Hyperbolic euphoria like that is offputting and frankly a little scary. Makes me wonder how vicious people will turn once they find something they don't like.
Tina Brown was the kind of woman I was happy to leave in Britain, when I emigrated to the US. To my sadness, she made it over.
And I'll never ever forgive her disgusting words about the late Pope, mocking his "pointy toes" as he lay in State. She is like all those other Brit-trash New Yorkers, like Anna Wintour and Andrew Sullivan. She gave up her heart long ago, in exchange for popularity.
Yeah, it was amazing to see those bodies rise back to the upper floors of the towers, followed by the extinction of the flames (or the reverse detonation of the charges for you engineering geniuses out there). I find this deeply offensive.
[derail] "Crimso said... ... (or the reverse detonation of the charges for you engineering geniuses out there)...
Actually, the engineering "geniuses" lately have been positing the use of advanced incendiaries i.e. "nanothermite". Which doesn't make their crap any more realistic or any less entertaining. It's just what the current vogue is amongst the reality-deniers. [/derail]
I know in the 20% wingnut world the country has ended but for the rest of us, after 8 years of a dumbass cowboy for president, it is a breath of fresh air.
But you have something to hope for wingers....Sarah Palin 2012-.
This is the woman who wrote one of the most bigoted things I've ever read after Ratzinger was made pope. She's a giddy, pop-culture infested twin of Dowd.
He's getting ready to let them all out of jail on his first day.
Let's not get histrionic. If Obama wanted to let them all out right away, he has the ability (and the legal authority) to do so. That they remain imprisoned demonstrates that he's not in a big rush.
After all, he's in office now. He doesn't need the moonbat vote again until 2012.
I think Tina Brown speaks for a lot of people. They can now go back to pretending that 9/11 didn't happen. They can delude themselves into thinking that Bush caused, rather than confronted the problem. They can wait in vain to bask in the world's love, forgetting that Europe was chafing at America's "hyperpuissance" and calling for international organizations to contain American power while the last Democratic golden-boy, Clinton, was in the Oval Office.
"911 in Reverse" - did I miss the video of US terrorists flying a plane into a Afghan highrise? This was like the new Press Secretary saying that closing GITMO and not allowing enhanced interrogation techniques "enhances" US service personnel safety should they be captured. WTF, do they really not know what happens to a US soldier when captured? We know. What alternate reality do they inhabit?
"Let's not get histrionic. If Obama wanted to let them all out right away, he has the ability (and the legal authority) to do so. That they remain imprisoned demonstrates that he's not in a big rush."
I agree. It also demonstrates he's a war criminal. At least by the "logic" of some people.
Yes. 9-11 in reverse. The dead arise and Cantor Fitzgeraldhas its 658 employees returned to their families. The people who jumped to their death to avoid being burned to death, (nice choice hmmm?) fly back up from the bloody pulp that they became at the end of the drop. The planes fly backwards to their destinations instead of incinerating hundreds of completely innocent passengers.
Children once again get to hug and kiss their parents. Parents once again get to hug and kiss their children.
Ah yes. Magicial Obama. Reverses 9-11. Raises the dead, restores the City. Walks on water. Lowers the sea level. Can touch his toes without bending his knees.
So in this magical reverse 9-11 do the terrorists get to live and return to love and cherish life. Do they cease hating us and wanting to kill us?
What an insensitive, self absorbed, nasty nasty twat Tina Brown is.
Neat scenario: one of the terrorists that Obama gives a Get out of Jail Free card kidnaps Tina Brown, and she writes about how wonderful the experiences that she gleaned were, especially the decapitation videos they showed her to get her ready for paying homage, and how she owes it all to Obama.
She's hoping that the liberals can go back to the days when they had a world view that wasn't so obviously wrong.
As it is now, they don't have a clue as to why women, gay, transgender haters could be so right on hating America but so wrong on the other key issues of our time.
In the liberal world view, you've got to respect anyone that hates and attacks the west, but these 9/11 west-haters are so......you know......socially regressive.
Let's just pretend that with Obama in power the left still has a few good ideas that haven't been proven wrong.
Tina Brown felt safer and calmer than she has for eight years?
That feeling is about go away very very quickly.
From the UK Times Online: "Riots in Iceland, Latvia and Bulgaria are a sign of things to come." Icelanders all but stormed their Parliament last night.
Ordinary islanders were determined to vent their fury at the way that the political class had allowed the country to slip towards bankruptcy. The building was splattered with paint and yoghurt, the crowd yelled and banged pans, fired rockets at the windows and lit a bonfire in front of the main door. Riot police moved in.
The LSE economist Robert Wade – addressing a protest meeting in Reykjavik’s cinema – recently warned that the world was approaching a new tipping point. Starting from March-May 2009, we can expect large-scale civil unrest, he said. “It will be caused by the rise of general awareness throughout Europe, America and Asia that hundreds of millions of people in rich and poor countries are experiencing rapidly falling consumption standards; that the crisis is getting worse not better; and that it has escaped the control of public authorities, national and international.”
Rest well, Tina. You'll need it in just a few weeks.
I am afraid for Tina. From all appearances, the course Bush set after 9/11 will continue in all material respects. She will be forced by her PC to love it and we will all see her for the sycophant for The One she is. With a visible tinge of BDS.
BTW, I will bet the Gitmo thing turns out to be mere window dressing.
"This was like the new Press Secretary saying that closing GITMO and not allowing enhanced interrogation techniques "enhances" US service personnel safety should they be captured. WTF, do they really not know what happens to a US soldier when captured?"
Well, perhaps the beheadings will be conducted humanely and the videos will be in black and white.
