Caroline Kennedy --how is she qualified for office? The USA is not a monarchy and the Kennedys do not reign by divine right. If Caroline wants a political office, run for one. Appointment reeks of entitlement because...her Uncle Robert once was a senator representing New York and her gravely ill Uncle Teddy thinks Caroline should be appointed Senator?
Yes, by all means! She's one of the Elites! She's of the Blood Royal! Why not simply hand over a democratically elected senate seat to someone from another state, simply because she's Princess Kennedy? We need to skip these troublesome "election" things to avoid nasty commoners like Sarah Palin trying to presume themselves into power and simply select our "leaders" from the wealthy permanent political class. Why not?! Surely Princess Caroline, with her vast legislative experience and her familiarity with issues affecting those New Yorkers who don't own yachts or live in Manhattan makes her eminently qualified to be elevated to power! And of course Governor Patterson is qualified to make such a decision: as we all know, Justice is blind.
Just imagine the self confidence and charisma she could have developed if her father hadn't been murdered in front of the whole world just five days before she turned only six.
JFK didn't need to be president. There were other candidates who would have done as good if not better jobs in the position. For a number of reasons, presidential candidates should wait until they finish raising their children before applying for the job. Unfortunately, too many voters find megalomaniacal politicians irresistible.
Well my heavens, she is more qualified than Sarah Palin. How could she not do a splendid job of being Senator? Especially without the taint of all that dirty campaigning and running for office and such to sully her fair name.
My heart warms at the egalitarianism of the Democrats.
This is insane. What in the world qualifies her for a public office much less one of such power???
We now have generations of quasi "royalty". If you are connected by blood you are guaranteed elevation to the "ruling class". Either that or you marry into the seat of power brokers like Blagwhathisname in Illinois.
When there is an open seat.....have an election and let the people choose. If they choose wrongly, at least they have no one else to blame.
I think it might be time for a revolution. Off with their heads!! Joking...slightly.
Conservatives are not looking at the bright side. I look forward to Sen Schumer calling a press conference to announce a three pronged program for federal supervision of the financial markets. This program is based on months of hard work by the Senator and his staff. At the conference, the first question the Senator is asked is what Caroline thinks of his program. Then the reporters all run off to get Caroline's reaction to his answer.....Whatever you think of her Caroline is a star. Face it: Gov Patterson lacks the vision and courage to appoint Giuliani to Clinton's seat. He is going to appoint a Democrat. Better her than some of the hacks they have been mentioning.
Is it bribery if the state of New York benefits and not an individual?
I say eBay the seat, give the seat to the highest bidder, regardless of state of residence, must be otherwise qualified to be in the Senate, though.
Proceeds go to the general coffers of New York state. Seems to me then no actual bribery laws would be violated so long as everything is out in the open and no individuals benefit financially or any political promises extracted.
While they're at it, Delaware and Illinois might think about doing the same thing with their vacancies, I'm sure those states need the money, too.
Maybe Minnesota should consider doing the same thing for their disputed seat, seems like nobody's all that excited about the prospect of either Coleman or Franken actually serving.
I don't see why she shouldn't get it. She's maintained a residence in New York for years, if not decades (unlike some New York Senators I can think of). She's been involved in politics her entire life. She's certainly familiar with government and how it works and she is influential with elected officials in DC and across the county. I have no doubt that she could perform the job easily and well.
I just don't understand why she would want to do it.
If she wants it, odds are she'll get it. She is who she is. How can she be worse than who she is trying to replace? Her dad would be considered a republican using today's standards.
Ann: Consider the shapes of things since November 4th, do you have buyer's remorse? I'm not a regular here, so I do not know if this question has been asked.
I'm watching her mother's tour of hte White house on CSPAN right now. Too bad it's in b&w. Jackie's obviously intelligent, but sounds as ditzy as Marilyn Monroe.
I like her current profile of being very mysterious and private but her wish is my command.
I love her to death. She is fabulous and she fits well with NYC. The rest of the state not really but they don't really matter. When you start traveling through northern New York you might as well be in northern Wisconsin.
But southeast Wisconsin I am really into currently. Southeast Wisconsin has it going on. Look for me to relocate there soon. I will be on some artsy fartsy board in Mineral Point really laying down the law. Expect some very exciting experimental theater to be hitting the Point very soon.
I meant southWest Wisconsin, not Southeast Wisconsin. Although, Lake Geneva is cute and I say that in a patronizing way. Lake Geneva thinks it is The Hamptons-NOT.
