March 27, 2009

Have some.


(Thanks to Irene and Ray.)

(Candinas Chocolatier.)


Anonymous said...

Is there a "crunchy frog" somewhere in there?

Bissage said...


(Do I win anything?)

Dan from Madison said...

That place is tough on my wallet, my wife loves Candinas.

Anonymous said...

I wish you wouldn't truffle with our emotions.

Triangle Man said...

Thanks! Love 'em.

Irene said...

You are very welcome!

Unknown said...

I was gonna send you something but I couldn't find an egg salad gift basket to save my life.

David said...

Much better than gigantic Chinese breasts.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Do they have a bridal registry?

Christy said...

Hmmmm. Chocolates! I claim the one diagonally up from the bottom right corner.

The Drill SGT said...

They aren't See's :(

The rule of Lemnity said...

A survey of healthy 65-year-old men revealed that those who ate sweets containing chocolate reportedly lived longer. Mortality was lowest among those consuming chocolate 1-3 times a month and higher among those who indulged in the habit 3 or more times a week. Surprisingly non-consumers had the highest mortality of all. As with most things in life, moderation seems to be paramount.

traditionalguy said...

Does any one know a survey of 65year old men indulging in large breasts? Dark chocolat may not be enough.

Trooper York said...

Wow are we going to have a lot of these coded lovey dovey posts about Meade.

I mean everyone knows that his favorite expression is "Life is like a box of chocolates."

Rich B said...

If you use the scroll wheel to move up and down on the picture, the chocolates seem to be alive.

Parker Smith said...

Actually, Trooper York, life is like a box of mediocre analogies...

BJM said... that sea salt on the dark chocolate ones? Yum.

Methadras said...

For me there is nothing better than gourmet chocolate covered coconut.

blake said...

Much better than gigantic Chinese breasts.

Correction: Much better than fake gigantic Chinese breasts.

BJM said...

DSGT, yes! I am hopelessly hooked on See's Normandies.

chuck b. said...

Have some? Some? I could eat the whole thing. Easily.

chuck b. said...

I used to make truffles. Not hard, and fun! The recipe I used called for honey instead of sugar. (Unless all truffles use honey instead of sugar.)

chuck b. said...


1.75 cups cream
0.25 cups honey
1 lb bittersweet chocolat cut into 0.25 inch pieces
7 tbsp butter, RT
2 tbsp rum (light or dark)
0.5 cups unsweetened cocoa

Place cream and honey in saucepan and boil, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and stir in chocolate, cover and let stand 5 min.

Whisk in butter, 1 tbsp at a time until smooth. Transfer to a mixing bowl and stir in rum

Use ice cream scoop or melon baller [or spoon] to make 1" balls on cookie sheet lined w/ foil. Refrigerate 15 minutes.

Roll balls in cocoa or coconut or chopped nuts...

(Note: Don't roll them in cofectioner's sugar. In 30 minutes at RT they will look like glistening doodies.)

chuck b. said...

Or, substitute rum for brandy or Grand Marnier, or something whatever.

Thing I just realized that I want: for the best Althouse commenter frienemies to self-select and form a group Blog of the Althouse Frienemies (but with a better name). Please make happen.

Anonymous said...

Those do look delicious but See's Bordeaux will always be my favorite

chuck b. said...

Ewww! See's?! Are you serious? Eww!




Gretchen said...

Candinas is my local chocolatier- they are heavenly and they give you a sample when you go in- so good! The one claimed by Christy is one of my favorites. It has a whole hazelnut inside, with a hazelnut whipped chocolate around the nut. It's amazing. I love the rose flavored ones as well.

BJM said...

chuck b, I really dislike See's truffles and anything milk chocolate, so I'll give you that, but they'll have to pry my Normandies out of my cold dead hands.

Fran's Chocolates of Bellevue & Seattle makes my fav truffles, the dark assortment is to die for and her GoldBars are astounding! Our local luxury grocery store keeps boxes of GoldBites on the checkout stands and few can resist. I gobbled one today whilst driving and shamefully had to shop at BevMo with chocolate specks on my shirt.

BJM said...

BTW- I meant to comment on this earlier; has anyone else noticed Althouse's perspective causes the box to appear to grow larger as you scroll over it?

It's either devilishly clever of her or serendipitously delicious.

Anonymous said...

Yummy! I want to get for my midnight snack,btw you know that mensusa have a great offer to us? free shipping in all $99 above and more discounts so hurry and grab some product from them like belvedere shoes