After a meeting this morning.
Presents himself well????
Rush Limbaugh, just now, ridiculing the Democrats' racial attitudes, likened that quote to Joe Biden's famous assessment of Barack Obama: "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy."
१८१ टिप्पण्या:
Reid: "I thought he'd beebop in, slinging some jive with a boombox on his shoulder and some chains around his neck, but he wore a suit and knew how to talk and everything!"
Reid feels he is speaking for white people.
It's awesome power he has.
Did Rush say that Burris "hates America," or is it only The Magic Messiah who "hates America" according to Rush?
Now that's important to know about Senator Burris. Does this mean to say that he's not another one of Pres.Obama's Rev. Wright type of friends? Once more Boss Reid is sending signals to Pres. Obama that Power in the new Democrat Regime is not Pres. Obama's until Boss Reid approves.
Here's a photo of his eternal resting place.
Guy's got canopic jars, tanna leaves, the Scroll of Thoth, the whole she-bang.
George - so he's a preening buffoon. And that's a strike against his admission to the Senate? Sounds to me like he'll fit right in.
Looks like the KKK has got one more Senator than IL.
Coming this summer on your local cable station - Pimp My Senate Seat - a wacky comedy about an up-from-the-ghetto man who accidentally winds up a US Senator!
Written and produced by Harry 'Homie' Reid.
But is he clean and articulate?
Is that anything like Joe Biden's "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. ... I mean, that's a storybook, man."?
I do think it's fair (or at least fun) to engage in a little game of Imagine If. Wherein we Imagine If Majority Leader Bill Frist refused to seat the lawfully appointed Senator Burris - the only African American Senator.
Kanye West would say that Bill Frist hates Black People.
Who would enter the senate chamber must answer me these questions three!
What is your quest? ...
As it is, a pink guy is very engaged by a nice brown guy.
I think it is a window into the mind of the liberal elite. They are always for you, as long as you remember you are beholding to their good grace in pulling up up from wherever you were. I'd love to know what Reid actually was expecting of the man.
Burris wasn't just found someplace and given something. Well, maybe he was given something, but he certainly didn't appear at the Senate door out of thin air.
"Harry Reid on Roland Burris: "He obviously is a very engaging, extremely nice man. He presents himself well."
That could have been Jack Benny on Rochester. No. Benny was a far nicer man than Reid.
He must have taken Obama's advice to pull up his saggy pants.
Freeman: You're a racist moron.
The point is that Harry Reid is a racist moron you fool.
Here's a photo of his eternal resting place.
For those interested in Chicago landmarks and history, Oak Woods Cemetry has gravesites of Enrico Fermi, Jesse Owens, Confederate soldiers, several mayors, governors, etc.
Oak Woods Cemetry
Harry Reid apparently thinks he's interviewing a job applicant, and has a nice condescending tone, too.
That's a little different, Mr. Reid, from seating a lawfully appointed Senator in his rightful place. He has his job already - it's YOUR job to support him in carrying it out.
This is going to sound crazy, but couldn't Reid have met with Burris before he announced his anti-seating stand?
michael came home from middle school with my brother Alpha. the are in the basement eating spaghettios and playing on mom's computer again.
michael needs to shower more than every three or four days. ewwwww.
mrs. hunt, i think you are really smart, and i hope to be a nice woman and a mom like you one day.
ignore michael. smart people scare him.
I think Dennis Miller had Harry Reid's number some time back, and what's cute is that Reid keeps insisting on demonstrating Miller's point.
Jeremy! Instapundit quotes you!
Blago should have nominated Plaxico Burrus.
Thanks for that, Simon. I love Dennis Miller.
Geez. Harry Reid is just sickening.
And he gets away with all of it. It just makes such creeps out of mainstream journalists to not see this.
The official song of the new congress.
You know you'll sing along!
I'm surprised Reid didn't call Burris a credit to his race.
As I have posted before (always after the end of the thread), Harry Reid made visible his racist stripes when, in 2004 on Meet the Press, he said Clarence Thomas was "an embarrassment" to the Supreme Court and that Thonas' opinions were "poorly written", while at the same time praising Justice Scalia.
Bring on the right-wing political correctness.
Calling out a racist fool is only wrong when conservative people do it?
You are as mixed up as you momma son.
JAC, we didn't invent it, we just figured out how to have fun with it.
Freeman: You're a racist moron.
Against pink men? Or is Reid more of a bisque?
Beta are you adopted?
