Watch the don't-call-it-the-State-of-the-Union with me.
8:00: How come there are already 43 comments? The thing hasn't started yet! I suppose you guys are really excited about this. Nancy Pelosi has her olive-green sweatshirt on. I've chosen CBS... Katie Couric is obviously reading from a script.
8:04: Ruth Bader Ginsburg! Among the living! Closeups. Cheers.
8:05: Michelle Obama. Sleeveless! Purple!
8:06: Hillary! Looking radiant. Rahm! He's hot.
8:11: It's O! Red striped tie. Super-short hair. He's kissing all the ladies. The CBS commentary is soooo lame. This is true bipartisanship... except to the extent that it isn't....
8:15: Oops! O spoke over Nancy. Is Chief Justice Roberts there in the audience laughing?
8:20: We have terrible economic problems, but we're going to solve them. To do that, we need to understand how we got here. Then he lists various reforms — like health care — that I think he'd be listing even if there were no economic crisis. I can't see the connection between his economic wish list and the crisis at hand.
8:25: The text of the speech. Great, now like Nancy Pelosi, I can read along. It would be cool if Nancy had her laptop up there and was live-blogging.
8:31: Damn those executives with their jets and fancy drapes! No drapes for you!
8:33: Screw Wall Street but I love small business. Just be small and I will love you.
8:34: "Slowly, but surely, confidence will return, and our economy will recover." There's no lilt of hope in that. Whatever happened to all the hope? This is leaden and lecture-y.
8:37: Which member of Congress is most obviously up past his bedtime? I'm going to say Charles Rangel.
8:40: "It will be the goal of this administration to ensure that every child has access to a complete and competitive education – from the day they are born to the day they begin a career." So... no child left behind?
8:51: Orrin Hatch's name is invoked. We see him reading the speech and grimacing at his own name. He is not a prideful man.
8:59: Obama supports the troops.
9:03: Now, he's in the generic inspiration, listing-of-the-heroes part. Some businessman handed out money because "I didn't feel right getting the money myself." See, rich folk? Cough it up.
9:08: "Some day years from now our children can tell their children that this was the time" — oh, he's doing "this was the time" again — "when we performed, in the words that are carved into this very chamber, 'something worthy to be remembered.'" That was a goofy crescendo. I mean, paraphrase it: In the future, we'll look back and say that we remember doing something.
9:09: "And God Bless the United States of America." He almost forgot to say it.
9:22: Waiting for Bobby Jindal.
9:24: "Happy Mardi Gras!" Bobby's all enthusiastic about Barack Obama, the first African-American President!
9:26: Bobby learned a can-do attitude from his immigrant dad. His emphatic hand gestures are not quite in the camera frame. But I think his style is pretty good, though it sounds super-rehearsed. Somebody taught him every inflection I think. And that eye contact. It's a bit unnerving!
9:29: Jindal is nicely upbeat and confidence-inspiring. Don't monitor volcanoes! Monitor the eruption of spending!
9:35: The GOP wants to win back our trust.
9:37: Bobby: plastic and peppy. But maybe we'll get used to him.
५७० टिप्पण्या:
570 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Star Trek is on. I prefer my bad writing, dicey science, and worse engineering more explicitly fictitious than the Obama speech will provide.
The real news item will be the day that Obama doesn't give a speech. Seriously, has there been a speech-free day so far during the Hopenchange Era?
Bad timing. This speech should not have been scheduled for Shrove Tuesday. Ash Wednesday is more appropriate for the gloom and doom that the President is likely to give us.
I'm guessing a bunch of depressing, doom-mongering comments about the economy, an over-polished sound bite that was written by another committee and shoe-horned into the "Not State Of The Union" address, and a hell of a lot of ums and errs if he dares to speak extemporaneously.
Oh, and expect the Dow to dip into the 6000 range tomorrow.
Good evening fellow republicans. Wow, what a couple of days here on Althouse, huh?
