I planted some johnny-jump-ups last night with just that color in them. They smell really nice whenever I step outside. And I have bread baking and tomato sauce cooking inside. So it's a world of fragrances here.
The first year Manny was with Cleveland they came in for a summer series to Yankee Staduim and all the chica's from Washington Heights came to the staduim in little shirts that they tied over their belly and these little shorts with high heels. Ai-yi-ai. Muy bonita.
The guy who ownes the bodega next door to me has about five daughters who range in age from 18 to 7 years old. He is going to have a very interesting life the next couple of years.
It's interesting that he is going to be playing for the DR in the Baseball Classic series.
How do you represent a country you just trashed? A country responsible for turning out the largest per capita percentage of professional baseball players in the world?
The guy who ownes the bodega next door to me has about five daughters who range in age from 18 to 7 years old. He is going to have a very interesting life the next couple of years.
I made a batch of fried mozzarella, but that was just an experiment, and to get rid of it to make room so I can continue experimenting and eventually try to make different types of cheese. I'm at the beginning of the cheese learning curve.
I heard the Bush 41's are down in DR. They are (or were by now) at a paradise in La Romana owned by a Venezuelan tycoon (one pissed off Venezuelan tycoon)
Have you any updates to share about your lawyer/customer who was apparently giving head to some guy eating a hot dog while wearing that nice jacket? (Or something like that, I kinda forget.)
Also, I want to blame Hank Paulson for everything. Where is he now?
It was either chizz on the sock or I blew my nose on it and it was dried bugurs. Either way it felt kind of nasty against my ass.
But I was desperate. I needed to find the nearest piece of material because I didn't want any poop to drip from my ass while looking for some wipey wipey.
Althouse got 23 comments doing a blog test (like a microphone test) but it appears that when it come to a live test you are all a bunch of wimps (no disrespect)
I had diarehhea. No loose spinchter. My ass is like that of a 13 year old boy-my doctor has told me. Also, I have a perfect prostate. I don't get fucked. I am proud of my undamaged prostrate.
On a serious note, Insty approvingly linked to video of Specter being "jeered" a day or two ago: link. It shows two regular citizens talking to Specter. Can you spot what they did wrong?
Yes, that's right: they just ranted at him. Specter was apparently able to deflect their concerns, and ultimately nothing changed. The alternative would have been for them to ask him a question that would show him up. That would have had a far greater impact and would have sent a message to the rest. So, why is Insty promoting people ranting and "jeering" rather than something that would be effective?
Although... it does make sense that we dont care to meet Althouse ... conservatives dont need people ... people who need people are the worst people in the world ;)
Picture the whispers at a blog convention.. yea she can command hundreds of comments at the drop of her hat.. but she could only muster 67 people willing to meet her for free.
You can see Obama's latest economic PR gambit now linked up on Drudge who highlights HIGHER TAXES ON THE RICH; VOW TO CUT DEFICIT BY 2/3.
An accelerated announcement of higher taxes is prompted, obviously, for political and not economic reasons. I think it's an attempt to cleave the mounting pitchfork opposition to his spending and cross-subsidization of irresponsible behavior.
How? By promising to close the deficit through higher taxation of the other guy who has more than you. In other words, don't worry, somebody else with more money than you will pay for all this.
Which of course is bullshit.
Good luck with that. I think the immediate economic consequences will be negative for the economy and, politically, I don't think it will change a lot of minds about the present course of action.
Happy Samedi Gras! Or, I hope y'all are having a nice Saturday, fat or not.
I'm having a low-key Carnival season. I've seen two of my three favorite parades so far: Krewe Du Vieux, and Muses. KdV is a satirical foot parade through the French Quarter - one of its subkrewes is "Spermes" so you get the picture (a play on Hermes, an oldline, mainstream krewe.) The theme this year was the Stimulus Package.
Muses is inspired, just my favorite every year. It's a women's krewe whose signature throw is a decorated high-heeled shoe.
Muses has the most amazing treats between the floats: a troupe of LED butterflies; the Roving Elvii --about 60 men, mostly twenty-somethings -- on scooters, dressed as Las Vegas Elvis; dance troupes, including the Pussyfooters, the Cameltoe Lady Steppers, and the Bearded Oysters. Flambeaux carriers, some the traditional kerosene but also some with a modern LED version. The Marines and National Guard bands - big applause. The Big Easy Rollergirls on their skates.
The bands were terrific! Baton twirlers, drum majors, gleaming brass and shiny new uniforms. Three years ago, in the first Carnival after Katrina, these bands were 1/3 their size and wearing matching sweat suits.
The only thing I'm looking forward to now is Harry Connick's Krewe of Orpheus on Monday night. They spend a lot of money on their floats, and they're always cutting edge in terms of lighting and sound. I'll get to see the best high school and brass bands again.
Other than that, I'm laying low and cooking - tonight I'm grilling oysters and some fish, with wilted greens and mashed yams. Tomorrow, I'm getting fancy and trying out a duck and andouille gumbo. I've never made that, but I got inspired by Top Chef this week.
I have some parade pictures up on my blog, but I must say, I don't think much of the iPhone's camera. Looks like I'll have to go back to carrying around a small digital camera.
Here's a golden opportunity for a post...some of you arty wags should design some Althouse T-shirts for Commenterpalooza, and we can vote on them here on the site...Althouse can play the Simon role, with ultimate approval. To fund the making of the shirts, perhaps more egg salad eating videos can be made...
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them?
Whenever I google Althouse that link is up front and center. A link trying to make her look bad.
Again.. How bad does it look when only 67 people are willing to meet her?
Supposedly there is nothing harder than hitting a baseball, yet someone managed to hit 73 homeruns in 6 months.. ok bad example (he was on steroids).. but it was not because he was lazy ;)
Althouse does have quite a few commentators, but how many of them comment frequently enough to be interested in a meet-up?
