२४ मार्च, २००९
"I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone who ever read her blog would want to meet her in person let alone marry her..."
A commenter over at Roy's place. Roy himself is being okay.
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
१०२ टिप्पण्या:
I'd marry you, Althouse. Things don't work out, come to Chicago.
Just goes to show that on the internet people say things they would only think or mutter to their best friends over a beer. But here the keyboard opens and all kinds of stupid stuff pours forth.
Well, having looked there, that's why they comment there, and there is only DTL, AL, M etc here. Thank goodness.
Still happy for you guys.
It is obvious that the stupid, cruel children grew up to be stupid cruel adults.
"I cannot for the life of me understand how Nixon got elected. No one I know voted for him"...
Why is it that in the act of blogging, or in commenting on blog posts, people seem to check their superegos at the door? It's common for them to say things to everybody that they would never, ever, not in a million years, say to your face.
This aspect of blogging is unhealthy. People get comfortable with rhetorical violence in a way that no doubt influences their real-world lives.
Hearts are breaking across your male readership, Althouse!
I can't believe you made me go read that comment section. Sure, it's the Village Voice, so I knew what I was getting into, but talk about a place a couple zerox's away from the original! It's reality, but slightly faded and blurry.
I missed the original thread, so let me just post my congratulations here, Dr. Althouse, and my wishes for many, many happy years.
Professor, such jibes were sadly to be expected. Don't let the meanness of others' souls mar your happiness.
Somebody is jealous! Nah nah na nah nah!
I say congrats. I am happy for you.
Keyboard courage is all they have.
And no one's approval is necessary.
People are assholes, especially on the internet.
Missed the announcement because my computer is DEAD so I'm not caught up on anything, but anyway...
Bye Maxine.
"I cannot for the life of me understand how Nixon got elected. No one I know voted for him"...
There's an image. Althouse coming down the courthouse steps, both arms outstretched with middle fingers raised to her detractors.
Remember Ann that these people may know about the Blog world, but they have no real world relationship skills. You see that in their mocking and ridiculing attitudes towards everyone who is unlike them. One of the greatest pleasures of this life is in the getting to know other people who come in all kinds of valuable, but different from us, personalities and minds. Your critics are inflexible people trapped in a small internet gang culture. Thank you again for the pleasures we have from your sharing a real personality and intelligent thoughts with us at the Althouse Blog. You are the definition of a good Professor.
I hope both of you are happy and blessed. I am happy for both of you!
I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone with a brain cannot accept that not everyone is like them.
I might for the life of you not understand something but not for the life of me. I'll just remain alive and perplexed, like always.
Congrats and wishing you happiness.
That said, Ann, you're one of the few bloggers I'd actually like to meet. I had to miss you at Arnold's last week due to other obligations. You're not overbearing in your opinions, you show plenty of humor and you take cool pictures. What else could a guy want?
Fen already hit the mark I was targeting (though I was going to say Bush), so, I'll just say that such a failure of imagination is a strong indicator of a parochial worldview. (It's so gross to imagine people over 30 having sex, isn't it?)
Anyway, congrats again and best wishes to the happy couple.
If I were not already married and if Althouse wanted to move to the Austin, TX area I'd marry her. Hey, don't tell my wife that I said that, ok?
Seriously, this comment is on a blog written by a guy who writes for the Village Voice.
Mamma always said "consider the source".
It sounds like a political disagreement. Who would want to meet somebody not like us.
I saw no need to defend Althouse and Meade over there, but I did defend box wine.
Hi, I'm a long time reader, although I usually only comment on the more important, South Park, related posts. I'd like to break that habit and offer my congratulations.
The comment itself says a lot about the commented and nothing about you. Giving it wider distribution than it deserves, on the other hand... ;)
I suspect that our social interactions are greased by facial and vocal cues to a greater degree than we realize. (To say nothing of physical proximity--and accountability.) We're hyperbolic and boorish (when we are) because there's a part of our primitive brain that thinks we're not really interacting with someone else at all online. Just ranting to ourselves, without consequence. Or, at times, even conscience.
And Congrats Althouse and Meade! Longtime lurker, decloaking for the occasion.
"People are assholes, especially on the internet."
Whining liberal guys who live in their parents' basements are really big assholes.
I would marry you althouse if I liked the cooch, but I don't.
I am sorry. It could be amazing.
What?!?!? There's a whole world outside of my bubble? People don't all agree with my assumptions and hastily drawn conclusions?
