"You can only tell them today with one hand over your mouth otherwise you will be insulted as a racist. I find that ridiculous. In those earlier days every friendly clique had a 'Sam the Jew' or 'José the Mexican' - but we didn't think anything of it or have a racist thought. It was normal that we made jokes based on our nationality or ethnicity. That was never a problem. I don't want to be politically correct. We're all spending too much time and energy trying to be politically correct about everything."
So says Clint Eastwood.
२१७ टिप्पण्या:
217 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»He's right. People have exploited sensitivity for political gain. What a shame. We're a nation of sissies now.
Well Gran Torino was obviously too much for the Academy this year.
What does Eastwood know? He's just an old guy, a really really old guy. Don't listen to him just 'cause he's from Hollywood.
We no longer are able to laugh at ourselves. These are the end times.
I'm sure that "Althouse the bitch" agrees with this wisdom.
Or does it cut differently, professor, when you are the brunt of the "humor"?
I've moved away from the San Francisco Bay Area, very recently, and my coworkers and I talk about race and sex constantly - it just happened minutes before I saw this post - and I'm in a wildly mixed group.
PC is bullshit: it helps no one, hinders free expression, and stifles real friendship between people of different cultures. I'm MUCH happier now.
I'm also old. I remember back when calling a black person black would have been considered an insult. African American? That would have gotten you a look of, what are you talking about.
I think we as a society are actually getting more relaxed on this score (see, e.g., Dave Chappelle, Sarah Silverman) but its still a tricky area and there are very good reasons that ridiculing a person on the basis of their race or ethnicity carries stigma.
Graham Nash said "I'm sure that "Althouse the bitch" agrees with this wisdom."
Oh, go tell it to David Crosby and Stephen Stills.
Hey Graham, did you see a quote from Ann to form the basis of your comment? Have you been around long enough to figure out her methodology? Or are you just an idiot?
No No Yes. I thought so.
If you were going to take a message away from Gran Torino, it might be that.
The rub is that we want, to a degree, to have pride in our heritage and culture (at least until they have melted away), and that heritage and culture has to be different in some fashion. I mean, who takes pride in having a culture exactly like everyone else's?
But if it's different, it can be made fun of.
Unless we make rules say it can't.
Which is no fun at all.
I must confess that I still can't take the use of the n word even in jokes and even from black people.
The same with ethnic jokes.
I don't feel that I'm any better than anyone else because I don't like that stuff (the exception being the time I tried to get a reaction out of Commenter Michael - but I had to shower afterwards).
I don't like it when I'm judged for not joining in. But I don't want the rule of law or "speech codes" to make everyone restrain what they want to say either.
Why does everyone want a addition to the Bill of Rights called Freedom from Offense?
What's the difference between a Jew a Mexican and a woman?
A Jew wants it hot and schmaltzy, a Mexican wants it hot and spicy and a woman has a headache.
I'm also old. I remember back when calling a black person black would have been considered an insult. African American? That would have gotten you a look of, what are you talking about.
Me too. I'm 53. I remember the national progression:
(back to) Black
Today, either Black or African-American is acceptable.
10 years from now?
Sigh . . . .
It matters how it's intended. "Althouse the bitch" wasn't meant to be at all friendly and shouldn't be taken that way by any rational person.
OTOH, according to my husband (since girls don't talk this way to each other) the black guys at basic made fun of the white guys because they clamped their butts when they went to attention. Apparently black men are relaxed at attention. In any case... that's a case of making FUN of racial difference, of good natured teasing.
Like Miley and her friends likely "let's all be asian now, like our friend who is, you know, our friend, and because it would be fun to be asian because asian girls are gorgeous and asian guys are hot."
Certain segments of society have gone completely insane on the subject of perceived racism, yes. The hysteria over the chimp cartoon last week proves that much.
But I think Eastwood's wrong, too. In the old days people were conscious of race. Today, the guardians of political correctness are hyperconscious about race. The best solution isn't to revert to an older racial consciousness, but to discard racial consciousness altogether. The truly bad thing about the Left's approach to race is that it actively opposes doing that.
The validity or not of this sentiment aside, I would just as soon Clint Eastwood stop talking about this. I respect him too much as an actor and don't want to see, like Charleton Heston or Bill Cosby, being a fan become some kind of political statement.
You guys can call me Titus the faggot if you want.
I am ok with that.
Titus the Faggot.
"Oh, go tell it to David Crosby and Stephen Stills."
Althouse is a very, very fine house
With two squirrels in the yard
Life used to be so hard
Now everything is soft and humorless
'Cause of Graham Nash
And his bla, bla, bla, la,la, la, la, la, la, la, la.....
titus the faggot is giving himself a cucumber and seaweed masque currently. The masque is by Prada skin care products. The smell is divine.
I didn't shave for an entire week.
Some of my facial hair is gray-how depressing.
I had a little fluey woowey but am feeling a little better.
"You guys can call me Titus the faggot if you want"
Only the guys? That doesn't seem very diverse.
I love masquing. It is so rejuvenating.
Well, he hit the nail right on the head:
in former times.
Here are some bad old ideas that we've evolved beyond:
Women being property. Open racism (institutional and otherwise). Slavery. Bounties paid for dead Indians. Acceptance of or ignoring spousal rape. Same with incest. Denial of the right to vote to nonwhites, women, or non-property owners.
I am a firm believer that the aging process (and the consequential replacement of old people with younger ones in the voting public) is a progressive force, especially on cultural issues. Exit polling from prop 8 (gay marriage in Caifornia) makes that pretty clear, people under 25 voted heavily for it while seniors voted heavily against it. A similar polling breakdown occurs on issues like abortion and legalization of marijuana.
I don't believe that the electorate of 20, 30 or 40 years ago (the time Eastwood is likely hearkening back to) would have elected Obama president, for that matter (and yes, he won heavily among youth while seniors voted fro McCain.)
Guys-was meant as guys and gals.
Sorry gals about that.
I hope I wasn't disrepsectful and if it came off that was suck my dick...kidding.
Right now, because of my masquing, my face is becoming very taut and tight and the mask is hardening.
Does that turn any of you on?
Titus, I was thinking more "Butt Munchkin" than "faggot."
Let's get Eastwood to make a CD of reading Titus for us...
Some people are neither guy nor gal. What about them? They're human beings too, you know. And they have feelings just like you and I.