Maybe the 67 represents the hard-core regulars, and the irregulars drift in and out depending on their interest in specific topics, or as their trolling habits dictate.
Bars can be busy on Saturday nights, but it's the regulars who'll be there Tuesday.
There is way of maximising her trip by shortening her airplane/car travels based on the number of people in an area.
There's no joy in that. Where's the spontaneity? Road trips are all about seeing weird things on the side of the road and stopping. Who knows where you'll end up, or if they'll ever find your body?
In short, GIS can take all the pins on the map, a window of time, plane/trains and automobile data and come up with optimal trip scenarios for Althouse based on levels of priorities.
I'd stick a pin in the map but I have no idea how, even after reading the update. At any rate, Indianapolis, St. Louis, that kind of area is good for me.
It took 3 vistis and an hour of screwing around to figure out how to stick a pin in Althouse's map. If I was smarter I would have just given up. And that could be the reason there are only 67 pins.
so far this thread is just guys mostly lem and michael h and penny
hi penny
welcome you re new here i can tell i m one of those 67 commenters and a foodie too but i can t put a pin in the map for cambridge mass due to my physical limitations i mean moving that mouse around is like pushing a pickup to you so maybe there are 68 of us but there may be a lot of regulars who if they re like me don t want to show their faces in public for fear of the orkin man
I don't think all 67 of us can meet up in the same place so we should all start imbibing and then post comments all night long. We would all be tripping. So to speak.
This week's chimp blogging made me think of the video to Head over Heals by Tears for Fears, and that in turn lead me to this amusing "literal video version."
Lem, the Ninth Amendment surred Bork's much misunderstood "ink blot" comment. If it said "Congress shall have the power to ..." and an ink blot had obscured the remainder of the sentence, no one would think judges were authorized to make up anything that they thought was a good idea and say that it was the power granted under the ink blot; likewise, Bork thought, when you have a text whose words are clear but whose meaning is entirely cryptic and can't be discerned, judges are no more authorized to supply an invented meaning than the proverbial ink blot. The Ninth Amendment was his example, and a distortion/misunderstanding of that comment has followed him around ever since.
BTW, I'll put a pin in the map if someone tells me how. If I do as Althouse's post suggests (click edit), I don't see any way to add a pin, I just end up editing "jolly madison 1."
sorry i didn t see you damned hard to do but i managed it
now i don t go to brigham s you see they re not organic enough for me and i don t want jimmies with a herd cause they use the dreaded i word i m a green cockroach oh i sing integrated pest management s my thing and penny you ve given a reason for me to feel a frisson so even if i m under the sink stop by and we ll have a drink
Althousian blog meet? Where,when? Blogging Cockroach has an open invitation to a ride on our Gulfstream G150. I hope he likes Le Canard enchaîné, something to do in flight besides eating. Blogging Cockroach,You can eat the paper if you wish, but there is better fare on board...anything you would like to eat. We will set up a laptop in the forward cabin so that you can communicate your every wish. Just as it would be at Casa de B. There is only one blogging Coackroach and as Democrats we welcome him...for his is the voice of the future. We would gladly invite Sir Archy, but then he does not need mortal transport but he may join us if he wishes. We could bring my daughters Swam,Sanandayankachaina who is her yoga instructor. He talks to the dead. It would be a hoot. Since my wife is in prison, I would like to meet the good professor and her admirers.
thanks r l b i ll give that great thought sorry abt your wife
but i have one more thing to say about my last comment which is
stop by and let s have a drink
is better for the last line the meter s improved and so is the elision plus it sounds friendlier which i want it to be despite being so damn picky so you see r l b you ll have an artist on your hands if you invite me on your jet plus i get airsick
Well thank you, Blogging cockroach, We can supply you with comfortable quarters that mixes oxygen and nitric oxide so you will be very comfortable. We would love to have a drink with you or three. As to my writing, I've got some delicious single malt scotch. Do you like scotch? We have a cat who does not like scotch but he likes cheap bourbon. He does not fly. After he chucked a hairball on a friends suede jacket on a trip to Aspen, he's banned from flying. He will be well taken care of by Socorro. She will feed him and he will sleep while she polishes the silver.
Ken Burns is the worst filmmaker ever. Everything he does is the same. Folk music, shots of water, panning over pictures, people talking. More water shots. Ugh.
BTW.. I think the blog roach can help some of us big time sinners in ways we could only dream from mamals ;)
And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Matthew 25:4
sorry to replace my last post terrible spelling error getting late you know yes i have a little hat on it s the kind of hat i wore in the last life think frank sinatra but i m not wearing tails with a snap brim hat sheesh anyway i think you re all getting just a little too nosy if you ask me i really don t have money for clothes these days but if someone wants to buy me a little suit from hong kong i won t mind
lem seems to be thinking in spanish where it s la cucaracha feminine noun so a cockroach in spanish is automatically she whereas in english any pest seems to be he so sexist
But if the blogging cockroach used to be a person that would point towards reincarnation. In which case you can probably throw out your bible, Lem, and stop eating hamburgers.
Dear Blogging Cockroach, Just yesterday, we discovered a female of your species in the hanger with an egg sack attached. For a roach she was most likely quite attractive, at the least she "gets around". Perhaps you would like an introduction. When we came in she scurried under the couch never to be seen again.
I'm not saying our blog roach is the least of our bother/sister (i think her sex is under study) I'm just saying that we at Althousia pride ourselves on having the largest panoply of voices.
Show me a blog that can produce a dead man's soul and I might consider clicking to you, but you had to come here first.
lem seems to be thinking in spanish where it s la cucaracha feminine noun so a cockroach in spanish is automatically she whereas in english any pest seems to be he so sexist
Dam smart roach too!
it would be double the fun if Althouse were to extend an invitation to the blof roach and sir archy.
