March 2, 2009

At the Obstructed View Café...


... you can talk about your dreams and frustrations.


I'm Full of Soup said...

Trooper tells his readers "talk amonst yourselves" and Althouse says "talk about your dreams and frustrations".

Yes Masters!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The Red Sox are going all the way this year.

Ann Althouse said...

Well, you can really talk about anything.

traditionalguy said...

I dreamed that I insulted you for no good reason, just to show that I have a pair. But since I am an adult, that makes no sense to me(and it never worked out too well for me as a child). The only reason to intentionally insult a person is for the Bullies who are usually stunned by the possibility of someone fighting back. Peace be with you all.

Meade said...

"Yes Masters!"

But look closely, AJ: The one orders, the other one seduces.

Simon said...

Is Obama going to sign the DC voting act?

Curtiss said...


Well, O.K., as long as the brawl going on next door doesn't come crashing through the thread wall like the final scene of Blazing Saddles or something.

I'm Full of Soup said...


Like I said to Trooper, I want entertainment from the intertubes. I can't be bothered reading between the lines or trying to figure out what a meataphor (not a typo) is. Heh.

I'm Full of Soup said...

It ain't a brawl when Michael is involved. He'd have to grow a set AND get that mail-in exercise program from Charles Atlas.

Simon said...

eve fairbanks has a kind of young Tori Amos vibe to her look in that bhtv.
Collectively the most winsome bhtv ever.

Hazy Dave said...

Well, I can't really see any dreams from here, but my frustrations are out of sight, so I guess it's a wash...

Ann Althouse said...

@ Simon The thing about Eve is that she enjoys speaking freely. If people would only risk being somewhat uninhibited, there could be much more enjoyable conversations.

Like right now. Come on! Say interesting things! Don't be so careful.

Curtiss said...

I've spent the last 20 years being careful. It's a hard habit to break.

Ann Althouse said...

"But look closely, AJ: The one orders, the other one seduces."

He's right, of course. I didn't say "talk about your dreams and frustrations." I said "you can talk about your dreams and frustrations." A declarative sentence, not an imperative. It refers to your capacity. I'm not telling you to do anything. I'm just making a place for you, should you exercise your option.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

I don't know. Eve's face is kind of cute but the hairdo just isn't do it for me. I like the thought of her being uninhibited though...

Simon said...

Ann - believe me, it wasn't a criticism! ;) When I was 16, I wanted to marry Tori Amos, and in hindsight, really dodged a bullet on that one.

How often have I ever resisted speaking here for a surfeit of carefulness? ;)

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Eve is more fun than most lefties. Imagine having to debate someone like Katrina vanden Heuvel. Now there is a winning personality.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Did you know NPR does not let Fox identify Juan Williams as an NPR employee when he goes on the some Fox News shows ? This is a recent thing spurred by complaints to NPR about his appearances on Fox. Or so I read somewhere.

Is that screwed up or what? NPR needs to grow a set.

What are you doing up so late Althouse? This is unusual for you.

chuck b. said...

Last night I dreamed that my tomato seedlings came up etiolated, and this morning they kind of did. So that's both a dream and a frustration in one.

Nothing I can't handle tho'.

I hope I sleep better tonight than I did last night. Unless I was dreaming that I was awake last night (the classic, unbeatable dream + frustration combo), I think I only slept for a few hours.

Ann Althouse said...

@Simon I didn't take it as a criticism. I was just commenting on why that bhtv seemed particularly good (if it did).

I'm Full of Soup said...

Who is Tori Amos? One hit wonder or maybe two?

I think XPN used to play some of her songs?

NO snow in Wisconsin the past day or so? We got about half a foot or so.

24 was frigging good tonight. This may be the best season so far for me.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

I wonder what new Rush stories will be out in the media tomorrow. Anything to take our minds off thte latest route in the markets. Talk about obstructed views...

Simon said...

Blogger Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...
"Imagine having to debate someone like Katrina vanden Heuvel."

You can't debate Katrina. I tweeted about this watching her on sunday - the only thing she's capable of doing is regurgitating her stock talking points, and you rally felt for poor Karl Rove and the Georges trying to draw her into actually debating only to see her pause and determine which prefabricated talking point was the closest match for the moment. Someone so intellectually incapable just doesn't belong in a roundtable format, no matter what their politics.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Does anyone know why my avatar appears above my comments instead of beside them?

Curtiss said...

Bushman, it must be your monitor. It's in the same location as everyone else's on my screen.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Katrina Van Den Huevl is a poster girl for the always angry, humorless scold libtard.

Born with a silver spoon in her mouth, I bet Katrina gives less to charity than Joe Biden did.

Simon said...

Ann - it was, on at least two levels. :p

AJ, she did three really good albums in the early to mid 1990s, then miscarried, made a string of patchy albums that one might rate middling to poor, and seemingly declined in terms of mental stability. (Too many drugs and unresolved issues, one suspects.) There's good work on all her albums - i e e e e on Choirgirl, Concertina on TV&B, Taxi Ride on Scarlett, Sleeps with Butterflies on whatever the last one was called - but she hasn't made a truly great album since Boys for Pele, IMO.