I believe through our expressing our souls we have grown closer and I personally feel quite a bit of love.
Walls have been torn down, bonds have been strengthened and may I even say I think hogs have enlarged?
What a catharsis. What a joy. How rejuvenating. Life once more progresses, nourishes and endures.
I am trying to figure out where to go on a vacation and cant figure out where. Ideally, I would like to go somewhere warm but I want to bring the rare clumbers and I don't want to fly with them. They each weigh 100 pounds and I don't like the thought of them under the plane. Any suggestions?
So the Crack-Head-in-Chief wants to talk some more. What a crock of shit. Go do some work, you douchebag and leave the television schedule alone.
"Any suggestions?"
I hear the Gaza strip is really nice this time of year, and that they love white American homosexual tourists and their dogs. I hear you can get a lot of muzzie hog there too. All you have to do is go up to any guy wearing a keffiyeh over his face and tell him you want to fuck him. I'll buy you a ticket!
I think Obama should have his own network.
Oh wait, he already does. Quite a few of them in fact. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, PBS....
Titus, it sounds like they need to lose some weight. Why not walk the clumbers to New Orleans?
Sorry, not tonight, Obama.
I have to wash my hair.
Good evening fellow republicans.
And they say we dont have a big tent ;)
So the Crack-Head-in-Chief wants to talk some more. What a crock of shit. Go do some work, you douchebag and leave the television schedule alone.
Dude, weren't you all pissy yesterday about loaves? Just sayin'.
Michael - me? I have yet to respond to the Titus issue. I have my opinion, but I have kept it to myself.
I was thinking of taking them to DC. It would be warmer there. There is tons of dog friendly hotels in DC and lots of space to walk.
They are fat-that's my fault.
I went to Kuwait once Palladian to teach a drum and bugle corps and a friend and I walked around the market. If we looked twice the guys would follow us. I was to scared though. I need a little more control of the environment. Yes, your scenario sounds exciting but I would not be in control. And I don't want to be on a videotape getting my head cut off as appealing as that may sound to you.
Now give me a big hug Palladian.
Excerpts from the text of his speech tonight.
It's pretty damn impressive....
The time is now near at hand which must probably determine whether Americans are to be free or slaves to debt and fear; whether they are to have any property they can call their own; whether their houses, farms, and businesses are to be pillaged and destroyed by greed. Only we, the people, can consign ourselves to a state of wretchedness from which no human efforts will deliver us. The fate of unborn millions will now depend, under God, on the courage and conduct of the people, our army of goodness and hope. Our cruel and unrelenting enemy is fear. It leaves us only the choice of brave resistance, or the most abject submission. We have, therefore, to resolve to conquer or die debtors....
If I were to put a curse on my worst enemy—and I see a few of them out there tonight—it would to be to wish him in my position now....
Let me now take a more comprehensive view, and warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the spirit of party, generally....
The preservation of the sacred fire of liberty, and the destiny of the republican model of government, are justly considered as deeply, perhaps as finally staked, on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people....
In executing the duties of my present important station, I can promise nothing but purity of intentions, and, in carrying these into effect, fidelity and diligence.
Titus : I am trying to figure out where to go on a vacation and cant figure out where.
Well, I don't know where you are. But the gulf coast of Florida is nice this time of year. They don't like dogs on most beaches, but I'm sure you could find dog friendly ones. They're big dog people down here.
"Ideally, I would like to go somewhere warm but I want to bring the rare clumbers and I don't want to fly with them. They each weigh 100 pounds and I don't like the thought of them under the plane."
100 pounds each?!
"Dogs weigh between 70 and 85 pounds and bitches weigh between 55 and 70 pounds."
Sounds like your rare clumbers fail to meet the breed standard! And you call me fat! Excess weight is especially bad for dogs. Get up off your ass and walk those things!
