does not have the qualifications to lecture at a community college, yet in a few short years has become one of the top "journalists" to the U.S. left.
Perhaps blogs can be too powerful?
Trooper York Spewed
"Or more simply, eat a shit sandwich and choke on it you senile commie bastard"
Wow. I guess you told me! Got you a bit irritated I guess?
Look Trooper, loosing a debate or a discussion even to someone who can beat you like a rented mule isn't the end of the world.
Going beserk in front of this segment of the blogging universe isn't either. I, and many others, have beated persons far better than you - severely and often - so don't take it personally that during your first venture at Thanksgiving's grown up table you spoke before spoken to.
What a shame....but learning is learning hey Trooper? Ya'betcha! (not You betcha)...and it is just those little nuances that go pow-zoom right over your shit for brains head.
In what universe did you win a debate you senile old fart. I just wanted to express my contempt for you in a succinct manner. In words that would penetrate the fog of dementia you live in. You haven't won one debate here with anyone. Ever. Your lack of reading comprehension is only matched by your inability to complete a whole sentence. Naturally you have nothing to say about the first post because that would mean you would have to discuss the matter at hand instead of masturbating your own straw men. Why not concentrate on gumming down your oatmeal and trying not to wet your sheets in the few days you have left you pretentious cretin.
Ahh impressive retort. I guess when you don't have anything to say a "FY" is your default mode.
Sorry to see you can't hold up your end in this. I thought you could. Wie schade.
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