They planned their retreat in Hot Springs, Virginian, and they thought she could jazz them up with a hot speech.
... Palin said she simply could not make it to the retreat because pressing state business made it impossible for her to leave Alaska this weekend.She blew you off for Alfalfa. Ha ha. Losers!
So where is Palin this weekend? She's in Washington, D.C., attending the super-elite Alfalfa Dinner.
Asked about Palin's no-show, House Republican leader John Boehner shrugged.LOL. Whatever.
"Whatever," Boehner said.
५१ टिप्पण्या:
Sucking up Obama is probably more 'state business' than rubber chicken with The Whiner Bunch! Makes sense to me!
I'm going to go out on a limb and guess it's the same reason that everyone else in the party hates them: because they're a spineless bunch of no-good traitors who have still not grasped the need to do a root canal on the leadership. They sent me a contribution request not long ago and I replied that they're not getting a cent while John Boehner is still minority leader.
Until the House Republicans reconnect with the principles that put them in the majority, I have not the slightest interest in their fortunes, and I bet that Sarah doesn't, either.
Did she go dressed as Darla?
The explanation may lie in the timing. When did the Reps ask, and when did she get the Alfalfa (?) people ask?
I believe the Reps asked first. She might have expected to be busy when they asked her, yet was able to squeeze in the Alfalfa dinner when they asked.
But, as I have been reminded in another context, saying "I'm busy" is the standard polite way to indicate a lack of interest in the invitation.
She blew off Republicans to pal around with a guy who pals around with terrorists? Ouch.
Is that the latest lefty meme on Palin, Sarah Palin: elitist?
Remember that when Rehnquist was nominated to the center seat, his membership in the Alfalfa Club was one of the "controversies" made up by the dems to stop the nomination?
ricpic said...
"Is that the latest lefty meme on Palin, Sarah Palin: elitist?"
LOL. Lots of luck with that one!
dannyboy said...
Did she go dressed as Darla?
Nice. Darla was cute by the way, but when I saw a picture of her grown up, I got scared and scarred.
Hey, it's their party. They Can Cry If They Want To!!!
(the link may be different than what you're thinking)
She has wised up some more. Why be used as a draw for someone else's fund raising, when she can go directly to some likely donors/ movers/shakers for her 2012 run herself. You go girl.
The Senate GOP isn't in much better shape than the Dems; if it weren't so damned important to preserve that firewall, I would take the same view of the SGOP. Not a single Senator even spoke of Clinton's and Salazar's ineligibility to office, see 155 Cong. Rec. S679-93 (Jan. 21, 2009); indeed, my Senator spoke for the nomination. Never ask me for money or support again.
Never ask me for money or support again.
Yep. Here is a link to an actual letter that my husband sent back to the RNC.
Plus, if you send it back in the postage paid envelope they have to pay for it. I suggest everyone do the same. Mabye the RNC will buy a clue.
Oh, they're just trying to keep the controversy alive.
Republicans ask:
So where is Palin this weekend?
Answer: First Song (10 sec).
I did no think I could Like Palin more. Then she goes and turns down the Republicans.
Shows you how wrong you can be.
I wonder if Biden dressed up as Spanky.
I could swear I saw Palin with a group of Alaskan schoolchildren during the Pre-Game show yesterday. She gave a shout out to the troops, which I thought was nice. Must have been taped early.
As Jeremiah Wright said of Obama "A politicians got to do what a politician has got to do"....
So too with Palin. It is not easy being a Goddess of the Religious Right. With her Down's baby anchoring the prolifers and her darn-tootin' down home hockey Mom wisdom - she made her case to be fully qualified to be the logical Republican Presidential candidate in 2012. The only thing left is go where the money and the media are to help launch her "Go Sarah!" PAC.
That would mean the Alfalfa Club.
Not a pack of Republican Congressrep whores to Wall Street whose main donors are now ripping the gold fixtures out of their Lear Jets to help pay off their lawyers..Mainly interested in the Goddess to use her as an alternate fundraiser to pump money out of rube hog farmers in Alabama to keep Boehner and cronies in style and comfort.
