"Hymen restoration is actually a thriving business in some parts."
"Some parts," huh? Heh heh heh... wink, wink.
I don't think virginity is so much an ephemeral commodity as it is a depreciating asset, temporally sensitive.
Personally, I only date mothers because, I figure, at least they've put out at least once. At my advanced age, I don't have time for anythang but the sure thing, if you know what I'm saying and I think you do.
The woman in question, Natalie Dylan, believes that esteeming virginity means that "Dads were basically their daughters’ pimps", that "that idealized virginity is just a tool to keep women in their place."
She goes on to say that " I no longer view the selling of sex as wrong or immoral—my time at college showed me that I had too blindly accepted such arbitrary norms."
How brave! How progressive!
I read on: "Natalie Dylan has a B.A. in Women's Studies" I'm shocked, shocked!
"She is from San Diego. I'm shocked, shocked!
"Natalie Dylan" is a pseudonym. How brave! How progressive!
Maybe Meade can answer a question I've had, given his--ah, choice criterion for dates. What's up with the enormous number of moms who seem to think kids and marriage are separate issues? I mean, both in-person and on-line, I've come across quite a few cases of "I had a daughter; she is my world....Now I think it's time to find a partner for life" or whatever. I'm not talking about divorced women or widows; I'm talking women who seem to totally disconnect children from husbands, as if one had nothing to do with the other. What's up with that?
In rare cases, perhaps, but even then it's a one-time payday. As men know, the law of diminishing returns works quickly on that kind of thing.
If it pays over $3 million, you know, I don't think the girl is likely to mind that it's a one-time thing.
That said, though, I'm pretty sure the high bid is coming only because it's such a high profile stunt. I'd be shocked if the going rate for a virgin is higher than a couple thousand in enjo kousai or other analogous forms of prostitution. And in some cultures, of course, the reward for being a virgin is that you don't get killed.
This subject is as traditional as it gets. Who cares about breaking in a scared girl. The high valuation comes out of the law contained in judeo-christian scriptures. It seems the God Yaweh looks strongly upon the purity of the female to produce strong, and spiritually healthy offspring. I don't understand that point of view, but He, in a very Patriarchal way, sticks to His opinion on the subject. I think Jesus's mother had to be a virgin, unless you prefer to call Jesus by the other B word. I know that's not a very democratic viewpoint, and it is even said to apply to kids concieved before the vows. So the High Value here is the men's chance to Deflower the female's family line, which is in the conquest mode, not the pleasure mode for these rich, but angry men.I suspect these men all hate their mothers.
The high valuation comes out of the law contained in judeo-christian scriptures.
Pish posh. It gets a high valuation in Japan as well. Nothing to do with "judeo-christian scriptures." In the marriage context, it has a high valuation, obviously, because it's close to a guarantee that the first child (at least) won't be someone else's bastard.
Perhaps someone could buy the rights to Dylan's virginity and leave it alone...leaving her celebate for years and years until she could stand it no more and she bangs the first guy she sees at the gym. However, that would be a breach of contract and she would have to give back the money.
Or, the original purchaser could sell the rights to someone else and perhaps make a profit. He could also pursue a corporate sponsor. "Dylan's virginity brought to you by Brand X"
Since she considers her "purity" to be a commondity, might as well go all the way.
All I can tell you is this is the dawning of the age of how queer it is.
Eharmony and matchdotcom-ing Sympathy and trust notwithstanding No more maidenheads or dumb virgins Golden living dreams of porn queens All full monty reveal-ations And women's ersatz liberation. How queer it is. How queer... it... is.
But seriously, JAA, just because a woman has a womb of her own, doesn't mean she will make a good mom. Choose wisely, my man.
JAA: In this case, a big part of 'choosing wisely' would be be in no hurry, especially not her hurry. Also remember -- sending back all the wedding gifts will always cost far less than divorce court. And finally... He who travels solo, travels as far as he has to go to get laid.
Balfegor... You are right about a very practical value in virginity, at least for 1 month, being in knowing whom is the baby's father. Those Japanese guys are still in conquest mode. The Judeo-christian scripture views its Laws as applying everywhere, even to people who are only instinctively keeping it by knowing right and wrong. Have you ever studied Ghinghis Khan's attitude on the subject? There are estimated, by genetic tests,to be 15,000,000 descendants of the Great Khan alive today, and nearly all from his conquest of other family's virgins.