Midwest, I beg of you stop comparing some of your little playgrounds to more fabulous playgrounds of the East Coast-it just doesn't work.
My impression is that she has a pretty good work ethic. As I said the last time this subject came up, I fail to see how she would do a worse job than the other 99 Senators.
It's a low bar, but I think she clears it. So do many of the other candidates, but I totally agree that anyone who can push Schumer off the front page and away from the microphones would be worth having in the Senate.
Too bad I don't live in New York to vote no there. But even though that is my feeling I have to admit that MadisonMan has a good point. She is as good as any one else in the senate and probably better than some.
OK, I am planning my relo to Mineral Point. I was just on and I can buy 5 homes twice the size of my place for the price of my place.
My primary concern is accessibility to diverse hog. I am not going to go to some Rest Area in Platteville and hope for the best. I want hog at the snap of a finger. The worst scenario would be for me to be in one of my properties and not be able to find diverse hog.
Another big concern is compensation. I am well into the six digits and would have a hard time leaving that select group of Americans. Where on earth in Mineral Point am I going to find something that pays a minimum of 200k with stock options and 20% bonus?
Is the Mineral Point economy a part of the creative class like I am? Has Richard Florida written about Mineral Point? These are questions that need to be answered.
And if not local, then, by God, IT BETTER BE AVAILABLE UNDER THE AMAZON PRIME AGREEMENT I sprung for in late Aug./early Sept, in anticipation of all the holiday shipping.
If she wants elective office, let her run for one sometime. Jumping from private citizen to incumbent without even a single second of having been a candidate for any elective office is unseemly.
She wants it BECAUSE it comes with none of the messy and expensive electoral mess. In two years she can run as the incumbent.
I wonder if she's ever even BEEN anywhere west of the Hudson. I mean, I'm sure she's been to people's houses in the Catskills and maybe up into the Adirondacks - but Buffalo? Rochester? Let alone Geneva....
Corrupt governors sell their decisions, and punish the press (and even demand the 'right' editors). Seats are given to the nomenklatura, the elite who sit far above the proles.
What do you think national health care will look like when the right to run certain hospitals gets decided by politics rather than by the market process?
Influence peddling scandals, physician union strikes, shortages, shortages, shortages.
Marxism was in many respects a return to the feudalism omellete, but with more eggs broken. Modern Democrats are for 'the people', sure; just like People's Republic of Kampuchea.
As far as I know, Caroline Kennedy has never served in any public job or public office, has never run for office and has never expressed ANY desire to hold public office. Until NOW. Then on some kind of whim decides that serving as senator from New York would be a fun way to wrap things up. I'm sorry but tell me when in her 51 years she has ever expressed a desire to do this until now. I agree, let her actually run for office and see how she likes it then. It's a nasty business - ask Sarah Palin. But then, would anyone dare to criticize the darling of the Kennedys? I can just see all those photos of her and John Jr. standing there in their matching winter coats at JFK's funeral. While she's turned out better than most of that brood, I think this is grossly presumptuous of her, but it's that Kennedy thing, that they should have whatever they want and the rest of us mere mortals bow and scrape and cater to them. And why? Look at them: they're not particularly smart they have no common sense and my god, they seem to think their farts smell like lilac. I'm over all the Kennedys, Caroline and all. Their life experiences are so far removed from the rest of us, how could she possibly know how to represent anyone but people living on the upper east side? Sorry for the rant. I usually try to limit my comments to ne or two lines but this is TOO MUCH.
I read somewhere that Hillary presumed she deserved the New York Senate seat when she was First Lady after all Bill/Monica/Impeachment had put her through. BUT Hillary ran for the office--worked for it "like an animal". Not a nice image but a real job does entail work and why should we believe that Princess Caroline wants or can work like an animal.
One of the things you're going to see during the period of Democratic Ascendancy in Washington is the rise of the Nomenklatura. Caroline Kennedy deserves the seat because she's Jack's daughter, she deigned to back Barack, Bobby held that seat, so it's her's by Divine Right.
One of the slams that liberals trotted out against Palin was that she was unqualified. Now they are about to throw a political novice into Bobby Kennedy's seat as payback for supporting Obama. Biden wants to put one of his kids in his seat, as well. Trust me, the left practices Nomenklatura politics with a vengeance.