Simon - They sent me a contribution request not long ago and I replied that they're not getting a cent while John Boehner is still minority leader.
I got an even funnier letter from the "George W. Bush Presidential Library Commission". I wrote back I'd be interested in donating if it was to be properly located in Mexico or a Settler Outpost on the West Bank.
Republicans are idiots; everyone knows that in the winter you go to the Caribbean under the guise of a conference on global warming.
They have hot springs in Virginia?
Is that the latest lefty meme on Palin, Sarah Palin: elitist?
Uh, no. It's "the truth." She's one of a select group of 50 powerful people in our country.
You know, a Governor?
Also, she's a former candidate for Vice President. That's pretty elite.
By definition, Sarah Palin is an "elitist." You may want to brush up on the definition of the word.
Add to Sarah Palin's traits, "dishonest." What ever happened to saying "sorry, I'm booked?" Instead she has to make up a lie?
And, you know she had a hand in brushing off the Congressional Republicans. That's not a Jr staff call.
Elitist and dishonest. Well, they often travel together.
The only thing left is go where the money and the media are to help launch her "Go Sarah!" PAC.
I cannot remember a losing VP candidate getting as much attention as Palin continues to get. The left continually describes her as a lying, pandering, immoral, unqualified idiot. And now she's an elitist.
Palin appears to have the same effect on lefties that Cindy Sheehan had on the right except Palin is going to be around for a long time unlike Sheehan who sort of imploded and disappeared into the mists of the Bay Area. It's going to be an interesting four years.
On the other hand I can't wait for Sheehan and Code Pink to rematerialize and start picketing Obama's White House to bring our troops home now!
"Elitist and dishonest. Well, they often travel together."
They always do in Senator Daschle's limo.
AlphaLiberal said...
"Add to Sarah Palin's traits, 'dishonest.' What ever happened to saying 'sorry, I'm booked?' Instead she has to make up a lie?"
You're assuming it was a lie. We don't know the details. Say I'm booked all week dealing with important state business, and the House GOP calls me up today and says "can you fly to Washington to give a speech on Thursday?" No, I say, honestly. But we get done early, and by wednesday afternoon, it's clear that we'll be done by that night. The phone rings - by golly, it's the alfalfa club, and they want to know if I can show up on Thursday. Why, yes, I reply, a statement in no tension at all with my answer to the House GOP two days earlier. Planted in ignorance and watered by a niggardly imagination, your assumptions once again bear poisonous fruit, Alpha.
AL, don't say I never gave you nuthin'. I too am vexed by her apparently saying something that was not true. A stupid lie, if so. "Prior commitments" usually works, right?
Or was this a conscious blow?
Or most likely - woman-like, she was caught on the back foot, and blurted out something she thought would be non-hurtful, forgetting she would be detected.
In my experience women often use words as tools - commonly as clubs - to achieve a desired effect. This can be as widely accepted as "It's not you, it's me," or "Sure, I lurves me some walks on the beach!"
In the same way, most women do not ask "Does this dress make my ass look fat?" because they want to know. Words do not mean things to them, words are a means to an end. Women are not prone to be the prisoners of words.
Exception: if they ask whether they have spinach in their teeth, they REALLY want to know!
/asbestos shorts on
Simon, hope you're right. But I still like my post.
AlphaLiberal said...
"She's one of a select group of 50 powerful people in our country. You know, a Governor? Also, she's a former candidate for Vice President. That's pretty elite. By definition, Sarah Palin is an 'elitist.' You may want to brush up on the definition of the word."
She may arguably be a member of the elite, but that does not make her an elitist. You may want to be careful to ensure that you understand what words mean before berating others for their usage.
I thought an elitist was a person who acts like only the elite matter. Whether or not a person is a member of the elite is irrelevant.
