ROD BLAGOJEVICH told Individual A that, “I could have made a larger announcement but wanted to see how they perform by the end of the year. If they don’t perform, fuck ‘em.” …
During the call, ROD BLAGOJEVICH’s wife can be heard in the background telling ROD BLAGOJEVICH to tell Deputy Governor A “to hold up that fucking Cubs shit. . . fuck them.” …
ROD BLAGOJEVICH said that he thinks that they should put this all together and then have HARRIS or somebody go talk to the Tribune owners and say, “Look, we’ve got decisions to make now. . . moving this stuff forward (believed to be a reference to the IFA helping with the Cubs sale) . . . someone’s gotta go to [Tribune Owner], we want to see him. . . it’s a political fuckin’ operation in there.” …
ROD BLAGOJEVICH said Tribune Owner should be told “maybe we can’t do this now. Fire those fuckers.” …
ROD BLAGOJEVICH stated that “our recommendation is fire all those fucking people, get ‘em the fuck out of there and get us some editorial support.”…
Later, ROD BLAGOJEVICH stated that the Senate seat “is a fucking valuable thing, you just don’t give it away for nothing.” …
In regards to the Senate seat, ROD BLAGOJEVICH stated “I’ve got this thing and it’s fucking golden, and, uh, uh, I’m just not giving it up for fuckin’ nothing. I’m not gonna do it. And, and I can always use it. I can parachute me there.” …
ROD BLAGOJEVICH states that he will put “[Senate Candidate 4]” in the Senate “before I just give fucking [Senate Candidate 1] a fucking Senate seat and I don’t get anything.” (Senate Candidate 4 is a Deputy Governor of the State of Illinois)….
ROD BLAGOJEVICH states that he will appoint “[Senate Candidate 1] . . . but if they feel like they can do this and not fucking give me anything . . . then I’ll fucking go [Senate Candidate 5].”…
Later in the conversation, ROD BLAGOJEVICH said he knows that the President-elect wants Senate Candidate 1 for the Senate seat but “they’re not willing to give me anything except appreciation. Fuck them.”…
९ डिसेंबर, २००८
Reading the fucking criminal complaint.
From the PDF:
१६६ टिप्पण्या:
This is the most fun I've had in weeks.
Of course, I HAVE had a kidney stone...
does Illinois waterboard anyone? is it agains the law there?
if not, may i suggest......
criminal complaint? or Mamet script?
What ever happened to Peter V. Bella?
I need a translator.
does Illinois waterboard anyone? is it agains the law there?
Now now. Recall what Drill Sgt said a few threads back:
actually harsh interogation up to and including torture does work for some things.
It won't work on these questions for example:
1. Did you commit the act?
2. name 3 accomplices
That's how they do the punctuations-
Chicago Style.
HD does know it will work for:
1. where's the money hidden?
Commas end with the -ing when the F-ing is not being used as an outright adjective.
Periods is just -you know-the "F" word,sometimes with a F-them following as a exclamation.
Sometimes it replaces the always ackward-
What a fucking mess. Fuck them? No, fuck him! Or, as George Clooney (as Michael Clayton) said to Tilda Swinton (as Karen Crowder), "you're so fucked."
That said, I have to say I am somewhat impressed in reading the affidavit. Apparently Obama was either not willing to pay, or was at least willing to be a very tough negotiator without fingerprints. While the former would be great, the latter is helpful.
In a way nothing here is a surprise. Yet it's still a shock to read it and to see exactly how low Blag and his gang could go in the venality, crassness and vulgarity departments. I don't remember anything quite this bad on the crassness/vulgarity scale since Abscam in 1980, and the Abscam guys sounded like upstanding characters compared to this.
It would have been better had Fitz reworded the affidavit, Roman Maroni style.
Here's how you do it: waterboard Blagojevich to find out who Candidates 1 through 5 are, then you waterboard them. I'm not sure why, but it sounds like a good idea. They must know something.
The feds know exactly who candidates 1 through 5 are.
They aren't named in the affidavit because they are not being charged at this time.
And might never be.
To document this case real live - someone should start a "Blag-Blog".
Patrick Fitzgerald. Appointed by a Republican Congress to investigate a complaint pushed by Democrats.
Convicted Republican operative Scooter Libby.
Now having arrested Democratic Governor Rod Blagojevich.
Obviously the guy is a prosecutor not a political hack, and if you do the crime he's coming after you.
"Throughout the intercepted conversations, Blagojevich also allegedly spent significant time weighing the option of appointing himself to the open Senate seat and expressed a variety of reasons for doing so, including: frustration at being 'stuck' as governor; a belief that he will be able to obtain greater resources if he is indicted as a sitting Senator as opposed to a sitting governor; a desire to remake his image in consideration of a possible run for President in 2016; avoiding impeachment by the Illinois legislature; making corporate contacts that would be of value to him after leaving public office; facilitating his wife's employment as a lobbyist; and generating speaking fees should he decide to leave public office. . . . He added later that the seat 'is a [expletive] valuable thing, you just don't give it away for nothing.' "
God. What revolting scum. Just disgusting. I cannot for the life of me understand people who have so much already but feel compelled to illegally grab for more. Can you imagine if he'd been elected president? Just unreal.
Thank God he got caught.