You are way too smart to be blood relative to Alpha & Michael the German valise.
Michael said...
Freeman: You're a racist moron.
Seriously. Who let the infant out of his high-chair again?
JAC, we didn't invent it, we just figured out how to have fun with it.
So, you're disingenuously using race based arguments.
Is similar to the situation McCain described when he said; we went to Wershington to change Wershington, but Wershington changed us.
Hey fun! Thanks for the heads up Christy!
Are you seriously accusing your mother of right-wing political correctness? I guess that's one just one more truth that couldn't (but now can be) spoken!
I need to make a retraction. Next to Michael, our intrepid tourettes syndrome moron, Harry "The dumbest man in the Senate, running a close second to Patrick Leahey" Reid is showing promise.
Hey Michael, you ever get the feeling that no matter how much you spew, vacillate, squirm, and basically lie your way into the commentary section that you never feel fully satisfied with that oh-so-fresh feeling until you've sprayed a little FDS where it counts and put the tampon back in?
This isn't about political correctness. You can point out that it is hilarious for Reid to say that of a person with Burris' resume wihout political correctness entering the picture.
John Althouse Cohen said...
Bring on the right-wing political correctness.
Who the hell are you kidding? Right wingers and namely conservatives despise political correctness. Political correctness is what set us up as a society to be on this road of verbal interpitude and duplicity. That's why when they see such a blatant use of it by leftist morons that you support they just throw it back in their hypocritical faces.
Dr Dre Shit-In-Your-Pants:
No, Reid is not a racist, dickweed.
Making fun of the situation by posting racist comments that are attributed to him are.
For any Republican to even utter the words "political correctness" is hilarious.
This is a party that continues to represent themselves as a "big tent" operation, while at the same time, having someone running to be the head of the RNC sending out "magic negro" CD's.
There are more racists on this site than I've ever encountered on the internet on any blog site.
Beta - Still sucking cock for a living?
Shorter Michael
Down with racists! Up with homophobes!
Making fun of the situation
No, making fun of Reid by making fun of his racist comments. Try to keep up.
Perhaps if you rode some swift species of mountable dinosaur...
So, you're disingenuously using race based arguments.
No, I'm having fun with people who make race based arguments.
Henry Buck - I'm far from being homophobic.
I think Beta probably does a fine job, don't care who he's sucking on, and I've gotten plenty of blowjobs over my life time, but always from women.
A mountable dinosaur? Would Betty White count?
"Beta are you adopted?"
i hope so.
michael is in the basement singing along to Prince. He's using one of dad's golf clubs for a microphone and has some rolled up socks in his front pants pocket.
prince is taller
Freeman The Fool - Where are the racist comments by Reid?
And again, with this insanity?
"Perhaps if you rode some swift species of mountable dinosaur..."
Still on some kind of bizarre dinosaur trip?
Are you still in Palin's know...those human footprints alongside the dinosaurs'?
*And I bet you do believe it, too.
How would Beta know whether he was adopted or not?
You actually think someone is going to take credit for this little douche bag?
It's the Dullest Blog in the World!
Thanks, guys.
Anybody here ever visit Beta Liberal's blog site?
Anybody ANYWHERE ever visit Beta Liberal's blog site.
Michael said...No, Reid is not a racist.
Harry Reid is a 69 year old Mormon.
I've been told that Mormons are very bad White people. Extremely pinkish in a non commie sort of way.
He probably has a few racist attitudes clanking around inside that bony old borderline carcass of his.
Michael, stop denying the obvious - Harry Reid is a bitter old White racist who learned to hate negroes while growing up in the Mormon church.
Harry Reid is also an anti-abortion, homophobe who is strongly in favor of the death penalty which we all know is a modern form of lynching which targets people of African ancestry.
I'm beginning to suspect some reactionary sympathies in you Michael. I sincerely hope that as you mature and move into your high school years you will leave behind your anti-gay and anti-black attitudes.
I've gotten plenty of blowjobs over my life time, but always from women.
Michael, thank you for taking the time to establish your, no doubt incredible, sexual prowress and straight cred.
And I bet you do believe it, too.
It keeps you awake, doesn't it, that none of us will tell you whether or not we believe it...
In the meantime, I invite you to place that bet.
mom thinks michael has some problems with adults because of how he has to dominate all the grown-ups conversations all the time.
mydismalswamp said..."I think it is a window into the mind of the liberal elite."
Yeah, those damn "elite" Democrats.