For instance - Michelle moaning about her student loans. Those of us who went to State U. on a scholarship and don't have Ivy League degrees can't relate, but she doesn't care whether we relate or not. Nor about whether anyone outside her group can identify with her struggles to provide horseback, piano, and dance lessons to her kids - they may be struggling for braces or eyeglasses, or even to put food on the table. Democrat though she presumably is, those people aren't on her radar screen. (The true elite, of course, can provide all those things without struggling.)
By definition, Sarah Palin is an 'elitist.' You may want to brush up on the definition of the word."
The same might be said for you. Read the following defintions.
elitism - the attitude that society should be governed by an elite group of individuals
someone who believes in rule by an elite group
Elitism is the belief or attitude that those individuals who are considered members of the elite—a select group of people with outstanding personal abilities, intellect, wealth, specialized training or experience, or other distinctive attributes—are those whose views on a matter are to be taken the most seriously or carry the most weight
elitism - the belief or practice that government should be by a self-appointed group who consider themselves superior to those governed by virtue of their higher birth.
Hardly the philosophy of Sarah Palin or the people who vote for her.
The House GOP just, to a person, voted against the stimulus bill. Now, that's all well and good for holding to purity and ideology and all that, but Republican governors have to actually provide goods and services to the citizens of their states. They're all taking the money.
Bobby Jindal, in a fit of Jesuitic reasoning, said he's have voted against the bill if he were still in the House, but he'll accept the billions of dollars coming to health, higher ed and infrastructure in Louisiana. He's have been sheltered from backlash for a few weeks in Washington - but here, he's facing a $2 billion deficit in next year's budget. At least he's an honest hypocrite.
Palin's got her own needs in Alaska. Why should she hang out with the people who apparently don't give a damn about that?
DBQ, great job. I was going to do the same thing, you know, bring some data into the discussion, but you beat me to it!
I think it was stupid to say "I can't leave the state." But it's a big difference between showing up for a party and being the centerpiece of a meeting and delivering a speech. I don't blame her for choosing one over the other.
Simon, simon, Simon:
She may arguably be a member of the elite, but that does not make her an elitist. You may want to be careful to ensure that you understand what words mean before berating others for their usage.
Definition of elitist:
1. practice of or belief in rule by an elite.
2. consciousness of or pride in belonging to a select or favored group.
So, do you think she is ashamed to be a Governor and former VP candidate? Or unaware?
Do you think she wants high office to rub elbows with the masses?
Wait. Do you think?
Dust Bunny Queen said...
"[Elitism is h]ardly the philosophy of Sarah Palin or the people who vote for her."
Quite. If anything, my only beef with her is that she isn't elitist enough - a little more populist than I'd like.
Beth said...
"The House GOP just, to a person, voted against the stimulus bill."
Joined by eleven democrats, although the media seems to have buried that (NPR hasn't said a word about them in its coverage). See? Bipartisanship!
"Bobby Jindal, in a fit of Jesuitic reasoning, said he's have voted against the bill if he were still in the House, but he'll accept the billions of dollars coming to health, higher ed and infrastructure in Louisiana."
I'm not defending Jindal, but I think one could frame a defense of his position on this. If one votes against something as being ultimately harmful, I don't think that it follows that one must then not take one's fair share of the pie. If the damage is already done, and given that Louisiana's citizens are going to pay their share for this boondoggle whether they reap any benefits or not, why not minimize the damage to his state by taking the money? Would it not, if anything, compound the error not to take the money?
Alpha, I'm not responding to that until you post a link for it. I'm sure you have a source, and it may even be a semi-reputable one, but it's not worth considering until you provide sourcing. Before you can sit at the grownups' table, you're going to break this habit the infantile left has developed of posting stuff without showing whence you obtained it.
AL, I don't think you're getting the "elite" thing because you don't recognize that you admire it. Like being color blind and telling someone that this is green and that is blue and they aren't ever going to get it.
Definition of elitist:
1. practice of or belief in rule by an elite.
2. consciousness of or pride in belonging to a select or favored group
So all those members of the Green Beret are elitists?
I'm a member of AARP so I guess I'm an elitist also.