Ghosts are reduced to pure consciousness. They do not need eyes. We need eyes to see on this mortal plane. At least that is what Swami Sanandayankachaina says when he speaks, which not very often. His english is shaky, except when he says, check please.
I think captain Althouse has become distracted by the Alien creature called Twitter.
Maybe her job is keeping her busy. You know, running a family hit squad. She scouts out targets and places to dump bodies with her camera. Then her kids do the hits. Last week she had a job in Indiana. And it looks like she's getting a good reputation if she has a whole series of jobs to do this summer, all over the country.
I have always wondered why ghosts frighten people. They are not corporal so they cannot hurt you. As people left the land to live in the cities they lost touch with the "others" who reside among us. So sad....
here is the thing about that game that now as an adult sharing a wonderful relations with my brother and sisters is that we via that game learned to try to solve problems with layers of complexity that I believe helped us become successful adults.
I mean we learned the art of compromise way b4 any poli science class try to teach us as adults.
Really? Someone peeking at you in the shower or on the toilet and laughing doesn't hurt? Well I have have a surprise for them. A non corporal gun with non corporal bullets. If they don't show their face around here they'll be haunting ghosts; if you take my meaning.
Hopefully I have made an impression that if I don't see at least the regulars pinned to the map... I'm not going to be a pest.. oviously we have a regular ... never mind. (i know pest is not PC)
Lest just say that if you don't pin to the map and you regularly post here ... well I'm going to call you on it, hopefully I'll embarrass you.
(don't worry it's not like i don't have a life)
Ok I probably wont do anything, Ill just leave it up to your own devoid conscience.
The map thing was added later to the road trip post. I'm sure lots of people didn't see it. She probably plans to put up a new post with the link to the map at some point. Just guessing.
...it [stop by and let s have a drink] sounds friendlier which i want to be despite being so damn picky... --blogging cockroach
Ah, the eternal conflict between straining for perfection and being one of the guys. The forever question: do I with the comforting flock or colder-higher-solo fly?
What's green, flies backwards, is filled with poison gas, has a fuzzy head, a tail and an anti-tail, is speeding up, is boiling hot, flies erratically, and is getting very, very close?
At this time, please retreat a minimum of 100 miles from all coastal areas. In other areas, remain outside as structural damage may be significant. Please observe all traffic laws while exiting your city. All electric transmission ceases at 11 p.m. GMT. If your gas masks have not been delivered, please contact your local Civil Defense board.
Please stand by.
More information will be provided on the internet at URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRxrCBvt7TM
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२०२ टिप्पण्या:
202 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Do we have a preliminary route for the Althouse Commenterpalooza Festival this summer?
A suggestion...if you do meet Althouse this summer, and have a blog, team blogging must occur!
It's a beautiful and, thankfully, lighgt snow.
Let's all do gratuitous bathtub photos for Trooper York...
The picture is purplish...
It must be Althouse..
You remember the game punchwagon?
At least the picture isn't bright blue.
I planted some johnny-jump-ups last night with just that color in them. They smell really nice whenever I step outside. And I have bread baking and tomato sauce cooking inside. So it's a world of fragrances here.
Where'd all the wimmen go? Into the ladies room at the same time?
From what I've been told, there's a salad bar and comfy chairs in the ladies room, which is why they all go there.
Lawdy, Miss Mauvey
Not quite pink, not quite purple,
He's our Massa Zero, our Prissy Urkle.
Titus insists that you stage one meeting where they have a toss the salad bar.
I got my sister on the phone doing my taxes... I'm getting $4.00 US Dollards from the state of NY.
I'm trying to figure out waht I could do with it ;)
Don't say you weren't warned that a sedentary lifestyle could kill you.
I like New York in June.
How about you?
Back in the DR, Cepillo (punchwagon) consisted of being first to lightly punch your brother or sister upon seeing a Volkswagon Beatle.
I thought in the DR that consisted of punching your cousin with a needle so he could hit 52 home runs.
I like New York in June.
I like New York on thursdays.
I tried to cut and paste New York once and got let off with a warning.
I thought in the DR that consisted of punching your cousin with a needle so he could hit 52 home runs.
LOL... In DR speak a causing is a fallguy. The causin might not even exist.
My father was furius when he mention steroids and the DR and got them all mixup.. like "if you want steroids just come on down..."
The first year Manny was with Cleveland they came in for a summer series to Yankee Staduim and all the chica's from Washington Heights came to the staduim in little shirts that they tied over their belly and these little shorts with high heels. Ai-yi-ai. Muy bonita.
The guy who ownes the bodega next door to me has about five daughters who range in age from 18 to 7 years old. He is going to have a very interesting life the next couple of years.
It's interesting that he is going to be playing for the DR in the Baseball Classic series.
How do you represent a country you just trashed?
A country responsible for turning out the largest per capita percentage of professional baseball players in the world?
Alex is not stupid.. he's beyond stupid.
Overcast days never turned me on . . .
The guy who ownes the bodega next door to me has about five daughters who range in age from 18 to 7 years old. He is going to have a very interesting life the next couple of years.
In DR baseball players are the rock stars.
I made a batch of fried mozzarella, but that was just an experiment, and to get rid of it to make room so I can continue experimenting and eventually try to make different types of cheese. I'm at the beginning of the cheese learning curve.
I heard the Bush 41's are down in DR. They are (or were by now) at a paradise in La Romana owned by a Venezuelan tycoon (one pissed off Venezuelan tycoon)
five daughters who range in age from 18 to 7 years old. He is going to have a very interesting life the next couple of years.
I'm willing to bet its already been interesting.