Titus... You would enjoy Stratford, Ontario with lots of park and trails for your Spaniels. They don't eat ducks or swans, I hope. Plenty of bed and breakfasts with pets allowed.Very good hotel (Arden Park), but check on dogs policy there first. The Festival plays are better than NYC theater. It's also about a 1.5 hour drive from Toronto. Very good food and a Canadian Cultural atmosphere.You could drive over at Niagara Falls, and its 2.5 hrs more driving time.
Yeah, what Pall said, and walk the dogs, too!
I do love New Orleans and have a friend there and would go but I really don't want to leave the dogs.
I have had some good hog in New Orleans. I stayed at the W there and it was fabulous.
"I do love New Orleans and have a friend there and would go but I really don't want to leave the dogs."
Oh I'll watch them!
"I stayed at the W there and it was fabulous."
I wonder if I understand this correctly:
1. Take an all-time-high $400B deficit and explode it to $1.2T.
2. Promise to halve the deficit, reducing it to a "mere" $600B, still $200B more than the largest ever deficit.
3. Be lauded as a prudent deficit hawk for such an amazing accomplishment.
It can't really be that easy, can it?
Interesting to observe pre-TV appearance "expectations" here.
So far it is safe to say there are none?
This bodes well for our new president.
Palladian : I'm guessing a bunch of depressing, doom-mongering comments about the economy
I'd assume he's heard the criticism and is going to try to be more positive. He really doesn't like being criticized.
"I'd assume he's heard the criticism and is going to try to be more positive. He really doesn't like being criticized."
I hope you're right. Where's the Hope we were promised?!
Bob died years ago.
I hope Bobby Jindal's response include something about intelligent design-that would be important for me.
Titus... I would not bring dogs South after early June until Late September. The 95+ temps take some getting esed to. The Ontario temps in June-August are mild 68-72 days and 58-68 nights.
Interesting to observe pre-TV appearance "expectations" here.
So far it is safe to say there are none?
I just want a country left for Palin to run.. that's all.
I just hope the President doesn't lie. I hate that when presidents lie.
I know they are supposed to be between 70-85 pounds Palladian. And yes they are 100 pounds. I feel awful. They beg for food constantly. They are begging right now. I am weak. I feed them from the table. I feel like I am a bad dog owner. I feel guilty. I feel like I am contributing to an early death for them. I am not feeding them anymore. I watched a program about bad dog owners that fed their dogs from the table-I cried afterwards.
fcai - sorry man. Wrongfully confused you with others. Apologies.
"I am not feeding them anymore."
What?!! That really IS cruel and something you should feel guilty about. Just because they're fat is no reason to torture them by withholding food.
Tittus - Hilton Head, SC.
Are Titus and Tittus the same person?
I am going somewhere in the month of March. I have been all over Canada and love it but my sense is that it will be cold in March.
In the summer I am either in Maine, The Cape or Fire Island almost every summer weekend.
Montreal is amazing. Wow, what ever you want they have.
OMG I just saw David Vitter on the video-love him. He has strong family values.
They just showed the mayor of DC-Adrian Fenty-wayyyyy hottttt!!!!!
Has MSNBC hooked up the tingleometer to Chris Matthews's leg? I'm hoping to see a Frank Luntz style graph showing the rise and fall of Matthews's tingles.
I meant I am not feeding them anymore people food.
Just saw Saxby Chambliss-diva.
Seeing as how Matthews described the speech as "Churchillian" before it was even given I'd say the tingle would be completely off the chart.
I am with you Pogo. I am going to watch an ice hockey game instead of the speech and I don't even like hockey.
I will follow the speech via the Althouse 'commentators'. I am not sure why we are commentators and not commenters.
Wouldn't it be funny if Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden started making out during the speech?
People food is good enough for you but not the clumbers? If that is a Republican principle, count me out.
Jayne, Winston would roll over in his grave if he heard that.
Arrrgggh! Purple dress!
