January 5, 2009

At The Smokestack Café....

... you can let off steam.


George M. Spencer said...
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George M. Spencer said...

Ah, baby, who been here since I been gone?

One spoon of a little .45 save you from another man.

Cat's squirrel.

kjbe said...

Well, it was 7 when I got on the bus to work, earlier this mornig. The cold wasn't as bad as I had anticipated, though the sidewalk ice was. No pratfalls ensued. Whew.

chickelit said...

Is that the Charter St. tree food plant lurking behind there?

Chip Ahoy said...

Madison Cloud Making factory.

Most our clouds are used California hand-me-down-clouds. By the time they get here they're all thinned out and stringy.

Meade said...

And, Chip, those are only the ones that aren't strung out and thinny, right? Californorexic?

"Cat's squirrel."

Well that was wholly un-satisfying.

Richard Dolan said...

Here is the opening lines of a review in the NYRB of Ferguson's book on the Ascent of Money:

"The historian Alan Taylor used to say, mischievously, that the only point of history is history. The idea that one could use it to predict the future, still more to avoid past mistakes, was pure illusion."

That struck me as a fine example of what passes for humor among academics. Is there any other profession that so fervently wishes its work to be seen as utterly useless, and in the process dismisses utility as a kind of dreary imperfection? Of course, it's all a pose, intended to be seen as an overstatement with only the loosest connection to reality to it, which is where the "mischievous" humor is supposed to come in.

Another good reason to be wary of professorial advice on practical subjects.

chickelit said...

Are you cirrus Chip? We send Colorado tons of feuchtigkeit, and you send it all right back down river.

bearbee said...



Ann Althouse said...

I prefer The Yardbirds.

chickelit said...

That was Yardbirds E.C.
I like Yardbirds J.B. & J.P.
But I'm not pure in heart.

john said...

Well, Jessie Ventura opened the door.

Meade said...

And I like the Mad Hatter's Song

"...But do what you like, do what you like, do what you like, do what you like, do what you like, do what you can, do what you can, and live till you die..."

"...Within the ruined [tree food] factory [smokestack] is the normal soul insane. As he sets the sky beneath his heel and learns away the pain..."

Susan said...

Lately I have noticed people on the internet using exclamation points with ones in the middle, like: !!!!111!!!!

What's up with that? Is it a new thing like using hte for the? I tried googling about it but didn't find anything.

Inquiring minds want to know.

George M. Spencer said...

Where does Eric Clapton live?

a) Stoke-on Trent, England;
b) Antigua
c) Columbus, Ohio
d) Antibes, France

Answer: 1111!!!1111.

TitusnottheeGorilla said...

Last night I was watching some nature show on PBS about Jane Fossey and her gorillas.

Did you know one of the main gorillas names was Titus?

Titus was an especially handsome gorilla and would take the female gorillas into the bushes behind the dominant male gorilla and do them...hard...there was video of it..I saw it.

A few years there were no female gorillas in the pack and Titus would do the male gorillas. There was video of Titus doing the other males too..it didn't make me horny. Titus's hog hung incredibly low; it literally dragged through the bushes. Also, Titus had low hanging balls.

After taking dung specimens the researchers realized that Titus was related to many of the gorillas in the forest. He was quite a stud and seemed to do anything that walked.

The program did not say if he did Jane Fossey or not but she did like to role around the grass with him-I saw that on video and it made me a little uncomfortable. I was like keep to your own species Jane Fossey.
I knew nothing about this Titus the gorilla when I decided my name here.

TitusnottheeGorilla said...

My point of my story is that I am not Titus the Gorilla. Sure, we may have some things in common but I am not typing this from the jungle in Rwanda.

Oh, and Titus did make it through the war in Rwanda that killed 900,000 people.

chickelit said...

Escondido is just down the road from me.

TitusnottheeGorilla said...

"I was like keep to your own species Jane Fossey."

Can I tell you that I even sometimes laugh at my own postings. I think the quote above is fucking hilarious.

TitusnottheeGorilla said...

Secretly, I don't know this for sure but I think Jane Fossey and Titus, the gorilla, did it.

Ann Althouse said...

