IN THE COMMENTS: Great White Father George said:
Montessori-educated, slipper-wearing, Obama-sticker plastering, Phish listening, Black History Month loving, anti-bullying program attending, journal keeping, personal "space" needing, Apple loyal, 'time-out' disciplined, CNN listening, organic carrot-stick nibbling children whose parents never imposed any rules on them.
५७ टिप्पण्या:
How many different rights and rules can one guy make up and then announce that they are being violated with complete sincerity?
I love how he started crying out "Brutality! You are on camera!" when they started moving the furniture blockade. :)
This looked like yesterday's "reality show with rules no one understood", played out by 5 year olds pretending to be dressed up in adult's clothes. The reason Adults say don't ask questions like these is that Maturity includes perception and identification of enemies that are real and not pretend. Leadership provides that perception and identification to the social group. The NYU pretenders need to watch Lord Of the Flies, and await adult indoctrination into useful skills of leading, following, or getting out of the way.
I don't think that they voted for McCain.
Ah, the generations that come after are clearly made of weaker stuff.
I remember Berkeley in '67. I watched Chicago in '68.
Not only were the aging hippies of my day useless in their own right, but when they burrowed into academia, they failed to pass on the lessons learned to future generations of radicals :)
"we make decisions by consensus"
These guys are effete pampeed pussies, to keep the kitty thread going.
How do you think that guy would do if he saw a battalion of the 82nd, with shields and battons, (or M-14's and bayonets) foot stomping its way down the avenue.
roll up into a fetal ball and whimper?
"roll up into a fetal ball and whimper?"
"Come see the violence inherent in the system!"
Amazing restraint, because all I wanted to do was punch him in the nose.
Not NYU student: Come and see the violence inherent in the system. Help! Help! I'm being repressed!
Officer: What I need is the NYU IDs.
Not NYU student: Oh, what a giveaway! Did you hear that? Did you hear that, eh? That's what I'm on about! Did you see him repressing me? You saw him, Didn't you?
You left off the best comment from the NYU guy that made camera guy speachless:
“This is not a negotiation.”
It's George Bush's fault. He would not re-instate the Draft, thus depriving these super heroes of a real protest issue to save something, like their own lives. Aux armes citoyens, formez le bataillions...etc. they need a better song and a better mascot before they try this again.
It's as if the cameraman read about civil disobedience on the back of a cereal box somewhere and thought that made him ready to try it out for himself.
I got bored listening about halfway through, but I did notice that the movement's demands didn't feature in the discussion of how to respond, even at the level of "oh no, now the University of Gaza won't get any excess supplies!"
Demands can be found at
There's a difference between a demand and a pretext.
I hope the "Don't tase me, bro" guy surrenders his title gracefully.
Montessori-educated, slipper-wearing, Obama-sticker plastering, Phish listening, Black History Month loving, anti-bullying program attending, journal keeping, personal "space" needing, Apple loyal, 'time-out' disciplined, CNN listening, organic carrot-stick nibbling children whose parents never imposed any rules on them.
My commanding officer when I was in the 173d eventually became a professor at NYU. While he had a lot of praise for some of the students, he duly noted that there were a lot of spoilt little brats there as well. This is proof.
These NYU student leaders need to take a trip to Gaza where they can demonstrate for women's rights and demand non-violence from Hamas. Now that's what I call an educational trip abroad with one final and brutal teachable moment.
I wonder if they put as much energy in thier studies.
It's always been curious to me how, during the Sixties' student protests (before my time), there wasn't some wider, more reasoned, less patient and certainly less panicky view from the "Establishment" that most of them were just a bunch of children trashing their own playroom.
At any rate, I'm ultimately struck by the young fellow in dreadlocks who, toward the end of the clip, makes sure he grabs his skateboard as the situation deteriorates around him. Mount up and ride, my friend.
God how I would have loved to see a couple of flash grenades go off followed by a SWAT team breaking through the doors and windows, decked out in full regalia.
The loaf production would have rivaled Titus on his most productive day.
This guy's not forceful enough to be Dennis the Peasant. He's actually Beavis and Butt-head's hippie teacher.
I don't understand how people can respond to this pathetic display with hostility -- the narrator is just so pathetic he excites pity even in me (and this is rare, particularly given that this is a protest, and I approach all protest scenarios with a heavy bias against whoever is protesting). The way he bleated on about "consensus consensus" made him sound like he might be mildly retarded. Made me feel sorry for the boy.