Hmm, I don't think Prada Beauty makes a seaweed and cucumber "masque"...
Admit it, you're using Oil of Olay.
They put their pants on one leg at a time just like we do. And when they need to use a public restroom, they face an embarrassing conflict. How about showing a little love for the deeply deeply conflicted souls who, there but for fortune, go you and I, Titus the Fag?
Are you talking about trannies Meade? They are gross.
When my friends and I see a person that seems to look like Pat from Saturday Night Live we call them "Shim".
I love the word "Shim".
We were in Ptown last summer and the place we were staying at had a "Shim". He was likely in his late 50's, hat beautiful feathered gray hair and wore International Male Blouses. We couldn't get enough of him. We used him for stories the entire weekend. His blouses were in silver lame and flaming red. His older lover who must of been in his 70's wore white levis cut off jean shorts. Tragic but worth lots of laughs.
Sorry... "the faggot."
I use to be politically correct, that's until I got impeached. I thought that was used up on Clinton!
Anyway, we need to get back to the times of blondes and bulb jokes. Laughing at yourself and others is healthy, liberating, and adventurous when you tell it to the wrong person, like Graham Nash.
Didn't mean to be disrespectful.
Palladian, you nailed me.
I am seriously using Oil Of Olay.
Prada has a masque but not cucumber and seaweed.
I just felt the need to masque and the Oil Of Olay was the only thing on my person.
Some people are neither guy nor gal.
That exclusive language Meade--didn't you mean: some people are both guy and gal?
"Some people are neither guy nor gal. What about them? They're human beings too, you know. And they have feelings just like you and I."
They are called Jamie Lee Curtis. They need a lot of yogurt just to pinch a loaf. You see it takes a lot of effort to get it past two sets of genitalia.
That exclusive language Meade--didn't you mean: some people are both guy and gal?
I don't know, chickenlittle. I'm getting so confused I don't even know whether I'm coming out or going in anymore.
So the Jindal racism thing was a joke? You'll want to clarify that, ahead of the coming barrage.
For all I know, I'm coming in and going out at the same time. See what I mean?
You can only tell them today with one hand over your mouth otherwise you will be insulted as a racist.
That's only among polite (secretly racist?) society. Dave Chappelle does it openly. Family Guy does it often. I listen to a podcast, Gay Pimpin' with Jonny McGovern, that has a character named Chocolate Pudding (among others) who would be considered horribly racist by prudes.
"We, in former times, constantly made jokes about different races.""
I never liked to make jokes about the different races. What the hell is so funny about the Kentucky Derby.
No Pimlico, that freakin' funny.
And of course I love a good "Chariots of Fire" joke.
I am a firm believer that the aging process (and the consequential replacement of old people with younger ones in the voting public) is a progressive force, especially on cultural issues.
The only thing progressive about the young replacing the old as the setters of standards is progressive enslavement, a direct result of the horrid anxiety to conform which drives the young.
Depends, doesn't it?
Sure, Sam the Jew and Jose the Mexican and Clint the Whitey may be terms of endearment with nothing more to it. More commonly, they are a casual reducing of the minority member of the group to part person part caricature. (How many of the white guys have such a moniker?)
It keeps them separate from full group membership and makes them easier to scapegoat should the need arise.
Eli -
Also add to your list of dead ideas: right to bear arms, sanctity of marriage vows, respect for parents/elders, failure as a legitimate consequence of poor decisions, modesty, chivalry, decorum.
It's easier to talk about ethnicity if you comment on the obvious.
For example, I have a delivery route I run. I have a number of vending racks so I have a bag of quarters I carry around with me to put in the racks.
One day I was driving with a friend of mine who is a Navajo. I bought some gas and I got some of the change I needed out of the bag of quarters.
So I said, "typical beligonah, drive around with a bag of money in the car." He laughed with me.
Beligonah is Navajo for 'white man,' and it fit the stereotype they have of us exactly (even though he knows that in reality I'm not rich.)
What the hell is so funny about the Kentucky Derby
My first wife, Derby, came from Kentucky. Back up in the hollows. Called her cousin "Brother" and her daddy "Cousin." She was funny. But then the joke got old.
I'm not sure the ones you cite are dead.
The difference is if an idea has value then the new generation will accept it. If it is clearly a bad or outdated idea then they won't accept it.
Different races?
Trooper York, I think Eastwood was referring to Nascar, but I could be wrong. Lets ask Ann.
My wife's father's and mother's families all emigrated to America from Poland.
She has bi-Polish disorder.
Ba dum bump!
Seriously, though, the PC stuff has become tiresome. Among friends, we kid and joke with each other, at the workplace not so much, ;partly out of rear of repercussions from HR.
It was a revelation that after a day-long mandatory 'sensitivity' workshop, one of the women in my workgroup asked the we continue telling the dirty jokes, using the double entendres, etc., that had made us a pretty cohesive group.
The understood rule was the it couldn't be personal and couldn't be mean. And it had to be funny.
Although I no longer work there, I still receive emails that include jokes, stories, boob pictures, etc. from female former co-workers. We all understand the rules, and have bent them to fit our own code of acceptability.
But the Kentucky Derby is just not funny.
Now the Brown Derby that is really funny.
That's what Sly Stallone used to call it when he took a dump on Brigette Neilsens head while they were having sex.
(I figured I would keep the cocky and peepee talk going since you guys have beat out of poor little Titus)
I myself think ole Clint's got a point. Is the insult based on the characteristic ascribed in an joke, or is it simply because a given race is involved? There's actually a difference in that.
Now yes, if someone says that a negative characteristic is indeed due to someone's race, then that insult is racist. The problem is, though, that it's gone way past that point to where any mention of race in relation to any characteristic is considered insensitive, even if the issue isn't inherently insulting. IMO that goes too far.
If I say that Asians like rice, is that racist? Sure, it's a generalization - and there are indeed exceptions, so it can be properly corrected by saying that not all Asians like rice - but is it racist? Liking rice isn't inherently insulting. And that's my whole point. It's gotten to the point to where association of any characteristic with any race is considered insulting when there's no consideration of whether a characteristic is negative to begin with. The insult is derived from the fact that race is involved. Which is a ridiculous state of affairs, if you ask me.