Why can't they be more like regular know, like Rush, and Sean and Billo and Michael Savage?
Or, for that matter about 95% of the wingnuts on this site.
Beta - It's not nice to talk with your mouth full.
Spit it out.
Freeman - "Michael, thank you for taking the time to establish your, no doubt incredible, sexual prowress and straight cred."
I have no idea what getting blowjobs from women has to do with sexual prowess or straight cred, but I'm sure you know more about blowjobs than I do.
As for your dinosaur insanity: I don't care if you actually believe such tripe, that's up to you.
*What bet?
michael is always talking about sex, even though he's still in middle school. dad thinks it's because michael's dad left and his mom moved in with that other woman who lifts weights all the time. dad says its compensation or condensation or something like that. constipation maybe.
"I've gotten plenty of blowjobs over my life time, but always from women."
Sure. That's the ticket. From women. Yeah they'll buy that.
You channeling Larry Craig again, Michael?
Is there any reason whatsoever to note what that festering slimeball Limbaugh has to say about anythng?
I've been to BetaLiberal's blog. There's not much there. Why do you ask?
jdeeripper - "Harry Reid is a bitter old White racist who learned to hate negroes while growing up in the Mormon church."
So now you're going to start in on the Mormons and elderly white people?
The high-pitched whine continues...
*What do the Mormons here think about this? Any of you got the guts to respond...because I know some of you are here...
Beta - Mouth full.
Spit it out, little man.
Is there any reason whatsoever to note what that festering slimeball hdhouse has to say about anythng?
I've also been to your blog, Lucy. There's not much there either. I'm not sure what your point it.
Democrats are the real racists here. But the 95% of blacks that vote for them aren't smart enough to figure that out on their own. Same with the Jewish vote that always go Democratic. What are they thinking?
It's the anti-gay bigotry that sometimes makes me think Lucky is actually a conservative doing an elaborate parody a liberal troll. Surely a true liberal (as he claims to be) would know that calling someone gay as an insult is gaycist.
Yet he insists he is not a homophobe.
No real person could have so little self-awareness.
bye bye everyone. i'm going to to the library to study because the two stooges are making too much noise in the basement.
Not to say he is not a real person. Obviously there is a real person somewhere hitting the keyboard. It's just that "LuckyOldson" ( now known as "Michael") is a character. And that character lacks the self-awareness of a real person.
"...calling someone gay as an insult is gaycist."
I don't remember anybody saying anybody was gay.
I said Beta sucks cock.
Justin Idiot - ""Michael") is a character. And that character lacks the self-awareness of a real person."
Very, very deep indeed.
More, more...we want more.
Mary, I invite you to use email when offering personal suggestions. I would prefer that you not post anything about my son, who is currently asleep, in these comments.
Michael said: I said Beta sucks cock.
You're channeling Mercedes McCambridge again Michael.
Justin Other Moron - Why no profile?
No "self-awareness?"
Are you not a "real person?"
Lucy said...
I don't remember anybody saying anybody was gay.
Not in this thread. But you've been doing it on this blog since you were LuckyOldson.
chicken wings - But Beta does suck cock.
Can you prove otherwise?
My profile was eaten by a dinosaur.
Justin - Blow me.
*And please, I'm not in any way, shape or form saying you're gay. I just think you should blow me.
Freeman Hunt said..."I would prefer that you not post anything about my son, who is currently asleep, in these comments."
Good lord...could you possibly be more full of yourself?
As if somehow mentioning your son has anything to do with your inane and nonsensical blather.
Can you prove otherwise?
I am vastly incurious about the matter. Besides, in true inquiry, "things" are never proved; rather hypotheses are relentlessly disproven.
No, I'm having fun with people who make race based arguments.
Any conservative party I'd want to be in would not try to say that Reid's comments were related to race. I don't see the fun in Rush and others doing this. Of course I wouldn't have sent out the Satlsman/Rush song either. It seems that I don't have the proper sensibility to join this fun club of race jokers.
RaceJokers National Committee
A fun time for all*!
*'All' not meant literally.
Some conservatives have complained that the Magic song didn't see much opposition when Rush was pushing it on his show. The real fuss came when it was formally introduced into the RNC debate. This situation only proves that there aren't a bunch of media elites looking to attack every hint of un-PC race stuff.
It was only AFTER this was directly related to a major political party that folks started to big-time question it's appropriateness. And, eventually (after plenty of crickets) many conservatives acknowledged it was unwise (thereby implicitly acknowledging (or pretending to acknowledge) the content of the song was problematic)--so these conservatives themselves agree that this was a situation worthy of disapproval.