Ann, what an unfair post. You left out the context of Tina's remark. She specifically drew a contrast between the crowds fleeing in fear on 9/11 and the joyous, hopeful sea of people on Tuesday. That's what she said (easily accessible through the link that you provided):
"This was 9/11 in reverse. The last time I turned round and saw so many people behind me, it was that terrible day in New York when the twin towers burned and we poured out of our offices downtown and swarmed up Fifth Avenue. Then the faces were distraught. Now they were joyful. Then America had been assaulted by terror. Now it had been renewed by hope."
It is thus clear that Tina Brown was conrasting terror and hope.
The tag "lameness" is perfect; the only thing is that it applies to your post and not to Tina's comments.
I know in the 20% wingnut world the country has ended but for the rest of us, after 8 years of a dumbass cowboy for president, it is a breath of fresh air.
But you have something to hope for wingers....Sarah Palin 2012,..."
What makes you think it's going to take that long? Oh, I get it, you've already lowered your expectations,...
Mark, prompted by your comment I read Tina's whole article, just to be fair. Ann Althouse gave it an ugh! I rate it ugh,ugh, ugh, ugh. The coveted quadraugh!
Check the prose. Did she have some teen ager write this for her? Tina Brown is (was?) a good writer. Did proximity to Obama (and tall Joe Biden?) give her an adolescent hormonal rush?
And yet all day he was surrounded with astonishing poetic symbolism. Not only the helicopter bearing away the ills of his predecessor in democracy's spell-breaking moment of regenerative wizardry, but the high drama of the old democratic guard itself, Senators Ted Kennedy and Robert Byrd literally collapsing as the torch was passed to the new generation. The physical transfer of power has marked the passage of eras before—from the Southern sympathizer James Buchanan to Abraham Lincoln; from Dwight Eisenhower, the heroic general, who as president presided as a figure of reassurance and complacency to John F. Kennedy, the young war hero who blew the bugle for action. From George H.W. Bush, the last World War II president and representative of Wasp ascendancy, to Bill Clinton, the first Baby Boomer president who had never served in the military. But Obama represents the new both in his person and himself. The first African-American president, the first digitally wired president and the first president who has seemed to be in charge from the day he was elected, not, like other presidents from the day he was sworn in. The rest of the world, of course, elected him a year ago and have just been waiting to see their longing ratified. As our relief exploded yesterday into national outpourings of relief, we have watched the new young president elect become daily more cognizant of the burdens facing him.
"Ann, what an unfair post. You left out the context of Tina's remark. She specifically drew a contrast between the crowds fleeing in fear on 9/11 and the joyous, hopeful sea of people on Tuesday."
So the opposite of a "joyous, hopeful sea of people" is September 11th, 2001? That's the best metaphor she could come up with?
Honestly, you can't understand why this is a stupid and embarrassing statement? You think this is acceptable?
Jesus, liberals are grotesque when they're happy. Hopefully Obama will disappoint them quickly and they'll return to their steady-state of misery and dissatisfaction.
When I was younger, I thought being a "rebel lefty" meant not falling for governmental propaganda, whether it was dished out by a white Republican or a half-black Democrat. I quickly learned that the "rebel lefties" are the first to fall in line if the "Man" is from the proper party and believes the proper things.
We get it. This whole Bombing attack on Washington and our financial heart in NYC was of no concern to anyone in the real world except that Red-neck from Texas. This lady is no DeToqueville.
It is amusing that Dear Leader Obama's first official pronouncement is that he's (supposedly) going to release a bunch of terrorists and his first official phone call was to Mahmoud Abbas, the chairman of the PLO. Sets the tone for the upcoming administration, don't you think?
The Oracle spoke out from the depths of the guacamole:
“I bid thee welcome to the White House where your true test now begins:
Markets deaf to happy buzzwords Blind to Shepard Fairey’s art, Heeding laws of economics, Not the wishful laws of man;
A world of of evil filled with monsters, who are unmoved by flowery talk, Invulnerable to race cards or leftwing blogger insults, Who Hope for Change in megatons.
Do not despair! For look before you, The noble army who brought you here: Thespians and hiphop moguls, Graphic artists, hipster twats, The academic scribes of Athens, basic cable sycophants.
These are the arrows in your quiver, for the coming epic tests; Use them well, but first remember: They’re waiting on those magic tricks.
Good luck with that, well-spoken hero, I think I’ll grab a snack and watch.”
Obamacles look out onto his drooling throngs, and wept; for then he realized then may be things even gods can’t do.
Is this man hewn from Olympus, Sent by Zeus to save our souls? Or a plastic dashboard Jesus In a car he can’t control?
Will this Adonis save the planet? Or is he fleecing golden sheep? Ask another Muse tomorrow, Hell if I know, it’s all Greek to me.
Burma Shave
Iowahawk.com - the Idiossey, Book the Ninth, Obamacles Ascends to Olympus
"I know in the 20% wingnut world the country has ended but for the rest of us, after 8 years of a dumbass cowboy for president, it is a breath of fresh air.
But you have something to hope for wingers....Sarah Palin 2012-."
Oh look, sour, humorless, political scold titus is back! Take a good look people, this is the real person behind all that phony "namaste" gadfly crap: strikingly unoriginal, bitter and as funny as a urinary tract infection.
Unless Althouse was right all those months ago and this is an impostor titus. Maybe she was right.
Actually Tuesday was 1/20. Not 1/19 or 11/9. Not even the numerology works.
* * *
I live in the midst of gagworthy Obama love yet I simply don't comprehend the mindset. For me the inauguration was important in the dull way the presidential inauguration always is important, but the election was the real historic event.
Of course, I was not one to think that Bush was going to stage some new Reichstag Fire to keep himself in power (have the proponents of that line of theory lined up yet to apologize?) so I had no trouble sleeping the last two months. Nor am I religious.
Surely, in some "I can't believe I'm writing this" way Tina Brown is intending to be comic. Our lady of Ávila gazes up and sees the sins of the world born off by helicopter. She voices the voice of the people: "our relief exploded yesterday into national outpourings of relief."