I ain't no English major but I think there at least six of the eight parts of speech derived from "fuck" in that short passage quoted. WTF?
What, no "fucking fuckers"???
Reminds one of the old Carlin bit about the uses of the word "fuck."
Perhaps the State of Illinois should be nationalized.
Waterboard Freder to see if he's in on this. I'm sure he's guilty of something.
Is it too soon to start casting Joe Pesci for the role of Blagojevich (wearing a rug of course)?
He'll probably use the "Little Debbie" defense.
Well, I can see you've lost your reluctance to use words that a browser filter may block.
Can one of us please just read this stuff into a camera for YouTube? Mamet, hell, this makes Mamet look like a jingle writer for Subway!
Where's Joe Pesci when we need him?
This post title is in contention for my top 5 faves list. (Of course, I don't have to worry about filters or employer oversight, so I have that luxury.)
Shut you fucking face.....
Another boring "fleeting expletives" case ;)
When I lived up in the Region, we used to refer to Illinois folks who would dominate our beautiful sandy dune beachfronts as FIPs.
Fucking Illinois People.
Looks like we were more right than we knew.
Oh, I think I know how to make Mr Blag's life better... and it's local!
there seemed to be a little more discretion in those days about putting the f-word before the public.
Good news - expletives dont need a bailout.
Louisiana move over, Illinois has plopped down, crowded you out! The biggest turd in the cesspool of State corruption. Given the Bayou State's long love affair with sleaze, unfortunately, Illinois is just the biggest turd in recent years. With Louisiana still the all-time historical winner..
They did clarify Candidates 1-6 over at -
While the affidavit does not specifically name the six prospective Senate candidates discussed by Blagojevic, Harris, and the governor's aides, it appears that several are easily identified. "Senate Candidate 1" is Valerie Jarrett, a longtime Obama confidante. "Senate Candidate 2" is Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan. Emil Jones, an Illinois state legislator, is "Senate Candidate 5." And "Senate Candidate 6" appears to be J.P. Pritzker, a wealthy Chicago businessman.
With Jesse Jackson Jr supposedly candidate #3. #4 supposedly Deputy Gov (Lieutenant Gov?)
So Emil Jones, the money guy, is #5. And Pritzker, part of a family of Jewish billionaires, just might be there on the list, given he has no elected office experience, also for Blago's hopes of money..
Candidate #1, Jarrett, is the one Blago was trying to wheedle of Cabinet post or an Ambassadorship in a quid pro quo for naming, but Obama and Jarrett seem to be too smart to get ensnared in Blago's mess..."They won't fucking play, so fuck 'em!
It does raise issues. Should the legislature pass emergency legislation to block the indicted Governor from naming an Obama replacement and turn that job over to Lieutenant Gov Pat Quinn? How clean is he?
Oh, and what a juicy mess it is! Democrooks replacing Corruptpubicans in the news....
Louisiana move over, Illinois has plopped down, crowded you out! The biggest turd in the cesspool of State corruption.
You beat me to it Cedar. You're right though LA still holds the gold standard for corruption but Illinois is definitely trying to make a play for it.
It would do him no good to try and change venue, as Mr. Blag's intentions are quite clear, in any language!!!
the real question is what did Obama/staff know about the corruption - it sounds like they were not willing to pay - by did Bogdv. ask for something from them? Did they report that to the cops?
Inquiring minds want to know
Pete Williams, in responding to something Andrea Mitchell said, opined that there "certainly was language in [the indictment] that would make a stevedore blush."
WTF? Maybe a stevedore, but not your average newsperson, unless things have drastically changed recently. How hoity-toity. And how many of your average viewers even know what a stevedore is, anyway?
Will we soon see hear Democrats complaining about prosecutorial zeal on the part of Fitzgerald? Will Democrats parse the difference between the Governor's fuck words and Nixon's fuck words--something like Nixon's fuck words represented the bubbles of malice surfacing from the depth of his damned sould while the Governor's fuck words represent an honest prole's stumble words while he attempts to formulate an earnest thought.....It is sad to observe that so many bloggers here do not appreciate this for what it is: the grease and clang of heavy duty democratic machinery in action. Thank God that we have a product of this machine in the office of the Presidency. He will understand how to adjust the hydraulics of a trillion dollar patronage program so that the lot of everyone in America improves. First up: a WPA type project for all the unemployed reporters in Illinois. They will be sent to Alaska to investigate the cruelty and corruption of that state's wolf eradication program.
It appears that the link to Obama campaign staff has already been made, if I heard that part of the Fitzgerald press conference correctly: a position for him and/or his wife in the new administration in exchange for giving Obama the new senator naming rights.
Rahm, Rahm, do you have anything to say?
What about Seven of nine? is she back?
What's all this talk of f*&ing and no sex ;)
reader_iam said...
This post title is in contention for my top 5 faves list. (Of course, I don't have to worry about filters or employer oversight, so I have that luxury.)
For future legal tags, I suggest RtFCC.
AllenS said...
Waterboard Freder to see if he's in on this. I'm sure he's guilty of something.
I think we should waterboard Freder, Blagojevich, and an innocent, oppressed minority - just for fun.
See who cracks 1st.
I do believe voters should know which, if any of the Senate candidates were in discussions to give kickbacks and should be dropped from consideration in light of the scandal. And which rejected it, are not complicit in corruption, and deserve to have any cloud on their reputation removed...