Look, I understand that the point of racial sensitivity is to take a person on his or her own characteristics, and presume positives based on individuality, not generalities, but again, the association of negativity with race and characteristics has gone too far. I say we keep the term "racism" to mean that the assignment of a characteristic as well as the implication of the characteristic is meant to be derogatory, or at least an impugnment. That makes the most sense. It also clearly illuminates where the line is, and why calling a miserly person a "Jew" is an insult (because the insinuation of miserliness is derogatory) whereas saying Asians like rice is not (because there's no derogatory insinuation).
That's where I stand.
Clearly you show your contempt for the next generation.
Just keep in mind that when you are old they will be the ones who you depend on for services, health care and other needs.
I respect the rising generation and am fortunate to be able to work with them regularly.
Forget race, you can't call retards retards anymore. Then there's the "differently abled" nonsense.
Can you still make dead baby jokes?
The best thing about NASCAR is that little minx Danica said she didn't want Jennifer Aniston to play her in a movie because she was an old lady.
Now that was way cool.
"I am a firm believer that the aging process (and the consequential replacement of old people with younger ones in the voting public) is a progressive force, especially on cultural issues."
Then when are you and your ilk finally going to die and rid us of your failed, retrograde socialist ideas? Come on, Eli. Time to get out the shovel and start working on that grave. Remember, older people are simply future corpses getting in the way of Progress. Composting yourself means progress for humanity!
Okay, okay, it's FEAR of repercussions, not REAR of repercussions. Doh.
Eli- The biggest problem with your simple-minded "age" hypothesis is that you don't factor in race-how ironic.
And yes, it's easier to talk about race when you're putting yourself down.
My wife's father's and mother's families all emigrated to America from Poland.
She has bi-Polish disorder.
Ba dum bump!
Seriously, though, the PC stuff has become tiresome. Among friends, we kid and joke with each other, at the workplace not so much, ;partly out of rear of repercussions from HR.
It was a revelation that after a day-long mandatory 'sensitivity' workshop, one of the women in my workgroup asked the we continue telling the dirty jokes, using the double entendres, etc., that had made us a pretty cohesive group.
The understood rule was the it couldn't be personal and couldn't be mean. And it had to be funny.
Although I no longer work there, I still receive emails that include jokes, stories, boob pictures, etc. from female former co-workers. We all understand the rules, and have bent them to fit our own code of acceptability.
I think Clint's life and times makes his statement valid for him. I can't have that attitude for many reasons nor can I let my children learn that from me. I can't leave my door unlocked or drive without a seatbelt. You have to be smart.
That said, PC is more or less a bad thing because its not about people using good judgement.
"If I say that Asians like rice, is that racist?"
No, but it is ricist.
Hey Kim Kardashian had no “Fear of consequences” when she just filmed an episode where she adopted a chimp as a pet just as someone was getting their face ripped off.
Of course she does in fact have a rear of consequence.
Please be sure to define your terms.
Just sayn’
How do you know if a Jewish American Princess is having an orgasm?
She puts down her book.
"Clearly you show your contempt for the next generation."
Not at all. I prefer it to the Original Series.
"Just keep in mind that when you are old they will be the ones who you depend on for services, health care and other needs."
And by the time Obama's finished fucking up the health care system, that younger generation is going to be a little... miffed when they start getting the bills to pay for the care of Uncle Eli. They might not be so kindly toward you then. Of course, with the government in charge of your health care, you probably won't make it to that point.
"I respect the rising generation and am fortunate to be able to work with them regularly."
"Work with them regularly" = stuff their impressionable heads full of your dead ideas. Stop "working with them"! Get out of the way, old man!
Then when are you and your ilk finally going to die and rid us of your failed, retrograde socialist ideas? Come on, Eli. Time to get out the shovel and start working on that grave.
Maybe when younger voters help us old progressives pass a national euthanasia law? ;)
Anna Maria and Angelina were sitting on the stoop gossiping when Anna Maria sees her husband walking down the street carrying a bunch of flowers.
"Oh damna, my husband a boughta me flowers, now I gotta keep my legs open all-a weekend."
"Whats-a-matta with you, you ain't a gotta a vase."
So this Jew, this Mexican, Clint Eastwood, and Ann Althouse are all sitting at a bar. The Jew turns to Clint Eastwood and says, "This Bobby Jindal sure gave a bad speech." Then the Mexican says...
This girl goes up to the desk at the police station and says "Help me, help I was just raped by an Irish guy."
"How did you know it was an Irish guy?'
"I had to help him."
Horse walks into a bar. Bartender says, "Hey pal. Why the long face?"
Excellent, Meade!
Horse walks into a bar. Bartender says, "Hey bitch. I refuse to serve Sarah Jessica Parker in my bar."
"Ay caramba! check out the laptop on that Anglo blogger babe!"
Do any of the Althouse readers ever think that they're being treated like guppies in a fish tank w/ Althouse dropping in bland (but, for some reason, still greatly appreciated) morsels?
Lameness, on all sides.
A jew, Cedarford, Ann Althouse and Lem were sitting in a bar. The Jew turns to Cedarford and says, "This Bobby Jindal sure gave a bad speech." Then Cedarford was about to say something………but Lem made the next 37 comments.
You can only tell them today with one hand over your mouth otherwise you will be insulted as a racist. I find that ridiculous. In those earlier days every friendly clique had a 'Sam the Jew' or 'José the Mexican' - but we didn't think anything of it or have a racist thought. It was normal that we made jokes based on our nationality or ethnicity. That was never a problem.
Hmm. Maybe. I'll admit, I often find racist Japanese TV programming hilarious. The worst of it -- unsurprisingly -- is when they're genuinely trying to be racially sensitive. For example, there was a (reasonably fun) drama recently about outsourcing to China, in which some Chinese peasants are brought to Japan to assist in preparation of a manual guiding how the work will be performed at the Chinese facility. The Chinese don't speak Japanese by ending every sentence with aru (this is the cartoon stereotype of how Chinese people speak, sort of like having an Irishman end every sentence with begorrah or something). So one can give the producers that much. But the Chinese characters do speak with funny accents, and there are many comic scenes in which they say the wrong thing (e.g. sawarasete ("Let me touch you") for suwarasete ("Let me sit down")). And there are many scenes in which one of the characters purports to explain Chinese culture to his Japanese costars (and the Japanese audience) -- his explanation makes the Chinese seem absolutely grotesque. Very funny. Absolutely could not be made here in the United States. And while it is -- in many respects -- much more honest about national differences than the usual American cant, it's also a bit offensive. Genuinely so. We're a greyer country for abandoning that kind of thing. But also more genteel.