Good one, GreatWhiteFatherGeorge. These are the same kids who want good grades for showing up on time. A good flogging would have done them well...
Well done by the police.
Hope figures in pretty stongly in the tactics.
GreatWhiteFatherGeorge, that indeed sums it all up.
GreatWhiteFatherGeorge left out bottled water.
The Man drinks subhuman "corporate water" so wouldn't be interested in confiscating the conscientious objectors' consensus-building evil-free no brutality zone water.
Pathetic. I love the hysteria in his voice as he sees the entire thing crumbling around him. "Wait wait isn't supposed to go THIS way. This isn't how I envisioned my triumph! Waaah"
Plus....he has to explain that ID means identification?? DOH! Brain trusts aren't they? I bet they all got A's in high school just for showing up.
Drill Sgt has it correct. When/if the shit hits the fan, these schulbs will be useless impediments in the way of those who can act in the face of "real" danger and who want to survive. I'm more than willing to throw the whole bunch of them under the bus...or tank treads...or whatever.
Useless pieces of humanity.
Folks, I think in all the name calling, we've failed to explicitly state what the crux of his problem is:
The guy's a pussy. End of story.
One pretense of speaking out against the undue oppression in the West is the mantra, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Sounds heavy, but unfortunately, this “Protest Logic” makes about as much sense as persuasion by puppetry. In effect, it makes one “friends” with barbarians. Is that the intent? Rebellious nihilism? Or maybe some people just don't think their clichés all the way through.
Perhaps the protesters could learn something from the dynasty of Mendez XXVI:
“We don’t kill our enemies. We get our enemies to kill each other.”
"Montessori-educated, slipper-wearing, Obama-sticker plastering ..."
Shorthand: We just call those guys pussies.
Paul wrote: "He's actually Beavis and Butt-head's hippie teacher."
I stand corrected. You are absolutely accurate.
Any student protest with "demands" is stupid and criminal. The students were trying to perform an appropriation of school property, aka theft. Most of these students aren't even paying to go to college. They're trying to take control of their parent's or the donor's money. Some of the blame has to go to colleges, which try hiding the fact they are businesses. And they could do a better job of teaching them about how the world works.
These folks aren't pussies. They are poseurs. Pussies shy away from a fight or from their beliefs in the face of consequences or a difficult choice. These people do not shy away from their (misguided and ignorant) beliefs. Instead, they know they live in a society with authorities what allow these asshats to amuse themselves until everyone on both sides gets bored and some wristslapping occurs. Despite the faux hysteria on the video, they know they won't get the crap beaten out of them, thrown in prison or lined up against the way and shot. There are no real consequences to their actions and they know it. They are poseurs and they are irrelevant.
The main guy overheard is a poseur pussy. He was all about the righteousness until the police climbed over the barracade. Then he was all about the whining, and trying to stave off his inevitable caving with craven appeals to "democratic consensus".
Hey, now, RobertL....
Smuggled onto campus in a bread truck.
Columbia University
Ain't gonna be treated this a way.
Documentary from the '68 event.
All I could think of watching that was, "Excuse me! I believe you took my stapler! Excuse me!"
How did they get Milton Waddell to get all "speaking truth to power"-ey like that?
Titus made Althouse laugh until she cried, this video did the same for me yesterday.
Everytime he said "consensus" or "brutality" amidst that apathetic-looking bunch I laughed, and the best part was the end when he was cataloging belongings to make sure that they weren't taken. MacBooks, iPods, high end outdoor water bottles, sporting goods backpacks, Moleskine notebooks, emo hippie clothes, headphones, etc. Oh, but no "corporate water." I guess all the rest of that swag was made in a non-corporate commune somewhere.
Plus, the whole tragic comedy element of the protesters not understanding that it was over, that they had no authority over anything, and that there was no right to negotiations.
Thinking about it is making me laugh again. Those protesters could not have fit the stereotype of yuppie hippie any more perfectly. I heart this video.
Oh, and the girl who starts screaming that a cop tried to push her off of the balcony. Comedy gold. I bet at least one of them wished he could push her off after all that hysterical whining.
This stuff is straight out of the Saul Alynsky playbook. Demonize, demonize, demonize 24/7/365. Never let up. Be like a Terminator.