Bret Bair just said: Traditionally, the First Lady's box is filled with friends."
When did that start?
So that's the cabinet.
Have any of them filed their income tax returns? A few look especially suspicious.
It's a meet and greet!
I just find it funny given the whole kerfuffle regarding the removal of the Churchill bust from the White House.
Hey guys! I knew you all would be in full force today. I'll keep this window open -- but I'm Twittering like a twit instead.
P.S.: Tepid applause for our First Lady, no?
Listening on NPR and wondering: When is the government going to sacrifice and start being responsible?
"Obama is the master of all media" (isn't that Howard Stern?).
I'm starting to feel better about this stimulus package already!
I really don't like them bringing the Supreme Court - even bits of it - along to the State of the Union, let alone some insipid little joint session speech. Yet there are Roberts, Alito, and Kennedy. Burger Kennedy is there to preen, naturally, and I suppose Roberts and Alito are there to rub Obama's face in it - a laudable instinct, but not one that should be indulged.
There's Madame Sec. in red, keeper of the deep dark secrets...
E man u EL! for shadow president!
The President will be traveling once a week. More chances to protest!
The chances of someone throwing a shoe here are low, so I'm less enthusiastic about this event.
The first American Idol President!
Interesting, all the pomp and circumstance for those over fifty watching TV!
No old farter left behind!
NPR: Obama is a rock star and he's made the approval rates of Democrats in congress raise to record highs
Aw, no American Idol tonight. Waah!
Lovin' the love for the President...EVEN if it is this president.
Does this man not understand about TIMING?!!!!!
"Aw, no American Idol tonight. Waah!"
Oh Chris, this is basically the equivalent. Except there are sometimes talented people on American Idol.
It saddens me but he is American idol
Prez...stand up,stand up....
He botched the beginning, just like he did the oath.
Stick to the procedure of acknowledgement, dummy.
Very cool he gave Michelle her just due as CHIEF puppeteer.
fuck uncle sambo
Now we know why Althouse can't sleep! It's the crisis.
For the life of me I don't see the wisdom of consistantly talking down the economy
Pelosi gets bored and starts reading the pamphlet within the first couple minutes of the speech.
Seems mean to make Ginsberg get up for every ovation.
Pelosi gets bored and starts reading the pamphlet within the first couple minutes of the speech.
Is she chewing cud again?
YES! He is presidential tonight.
I feel better already.
Notice how he didn't mention businessmen as making this country great?
Time for a scotch... He does give a good speech.. BrrAch, time for a positive message, pal.
I think Rahm Emanuel is patting his butt.
"Notice how he didn't mention businessmen as making this country great?"
DUH! It's the community organizers and Senators and ROCK STAR PRESIDENTZ that make this country great!
blah blah blah class warfare
blah blah blah banks are mean
Maybe the Dow will hit the 5000s tomorrow...
He's going to explain "How we got here". One self-serving lie after another.
The biggest whopper of the night:
Obama claims he doesn't believe in bigger government.
We've had Campaign Obama. Presidential Obama. And Statesman Obama. He's put a foot in it spectacularly each time.
I'm still waiting to tip my hat to him. I really am.
Duh, they bought houses they KNEW could not afford... Thank God I drink scotch and not cool-aid...
Maybe the Dow will hit the 5000s tomorrow...
That high?
I also wanted to watch Idol tonight, even cleared my schedule. Guess I'll do classwork and grading instead.
You'll be seeing tax cuts on your paychecks starting April 1st! You're getting 13 dollars! Yah!
"Notice how he didn't mention businessmen as making this country great?"
Hush....that is a little known secret.
You don't mess with Joe! No di'nt!
A tax cut!
How much is it?
An average of $10 a week.
Biden is going to keep waste down? NPR says that was the "first laugh line of the evening"!
If this doesn't work - it is all the mayors fault...
TH said...
"A tax cut! How much is it? An average of $10 a week."