The line that really intrigues me is "The difference is if an idea has value then the new generation will accept it. If it is clearly a bad or outdated idea then they won't accept it."
How can you point to whether an "idea has value" when the values themselves are what is in question? I certainly do not defend slavery, or anti-sufferagism or any of the other concepts from your earlier post. But by "having value" are you talking about a simple rule utility or is there something else that you are appealing to?
Sarah Jessica Parker and Trooper York walk into a bar. Bartender says, "Hey you two young lovebirds, get a room!"
Well doesn't Uncle Eli believe in the youth'in asia?
So there's always that...
1jpb was sitting in a bar. Alone. Bartender says, "Hey pal. You'd have more fun if you weren't a dweeby little bitch."
LOL Trooper!
1jpb walks into fish tank of guppies and breaks his leg, has to have it amputated, and then later in the evening hops back in to the bar on his wooden peg leg. Bartender says, "Hey, 1jpb, What can I get you? Please don't hop all over the bar. That isn't funny."
A jew, Palladian, Titus, and Ann Althouse are sitting in a bar. The Jew turns to Titus and says, "This Bobby Jindal sure gave a bad speech." Then Titus says "I just got a cucumber rejuvenation." And Palladian says "You are supposed to put your cucumber on your eyes not back there you ninny." Barack Obama overhears that someone has a ninny problem and the next thing you know Titus is nominated to be Secretary of the Treasury.
The really funny thing is that he used a pair of rare cucumbers.
"Trooper York said...
The best thing about NASCAR is that little minx Danica said she didn't want Jennifer Aniston to play her in a movie because she was an old lady.
Now that was way cool."
She did? Damn, I would've loved to have heard that interview.
Besides, Jen doesn't look like her at all. Danica's more like a Kelly Monaco than a Jennifer Aniston.
Oh, quick nitpick: Dani runs the fenderless cars, not the taxis (Translation for the non-race fans: Indycar, not Sprint Cup). :D
Not at all. I prefer it to the Original Series.
Me too!
Eli, just to be clear, do you support a euthanasia law or were you making a joke?
"Meade said...
"If I say that Asians like rice, is that racist?"
No, but it is ricist."
Booo! BOOOOOOOO!!! Pun-ish the punster!!!!!!
Joe Biden walks into a bar, and the bartender says to himself: "Oh, this out to be good."
Obama calls up Titus and asks him over for a good time. Titus turns him down since Obama has spent so much time fucking over the American people, he won't have anything left.
Pretty much, its utility in modern culture ('modern' as defined by those then living in the culture.) In all of these cases, there is a conflict between the utilitarian and the moral.
For example, proponents of slavery had to defend the institution for hundreds of years (such as during the time of the founding fathers who acknowleged that slavery was morally questioable, even those who owned slaves, but defended it on socio-economic grounds.) By the time of the civil war the moral ground had gained at the expense of the economic one to the point where the problem was resolved in favor of the moral position.
There is also a question of the meaning of some of the terms you cite. For example, 'sanctity of marriage': Does it mean being faithful to your vows when you take them (which most people fully support, including most young people) or does it mean (as the right has hijacked it to mean) only heterosexual marriage? Keep in mind that it was not so very long ago that interracial marriage was illegal in a lot of places. So while marriage as an institution certainly is sacrosanct what defines a marriage is in a constant state of change, in terms of perception and eventually reflected in societal beliefs (i.e. my grandparents were in an arranged marriage-- which is unthinkable in modern American society.)
I'm a proud American - black, by definition - but just an American.
And that's not "just" good enough for me, but more than enough.
Last comment directed back to Jeremy.
Balfegor, the problem there with the Japanese stuff isn't just insensitivity. America is in no way perfect on the issue, but we make an honest effort to tell our past--good and bad--with regard to racial matters as well as others. Japan, on the other hand, is in deep denial of their past. They will tell you with a straight face that the rape of Nanking never happened and that their treatment of their fellow Asians in the war was just fine. The absolute brutality of the Japanese, especially against China, is simply not acknowledged, and is not taught in schools. the bio war experiments on Chinese, the rampant use of slave labor from all over Asia, the Bataan Death March, their treatment of POWs, all not discussed.
Of course, they LOVE talking about the atomic bomb, and being all self-righteous about it, as if it came from nowhere to whack a country that was minding its own business.
"Old privilaged white man laments loss of era where old privilaged white men could openly joke about colored folk."
A dyslexic guy walks into a bra...
UWS guy:
RIGHT ON THE MARK! Best line of the night!
As those of you know I am an expert on the hog.
After watching Jindal last night I can say with almost certainly what his hog looks like.
For one it is all foreskin-no seeable "shaft" if you will. Just a long sheath of foreskin that covers even the little winkey hole. The skin needs to be pulled back in order for him to go pee pee. When he gets a hard on the entire member is foreskin or a "jacket" with a little hole from which the sperm spurtz out off.
Because of the amount of foreskin it does require a good bathing daily. Tabouli and hummus can easily collect in the jacket and produce something on the mensche type of smell.
""Old privilaged white man laments loss of era where old privilaged white men could openly joke about colored folk."
Old privileged white man whines about old privilaged white man lamenting loss of era where old privilaged white men could openly joke about colored folk.
Palladian and Trooper York are sitting in a bar waiting for Ann Althouse. Hey wait, that actually happened.
"Palladian and Trooper York are sitting in a bar waiting for Ann Althouse. Hey wait, that actually happened."
Yeah and she was late. Again. I think she was hanging around with Meade but he was too shy to come to the meet up.
"They Stooge to Conga."
Great Stooges short. Wonderful violence.
You'll never see it on TV because of the scenes with the black cook. He gets a bowl of goo dumped on him. He also does a eye-bug out double take and escapes some mayhem.
So what.
It's nothing compared to Moe getting a three-inch spike in the eye.
Or Larry dressed as a buck-tooted Jap.
There's a ugly Nazi spinster bitch, too.
And Curly makes animal noises at some hot chick in a tight skirt.
Sarah Jessica Parker and Trooper York walk into a bar. Bartender says,
"Hey, you're going to have to put a shoe on that foot."
Eli Blake said...
I'm not sure the ones you cite are dead.
The difference is if an idea has value then the new generation will accept it. If it is clearly a bad or outdated idea then they won't accept it.
