২ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০০৯

"Gregg could go down as the biggest sucker since Arthur Goldberg."

"What could Sen. Judd Gregg possibly do in a second-tier cabinet position--Commerce--to advance his conservative philosophy that would possibly make up for giving his ideological opponents a 60-seat majority in the Senate?... Even if New Hampshire's Democratic governor angers his party by appointing a Republican to replace Gregg, will it be an anti-card-check Republican?"

২৫টি মন্তব্য:

Unknown বলেছেন...

I think he's looking at a tough re-election bid in 2010 and wants to ensure he's around in one capacity or another after the election.

Kurt বলেছেন...

You might be right, mcg, but I would think he would be toast in the Republican party after this.

Nichevo বলেছেন...

Is he? The Dem gov of NH is supposed to have promised to appoint a GOPer. I believe the name is known, it's a female, but not sure.


blake বলেছেন...

Actually, the governor didn't expressly use the word "Republican".

Oh, but I guess it's known: Bonnie Newman.

Didn't she have a sitcom on ABC for a while?

Simon বলেছেন...

If Gregg thinks that a democratic governor wouldn't lie to get a sixtieth vote in the Senate, he's too stupid to serve in a cabinet position. What's more, Governor Lynch didn't promise to appoint a repulican - read the statement that Marc Ambinder posted in full. Lynch said that he understands Gregg won't leave if Gregg thought it would change the balance of the Senate, and promised to appoint someone who would be good and serve the interests of the state if Gregg did resign. That is absolutely not a promise to appoint a Republican, so Lynch doesn't even have to break a promise. If he resigns, he should be tarrred and feathered by the GOP - "never darken our door again," the man who gave the democrats a filibuster proof majority.

Cedarford বলেছেন...

rt said...
You might be right, mcg, but I would think he would be toast in the Republican party after this.

Meaning the Southern Grits faction of Reublicans would consider him
toast thereforth in 7 Deep South Fundie States and Alaska,

Wow, some toast!

Perhaps only Alaska will remain for Republicans after 2008, outside the 135 "true-believin' " Electoral Votes of "Jesusland". Getting the Mormons and Godless Catholics like Rudy and other whores is the next dtep downward to under 100 Electoral votes.

Gregg was already targeted, as well as the 2 Maine "Traitor baby-killer RINOs" as "unworthy" of Theocrat Republican support..

Good time to bail from the Goldwaterites, Neocons, and Club For Tax Cuts for the rich. Gregg's timing is good.

Cedarford বলেছেন...

Simon - "What's more, Governor Lynch didn't promise to appoint a repulican - read the statement that Marc Ambinder posted in full. "

Why do you speak in generalities and refuse to link to Ambinder.

I demand you end your dishonesty and site specific quotations of each documented page of each word that a reactionary could nake public.

Nichevo বলেছেন...

Oh who cares what he promised, I would expect a pol to break his word. I guess if you're slick you just do the Satano-Clintonic wordplay thing, but really it is unenforceable - haha F U.

C4, don't you think that Jews, uh, I mean neocons or not, axiomatically all Republicans are weakened by losing the filibuster option? I can't see how it's in the interest of ANY Republican except maybe the chieu hoi type like you like. This just proves your insincerity.

BTW it is rich for you to demand anything of anyone - you never answer interrogatives.

Simon বলেছেন...

I was hoping you'd take that bait, Cedarford. Here's your link; now perhaps you will grace us with a citation of the geneva convention section you think backs up your general claims in the other thread?

Nichevo বলেছেন...

Reading that, you could believe that he knows the people voted for a GOP Sen. and a Dem. Gov.; a GOP Sen. they will get or they will take a GOP Gov. next election.

Or you could believe he will do what he wants. But he has shown he understands the problem. I believe he might have legal exposure if he commits to any quid pro quo - viz., Blago.

Nichevo বলেছেন...

BTW, C4, Collins was evidently so shat on in her own re-election campaign that it might have served her as an infusion of spine, so tongue-back-in-mouth, boyo. Typical Dem class and grace.

Palladian বলেছেন...

Cedarford's gotten a taste of that big black socialist cock and now he's hooked. Expect to see Cedarford leading a "Jew-Haters For Obama" group at the 2012 Democratic Convention.

Ralph L বলেছেন...

Doesn't Commerce run the Census. I would think BO would want a Dem in place for that, and the other spoils of the office (Ron Brown).

Revenant বলেছেন...

MCG's explanation is the only sensible one I've heard so far.

Wince বলেছেন...

Honestly, I do not understand why anyone would want to leave the Senate to join the cabinet.

Eric বলেছেন...

Oh, give him a break, Simon. He did manage to go an entire post without mentioning teh Jooooos.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Honestly, I do not understand why anyone would want to leave the Senate to join the cabinet.

If I knew I was going to lose my job in 2 years I might be tempted to jump to a job I could hold onto for 4-8.

Joe বলেছেন...

Doesn't matter. Senate Republicans have lost their wee little minds. Not content to return to their roots as small government, fiscal conservative types, they've continued their quest to be mindless liberal lite. McConnell has once and for all proved he's a clueless fucking asshole.

I hope Gregg goes and all the Republican Senators quit since they're useless hypocritical fucks. (I'll wager they vote for that corrupt shit Daschle.)

reader_iam বলেছেন...

Commerce Secretary.

saintrussell বলেছেন...

Sitting here in Nashua, I expect Gov. Lynch to hold up his end of the deal that's obviously been struck. It's what voters here will expect. We're not Massachusetts, after all.

Methadras বলেছেন...

Republicans have lost their collective minds. It's like watching Mr. Barely as a Hindu snake charmer work his little cobra flute while the Republicans shim and sway to his crafty little tune.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Republican Charlie Browns to Democrat Nancys.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

We're not Massachusetts, after all.

Give it time, Saint Russell, give it time.

Surely you don't think all those Massholes fleeing north are smart enough to understand why NH is a better place to live, do you? You'll attain People's Republic status within the decade.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Hmmm - 64 years old. So he can either choose to be a Senator from the minority party until he retires, or he can serve in a Presidential cabinet during one of the more pressing moments in American history.

Which one sounds more interesting to you?

blake বলেছেন...

Surely you don't think all those Massholes fleeing north are smart enough to understand why NH is a better place to live, do you? You'll attain People's Republic status within the decade.

Indeed. The Free State Project chose New Hampshire as its base, but I keep looking at the few thousand people who agreed to move there versus the tens of thousands who can easily pour in from nearby socialist country.

I don't see it ending well.