Chip said: I'm at the beginning of the cheese learning curve.
Ever make a three cheese fondue with emmentaller, gruyère, and appenzeller?
That's swiss comfort food.
Trooper -
Have you any updates to share about your lawyer/customer who was apparently giving head to some guy eating a hot dog while wearing that nice jacket? (Or something like that, I kinda forget.)
Also, I want to blame Hank Paulson for everything. Where is he now?
You know how in American football they have cheerleaders?
In DR they have cheerleaders on top of the home dogout.
People dont believe me when I tell them.
Do we have a preliminary route for the Althouse Commenterpalooza Festival this summer?
A suggestion...if you do meet Althouse this summer, and have a blog, team blogging must occur!
What, don't we get tee shirts?
No updates yet, the other shoe will drop on Tuesday most likely.
I ran out of toilet paper today and I had to wipe my third pinched loaf with the closest available sock.
I hope none of you have lost repect for me.
I just threw the sock away as I would hate to see the rare clumbers chewing on it. That would be gross.
To make matters worse I think that sox was one I used to clean up my chizz from an earlier jerky jerky. It felt kind of crusty on my ass.
I ran out of toilet paper today and I had to wipe my third pinched loaf with the closest available sock.
I would have just jumped in the shower and spared the sock.
Do we have a preliminary route for the Althouse Commenterpalooza Festival this summer?
When you are a rock star like Althouse.. why would you for a mere 67?
It was either chizz on the sock or I blew my nose on it and it was dried bugurs. Either way it felt kind of nasty against my ass.
But I was desperate. I needed to find the nearest piece of material because I didn't want any poop to drip from my ass while looking for some wipey wipey.
If there was chizz on the sock and I wiped my ass with it that would be like me kind of fucking myself.
How weird?
I didn't want any poop to drip from my ass...
You either have diarrhea or a loose sphincter.
Althouse got 23 comments doing a blog test (like a microphone test) but it appears that when it come to a live test you are all a bunch of wimps (no disrespect)
I had diarehhea. No loose spinchter. My ass is like that of a 13 year old boy-my doctor has told me. Also, I have a perfect prostate. I don't get fucked. I am proud of my undamaged prostrate.
If Attorneys General Holder says we are a bunch of wimps ... then I cant be too far off... Could I?
I won't even let someone stick a finger in my ass.
On a serious note, Insty approvingly linked to video of Specter being "jeered" a day or two ago: link. It shows two regular citizens talking to Specter. Can you spot what they did wrong?
Yes, that's right: they just ranted at him. Specter was apparently able to deflect their concerns, and ultimately nothing changed. The alternative would have been for them to ask him a question that would show him up. That would have had a far greater impact and would have sent a message to the rest. So, why is Insty promoting people ranting and "jeering" rather than something that would be effective?
Sometimes ranting and jeering is all we have left.
The left will never take away our voices!
Hey who was jeering at Titus's loose Spinchter?
That's not cool.
And that's Senator Spinchter to you.
I had diarehhea.
Eat more cheese Titus.
confucius say, plenty curds make healthy turds
Although... it does make sense that we dont care to meet Althouse ... conservatives dont need people ... people who need people are the worst people in the world ;)
I don't understand how Althouse does a poll on whatever and she gets hundreds of responses...
Yet mapping a poll seems to be too much.
I dont mean to overstate my case but it appears that Chandra Levy had more people on her side.
Picture the whispers at a blog convention.. yea she can command hundreds of comments at the drop of her hat.. but she could only muster 67 people willing to meet her for free.
speaking of Spector...link.
Wow Chip, that fried mozzarella looks appetizing. Looks like you're well beyond the start of the learning curve to me.
You can see Obama's latest economic PR gambit now linked up on Drudge who highlights HIGHER TAXES ON THE RICH; VOW TO CUT DEFICIT BY 2/3.
An accelerated announcement of higher taxes is prompted, obviously, for political and not economic reasons. I think it's an attempt to cleave the mounting pitchfork opposition to his spending and cross-subsidization of irresponsible behavior.
How? By promising to close the deficit through higher taxation of the other guy who has more than you. In other words, don't worry, somebody else with more money than you will pay for all this.
Which of course is bullshit.
Good luck with that. I think the immediate economic consequences will be negative for the economy and, politically, I don't think it will change a lot of minds about the present course of action.
I've let health insurance checks expire because like Jennifer Connely on The Hose of Sand and Fog I did not "timely" opened my mail.
I'll be damed if I pass up a chance to meet Althouse... because of you.. you. allayus.
I know it was you Fredo. You broke my heart
Happy Samedi Gras! Or, I hope y'all are having a nice Saturday, fat or not.
I'm having a low-key Carnival season. I've seen two of my three favorite parades so far: Krewe Du Vieux, and Muses. KdV is a satirical foot parade through the French Quarter - one of its subkrewes is "Spermes" so you get the picture (a play on Hermes, an oldline, mainstream krewe.) The theme this year was the Stimulus Package.
Muses is inspired, just my favorite every year. It's a women's krewe whose signature throw is a decorated high-heeled shoe.
Muses has the most amazing treats between the floats: a troupe of LED butterflies; the Roving Elvii --about 60 men, mostly twenty-somethings -- on scooters, dressed as Las Vegas Elvis; dance troupes, including the Pussyfooters, the Cameltoe Lady Steppers, and the Bearded Oysters. Flambeaux carriers, some the traditional kerosene but also some with a modern LED version. The Marines and National Guard bands - big applause. The Big Easy Rollergirls on their skates.
The bands were terrific! Baton twirlers, drum majors, gleaming brass and shiny new uniforms. Three years ago, in the first Carnival after Katrina, these bands were 1/3 their size and wearing matching sweat suits.