Meade said..."And I like the Mad Hatter's Song. "...But do what you like, do what you like, do what you like, do what you like, do what you like, do what you can, do what you can, and live till you die..." "...Within the ruined [tree food] factory [smokestack] is the normal soul insane. As he sets the sky beneath his heel and learns away the pain...""

Gah! I have that album. I saw the Incredible String Band in concert in 1969 and actually believed I was going insane. They made me feel paranoid.

Anonymous said...

I, too, saw the Incredible String Band in concert in 1969 at the Fillmore in SF. They didn't make me paranoid, just bored. Being a bit older, I already knew the world was insane, and I had nothing to do with it.
A couple of years later, I found fulfillment in the "I'm OK, You're a Turkey" movement.

Meade said...

"Gah! I have that album. I saw the Incredible String Band in concert in 1969 and actually believed I was going insane. They made me feel paranoid. "

Oh you elder hippies were such nuts. Cute, but nuts. I didn't discover them until 1972 when they frequented the Cellar Door in D.C. and the Smithsonian Folk Festival. I thought they were wonderful... but then I never did take the brown acid, man.

chickelit said...

Well I for one didn't see the the Incredible String Band in 1969 (though they do sound interesting). I did see Cale Yarborough win the 1968 Firecracker 400 at Daytona.

Zachary Sire said...

Lately I have noticed people on the internet using exclamation points with ones in the middle, like: !!!!111!!!!

It's to make fun of people who are too enthusiastic with their exclamatilon marks, or something. Know that it is an evoling thing, as some people now use uppercase I's as well!!!I!!11!!Il!!

TitusnottheeGorilla said...

I have never heard of any of those bands you are talking about.

I have a very important international conference call at 3:00. I need to be in top form and on my game. It will be strategic, high level, impact the organization at all levels and highly confidential...did I mention very very important.

Wish me luck.

Meade said...

What a coincidence -- I have a very important interstate call at 4:00 pm and, following that, a review and analysis call with London. I too will be in top form and on my game. The calls will be strategic, high level, and they will impact my project and my multi-million dollar contract in myriad and multi-layered ways. Of course, as always, the phone calls will be highly confidential. Did I mention that I am an extremely important person and that my role in the organization is critical to it's success as every other team member looks to me for vision, creative direction, and scientific knowledge and expertise.

Luck does not even enter into it.

DaLawGiver said...

My sister called. She's crazy.

I called my 85 year Mom, she told me to hang on as she was talking to the doctor about my 85 year old Dad who is in the hospital with Chrons disease.

My wife called and I joined her for lunch.

I will call the IRS in a little while to explain why Dad is late with his estimated income tax payment.

My crazy sister called again as I was typing this, she used to be a pharmaceutical rep and thinks she's a doctor. I wish she wouldn't call so much.

DaLawGiver said...

I'm glad my sister doesn't know what a blog is.

Original Mike said...

ChickenLittle asked: "Is that the Charter St. tree food plant lurking behind there?"

Walnut Street, I'd say.

ricpic said...

I don't have any important calls coming up and I lost my glasses...for the skateyeigth time. Does anyone else have that problem? I'm a regular at The Dollar Store where I buy another pair of reading glasses at least twice a month. That's how often I lose 'em. You know what's really hard to replace? The case. You can pick up cheap reading glasses just about anywhere but glass cases? No. Tis a puzzlement. And a pain.

Anonymous said...

"My sister called. She's crazy."

Have her call my sister. They'll get along.

Are we on that bus this fine day?

knox said...

This has got to be a big deal; on the HuffPo no less!

Susan said...

Thanks Zachary.

Ann Althouse said...

ricpic said..."I don't have any important calls coming up and I lost my glasses...for the skateyeigth time. Does anyone else have that problem? I'm a regular at The Dollar Store where I buy another pair of reading glasses at least twice a month. That's how often I lose 'em. You know what's really hard to replace? The case. You can pick up cheap reading glasses just about anywhere but glass cases? No. Tis a puzzlement. And a pain."

You're going about it all wrong. Buy one pair of really expensive glasses. You won't lose them.

Original Mike said...

You're both wrong. Go to the dollar store and buy one pair for every room in the house (plus several for your different coats). You'll always be able to find a pair somewhere. Plus, since you leave them lying around the house, you don't need a 1:1 glasses to case ratio.

KCFleming said...