Oh please tell me where this universe of optimal decision making occurs because I'd like to be there. The reality is, is that bad ideas are adopted all the time regardless of generational time-lines. Do I even need to enumerate the near infinite examples of them?
Also the tabouli and hummus can easily attract pubes like a spider web attracts it prey. As a result the tabouli and hummus or smegma if you like can many times have long dark pubes in it as well.
Unraveling the smegma with pubes can be somewhat enjoyable. For the person who has the smegma, not for others. There is a sense of relief, freedom and clealiness once the cheese has been extracted.
Some smegma come out a perfect donut hole once being extracted. They are a delicacy in impoverished nations..I heard.
(i.e. my grandparents were in an arranged marriage-- which is unthinkable in modern American society.)
Why on Earth would you think that? I'm an American, and I hope to have an arranged marriage in the next few years. At the least, there has been talk about potential prospects.
Just because Whites don't do it doesn't mean the rest of us don't.
Balfegor, the problem there with the Japanese stuff isn't just insensitivity. America is in no way perfect on the issue, but we make an honest effort to tell our past--good and bad--with regard to racial matters as well as others. Japan, on the other hand, is in deep denial of their past.
Honestly, I don't really care about that. It's just one of those things that I feel a vague sense I ought to care about, but usually don't actually care about at all one way or the other, sort of like gay marriage. It doesn't much bear one way or the other on what I'm talking about, which is cracking jokes at the expense of other peoples -- a far cry from hacking their still living bodies to pieces and infecting them with plague. I could have made the same point with South Korean media portrayals of half-castes, Americans, North Koreans, and the Southeast Asian brides brought in for farmers. Or, for that matter, a recent movie in which Koreans slaughter a Chinese imperial army with a mediaeval ballistic missile -- a fun, silly movie, bursting with nationalistic pride, bloodlust, and mildly offensive depictions of the Chinese.
Sarah Jessica Parker and Jason (the commenter as opposed to the Friday the 13th guy) walk into a bar. The bartender says "Hey dude you stole that REM guy's look. Both of you get your boney asses out of here."
Oh and take that smelly bowl of chickpeas with you for crying out loud.
The pubes can be used as a rope like device to pull the smegma from the jacket.
I didnt know about uncut hog until I left Wisconsin.
Everyone, it seemed, in Wisconsin, was cut.
Titus : "They are a delicacy in impoverished nations..I heard."
Try it on whole wheat wheat thins, with some mayonnaise and sweet pickle slices.
A proctologist walks into a bar. The bartender asks him "what is the difference between you and me"?
The bartender takes a quick glances down the bar at Trooper, Althouse & Palladianthen then he says "proctologists only look at one asshole at a time".
[I am kidding!]
Louis Armstrong.
Dressed up like Tarzan in 'Jazzmania.'
Singing about fried chicken.
A fat crippled black lady beatin' her lazy worthless good-for-nuthin' husband.
If you don't think this stuff is brilliant, something wrong with you.
Watch him at about 7:00. Timeless.
re: marriage, I did mean the former. I'd hoped the "vows" part would be a tip off. You said most people fully support it. But divorce rates for first marriages are upwards of 40-50% and subsequent marriages worse. This tells me that lots of people value marriage vows only so far as it is useful to them in a particular moment. When it's no longer useful (satisfying, convenient, productive, etc.) it's dismissed.
I think that when we dismiss what is not immediately useful, we end up living day to day and we lose our foundations which are a stabilizing force in society. Stability would be nice, right about now.
Thanks for civil replies. Out.
All my real women friends want a guy that is cut. They think uncut hogs are gross. They are really limiting their options.
Women, does it matter to you?
Althouse, do you have an opinion on the hog? Cut vs Uncut?
Trooper : Oh and take that smelly bowl of chickpeas with you for crying out loud.
Oh, he would beg to eat my chickpeas. I use fenugreek!
Trooper York --
"I never liked to make jokes about the different races."
A dwarf hurdler runs into a bar.
A dwarf hurdler runs into a bar.
He says "I would like a beer, but I am a little short."
Well you could do that date meet thing-couldn't ya-first- before jumping all in?
Bald vs. Haired- your the one who's missing out.
And jeebus which chick here besides Ann do you actually have a decent conversation with?
IMO (1)Friendly nicknames, jabs and culture ribbing is OK.(2) Racial stereotyping into a "not human" status is not funny. The trouble is that the Public Morals Police, seemingly trained in Saudi Arabia, eagerly gives out citations to both speech types. Don Imus' joke was in the #1 category, but who defended him? It's still dangerous out there, if you are a defendant with money or power they can pirate from you.
'sanctity of marriage': Does it mean being faithful to your vows when you take them (which most people fully support, including most young people) or does it mean (as the right has hijacked it to mean) only heterosexual marriage?
I think it's more complicated than that.
I think that for many people it means "one man, one woman" but that it means that because, at some level, people perceive the pro-SSM arguments as ignoring, entirely, the sanctity of marriage by your first definition. It's not about wanting the profound traditional sort of union where promises are made without fingers-crossed and a sub-vocal "until I'm not having fun, or find someone new" added to it... it's about forcing other people to accept your equality. Which really has nothing to do with the "sanctity of marriage."
I know that I am persuaded, quite easily, by arguments made that focus on the value of marriage as a foundational institution. And I am dissuaded easily by any argument that presents equality as the most important element.
Marriage is weakened and threatened in our culture. Saying nothing about *why* that is so, I don't know how anyone could argue it's not true. Anyone claiming to *want* marriage who will not admit that, isn't really interested in marriage.
"A dwarf hurdler runs into a bar."
Ha ha ha...That made me laugh out loud.
I think the reason that people of Eastwoods and my parents generation were able to make ethnic jokes at each other is that we were truly a melting pot in those days 1930-1950's.
People had immigrated from many different areas and the ethnicities were cheek to jowl...so to speak. Much intermingiling and each proud of their own clan yet needing to get along with each other. People tended to be more accepting of jokes and not so thin skinned.
Unlike today, where the clans are self ghettoized. Each keeping to itself. You don't see Koreans mingling with Mexicans. Vietnamese mingling with Blacks. The groups have self segregated and are NOT joining the overall culture. There is no more melting pot.
It's hard to make racial fun about Jindal, I mean, you got the first mainstream Injun who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.