The only thing I'm looking forward to now is Harry Connick's Krewe of Orpheus on Monday night. They spend a lot of money on their floats, and they're always cutting edge in terms of lighting and sound. I'll get to see the best high school and brass bands again.
Other than that, I'm laying low and cooking - tonight I'm grilling oysters and some fish, with wilted greens and mashed yams. Tomorrow, I'm getting fancy and trying out a duck and andouille gumbo. I've never made that, but I got inspired by Top Chef this week.
I have some parade pictures up on my blog, but I must say, I don't think much of the iPhone's camera. Looks like I'll have to go back to carrying around a small digital camera.
Sounds a bit like the Doo-Dah Parade.
Here's a golden opportunity for a post...some of you arty wags should design some Althouse T-shirts for Commenterpalooza, and we can vote on them here on the site...Althouse can play the Simon role, with ultimate approval. To fund the making of the shirts, perhaps more egg salad eating videos can be made...
I don't understand how Althouse does a poll on whatever and she gets hundreds of responses...
Yet mapping a poll seems to be too much.
Responding to a poll is merely stating a preference in a theoretical sort of way.
Sticking a pin into anything is a commitment. As anyone who has ever stuck knows.
Sticking a pin into anything is a commitment. As anyone who has ever stuck knows.
There is allways someone willing to stick up for the uncommittals!
Yea.. sure why not let Ron dream that this is going to happen?
He's only beign here since day one practically!
Not sticking up for anyone, really. I put my pin on the map.
The low ratio of pinners to commenters may be due to some commenters playing the role of multiple characters. Others are happier being reclusive.
The Philadelphia Inquirer had more insight on Phil Specter's murder rap than on Arlen Specter's sell out.
They are now mauve to my mind.
Beware those muted shades.
Oh...and I like Ann's pictures.
You can see Obama's latest economic PR gambit now
You mean having taxpayers starting to get 13 dollars a week on April Fool's Day? That was smart.
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them?
Whenever I google Althouse that link is up front and center. A link trying to make her look bad.
Again.. How bad does it look when only 67 people are willing to meet her?
Supposedly there is nothing harder than hitting a baseball, yet someone managed to hit 73 homeruns in 6 months.. ok bad example (he was on steroids).. but it was not because he was lazy ;)
I dont want to name names.. but I could be pushed!
On the other hand.. I can see some Alhousians thinking ... shutup Lem.. the less people the better, we'll spend more time with her.
You know waht.. forget you all.. we are going to have Althouse all to ourselves!
Hopefully.. Ron .. you were saying?
Lem : Again.. How bad does it look when only 67 people are willing to meet her?
But, Lem, we're 67 of the most interesting, beautiful, creative and humble people in the country.
Well said, Jason.
Here's hoping we can lean on Trooper to cater the event.
But, Lem, we're 67 of the most interesting, beautiful, creative and humble people in the country.
Let's hope so... for her sake ;)
Althouse does have quite a few commentators, but how many of them comment frequently enough to be interested in a meet-up?
Maybe the 67 represents the hard-core regulars, and the irregulars drift in and out depending on their interest in specific topics, or as their trolling habits dictate.
Bars can be busy on Saturday nights, but it's the regulars who'll be there Tuesday.
There is way of maximising her trip by shortening her airplane/car travels based on the number of people in an area.
We can do this with GIS.
Basically you feed GIS information (the more the better) and you ask for wahtever you want.
Well you know waht i mean ;)
Take out yo' false teeth, mamma, 'n' let me suck on yo' gums!
Mr. Wolf say, "Lemme hear you blow!"
I say no more slippin' 'n' doggin' around!
Magic Dick!
J. Geils
Bars can be busy on Saturday nights, but it's the regulars who'll be there Tuesday.
Well said .. (considering my habits)
There is way of maximising her trip by shortening her airplane/car travels based on the number of people in an area.
There's no joy in that. Where's the spontaneity? Road trips are all about seeing weird things on the side of the road and stopping. Who knows where you'll end up, or if they'll ever find your body?
In the end, it's Althouse's deal, and she'll plan it to fit her needs, and on her schedule.
We are but passengers on the Spaceship Althouse.
In short, GIS can take all the pins on the map, a window of time, plane/trains and automobile data and come up with optimal trip scenarios for Althouse based on levels of priorities.
I'd stick a pin in the map but I have no idea how, even after reading the update. At any rate, Indianapolis, St. Louis, that kind of area is good for me.
We are but passengers on the Spaceship Althouse.
I wonder waht my rank is?
I'd stick a pin in the map but I have no idea how, even after reading the update.
You see waht i mean?
Jesus Simon, is it too much to ask? i never expected you not to be part of this.
Simon can lucidly explain the most elusive intricacies of the 9th amendment to the constitution ... but don't ask him to pin a map.. man.
I wonder waht my rank is?
bartender, 1st class? :)
Btw.. for those of you looking it up..
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
the 9th
bartender, 1st class? :)
We're all bartenders, first class.
An army of bartenders. Will that annoy Insty?
bartender, 1st class? :)
I wouldn't know how to mix a drink to save my life.
I enjoy a drink too much.. for me to learn how to dispense it is akin to giving it up ;)
btw - I'm enjoying a Guinness extra sout. Pardon the misspellings ;)
The professor never does btw.
Imagine the love I have for Althouse that I risk her wrath by snow plowing my way thru her blog.
snow plows are not known for neatness... get it?
I'm very smart ;)
Lem -- what up, dog? I ain't a'followin' ya!
