March 22, 2009

Goodbye to Cincinnati.


It's been lovely.









Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Althouse is trying a ring?

It's the wrong finger.

What on earth could it mean?

Anonymous said...

A ring and a date.

Ah Pooh said...

Wonderful! Life will never be dull.

Anonymous said...

I'm rooting for the 6-prong solitaire, btw.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Hal9000 --"Just what do you think you're doing, Althouse?"
"Are you sure you are making the right decision?"

Zachary Sire said...

I hope you live blog your wedding. That'd be cool.

amba said...

"Wrong" finger? Maybe it means going steady.

The one thing Althouse could do that would really shock the hell out of me is get (engaged to be) married.

rhhardin said...

Purple deadnettle?

The edges seem a little too wiggly.

Darcy said...

Looks like congratulations are in order.

Best wishes, Althouse! :)

Freeman Hunt said...

If that picture means what it would seem to mean: Congratulations to you both!

Freeman Hunt said...

(But my guess is that if they're engaged, they actually got pretty much engaged on the second date.)

Michael Haz said...

Very best wishes.

al said...

Very cool. Congrats Professor.

Meade said...

Amba: I hope you're sitting down.

Freeman: Good guess. And thank you.

Althouse said yes!

I am the happiest man in the world.

Helen: August 1, as long as all three kids can be with us.

What on earth could it mean?
Lem: Email me if you'd like and I'll be glad to explain what I've learned about selecting and purchasing shiny symbols of promise.

Anonymous said...

Well, Meade, if you're happy, I'm happy. An Incredible Man is a gift from God. Best wishes. 8-1-09 to infinity and beyond.

lohwoman said...

Meade, you always knew she was the one for you. Hope! Change! Congratulations!

amba said...

Meade: I'm lying down. Slack-jawed! The fierce defender of singlehood! Slain with a tulip!

You can't beat kindness, especially when combined with style.

Awesome! I love you both squared!

lohwoman said...

256. That's Meade's total count of profile views as of now. What will it be tomorrow?

Moose said...

I thought this trip was a bit out of the ordinary.

>suppressing smart ass comments<

Congrats, professor!

Beth said...

Congratulations to both of you!

chickelit said...

Congratulations you two!

I wish you both the very best.

But is it really goodbye to Cincinatti you Meade? I mean, you would be good for Madison, but would Madison be good for you?

knox said...


This makes me happier than I can say. Freeman has been very confident from the start, but I kept thinking "too good to be true??"

HOORAY!! Congratulations to you both. Sooooo cool. Score one for the blogosphere.

knox said...

And count me as another of the observers here who believed Althouse would be forever, happily single. Meade has accomplished quite something here. Men, take notice, here's how it's done!

dbp said...

Congratulations Meade and good luck Althouse! Unless this is some kind of elaborate hoax, in which case...

Good one! Got us.

Chennaul said...

Holy Moly!

I wish you both the best.

But Meade you do know that you are going to have to let Ann post more than just pictures of your tulip...or whatever the heck you slayed her with...

Oh! and does this mean she's lettin' you call her Ann!!!11?

knox said...

Can't stop commenting. Couldn't be happier for two people I've never met! OK, done now, I swear.

Chennaul said...

PS I alerted Trooper.

Something Wicked This Way Comes....

Bissage said...

Sure, Meade is the greatest guy on the intertubes -- warm, witty, kind and clever – but admit it Professor, it was the pants that sealed the deal.


Those green pants!!!1!!!!!!

(It’s ALWAYS about the pants.)

P.S. Meade, congratulations and . . . NICE PANTS!!1!!!!!!

Chennaul said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Freeman Hunt said...

Can't stop commenting. Couldn't be happier for two people I've never met!

Ha! I know what you mean. Taking all my restraint not to comment more. This is awesome.

For some reason, I have been a total girly-girl about this. My husband got some laughs during the last few weeks as I'd leave the computer, run in, and say things like, "Oh my gosh! I think Althouse and Meade and going to get married!"
"What? The blogger? Who's Meade?"
"Yeah, the blogger. Meade comments over there."
"Why do you think these people will get married?"
"They went on a date. I think it went perfectly."
"I just do. They seemed to indicate that it did."
"So you think they're getting married?"
"Yes. I think it was that kind of date. Like our date."