Irony is so far over their heads that these immature asshats (yes, you Klein) don't get that Althouse is mocking them with a link.
Rustbelt, and others:
One need only look back at that dust up with Little Green Footballs to realize that self-proclaimed conservatives who live in their parents' basement can behave badly, too.
Evidently, almost six dozen followers on Twitter, greatly enjoy Maxine's antics.
Maxine managed to acquire nearly 60 Followers in less than a month, and that's with a majority of posts that don't even link to anyone !
Irony is so far over their heads that these immature asshats (yes, you Klein) don't get that Althouse is mocking them with a link.
Ssssh! As they constantly feel a need to remind us how intelligent and sophisticated they are, its easier to just nod in agreement.
But I must admit, its hillarious to have the haters from Pandagon and Klein come over and preach about tolerance. We should have them more often.
The worse thing about all this is the new Althouse look-at-my-I'm-in-love face in her profile.
There's only so much of this lovey-dovey stuff I can handle.
Ann, you should ask Bob Wright if you can set up a bloggingheads with anthropolgist Helen Fisher to talk about the science behind it all.
See I like to reduce good feelings and emotions to non feeling, analytical evolutionary causation.
Love is only a dirty trick played on us to achieve continuation of the species - William Somerset Maugham
Yes, but how many of them aren't just aliases of herself?
Smokey Joe wrote: "I suspect that our social interactions are greased by facial and vocal cues to a greater degree than we realize. (To say nothing of physical proximity--and accountability.)"
Spot on. I just turned down a patient that wanted me to do phone therapy. I have decided that I am the world's worst phone therapist. I get bored, I get distracted, we run out of things to talk about, it is awful. I bet the same aspects you mention are at play.
Fuck 'em! Fuck the haters! They don't boo nobodies.
In other marriage news:
There's always someone saying that for every couple that ever got together since the beginning of time. It always creates a flurry of people unhappy with the change in the status quo. This can happen if you are 15 or 70.
I vividly remember the first person to say that about me and my new boyfriend in hs - I won't even call it jealousy. She was understandably pissed off that yet another friend had hooked up and she had been left behind. She was trying to analyze and figure out what the problem was.
And it must be recognized- people in love can get obnoxious. That's why I now semi-isolate myself with my new love until it takes root. It's tempting to parade, but there are too many hungry birds waiting who consider the new seed fair game for a snack.
All the best.
There's only so much of this lovey-dovey stuff I can handle.
What's your limit, jdeeripper? I'm kind of hoping she cranks it up well past it.
Would you have turned down a patient who wanted to have phone sex therapy?
Just asking. :)
Dude must be afraid of women who are smarter than he is.
Does Titus twitter? Titus needs to twitter. Please? You'd be a great tweet. I know you know that.
I hope Prince Charming shows up at Maxine's place, gives her a big wet kiss, and she turns back into a frog.
Posting about something like this is called feeding the trolls. That said, I'm convinced the quality of the blog will express an inverse relationship to the quality of your love life. Hmmm. Am I a troll.
Twitter is THE true harbinger of the Apocalypse.
In Afro-Cuban religion (santería) when people keep talking viciously about you, it is called an "ebbó de lengua" a "tongue cleansing" which means, they are cleansing away your bad "joojoo" with their tongues. I am sure there is a cybernetic equivalent, and this is it. Enjoy it, it shall bring you much happiness!
Blessings to A.A. Love is a wonderful thing!
@some random female: Gay dating is a different kind of thing, of course. My partner died in 1994. After a 14 year dry spell, I finally hooked up with my current boyfriend, who I have communicated with for a couple of years on the internet. I'm very happy the way things have been going. But for some reason, a few other guy friends who I've chatted with for years on Yahoo Chat, as well as an old boyfriend in Minneapolis, now don't want to have anything to do with me! I can't figure it out.
Scott, people can be really weird in their on-line relationships. I experienced a lot of drama on IRC about 9-10 years ago. It's worse when it is continued off-line...
Tastes differ!
I just wanna know, if she'll ever let him see her without bangs.
Will any of us get see her bare forehead ever again?
Once a woman gets bangs, she never goes back, and at some point you wonder what she's hiding underneath there.
"There's only so much of this lovey-dovey stuff I can handle."
Oh well then amp it up for a while longer if it's a jdeeripper repellent. But then tone it down. I like the slightly cynical Althouse and I hope we don't lose her to this happiness and love nonsense.