I don't know if Ms. Brown is religious either, but it is a fact that mobs attract. Ms. Brown has discovered the ecstatic rapture of being a rugby hooligan.
Suppose Tina B. had written I really didn't like George Bush, and I'm glad that he's been succeeded by Barrack Obama. It would be brief and to the point and convey her true feelings.
But she had to pad the one idea out to make an article.
Palladian, my recall is that BHO's first official pronouncement was to put on hold all of Bush's recent Executive Orders.
I was hoping against hope it was the real Titus. I miss his wit so much. This version is like a memeographed copy that gets your fingertips all purply.
Thursday, Jan 22 Stephanopoulos Cried On Inauguration Day
Ali Wentworth (wife of ABC News' George Stephanopoulos) on "Oprah":
We watched everything and George was still doing all the anchoring for ABC and as soon Beyonce said "At Last..." George called me at home and he went, "Honey?" and I said "I know!" and we both started crying.
I'm thrilled at 9/11 in reverse. Just today I was reading about the Muslim branch of Habitat for Humanity laying steel to rebuild the Towers. When the Islamists apologized for their orgy of murder and redoubled their efforts to understand western ideals of individual freedom, it was a wonderful day...
I'm thrilled at 9/11 in reverse. Just today I was reading about the Muslim branch of Habitat for Humanity laying steel to rebuild the Towers. When the Islamists apologized for their orgy of murder and redoubled their efforts to understand western ideals of individual freedom, it was a wonderful day...
And I absolutely love Barack and Michelle. Absolutely fabulous. I didn't like the gay band in the parade though. Did any of you see that "drum major" with the baton? Dear God, where did they find her?
Mark, They pledged to serve Obama and all mankind...so it includes the country, even all the callous, cynical people that bash them...plus some.
Why not pledge to search for a cure, smile more, be more active in your community?
People who are strong tend to believe in perpetuating "survival of the fittest" until they reach that inevitable weak point in their lives when they realize everyone needs help sometime.
or of course they never realize it, never ask for or accept offered help and gradually become more old and callous until they die still grumpy from always having to do it on their own.
Yeah, it was amazing to see those bodies rise back to the upper floors of the towers, followed by the extinction of the flames (or the reverse detonation of the charges for you engineering geniuses out there). I find this deeply offensive.
"Mark, They pledged to serve Obama and all mankind...so it includes the country, even all the callous, cynical people that bash them...plus some.
Why not pledge to search for a cure, smile more, be more active in your community?"
So suddenly these people turn humanitarian because the right person is POTUS. I searched for a cure during Bush, and will continue to do so during Obama. Smile more? Not in my nature (I try). I was active in my community during Bush, and will coninue to be during Obama. My behavior in such ways is not conditional upon who is President. How many of these people pledged the same thing under Bush?
They may or may not have been humanitarians during the Bush era. But, humanitarian was not really the sentiment that Bush inspired...or dare I venture to say, even tried to inspire. That is the point...Obama inspired them to want to change their world for the better...where otherwise there would have been no change, at best.
Nobody reads him much anymore anyway. Hence the increasing desperation and bitterness. Since his "shock the squares with sexual crudity" technique seems to be failing, he's decided to go with "insult the squares by calling them wingnuts". But of course that's even more boring than his previous shtick. I keep hoping he'll escalate to self-immolation.
"But, humanitarian was not really the sentiment that Bush inspired...or dare I venture to say, even tried to inspire."
So all of the money and assistance doled out to help fight AIDS in Africa was, what exactly? Or the national outpouring of humanitarian assistance after 9/11/01 or after the 2004 tsunami? Yes, there were absolutely no humanitarians during the Bush presidency. They all lay dormant, awaiting the warm sun of Obama to wake them from their sleep and cause them to burst forth into flower once again. Unfortunately the only cause all the liberal "humanitarians" seem to have cared about was the Obama campaign fund and the Obama inauguration fund. I expect soon they'll dig even deeper to start the Obama Monument fund.
Or the national outpouring of humanitarian assistance after 9/11/01 or after the 2004 tsunami
Or Katrina. Tons of people from my local radio station spontaneously sent stuff on trucks volunteered by local drivers, in addition to all the other stuff I know was donated. But none of this was about Bush, because whether or not you want to help people should not be about who is president. It should be about those people.
Leave Titus alone! We're lucky he even writes for us bastards.
1:05 PM
WTH? I guess that is funny and self-referential but Ah jes' don' git it. What has he done that's good? Épater la bourgeoisie?
You were lucky I offered to throw you a fuck, Professor darling, but you let that one cross the plate.
(Which, in turn, seems to have been lucky for me - I mean, we could screw, but I suspect that we could never date. What do I have to do with a woman, a woman of your attainments and maturity, not to say age (oohoo! Paralipsis!), who dotes on all this sleazy pop culture?
AI my eye. "Execute every motherfucking last one of 'em!" as Amanda Plummer might say. Or, with Willem Dafoe, "Your taste is in your ass.")
Likewise, I find I can do without others' ideas of "luck." Luck doesn't necessarily mean "good luck." Luck for whom?
Why on earth have you made a mascot of him? One can't say "nigger" on your blog, but Titus can drone on and on about his bowels and...basically, about his bowels? Incidentally, I am seeing lots of slippage on profanity, as well as several usages of "the N-word," of late.
Honestly, my interest in this place is diminishing. If it weren't for the commenters, I would have relatively little interest in most of your subject matter. Downhill, baby. "Not so fresh."
But yeah, let those 'same 30 commenters' become 30 Tituses. Sure, that'll class up the joint.
You see the instructions up there? "Express yourself. Be interesting. You can digress, but digress creatively. Amuse us!"