I remember the national progression:
(back to) Black
Today, either Black or African-American is acceptable.
I was in college when the tides seemed to be changing from Black to African-American, and it spawned this conversation between two of my friends: Tony, a black guy from the south side of Chicago, and Brian, a white guy from Alaska:
BRIAN: So, Tony, what do you prefer to be called--Black, or African-American?
TONY: Well, to be totally honest with you, I really prefer to be called Tony.
That has pretty much summed up my feelings on the subject of race ever since then.
The best solution isn't to revert to an older racial consciousness, but to discard racial consciousness altogether. The truly bad thing about the Left's approach to race is that it actively opposes doing that.
Absolutely true on both counts. How one differing physical trait came to trump everything else that we all have in common has always mystified me. Our ancestors may have started this idiocy, but we can stop it if we try.
Well you could do that date meet thing-couldn't ya-first- before jumping all in?
Pah! Where's the surprise in that? But yes, it's marriage meetings, not anonymous marriages.
A few pieces of trivia regarding the above (the main story and my previous comment):
1) Tony from Chicago (whom I mentioned above) moved to the Dallas area and ended up going to high school with Vanilla Ice (who made up all that "mean streets of Miami" stuff; he really grew up on the mean streets of Carrollton, Texas).
2) One of my friends, a retired film score composer, has a chair in his studio in which Clint Eastwood fell asleep on at least one occasion. I have sat in that chair several times (and agree that it's nap-worthy).
DBQ, you make a good point about the 1950's. Times were simpler back then. Prior to 1957 we only had 48 states, not the 57 we have now.
Ok phew.
or does it mean (as the right has hijacked it to mean) only heterosexual marriage?
That's some impressive historical revisionism, there. The majority of the human race feels, and HAS felt for all of recorded history, that "marriage" refers to a heterosexual arrangement. How exactly does one go about hijacking a term to mean what it has always meant?
The infamous "right" hasn't hijacked anything. That kind of paranoid bullshit doesn't help the cause of gay marriage in the slighest. You need to wake up to the fact that the right isn't leading a push AWAY from a state in which gay marriage is legitimate -- they are resisting a push TOWARDS that state.
You're welcome to think they're wrong. I certainly do. But acting like THEY are the ones altering the definition of marriage is pathetically dishonest.
In Eli Blake's first post at 4:32, he catalogues a number of racial and sexual injustices. What's wrong the list? Well, he doesn't mention things like suttee, foot binding, clitorectomies, and anything from the huge list of atrocities that were common throughout the world when the injustices he lists were extant. To define the white race solely from the past injustices it committed seems to me to be racist....For all the bigotry of our white ancestors, they still managed to create a country that people from Africa, Asia, South America, and elsewhere despise and wish to emigrate to.
The really funny thing is that he used a pair of rare cucumbers.
*incontinent laughing*
The really funny thing is that he used a pair of rare cucumbers.
*incontinent laughing*
So, it's racism day at Althouse and Mort is missing it. Truly, a shame.
Did you hear about the Irishman in Rome who was so drunk he kissed his wife and beat up the Pope with a coal shovel?
I don't think I've commented here before, but this topic is one about which I have thought about quite a bit.
During my time at the Naval Academy and in the Marines, all of us of different races/creeds/backgrounds/whatever ragged on each other all the time. Very non-PC. We had fun with it. We joked and joshed and nudged all the time. We were buddies, colleagues, brothers. I miss that about the service. I hope and suspect that it is still much the same. Out here in civilian/corporate life, this walking on eggshells crap is depressing. It divides.
Titus, a Jew, and a big black hog walk into a bar...
Beligonah is Navajo for 'white man,' and it fit the stereotype they have of us exactly (even though he knows that in reality I'm not rich.)
Eli, please, this is almost a parody of a guilty white person who wants to relate to a minority by poking fun at the White Man. You.
It's a study in friendship, but one built on the redemptive liberal value of self-hatred.
It wasn't even a funny joke either! Private message Trooper York for tips. ;)
During my time at the Naval Academy and in the Marines, all of us of different races/creeds/backgrounds/whatever ragged on each other all the time. Very non-PC. We had fun with it.
Male camaraderie seems like one of the most liberating feelings in the world. I don't envy that, but sometimes I wish I could be this uncaring of the effect my words have on the feelings of another human being.
That's a trait of political correctness, of course.
It's seeks to feminise discourse by making sure feelings are not hurt, that there is balance in opinion giving and receiving.
Political correctness is a hug with words, enforced by the threat of "Oooh, I'ma tell! on you" if you deviate from that behaviour.
I think we as a society are actually getting more relaxed on this score (see, e.g., Dave Chappelle, Sarah Silverman) but its still a tricky area and there are very good reasons that ridiculing a person on the basis of their race or ethnicity carries stigma.
One problem....these are minorities making fun of Whites, specifically White men. You can say anything you want about white men, because supposedly people of color can't be racist and women can't be sexist. Cite me one White comic making racist jokes about minorities.
Victoria, I never never thought about it that way; ie, the feminizing of discourse. If I get back to school, there might be a thesis in that! Thanks!
Cite me one White comic making racist jokes about minorities.
Michael Richards. Don Imus.
By the way:
What's the difference between a Black man and a pizza?
A pizza can feed a family of four.
Cite me one White comic making racist jokes about minorities.
Michael Richards. Don Imus.
And look what happened to them.
The caption for the photo that accompanies the story: Mr Eastwood in Gran Torino: He plays a racist character who reforms through his relationship with his Korean neighbours
Well there's an ancient tale: Westerners who can't tell the difference between Asian peoples. Koreans and Hmong, in this case.
Actually, I would bet that the caption came from some poor editor who didn't know anything about the film and confused "Korean War Veteran" with "Korean neighbors". Still, given the topic of the article, there's a kind of negative serendipity about the blunder. Someone might take offense.
Victoria, I never never thought about it that way; ie, the feminizing of discourse. If I get back to school, there might be a thesis in that! Thanks!
Good luck finding a committee for that, T!
Just kidding. If you have a previous relationship with your academic mentor, he or she will go to bat for you with the Chair. If not, start cultivating one pronto. ;)
BTW, did you read this?
And look what happened to them.
(That's why I mentioned them) ;)
I have seen similar writings. Duly bookmarked.
My academic mentor was a Major in the U.S. Marines. He was in the political science department. It was a different kind of school.