"Once a woman gets bangs, she never goes back, and at some point you wonder what she's hiding underneath there."
Her third eye.
"Does Titus twitter? Titus needs to twitter. Please? You'd be a great tweet. I know you know that."
Well he's already a twat so I'm sure he'd be a good tweet if he tried it. Speaking of tweeting twats, hi Maxine!
Congratulations, Ms. Althouse! When I told my ex-girlfriend about how you were so smart and interesting, and a wonderful photographer, and all with this wonderful feminine perspective, she said I should marry you. I thought about. . . but appears that I have procrastinated too much.
As per her Twitter ravings, Maxine prefers to think of herself as the "Indefatigable Iconoclast".
She's got a way with a Thesaurus, that's for sure.
Other people in love is like seeing an infant. For even a few small moments, everything is right with the world.
How can anyone truly find fault with that? It'd be like kvetching about a baby's smile.
I say all that knowing I'll be bitching soon enough. My euphoric moments are briefer these days, and occur less and less often, so I eye them like a strange found stone when they do arise.
The other day, our Maxine checked out the Althouse Blog's Profile Page, under "Team Members", and saw the elder Son listed as a Team Member.
Yet, today, when Maxine went to check up on Althouse's ever-changing Profile Page, lo and behold....it seems the Son has been abruptly yanked off as a Team Member.
What can it all mean ?
Maxine's eagle-eyes never miss a trick !
Palladian said..."There's only so much of this lovey-dovey stuff I can handle."
Oh well then amp it up for a while longer if it's a jdeeripper repellent.
Booooo. Don't transfer your disappointments onto me.
Look, some of us are suspicious of this Meade character. He seems like a possible con artist, a ladykiller. It wouldn't be the first time a schemer from out of town arrived to worm his way into the heart of lonely divorcee.
The internet is just providing these cads with new opportunities to work their cynical charms.
But then tone it down. I like the slightly cynical Althouse and I hope we don't lose her to this happiness and love nonsense.
So you basically agree with me and yet you hate me.
So you basically agree with me and yet you hate me.
Something about a blind squirrel and a nut.
Bangs are me. Barbara Feldon said that somewhere, probably in one of the Get Smart DVD bonus interviews.
Congratulations, Ann and much happiness to you both.
The Get Smart DVD would be a good marriage how-to handbook, come to think of it.
Notice how 99 treats Max.
That's what guys noticed in the 60s, and every one of them was in love with 99 as a result.
Althouse and Meade, I am so happy for both of you. Sorry for being so late to the party. Don't pay any attention to the scoffers, they are just jealous.
The Twitter craze has reached fever-pitch, but Althouse refuses to hop on board.
Blogs are over. Twitter is the future, and Althouse is about to be left in the dust.
Maxine, what do you do when the coarse, dark hairs on your legs snag your nylons? Do you depilate with the same creme you use for your beard? Or do you pluck?
Us girls would love to learn from the expert.
Yeah, you know something big is going on when Christopher Walken has a Twitter page, and even Jesus himself has over 2,000 followers !
I don't tweet, facebook, or any other social networking shit.
The only thing I do is post here.
Hi Palladian! Hee Hee. Special Hugs.
Althouse, Palladian called me a twat. WAAAAAHHHHH
@ElcubanitoKC: Yea tell me about it, been there done that got the tee shirt. I eventually decided that if a guy wasn't within an hour's drive of my place, it wasn't serious. My boyfriend and I communicated a couple years, but he was out on Long Island and I am in New Jersey, so it wasn't going anywhere. Then, he lost his job and moved in with me.
Yea, it was a risk to let him move in, but it was well worth it. He's a hot, really affectionate African-American aspiring hiphop artist. He couldn't be more different from me, but we really enjoy each others' company. We have mutual respect, love, and affection. He's fun to be with, and we send each other many cell phone messages through the day. And so far it's working. I'm happy about that.
I won't tweet a twitter
Says TitusTheSquatter
He loves mosquitoes
So don't hand him the swatter.
A very reliable Source says that, out of the entire Althouse commenters, Meade was her twelfth choice.
Naturally, Meade completely non-plussed by that.
I usually draw the line at mosquitoes, with Titus' clumbersome loafpostings a close second...but today, ah, today the power of love seemed to separate the real men from the mosquitoes.
Dry your eyes, Titus. Tweet or twat, cooch or not, I thought you outdid yourself.