Blake- In fact she should have to auction off the seconds to provide a valid control for the value of her virginity, apart from the value of the simple (or complex) act.
I think that virginity is valuable, but not because a person is a virgin so much as because it's the opposite of promiscuity and I do believe that promiscuity is harmful to various degrees in a number of ways. I don't think that removing the risk of reproduction makes it all risk-free.
On the other hand, I've heard people who seem to think that what this girl is doing is particularly vile, and I just don't see it. Not as something any more morally troubling than having sex with someone for free, in any case.
The price so far makes me worried for her, though. I suppose that an extremely wealthy person might pay that much as a lark but, in general, wealthy people are wealthy because they don't waste their money on really stupid things. I can't help wondering just what it is that she's going to get.
The high valuation comes out of the law contained in judeo-christian scriptures.
Pish posh. It gets a high valuation in Japan as well. Nothing to do with "judeo-christian scriptures." In the marriage context, it has a high valuation, obviously, because it's close to a guarantee that the first child (at least) won't be someone else's bastard.
Sorry, still off target. A new car is much more valuable than one that has been deflowered, even if still in fine condition. Even more true for lollypops and chewing gum. It's more basic than even religion.
How valuable is a Human Life? The answer is in the eye of the other human who encounters Him/her.So don't ask a true Nazi what your value is or you'll forever after understand the definition of the words Evil Monster.They can only see you as a prey to be murdered, or enslaved and then murdered later.That is why our spiritual traditions still remain a high value to us in the midst of our culture that exalts scientific reason. When virginity has lost value we have lost sight of our value here.
Sorry, still off target. A new car is much more valuable than one that has been deflowered, even if still in fine condition. Even more true for lollypops and chewing gum. It's more basic than even religion.
I'd disagree about the car, except that enough people find value (status?) in new cars that they do sell for a silly amount more than a similar used car in the same condition.
This valuation phenomenon only applies to women. Inexperienced men are not valued higher. Does that come from the property nature of the female. Since only property seems to be valued and depreciated this way. Can you claim depreciation of your wife for tax calculation, and when does book value reach zero? I never had one, but I never considered this justification or I might have depreciated a few by now.
This valuation phenomenon only applies to women. Inexperienced men are not valued higher.
I donno.
I can't be the only woman who has an "ew, greasy" reaction to man-whores.
And I can't be the only woman who "valued" higher, the guys at my bible school who were the most pious. They were often also the most outstandingly attractive, but my greatest crushes were on the ones who were simultaneously *physical* and self-controlled. Granted, we were brought up to value faith and that was certainly a big part of it, but I can't discount the sure knowledge that, just like the girls, if he didn't cheat on you before marriage he wasn't going to cheat on you after marriage.
It might not be perfectly true, but I think that whatever value a man would put on having a mate who was "inexperienced", a woman would probably value as well. (Not least, the idea that he might not be mentally comparing you to someone else.)
Actually, come to think of it... one of the women in our dorm (and the school nurse) was actually a widow, having lost her husband a few years earlier in a car accident only a couple of months after she was married. So she's assumed to know all the mysteries the rest of us were dying to know, right?
She met a young man, fell in love, and got engaged. She pretty much bragged that he was innocent. She valued his restraint and the rest of us felt rather jealous that she'd gotten one of the really good ones.
Talk about a story you don't want to tell your kids someday, "I put my virginity up for auction so some jerk who gets a kick out of buying people could get his kicks with me, and I'd get money out of it. Don't degrade yourself, honey, unless it's for a whole lot of cash."
Some guy is going to pay all this money for one night of really bad sex. In other words, it's going to be some virginity fetishist. "Hehhhh, I lurve deflowering the womens..." Ick.
These "rates" at auction 3 million for a slut's "1st time" or 1 million for a miraculous picture of Jesus on a piece of toast are ridiculous and will never be paid.
It's PR and a blogosphere and MSM struggling for audience that finds these salacious stories irresistable.
If you actually "market test" the final price virginity could be put on sale, you would have a "range" with most young sluts left virginal and over age of consent flocking to Nevada or Thailand or the whoremeisters of ME countries getting under 10,000 bucks.
I imagine if I went pimp and trolled several high schools and told all the entering "freshwomen" that a 10,000 dollar payday awaited if they kept their legs closed until 18 and gave it up to some new Chinese multimillionaire businessmen from where US Elites have outsourced our jobs - you'd have thousands of little twiffles and their families seriously interested. You could even weed out the too ugly or too fat young sluts.