So, again, hooray! Happy for you two. Almost nothing better than two people who are meant for each other finding each other.

BJM said...

A Gardenia blossom represents a secret love.

Althouse is so messing with us.

Joe M. said...

Sincerest congratulations.

The Elder said...

Meade, I was just about to call Mom when I saw this post. Sheesh! Congratulations!

I'll give you a couple of hours before I call her.

Palladian said...

Congratulations Althouse (& Meade)!

Of course, I knew about this all along... heh.

Michael Haz said...

This is just wonderful. People who have never met either one of you are filled with happiness by the news of your engagement and summer marriage.


I feel as tingly as when Wife and I knew that we would marry, part way through our second date.


By the way, Titus would make an excellent flower girl.

blake said...

Wow! Congratulations! (I feel so out of the loop!)

Oh! and does this mean she's lettin' you call her Ann!!!11?

Ha! Awesome. "I now pronounce you Man and Althouse."

kristinintexas said... is grand. Ohio breeds a disproportionate number of excellent men. I'm marrying one in August myself. :) Congratulations to you both!

Matt said...

Congrats from a longtime lurker.

Trooper York said...

Holy bachelor party Batman!!!!

I thought madawaskan was pulling my leg.


Trooper York said...

Now all those liberal woman living at home with their cat's are really going to hate Althouse.

Yes I talkin' about you Ezra.

Trooper York said...

Damn, now I can't do my Killer Angels posts anymore. Crap.

Michael Haz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
William said...

I always thought that only on the internet would it be possible to have a truly platonic relationship. But even here the pixels congregate and increase, and romance blooms. The paved over parking lot of my soul suspects a put on; but, if not, congratulations for surviving the winter with your trust and hope intact.

bearing said...

Wow! This is fantastic!


BJM said...

Trooper Now all those liberal woman living at home with their cat's are really going to hate Althouse.

Well it didn't take long for the blowjob queen to show up, did it?


So who's gonna blog the wedding?

Michael Haz said...

Maxine, please keep your shopping list to yourself.

Jealousy so so unbecoming a woman of your years.

Michael Haz said...

Trooper, how's Lee Lee's inventory of wedding dresses lookin'?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Lem: Email me if you'd like and I'll be glad to explain what I've learned about selecting and purchasing shiny symbols of promise.

No.. you guys don't owe me any explanation. I was just afraid Althouse would be gone.. You know I figure it might be a lot even for Althouse.

It used to be that a man only needed a shotgun a woman and a dog.

Althouse is going to have a class a man and a blog.

Seriously though, congratulations to you both.

Wince said...

I think people here are reading the image incorrectly. The ring is on her pinky finger.

Around here, that means she joined the mafia, has a protected state job or, more typically, both.

Notice she's been conspicously silent?


Not to mention that more pernicious racket, tenure. ;)

Bob said...

Congratulations, Prof. Althouse! My best wishes to you both.

blake said...

Althouse is going to have a class a man and a blog.

A class, a man with a dog, and a blog.


Wait, that doesn't work.

Beth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Donna B. said...

Congratulations to Althouse and Meade!

I've been away from my computer for almost a week and this is what I come back to?


OK, I suspected. It's not there weren't a few commenters throwing a bazillion hints.

Trooper York said...

Well I have a dress that we made in ivory that five out of six women who bought used as a wedding dress. It is cocktail lenght and very flattering. The professor is out of our size range but I am sure we could figure something.

On the other hand I know that Meade fits into our dresses. Just sayn'

Golden West said...

This is really wonderful news! Wishing you both much happiness together.

Trooper York said...

I can't wait to go to JAC's blog to ask that important question"

"Whose you're daddy!!!!!!'"

Trooper York said...

I mean:

"Whose you're Step-daddy!!!!!!"

Hee, hee.

Anonymous said...

Much happiness to you both.

somefeller said...

Congratulations, if this is what it looks like it is.

And what Beth said regarding the political commentary. Oh, and yeah, Maxine Weiss shows her class once again.

Beth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trooper York said...

I thought it was all about the sandwiches.

Beth said...