Some of the most evil tongued people I know are bitches.
I think you are oversimlpifying it.
Trooper York, you're on fire. Multiple laughs.
Your 11:43 in the Jindal post was great as well.
Japanese people have a genetic advantage.
Some of the most evil tongued people I know are bitches.
I think you are oversimlpifying it.
God forbid that I am claiming we women are better human beings than males (my mind isn't wired to think with that logic, anyway), Madawaskan.
What I _am_ trying to say is that political correctness mimics the feminising principles of inclusiveness, and of not insulting people's feelings.
Most women around the world are socialised this way, and they in turn, enforce that behaviour in those around them. Sometimes it's subtle, with laughs and soothing words to diffuse a potentially explosive situation -- but mostly it's with disapproval based on judgementalism.
It goes a long way to explain why men (who are not in the least sexist) feel discomfitted by the presence of women around them, because they do not allow them to be at their most boyish.
Well here's what I'm saying women use language because that's about all they've got-and really are we going to blame this PC stuff on women?
Look a guy gets upset, he can punch the other guy out-end of discussion.
And that really is the point-the end of discussion part...
And that really is the point-the end of discussion part...
Hey, I thought the pen was mightier than the sword? My grandma said.
Two guys who haven't seen each other in a while meet on the street, and start catching up on the news.
"How's your wife doing?" one asked the other.
"She's up in bed with laryngitis," the second man replied.
"That Greek bastard is back in town again?!" asked the first guy.
vbspurs-really my feelings are hurt!
Ya because guys talk like really crude around me all the time-and in various countries.
vbspurs-really my feelings are hurt!
There there. I will press you to my bosom with my feminising principles, and make it all better. :)
Ya because guys talk like really crude around me all the time-and in various countries.
Speaking of my grannie, she once said women don't want a man, they want a butler. Clean. Organised. Thoughtful. Observant. Good at obeying commands.
Not me, of course. I'll do with a footman.
Victoria, There you go again, increasing pulse rates across the blogosphere.
Actually -that was a bit of a cheat-I don't think Canada counts.
OK the bosom thing-I'm uncomfortable...
To me, there's only one great mystery in life: What is it about bars that get people of different religions (priest, rabbi, deacon), hair colors (blond, brunette, redhead), races (oooooo! Can't go there, right??) and pet ownership (man walks into a bar with a duck...) to come together all the time? And act so damn silly??
Well, okay, there's a second great mystery: Did the Corinthians ever write Paul back? But I think you gotta be Catholic to get that one. ;)
Graham Nash, exactly what kind of a half-witted, humorless little half-testicle are you? Please, do tell.
Funny video of Howard Stern and Adam Carolla talking about comedy and race, Al Sharpton, Don Imus, Asians etc.
OK the bosom thing-I'm uncomfortable...
YOU'RE UNCOMFORTABLE! Think of me, carrying them around all these years. Selfish!
(Heh, of course this tongue-in-cheek exchange was the epitome of how the two genders think. For me, bosom = motherly. But for men, bosom = sexual)
An Abderite, a Kymen and Sidonese walk into a bar. . . .
Ha! OK I gotta go eat dinner-but damn it how come that's the first place I lose weight.
Actually I finally figured I didn't want too much of those-when a gal pal of mine was so "gifted" that guys never looked her in the eyes.
Creeped me out-big time.
Your mother is so financially distressed that when she goes to the Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant, she has to lick other people's fingers.
Your mother is of such mediocre intellectual ability that when people refer to Sherlock Holmes, she believes that they are actually referring to a government-run facility that provides housing for the impoverished.
Your mother is so morbidly obese that if she were to don a T-shirt bearing the last name of the Black Muslim leader Malcolm X, one that had a large letter "X" upon its front, helicopters would descend from the heavens and attempt to set down upon it.
Well, okay, there's a second great mystery: Did the Corinthians ever write Paul back?
Bud and Sally Corinthian? They never write back to anyone. Eight years, no Hannaukah cards from them. Nothing. Not even a thank you note after we had them over for Seder dinner. Putzes.
^ LOL! ^
Dear Professor,
The "Althouse Lounge" The regulars are a "hoot" as we would have said in the hippy days. I'm LMAO from the comments tonight. If you are to make a DVD you must add Trooper York to The Titus material. I love the theater of the brazier, er... bizarre. Let's tip a single malt. Your regulars made my day!
Very Truly yours,
Ann recently posted about taking donations for this blog, a fund raiser for "Althouse"
Anyone here willing to pay for nude photos of Ann? Just topless fine?
How much?
Discretely delivered via passworded email with a number that identifies who ever may seek to pass them on . . .
A jew, and Navaho and a Irishman walk into a bar. The Navaho goes to get his beer and knocks it on the floor. He says to the bartender, "I am so sorry for spilling that."
The bartender says "Don't worry about it."
The Navaho goes "No I am really really sorry."
The bartender says "Don't worry about it. Eli Blake will feel guilty enough for all of us."
"Your Mother" jokes... "Yo Mama" jokes as told by a white man.
Eli Blake walks into a bar.
"Whaddya have?" asked the bartender.
"I just want to say that I'm sorry on behalf of all the oppressors who share my skin color for all the evils we have committed since the beginning of time," Eli says. "I know that my soul is irredeemable, but I cannot bear the guilt."
"You know what you oughta do?" the bartender asks.
"Get you a little Indian fella, and carry him around in your automobile."
Speaking of ethnic jokes, and Argentina...
This video of a very popular Argentinian TV show called Duro de Domar reminds me about the fine line between Clint Eastwood's words about PCness, and flat out racism.
It's got subtitles.
Who would drown first a black guy or a white guy?
National primetime TV in the 2000s decade, folks. Think Carson.
"Eli Blake walks into a bar."
Eli Blake doesn't walk into a bar...
'Cause he's a Mormon!
Vbspurs, Trooper York, Palin, Obama and Jindal walk into a bar.
Vbspurs to Jindal: "Your face looks familiar to me, have we met in an Oxford convenience store once?"
Obama immediately apportions 1.3 trillion dollars for the new Indian Sensitivity Act, Palin tries to breast-feed Jindal, and Trooper York pulls up a chair because it's going to be a long night.
Eli Blake walks into a bar and says "Did you see any of my wives come in. Not the blonde one from Juniper creek. You can keep her. The sexy one with the polka dot bikini."