Of course, the market value of celebrity-hood deflowering or purchasing a certified virgin for the purposes of marriage and getting a more stable mate would raise the value of virginity far higher than just a bloody one-nighter with a run of the mill, rank&file typical young slut in Altoona, PA, Compton, CA, Juarez Mexico, Chingmai, Laos.
A Miley Cyrus level celebrity might easily get well get over a million. A wealthy Indian family selling off a virgin daughter of considerable looks, education, and breeding might command 200,000 bucks. And in certain situations, where a virgin bride would unite different houses of royalty or Kieretsu business empires - the effective price, though not expressed in crass cash - could be titles or land grants worth tens of millions.
And outside prostitution, another case could be made in America to pay each young woman in America 10,000 bucks if they keep their legs closed until age 20 - as the cost of taxpayers supporting single Moms and the spawn they breed over almost 2 decades is far higher than paying off each and every gal.
(To avoid screams from "good girls" that they were left out by only giving 10K to high risk sluts in inner cities and barrios and trailer parks - all young bitches should have elibility.)
A similar "prize" could be offered to all young men. Not just the young black males responsible for half the serious crime in the USA. Stay out of jail, graduate high school, and have 5 years after HS documented being at university or trade school or apprenticeship, being employed, or registered and seeking work at a state unemployment office - all young dudes get a 10,000 dollar tax-free payoff at age 25.
Several thoughts: 1. I can't believe I just gave it away for free to the first girl that wanted it. Not only did I not get 4 million, I paid for dinner. And I really paid alot afterwords. Turned out she was crazy.
2. 4 million? Really? I would tell the guy that if he has 4 million, he will not have a shortage of women willing to give it away for free. Might be slightly used, but think of the depreciation he has to suck up by driving it off the lot.
3. Is this the girl who's sister put herself thru college by hooking? The family must be so proud. I suppose it beats the hell out of working your way thru like the rest of us.
I can't be the only woman who has an "ew, greasy" reaction to man-whores.
I do, too. Very strongly. It's not just "eewww, greasy," but also a slight turning in the stomach from seeing someone without morals. I was never even remotely into man whores, but I dated plenty of men who turned out to be inexperienced, wanna-be-man-whores, and that was just as bad. There's no way that a non-chaste man can ever respect chastity in someone else, and "experienced" men may as well wear a sign saying, "None of this is special to me, and it's all about getting laid, so don't expect me to respect your boundaries."
There's no way that a non-chaste man can ever respect chastity in someone else
Well, i have never dated around before or after my marriage because i am rather an introvert.
But what you say is not entirely true. Again, while on vacation, there's this certain component of free sex available. Girls who cant find something worthwhile (in their opinion) at home go a trips to find a good time, be done with it, and then go back home. It's not like a spring break thing. It's different. It's usually girls who consider themselves not beautiful enough or the "right" weight. There's a small component of men who thrive on this. The two deserve each other. Anyway, if you are alone, and especially in the evening, walking the streets, you can get offers from lots of men just walking down the street if you look touristy . I learned quickly not even to smile because even a smile is a response. I've learned new international symbols for , "Hey babe let's get it on," etc. Maybe i've just been secluded in the midwest.
At one point i decided to test myself and one guy who was extremely smooth in his moves. Like I have written here before, he made quite a few on me and i didn't respond in a anyway sexual.He kept on trying and trying. But then we started to talk, and he actually found me quite interesting because i answered some of his questions totally unexpected. By the end of the evening in which we had just walked around the city, he didn't get anything out of me and questioned why- if was their on holiday- why i wasn't there to have "fun". I answered him, and mumbled some things he couldn't understand, but he actually thanked me and respected me because of my opinions. I'd like to think we each made a little dent in each other's mind and found a tiny bit of respect for someone we ordinarily would never have taken time out for.
I went home that night and wrote up two pages in my travel diary that night. The guy was sleezy, but he did have respect. Never ever, dismiss anyone totally. That's not how you "change" things.
and before the celibacy is basically frigidity crowd chimes in,
in such instances as above is when you find out how
celibacy is potency.
I looked at this kate perry person. I have no idea who she is, but her skinny body and big boobs and some of her dress styles that were on a quick google image search make me think she is depending on the very external things for her sexuality. That's okay with the large percentage of America, but it's different to what some men actually desire.
So just think what a 12 -yr-old could get if she became an emancipated minor.