"Well, Hoosier Daddy, consider that the alternative also emerged from the Senate"
How is that logical? Being a senator, even a fully half-term senator, is not what failed to qualify Obama for the job. He's unqualified because we don't know who he is. Although we are now finding out. Too late. Come on, MadMan, you can do better than that.
I am not dissatisfied with the totality of Obama's picks for different posts. There are some I might quibble with, but overall I think they reflect a person who likes to get different opinions and then decide.
The real test will occur when something vital has to be decided quickly. I do not recall when Obama has had to do something like that. During the campaign, McCain failed that test IMO -- recall his campaign suspension debacle.
The real test will occur when something vital has to be decided quickly. I do not recall when Obama has had to do something like that.
Get ready because in order to shield himself from the scandal of the attempted sale of his Senate seat, he's about to have to decide who is next to go under the bus. My guess is it will be Rahm.
Get ready because in order to shield himself from the scandal of the attempted sale of his Senate seat, he's about to have to decide who is next to go under the bus.
Unconfirmed sources say Obama has contacted New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin to augment the Presidential bus fleet as the Mayor indicated he has no use for them.
The Governor of New York will appoint Caroline Kennedy to the vacant Senate seat no doubt in exchange for her support and fund raising activities on his behalf during the next gubernatorial campaign in New York.
How is that any different than the Governor of Illinois appointing Candidate X to the vacant Senate seat in exchange in exchange for Candidate X's support and fund raising activities during the next Illinois gubernatorial campaign?
The differences are slight, and both instances are nothing more than political sleaze, except for one of them being wrapped in the gossamer clouds of 'Camelot'
I ranted on these pages about what a poor idea putting Bill Clinton in that seat would be, back when that was the talk. But this is far worse. At least Bill worked for a living. I can't believe some people are actually in favor of putting Princess Caroline in there (an epithet which perfectly sums up my attitude, by the way).
To section9, this dynasticism isn't a Democrat monopoly, unfortunately. Did we forget George W already? True, he won the presidency in 2000 in an election, but I think it would be fair to say that large segments of the party handed the nomination to him largely on the Bush name. Worse are those Alaska Murkowskis. If I was an Alaskan, I'd have wanted daddy impeached.
Yes, by all means! She's one of the Elites! She's of the Blood Royal! Why not simply hand over a democratically elected senate seat to someone from another state, simply because she's Princess Kennedy?
Hillary Clinton (D-Bill's wife) lowered the bar for NY Senatorial qualifications. As an Arkansawyer, Hill was used to the citizenry handing over a democratically elected (gubernatorial) seat to someone from another state, simply because he was Prince Rockefeller. (See: Winthrop Rockefeller. Also see: It's OK If You're A Republican)
If she was concerned about the nations welfare, she would realize that with rising unemployment she would be taking away a job needed by someone else.
There is a disproportionate number of wealthy people in Congress.
We need an afirmative action law that prohibits anyone with a net worth greater than $X amount (name your number) from seeking office and that upon leaving office that net worth cannot be greater than the governments calculated rate of inflation per annum for the period served.
"Hillary Clinton (D-Bill's wife) lowered the bar for NY Senatorial qualifications. As an Arkansawyer, Hill was used to the citizenry handing over a democratically elected (gubernatorial) seat to someone from another state, simply because he was Prince Rockefeller."
Um, Hillary Clinton campaigned and won her Senate seat in an election. As stupid as you seem to be, even you must be able to see the difference.
In fact, the public and the Governor know virtually nothing about Caroline Kennedy. She could be an absolute jerk. I'd say that the chances are at least one in four that she is.
Of course Chuck Schumer is a jerk too. But they elected him.
Should John Salazar fill Ken Salazar's senate seat?
Only if one of their six other siblings--preferably one who has not gone through the rigors of the electoral process--is available to take John's House seat.
I think it is a great idea to name the daughter of a famous celebrity who we know will really fight for New York and be very very effective. She is comfortable on television and truely represents a New York Spirit. She has just as much experiance as Caroline.
"Unconfirmed sources say Obama has contacted New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin to augment the Presidential bus fleet as the Mayor indicated he has no use for them."
Let's be clear, the D's have no problem with Caroline going in because "she's been bitten by the political bug" and Uncle Ted thinks it would be a nice Legacy appointment.
Just as long as we're clear that it's okay when Democrats do it.