More precisely many of them agree that this song is unacceptable as "fun" in the daylight, w/ clear connections to the RNC. Which says a lot. They should drop there public concern and tell folks that they don't have any problem w/ the song, and FU to anyone who does, and the song should be made into the RNC theme song so they can stand up the the PC police.
I'm sick to death of PC.
The Republicans trying to use PC as a ju jitsu tactic is just as lame.
I look forward to the day when affirmative action ends, identity politics abates, and people can openly say Burris or Obama made a stupid mistake or are acting lazy or appear ignorant without the media, the usual race-baiters, or right wing talk radio having a cow over it.
I want Obama to succeed. I want Republicans to get their act together. I want an end to unaccountable Ruling Elites that have bypassed democracy, corrupted the system, and now run the country from the Imperial City, NYC.
If we don't succeed, get our act together, end the rampant corruption of money injected into determining outcomes more favorable to the Elites than the masses...We may have to face a reality that the present US system has failed, both Parties cannot rule effectively, and neither can "unfettered free markets". Where drastic action is absolutely necessary.
Then we have to consider as a viable alternative - a 3rd, violent revolution (after the Colonial and Civil War ones). Military caretaker rule. With a complete revamping of our Constitution, legal system, regulatory structure, tax code, social welfare system. With a goal to restore the Republic to functioning condition.
Obama and the Democrats fail, after the Republican failure, we are another 4 trillion in debt and closer to needing a real Revolution.
Freeman Hunt - I invite you to email me personally so we can joke about you-know-who's little wee wee without him chiming in.
Mary, you single out the one woman in a multi-party conversation and tell her she should get back to the wash and the housekeeping? Thanks, but the house is well in hand. I thought you were banned from posting here anyway.
Ever time you start to "fight back" on here, I do wonder... wouldn't your time be better spend somehow with your son?
Someone is still in Sarah Palin mode!
Shoot, this has to be the first time that Dennis Miller, myself and Jane Hamsher are on the same page.
Mary - Are you related to the Michael character? Or is bitchiness your normal persona?
Well there was the photo spread in Conservative Sandwich magazine.
Or has the fact that Sarah Palin and Freeman Hunt both are women blinded you to the difference?
Yes, it has. I'm Blind, BLIND! Damn my ovaries.
I've been reading Althouse since before she enabled comments. I didn't read the comments for a long time because the comments on other blogs was never worth the effort and I assumed it would be the same here.
Now I regret never seeing the comments of the infamous Mary and others who were banned in the early days (someone called Quxxo maybe?). I only get brief glimpses of seemingly random and nonsensical comments before they are deleted.
It's like finding an incomplete archeological record of some long-lost civilization.
Well, I assume it's like that. I'm not an archeologist, so I wouldn't know.
Michael said...jdeeripper - "Harry Reid is a bitter old White racist who learned to hate negroes while growing up in the Mormon church."
So now you're going to start in on the Mormons and elderly white people?
Well, if the subject is White racism and negrophobia then yes we should start with the elderly White folks and the Mormons.
Harry Reid is a twofer and that makes him a very bad man.
Michael, you should oppose the mugging, the lynching of this dignified African American person of color. Roland Burris is about to make history by becoming the strong, proud black Senator from Illinois.
And yet you refuse to be outraged by the dastardly deeds of that ole pink monster Harry Reid.
What's wrong with you?
The leftards are in a foul mood today. Hey I don't blame 'em. I would be too if Harry Reid were my leader.
Please don't respond to Mary. I delete all her comments. She's has been told never to post here but insists on writing here in a way that I view as harassment within the meaning of the state criminal code. She needs to stop now.
Trooper York said...
"Well there was the photo spread in Conservative Sandwich magazine."
In my defense, I only agreed to do it because they told me it was with Summer Glau. The repulsive Hamsher was a sub.
That might be true Simon, but how do you explain the one with you, Wilford Brimley and Estelle Getty that the Times used in her recent obit.
Summer Glau is the best terminator ever. Not only is she from San Antonio but she could punt Harry Reid's ass across the Rio Grande with one foot tied behind her head.
What's wrong about saying he 'presents himself well,' anyway?
I've said that about a number of people, including in private on some interview committees I've been on (and let's face it, his meeting with Reid was for all intents and purposes, a job interview.)
What does that have to do with race? Rush seems to see everything as racial, even when it's not.