During the call, ROD BLAGOJEVICH’s wife can be heard in the background telling ROD BLAGOJEVICH to tell Deputy Governor A “to hold up that fucking Cubs shit. . . fuck them.” …
Appears Illinois First Lady Mrs Pottymouth who works for the Chicago Christian Industrial League has her own legal problems.
Quite a pair.
Does Joliet grant connubial cohabitation?
William said...
"...First up: a WPA type project for all the unemployed reporters in Illinois. They will be sent to Alaska to investigate the cruelty and corruption of that state's wolf eradication program."
Whoa whoa whoa... not so fast. They haven't yet completed their in-depth exposé of Sarah Palin's uterus, have they? First things first.
Warning: I'm getting ready to take a previous Blagojevich quote completely out of context. That said ...
"This is the kind of thing that I think frankly separates the men from the boys in leadership. Do you have the testicular virility to make a decision like that, knowing what's coming you're way?" Blagojevich said then. "I say I do." (See here.)
"I think the people understand that means: Do you have the fortitude – if you're a man or a woman in leadership – to put the people first?" he said Wednesday. "It's all about having the fortitude to fight for the people."
There needs to be a special prison for crooked politicians. Not some minimum security lockup, maybe tent living and chain gangs, or working in middle school cafeterias.
This guy really isn't that much of a potty mouth when you get down to it. I mean the F-bombs start to get old. Toss in a few cocksuckers, a no-good ungrateful sonofabitch and maybe even a douchebag and then you have a nice diverse transcript of profanity.
If Blagojevich's got something on Obama, Blagojevich has nothing to worry about.
I'm talking pardons, baby.
Somebody should bug Eric Holder before it's too late.
This bit from a Saturday Trib piece
is funnier, now:
Cynthia Canary, director of the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform, said anyone who wants to be the next U.S. senator from Illinois must "do a very strange dance where they have to charm the governor and then immediately disown him."
"If whoever becomes our next senator wants to have a political future, they cannot afford to have their star tied to the governor one day longer than it takes to be appointed," said Canary, who called Blagojevich "politically toxic."
In the press conference, Fitzgerald did discuss asking Tribune to sit on the tapping/bugging story, which they did until--Friday, was it?
Blago discussed his interested in running for POUS, but stated to Cari it's easier for governors to solicit campaign contributions because governors have the ability to "award contracts" and give legal work, consulting work, and investment banking work to campaign contributors.
That's nice.
Interesting to learn Cari worked for Gore's 2000 presidential campaign. It's all so cozy, warm and fuzzy. I enjoyed reading about all these win-win-win relationships. Illinois FTW!
I'm impressed with how you found this PDF so fast. Don't you love the internets?
Despite all the affection (none!) I have for the great state of Illinois where I grew up, I think any New Yorker could match Gov. Blag F-bomb for F-bomb and not start to exhaust his or her creativity. Providing the New Yorker is above the age of 5, that is.
Obviously this guy attended the "Al Swearengen School of Manners".
Interesting. None of:
Michael Troll
Alpha Troll
have appeared!
The only thing that will be more fun that this will be when Blago decides to sing like a canary.
Man, this is just awesome.
What's the over/under on Peter Fitzgerald staying on during the Obama administration? Or will the Obama justice department replace him? Why?
Watch for Fitz to mysteriously be "disappeared" in the next year or so. It's only a Fitzmas when he's getting Republicans.
This would be just another day in NJ. We rule.
"This isn't the fucking Govenor of Illinois that I knew."
All the Crooks I Knew Before I Disowned Them by Barrack Obama(Dewey, Cheatem and Howe Publishing , 2008)
The Sopranos, The Lost Tape: The Governor's Office Episode.
Much too close to the Anointed One for comfort. Justice Department shuts down its investigation. Under the bus goes Blagojevich.
Interesting. None of:
Michael Troll
Alpha Troll
have appeared!
I will attempt to provide troll services in their (notable) absence. Here goes:
Fuck this right-wingnut fucking bullshit!! This is all bullshit so the Bush administration can fuck Jesse Jr. out of the senate seat he really deserves. Show me the fucking medical records, now! Fuck you, assholes! Blago really didn't have anything to do with those tapes, just like Palin's daughter had a that retarded baby.
Halliburton bought the 'Trib and fucked things up so that the Cubs have to be put on the market, just because the confusion makes it impossible to make deals for new players and the Cubs get fucked out of the world Series again just because that bircher Sam Zell is an asshole who hates a free press. He should pay us to read his paper, asshole.
Gah. That hurt. Back to mine own self.
There are two people now who have permanent job security - Fitzgerald, and the Tribune writer the governor wanted fired or "restructured".
That writer can wander in drunk at 4:30, have sexual relations with the publisher's spouse on the publisher's desk at noon on a Friday, kill a man in Reno... No way in hell will the writer get fired. That writer is going to be the last employee of the Tribune, get paid after death even. Pretty epic, actually.
But this is the best story ever, so hilarious. I love the corrupt governor getting caught on tape telling people to be careful about what they say over the phone. That's going to play so well in court. Slam dunk mens rea there! "Governor, why were you telling your subordinate to be careful in conducting himself on the phone and that he should make his requests in person, if you were not conspiring to commit felonies?" "Errrrr..."