I'll save it and donate it to whoever runs against him in 2012.
April Fools! Here's 13 bucks.
"Just! ...the first step".
I loved how he injected a Sean Penn-like mix of desperation and concern in "just".
Joe's the Man...Yea?
Wow, this guy is a better bullshitter than Prez Clinton...
Businesses take on debt to make payroll? I don't think he understands business very well.
Obama:Not because I believe in Big Government-I don't!
Did I hear that right?
A double negative means-...I give up.
He's going to ferret out fraud, waste, and abuse. It's always worked before!
"You'll be seeing tax cuts on your paychecks starting April 1st! You're getting 13 dollars! Yah!"
Well, it's enough to buy a pack of razor blades or enough gas to keep one's car running in the garage for long enough.
credit needs to start flowing again? ok, hoss. now that everyone's terrified to spend anything, why would they borrow it to spend it? talk about mixed messages.
Yeah! More debt. We need more debt and less savings.
"He's going to ferret out fraud, waste, and abuse. It's always worked before!"
More like weasel out....
versus irresponsible families
$13.00 a week is almost 300 rounds of 9mm a month. Assuming any ever shows up at WallyWorld again.
I think he is doing very well, by the way. He's happy about what he's done for us.
I predict shovels will be invoiced at $1700 apiece
"Full force of the American government"
To be renamed the US Air Farce.
""Full force of the American government"
...fucking us good and hard, forever.
I'm so out of touch that I had to
ask about sock puppets...Who is working his sock
Come on people , How is the speech going?
Will the Dow go up or down or sideways tomorrow?
Was the economic collapse cause by health care or the "lack of health care"?
Inquiring minds want to know without having to watch the speech!
It's business class for you CEOs!!!
I just want to take this historic opportunity to give a shout out and say "fuck you and your family" to every Obama supporter tonight who ever called President Bush a less than respectful name.
You're damn right I'm still mad. Blame it on the Bush-haters. Their ass-fucking is coming.
Man does Nancy look like a dim bulb up there.
Yeah! Let's crucify the bankers and haul 'em up in front of Congress! We need more, not less SarbOx-like throttling of the financial sector... Sadly, Palladian is probably right about where the Dow is going tomorrow.
The War on Poverty.
The War on Drugs.
The War on Terror.
Now, the War on Bankers.
Excuse me, buster.. Private Jet?
I don't think so, Pal...
Dody Jane! How nice it is too see you again. I was inquiring about you earlier. :)
This plan will require significant resources of the taxpayer.
The cracks in the administration's "plan" are already starting to show.
He tells us that for too long we ran up debt and it was bad.
Now he's telling us that we need the credit markets to start or we're all doomed.
We're wrong if we borrow, and we're wrong if we can't borrow.
A dig at Bush!
"Will the Dow go up or down or sideways tomorrow?"
If you stand on your head and look at the charts, you can pretend it's going up!
Banks: "everyone is suffering from their bad decisions."
Nice, blame those fat bankers!
Star Trek is doing Perry Mason. It's hammy, silly, badly-written, and acted with an awareness about how silly it is. But let me flip back to Star Trek rather than Obama and talk about that instead...
Somewhere Che is smiling.
He won't spend a single penny to help a Wall St. executive but he'll spend billions to his favorite PAC, ACORN.
(Sorry Palladian). I should say your ass-fucking is coming for those of you Bush-haters who don't like anal sex. For those who do, we'll go full hilt Louisville Slugger.
We are so fucked.
Dow 4000 by next month.
Hi Vbspurs!!! I wouldn't miss this!
"Businesses take on debt to make payroll? I don't think he understands business very well."
Of course they do. The commercial paper market exists to allow corporations the liquidity for immediate expenses like payroll.
We import more oil now than we ever have, but he's opposed to more coal electric plans, and he's opposed to more nuclear electric plants.