Not if you mean that Hot Brown mess, Trooper.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe it.

"Goodbye to Cincinnati."

Is Cincinnati code for the solitary life. The emotionally deprived, empty, trapped in hell world that is Cincinnati?

You people are being conned.

amba said...Meade: I'm lying down.

Get back up. Wait for the proof.

Anonymous said...

I thought you were keeping politics out of this, Beth.

Beth said...

jd, I'm pretty sure "goodbye to Cincinnati" is code for "Spring Break is over and I must go back to work"

Michael Haz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trooper York said...

I won't be polling the type of wedding cake but I call dibs on planning the bachelor party.

I'm thinking Vegas.

Trooper York said...

I am pretty sure I can get Stella Stevens and Charo to show up.

Trooper York said...

We can stay at the Las Vegas Hilton. They have a whole area dedicated to Star Trek. So the Instapundit will feel right at home.

blake said...


Trooper York said...

Sorry dude but Adrienne is off limits. Although now is the time for all this big talk about Lea Remini to pay off.

And just to show I am an equal opportunity kind of guy, we can get Danny Pintauro to do his Ezra Klien impression. You know for Zach, Titus, and Palladian.

nina said...

Not surprised but very happy for both of you. Love is all there is.


Trooper York said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
knox said...

Maxine, ZIP IT

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Are we all invited to the wedding? Will you podcast it? ;-)

Beth said...

knox, if only that would work!

Trooper York said...

Who knew that all this time I was really commenting on

XWL said...

Trooper York, may have to rethink those party plans, The Star Trek Experience closed at the Las Vegas Hilton.

It's supposed to reopen at the troubled and nearly empty Neonopolis mall in Downtown Las Vegas the same weekend the new film begins. I'm not sure someone picking out baubles at Tiffany's would appreciate the 'atmosphere' in Downtown Vegas.

Still, if there really is cause for celebration (beyond a fine Spring Break trip), then I'd like to extend a hearty congratulations to all involved.

(also, late July is probably not the best time to be partying in Las Vegas, not everyone enjoys 100+ temperatures)

Trooper York said...

Hey if you are going to party naked what could be better than Vegas in July. Meade is part Irish and will need all the help he can get. (Shrinkage ya know).

Zachary Sire said...

I'm serious about live-blogging the ceremony!

But, however you decide to cover the wedding...I wish you the best. I love weddings, and although I've never had one, I've been in a bunch of them. Always a bridesmaid...

Something important.

Am I the only one here wondering:


Surely he has something to say about this, right?

Or, maybe it's all too much for him.

Oh, dear.

Fred Drinkwater said...

I *love* performance art.
Congratulations from the far side of 22 years of husbanding.

Maxine Weiss said...

I was right about selling the house.

I was right about the move to New York.

And, I'm right about this, too.

Marriage is a risk. The best way of reducing the risks is ...not getting married.

Very simple.


KCFleming said...

's wonderful.

Trooper York said...

We won't see Simon until the day of the wedding where he will be banging on the glass doors of the church with two bus tickets.

Joe Dimaggio is dead. So I guess a lonely nation turns it eyes to Derek Jeter?


Oh wait is that Anti-Semitic. Sorry. It's just an expression.

paul a'barge said...

Wow. Gob-smacked I am. Well, congrats... unless it's a hoax. In which case, even more congrats.

Donna B. said...

Maxine... you're just plain nuts... and I pity you.

My father is married to my 3rd stepmother and I love her and appreciate the joy and excitement she's bringing to my father's life.

I love my current stepmother. I loved all the others too. My Dad doesn't divorce them, he just keeps outliving them.

As for your idea that 60 is too old to marry again?? My Dad married my current stepmom when he was 83 and she was 76.

Love and family is all that matters. I now have two step-sisters and three step-brothers that I have come to love, respect, and admire.

Inheritance don't mean a hill of beans compared to my father's happiness. You cannot put a price on a smile or having one's hand held by one who loves you no matter the age.

Poor, pitiful Maxine.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Maybe Althouse can farm out the wedding live blog..

I know that a big leap.. she would have to trust someone to be something that only she can do so well..

I'm in the verge of tears. (And I haven't had a drink in weeks)

Trooper York said...