Titus does that. It might drive you crazy that he can do it that way, but he does. Deal with it. Stop complaining and do something your way that's as good.
You see the instructions up there? "Express yourself.
OK...inasmuch as honesty is implicit in this...
Be interesting.
You find it interesting what he does? Why?
You can digress, but digress creatively. Amuse us!"
He amuses you? I mean, in a way that you enjoy? I am unable to comprehend your value system.
Titus does that. It might drive you crazy that he can do it that way, but he does.
What drives me crazy is that he does, not that he can do it. There's no talent involved in scatology. When he speaks of serious things he's got nothing, NOTHING, and you've seen it.
This reminds me of Toulouse-Lautrec, in that movie, talking about how certain women walked through salons with apes in a leash, to make themselves look all the more attractive by contrast.
I can do lots of things that I choose not to do. You hungry for details of my peptic ulcer disorder? Want to know about MY last bowel movement? (No, SRSLY, you don't. I will admit there could be a jealousy motive with Titus.)
Deal with it.
I am. I am telling him, and you and the world, what I think of him. Not dealing with it would be running to you and saying Waah, waah, ban Titus. I just told him that he's dead to me. What, not allowed?
Stop complaining
Um, no? Um, fuck that? Um, fuck you?
and do something your way that's as good.
But what you and I think of as good is obviously wildly divergent. What do or don't you like about my work? Though I wonder if it is necessary or worthwhile to please you.
I mean, from a woman like you, I wouldn't feel morally obliged to take No for an answer, not for your sake at least. I certainly have no more interest in helping you to achieve orgasm. (Which is, like, a total first in my experience. It's actually astonishing to say that.)
I have slept with bone sluts who weren't as low as you, or at least concealed it better. You are proving out to be, just, cattle. This may be why New Yorkers look down on Midwesterners.
I mean, ick! Worthless! Come out to the big city and offer whatever resources you may have on tap, at either end of your spinal column, but please don't let people know what you think!
3:55 PM
BTW, I think I am doing a good job of telling you what time it is. And expressing myself. How do you like it? I don't know if the "us" is royal but I bet I am getting some laughs elsewhere.
I've got an idea that's creative. Let's put up a poll!
Who thinks that Ann is a little too full of it, or of herself, lately, and needs to be taken down a peg or two?
Who thinks she's way full of it and needs an emergency defecation?
Who thinks, No, she's just like me!
Who thinks, No, she's just like my mother?
Who thinks, Nonsense, she's been hiding her light under a bushel. Let your bitch flag fly, La Alta!
Who votes Present, or votes differently than they think, because of some BS reason like Annie's trumped-up rationalizing of her Obama vote?
...Now, in case I haven't amused us yet, a joke:
Q: Why did cavemen drag their women by the hair? A: Because if they dragged them by their feet they filled up with dirt!
Q: How do you save a drowning laywer? A: Throw him a rock.
Person 1: Do you know how to save a drowning lawyer? Person 2: No. Person 1: GOOD!
...I'll be here all veal, try the waitresses, tip the week!
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८३ टिप्पण्या:
So Tina was the meat in a half-white/half rye sandwich?
Hyperbolic euphoria like that is offputting and frankly a little scary. Makes me wonder how vicious people will turn once they find something they don't like.
Tina Brown was the kind of woman I was happy to leave in Britain, when I emigrated to the US. To my sadness, she made it over.
And I'll never ever forgive her disgusting words about the late Pope, mocking his "pointy toes" as he lay in State. She is like all those other Brit-trash New Yorkers, like Anna Wintour and Andrew Sullivan. She gave up her heart long ago, in exchange for popularity.
I loved "The Diana Chronicles." I think it's amazingly well-written and interesting.
"9/11 in reverse"
Yeah, it was amazing to see those bodies rise back to the upper floors of the towers, followed by the extinction of the flames (or the reverse detonation of the charges for you engineering geniuses out there). I find this deeply offensive.
Ugh, is right.
That "9/11" in reverse thing doesn't even make sense. It's just a dumb thing to say.
Tina Brown was the kind of woman I was happy to leave in Britain, when I emigrated to the US. To my sadness, she made it over.
Yeah, we'll let anyone in.
I look at Tina Brown as being frugal, buying "Stupid" in the Industrial Quantity.
Tough times, these are!
"Crimso said...
... (or the reverse detonation of the charges for you engineering geniuses out there)...
Actually, the engineering "geniuses" lately have been positing the use of advanced incendiaries i.e. "nanothermite". Which doesn't make their crap any more realistic or any less entertaining. It's just what the current vogue is amongst the reality-deniers.
I totally agree with her.
I know in the 20% wingnut world the country has ended but for the rest of us, after 8 years of a dumbass cowboy for president, it is a breath of fresh air.
But you have something to hope for wingers....Sarah Palin 2012-.
Your lameness tag is perfect.
Oh, Puke.
This is the woman who wrote one of the most bigoted things I've ever read after Ratzinger was made pope. She's a giddy, pop-culture infested twin of Dowd.
Well she is right.
A terrorist is President now.
Or at least a pal of terrorists.
He's getting ready to let them all out of jail on his first day.
Quick work.
What's the color of the sky in her world?
Extinguishing flames doesn't congeal molten steel! Google it!
"Kim Priestap said...
What's the color of the sky in her world?"
Oh, it's sunny blue with a rose tint now.
We'll see what it is when the glasses come off.
I had to wiki Tina Brown to be reminded of who she is.
Now I'm just wondering why anyone would care what she says. To put it mildly, she does not appear to have a reputation for intelligence or insight.
"Revenant said...
I had to wiki Tina Brown to be reminded of who she is.
Now I'm just wondering why anyone would care what she says. To put it mildly, she does not appear to have a reputation for intelligence or insight."
She's rapidly gaining one for vapidity, though.