I have no problem believing that Caroline Kennedy has a work ethic or that she is a hard worker, smart and talented, and possessed of a host of skills. I have found her admirable over the years (whether I agreed with her or not), and I have no desire to denigrate her in a general way.
But she has never run for public, elective office; she has never held elective office, and now she wants to serve in an elective office without running for it. Couple that with the legacy and dynasty issue, and it really, really rubs me the wrong way. Hell, I'm not particularly happy with dynasties being continued via elections (but at least the people get to vote in those cases). I sure as hell am not going to be happy with the current scenario.
All that said, I don't live in New York, whoever ends up in the slot won't be my senator, and so in the end it doesn't matter what I think. What's sad is that, I suspect, it really doesn't matter what the people of New York think, either.
But she has never run for public, elective office; she has never held elective office, and now she wants to serve in an elective office without running for it.
This is the Obama argument: running for elective office makes one qualified to hold that office. Will she make a good Senator or not? That is the question, not whether she spent enough time as a ward-heeler. Put her in now, and hold a special election in two years. If the voters approve of her performance, fine. It's not like she's spent the past 40 years cadging political favors.
If the NY gov gives Kennedy face to face time to discuss the senate seat, I sure hope droves of NYers queue up demanding interviews to discuss their own qualifications.
NY should post a Want ad noting desired qualifications.
Why shouldn't it be an open process looking for the most qualified?
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८७ टिप्पण्या:
It pisses of Mrs Clinton who called her unqualified. And that alone makes me like her.
In light of who would be replaced, I say they need a carpet bagger from out of state with no elected experience.
That would be me (and 100 million or so of my closest friends.)
Caroline Kennedy --how is she qualified for office? The USA is not a monarchy and the Kennedys do not reign by divine right. If Caroline wants a political office, run for one. Appointment reeks of entitlement because...her Uncle Robert once was a senator representing New York and her gravely ill Uncle Teddy thinks Caroline should be appointed Senator?
Yes, by all means! She's one of the Elites! She's of the Blood Royal! Why not simply hand over a democratically elected senate seat to someone from another state, simply because she's Princess Kennedy? We need to skip these troublesome "election" things to avoid nasty commoners like Sarah Palin trying to presume themselves into power and simply select our "leaders" from the wealthy permanent political class. Why not?! Surely Princess Caroline, with her vast legislative experience and her familiarity with issues affecting those New Yorkers who don't own yachts or live in Manhattan makes her eminently qualified to be elevated to power! And of course Governor Patterson is qualified to make such a decision: as we all know, Justice is blind.
Eternal source of light divine!
With double warmth thy beams display.
And with distinguish’d glory shine
To add a luster to this day.
The day that gave great Caroline birth,
Who fix’d a lasting peace in New York.
Just imagine the self confidence and charisma she could have developed if her father hadn't been murdered in front of the whole world just five days before she turned only six.
JFK didn't need to be president. There were other candidates who would have done as good if not better jobs in the position. For a number of reasons, presidential candidates should wait until they finish raising their children before applying for the job. Unfortunately, too many voters find megalomaniacal politicians irresistible.
Well my heavens, she is more qualified than Sarah Palin. How could she not do a splendid job of being Senator? Especially without the taint of all that dirty campaigning and running for office and such to sully her fair name.
My heart warms at the egalitarianism of the Democrats.
Plenty of smart hicks out there, Palin, not so much.
This is insane. What in the world qualifies her for a public office much less one of such power???
We now have generations of quasi "royalty". If you are connected by blood you are guaranteed elevation to the "ruling class". Either that or you marry into the seat of power brokers like Blagwhathisname in Illinois.
When there is an open seat.....have an election and let the people choose. If they choose wrongly, at least they have no one else to blame.
I think it might be time for a revolution. Off with their heads!! Joking...slightly.
(Egregious spelling errors corrected /facepalm)
Eliot Spitzer is also available.
Conservatives are not looking at the bright side. I look forward to Sen Schumer calling a press conference to announce a three pronged program for federal supervision of the financial markets. This program is based on months of hard work by the Senator and his staff. At the conference, the first question the Senator is asked is what Caroline thinks of his program. Then the reporters all run off to get Caroline's reaction to his answer.....Whatever you think of her Caroline is a star. Face it: Gov Patterson lacks the vision and courage to appoint Giuliani to Clinton's seat. He is going to appoint a Democrat. Better her than some of the hacks they have been mentioning.
Is it bribery if the state of New York benefits and not an individual?