It took 3 vistis and an hour of screwing around to figure out how to stick a pin in Althouse's map. If I was smarter I would have just given up. And that could be the reason there are only 67 pins.
so far this thread is just guys
mostly lem and michael h
and penny
hi penny
welcome you re new here i can tell
i m one of those 67 commenters
and a foodie too but i can t put a pin
in the map for cambridge mass
due to my physical limitations
i mean moving that mouse around
is like pushing a pickup to you
so maybe there are 68 of us
but there may be a lot of regulars
who if they re like me don t want
to show their faces in public
for fear of the orkin man
For crying out loud Lem, pint out the map instructions again.
They get lost in between posts about bright purple gulags.
I can't even remember where I posted them in the comments.
... pint out the map instructions again.
I bet he will...
as soon as he finishes his pint.
That was "print."
And archie -- Beth is here too.
Should I stick a pin in for you and you can have a private tete a tete with Althouse if she comes that way?
Do they still have a Brighams on Cambridge Square -- with jimmies for the ice cream?
They get lost in between posts about bright purple gulags.
But I am getting the idea that Lem is pinting it tonight.
I don't think all 67 of us can meet up in the same place so we should all start imbibing and then post comments all night long. We would all be tripping. So to speak.
Lem you start first.
Hey blogging cockroach! Thanks for the welcome.
Mind if I slide in right behind you down there?
Damp and dark...We MIGHT do worse, you know.
look at me lem taking over the tread ... if i wanted to risk Althouse wrath i think this is how i would do it.
I was just trying to shame you all for a minute of your time onto a pin on a map.. I'll pin for food ;)
no biggie!
Lem, what part of "undisclosed location" don't you understand?
Jeez, give it a rest.
I believe Althouse would make adequate arrangements for the bloging cockroach..
they would be kept secret. of course for security reasons.
The Twitter CEO is on CSPAN right now. He sure looks like a twit. Undershirt is showing.
Lem, what part of "undisclosed location" don't you understand?
Ok ok .. I'm just going by waht i see here and the map. thats all.
I finally figured out how to put a pin on the map. However, in the process, I think I somehow broke the map.
I blame you, Lem.
"Let's Go Trippin'"
Dick Dale & the Del-Tones!
I finally figured out how to put a pin on the map. However, in the process, I think I somehow broke the map.
lol..you mean like Ted's Stevens?
This week's chimp blogging made me think of the video to Head over Heals by Tears for Fears, and that in turn lead me to this amusing "literal video version."
Lem, the Ninth Amendment surred Bork's much misunderstood "ink blot" comment. If it said "Congress shall have the power to ..." and an ink blot had obscured the remainder of the sentence, no one would think judges were authorized to make up anything that they thought was a good idea and say that it was the power granted under the ink blot; likewise, Bork thought, when you have a text whose words are clear but whose meaning is entirely cryptic and can't be discerned, judges are no more authorized to supply an invented meaning than the proverbial ink blot. The Ninth Amendment was his example, and a distortion/misunderstanding of that comment has followed him around ever since.
(I don't entirely agree with Bork on that point, by the way.)
There is a twit that says he's got 17,000 followers and he himself follows thousands..
Is David Brooks on Twitter ;)
If Mort were awake he would say that Simon mentioning the Ink Spots was racist.
Simon I'm looking up "surred" while listening to the video you posted.. give me a minute ;)
Dick Dale & the Del-Tones!
"I believe in the good of life"
The Hidden Cameras
(If that's not a good band for this this blog, with Althouse's secret shots of strangers, I don't know what is.)
Lem, I meant "spurred" - typo. Sorry.
Troop, if Mort were awake, he'd probably disagree that I disagree with Bork on anything. ;)
Lem: lol..you mean like Ted's Stevens?
I met Ted Stevens once. He's a diminutive fellow.
Even more so, now.
After unsuccessfully looking up surred and reading you Borked comment (I don't entirely agree with Bork on that point, by the way.)
I haphazardly disagree with you ;)
thank God I'm not a lawyer.
Movin'n' Groovin'
Duane Eddy
BTW, I'll put a pin in the map if someone tells me how. If I do as Althouse's post suggests (click edit), I don't see any way to add a pin, I just end up editing "jolly madison 1."
"Deep snow on Picnic Point. Hazy sun. Beautiful day. Talk about what you like."
That is so heavy, Professor.
Escape through the lily fields.
Forget it Simon - we should make you travel far.. for the sin of not figuring out something like this.
It will be your penance ;)
you re right j a l
hi beth
sorry i didn t see you
damned hard to do
but i managed it
now i don t go to brigham s you see
they re not organic enough for me
and i don t want jimmies with a herd
cause they use the dreaded i word
i m a green cockroach oh i sing
integrated pest management s my thing
and penny you ve given a reason
for me to feel a frisson
so even if i m under the sink
stop by and we ll have a drink
I have to make a beer run.. unlike some of you I cannot order everything over the phone... I have to leave the house...
kidding kidding..
For all my
Dick Dale Peeps out there!
I think I'm going to "Start wearing Purple"
Gogol Bordello
They were amazing in concert. A mosh pit broke out. I was not expecting that.
Althousian blog meet? Where,when?
Blogging Cockroach has an open invitation to a ride on our Gulfstream G150. I hope he likes
Le Canard enchaîné, something to do in flight besides eating. Blogging Cockroach,You can eat the paper if you wish, but there is better fare on board...anything you would like to eat. We will set up a laptop in the forward cabin so that you can communicate your every wish. Just as it would be at Casa de B. There is only one blogging Coackroach and as Democrats we welcome him...for his is the voice of the future. We would gladly invite Sir Archy, but then he does not need mortal transport but he may join us if he wishes. We could bring my daughters Swam,Sanandayankachaina
who is her yoga instructor. He talks to the dead. It would be a hoot. Since my wife is in prison, I would like to meet the good professor and her admirers.
..so even if i m under the sink
stop by and we ll have a drink
Here is to the blog cochroach..
May you live a thousand of your years.