I had an acquaintence whose grandmother sold his 15-yr-old sister back to Mexico for $5000 as a "wife" - kind of a virgin and work slave.
She's right though if all women take economic control and flood the market the price will drop quickly.
I used to have a libertarian view on this - for instance hoping that the shortage of girls in India due to selective abortion would lead to them being more valued and treated better. But they are now in their teens and being peddled and traded like stocks - not to their benefit because they don't control the money.
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५८ टिप्पण्या:
celibacy, not so much.
In rare cases, perhaps, but even then it's a one-time payday. As men know, the law of diminishing returns works quickly on that kind of thing.
Selling off one's virginity is an odd thing. In reality, you are selling an ephemeral commodity -- the future certainty that you will not be a virgin.
So basically it's part of the Futures exchange, with children labelled as derivatives.
born again virgins going for twice as much?
only if they got that "oh that's so 2008 celibacy thing" all behind them.
Hymen restoration is actually a thriving business in some parts.
Does Ann have a theme whirring in her mind? Back-to-back posts on virginity and celibacy do not lie.
If the next one is about Tom Cruise, worry.
"Hymen restoration is actually a thriving business in some parts."
"Some parts," huh? Heh heh heh... wink, wink.
I don't think virginity is so much an ephemeral commodity as it is a depreciating asset, temporally sensitive.
Personally, I only date mothers because, I figure, at least they've put out at least once. At my advanced age, I don't have time for anythang but the sure thing, if you know what I'm saying and I think you do.
The woman in question, Natalie Dylan, believes that esteeming virginity means that "Dads were basically their daughters’ pimps", that "that idealized virginity is just a tool to keep women in their place."
She goes on to say that " I no longer view the selling of sex as wrong or immoral—my time at college showed me that I had too blindly accepted such arbitrary norms."
How brave!
How progressive!
I read on:
"Natalie Dylan has a B.A. in Women's Studies"
I'm shocked, shocked!
"She is from San Diego.
I'm shocked, shocked!
"Natalie Dylan" is a pseudonym.
How brave!
How progressive!
I am not a mother, but I do put out, Meade. Do not judge a hymen by its pop.
Sorry, Vic... motherhood walks, bullshit talks.
That doesn't impress Katy Perry.
"Celibacy" is one of the wild array of Google alerts that fuel this blog. Maybe you can figure out what the others are.
Maybe Meade can answer a question I've had, given his--ah, choice criterion for dates. What's up with the enormous number of moms who seem to think kids and marriage are separate issues? I mean, both in-person and on-line, I've come across quite a few cases of "I had a daughter; she is my world....Now I think it's time to find a partner for life" or whatever. I'm not talking about divorced women or widows; I'm talking women who seem to totally disconnect children from husbands, as if one had nothing to do with the other. What's up with that?
In rare cases, perhaps, but even then it's a one-time payday. As men know, the law of diminishing returns works quickly on that kind of thing.
If it pays over $3 million, you know, I don't think the girl is likely to mind that it's a one-time thing.
That said, though, I'm pretty sure the high bid is coming only because it's such a high profile stunt. I'd be shocked if the going rate for a virgin is higher than a couple thousand in enjo kousai or other analogous forms of prostitution. And in some cultures, of course, the reward for being a virgin is that you don't get killed.
I'm interested in who is bidding. Saudi oil sheikh? George Soros? Warren Buffet? Oprah Winfry? Does Eliot Spitzer have the cash?
Natalie Dylan Bunny Ranch Virginity Auction Hits $3.7 Million
This subject is as traditional as it gets. Who cares about breaking in a scared girl. The high valuation comes out of the law contained in judeo-christian scriptures. It seems the God Yaweh looks strongly upon the purity of the female to produce strong, and spiritually healthy offspring. I don't understand that point of view, but He, in a very Patriarchal way, sticks to His opinion on the subject. I think Jesus's mother had to be a virgin, unless you prefer to call Jesus by the other B word. I know that's not a very democratic viewpoint, and it is even said to apply to kids concieved before the vows. So the High Value here is the men's chance to Deflower the female's family line, which is in the conquest mode, not the pleasure mode for these rich, but angry men.I suspect these men all hate their mothers.
John, why would think this?
I'm talking women who seem to totally disconnect children from husbands, as if one had nothing to do with the other.
When you are in a culture which tells women that their bodies and therefore, their offspring's life or death are theirs alone to decide.