I've gotten plenty of blowjobs over my life time, but always from women.
Wow. This guy is a sad, sad case. Whoever goaded Michael into this statement must've struck a cluster of very sensitive nerves. Pleading that "I'm not gay and women like my weiner" has got to be one of the most overcompensating outbursts I've ever seen, on- or off-line.
It puts pretty much everything he has to say here in its proper context. My goodness.
Eli Blake said...
"and let's face it, his meeting with Reid was for all intents and purposes, a job interview."
You see, that way of looking at it is how Reid et al got themselves into this mess. This wasn't a job interview, Eli - Burris already got the job. This was the meeting where the new middle manager meets the other middle managers, and the old managers seethe in impotent hatred of the new guy, fully aware that the decision as to whether he stays or goes is above their pay grade. This was a meeting in which Harry Reid and the Senate Democratic Leadership desperately searched for some way to get out of this with their dignity intact - to either give Burris the seat he's so plainly entitled to despite their contrary bloviations, or to talk him into dropping the matter.
This will end in a humiliating climbdown by Reid, or a humiliating defeat in the courts for Reid - one or the other. And he knows it. He ran his mouth before the facts were in, and now he's trying to find some way out of the bluff, despite looking more ridiculous every day.
Speaking of gayness, I am having trouble getting past the post title Harry Reid on Roland Burris.
It reads like the description of a 1970s gay sex video. Not that I'd know. You see, I've gotten plenty of blowjobs over my life time, but always from women.
In addition to what Simon said, Reid's statement is extremely condescending. Burris isn't some guy off the street who nobody has ever heard of. He's got an inarguably Senatorial resume. Of course he presents well. What on Earth would have made Reid think there was any possibility that he didn't?
That's why people are saying it smacks of racism. Would Reid say that of a white guy with the same resume as Burris?
Perhaps if you rode some swift species of mountable dinosaur...
LOL Freeman. That would definitely make Michael a Troll!!
(World of Warcraft)
"Would Reid say that of a white guy with the same resume as Burris?"
He'll fawn all over Caroline Kennedy who has a far shorter resume than does Roland Burris.
He can't be racist; Reid's a Democrat.
It's definitionally impossible.
it's like mixing baking soda and vinegar, matter and anti-matter, or Shields and Yarnell.
But me? I've gotten plenty of senate jobs over my life time, but always from women.
DBQ, LOL. That would be perfect. It's even saddled and ready to go.
Freeman: In WoW the "Trolls" are a race and their designated mount is a Raptor.
Perfect, doncha think?
John Stodder said...
It puts pretty much everything he has to say here in its proper context.
Proper context.
In my opinion, anyway.
I've gotten plenty of minimum wage jobs over my life time, but always from women.
Why did you roll a horde? I always thought of you as a nice little Draenei shammy or lock.
Perfect, doncha think?
Absolutely. If only we knew Photoshop.
Eli, here's an abbreviated Burris resume:
1964-1973 served in various capacities such as tax accountant, tax consultant, commercial banking officer, and vice-president at Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Company (now Bank of America)
1973-1977 Director of IL Department of Central Management Services
1979-1991 Comptroller of IL
1991-1995 IL Attorney General
1995-present Lawyer, private practice. Campaigned for several offices, including a run for governor where he was supported by Barack Obama.
2002-2009 Manager/CEO of Burris & Lebed Consulting, LLC
Wouldn't anyone pretty much assume that a guy with that resume "presents well?"
I think Reid presents himself very well for a senator. Whenever I see him, I'm immediately reminded of this, and being shallow and simple-minded, I don't usually go any farther than that.
Freeman Hunt is a habitual piece of garbage, so I can understand why there would be a lot of arguing in here based on whatever inane bullshit she's spewing...but other than that, honestly, what's all the fuss about?
Who in their right mind gives two fucks about Harry Reid? Who in the world would bother trying to defend him or, alternately, call him out on something he's done? Seriously? 100+ comments arguing about racism and Harry Reid? Jesus Christ.
Harry Reid is the biggest pussy, racist, Mormon idiot in Washington D.C., the end.
Why did you roll a horde? I always thought of you as a nice little Draenei shammy or lock.
I got tired of being hit on by horny 13 year old kids. My first toon was a female night elf.
Kid: "Wow, ur hawt"
Me: "Dude I'm a cartoon!!"
Kid: "Tak off ur cloths n dance on the mailbox. Ill give you 5 golds"
Me: "aaagh. leave me alone."