"9/11 in reverse"
Is that supposed to mean planes flying backwards?
He's getting ready to let them all out of jail on his first day.
Let's not get histrionic. If Obama wanted to let them all out right away, he has the ability (and the legal authority) to do so. That they remain imprisoned demonstrates that he's not in a big rush.
After all, he's in office now. He doesn't need the moonbat vote again until 2012.
I think Tina Brown speaks for a lot of people. They can now go back to pretending that 9/11 didn't happen. They can delude themselves into thinking that Bush caused, rather than confronted the problem. They can wait in vain to bask in the world's love, forgetting that Europe was chafing at America's "hyperpuissance" and calling for international organizations to contain American power while the last Democratic golden-boy, Clinton, was in the Oval Office.
Wouldn't 9/11 in reverse be 11/9? November is a ways away.
"911 in Reverse" - did I miss the video of US terrorists flying a plane into a Afghan highrise? This was like the new Press Secretary saying that closing GITMO and not allowing enhanced interrogation techniques
"enhances" US service personnel safety should they be captured. WTF, do they really not know what happens to a US soldier when captured? We know. What alternate reality do they inhabit?
"Let's not get histrionic. If Obama wanted to let them all out right away, he has the ability (and the legal authority) to do so. That they remain imprisoned demonstrates that he's not in a big rush."
I agree. It also demonstrates he's a war criminal. At least by the "logic" of some people.
"WTF, do they really not know what happens to a US soldier when captured?"
Our betters don't know what happens to Nick Berg or Daniel Pearl when captured. But the Geneva Conventions are sacred, don't you know...
Yes. 9-11 in reverse. The dead arise and Cantor Fitzgeraldhas its 658 employees returned to their families. The people who jumped to their death to avoid being burned to death, (nice choice hmmm?) fly back up from the bloody pulp that they became at the end of the drop. The planes fly backwards to their destinations instead of incinerating hundreds of completely innocent passengers.
Children once again get to hug and kiss their parents. Parents once again get to hug and kiss their children.
Ah yes. Magicial Obama. Reverses 9-11. Raises the dead, restores the City. Walks on water. Lowers the sea level. Can touch his toes without bending his knees.
So in this magical reverse 9-11 do the terrorists get to live and return to love and cherish life. Do they cease hating us and wanting to kill us?
What an insensitive, self absorbed, nasty nasty twat Tina Brown is.
Neat scenario: one of the terrorists that Obama gives a Get out of Jail Free card kidnaps Tina Brown, and she writes about how wonderful the experiences that she gleaned were, especially the decapitation videos they showed her to get her ready for paying homage, and how she owes it all to Obama.
It's the female orgasmic response to Der Leader.
Since rh hasn't made an appearance that's my attempt at an rh post.
Give Tina a break, she's visually impaired. I mean "even taller vice president"? Biden isn't 6'2".
9/11 in reverse:
She's hoping that the liberals can go back to the days when they had a world view that wasn't so obviously wrong.
As it is now, they don't have a clue as to why women, gay, transgender haters could be so right on hating America but so wrong on the other key issues of our time.
In the liberal world view, you've got to respect anyone that hates and attacks the west, but these 9/11 west-haters are so......you know......socially regressive.
Let's just pretend that with Obama in power the left still has a few good ideas that haven't been proven wrong.
Tina Brown felt safer and calmer than she has for eight years?
That feeling is about go away very very quickly.
From the UK Times Online:
"Riots in Iceland, Latvia and Bulgaria are a sign of things to come."
Icelanders all but stormed their Parliament last night.
Ordinary islanders were determined to vent their fury at the way that the political class had allowed the country to slip towards bankruptcy. The building was splattered with paint and yoghurt, the crowd yelled and banged pans, fired rockets at the windows and lit a bonfire in front of the main door. Riot police moved in.
The LSE economist Robert Wade – addressing a protest meeting in Reykjavik’s cinema – recently warned that the world was approaching a new tipping point. Starting from March-May 2009, we can expect large-scale civil unrest, he said. “It will be caused by the rise of general awareness throughout Europe, America and Asia that hundreds of millions of people in rich and poor countries are experiencing rapidly falling consumption standards; that the crisis is getting worse not better; and that it has escaped the control of public authorities, national and international.”
Rest well, Tina. You'll need it in just a few weeks.
Andrew Sullivan is not a New Yorker-he lives in DC.
DBQ - Was terrific. Thank you.
I've staked out a nicely concealed spot under a local bridge for after my investments go to zero in the coming "period of adjustment."
Only half joking; the other half is petrified.
I am afraid for Tina. From all appearances, the course Bush set after 9/11 will continue in all material respects. She will be forced by her PC to love it and we will all see her for the sycophant for The One she is. With a visible tinge of BDS.
BTW, I will bet the Gitmo thing turns out to be mere window dressing.
Tina Brown finds a man who makes her feel safe.
"This was like the new Press Secretary saying that closing GITMO and not allowing enhanced interrogation techniques "enhances" US service personnel safety should they be captured. WTF, do they really not know what happens to a US soldier when captured?"
Well, perhaps the beheadings will be conducted humanely and the videos will be in black and white.
Your lameness tag is priceless. Maybe at the end of the year we could vote on the best (or would it be lamest) lameness tag.
Has Tina Brown ever been beheaded? No. How she thinks she can conceivably make a comment on 9/11 is astounding.
Ann, what an unfair post. You left out the context of Tina's remark. She specifically drew a contrast between the crowds fleeing in fear on 9/11 and the joyous, hopeful sea of people on Tuesday. That's what she said (easily accessible through the link that you provided):
"This was 9/11 in reverse. The last time I turned round and saw so many people behind me, it was that terrible day in New York when the twin towers burned and we poured out of our offices downtown and swarmed up Fifth Avenue. Then the faces were distraught. Now they were joyful. Then America had been assaulted by terror. Now it had been renewed by hope."