Simon, after the map loads, enter your city into the regular search box.
thanks r l b
i ll give that great thought
sorry abt your wife
but i have one more thing
to say about my last comment
which is
stop by and let s have a drink
is better for the last line
the meter s improved
and so is the elision
plus it sounds friendlier
which i want it to be despite
being so damn picky
so you see r l b you ll have
an artist on your hands
if you invite me on your jet
plus i get airsick
By God Jason's got it..
Let's wear purple to the Althouse meet.
Sorry Ron your tshirt idea is good but I'm goign to wear purple..
Wear purple for Althouse now!
Back now. Had to rummage around in the basement for a different monitor. Stuck a pin in the map and the monitor went pfffft. Had to clean up glass.
oh and thanks lem
sorry to go and change that line
on you but as you can see i am
an artist and never satisfied
Freeman says..
Simon, after the map loads, enter your city into the regular search box.
Wath i tell you people about Freeman... on the Althouse ship, I think Freeman is the Capt #1, the first officer.
Cross Freeman at your peril ;)
A woman finally shows up to straighten out things. Isn't that how it always ends up?
And a woman in her, what, 11th month of pregnancy at that?
Not purple, mauve!
The Alhousian purple revolution..
it has a Chavelian ring to it.. I leave it up to you all of course, I'm just talking a loud.
Chaves is perhaps not the best representative of waht Althouse is about.. clearly.
You'll all have to have drinks with creme de violette in it. Like an Aviation.
And a woman in her, what, 11th month of pregnancy at that?
Freeman has her own ship you know.. I ought to visit more often.
you ll have
an artist on your hands
if you invite me on your jet
plus i get airsick
There is a way of making a sand castle for studing ants... we have an enthusiast at work.
I'm thinking expand on that idea.
It could be that the study of roaches lacks funding ..
Where's our blogging roach stimulus piece of the pie ;)
Well thank you, Blogging cockroach,
We can supply you with comfortable quarters that mixes oxygen and nitric oxide so you will be very comfortable. We would love to have a drink with you or three.
As to my writing, I've got some delicious single malt scotch. Do you like scotch? We have a cat who does not like scotch but he likes cheap bourbon. He does not fly. After he chucked a hairball on a friends suede jacket on a trip to Aspen, he's banned from flying. He will be well taken care of by Socorro. She will feed him and he will sleep while she polishes the silver.
Very truly yours, RLB
Ken Burns is on CSpan giving us kudos for daring to elect Obama..
It's official...
Wait a minute, he's taking it back..
We are not "there" yet.. we are almost there..
Ken Burns is the worst filmmaker ever. Everything he does is the same. Folk music, shots of water, panning over pictures, people talking. More water shots. Ugh.
He can suck the life out of anything.
Wait a minute, he's taking it back..
We are not "there" yet.. we are almost there..
Don't tell me. This is just the down payment, right?
No wonder he's on C-span now. He probably can't go out in daylight. Or go anywhere near garlic.
You remember when you were taking put on a car by your parents on some trip..
My father used to lie to us and we were almost there.
Of course we were not almost there!
So when I hear Ken Burns say we are allmost there you forgive me i clear my garganta. the thing inside my neck.
English is not easy people. the blogroach is my idol, at least she can spell!
How can you tell roach is a she? I can't tell from the picture.
But we have to ban RED HATS! altogether. Or they have to be baseball hats.
(That is the purple and red thing.)
Purple tee shirts?
You know cafe press and ... mmm zazzle? or someone makes custom shirts.
But it just occurred to me -- maybe this is like the cruel neutrality thing.
Mmmm. Don't like that thought. But then, Althouse likes road trips. :-)
Where is "there?"
actually jason i wanted to appear in shorts
but knowing althouse i decided against it
and yes i am male for all the good it does me
this time around
Well I'm glad you're male. I don't want to think of what they call female cockroaches.
Has anyone seen this extreme insect violence? I found it disturbing. Like watching gladiators.
In the blogging cockroach's profile pic, he appears to be wearing a little hat.
Are you indeed wearing a little hat, blogging cockroach?
Is it some kind of Samurai Gladiator hat?
I dont know about you but I think the blogg roach is wearing tails.
look carefully.
BTW.. I think the blog roach can help some of us big time sinners in ways we could only dream from mamals ;)
And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Matthew 25:4
sorry to replace my last post
terrible spelling error
getting late you know
yes i have a little hat on
it s the kind of hat i wore in the last life
think frank sinatra
but i m not wearing tails
with a snap brim hat sheesh
anyway i think you re all getting
just a little too nosy if you ask me
i really don t have money for clothes
these days but if someone wants
to buy me a little suit from
hong kong i won t mind
lem seems to be thinking in spanish
where it s la cucaracha
feminine noun
so a cockroach in spanish
is automatically she
whereas in english any pest
seems to be he
so sexist
But if the blogging cockroach used to be a person that would point towards reincarnation. In which case you can probably throw out your bible, Lem, and stop eating hamburgers.
Dear Blogging Cockroach,
Just yesterday, we discovered a female of your species in the hanger with an egg sack attached. For a roach she was most likely quite attractive, at the least she "gets around". Perhaps you would like an introduction. When we came in she scurried under the couch never to be seen again.
Very truly yours, RLB
I'm not saying our blog roach is the least of our bother/sister (i think her sex is under study) I'm just saying that we at Althousia pride ourselves on having the largest panoply of voices.
Show me a blog that can produce a dead man's soul and I might consider clicking to you, but you had to come here first.
Show me a blog that can produce a dead man's soul
Andrew Sullivan?
lem seems to be thinking in spanish
where it s la cucaracha
feminine noun
so a cockroach in spanish
is automatically she
whereas in english any pest
seems to be he
so sexist
Dam smart roach too!
it would be double the fun if Althouse were to extend an invitation to the blof roach and sir archy.