The high valuation comes out of the law contained in judeo-christian scriptures.
Pish posh. It gets a high valuation in Japan as well. Nothing to do with "judeo-christian scriptures." In the marriage context, it has a high valuation, obviously, because it's close to a guarantee that the first child (at least) won't be someone else's bastard.
Natalie Dylan Bunny Ranch Virginity Auction Hits $3.7 Million
I feel like bidding just so that I can get it to 3.7 million...and fifty cents.
But what if you're the last bidder?
Perhaps someone could buy the rights to Dylan's virginity and leave it alone...leaving her celebate for years and years until she could stand it no more and she bangs the first guy she sees at the gym. However, that would be a breach of contract and she would have to give back the money.
Or, the original purchaser could sell the rights to someone else and perhaps make a profit. He could also pursue a corporate sponsor. "Dylan's virginity brought to you by Brand X"
Since she considers her "purity" to be a commondity, might as well go all the way.
All I can tell you is this is the dawning of the age of how queer it is.
Eharmony and matchdotcom-ing
Sympathy and trust notwithstanding
No more maidenheads or dumb virgins
Golden living dreams of porn queens
All full monty reveal-ations
And women's ersatz liberation.
How queer it is.
How queer... it... is.
But seriously, JAA, just because a woman has a womb of her own, doesn't mean she will make a good mom. Choose wisely, my man.
But what if you're the last bidder?
Not with Michael Jackson needing beards, I won't be.
@TosaGuy: that would be poetic justice.
Meade said: Choose wisely, my man.
Choose wisely, my man.
Tryin'. Not getting far, so far.
On another note, this young lady seems to be similar to Blago in one way: "It's a f***ing valuable thing! You don't just give it away!"
A charity auction would be another way to go, for the already-financially-secure virgin. Any suggestions for the benefiting charity?
Know you hymenomics and don't give it away!
You meant "Know ye".
Three million Yankee dollar, pfah! I giving for this one two rifle and nanny goat, no more. Is very good goat.
How does hymen reconstruction surgery fit into hymenomics?
However, that would be a breach of contract and she would have to give back the money
Would the contract have a date of termination beyond which, if having met the conditions the principle remains hers to keep?
If not, it would still be worth it as long as any compound interest or any appreciation in value remained hers to keep.
JAA: In this case, a big part of 'choosing wisely' would be be in no hurry, especially not her hurry. Also remember -- sending back all the wedding gifts will always cost far less than divorce court. And finally... He who travels solo, travels as far as he has to go to get laid.
Balfegor... You are right about a very practical value in virginity, at least for 1 month, being in knowing whom is the baby's father. Those Japanese guys are still in conquest mode. The Judeo-christian scripture views its Laws as applying everywhere, even to people who are only instinctively keeping it by knowing right and wrong. Have you ever studied Ghinghis Khan's attitude on the subject? There are estimated, by genetic tests,to be 15,000,000 descendants of the Great Khan alive today, and nearly all from his conquest of other family's virgins.
How does hymen reconstruction surgery fit into hymenomics?
Call it pay to play for those late to the party.
Those Japanese guys are still in conquest mode.
If you say so. But what about the poor fools who believe sex with virgins cures AIDS?
The Judeo-christian scripture views its Laws as applying everywhere, even to people who are only instinctively keeping it by knowing right and wrong.
And the Judeo-Christians are free to believe that. Not sure what relevance it has to non-Judeo-Christians, though.
She should auction off the seconds, too.
That would be interesting.
"Hymen restoration is actually a thriving business in some parts."
Actually it's replacing parts for return business.
Blake- In fact she should have to auction off the seconds to provide a valid control for the value of her virginity, apart from the value of the simple (or complex) act.
Ten bucks sez she gets drunk one night at a club and sleeps with some random dude for free.
I think that virginity is valuable, but not because a person is a virgin so much as because it's the opposite of promiscuity and I do believe that promiscuity is harmful to various degrees in a number of ways. I don't think that removing the risk of reproduction makes it all risk-free.
On the other hand, I've heard people who seem to think that what this girl is doing is particularly vile, and I just don't see it. Not as something any more morally troubling than having sex with someone for free, in any case.
The price so far makes me worried for her, though. I suppose that an extremely wealthy person might pay that much as a lark but, in general, wealthy people are wealthy because they don't waste their money on really stupid things. I can't help wondering just what it is that she's going to get.