Just to be careful, maybe Obama should ask Bush for a pardon now. Ya know, just in case. Maybe cut off any unpleasantness later.
Why weren't there hookers involved? It can't be a scandal involving a governor unless there are hookers.
Unless Blago was, you know......
Not that there's anything wrong with that, Michael_H.
I particularly how he called Obama or in fedspeak [President-elect] a "motherfucker."
This would be just another day in NJ. We rule.
We've had majors in NJ run the towns from prison.
How many states can say that?
Damn right Lem.
We yield to no one when it comes to crooked pols.
Hoosier Daddy wins the thread!
"This isn't the fucking Govenor of Illinois that I knew."
Crook County is maybe the only county in the USA more crooked than Cuyahoga County, Ohio, where I live. The FBI has been conducted a large-scale probe into Democratic Party officials here, including raids of the homes of a County Commissioner and Auditor, as well as the offices of two county judges.
I expect these sorts of arrests to be coming in my county in the near future. Just yesterday a local councilman was arrested by the feds for taking a bribe. I'd also like to know if my new Congresswoman, Fudge, who was selected after Stephanie Tubbs-Jones suddenly died a few months ago, was selected in corrupt fashion imilar to how Obama's senate seat was beng offered.
This stuff is just the way things are in the Rust Belt cities. No surprise at all. One reason why is because of single party dominance.
As for Obama, it's nice to hear reports that it was Rahm Emmanual who apparently blew the whistle on the governor. Obama has apparently managed to stay clean even while surrounded by scoundrels and a culture of corruption, which makes me more optimistic about how he'll do in Washington. How frustrating it must be to the right wingers that Obama's not caught up in the dirt here.
So, when will His Nibs, The One, a.k.a. The Messiah, issue his first Presidential Pardon and who will be the recipient? Of course, this comment might be considered to be out of bounds for all those dedicated Obamanons. Still, the 1st and 2nd amendments remain in force today.
New Jersey, Illinois, I'm so jealous.
All we get out here in California is second rate actors who become Governor, get in trouble for calling other politicians "Girley-Men", and then after losing a couple of propositions on the ballot, prove that he is one himself.
rdkraus, lem: It will be interesting to see who becomes the next U.S. Attorney for New Jersey. Will it be someone who focuses on the same things as Chris Christie's office did. (I am aware that Chris resigned back in November.)
I will be surprised if the tapes don't ensnare Rahm Emanuel and some of his underlings.
This last month has to have been crazy for Rahm trying to line up appts just the way he wants. I bet he spoke to Gov Blago almost every day about this Senate appointment. And I bet the conservations crossed the legal lines more than once.
somebody hacked Patti's website.. lol
AJ: There is at least one report out there that Emmanuel had something to do with getting the wheels spinning faster on this indictment, and the implication is as "whistleblower," not conspirator. I can't find any detailed information, however, much less a clear statement about that.
It is a given that Blagojevich is sleazeball. But is it now considered a Federal offence to engage in good old fashion political horse trading that does not personally benefit you?
Obviously, it is illegal to say "if you want that Senate seat give me $10, 000." (Just asked Ted Stevens.)
But, is it illegal to say "if you want that Senate seat then I will expect you to give me 100 million for the Midway airport expansion"? Or "you can have that Senate seat if my chief of staff is named your Commerce Secretary." While that kind of political horse trading might be considered sleazy, is it illegal?
So when Blagojevich is quoted saying “I’ve got this thing and it’s fucking golden, and, uh, uh, I’m just not giving it up for fuckin’ nothing. I’m not gonna do it." is he expecting a personal payoff or a political payoff?
The quotes that have been posted so far suggest political payoff and if that is now a crime then how politics has been conducted for the past 10,000 years has just changed.
eli said:
Patrick Fitzgerald. Appointed by a Republican Congress to investigate a complaint pushed by Democrats.
Convicted Republican operative Scooter Libby.
Now having arrested Democratic Governor Rod Blagojevich.
Obviously the guy is a prosecutor not a political hack, and if you do the crime he's coming after you.
Yep, except Gov Blag didn't work in the Bush White House so I guess he doesn't get a cozy little pardon like Scooter.
Enough about Illinois already. What the fuck is going on in New York?
Enough about Illinois already. What the fuck is going on in New York?
This is fucking hilarious.
He has awful hair.
We had a guy here in NJ that was school principal, mayor of the town and state legislator.
I think he was on a pension too.
Well, it turns out he was just scraping by, easily bribed.
LoafingOaf said...
"...As for Obama, it's nice to hear reports that it was Rahm Emmanual who apparently blew the whistle on the governor. Obama has apparently managed to stay clean even while surrounded by scoundrels and a culture of corruption, which makes me more optimistic about how he'll do in Washington. How frustrating it must be to the right wingers that Obama's not caught up in the dirt here."
By "dirt" do you mean Tony Rezko?
I mean... the Obama's Hyde Park home is a fucking valuable thing, you just don't give it away for nothing.
Rezko was convicted this summer on federal charges of using his clout with state government to squeeze kickbacks out of firms wanting to do business with the state. The charges did not involve Mr. Obama. Rezko is now cooperating with federal prosecutors in a continuing probe of corruption in Illinois government.
Mr. Obama consulted Rezko, a real estate developer, before buying his home in 2005.