Tough luck there Lem. But don't worry. I will introduce you to Charo at the bachelor party.

Host with the Most said...

Congratulations and best wishes for many, many years.

And I agree that Zachary should live blog. I lay down my snarks against Zach - he is a great writer. Wrong on many issues, but still a great writer and the live-blogging idea is fantastic.

So, add to the wedding expense a ticket for Zachary, and make history again in the blogosphere, Ann Althouse.

Ann - where will you guys live?

Trooper York said...

Here's an important question. Will the female commenters be upset if we have stippers at the bacelor party. I mean I know Beth will be cool with it but what about the rest of you guys?

Trooper York said...

Also there is the question of farm animals? (But that is only an issue if RH Hardin shows up).

Anonymous said...

Maxine is absolutely right. This will end badly.

Ann is rushing into this like a school girl, like a naive farm girl who wants to run off with the first handsome stranger who rides past Daddy's farm.

Ann will regret this and she will NEVER acknowledge that Maxine was correct.

She voted for Obama and now this.


Anonymous said...

Is Meade Jewish?

traditionalguy said...

Aa good pre-nuptual protects the money/inheritances, as long as it is not thrown away in future years. A Family Limited Partnership created prior to the marriage will work if the assets on one or both sides need irrevocable protection. My best wishes and sincere love to you both.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

100 yea..

Freeman Hunt said...

Alright! Getting that kind of advice from jdeeripper and Maxine is the equivalent of an extra special blessing of the marriage!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

.. adult children


Christy said...

Wonderful news! Best Wishes, Professor. Congrats, Meade.

hdhouse said...

The Queen City not for nothing. Congrats Ms. Althouse

hdhouse said...

i'm so happy for you. i don't actually know you except for this and i'm beyond thrilled and delighted. good for you and specially good for you significant other. he/she has no idea how lucky and how furtunate.


amba said...


Go bail out a bank.

amba said...

Trooper: Stippers? With tassels on their nippers?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The prospective spouses are domeciled..

Maxine sounds like an episode of Law and Order.

LoafingOaf said...

Even though Cincy is a different world than my part of Ohio (Greater Cleveland), I've enjoyed all the positive publicity our state has received during Althouse's romantic spring break. I even stopped by a Skyline last week (though I'm not that crazy about Skyline chili -- it's only good every once in a long while) and bought some Graeter's mint chocolate chip this weekend. :)

Will this be a new way for people to find the perfect boyfriend/girlfriend? Create a blog and attract commenters who are interested in your every thought, and see which commenter impresses you the most? (But...figures you had to have horses and shit to be good enough for a diva like Althouse.....)

Anyway, if this is an engagement, congratulations. An Althouse wedding will be a very nice thing to follow on her blog (frankly, I'm tired of politics), and it's a nice story that she found love in her own comments section.

But will Althouse move to Ohio or will her dude move to Wisconsin?

amba said...

It was Cain who said it, Maxine, and it was a question.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Maxine to love is to suffer. To avoid suffering one must not love. But then one suffers from not loving. Therefore, to love is to suffer; not to love is to suffer; to suffer is to suffer. To be happy is to love. To be happy, then, is to suffer, but suffering makes one unhappy. Therefore, to be unhappy, one must love or love to suffer or suffer from too much happiness. I hope you're getting this down.

LoafingOaf said...

But now, they've got to interrupt their own plans to worry and stress over Mom's foolish escapades, and frittering their inheritance right down a sinkhole.

I dunno, Maxine! The dude is, like, next door neighbors to rock stars and astronauts, has horses, and everything looks hella classy, right down to the wine glasses. Seems like a life of easy leisure from here on out! Eff teaching law!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Can Meade be called the first dude of Althousia ;)

Anonymous said...

The children are in greater danger from a step-father than a biological father.

The new man never sees the other man's children as his own.

When they are younger they are in danger from physical abuse. When they are older the abuse is in the form of manipulating the mother/wife into giving less attention/affection and money to the children.

The Althouse boys must not let themselves fall into denial and wishful thinking.

One delusional Althouse is enough.

The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
amba said...

So why ever get out of bed in the morning?