I'm Full of Soup said...


It seemed to move around on me. When I first looked it was not there, but now it is fine.

Perhaps, you can't see it when you are in "comment" mode. Nah I can see it - I just looked while I was typing this.

Simon said...

Although I have to say, Althouse, you give these DC vote people a lot more credit than I do. Sometimes, "too much is never enough," but here, any is too much.

One doesn't need a congressional vote to cede the majority of the populated area of DC back to Maryland, by the way. It's not even clear that Maryland could refuse to take it back; all you need is a properly-enacted statute, pursuant to the enclave and federal property clauses.

Simon said...

I don't understand why you think it's "absurd" that each state gets two votes, either, since we're being candid. Was that just intended to be rhetorical, a stipulation for sake of argument to highlight the point that it's not really a question of fairness but of following structual rules?

William said...

I have been trying to look at the wrestling matches that Elvis sponsored from a feminist perspective. There are some who claim that Elvis unfairly used his celebrity and magnetism to get women to strip down and wrestle on his bed. They even go so far as to criticize him for being sexist...I think this was far from the case. The women used Elvis as a status object to fulfill their own rape/submission fantasies. It was a shame that Elvis did not have sufficient maturity to resist this objectification.....Women are always forcing weak men to dress up in pinstripes or pompadours and act out their fantasies of alpha males. Elvis, like so many of us, just wanted to watch television, buy Cadillacs, and eat soft foods. It was terrible the way women preyed upon him....If Scarlett Johansson and Penelope Cruz ever forced me to watch their wrestling match, I would prefer Scarlett to wear white, cotton panties and Penelope to wear black lace. I think it was horrible the way they made Woody Allen direct their lesbian kiss in his movie.

Simon said...

I mean, why wouldn't Wyoming have the same number of Senators as California? I don't understand why anyone would dispute that - just because of the relative populations? That just seems silly - inerudite, even - to me.

Simon said...

@AJ Lynch: her drummer, Matt Chamberlain, is very good, also, although I preferred her before she had a drummer.

Simon said...

Silly, inerudite, or, worse yet, ahistoric and worst of all, rationalist.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

AJ and Curtiss, thanks for the avatar info.

Simon said...

Better link for Oakeshott (you can read it online).

DaLawGiver said...

Let's talk about DOGS!!! I'll put my pups up against Palladian's or anyone else's. That is Rascal my chorkie, he was whelped on 9/11/08. My avatar is Pickles a 13 pound minpin.

Show me your dogs!

Curtiss said...

Perky Katie Couric in on Letterman tonight. I've always enjoyed watching a listening to her. She's a total lib, but a pleasant person.

As opposed to the always angry and bitter Katrina vanden Heuvel. Pleasant to watch but such a downer.

reader_iam said...

Did you know NPR does not let Fox identify Juan Williams as an NPR employee when he goes on the some Fox News shows ?

Ah, that was the story of NPR's preference last week or so ... however, Juan was identified that way on Fox just within the past couple days or so.

Wishin' ain't gettin'?

Brad V said...


Jason (the commenter) said...


-Spent 15 hours at work.
-Everyone else in my department called in sick.
-Had people constantly trying to give me directions over the phone.
-Had to make tiny, handwritten labels and label things, which I was then told could all be put in one giant container.
-Lost 75% of last week's work because someone couldn't spend one extra minute to run a test properly.
-I had everything labeled for that 75% of work.
-I did all this in a refrigerator.
-I just got a paper cut on mail sticking out of someone else's mailbox.

Ron said...

That settles it: I'm gettin' on The Bachelor! Why the hell not? Can't be worse than the tool they've had on there! Sexier, too!

Wince said...

Good to know somebody reads me!

Glenn Reynolds just re-titled an Instapundit Post with my Althouse comment.


john said...

EDH - Congrats, you at long last got your due.

The big time.

For the rest of us here at Althouse High, we just kind of sway along with the music in the gym, sometimes breaking out (like Penny and Elastigirl), but mostly hanging close to the wall. Waiting for our chance.

Chennaul said...

Elvis ate deep fried peanut butter and banana sanwiches then died.

Sandwiches killed a lot of music.

Chennaul said...

Hoagies hated Momma Kass.

Talk about an army of one.

Finally they got their revenge.

Chennaul said...

Hippies and Hoagies don't mix...

Jason (the commenter) said...

Sandwiches killed a lot of music.

But what if they inspired him to make the music he did?

Chennaul said...

They 'ate each other.

Chennaul said...

Na I think they only weighed him down.

they got him at the zenith of his career like a Zepplin.

A lead Zepplin....

Chennaul said...

-I did all this in a refrigerator.

Do you work in a lab?

john said...

Sandwiches killed a lot of music.

Plane crashes too. Janis, however, sandwiched heroin between her pulls on the bottle, and Jimmy may have done the same with pills. They both died in 1970 within 3 months of each other. Jim in 1971.

This is getting me depressed. I'm going back to the gym and dance.

Jason (the commenter) said...

Mama Cass, I could have used her "One way ticket" song today!