As a state senator, Mr. Obama wrote letters endorsing government support of a Rezko housing project for senior citizens. Obama aides say he was simply supporting a project that would help residents of his district, not doing a favor for a friend.
I just read more about this charge. It appears that if what is in the press is true then Blagojevich crossed the line. It seems that Blagojevich is not only a sleazeball but a dumb sleazeball.
Fitzgerald seems to be a very capable U.S. Attorney.
I mean... the Obama's American born is a fucking valuable thing, you just don't give it away for nothing.
I say Tom Cruise for the Rod Blago role and...who for the wifely role?
Of course, this story of Democratic corruption will have to be made in an alternate universe.
Paging Joe Pesci. He has got to be cast as the Governor when the movie is made.
"I say Tom Cruise for the Rod Blago role..."
You've got to cross Tom Cruise with Stephen King (or George Lucas).
Does it speak bad of me that the first thing I thought when I read this was "Damn, that guy speaks like we do at work!"??
Isn't it an unwritten rule that the Gov and his wife would have been well taken care of once he left office? Did he really need to be corrupt? Wouldn't an outgoing governor wound up serving on a bunch of corporate boards and making the salary that he was caught talking about on tape anyway?
All we get out here in California is second rate actors who become Governor, get in trouble for calling other politicians "Girley-Men", and then after losing a couple of propositions on the ballot, prove that he is one himself.
Well, we do have San Fran Nan and Rep Richardson
"It is a given that Blagojevich is sleazeball. But is it now considered a Federal offence to engage in good old fashion political horse trading that does not personally benefit you?"
The tapes have plenty of references to him trying to arrange personal benefits. In fact, that is what it is mostly about.
"The quotes that have been posted so far suggest political payoff "
Actually, the quotes so far have not suggested he was interested in anything but personal payoffs. But let's throw some more out there for you:
"I want to make money"
"[the list of things he would accept] can't be in writing."
"It's got to be good stuff for the people of Illinois and good for me."
Blagojevich asked about "the private sector" and if the President-elect could "put something together there... something big."
They discussed potential private foundations (this is the phrasing in the affidavit) with which he might be able to get a position in exchange for filling the Senate seat and, in particular, those foundations that are "heavily dependent on federal aid", and he wanted to know how much the positions being discussed pay.
In Nov, he stated he is willing to "trade" the Senate seat for a cabinet position. That they needed to consider the "financial security" of the Blagojevich family. "I want to make money."
His aide, Harris, suggested a three-way deal where Blag would get a high paying job with Change to Win, which would give the President-elect a "buffer so there is no obvious quid pro quo." Blag said he was interested in making $250K-$300K. Another Blag advisor agreed that this would be a better plan than Blag appointing a different candidate and getting more done as Governor.
On Nov. 8, Blag and Harris discussed if it would be possible to obtain financial benefit for Mrs. Blag in relation to the Senate seat. Blag asked "is there a play here, with these guys, with her" to work for a firm in Washington or NY at a significantly higher salary than she is currently making.
On Nov. 10, Blag participated in a conference call where he expressed interest (again, this is the affidavit's phrasing) in figuring out a way to make money and build some financial security, while at the same time potentially participating in the political arena again. He mentioned the Senate seat and if there was a way to make that work for him and his wife.
He stated that the Governor General Counsel believes the President-elect can get Mrs. Blag on paid corporate boards in exchange for naming the President-elect's pick to the Senate seat; "can [Obama] help in the private sector... where it wouldn't be tied to him? I mean, so it wouldn't necessarily look like one for the other." That he is "struggling" financially and does "not want to be Governor for the next two years." That he needs to find a way to take the "financial stress" off his family. "The immediate challenge [is] how do we take some of the financial pressure off our family."
On Nov 10, Blag discussed the Senate seat with another advisor. Blag raised the issue of whether Obama could get Mrs. Blag on "paid corporate boards right now." He said that if his wife "picks up another 15 grand a year or whatever" that would get him through the next several years as Governor.
On Nov. 11, Blag talked with Harris about the Senate seat. Blag suggested starting a 501(c)(4) organization and getting "his friend Warren Buffett or some of those guys to help us on something like that". Harris ased, "what, for you?" Blag replied "yeah."
On Nov 12, Blag told Harris the Senate seat will be based on three criteria in the following order of importance: "our legal situation, our personal situation, my political situation."
And then a whole bunch more about various potential candidates for the Senate seat offering to raise funds for Blag in exchange for an appointment.
Again, much of my typing above is directly lifted or heavily paraphrased from the affidavit. The stuff in quotes are quotes in the affidavit.
You can't say that he was just trying to do right by his constituents. His concern was for him and his family, first, second, and third.
Read the affidavit. It is damning.
"His aide, Harris, suggested a three-way..."
Now that's more like it! Let's get to the sex. Any mope of a governor can get fouled up with money, but it takes a special kind to get messed up with sex.
If he's bleeped, I hope he at least had a few good bleeps along the way.
It is always dangerous to elect a President from Chicago (or Philadelphia, or New York, or Memphis or St. Louis or ....) :
"Asked what contact he'd had with the governor's office about his replacement in the Senate, President-elect Obama today said "I had no contact with the governor or his office and so we were not, I was not aware of what was happening."