You're all wrong.

I used to have to hunt for a pair of reading glasses for my wife at least twice per day, despite having purchased somewhere around 752 pairs of them in the past 5 years.

It turns out the cat was stealing them and selling them on e-bay. She learned to type from some goddamned cockroach.

We haven't had to search for another pair sunce I changed the password to the cat's MySpace acount.

Meade said...

No, you all are wrong, you all.

Throw all your glasses away. They are just crutches, making your eyes weaker. Toughen up and be like me.

Running into walls is not so bad once you get used to it. Plus all the chicks think you are ten years younger (albeit bruised and battered looking, but hey - then there is the pity factor!).

Meade said...

Oh and one more thing:

"annalthouse I've scarcely moved in the last 4 hours! And I've been thirsty for the last 2, but I'm too focused to go get "

Go get what? Water? Are you joking? You are, aren't you?

Be thirsty--be foolish.

Meade said...

Silly hippies.

Ann Althouse said...

It says "water."

And yes, I have been working for 6 hours, barely moving, and drinking only 1 cup of coffee that whole time.

Ann Althouse said...


The green pants...

Meade said...

Am I going to have to call 911?
Sometimes you worry the hell out of me, Althouse. you really do.

Now I see this:

"annalthouse Wishing Paul would go for some spray-on tan or keep his clothes on. http://tinyurl.com/9j32uh about 5 hours "

You are so right. Plus, would it kill him to do a set or two of abdominal crunches every other day? People, people, people: use some of that stored body fat. It is liquid gold fuel!

DaLawGiver said...

There is some truth in all your stories. Yes, keep the dollar stores in business(but make sure it is an actual dollar store, not one of those that say dollar store but really charge $5), buy 572 pair of cheap glasses and scatter them around your house, car, clothing and office. Also buy a really expensive pair but make sure they are memory metal and get the lens replacement guarantee so in case you drop them at the car wash and they get run over you can have them fixed for free.

While at the dollar store also pick up your case of chap stick for those so addicted. The dollar store has replaced the Five and Dime store as the the place to buy your cheap but necessary crap. Remember S&H Green stamps?

Anonymous said...

The Dollar Store is great. I buy cans of shave cream there for $1 apiece, quite a bit less than in a grocery store. I usually buy about a year's supply at one stop.

I did the 572 pairs of glasses thing, and managed to lose or destroy nearly all of them. So I went to Sam's Club for and eye exam and ordered el-cheapo contact lenses. My eyes itched today, while I was in a meeting, so I rubbed them. A bit later, while I was silently grumbling about the $^(& quality of the contacts, a colleague observed that there was a contact lens on the front of my shirt.

Back to plan A. One pair of glasses per 10 square feet of living or office space. And two pair in each car.

KCFleming said...

I thought of stapling a pair to my wife's temples, but she got mad.

blake said...

You're all wrong!

Eat some carrots!!!111!!one!!!11

TitusnottheeGorilla said...

My call was completed and I was on fire. Deliverables were met and short and long term goals were presented.

I was making high level decisions and initiating ground breaking reorganizations in our business development, market research and pharmocovigilance departments.

At times the conversation became tense but utilizing my superior communication skills as well as my cultural and language sensitivity everything was a smash hit. Also, having a stellar sense of humor allows for me to win over stakeholders during the process.

Kudos were delivered all around but mostly to me as I was the "driver" and "thought leader" and "key decision maker" during these high level meetings.

2009 will be a challenging year at times but with the right individuals in roles that impact the bottom line I am confident we will be in good shape. The expectation is the stock price will grow 20%. Fortunately, we have a couple of blockbuster products in the final stages of approval that she us through these tumultuous times.

Thanks so much. And please don't be too impressed by me. It is all in a days work of a senior level, stragetic executive who is compensated well for his expertise.

TitusnottheeGorilla said...

Now it is all about execution.

Let's execute.

TitusnottheeGorilla said...

I like to think of my role in the organization as someone who likes to "partner" with senior staff in order to achieve results.

TitusnottheeGorilla said...

Communication and rollout of these new reorgs will be critical and that's where my superior presentation skills will be utilized to there fullest.

blake said...

Good Lord, Titus, I think I'd prefer a long dissertation on loaf-pinching.

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