He's going to restart the car makers, but he doesn't want them to sell more cars that run on oil.
And he won't add capacity to the electricity generating infrastructure.
I guess he wants us to all to walk to that job he saved for us.
Hillary is very pink
Wall Street bad. Loans to people good. Young families struggling. The government has the answers. Never let this problem ever happen again.
Quayle said...
The cracks in the administration's "plan" are already starting to show.
He tells us that for too long we ran up debt and it was bad.
Now he's telling us that we need the credit markets to start or we're all doomed.
We're wrong if we borrow, and we're wrong if we can't borrow.
Right, Quayle. That's the part that never makes sense to me either. I am not sure it's intended to.
Only government can make long term investments, therefore the government should be in charge of large portions of the economy.
I'm listening on radio in my office. I prefer these things in audio without the distracting "Great Leader" visuals (this is true with all political speeches, not a partisan point with me). I find the content to be what it is, but the delivery sounds like he's just mailing it in. Why does he sound like he doesn't believe what he's saying? Is it over-rehearsal or what? Maybe I'm just feeling like this whole "pageantry" of the federal government is such a lame show anymore.
Nothing of consequence is done out in the open anymore; consider the "stimulus" package just passed if you doubt my words.
"(Sorry Palladian). I should say your ass-fucking is coming for those of you Bush-haters who don't like anal sex. For those who do, we'll go full hilt Louisville Slugger."
Oh I understood. Ass-fucking by the government is different than pleasurable ass-fucking. Government ass-fucking is rape.
Does not mention The WAR
I've heard that the tax cut will average some $13.00 per week for most people. So, let's figure, what, $52.00 per month? How much ammo can you buy with that before Obama's Sturmabteilungen cut off the supply?
mishu said...
"Man does Nancy look like a dim bulb up there."
She's sitting next to Joe Biden, which makes her look smart, attractive, and erudite by comparison.
He is going to sacrifice, but doesn't say what...
Now I'm just bored.
Will Ann live blog Jindal's speech? I've got my comments locked and loaded for that one.
Inherited? You created that trillion dollar deficit!
He's losing me... highways on the moon...zzzzzz
"Why does he sound like he doesn't believe what he's saying?"
He never sounds like he believes what he's saying unless he's talking about himself.
Nevermind-not a double negative just the biggest lie of the night-
Not because I believe in bigger government-I don't.
This from a guy that's named more czars in a week than Russia ever had.
He can't say what he believes... it would scare people
American business could lead if the government would get the hell out of the way.
First the bankers, now...
Hooray beer. What a fucking loser.
God, what an awful, phony speech.
How soon before Hillary resigns from Sec of State to get her 2012 campaign going?
Althouse start a betting pool so we can place bets - you take a cut of the action.
Then you won't have to do the Titus tapes.
Obama doesn't seem nervous at all. I'll give him that.
Let's increase the cost of energy! That's great for business! Yeah!
The Broken Window Fallacy was a lot more succinct when Bastiat wrote about it than when Obama committed it.
Now, I like a functioning infrastructure as anyone, but defining the greatest nation on earth's goals as modestly as:
"energy, health care and education"
which are rather inward-turned goals, you gotta conclude you're either listening to someone who doesn't believe in the leadership quality of the country's people, or who lacks imagination in the worst way.
America doesn't do what's easy?
Wasn't the automobile invented in Germany?
He isn't nervous, but it doesn't seem like he has a certain "spark." Maybe it is the forum - plus, he is a pro at speech giving
I don't believe any of his numbers. Especially coming from a man who doesn't know how many states there are.
Does not mention The WAR
Well because-the guy has spent a TRILLION dollars and hasn't even started on the defense budget.
He upped the numbers to Afghanistan by 13,000.
I think that's just so he can pull them out and have bigger parades riiiight around 2012-just in time for his next election.
Wasn't the automobile invented in Germany?
That's what I said when I heard it (on Twitter).