But on November 23, 2008, his senior adviser David Axelrod appeared on Fox News Chicago and said something quite different.
While insisting that the President-elect had not expressed a favorite to replace him, and his inclination was to avoid being a "kingmaker," Axelrod said, "I know he's talked to the governor and there are a whole range of names many of which have surfaced, and I think he has a fondness for a lot of them.""
Did they forget Caroline Kennedy? She could move to Chitown and be a resident immediately and get the appointment. Who says the government is for sale? We have some rare but really contested elections somewhere don't we?
(not that john, but this john)
Enigmatic core said - "His concern was for him and his family, first, second, and third."
That's family values -- big time. I can see other governors, coming to his defense, especially the Alaskan.
Barack Obama picks two more Chicagoans for White House duty
3 hometown friends named to public liaison office
By Christi Parsons and John McCormick | Tribune reporters
December 6, 2008
They are fellow lawyers, Chicagoans and friends of Barack Obama.
And when Obama becomes president, the three hometown pals will be his liaisons to the public—the "front door" of his White House, as one aide put it.
Naming longtime family friend Valerie Jarrett as his assistant for Intergovernmental Relations and Public Liaison was one of Obama's first orders of business after the election.
On Friday, he picked two other Chicago friends to join them in the White House. Christina Tchen will be director of the Office of Public Liaison, and Michael Strautmanis will serve as chief of staff for both of the offices Jarrett will oversee.
The rest of the appointment matrix is a complicated calculus of résumés, connections and politics. But for the office Obama means to serve as his official entryway, he and his team simply decided to lay out a familiar, Chicago-style welcome mat.
Strautmanis came to know the Obamas when he was a paralegal for Michelle Obama at the Chicago law firm Sidley Austin.
In Obama's U.S. Senate office, Strautmanis was chief counsel and deputy chief of staff, serving as an ambassador to key constituencies, such as African-American leaders and unions. He played a similar role during the presidential campaign among members of Congress and political leaders.
Strautmanis practiced complex litigation and employment law in Chicago before joining the Clinton administration at the U.S. Agency for International Development. He also served as legislative director and counsel to then-Rep. Rod Blagojevich and helped the Illinois governor win election in 2002.
Chicago Tribune
Obama doesn't know anything about Blagojevich or how he operates and neither did Blagojevich's lawyer-Strautmanis.
Strautmanis-Obama's representative to the unions...and current appointee to the White House staff.
So, how many here are going to trash Fitz for this investigation and indictment?
From what I recall, many here think he's a real weasel who wastes taxpayer's money with things like this.
Here is Blagojevich's trying to deal with the unions on this empty Obama Senate seat appointment-
From The Chicago Tribune-
A substantial salary for himself [Blagojevich] at a either a non-profit foundation or an organization affiliated with labor unions.
On Nov. 10, in a lengthy telephone call with numerous advisors that included discussion about Blagojevich obtaining a lucrative job with a union-affiliated organization.
Two days later, in a three-way call with Harris and Advisor B, a consultant in Washington, Blagojevich and the others allegedly discussed the prospect of a three-way deal for the Senate appointment involving an organization called “Change to Win,” which is affiliated with various unions including the Service Employees International Union (SEIU).
Harris allegedly said they could work out a deal with the union and the President-elect where SEIU could help the President-elect with Blagojevich’s appointment of Senate Candidate 1, while Blagojevich would obtain a position as the national director of the Change to Win campaign and SEIU would get something favorable from the President-elect in the future.
On Nov. 12, Blagojevich spoke with SEIU Official who was in Washington. This conversation occurred about a week after Blagojevich had met with SEIU Official to discuss the Senate seat, with the understanding that the union official was an emissary to discuss Senate Candidate 1's interest in the Senate seat.
The unions were instrumental in Obama's win of the caucus states.
"I think we're seeing in L.E. Lee's analysis, nicely refuted by EnigmatiCore above, the outlines of a defense. "I only did it for the poor people of Illinois," etc. Right now that looks ridiculous on its face, but stranger things have worked over time."
Or John's, to somehow say this reflects poorly on Sarah Palin (of course).
Add to that how magically Rahm Emmanuel now is the whistle blower-allegedly-on Blagojevich-only after this tape is acquired.
As if something that scandalous with the Justice Department and Fitzgerald's team plus the press-The Chicago Tribune-knowing about it-as if that didn't get pre-aired to the Chicago Super Team on the way to the White House...
Funny how it looks like Blagojevich has been up to this for decades but only now Rahm blows his whistle.
All these Chicago powers and elites how are they at the same time so naive?
I think you missed my joke.
I think my joke was flat. Your pick.
"Reading the fucking criminal complaint."
You know, you really get me sometimes professor. That had me laughing good and long.
Theo: No, not at all.
Why would YOU think I would?
I'm fairly familiar with Illinois politics and I'd lay odds you could name his friends on one hand, and I'm including Democrats.
He's been a disaster from the day he was elected.
madawaskan said..."Funny how it looks like Blagojevich has been up to this for decades but only now Rahm blows his whistle."
First of all he's only held office since about 1992, and why jump on the person who apparently had something to do with blowing the whistle..I mean, other than being an Obama=hater?
That's rich.
I see you're still sucking on everybody who agrees with you.
Gutless as always.