Call the village band out
Bid me good bye
Everybody stand outside and cry
Never thought so many
Thought me so dear
I'd be happy any place but here

One way ticket take me anywhere
North bound south bound i don't even care
I know the grass is greener there

People in the city
Leave you alone
Everyday is pretty much your own
One among the many
Year after year
I'd be happy any place but here

Chennaul said...

Sorry I'm off to bed-obvious I'm punchy.

I just tried to wade through that other thread.

john said...

Hoagies hated Momma Kass.

But didn't she have the sweetest voice?

Beth said...

Okay, pets. Or pests. Whatever.

Michael Haz said...

I just woke up. What's going on here at the insomnia support group meeting? Are we whispering in order not to wake up the trolls?

Michael Haz said...

Just took a look next door. What a mess. Don't understand why people take the bait and attempt to reason with Dipshit.

Unknown said...

Most of us never started trying to reason with him. Just went straight for the insults and baiting.

Michael Haz said...

He really like the disturbed adolescent in the corner of the classroom, always acting out in order to get some attention.

Michael Haz said...

/He's, not He/

ricpic said...

Like a screen of trees
Our inhibitions keep us
From reaching the clearing
Where all will out
In a great gush of
Uninhibited exhibition...

Thank God for screens.

AllenS said...

Looking at the photo, just confirmed what I had suspected, a bamboo curtain is growing in commie Madison, WI.

George M. Spencer said...

Looks like the legendary lost HoJo of the Great Plains lurking in the back ground.....28 flavors of ice cream...grilled in butter Frankforts...fried clams...macaroni & cheese....sundaes....clean restrooms...air-conditioned for your comfort...

Titushadadreamaboutsnakes said...

I had a dream that I was covered in snakes last night and I had to get over a swamp that had many rooms and each room was covered in snakes. If you made it out of the rooms you go to a spa and got a full body treatment. I did the girl giving me a full body treatment. Weird.

KCFleming said...

Samuel Johnson once described his frustration thus: "Vitam continet una dies”, (one day contains the whole of my life).

So it is, except...

Sometimes you can feel warm bread in your mouth, and smell fresh coffee and see the sun stretch the trees before most of the world awakens.

Tomorrow and tomorrow after that promise to be very hard, and the dull repetition of years past will seem like an impossible thing, and moments like this ecstasy:

"And I mean, I just don't know how anybody could enjoy anything more than I enjoy reading Charlton Heston's autobiography, or, you know, getting up in the morning and having the cup of cold coffee that's been waiting for me all night, still there for me to drink in the morning! And no cockroach or fly has died in it overnight. I mean, I'm just so thrilled when I get up and I see that coffee there just the way I wanted it, I mean, I just can't imagine how anybody could enjoy something else any more than that!"

Of these I dream.

Chip Ahoy said...

I listened to the blogging heads with Althouse and Eve Fairbanks all the way through beyond an hour. And that was with having to re-start the thing and move the slider to the point where it went bollox twice, for a total of three starts. For all that, I found Eve Fairbanks to be delightful, interesting and engaging, a welcome blast of fresh air contrasted with the usual self-absorbed faux-intellectual depressives.

I object to the term leftie used here, the diminutive is unbecoming. Cannot you simply use the word liberal? It's the descriptive Eve chooses for herself.

Eve, everything I saw there about you appeals to me, your smile, your hair, your grace, but especially your evenness in discussion. I appreciate your forbearance with the customary Althousian disputatio interruptus. Sorry, Althouse, as much as I adore you, you tend to step on your interlocutor. Eve, you've reaffirmed my faith in liberals generally. The ones I read here show little of your balance or your tact.

I like you so much I invented a lemon sauce that goes well with salmon. You can see and nearly taste its glisteny goodness here at Pacific salmon and here at salmon frittata.

DaLawGiver said...


Nice dachshunds.

I think cats are like consevatives or libertarians---leave me alone, don't bother me. If you don't like my behavior then piss off, I'll go feral on you. Oh yeah, I may sleep on your face tonight just because I can.

Dogs are like liberals or democrats---please take care of me, be a part of everything I do. If you leave me alone too much I may become destructive and eat your couch. I love you so much, you are my savior!

Christopher in MA said...

Well, if I could do a link I'd show you my dog. But you're all smart people here - just google "American Eskimo dog," and you'll see what my little girl looks like.

Dreams and frustrations? My dream right now is my frustration. Funny how that works.

But a nice cup of tea might make me feel better. Yorkshire Gold, just in case you care.

MadisonMan said...

I wonder how far Cass Elliott would have gotten on American Idol.

DaLawGiver said...

I had a sled dog cast off when I lived in Alaska. His name was Spot and he had one blue eye and one brown eye. What an incredible dog. He lived outside year round and loved to go for walks no matter the weather. As is well documented dog sled racing is a big business up there. Usually when there was an undocumented pregnancy the breeders would just give the pups away. The newspaper used to be full of free puppy adds.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Mad Man:

Cass would have made it at least to the pre-show buffet table:)

jayne_cobb said...

I was checking drudge this morning and I discovered a story which combines two of this site's favorite subjects: shorts and politics

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