I say eBay the seat, give the seat to the highest bidder, regardless of state of residence, must be otherwise qualified to be in the Senate, though.
Proceeds go to the general coffers of New York state. Seems to me then no actual bribery laws would be violated so long as everything is out in the open and no individuals benefit financially or any political promises extracted.
While they're at it, Delaware and Illinois might think about doing the same thing with their vacancies, I'm sure those states need the money, too.
Maybe Minnesota should consider doing the same thing for their disputed seat, seems like nobody's all that excited about the prospect of either Coleman or Franken actually serving.
Very lopsided poll results.
Would love to see a similar poll at Kos....
William wins *Line of the Year*:
"Gov Patterson lacks the vision"
If only to see Chuck Schumer spend another few years in the shadow of New York's junior senator.
If only Chelsea Clinton were 30 years old.
Sure put Caroline in there. Obama likes her, and whatever Obama wants, Obama should have.
Except a second term
OT, Ann. Think this article, especially the quote from Karl, might give you a chuckle.
I don't see why she shouldn't get it. She's maintained a residence in New York for years, if not decades (unlike some New York Senators I can think of). She's been involved in politics her entire life. She's certainly familiar with government and how it works and she is influential with elected officials in DC and across the county. I have no doubt that she could perform the job easily and well.
I just don't understand why she would want to do it.
395 to 36 against Caroline.
And I've voted twice for her on two different computers.
This would not happen if her mother were alive.
Give in.
Name that Lola.
If she wants it, odds are she'll get it. She is who she is. How can she be worse than who she is trying to replace? Her dad would be considered a republican using today's standards.
Ann: Consider the shapes of things since November 4th, do you have buyer's remorse? I'm not a regular here, so I do not know if this question has been asked.
I'm watching her mother's tour of hte White house on CSPAN right now. Too bad it's in b&w. Jackie's obviously intelligent, but sounds as ditzy as Marilyn Monroe.
This is insane. What in the world qualifies her for a public office much less one of such power???
Being in the right place at the right time. Per usual, I'm afraid.
If she wants then she deserves it.
I like her current profile of being very mysterious and private but her wish is my command.
I love her to death. She is fabulous and she fits well with NYC. The rest of the state not really but they don't really matter. When you start traveling through northern New York you might as well be in northern Wisconsin.
But southeast Wisconsin I am really into currently. Southeast Wisconsin has it going on. Look for me to relocate there soon. I will be on some artsy fartsy board in Mineral Point really laying down the law. Expect some very exciting experimental theater to be hitting the Point very soon.
I meant southWest Wisconsin, not Southeast Wisconsin. Although, Lake Geneva is cute and I say that in a patronizing way. Lake Geneva thinks it is The Hamptons-NOT.
Midwest, I beg of you stop comparing some of your little playgrounds to more fabulous playgrounds of the East Coast-it just doesn't work.
Look, quit telling us how to raise corn, soybeans, and hogs, and we'll stop comparing our playgrounds to yours. Okay? Thank you.
signed, Midwest
Excuse me, where's the button to push for "present?"
My impression is that she has a pretty good work ethic. As I said the last time this subject came up, I fail to see how she would do a worse job than the other 99 Senators.
It's a low bar, but I think she clears it. So do many of the other candidates, but I totally agree that anyone who can push Schumer off the front page and away from the microphones would be worth having in the Senate.
Too bad I don't live in New York to vote no there. But even though that is my feeling I have to admit that MadisonMan has a good point. She is as good as any one else in the senate and probably better than some.
OK, I am planning my relo to Mineral Point. I was just on and I can buy 5 homes twice the size of my place for the price of my place.
My primary concern is accessibility to diverse hog. I am not going to go to some Rest Area in Platteville and hope for the best. I want hog at the snap of a finger. The worst scenario would be for me to be in one of my properties and not be able to find diverse hog.
Another big concern is compensation. I am well into the six digits and would have a hard time leaving that select group of Americans. Where on earth in Mineral Point am I going to find something that pays a minimum of 200k with stock options and 20% bonus?
Is the Mineral Point economy a part of the creative class like I am? Has Richard Florida written about Mineral Point? These are questions that need to be answered.
How much does being on the rag shaker board pay?
Does anyone know if Shakerag Alley get cruisy at night?
Is Mineral Point a cutting edge technology city?
I am talking bleeding edge here-that's me.