I'll take Tom Cruise as Mr. Blag. Hw about Jeannine Gerofalo as the lovely foul mouthed wife.
If the Joe Pesci character/governor start wailing on people with a baseball bat at dinner we'll know he is not from Chicago. Cubs players can't hit in the clutch!
Are you, by any chance, Obama's bag man, Theo Boehm?
I shouldn't be jealous of New Jersey or Illinois, as we in the rough and tumble political world of Fresno ? Clovis California have had our fare share of corruption.
Hey, ChiTown South Siders, Baseball and Football, can hit as long as they don't have do it when it counts!
Go Vikes!
Ah, you gotta love the incestuous sleaze that is Chicago & the State of Illinois. The State Legislature leaders have vowed to come back into emergency session and take away Gov Blagojevich's appointment power and have the Legislature do an aboveboard appointment:
The heads of the Illinois state legislature said on Tuesday they will call the General Assembly into session to pass legislation on a special election to fill the U.S. Senate seat vacated by President-elect Barack Obama.
Senate President Emil Jones and House Speaker Michael Madigan, both Chicago Democrats, cited federal political corruption charges against Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, who has the power to select Obama's successor.
Note that Emil is the Famous Senate Candidate #5, the one Althouse said was part of a money discussion with Gov Blagojevich. Michael Madigan is the father of AG Lisa Madigan, described as Senate Candidate #2.
Break out the cigars. It will be a fine time in the smoke-filled back rooms as Lisa's Daddy and Emil Jones discuss favors and major IOUs to hash out who gets it - then emerge holding hands and smiling to "objectively" lead the Legislature to a "wise choice".
Hoosier Daddy said...
Louisiana move over, Illinois has plopped down, crowded you out! The biggest turd in the cesspool of State corruption.
You beat me to it Cedar. You're right though LA still holds the gold standard for corruption but Illinois is definitely trying to make a play for it.
Well, I thought I had Hoosier out-posted, then he came up with this:
Hoosier Daddy said...
(Obama:) "This isn't the fucking Governor of Illinois that I knew."
Damn, that was fucking good!
Not only that, but the Governor's wife was somehow included in the indictment, violating no law, but yelling "Fuck the Cubs".
At least Silda Spitzer wasn't caught screaming "Fuck the Yankees!"
Maybe Caroline Kennedy can carpet bag over to Illinois and not take over the NY carpetbagger seat Hillary has. She kinda owes Chicago and the State of Illinois, for Cook County Cemetery electing her Daddy, JFK.
Hows about we all chip in and buy the Gov a "Vocabulary Builder--Learn a Word a Day" calendars. He could start describing his enemies as
and make our news reading so much more refined.
"Fuck This Shit"
A forthcoming news retrospective on 2008, the fucking year that was.
Yes, Ann, he does have that Stephen King edge!
The indictment reads like a script for The Sopranos, LOL!
When are we going to hear from Schmuckie Schumears, Conyers and Waxman that we need a special council to get to the bottom of what did he know and when did he know it ... A grand jury can help with the lies, just ask Scooter Libby how.
Obama hasn't even taken office and the distractions begin. One word you will never associate with Obama is character. But not to worry, there are plenty of other choice words to choose from.
Play ball.
sonicfrog - that's 10 years old. Henry Perea's loss this fall is a victory for anti-patronage-style gov't.
A "madman" and "insane"...
That's how Blago's friends!! described him in a February 2008 Chicago magazine profile.
(via Hugh Hewitt)
Memo to L.E. Lee:
1. Corruption is illegal.
2. It takes a special kind of moral idiot to make the argument you made.
So, Obama said today to the press that he didn't discuss the Senate seat with the governor. But Axelrod is on record with Fox News as saying that Obama and Blags have talked about filling the Senate seat.
Think Axelrod got it wrong?
First of all he's only held office since about 1992
Yeah, get your facts straight madawaskan, he hasn't been in office for decades, it's ONLY been since 1992. HA HA HA. Michael, you're such a dick,why do you feel the need to say such stupid things?
Oh, and blow me, suck on Blagojevich and fuck off.
"2. It takes a special kind of moral idiot to make the argument you made."
And L.E. Lee has proven many times that he's just that special kind of moral idiot!
The criminal complaint will add a very special excitement to the "Airing of Grievances" part of Festivus this year.
Those are some fucking grievances.
It's a Fitzmas Festivus!
It's Fitzmas and all are having a merry time.
I heard someone mention today that Fitz has insured that he will not be one of the US Attorneys whose pro-forma resignation will be accepted by the Chosen One.
Blogo's wife comes across as an individual of particularly sterling character. They deserve each other.
Does anyone really believe that most if not all of the Obama big chiefs [including Obama] have not spoken with Blagojevich since the election?
Has a president-elect ever had to resign before he was inaugurated?
In fairness to fucking Rod, unlike his predecessor, he never emptied Illinois Death Row to try and take the attention away from his impending indictment or cook up a scheme to get the Olympics like fucking Daley.
I think Rod should appoint Tony Rezko to the Senate. Tony was the money guy behind Rod and Obama. They wouldn't be where they are without that fuck. Just ask fucking Axelrod. He ran Rod's 2002 campaign.
Fuck 'em all.
He looks like something out of the 70's with that hair.
I can't get over his hair.
He looks slimey too.