/ignore kid
New kid: "u r sexy"
/ignore new kid
No one wants to cyber with a huge male Tauren. Not even female Taurens.
(Actually, I do have a female Draenei shammy.)
From now on I will envision Michael as a Troll with long hanging arms riding on a purple raptor.
I've gotten plenty of Jujubes over my life time, but always from women.
I've gotten plenty of advice over my life time, but always from women.
I sure am despised by all the right people in this thread today. (Even one who seems to agree with me on the issue at hand.) Higher compliments there never were.
I've gotten plenty of children over my life time, but always from women.
Well, actually just 3 kids.
Seems like plenty, though.
Yeah Freeman. What gives? I never get props like that. <<jealous>>
Why are minority politicians, especially black ones, always described as strong and proud?
Are minorities or African-Americans uniquely strong and proud?
Freeman, I realize your resumé for Burris is abbreviated but you left out he built himself an awesome monument.
I've gotten plenty of anniversary gifts over my life time, but always from women.
I've received a couple of cookie recipes in my lifetime, but always from women.
I've gotten plenty of smooches over my life time, but always from women.
BetaLiberal said...
mom thinks michael has some problems with adults because of how he has to dominate all the grown-ups conversations all the time.
Well, that's what happens when you let some of the children escape from their table and let them wander towards the adult table. Besides, Michael trying to dominate an adult conversation is like trying to tell a chihuahua to stop yipping while it humps your leg.
I've gotten too few blowjobs, and always from women....Why are the reservations that liberals expressed about Romney and his religion not applicable to Harry Reid?
Zachary Paul Sire said..Who in their right mind gives two fucks about Harry Reid?
More people in their right minds should pay attention to powerful men like Harry Reid. Too many Americans assume the President runs the country. In fact the President doesn't even run the Federal Government let alone the country.
Lyle said...Why are minority politicians, especially black ones, always described as strong and proud?
Because they are. Blacks are strong, proud, dignified people, filled with rage and hope, an historic people whose rich heritage and proud legacy we should celebrate and whose glorious contributions we should recognize every month of the year not only in February.
Are minorities or African-Americans uniquely strong and proud?
Minorities = no, blacks = yes.
Asians, Hispanics, East Indians, American Indians and even White/Pink people all have their own unique qualities.
Asians = smart, model minorities, law abiding, good in school esp. spelling bees and math, better at copying than creating, unathletic, males tend to be nonsexual, females tend to be the embodiment of sexual passion, can't drive worth shit despite making excellent cars.
Hispanics = vibrant, spicy, hard working, not too bright, generally short, very vibrant, they tend to vibrate a lot which is apparently why they are known to be hard workers. They're trying to burn of the excess vibrational energy.
East Indians = good at math, computer software, donuts, slurpees, dark but nothing like the blacks/Africans. Like Jews only darker and less funny or irritating.
American Indians = spiritual, live in harmony with nature, tend to get choked up when visiting garbage dumps, big fans of the fire water, pretty much did nothing of value in North America before or after the White man showed up.
White/Pink people = racist, sexist, homophobic or homosexual, tend to enjoy dominating and oppressing EVERYTHING, can't dance, run, jump or sing, need brown people to do their dirty work and yellow people to do their brain work and need black people as a litmus test to prove they are morally superior to Other White People.
Zachary Paul Sire said..."Freeman Hunt is a habitual piece of garbage, so I can understand why there would be a lot of arguing in here based on whatever inane bullshit she's spewing...but other than that, honestly, what's all the fuss about?"
Zachary, that doesn't sound like you. I see you as one of the best commenters, as is Freeman. She made an excellent comic comment, and you're diminishing yourself being so sour and insulting.
Yo who woke up the landlady.
Now we alls in trouble.
garage mahal said...
Democrats are the real racists here. But the 95% of blacks that vote for them aren't smart...."
Ahhh spoken like a true Republican nitwit. If we can't spot you by what you write we can surely spot the sheet.
Hey Coulter is good.
The media's fawning over Obama knew no bounds, and yet, in the midst of the most incredible media conspiracy to turn this jug-eared clodhopper into some combination of Winston Churchill and a young Elvis, you were being a bore if you mentioned the liberal media...
There is no other explanation for the embarrassing paeans to Obama's "eloquence." His speeches were a run-on string of embarrassing, sophomoric Hallmark card bromides...
Somebody else noticed! That's the reaction.