The bartender says "The white man is responsible for every bad thing that ever happened in the history of the world and they should just shut up and take their lumps."
Eli says "Yes. Finally an intelligent comment."
Sarah Silverman does the following joke, "I can't be part black. I'm too cute."
And I just saw a white stand-up do non-white racial humor; I was only a little surprised. Trying to remember who...Schimmel?
And it's a good point as far as "Family Guy". Last I checked they were an all white writing crew doing some really "edgy" racial stuff.
Vbspurs, Trooper York, and Althouse walk into the bar. The bartender goes "Sorry folks, bad news. There is only one bottle of beer left." Vbspurs asks "Well who get's it." The bartender says "That's obvious. The one with the biggest tits." Trooper York says "Score. I knew eating all that pasta and potatos would pay off some day. Gimme here."
TitusJustPinchedALoafButWontTalkaboutit said...
"All my real women friends want a guy that is cut. They think uncut hogs are gross. They are really limiting their options.
Women, does it matter to you?
Althouse, do you have an opinion on the hog? Cut vs Uncut"
I'll go out on a limb here and guess that Althouse loves them all.
Hold the garbanzo beans.
Last I checked they were an all white writing crew doing some really "edgy" racial stuff.
McFarlane is allowed to because he likes musicals and is a big fat liberal like Rosie O'Donnell who wasn't fired after "ching-chong".
But a monkey goes crazy in Connecticut during the Stimulus Bill debacle, making a Rupert Murdoch-owning paper cartoonist draw a cartoon with a dead chimp...and suddenly all hell breaks loose.
Racist! Racist I tell you!
Freedom of expression folks soon to be dead in a country near you!!!!
I'm just going out on a limb here, but I imagine that women like guys that are cut in the same way that I like a woman with a firm and bouncy C-cup rack, hips that swivel, and a flat stomach.
Call me crazy.
Okay, I'll bite.
Never mind cleanliness, I'll wash him myself.
Oh. I get it. Cut means snipped. I assumed we were talking about muscles. I guess that's ripped.
I don't know. I like real boobs, for whatever that's worth.
Okay, I'll bite.
ouch! :)
What's the matter people? Cat got your tongues?
That's actually a very Euro/south of the border preference (so I'm told).
vbspurs --
For me, bosom = motherly. But for men, bosom = sexual
Most men I know think tits = sexual.
Sarah Silverman does the following joke, "I can't be part black. I'm too cute."
Then again, she was forced to apologize for using the word "chink" in a joke on Letterman. She said that a friend of hers recommended writing "I hate chinks" on the juror form to get out of jury duty. But she didn't want to appear racist, so she wrote "I *love* chinks" instead.
Completely innocent joke, but both she and the network had to apologize for it.
That's actually a very Euro/south of the border preference (so I'm told).
Yeah, it is. In Germany, circumcision is considered socially barbaric. My mother told me never to say that in America, because there are those who read anti-semitic signals into that.
(whew, is this what it is to feel all guilty, Eli? Sucks)
"Bobby Jindal was 'pitiful,' Helen Thomas tells film crew, right before making a 'Slumdog Millionaire' crack"
via insty
I knew a girl in Europe who told me she blew an American guy once and was aghast at the circumcision. My one friend who is uncut says that sex is radically better for him. I ask how he knows that. No believable answer.
And don't get me started on barbaric Germans. I remember having to answer for the war in Iraq (as a representative of said entity) to a bunch of drunk Austrians. It was all I could do hold my tongue.
My favorite Sarah Silverman riff is on how young black men are like old Jewish people. I have refreshed my recollection...
Track suits. Crazy about their grandchildren. All their friends are dying. They say "yo" a lot. But Jews say it backwards.
"I knew a girl in Europe who told me she blew an American guy once and was aghast at the circumcision. My one friend who is uncut says that sex is radically better for him. I ask how he knows that. No believable answer."
Uncircumcised cock is much juicier. Much more fun to suck.
"And don't get me started on barbaric Germans. I remember having to answer for the war in Iraq (as a representative of said entity) to a bunch of drunk Austrians. It was all I could do hold my tongue."
Austria isn't Germany!
Of course Austria is Germany, Palladian. Same language. Same food. Same gas chambers. It's just lines on a map.
Don't let anybody tell you different.
You guys are killing me! It took me 60 years to discover Blogs... I'm gonna die from laughter. It's all your fault, but then I will die happy...
A guy walks into a bar in the top of the Space Needle. A guy says to him "Hey, if you jump out the window, the air currents will spin you around a couple of times and then you'll fly right back in. Watch." So the man in the bar le aps out the window and what he says happens. He spins around and falls back in the room. The other man says "WOW! I want to try!" So he leaps out the window and falls and splats on the ground. The bartender says to the first man "Geeze Superman, you're really mean when you're drunk."
The great need of contemporary liberals is to feel morally superior to the past, and to the less enlightened still living in the present. For clear evidence, consider this post by Blake (and try not to snicker at the brigade of straw men he mows down.)
Here are some bad old ideas that we've evolved beyond:
Women being property. Open racism (institutional and otherwise). Slavery. Bounties paid for dead Indians. Acceptance of or ignoring spousal rape. Same with incest. Denial of the right to vote to nonwhites, women, or non-property owners.
I am a firm believer that the aging process (and the consequential replacement of old people with younger ones in the voting public) is a progressive force, especially on cultural issues. Exit polling from prop 8 (gay marriage in Caifornia) makes that pretty clear, people under 25 voted heavily for it while seniors voted heavily against it. A similar polling breakdown occurs on issues like abortion and legalization of marijuana.
David -- It's amazing what you learn after age 25 or so.
It used to be that if you were likely to be nicknamed whitey if you were blond, red if you were red-headed, stretch if you were tall, and so on.
She said that a friend of hers recommended writing "I hate chinks" on the juror form to get out of jury duty. But she didn't want to appear racist, so she wrote "I *love* chinks" instead.
Completely innocent joke, but both she and the network had to apologize for it.
It's funny. It's funny because she's pretending that she didn't *get* that the word "chinks" was a problem and that by saying "I love" instead of "I hate" she wouldn't get branded a racist. The Ha-Ha, the disconnect from reality which makes the funny, is that she get's branded racist either way.
And Wow... she did, too.
That is so stupid.
No wonder we're a nation of cowards.
I mean... it was a *clever* joke.
Laugh in post 200!
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