If not for reckless insanity, nothing would ever happen. The big bang would never have happened, much less all the little ones.

20-year-olds might be shocked, shocked by the unintended consequences. I have to admire 50-year-olds who willingly risk them.

Bob W. said...

While you have been basking in the joy that is cincinatti, they came in the night for my rochefort cheese, who knows what they'll take away next, nothing is sacred these days. . .

The Dude said...


It is agreed that you are a flaming douche, but now you are a flaming douche who makes up words?

What the heck does "incompacited" mean? Do you use it in your circle (jerk) of moronic hate-filled liberal friends? Do they nod when you say it, too ashamed to admit that they have no idea what the hell you are rambling on about?

Sorry for the ad hominem attack... wait, hold it, no I am not.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Maxine you forgot to use the words "revenue stream".

Anonymous said...

Is the collapse of the world economy to blame for this madness?

Desperate times.

Saul said...

Althouse and Meade, Inc., with offices located in Paso Robles, California, currently conducts biological research projects, biological surveys, wetland delineations, environmental investigations, rare species surveys, monitoring, and permitting for government agencies and private landowners. The company produces biological reports, management plans, restoration plans, wetland delineation documents, and rare species survey reports, completing more than six hundred projects in the last eight years. The principal scientists, LynneDee Althouse and Daniel Meade contribute their forty years of combined biological and environmental consulting experience to the team. They work closely with agency professionals and landowners to develop cooperative agreements based on good science and permitting obligations. Althouse and Meade, Inc. is committed to teamwork in project planning and implementation. Their team has conducted resource surveys and assisted with conservation planning on over 120,000 acres in Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, and Kern Counties.

Althouse and Meade, Inc. provides expert, professional service for permit compliance issues, provides expert identification and analysis of biological resources, and obtains permits from County agencies, the California Department of Fish and Game, the United States Army Corps of Engineers, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Regional Water Quality Control Board. Our team works cooperatively with the California Coastal Commission staff to design projects that are compatible with Coastal Commission requirements.
Althouse and Meade, Inc. provides biological services for a 14,000 acre historic, working cattle ranch in San Luis Obispo County. Our services have including a complete biological survey of all wildlife and plants on the property, habitat mapping, constraints analysis, mitigation recommendations, EIR review, and planning consultation. Althouse and Meade, Inc. currently provides biological resource consultation and is responsible for permitting and monitoring for Union Pacific Railroad bridge and track maintenance projects across California and other western states. We have conducted biological assessments for the entire UPRR Santa Barbara sub division, which includes every bridge and culvert crossing on the railroad between the city of San Luis Obispo and Simi Pass in Ventura County.

Althouse and Meade, Inc. is a dedicated team of expert botanists, wildlife biologists, soil scientists, GIS specialists, monitoring professionals, and support staff. As needed, we have engaged other experts and professionals at the top of their fields with whom we have long-time working relationships.

Lead by its principals, Daniel Meade and LynneDee Althouse, and supported by a well-trained and dedicated staff, Althouse and Meade, Inc. brings to the process of environmental investigation, planning, and project development a strong scientific background, intimate understanding of natural communities and species, and a commitment to teamwork and communication. At each opportunity for service, the company goal is to provide the best scientifically based solutions for the problems inherent in the interface between human activity and environmental resources.

Sir Archy said...

To Professor Althouse.

Dear Madam,

Altho' profess'd in my Absence from this, your Theatre of Topicks (as I call it), to do Pennance for this Lenten Season, I find cannot forbear in my Heart to make Exception, to wish upon You and Mr. Meade my heartiest Congratulations & Best Wishes for your intended Marriage.

As the Ghost of a Gentleman, dead these 260 Years and more, you may imagine the many Marriages to which I have been witness.  Alas! Preparation for my own Matrimony was brought to an end, by my unexpect'd & sudden Death.  But, I shant dwell on those doleful & dreary Particulars on this happy Occasion, but only say as our great Shakespeare doth:—

          In Delay there lies no Plenty;
          Then come kiss me, Sweet and Twenty;
          Youth's a Stuff will not endure.

Alas! Few of us are young & Twenty; some of us have been in our Grave above two Centuries; but, those amongst the Living, if they tarry not further, may yet have Kissing enough.