Unfortunately the alternative was McCain.
Coulter is worth reading for the one-liners.
I'm not able to follow the commenter infighting. I assume it's all misunderstandings, the basis of all true agreement.
Ahhh spoken like a true Republican nitwit. If we can't spot you by what you write we can surely spot the sheet.
Republican? Moi?
Ann Althouse said...
Zachary, that doesn't sound like you. I see you as one of the best commenters, as is Freeman. She made an excellent comic comment, and you're diminishing yourself being so sour and insulting.
Sounds like him just fine. What you are seeing is the typical meanderings of a weak mind and what do you do? Well, you sort of show up, pat him on the back, brush back his hair and ask him why he is being meanie monster. As far as diminishing himself? Well, the proof is in his character and the little glimpses we get to see of them like the one you commented on.
Poor, poor ZPS. So misunderstood.
Rh hardin said...
I'm not able to follow the commenter infighting
That is because you have a pure soul Rh.
Well,except for the chicken molesting thing.
But otherwise very pure.
Garage, hdhouse is senile and can't follow the conversation too well. He doesn't get that you are one of the more liberal commenters here and were mocking the right wing view.
Hdhouse just gets a little testy when his depends are wet. The home care worker went to the bodega for some smokes and plantains.
Garage is really a racist what wears a sheet. Who knew?
No the car in garage mahal's garage is covered with a sheet. It's a 1976 Rambler in mint condition.
Hdhouse is just confused again. I hope he doesn't wander outside again and tell everyone he was the inspiration for Mad Men.
Oh, I get it.
My dad's senile and also doesn't get abstract humor like what GM laid down.
Poor hdhouse.
Those new GPS locators can come in handy, though, so I hope he's still got one clipped to his pants cuffs.
Why the anger over a Senate appointment? It seems far more personal than during the election! Oddly enough it seems to be aimed at those who believe Burris is an idiot, but should be seated anyway (and who think Reid is a weasel.)
Two regular stuck up for me, in their own way. I don't know what to say. And Trooper, it's a 86 Mercedes in mint condition. You're good. Real good.
I figured that man.
I just thought that since your pollitics are stuck in the Jimmy Carter administration your car would have been too!
(Just kidding dude, I didn't want it to get all mushy).
Zachary, that doesn't sound like you. I see you as one of the best commenters, as is Freeman. She made an excellent comic comment, and you're diminishing yourself being so sour and insulting.
While Freeman's comment here was right on, she left a very bad taste in my mouth after her comments in the "Milk" thread last week. But you're right. I won't let things carry over into other threads.
This is the same Harry Reid who said in his remarks about the recently completed, over-budget Capital Visitor's Center,
"In the summer because of the heat and high humidity, you could literally smell the tourists coming into the Capitol. It may be descriptive but it's true."
But it's no longer going to be true, noted Reid, thanks to the air conditioned, indoor space.
And that's not all. "We have many bathrooms here, as you can see," Reid continued. "Souvenirs are available."
I wonder if Harry will tell us how Burris smelled or if Roland offered him a souvenir?
While Freeman's comment here was right on, she left a very bad taste in my mouth after her comments in the "Milk" thread last week.
Are you sure that wasn't Michael?
Sorry, I couldn't resist.
Oh what the hell I'm not sorry, two birds, one stone yada yada yada.
Let's not fight. Let's love and do porn activities.
All I want to add is that this thread sure improved in the last few hours. It was looking pretty bleak around, say, 2:26. If you graphed troll stupidity over time you could get yourself a bell curve.
Freeman -- keep up the good work.
Garage -- I'll vouch for your liberal bona fides too. Maybe today is national "not getting mockery" day.
Yup, garage is as liberal as the day is long.
Longer, if you count the spare hours stuffed next to the extra ballots in the trunk of his Mercedes (for electoral emergencies, dontcha know).
Longer, if you count the spare hours stuffed next to the extra ballots in the trunk of his Mercedes (for electoral emergencies, dontcha know).
Heh. Hell, I could fit a few whole voting machines in my trunk. You haven't noticed a grey benz running back and forth around the twin cities recently, have ya ')
Reid: "Burris is certainly one of the better smelling Negroes seeking my permission to join the Senate. All Bayberry Rum and Sandalwood, that one.
Of course, my only other direct "smelly neeger" experience is President/President Elect Obama -- who, by the way, is NOT my boss.