Blogger AJ Lynch said...
How soon before Hillary resigns from Sec of State to get her 2012 campaign going?
You people don't know what you're talking about. Chelsea will run before Hillary does again. She's done.
Obama will cure cancer!
Now he's going to cure cancer!
A war on cancer, wasn't that Nixon's idea?
A cure for cancer! Why didn't anyone think of it before?
So far I'm hearing government growing ....
But hey!-he -Obama-doesn't believe in "bigger" government.
"Disease that has touched nearly every American".
It wasn't bigger goverment, either!
Ooooh. Nan likes that socialized medicine "for the children". Did you see her spring out of that chair to clap?
Well, if the government takeover of the auto industry is intended to pilot electric/alt-energy technology for future export, good for him. I doubt it, though; and even so, were we to get all those electric cars, what would we power them with?
And the idea that China is compared favorably as investing in its energy infrastructure is repulsive: Obama's political allies would never allow the kinds of large-scale projects here that China is building over there.
A cure for the cancer of government spending would be adequate.
In these hard economic times, we need circuses to cheer our spirits.
Where are the Circuses!?!?!
Spending more on health care should bring those out-year deficits down smartly.
I hear lots of extra government spending and extra regulations but no cost cutting.
That is the no option platform.
Energy as long as it does not involve drilling or nuclear.
Education as long as we do not offer school choice or vouchers and must put EVERY kid on the college track cause it is only the lack of spending on education that kept all from getting college degrees.
Infrastructure as long as it is ordinary and unimaginative and our big guvmint buddies control it and get a big under-the-table cut of the loot.
Nancy's smile looks like the Grinch when he smiles
Where are the Circuses!?!?!
I said last night, after I covered the Rio carnival, that I went from carnival to circus in 24 hours...
Hmm, he says because of his stimulus "there are 57 police officers who are still on the streets of Minneapolis". Does anyone else find that odd?
During the campaign Obama said he visited 57 different states. And Joe McCarthy said there were 57 communists in the state department... why does this number keep re-occurring??
Must be sad for his fans, the fact that he's such a conventional thinker.
Is this education promise retroactive? Can I get a refund for my daughter's college? She is graduating in May...
AJ Lynch said...
"Come on people , How is the speech going?"
Don't ask me, AJ... I turned the sound down. It began to distract me from a lovely lucid dream I was having about Althouse.
How is Obama going to bring the deficit down if he's planning on spending more money on all these programs?
"The country that invented the automobile will not abandon it"
From wikipedia:
"An automobile powered by his own four-stroke cycle gasoline engine was built in Mannheim, Germany by Karl Benz in 1885 and granted a patent in January of the following year under the auspices of his major company, Benz & Cie., which was founded in 1883."
Realistically, "healthcare reform", means how to deal with more and more baby boomers hitting Medicare elgibility.
Biden retires and is off-ticket in the '12 campaign. Hillary is asked on as VP candidate, thus setting herself up for the '16 run as President, with Obama's political organization in place for her to inherit.
That was the deal they made going into the fall election, sweethearts. Get used to it.
I hear lots of extra government spending and extra regulations but no cost cutting.
I expect the military budget to get hit real hard.
Obama wants to cheapen the value of a college diploma.
If you serve at the local soup kitchen - do you get to go to Harvard?
Scholarships for ACORN workers?
Can I get a refund for my daughter's college? She is graduating in May...
My son graduated last year. I wonder if I can get some?
You WILL go to school.
Obama has commanded it.
We should not abandon the automobile?? Who said we were even thinking about it?
Now Obama is just making stuff up.
Inherited? You created that trillion dollar deficit!
I think the blame more properly rests on Congress.
That college tuition that was about to be paid, but now won't be paid. (Put the letter back in the envelope dear)
I propose we cap the price of private universities at $10,000 a year.
That should help solve the problem.
Stop micromanaging my life, Obama.
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