Who knew!
Simon, the money's going home, and the GOP House reps know it. They've got the wonderful cover of being able to vote against it and claim their party creds, all the while knowing there's no harm, no foul to their actual constituents and the GOP governors out there. Pretty smooth! Jindal would have followed with the pack, just as he's doing what the governors have to do. So much for ideology and firm beliefs.
But let's hope, all of us, that the Senate manages to search and destroy a good bit of the ridiculous wish list bullshit the House Democrats packed into this bill. I'm all for art, I want better access to contraception - but make the case for those things in a different spending bill.
I'm going to go out on a limb and guess it's the same reason that everyone else in the party hates them:
Hah! Yeah, that was pretty much my reaction. Why hate them, you ask? I'd be harder pressed to think of a reason not to. "At least they're not Democrats" doesn't work anymore now that they're in the minority.
They've got the wonderful cover of being able to vote against it and claim their party creds, all the while knowing there's no harm, no foul to their actual constituents and the GOP governors out there. Pretty smooth!
More accurately, Pelosi didn't see the need to include any pork projects for the Republican minority in her little wish list. The debt will be spread across the country, but the money mostly goes to Democrats and their contributors. Had Pelosi spread the pork around more, she'd have gotten Republican votes.
As it was, well, why vote for a bill that isn't going to work and does nothing but enrich your opponents at your constituents' expense?
Green Berets are absolutely elite.
But elitist? I'm pretty sure they don't care a fig about the origins of those admitted to their ranks, only that each person completes the training and adheres to the standards they set, and that their leadership is selected on merit and not based on the prestige of the university attended.
More accurately, Pelosi didn't see the need to include any pork projects for the Republican minority in her little wish list.
Agreed. And it was stupid of her, since it gave the GOP reps the cover they needed to vote against it, while knowing there'd still be lots of money flowing to their districts (no pork, but there's plenty more in there.)
Again, my hopes are resting with the Senate. I don't want to see the bill that came out of the House make it to Obama's desk substantially intact.
Agreed. And it was stupid of her, since it gave the GOP reps the cover they needed to vote against it, while knowing there'd still be lots of money flowing to their districts (no pork, but there's plenty more in there.)
I'm skeptical that there will be any NET cash flow into those districts, after the higher taxes to pay off the loans come around. I'm equally skeptical that anyone in Congress seriously believes this bill will help the economy, except under the narrow definition of "well the people in MY district have more money now". It wasn't put together based on any kind of analysis of what projects would be helpful.
I think the economy is going to keep getting worse and worse for years regardless of any Congressional attempts to prevent it. I'm wondering if Pelosi et al realized the same thing, realized that as the people in power they'd get the blame for it, and decided to do what they COULD do: buy votes while the buyin' was good.
But elitist? I'm pretty sure they don't care a fig about the origins of those admitted to their ranks, only that each person completes the training and adheres to the standards they set, and that their leadership is selected on merit and not based on the prestige of the university attended.
No. All they care about is getting the job done. No cross-service rivalry, no slagging allies, I don't think they even hate the enemy. "Just win, baby." Class and race? Are you kidding?
Hating the enemy isn't particularly useful, is it?
Cross-service rivalry though? That's pretty much a formalized and necessary function. Of course, being formalized means that for the most part it's a matter of going through the expected motions... like a dance.
Blogger Synova said...
Hating the enemy isn't particularly useful, is it?
Well, my friend probably never hated anybody in his life. OTOH, he's dead now.
Hate can be counterproductive, but there will always be those times where it keeps you going just that little bit longer. Hate is a great motivator.
Cross-service rivalry though? That's pretty much a formalized and necessary function. Of course, being formalized means that for the most part it's a matter of going through the expected motions... like a dance.
I couldn't even get a rise out of him, in fact he defended them against me. You try and tell him, say, that Navy isn't in this war, the French aren't in this war. Just so relentlessly positive.
Damn, I miss that butthead. Thanks for reminding me, Syn. ;>
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