Samboma (inside joke) is a bit B.O.-ish. I mean he just cotton-pickin' works his heart out in the gym. But his passion for cane syrup on his hoecakes almost always sweetens him right up. And fortunately, he was never around here much. Those black boys sure can run, huh?
Anywho. No black American Senator in this house smells nearly as bad as any of the red, yellow, black and/or white visitors we have had to endure in the Capitol restrooms. Bejeebers! I had to dry clean my temple garments three times a week! And now that I think about it, no neeger Senator smells nearly as bad as as any of the dozens and dozens of neeger Congressmen/women/ whatever who swing by my office on occasion.
My staff told me not to say this. But it's true."
Mr. Garage Mahal.
Paging Mr. Garage Mahal.
Minnesota Secretary of State Mark Ritchie on Line 1.
Paging Mr. Garage Mahal.
I've gotten plenty of fraudulent votes in my lifetime, and always from women.
I just drank a Diet Pepsi. You know, I've received lots and lots of Diet Pepsis in my lifetime, and always from women.
Wait, how does this work? Does that make me gay?
Nah, that would be caffeine-free diet coke, or mebbe beer.
No one wants to cyber with a huge male Tauren. Not even female Taurens.
Hey, you never know. There's something about that nose ring that sends those tingling feelings up some legs.
Freeman Hunt is a habitual piece of garbage, so I can understand why there would be a lot of arguing in here based on whatever inane bullshit she's spewing
You know Zach, up until now I considered you one of the more sane lefties on this blog. Now with that statement you proved yourself to be nothing more than a useless tool.
Stay in your parents basement.
But Hoosier, she didn't clap for the Harvey Milk movie, so ipso facto, quid pro quo, res ipsa loquitur, and shamma lamma ding dong, proves all subsequent discussions must include unresolved anger directed at her in any unrelated threads.
Sumpin' like that.
I see Pogo. I guess I'd probably be like that too if I was in my
20's, able bodied and still living with mom and dad.
she didn't clap for the Harvey Milk movie
No, no, I haven't seen Milk yet. What I did was worse. I dared agree with you that a public street event which includes public sex, peeing on people, drinking pee, and masturbating on people was disgusting. How could I? Horrors!
I won't see Milk because the bio of a minor city official in
1970's San Francisco has about as much appeal to me as rearranging my sock drawer.
Plus I can't stand Sean Penn.
I agree, Freeman; I was being very oblique, using "clap for" the film as a stand-in for what you wrote, so as not to wake the young man, and stir his rage yet again.
I saw a trailer for Rourke in The Wrestler last night. (Rourke dissed Penn's performance.) Now I'd like to see the film.
Only bad part, it's got the clichéd girlfriend-stripper thing. Is it like some state law in California that all movies must have girlfriends who are strippers-with-a-heart-of-gold in them? Or is that just a local ordinance?
I was being very oblique, using "clap for" the film as a stand-in for what you wrote
Ah, now, I see.
girlfriends who are strippers-with-a-heart-of-gold in them
It's hooker with a heart of gold lite.
I know it's supposed to be a male fantasy, but come on. Can't writers come up with any other female character and make it fit?.
It's like the ubiquitous bathtub scene, lazy as hell.
I actually had to go back and read that thread because I couldn't figure out where in the world this
Freeman Hunt is a habitual piece of garbage
came from. Jeez.
I won't see Milk because the bio of a minor city official in
1970's San Francisco has about as much appeal to me as rearranging my sock drawer.
Plus I can't stand Sean Penn.
Ditto. On both counts. Plus, most movies these days suck anyway.
" most movies these days suck anyway."
I'd see "The Sock Drawer Rearranger".
"I won't see Milk because the bio of a minor city official in 1970's San Francisco has about as much appeal to me as rearranging my sock drawer. Plus I can't stand Sean Penn. Ditto. On both counts. Plus, most movies these days suck anyway."
That was exactly my attitude, but I ended up seeing it and, really, overcome that. It's worth it.
Freeman Hunt is a habitual piece of garbage
Quite the opposite. Freeman is a very engaging, extremely nice young woman, who, judging from her avatar, presents herself well.
And I agree with William: Over the course of a lifetime, I have received an insufficient number of blowjobs, (always from women, natch!) To make things worse, during the same lifetime I have received a superabundance of household maintenance requests from the same women.
Freeman Hunt said...
I just drank a Diet Pepsi. You know, I've received lots and lots of Diet Pepsis in my lifetime, and always from women.
Wait, how does this work? Does that make me gay?
Only if they are Pink.
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