I need to know I am around movers and shakers that are developing new technologies that are changing the way people live their lives.
I want to be around Friday Night Fish Frys as well as fabulous people.
I think I maybe asking for too much.
I have lived the live of fabulousness for 20 years now and I don't know if I could go back.
UNLESS, one of my parents got sick. I would go back in a heartbeat at that time and sacrifice diverse hog.
Fran Drescher wants the seat too.
Decisions, decisions.
"The worst scenario would be for me to be in one of my properties and not be able to find diverse hog."
Oh please. Spare us your affected urbane prima donna hogier-than-thou porcine elitism. The Midwest wrote the book on hog diversity.
I think I want to get a Rag Doll or Persian cat.
I want hog at the snap of a finger.
Don't we all, dear Titus, don't we all.
And if not local, then, by God, IT BETTER BE AVAILABLE UNDER THE AMAZON PRIME AGREEMENT I sprung for in late Aug./early Sept, in anticipation of all the holiday shipping.
(Yes, I'm a fool and I deserve what I get.
Why the hell DOES hope spring eternal, anyway?)
OK, I am planning my relo to Mineral Point.
If-n-when I move back to Wisconsin, I'm gettin' me some real hawg
If she wants elective office, let her run for one sometime. Jumping from private citizen to incumbent without even a single second of having been a candidate for any elective office is unseemly.
Giving her the seat is just like giving Blago's wife (and Obama's wife) a cushy job.
Political payback. Nothing more. But the Kennedy's bought this boy's ticket and they'll get what they want.
btw - my time - it's 11:19, not 1:19 :)
She wants it BECAUSE it comes with none of the messy and expensive electoral mess. In two years she can run as the incumbent.
I wonder if she's ever even BEEN anywhere west of the Hudson. I mean, I'm sure she's been to people's houses in the Catskills and maybe up into the Adirondacks - but Buffalo? Rochester? Let alone Geneva....
The Senate is not the House of Lords.
Caroline is not a Princess Royal
Now you see socialism and how it works.
Corrupt governors sell their decisions, and punish the press (and even demand the 'right' editors). Seats are given to the nomenklatura, the elite who sit far above the proles.
What do you think national health care will look like when the right to run certain hospitals gets decided by politics rather than by the market process?
Influence peddling scandals, physician union strikes, shortages, shortages, shortages.
Marxism was in many respects a return to the feudalism omellete, but with more eggs broken. Modern Democrats are for 'the people', sure; just like People's Republic of Kampuchea.
As far as I know, Caroline Kennedy has never served in any public job or public office, has never run for office and has never expressed ANY desire to hold public office. Until NOW. Then on some kind of whim decides that serving as senator from New York would be a fun way to wrap things up. I'm sorry but tell me when in her 51 years she has ever expressed a desire to do this until now. I agree, let her actually run for office and see how she likes it then. It's a nasty business - ask Sarah Palin. But then, would anyone dare to criticize the darling of the Kennedys? I can just see all those photos of her and John Jr. standing there in their matching winter coats at JFK's funeral. While she's turned out better than most of that brood, I think this is grossly presumptuous of her, but it's that Kennedy thing, that they should have whatever they want and the rest of us mere mortals bow and scrape and cater to them. And why? Look at them: they're not particularly smart they have no common sense and my god, they seem to think their farts smell like lilac. I'm over all the Kennedys, Caroline and all. Their life experiences are so far removed from the rest of us, how could she possibly know how to represent anyone but people living on the upper east side? Sorry for the rant. I usually try to limit my comments to ne or two lines but this is TOO MUCH.
I read somewhere that Hillary presumed she deserved the New York Senate seat when she was First Lady after all Bill/Monica/Impeachment had put her through. BUT Hillary ran for the office--worked for it "like an animal". Not a nice image but a real job does entail work and why should we believe that Princess Caroline wants or can work like an animal.
I agree with Deb above.
One of the things you're going to see during the period of Democratic Ascendancy in Washington is the rise of the Nomenklatura. Caroline Kennedy deserves the seat because she's Jack's daughter, she deigned to back Barack, Bobby held that seat, so it's her's by Divine Right.
One of the slams that liberals trotted out against Palin was that she was unqualified. Now they are about to throw a political novice into Bobby Kennedy's seat as payback for supporting Obama. Biden wants to put one of his kids in his seat, as well. Trust me, the left practices Nomenklatura politics with a vengeance.