It is thus clear that Tina Brown was conrasting terror and hope.
The tag "lameness" is perfect; the only thing is that it applies to your post and not to Tina's comments.
"I totally agree with her.
I know in the 20% wingnut world the country has ended but for the rest of us, after 8 years of a dumbass cowboy for president, it is a breath of fresh air.
But you have something to hope for wingers....Sarah Palin 2012,..."
What makes you think it's going to take that long? Oh, I get it, you've already lowered your expectations,...
Mark, prompted by your comment I read Tina's whole article, just to be fair. Ann Althouse gave it an ugh! I rate it ugh,ugh, ugh, ugh. The coveted quadraugh!
Check the prose. Did she have some teen ager write this for her? Tina Brown is (was?) a good writer. Did proximity to Obama (and tall Joe Biden?) give her an adolescent hormonal rush?
And yet all day he was surrounded with astonishing poetic symbolism. Not only the helicopter bearing away the ills of his predecessor in democracy's spell-breaking moment of regenerative wizardry, but the high drama of the old democratic guard itself, Senators Ted Kennedy and Robert Byrd literally collapsing as the torch was passed to the new generation. The physical transfer of power has marked the passage of eras before—from the Southern sympathizer James Buchanan to Abraham Lincoln; from Dwight Eisenhower, the heroic general, who as president presided as a figure of reassurance and complacency to John F. Kennedy, the young war hero who blew the bugle for action. From George H.W. Bush, the last World War II president and representative of Wasp ascendancy, to Bill Clinton, the first Baby Boomer president who had never served in the military. But Obama represents the new both in his person and himself. The first African-American president, the first digitally wired president and the first president who has seemed to be in charge from the day he was elected, not, like other presidents from the day he was sworn in. The rest of the world, of course, elected him a year ago and have just been waiting to see their longing ratified.
As our relief exploded yesterday into national outpourings of relief, we have watched the new young president elect become daily more cognizant of the burdens facing him.
"Tina Brown was contrasting terror and hope.
The tag "lameness" is perfect; the only thing is that it applies to your post and not to Tina's comments."
That would be true if it wasn't for this little problem, which Ann didn't make up or take out of context.
Tina's galling "safe" comment speaks to it.
Just think about 2008, when Obama is sworn in for the third time. It will be like -911,000!!!
(You know, the opposite of Nine Eleven times a thousand...)
Hey the President just wants to release the terrorists in Gitmo so he can have somebody to pal around with now that he calls the shots.
"Ann, what an unfair post. You left out the context of Tina's remark. She specifically drew a contrast between the crowds fleeing in fear on 9/11 and the joyous, hopeful sea of people on Tuesday."
So the opposite of a "joyous, hopeful sea of people" is September 11th, 2001? That's the best metaphor she could come up with?
Honestly, you can't understand why this is a stupid and embarrassing statement? You think this is acceptable?
Jesus, liberals are grotesque when they're happy. Hopefully Obama will disappoint them quickly and they'll return to their steady-state of misery and dissatisfaction.
When I was younger, I thought being a "rebel lefty" meant not falling for governmental propaganda, whether it was dished out by a white Republican or a half-black Democrat. I quickly learned that the "rebel lefties" are the first to fall in line if the "Man" is from the proper party and believes the proper things.
We get it. This whole Bombing attack on Washington and our financial heart in NYC was of no concern to anyone in the real world except that Red-neck from Texas. This lady is no DeToqueville.
It is amusing that Dear Leader Obama's first official pronouncement is that he's (supposedly) going to release a bunch of terrorists and his first official phone call was to Mahmoud Abbas, the chairman of the PLO. Sets the tone for the upcoming administration, don't you think?
The Oracle spoke out from the depths of the guacamole:
“I bid thee welcome to the White House
where your true test now begins:
Markets deaf to happy buzzwords
Blind to Shepard Fairey’s art,
Heeding laws of economics,
Not the wishful laws of man;
A world of of evil filled with monsters,
who are unmoved by flowery talk,
Invulnerable to race cards
or leftwing blogger insults,
Who Hope for Change in megatons.
Do not despair! For look before you,
The noble army who brought you here:
Thespians and hiphop moguls,
Graphic artists, hipster twats,
The academic scribes of Athens,
basic cable sycophants.
These are the arrows in your quiver,
for the coming epic tests;
Use them well, but first remember:
They’re waiting on those magic tricks.
Good luck with that, well-spoken hero,
I think I’ll grab a snack and watch.”
Obamacles look out onto his drooling throngs, and wept;
for then he realized then may be things even gods can’t do.
Is this man hewn from Olympus,
Sent by Zeus to save our souls?
Or a plastic dashboard Jesus
In a car he can’t control?
Will this Adonis save the planet?
Or is he fleecing golden sheep?
Ask another Muse tomorrow,
Hell if I know, it’s all Greek to me.
Burma Shave
Iowahawk.com - the Idiossey, Book the Ninth, Obamacles Ascends to Olympus
"I know in the 20% wingnut world the country has ended but for the rest of us, after 8 years of a dumbass cowboy for president, it is a breath of fresh air.
But you have something to hope for wingers....Sarah Palin 2012-."
Oh look, sour, humorless, political scold titus is back! Take a good look people, this is the real person behind all that phony "namaste" gadfly crap: strikingly unoriginal, bitter and as funny as a urinary tract infection.
Unless Althouse was right all those months ago and this is an impostor titus. Maybe she was right.
The Titus I like is the guy who can get horny looking at the tailpipe of a bus. This other guy is a unimaginative scold.
Actually Tuesday was 1/20. Not 1/19 or 11/9. Not even the numerology works.