Paulie Fucking Walnuts. I don't know why I typed that. It just seems like there should be a photo of Paulie Walnuts standing next to Blago.
Althouse, would you please post head-shot photos of Trump's hair and F-Rod's hair with the headline: "Compare and Contrast". That should be good for at least 100 posts, knowing this group. Especially during happy hour(s).
"Maybe Caroline Kennedy can carpet bag over to Illinois and not take over the NY carpetbagger seat Hillary has."
As I said in another thread, why not anoint Princess Caroline of Kennedy the Senate replacement for both Obama and Clinton?
Sounds like the gov likes watching tough guy movies.
Did someone call a happy hour? :)
An open question for Illinois residents:
Who, in your opinion, are Senate Candidates 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5?
Titus beat me to it - I was about to ask what was up with his (fucking) hair. Is it just a bad dye-job, or a rug? How did someone this transparently revolting/phony get people to vote for him?
Dear Palladian and Seven Machos,
As usual you two can not make an argument but instead can only engage in name calling. Ann must be proud to have the two of you around.
As the details have come out over the day it is clear that Blagojevich is a "sleazeball" (as I discribed him in my first post to this topic today but probably also a criminal.
Fitzgerald has proven himself in this case, as with the Scooter Libby case, to be a very capable prosecuter. I hope Obama keeps him working for the U.S. Justice Department.
This just in from the office of the President-Elect:
Asked what contact he’d had with the governor’s office about his replacement in the Senate, President-elect Obama today said “.... I was not aware of what was happening. But as I said, it was a mistake to have been engaged with him at all in this house business that would allow him, or anyone else, to believe that he had done me a favor. Oh, this isn't about Rezco?
"OK then, well he is just a guy who lives in my neighborhood, not somebody who I exchange ideas with on a regular basis. Besides he engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago when I was 8 years old. You're not talking about Ayers?
"I've known him for almost 20 years. The person that I saw yesterday was not the person that I met 20 years ago. We're not talking about Re. Wright?
"Who are we fucking talking about?"
Chicago is so gross. How do those of you who live there stand this stuff? There is open, outrageous corruption going on there all the time. If I lived there, I'd have to move; otherwise I'd have a stroke.
Just when you think you can't possibly like government any less...
Well, you're just being greedy if you ask for that governor to also be a Republican.
I don't have to tell you that you're better off dealing with the Crips and Bloods than with a pissed off Rahm.
Fucken fucken fuck fuck.
Need to watch Glengarry Glenn Ross again.
How do those of you who live there stand this stuff?
As a Chicago resident, I'll muddle into this one.
For one thing, my vote doesn't really count since I don't typically vote for Democrats. So, I'm like a resident alien. In fact, as I have often said to my shocked Democratic friends, I love Mayor Daley. If you must have a corrupt mayor, I highly recommend this guy.
I know there's corruption. God, it's terrible. But it doesn't really affect my life. Where I live, it's safe and, generally, Chicago is one of the few U.S. cities that didn't fall apart during the period from the 1950s to the 1980s. The streets are clean. The garbage gets took. There is a lot of business, small and large.
Also, it's not like the corrupt don't often get caught. Being governor of Illinois is practically a guarantee for jail these days.
But it doesn't really affect my life.
I've heard this from a liberal Chicago friend, too. And, I don't think it's true but I'm too damn tired to make a case.
Theo: "But despite the moron, Michael, who fails to understand that people can have different political opinions and still remain civil and kick ideas around..."
Not true.
I love to "kick ideas" around and debate politics, but 90% of the comments here could be written by the same person.
Obama was duly elected yet many here continue to whine about the results, idolize Sarah Palin and, based on many of comments, appear to be rooting against our new President...and in turn, America.
I find that petty.
The arrest of Illinois governor Rod Blgojevich has absolutely nothing to do with Sarah Palin, a former Republican candidate for vice president of the United States. Your repeated attempts to latch onto this red herring are ridiculous and laughable.
This is why no one takes you seriously, Michael. This is why people repeatedly call you a moron.
Seven, I never said anything relating to Palin having anything to do with the indictment.
My comment relates to the Theo's comment regarding political discussion and debate.
*Oh, and your immediate defense of Princess Palin illustrates my point perfectly.
You're not real fucking bright are you?
1. Reader said: For future legal tags, I suggest RtFCC.
Brings back the halcyon days of tech support and RtFM. When I saw the post headline I wondered how long it would be until a handy acronym surfaced.
2. Tom Cruise could knock this role out of the park (would that be Wrigley Field?) -- if you saw Tropic Thunder, which I highly recommend, you would have no doubt about it. He was practically channeling Blago.
3. My impression is that Chicago, and Illinois politics in general, is so steeped in corruption that we may never muck it all out. But this is a start, and good on Fitz for getting this done before Obama could move him off the case.
I find that petty.
That's rich coming from a dork who thinks Trig isn't Palin's kid and demands, demands that she prove it.
John, I'll pick that I was being tone-deaf.
Jeremy said:
"sonicfrog - that's 10 years old.
Yeah, I know. It's the best we can do in the corruption department.
Jr. seems like a nice guy, but I have never been a fan of the budding Perea Dynasty. But rest assured, Jr. will be back. He's never worked in the private sector (AFAIK) and will end up on some advisory committee somewhere.
PS. Do you live in the Valley???
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