I really just wish the Kennedy's would go away.
Caroline is not a Princess Royal
Au contraire.
One of the slams that liberals trotted out against Palin was that she was unqualified.
You are getting worked up over very little. Caroline K might be a Senator. Any ignoramus can hold a Senate seat.
The skill set for a potential President is a wee bit different. More complex. I hope you can see that.
The skill set for a potential President is a wee bit different. More complex. I hope you can see that.
I think we did which is why many felt Obama was unqualified for the job.
Any ignoramus can hold a Senate seat.
Considering that is exactly where our President and VP-elect came from doesn't exactly inspire confidence either.
Well, Hoosier Daddy, consider that the alternative also emerged from the Senate.
It was an interesting Presidential Choice in many ways.
Well, Hoosier Daddy, consider that the alternative also emerged from the Senate
Yep and I wasn't the least bit enthused with him either.
As for Caroline, I think it's simply the appearance of yet another Kennedy coming into office and this time not even through election.
Personally I'm sick of the political dyanasty's that this country is producing. Kennedy, Bush, Clinton.
Next thing you know and we'll be conferreing knighthoods.
So Ms. Kennedy has served on boards, raised money for NYC school, been a librarian, and worked at an art museum.
Where's the beef?
"Well, Hoosier Daddy, consider that the alternative also emerged from the Senate"
How is that logical? Being a senator, even a fully half-term senator, is not what failed to qualify Obama for the job. He's unqualified because we don't know who he is. Although we are now finding out. Too late. Come on, MadMan, you can do better than that.
So Ms. Kennedy has served on boards, raised money for NYC school, been a librarian, and worked at an art museum.
Where's the beef?
Well if she'd been a community organizer, she'd be a shoe in.
We don't care what you flyover states say.
We love her and want her as our next senator.
She's fabulous and that is what is most important. Fabulousness tops all previous experience.
She looks good for 51 too.
Although we are now finding out. Too late.
I am not dissatisfied with the totality of Obama's picks for different posts. There are some I might quibble with, but overall I think they reflect a person who likes to get different opinions and then decide.
The real test will occur when something vital has to be decided quickly. I do not recall when Obama has had to do something like that. During the campaign, McCain failed that test IMO -- recall his campaign suspension debacle.
The real test will occur when something vital has to be decided quickly. I do not recall when Obama has had to do something like that.
Get ready because in order to shield himself from the scandal of the attempted sale of his Senate seat, he's about to have to decide who is next to go under the bus. My guess is it will be Rahm.
Get ready because in order to shield himself from the scandal of the attempted sale of his Senate seat, he's about to have to decide who is next to go under the bus.
Unconfirmed sources say Obama has contacted New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin to augment the Presidential bus fleet as the Mayor indicated he has no use for them.
The Governor of New York will appoint Caroline Kennedy to the vacant Senate seat no doubt in exchange for her support and fund raising activities on his behalf during the next gubernatorial campaign in New York.
How is that any different than the Governor of Illinois appointing Candidate X to the vacant Senate seat in exchange in exchange for Candidate X's support and fund raising activities during the next Illinois gubernatorial campaign?
The differences are slight, and both instances are nothing more than political sleaze, except for one of them being wrapped in the gossamer clouds of 'Camelot'
I ranted on these pages about what a poor idea putting Bill Clinton in that seat would be, back when that was the talk. But this is far worse. At least Bill worked for a living. I can't believe some people are actually in favor of putting Princess Caroline in there (an epithet which perfectly sums up my attitude, by the way).
To section9, this dynasticism isn't a Democrat monopoly, unfortunately. Did we forget George W already? True, he won the presidency in 2000 in an election, but I think it would be fair to say that large segments of the party handed the nomination to him largely on the Bush name. Worse are those Alaska Murkowskis. If I was an Alaskan, I'd have wanted daddy impeached.
Yes, by all means! She's one of the Elites! She's of the Blood Royal! Why not simply hand over a democratically elected senate seat to someone from another state, simply because she's Princess Kennedy?
Hillary Clinton (D-Bill's wife) lowered the bar for NY Senatorial qualifications. As an Arkansawyer, Hill was used to the citizenry handing over a democratically elected (gubernatorial) seat to someone from another state, simply because he was Prince Rockefeller. (See: Winthrop Rockefeller. Also see: It's OK If You're A Republican)
Any ignoramus can hold a Senate seat.