* * *
I live in the midst of gagworthy Obama love yet I simply don't comprehend the mindset. For me the inauguration was important in the dull way the presidential inauguration always is important, but the election was the real historic event.
Of course, I was not one to think that Bush was going to stage some new Reichstag Fire to keep himself in power (have the proponents of that line of theory lined up yet to apologize?) so I had no trouble sleeping the last two months. Nor am I religious.
Surely, in some "I can't believe I'm writing this" way Tina Brown is intending to be comic. Our lady of Ávila gazes up and sees the sins of the world born off by helicopter. She voices the voice of the people: "our relief exploded yesterday into national outpourings of relief."
I don't know if Ms. Brown is religious either, but it is a fact that mobs attract. Ms. Brown has discovered the ecstatic rapture of being a rugby hooligan.
Palladian said...
Suppose Tina B. had written I really didn't like George Bush, and I'm glad that he's been succeeded by Barrack Obama. It would be brief and to the point and convey her true feelings.
But she had to pad the one idea out to make an article.
Palladian, my recall is that BHO's first official pronouncement was to put on hold all of Bush's recent Executive Orders.
"Palladian said...
Gee, that's an original insult! You sure told me!
Precious, coming from another person besides me who voted for the loser.
This other guy is a unimaginative scold.
I was hoping against hope it was the real Titus. I miss his wit so much. This version is like a memeographed copy that gets your fingertips all purply.
"I quickly learned that the "rebel lefties" are the first to fall in line if the "Man" is from the proper party and believes the proper things."
I've often thought that the reflexive accusation from the Left that conservatives were closet authoritarians was purest projection.
When you get famous people pledging to serve Obama (as opposed to, say, the country) that kind of reinforces the intuition....
"I've often thought that the reflexive accusation from the Left that conservatives were closet authoritarians was purest projection."
Nope - it's true - that's why we at TMR have pledged to serve those who have pledged to serve.
All of the liberal gushing will come back to bite Obama on the ass.
First question - who wants the Gitmo riff raff in their back yard? Not the liberals of course.
gag me with a spoon
Thursday, Jan 22
Stephanopoulos Cried On Inauguration Day
Ali Wentworth (wife of ABC News' George Stephanopoulos) on "Oprah":
We watched everything and George was still doing all the anchoring for ABC and as soon Beyonce said "At Last..." George called me at home and he went, "Honey?" and I said "I know!" and we both started crying.
I'm thrilled at 9/11 in reverse. Just today I was reading about the Muslim branch of Habitat for Humanity laying steel to rebuild the Towers. When the Islamists apologized for their orgy of murder and redoubled their efforts to understand western ideals of individual freedom, it was a wonderful day...
I'm thrilled at 9/11 in reverse. Just today I was reading about the Muslim branch of Habitat for Humanity laying steel to rebuild the Towers. When the Islamists apologized for their orgy of murder and redoubled their efforts to understand western ideals of individual freedom, it was a wonderful day...
Hey, I didn't mean to post twice! I didn't mean to post twice!
I'm sorry!
I'm sorry!
Haven't you all heard? We have decided that the Gitmo prisoners are either going to Utah or Idaho.
As they say elections matters.
Or maybe Mississippi.
Or one of those unfabulous states.
Talk about unoriginal Palladian. All your posts are "liberals are gross and I hate them". At least I have some variety in my repertoire.
The wingnut word really gets you people doesn't it?
I knew when I made that post Palladian would swoop down and screech. Predictable.
My chakras get out of balance every now and then and need to state my opinion. It's not all hogs and loaves and tits you know.
I am a liberal. GASP!
Hello, I am a fag in Chelsea. What did you think I was? Some log cabin republican?
And I absolutely love Barack and Michelle. Absolutely fabulous. I didn't like the gay band in the parade though. Did any of you see that "drum major" with the baton? Dear God, where did they find her?
Mark, They pledged to serve Obama and all mankind...so it includes the country, even all the callous, cynical people that bash them...plus some.
Why not pledge to search for a cure, smile more, be more active in your community?
People who are strong tend to believe in perpetuating "survival of the fittest" until they reach that inevitable weak point in their lives when they realize everyone needs help sometime.
or of course they never realize it, never ask for or accept offered help and gradually become more old and callous until they die still grumpy from always having to do it on their own.
Crimso said..."9/11 in reverse"
Yeah, it was amazing to see those bodies rise back to the upper floors of the towers, followed by the extinction of the flames (or the reverse detonation of the charges for you engineering geniuses out there). I find this deeply offensive.
Obama can make the dead rise, don'tcha know.
yeah, but titus, now that you are officially a liar, now that you have said, i am a liar, i was lying all that time, hahaha,
nobody ever has to read you again.
ps my hog is big and fat but you'll never know. gays hit on me all the time (and i turn them down as nicely as i can). live and be well.
"Mark, They pledged to serve Obama and all mankind...so it includes the country, even all the callous, cynical people that bash them...plus some.
Why not pledge to search for a cure, smile more, be more active in your community?"
So suddenly these people turn humanitarian because the right person is POTUS. I searched for a cure during Bush, and will continue to do so during Obama. Smile more? Not in my nature (I try). I was active in my community during Bush, and will coninue to be during Obama. My behavior in such ways is not conditional upon who is President. How many of these people pledged the same thing under Bush?
They may or may not have been humanitarians during the Bush era. But, humanitarian was not really the sentiment that Bush inspired...or dare I venture to say, even tried to inspire. That is the point...Obama inspired them to want to change their world for the better...where otherwise there would have been no change, at best.
".Obama inspired them to want to change their world for the better...where otherwise there would have been no change, at best."
Don't worry, this feeling of inspiration is transitory. It's back to business as usual for them in less than 90 days.
"nobody ever has to read you again."