Wow. I would pay admission!
Whoa, and I thought Blogging cockroach was a male of the species. Are you sure?
If Sir Archy is a ghost, and ghosts are invisible, then how can he see anything? His eyes wouldn't work.
Andrew Sullivan?
Im a conservative, I'm not a conservative, but I love conservatives... conservatives preservatives
I believe he is conservative. But I bet he's faking the gay stuff.
If Sir Archy is a ghost, and ghosts are invisible, then how can he see anything?
The same way the TSA is going to see us naked.
But I bet he's faking the gay stuff.
Thats the easy part ;)
That has got to be the worst job ever, because you know only the fat people are going to be okay with that.
My father and mother have independently of each other disavowed my politics.
Ghosts are reduced to pure consciousness. They do not need eyes.
We need eyes to see on this mortal plane. At least that is what Swami
Sanandayankachaina says when he speaks, which not very often. His english is shaky, except when he says,
check please.
Twitter is only 25 people? Twitter employees only 25 people?
Get me former senator Stevens on the phone!
The Twitter CEO speaks in question form... you know?
When he makes a statement he does it with the entonation of a question.
Twitter is one of the tools of ship Althouse... so I will salute..
(can you believe althouse is impressed by such an amateurish startup?)
They do not need eyes.
The don't need eyes, unless they want to SEE. Which is my point. If we can't see them, they can't see us.
Twitter is only 25 people?
It's not like they have anyone selling ads. Also, since they don't have anyone selling ads, they can't afford to hire that many people.
Waht is Twitter?
At the risk of souding mutinous..
I think Twitter Is distracting the captain.. it has been for a long time now.
I think captain Althouse has become distracted by the Alien creature called Twitter.
I'm not going to take a vote.. I'm just goig to ask you to sleep on it.
Twitter represents a clear and present danger to our survival here at the house of Althouse.
Lem -- my daughter plays "punch buggy" here. (VW bugs, not cockroach poets.)
Sounds like what they do in DR, no?
"punch biggy"?
Oh.. "punch buggy"
yes it's the same game.
I think captain Althouse has become distracted by the Alien creature called Twitter.
Maybe her job is keeping her busy. You know, running a family hit squad. She scouts out targets and places to dump bodies with her camera. Then her kids do the hits. Last week she had a job in Indiana. And it looks like she's getting a good reputation if she has a whole series of jobs to do this summer, all over the country.
I have always wondered why ghosts frighten people. They are not corporal so they cannot hurt you.
As people left the land to live in the cities they lost touch with the "others" who reside among us. So sad....
here is the thing about that game that now as an adult sharing a wonderful relations with my brother and sisters is that we via that game learned to try to solve problems with layers of complexity that I believe helped us become successful adults.
I mean we learned the art of compromise way b4 any poli science class try to teach us as adults.
here is the thing about that game
You're talking about Mystery Date, aren't you?
And it looks like she's getting a good reputation if she has a whole series of jobs to do this summer, all over the country.
Way down in the vowels of the ship I've never meet the captain..
Of course The Idea that she is going to take time out..
jesus crist.. you right Jason. Here Iam talking mutiny while the captain is planning to take time out to meet us.
I have no zero shame.
"punch buggy" Jason, the game is punch buggy.. I'm sorry I'm having trouble keepin gup.
The twitter ceo is bugging the hell out of me.
I'm goign to go change the channel and go to bed.
They are not corporal so they cannot hurt you.
Really? Someone peeking at you in the shower or on the toilet and laughing doesn't hurt? Well I have have a surprise for them. A non corporal gun with non corporal bullets. If they don't show their face around here they'll be haunting ghosts; if you take my meaning.
Hopefully I have made an impression that if I don't see at least the regulars pinned to the map... I'm not going to be a pest.. oviously we have a regular ... never mind. (i know pest is not PC)
Lest just say that if you don't pin to the map and you regularly post here ... well I'm going to call you on it, hopefully I'll embarrass you.
(don't worry it's not like i don't have a life)
Ok I probably wont do anything, Ill just leave it up to your own devoid conscience.
On the other hand big things have been known to start small.
Lest just not make it so small it wont even do even for a midgets wake ;)
that joke is not mine btw
I have to go.. but remember I'm watching .. I can see you ;)
I can see you ;)
Thankfully you have beer goggles on, so we all look super sexy.
Where is the map? I must have missed that.
In things sexual, we have always been, and we, I believe, continue to be, in two many ways, a nation of pussies.
The map thing was added later to the road trip post. I'm sure lots of people didn't see it. She probably plans to put up a new post with the link to the map at some point. Just guessing.
One more post...and we hit the purple Palin limit....uggghhhh...oh wait, that's me!
The comments were Mauvelous. Last night was devoted to my real life, I make this AM comment is to ring the 200 bell.
...it [stop by and let s have a drink] sounds friendlier
which i want to be despite
being so damn picky...
--blogging cockroach
Ah, the eternal conflict between straining for perfection and being one of the guys.
The forever question: do I with the comforting flock or colder-higher-solo fly?
What's green, flies backwards, is filled with poison gas, has a fuzzy head, a tail and an anti-tail, is speeding up, is boiling hot, flies erratically, and is getting very, very close?
It's Comet Lulin!
At this time, please retreat a minimum of 100 miles from all coastal areas. In other areas, remain outside as structural damage may be significant. Please observe all traffic laws while exiting your city. All electric transmission ceases at 11 p.m. GMT. If your gas masks have not been delivered, please contact your local Civil Defense board.
Please stand by.
More information will be provided on the internet at URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRxrCBvt7TM
Presently transmitting bars and tone.
Thank you for your cooperation.
That was really cool, Psychedelic George. Thanks! :)
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