If she was concerned about the nations welfare, she would realize that with rising unemployment she would be taking away a job needed by someone else.
There is a disproportionate number of wealthy people in Congress.
We need an afirmative action law that prohibits anyone with a net worth greater than $X amount (name your number) from seeking office and that upon leaving office that net worth cannot be greater than the governments calculated rate of inflation per annum for the period served.
"Hillary Clinton (D-Bill's wife) lowered the bar for NY Senatorial qualifications. As an Arkansawyer, Hill was used to the citizenry handing over a democratically elected (gubernatorial) seat to someone from another state, simply because he was Prince Rockefeller."
Um, Hillary Clinton campaigned and won her Senate seat in an election. As stupid as you seem to be, even you must be able to see the difference.
"The old fashioned way, we earn it . . . "
In fact, the public and the Governor know virtually nothing about Caroline Kennedy. She could be an absolute jerk. I'd say that the chances are at least one in four that she is.
Of course Chuck Schumer is a jerk too. But they elected him.
Hillary Clinton campaigned and won her Senate seat in an election. As stupid as you seem to be, even you must be able to see the difference.
The difference between what?
Do you believe that Hillary's election made a previously unelected carpetbagger suddenly qualified?
Or do you oppose filling midterm vacancies by gubernatorial appointment? I ask because that is how Senate vacancies are usually filled.
Should John Salazar fill Ken Salazar's senate seat?
Should John Salazar fill Ken Salazar's senate seat?
Only if one of their six other siblings--preferably one who has not gone through the rigors of the electoral process--is available to take John's House seat.
I think it is a great idea to name the daughter of a famous celebrity who we know will really fight for New York and be very very effective. She is comfortable on television and truely represents a New York Spirit. She has just as much experiance as Caroline.
Victoria Gotti for Senator.
I can't see our Caroline drudging through Utica and Seneca Falls to look for votes.
Heck I wouldn't even go up there looking for hog.
I miss John John. He was hot.
Fran Drescher has also put her name in the pool.
I know gays that like the Nanny so she could get a good gay following which could put her over.
Hoosier said:
"Unconfirmed sources say Obama has contacted New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin to augment the Presidential bus fleet as the Mayor indicated he has no use for them."
Good one!
Someone said Caroline Kennedy has a good work ethic!!
Don't you have to actually have held a real job to have any kind of work ethic?
Fran Drescher!
Tanned, Rested, and Ready!
Let's be clear, the D's have no problem with Caroline going in because "she's been bitten by the political bug" and Uncle Ted thinks it would be a nice Legacy appointment.
Just as long as we're clear that it's okay when Democrats do it.
I have no problem believing that Caroline Kennedy has a work ethic or that she is a hard worker, smart and talented, and possessed of a host of skills. I have found her admirable over the years (whether I agreed with her or not), and I have no desire to denigrate her in a general way.
But she has never run for public, elective office; she has never held elective office, and now she wants to serve in an elective office without running for it. Couple that with the legacy and dynasty issue, and it really, really rubs me the wrong way. Hell, I'm not particularly happy with dynasties being continued via elections (but at least the people get to vote in those cases). I sure as hell am not going to be happy with the current scenario.
All that said, I don't live in New York, whoever ends up in the slot won't be my senator, and so in the end it doesn't matter what I think. What's sad is that, I suspect, it really doesn't matter what the people of New York think, either.
But she has never run for public, elective office; she has never held elective office, and now she wants to serve in an elective office without running for it.
This is the Obama argument: running for elective office makes one qualified to hold that office. Will she make a good Senator or not? That is the question, not whether she spent enough time as a ward-heeler. Put her in now, and hold a special election in two years. If the voters approve of her performance, fine. It's not like she's spent the past 40 years cadging political favors.
Put her in now,...
If the NY gov gives Kennedy face to face time to discuss the senate seat, I sure hope droves of NYers queue up demanding interviews to discuss their own qualifications.
NY should post a
Want ad noting desired qualifications.
Why shouldn't it be an open process looking for the most qualified?
Why shouldn't it be an open process looking for the most qualified?
Because the most qualified candidates are
ex-Gov. Eliot Spitzer
ex-Rep. Vito Fonsella
Rep Carolyn McCarthy
The first two can't go to Washington without cheating on their wives. The last one is a staunch gun-control advocate. But they are qualified.
What has Caroline Kennedy done in her life to earn Hillary's Senate Seat, other than being born in a certain family.
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