The high valuation comes out of the law contained in judeo-christian scriptures.
Pish posh. It gets a high valuation in Japan as well. Nothing to do with "judeo-christian scriptures." In the marriage context, it has a high valuation, obviously, because it's close to a guarantee that the first child (at least) won't be someone else's bastard.
Sorry, still off target. A new car is much more valuable than one that has been deflowered, even if still in fine condition. Even more true for lollypops and chewing gum. It's more basic than even religion.
How valuable is a Human Life? The answer is in the eye of the other human who encounters Him/her.So don't ask a true Nazi what your value is or you'll forever after understand the definition of the words Evil Monster.They can only see you as a prey to be murdered, or enslaved and then murdered later.That is why our spiritual traditions still remain a high value to us in the midst of our culture that exalts scientific reason. When virginity has lost value we have lost sight of our value here.
Sorry, still off target. A new car is much more valuable than one that has been deflowered, even if still in fine condition. Even more true for lollypops and chewing gum. It's more basic than even religion.
I'd disagree about the car, except that enough people find value (status?) in new cars that they do sell for a silly amount more than a similar used car in the same condition.
This valuation phenomenon only applies to women. Inexperienced men are not valued higher. Does that come from the property nature of the female. Since only property seems to be valued and depreciated this way. Can you claim depreciation of your wife for tax calculation, and when does book value reach zero? I never had one, but I never considered this justification or I might have depreciated a few by now.
A new car is much more valuable than one that has been deflowered, even if still in fine condition.
Disagree. Certain older cars, depending on how "cherry" they are, beat newer cars hands down.
This valuation phenomenon only applies to women. Inexperienced men are not valued higher.
I donno.
I can't be the only woman who has an "ew, greasy" reaction to man-whores.
And I can't be the only woman who "valued" higher, the guys at my bible school who were the most pious. They were often also the most outstandingly attractive, but my greatest crushes were on the ones who were simultaneously *physical* and self-controlled. Granted, we were brought up to value faith and that was certainly a big part of it, but I can't discount the sure knowledge that, just like the girls, if he didn't cheat on you before marriage he wasn't going to cheat on you after marriage.
It might not be perfectly true, but I think that whatever value a man would put on having a mate who was "inexperienced", a woman would probably value as well. (Not least, the idea that he might not be mentally comparing you to someone else.)
Actually, come to think of it... one of the women in our dorm (and the school nurse) was actually a widow, having lost her husband a few years earlier in a car accident only a couple of months after she was married. So she's assumed to know all the mysteries the rest of us were dying to know, right?
She met a young man, fell in love, and got engaged. She pretty much bragged that he was innocent. She valued his restraint and the rest of us felt rather jealous that she'd gotten one of the really good ones.
I think the Natalie Dylan auction thing is a hoax.
Talk about a story you don't want to tell your kids someday, "I put my virginity up for auction so some jerk who gets a kick out of buying people could get his kicks with me, and I'd get money out of it. Don't degrade yourself, honey, unless it's for a whole lot of cash."
Some guy is going to pay all this money for one night of really bad sex. In other words, it's going to be some virginity fetishist. "Hehhhh, I lurve deflowering the womens..." Ick.
These "rates" at auction 3 million for a slut's "1st time" or 1 million for a miraculous picture of Jesus on a piece of toast are ridiculous and will never be paid.
It's PR and a blogosphere and MSM struggling for audience that finds these salacious stories irresistable.
If you actually "market test" the final price virginity could be put on sale, you would have a "range" with most young sluts left virginal and over age of consent flocking to Nevada or Thailand or the whoremeisters of ME countries getting under 10,000 bucks.
I imagine if I went pimp and trolled several high schools and told all the entering "freshwomen" that a 10,000 dollar payday awaited if they kept their legs closed until 18 and gave it up to some new Chinese multimillionaire businessmen from where US Elites have outsourced our jobs - you'd have thousands of little twiffles and their families seriously interested.
You could even weed out the too ugly or too fat young sluts.
Of course, the market value of celebrity-hood deflowering or purchasing a certified virgin for the purposes of marriage and getting a more stable mate would raise the value of virginity far higher than just a bloody one-nighter with a run of the mill, rank&file typical young slut in Altoona, PA, Compton, CA, Juarez Mexico, Chingmai, Laos.