A video of people being tortured under Saddam Hussein, carefully edited by a network news show. In fact, the video shows someone being pushed off the top of a building.
Americans have no idea, no idea...this stuff is typical around the world.
Those kids would be disappeared in most places.
freeman. Apt name.
Precious, really precious...
I liked "Riot! Riot!" as well as the poor camerafella's wandering aimlessly around the Student Free Space trying to get his comrades together so they could consense about stuff. And the incredulity with which the rep of The Man informed them, "This isn't a negotiation" - and we mustn't leave out the various times the camerafella claimed that "We have a right to [fill in the blank]!"
Oh dear. That WAS a good laugh. But in the end I just feel a little sorry for the camera-holder. Thank goodness he didn't actually identify himself on camera, or he'd be laughed out of every job interview he ever went on.
Jamie -
You'll get your wish, I'm sure. He'll be ID'd very soon, or my name isn't T. Whiner Camerageek.
Good luck on those interviews, indeed.
You'll get your wish, I'm sure. He'll be ID'd very soon, or my name isn't T. Whiner Camerageek.
His name is apparently Alex Lotorto. Not even an NYU student, as it happens -- he is reported to attend some school called Muhlenberg.
Look, I agree that these dorks are the quintessential self-aggrandizing losers (cf GreatWhiteFatherGeorge above). However, I must take exception with the automatic association of these poseur cretins with other folks who use Apple products.
While it is true that Apple has been remarkably successful at selling their products to the narcissist crowd, there are a large number of us who rely on Macs to get real work done.
I am a programmer by profession, and a fully loaded MacBook Pro is a development machine without peer in the Windows world. It comes with all the tools that any programmer is likely to need, and the development environment is free.
On top of that, if you really need to run Windows, you can dual-boot into XP. The MBPs are smoking fast Windows computers, too.
So, I resent the uncalled for lumping of someone like myself with someone who happens to use the same hardware for all the wrong reasons.
I'm laughing at him even as I write this--a man walks past and away from you and you scream "brutality." What a doofus. To paraphrase a great hero: I don't think brutality means what the cameraman thinks it means.
It really did get to the point where I hoped that massive guard said "that's not brutality, this is brutality" and punched the cameraman in the face.
a fully loaded MacBook Pro is a development machine without peer in the Windows world.
Then you've never programmed with Visual Studio which makes all of Apple's so called programming tools like like the poseur tools they are. Seriously, Apple doesn't know how to write developer tools let alone how to support developers. Never has. (You probably think gcc is just swell.)
there are a large number of us who rely on Macs to get real work done.
I should have been more clear. No intention to lump. My husband also has to use Macs in his line of work.
But I don't think the spoiled manlings in this video are part of the need it for work or regular person who uses a Mac crowd.
Rush Limbaugh uses macs. It's not all whiny poseur liberals.
But I don't think the spoiled manlings in this video are part of the need it for work or regular person who uses a Mac crowd.
In other words, Macs have nothing to do with anything in this video.
"Ok, pretend not to listen"
The entire video was laughably painful, but I cracked up when the cameraman said that to the campus police. One female officer, even mockingly covered her ears for him.
In other words, Macs have nothing to do with anything in this video.
No, they are hilarious in the context of the video. Bitching about corporations and then, "Oh, and here's a MacBook and another MacBook and an iPod and headphones for the iPod and another set of headphones..." Loved it.
And hilarious in that Macs are horribly overpriced, and these "socially conscious" dipsters are snatching them up. It's all about image.
Freeman, these students are idiots. Macs have nothing to do with that, despite your efforts to make some sort of connection. That these morons are all up in arms about corporations while using products made by corporations is funny. Your being up in arms about Macs is also funny - and about as coherent as the students' babble.
Don't feed the jagoffs, Beth.
I think that everyone commenting (save one) knows the hilarity of commenting on "corporate water" while documenting various and numerous Apple products.
That these morons are all up in arms about corporations while using products made by corporations is funny. Your being up in arms about Macs is also funny - and about as coherent as the students' babble.
I listed Mac among other corporate products. The funny is your focus on and indignation at the mention of the Macs.
They cling to Macs or bottled water or Obamism or antipathy to people who aren't part of their consensus out of bitterness over lost humanities classes.
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