Nobody reads him much anymore anyway. Hence the increasing desperation and bitterness. Since his "shock the squares with sexual crudity" technique seems to be failing, he's decided to go with "insult the squares by calling them wingnuts". But of course that's even more boring than his previous shtick. I keep hoping he'll escalate to self-immolation.
"But, humanitarian was not really the sentiment that Bush inspired...or dare I venture to say, even tried to inspire."
So all of the money and assistance doled out to help fight AIDS in Africa was, what exactly? Or the national outpouring of humanitarian assistance after 9/11/01 or after the 2004 tsunami? Yes, there were absolutely no humanitarians during the Bush presidency. They all lay dormant, awaiting the warm sun of Obama to wake them from their sleep and cause them to burst forth into flower once again. Unfortunately the only cause all the liberal "humanitarians" seem to have cared about was the Obama campaign fund and the Obama inauguration fund. I expect soon they'll dig even deeper to start the Obama Monument fund.
Or the national outpouring of humanitarian assistance after 9/11/01 or after the 2004 tsunami
Or Katrina. Tons of people from my local radio station spontaneously sent stuff on trucks volunteered by local drivers, in addition to all the other stuff I know was donated. But none of this was about Bush, because whether or not you want to help people should not be about who is president. It should be about those people.
Leave Titus alone! We're lucky he even writes for us bastards.
Blogger Ann Althouse said...
Leave Titus alone! We're lucky he even writes for us bastards.
1:05 PM
WTH? I guess that is funny and self-referential but Ah jes' don' git it. What has he done that's good? Épater la bourgeoisie?
You were lucky I offered to throw you a fuck, Professor darling, but you let that one cross the plate.
(Which, in turn, seems to have been lucky for me - I mean, we could screw, but I suspect that we could never date. What do I have to do with a woman, a woman of your attainments and maturity, not to say age (oohoo! Paralipsis!), who dotes on all this sleazy pop culture?
AI my eye. "Execute every motherfucking last one of 'em!" as Amanda Plummer might say. Or, with Willem Dafoe, "Your taste is in your ass.")
Likewise, I find I can do without others' ideas of "luck." Luck doesn't necessarily mean "good luck." Luck for whom?
Why on earth have you made a mascot of him? One can't say "nigger" on your blog, but Titus can drone on and on about his bowels and...basically, about his bowels? Incidentally, I am seeing lots of slippage on profanity, as well as several usages of "the N-word," of late.
Honestly, my interest in this place is diminishing. If it weren't for the commenters, I would have relatively little interest in most of your subject matter. Downhill, baby. "Not so fresh."
But yeah, let those 'same 30 commenters' become 30 Tituses. Sure, that'll class up the joint.
You'll definitely get rid of riff-raff like me.
You see the instructions up there? "Express yourself. Be interesting. You can digress, but digress creatively. Amuse us!"
Titus does that. It might drive you crazy that he can do it that way, but he does. Deal with it. Stop complaining and do something your way that's as good.
Blogger Ann Althouse said...
You see the instructions up there? "Express yourself.
OK...inasmuch as honesty is implicit in this...
Be interesting.
You find it interesting what he does? Why?
You can digress, but digress creatively. Amuse us!"
He amuses you? I mean, in a way that you enjoy? I am unable to comprehend your value system.
Titus does that. It might drive you crazy that he can do it that way, but he does.
What drives me crazy is that he does, not that he can do it. There's no talent involved in scatology. When he speaks of serious things he's got nothing, NOTHING, and you've seen it.
This reminds me of Toulouse-Lautrec, in that movie, talking about how certain women walked through salons with apes in a leash, to make themselves look all the more attractive by contrast.
I can do lots of things that I choose not to do. You hungry for details of my peptic ulcer disorder? Want to know about MY last bowel movement? (No, SRSLY, you don't. I will admit there could be a jealousy motive with Titus.)
Deal with it.
I am. I am telling him, and you and the world, what I think of him. Not dealing with it would be running to you and saying Waah, waah, ban Titus. I just told him that he's dead to me. What, not allowed?
Stop complaining
Um, no? Um, fuck that? Um, fuck you?
and do something your way that's as good.
But what you and I think of as good is obviously wildly divergent. What do or don't you like about my work? Though I wonder if it is necessary or worthwhile to please you.
I mean, from a woman like you, I wouldn't feel morally obliged to take No for an answer, not for your sake at least. I certainly have no more interest in helping you to achieve orgasm. (Which is, like, a total first in my experience. It's actually astonishing to say that.)
I have slept with bone sluts who weren't as low as you, or at least concealed it better. You are proving out to be, just, cattle. This may be why New Yorkers look down on Midwesterners.
I mean, ick! Worthless! Come out to the big city and offer whatever resources you may have on tap, at either end of your spinal column, but please don't let people know what you think!
3:55 PM
BTW, I think I am doing a good job of telling you what time it is. And expressing myself. How do you like it? I don't know if the "us" is royal but I bet I am getting some laughs elsewhere.
I've got an idea that's creative. Let's put up a poll!
Who thinks that Ann is a little too full of it, or of herself, lately, and needs to be taken down a peg or two?
Who thinks she's way full of it and needs an emergency defecation?
Who thinks, No, she's just like me!
Who thinks, No, she's just like my mother?
Who thinks, Nonsense, she's been hiding her light under a bushel. Let your bitch flag fly, La Alta!
Who votes Present, or votes differently than they think, because of some BS reason like Annie's trumped-up rationalizing of her Obama vote?
...Now, in case I haven't amused us yet, a joke:
Q: Why did cavemen drag their women by the hair?
A: Because if they dragged them by their feet they filled up with dirt!
Q: How do you save a drowning laywer?
A: Throw him a rock.
Person 1: Do you know how to save a drowning lawyer?
Person 2: No.
Person 1: GOOD!
...I'll be here all veal, try the waitresses, tip the week!
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