Pray, do not take it amiss, then, if I offer a few commonplace Observations on the happy State of Marriage, viz.:—

Equal Years, and reciprocal Affection, are agreed to be a good Foundation for a happy married Life: I cannot see how such a Wedlock can be unfortunate, without the Principles of the Parties, or perhaps one of 'em, be pervert'd. Those therefore we wou’d chuse, if we marry with Wit in our Heads, and tho’ this is said to be impossible, by those who marry without any, and others who jeer ’em on that Occasion, I think it very practicable if People would but so do.

The happy Marriage is, where two Persons meet and voluntarily make Choice of each other, without principally regarding or neglecting the Circumstances of Fortune or Beauty. These may still love in spite of Adversity or Sickness : The former we may in some Measure defend our selves from, the other is the Portion of our very Make & Being.  When you have a true Notion of this sort of Passion, your Humour of living great will vanish out of your Imagination, and you will find Love has nothing to do with State.

Solitude, with the Person belov'd, has a Pleasure beyond Shew or Pomp. You are therefore to consider, which of your Lovers will like you best undress'd, and, which will bear with You most when out of Humour? And, your Way to' this is to ask your Self, which of them you value most for his own Sake? and, by that, judge which gives the greater Instances of his valuing You for your Self only.

For, as the well-known Song warneth:

        'Tis all for her Pelf;
         And not for her Self;
         'Tis all Artifice,
         All Artifice all.

So, as I cannot but conclude that the very amiable Mr. Meade must needs value you only for you Self, and You for him, I must remain, wishing You & Mr. Meade every future Happiness,


Your humble & obt. Servant,

Sir Archy


In my other Capacity, as Surveyor of Lunaticks at this, your Theatre of Topicks, I cannot forbear to remark that Mrs. Weiss hath gone compleatly mad, and is fit to be carry'd to Bedlam, whether in her pretended Capacity as Goodwife of the City of Los Angeles, or, in his, or her, actual State, as a Student of Madness, gone mad himself or herself, in that same City.

The pretend'd Mrs. Weiss's principal Affection is Mockery, which he or she performs after the Manner of Mr. Sasha Cohen; who regards such Sophistries in his own Mind as great Wit, but, which any Person of Breeding & good Sense can only look upon with mix't bemus'd Contempt & Horrour.

Beth said...

Maxine is on to something. Clearly this marriage is a violation of the Mann Act.

David said...

Damn, I have to follow Sir Archy. Here goes anyway.

My wife was 57 when she married then 62 year old me. The adult children acted like adults (except after the reception.) Four years later the marriage is happy and rewarding even beyond our high expectations. The adult children (8 of them) are still acting like adults, and still happy for us.

Way to go for it, Althouse and Meade.

JAL said...

534 at 10:41 pm

Zachary Sire said...

I lay down my snarks against Zach - he is a great writer.

That's gotta be the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me on Althouse, and coming from you Host, it's even nicer. I don't know what to say, other than thank you. This might buy us a few weeks of civility towards each other in the comments! Thanks again.

Now, Maxine.

I think of her comments as sort of performance art, and of course they aren't serious. So because there is no truth or saneness to any of her words, they end up being really, really funny. I've been LOL'ing reading all her comments. This might be naive of me considering her truly creepy obsession with the Althouse family, but the more detached from reality Maxine gets, the more it's kind of fascinating.

The Dude said...

Yeah, I clicked it twice. Maybe it should be 533...

JAL said...

Maxine sounds like a spurned lover.


JAL said...

Of course Althouse did vote for Obama, and some commenters felt betrayed by her seeming betrayal and cruel neutrality.

Who knows.

LoafingOaf said...

Althouse's dude is a neighbor of Peter Frampton's. Since it's in the Cincy area, he's probably Republican?

From the papers:

CINCINNATI — Rocker Peter Frampton is wishing someone would show him the way to keep his Barack Obama yard signs from getting swiped.

The Grammy winner is complaining that signs showing his preference for the Democratic presidential candidate have been stolen repeatedly at his home in the upscale and predominantly Republican Cincinnati suburb of Indian Hill.