Jesus God, Maxine, your shit stinks now matter what you call yourself. Your insanity shines right through.
May I be blunt about three things?
Thank you.
First, like many commenters on this blog, I am very happy for Althouse and Meade. What a great, romantic story! Trolls cannot ruin the joy of the courtship, engagement an soon to come wedding.
Second, Althouse is 60? What? How can that be. She's like 40ish babeilicious. Way to go Meade!
Third, people like Maxine and the doofus commenter over at Roy's place, well, they just aren't gettin' any and it's makin' their brains and things get all shriveled. Just ignore 'em.
Where did little Palladian go?
Palladians a mo and so am I. We are sisters and share a special bond.
Love him. He is the cutest little button in the world.
Big hugs your way Palladian!!!
You know if this thing with Meade falls through, I'm sure Althouse could come up with quite an impressive Candidate List from among her Twitter Followers.
Forever more, Meade will be known as "The Twelfth Choice" .
If the honeymoon involves LA, let me know! Free drinks!
"Love him. He is the cutest little button in the world.
Big hugs your way Palladian!!!"
I might be a little button but I've got a big untrimmed shank.
Always a sad day when Palladian chooses Maxine over Titus, as the lesser of to evils.
Yeah, Meade is definitely The Twelfth Choice, but at this point, I'd just like to who Plan B was.
Nice shank Palladian.
Any dick pic?
Erect please.
Althouse, if you have a ceremony can Palladian and I walk down the aisle together?
Althouse, if you have a cermony am I getting an invite?
Maybe Palladian and I can fly out to the wedding together?
two evils not to evils chet, thanks doll.
Late to this party, but if you marry, best wishes.
Absolutely best wishes. Whoever made that snarky comment has to be crazy.
Dogs, photography, road trips, and badgers. What's not to love about Althouse! Okay, a little misguided politically but she will eventually come around.
He's a lucky guy Ann. Congratulations.
It's not Meade I'm worried about, it's his damn dog. It's not what it seems, it's like that Thing Kurt Russell tried to kill in the Antarctic and we all know how that turned out don't we? That movie scared the shit out of me.
"Althouse is 60? What? How can that be. She's like 40ish babeilicious."
I'm 58. Who started with the 60? Some (jealous?) person rounded up.
Palladian said...
I like the slightly cynical Althouse and I hope we don't lose her to this happiness and love nonsense.
We all do, Pallladian. So what can I do to effectively sow marital discord? (Besides, I mean, starting that whispering campaign in which I rounded up her age.)
Advise, please.
Well, that was a rude and nasty thing to say, but as a lame, infrequent commenter, just glad I found Althouse, I'd like to say congratulations and many, many years of happiness.
Madame Chairwoman, I wish to revise and extend my remarks.
I was quoted as saying Althouse is 60? What? How can that be. She's like 40ish babeilicious.
I have learned, Madame Chairwoman, of a computational error made by a staff member in preparing the comment quoted above.
I now revise it for the record to read "Althouse is 58? What? How can that be. She's like 38ish babeilicious."
Thank you Madame Chairwoman. I now yield back my remaining time.
I'm not much of a commenter here, but I read this blog all the time. It's really tiring to read the hyper-partisan blogs, but this one remains worth reading on a daily basis. Althouse has remained true to the spirit of true, individualistic blogging.
Scott, congratulations to you!
Yesterday Jac blogged very intelligently about Stephen Dubner's rough-and-ready test for the intelligence of the person with whom one is talking. For a while I've had two intelligence tests of my own. One is whether a person, if asked to explain himself, is capable of doing so in different, clearer terms than he used the first time. The other is whether a person understands how much smarter than him you are.
A thousand blessings, as I've previously told you, to you and Meade!
Yesterday Jac blogged very intelligently about Stephen Dubner's rough-and-ready test for the intelligence of the person with whom one is talking....
(fixed that for you)
In my previous comment, by "how much smarter than him you are," I meant you, Ann, personally.
Astonishing news. Congratulations to you both.
Take the vipers' pit hisses as a compliment and confirmation.
Richard Lawrence Cohen said...
In my previous comment, by "how much smarter than him you are," I meant you, Ann, personally.
Richard: That is a great test. Astonishingly accurate.
I've always known that I am intelligent, with a relatively high IQ somewhere around 140.
But after applying the second part of your test, I now realize that I am a super genius!
Thank you, my friend.
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