A Miley Cyrus level celebrity might easily get well get over a million. A wealthy Indian family selling off a virgin daughter of considerable looks, education, and breeding might command 200,000 bucks. And in certain situations, where a virgin bride would unite different houses of royalty or Kieretsu business empires - the effective price, though not expressed in crass cash - could be titles or land grants worth tens of millions.
And outside prostitution, another case could be made in America to pay each young woman in America 10,000 bucks if they keep their legs closed until age 20 - as the cost of taxpayers supporting single Moms and the spawn they breed over almost 2 decades is far higher than paying off each and every gal.
(To avoid screams from "good girls" that they were left out by only giving 10K to high risk sluts in inner cities and barrios and trailer parks - all young bitches should have elibility.)
A similar "prize" could be offered to all young men. Not just the young black males responsible for half the serious crime in the USA. Stay out of jail, graduate high school, and have 5 years after HS documented being at university or trade school or apprenticeship, being employed, or registered and seeking work at a state unemployment office - all young dudes get a 10,000 dollar tax-free payoff at age 25.
Several thoughts:
1. I can't believe I just gave it away for free to the first girl that wanted it. Not only did I not get 4 million, I paid for dinner. And I really paid alot afterwords. Turned out she was crazy.
2. 4 million? Really? I would tell the guy that if he has 4 million, he will not have a shortage of women willing to give it away for free. Might be slightly used, but think of the depreciation he has to suck up by driving it off the lot.
3. Is this the girl who's sister put herself thru college by hooking? The family must be so proud. I suppose it beats the hell out of working your way thru like the rest of us.
Hey, who says hooking isn't work?
I can't be the only woman who has an "ew, greasy" reaction to man-whores.
I do, too. Very strongly. It's not just "eewww, greasy," but also a slight turning in the stomach from seeing someone without morals. I was never even remotely into man whores, but I dated plenty of men who turned out to be inexperienced, wanna-be-man-whores, and that was just as bad. There's no way that a non-chaste man can ever respect chastity in someone else, and "experienced" men may as well wear a sign saying, "None of this is special to me, and it's all about getting laid, so don't expect me to respect your boundaries."
There's no way that a non-chaste man can ever respect chastity in someone else
Well, i have never dated around before or after my marriage because i am rather an introvert.
But what you say is not entirely true. Again, while on vacation, there's this certain component of free sex available. Girls who cant find something worthwhile (in their opinion) at home go a trips to find a good time, be done with it, and then go back home. It's not like a spring break thing. It's different. It's usually girls who consider themselves not beautiful enough or the "right" weight. There's a small component of men who thrive on this. The two deserve each other. Anyway, if you are alone, and especially in the evening, walking the streets, you can get offers from lots of men just walking down the street if you look touristy . I learned quickly not even to smile because even a smile is a response. I've learned new international symbols for , "Hey babe let's get it on," etc. Maybe i've just been secluded in the midwest.
At one point i decided to test myself and one guy who was extremely smooth in his moves. Like I have written here before, he made quite a few on me and i didn't respond in a anyway sexual.He kept on trying and trying. But then we started to talk, and he actually found me quite interesting because i answered some of his questions totally unexpected. By the end of the evening in which we had just walked around the city, he didn't get anything out of me and questioned why- if was their on holiday- why i wasn't there to have "fun". I answered him, and mumbled some things he couldn't understand, but he actually thanked me and respected me because of my opinions. I'd like to think we each made a little dent in each other's mind and found a tiny bit of respect for someone we ordinarily would never have taken time out for.
I went home that night and wrote up two pages in my travel diary that night. The guy was sleezy, but he did have respect. Never ever, dismiss anyone totally. That's not how you "change" things.
and before
the celibacy is basically frigidity crowd
chimes in,
in such instances as above is when you find out how
celibacy is potency.
I looked at this kate perry person. I have no idea who she is, but her skinny body and big boobs and some of her dress styles that were on a quick google image search make me think she is depending on the very external things for her sexuality. That's okay with the large percentage of America, but it's different to what some men actually desire.
So just think what a 12 -yr-old could get if she became an emancipated minor.
I had an acquaintence whose grandmother sold his 15-yr-old sister back to Mexico for $5000 as a "wife" - kind of a virgin and work slave.
She's right though if all women take economic control and flood the market the price will drop quickly.
I used to have a libertarian view on this - for instance hoping that the shortage of girls in India due to selective abortion would lead to them being more valued and treated better. But they are now in their teens and being peddled and traded like stocks - not to their benefit because they don't control the money.
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