Frampton, 58, is so angry, he called The Cincinnati Enquirer asking to be interviewed.

The British-born singer of "Show Me the Way" and other hits told the newspaper that one reason he became a U.S. citizen was so he could vote. Now, he says his American rights to free speech and political speech are being violated and it "bugs" him.

Frampton said he has installed a video camera to catch the thieves.

Were the thieves ever caught? All the neighbors are suspect!

JAL said...

We have probably all double clicked fcai.

All for nought.


The Dude said...

I'm colorblind, but I will take your word for it. And sometimes it is good to be rod and cone challenged.

JAL said...

Since when has Sir Archy been able to capitalize?

The news is so stunning, his legs must be all over the keyboard at millipede speed.

LoafingOaf said...

Poor Simon.

Simon said...

Parfois, je sais ce que je devrais dire, mais les mots ne se parleront pas...

Lem Vibe Banditory said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Christy said...

So am I the only one who googled "Meade said" on the Althouse blog site to look back and see where this began?

Peter Hoh said...

Congratulations! It's been delightful watching the "mystery" unfold.

JAL - you are confusing Sir Archy, who uses capitalization, with blogging cockroach, who does not.

Peter Hoh said...

Christy, I had not considered that. I guess I was hoping that the blog historian would put all the clues together.

Michiel de Mare said...

Congratulations to both of you! I'm imagining the ceremony: "Blogger, do you take this man
to be your lawful wedded commenter?"

kristinintexas said...

Results 1 - 10 of about 1,770 from for "meade said". (0.07 seconds)


blake said...

Results 1 - 10 of about 2,430 from for "blake said". (0.16 seconds)

Huh. Maybe I should have asked to marry her....

blake said...

It was Cain who said it, Maxine, and it was a question.

Well, really, it was a lie wasn't it?

Zachary Sire said...

I understand, Simon. Sometimes there really are no words.

JAL said...

True, Peter Hoh.

Too stunned to keep my ghosts and roaches apart.

Trooper York said...

Amba, I am afraid the art of the ecdysiast has progressed since the days of Gypsy Rose Lee and Sally Rand.

Think lap dances, mattress dances and the shower dance.

Trooper York said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trooper York said...

I am sure we can work something up for the ladies and the gay guys as well.

I will put Titus and Zach on the case.

dick said...

Congratulation and best wishes. It had to be the wonderful city of Cincinnati that made the difference. Could not be happier than seeing people who are both smart and good to read and they make it work. May you live long and be happy together.

Mr. Forward said...

Does this mean I can wear shorts again?

Patm said...

Which ring did you pick?

Richard Fagin said...

Hop in the car and drive 500 miles, then turn around and drive right back. That's true love. Congratualtions to you both.

Republican said...

Where is Casey Affleck?

Republican said...

The ratio of failure is about 99:1.

Love is easily confused with lust, even for middleaged peeps.

Maxine is right.

Prosqtor said...

Here in Indiana you would be flogged for trying to tell two intelligent adults what to do. Wait, we need federal legislation: It's for the children!

Methadras said...

So Althouse and Meade are an item. I only joked about her having a boner for someone on this blog, but I had no idea it was Meade. Well, if it's true then congratulation to both of you. Love is like air, you breath it in to give you life and exhale hate so you can breath in more love. Enjoy it.

Methadras said...

How did you do it, Meade?

lowercase said...


Hey, the rest of you, for those of us that are fairly new here, what's the backstory?

s1c said...

Congrats, May you have many, many happy years together.

Virginia said...

Whoa, I don't know what to s-


Two marriages, to my none.

Take the risk - Maxine, she is a lawyer. If her heart gets broken, she will rally the troops and deal with it, I'm quite confident.

Take the risk.

Anonymous said...

Congratlations to both of you!

Richard Dolan said...

An internet hook-up leads to ... Cincinnati, and perhaps back again.

What a wonderful world we live in. All the best to M. and Mme Althouse-Meade (Meade-Althouse?). Whatever.

Meade said...

Thank you, everyone, for your congratulations and kind wishes.

Chip Ahoy said...

Congratulations and good wishes to everyone.

* glees *

* does the spastic Hey Ya Outkast dance. *

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