७ नोव्हेंबर, २००८
"That’s cruel and it’s mean-spirited, it’s immature, it’s unprofessional, and those guys are jerks..."
Sarah Palin slams the unnamed McCain aides who slammed her.
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To live freely in writing...
२७८ टिप्पण्या:
«सर्वात जुने ‹थोडे जुने 278 पैकी 201 – 278Can somebody explaing to me waht is the obssesion?
and I'm not even sover.
Obviously. ;-)
I went back to look, just to double check I didn't miss anything in what I took as rather random nonsense talk and it seemed pretty clear that you'd meant that *something* had kicked in early. It's the only thing that made sense.
So Michael got his knickers in a knot over a *typo*.
And Michael... if I ever wanted to go out with Jewish friends to eat tasty treats I'd probably say it like this...
"Hey, let's get some PIE."
Geeze, louise.
lem...just take my word for it. Unless you want to look like an anti-Semitic fool...
Don't use the term "kike" or "kiking" when with your Jewish friends.
lem just doesn't understand what the problem is with using the term "kike or "kiking."
It sounds so much like kick or kicking.
As you seem incapable of understanding your own language, i must consider the possiblility that you are a very special person.
lem...just take my word for it. Unless you want to look like an anti-Semitic fool...
Don't use the term "kike" or "kiking" when with your Jewish friends.
I work in NY you *>%D, my boss is jewish.
why dont you keep your prejudices to yourself!
Regarding senators, it's oratorical. Senators can't seem to get elected is simply because they tend to speak in the jargon and minutiae of legislation ("I voted for it before I voted against it") instead of the policy-oriented action-speak that governors have.
Not only that, but Senators have a lot less policy wiggle-room, because they vote on hundreds of bills every session. Once you have a voting record it's a lot harder to be vague about your positions.
Can be done, of course, by someone with enough skill.
A nine week slur-campaign the like of which has not been seen--yeah, I imagine anyone's popularity would go down.
Also, a quick check among the available Jews reveals none of them had heard of "kiking" and all thought it was cute.
"Michael," you're annoying me now. Take some advice from a fellow liberal (although I'm embarrassed to share even that with you): What you're doing is completely transparent and boring, so please leave.
Synova says
So Michael got his knickers in a knot over a *typo*.
I love it!
Watch the Ks synova. you dont want to be antisemetic.
you know it took me a while to figure it out because when somebody comes at you and hit you in the face with "you piece of shit" it's very difficult to find out waht is the matter?
synova and all the rest of you that saw waht was going on thanks.
For my part I should watch the spelling - but still spelling should not rise to the level of
IMPEACHEMENT - not one k in sight ;)
ok - how and when are we ridding ourselves of the Obamination?
Actually wahtever rose to the level of impeachment for mere mortal presidents may not for the One.
We are going to need more than the live boy or the dead girl for this one ;)
ok - how and when are we ridding ourselves of the Obamination?
The time now, however, is time for pie. Because it's always time for pie.
Or time for bed. None of us are on the other side of the world, right? So definitely bed time. Pie tomorrow.
Michael, do humanity a favor: DIE.
That's all.
Synova i baptize you as my sister in arms.
you came to my rescue and i will never forget you - but if you are telling me to tuck in for the night -
i must protest ;)
I'm working on my chilean whine here. I cant leave an unfinished botle
Cuba hermano?
lem said...
Synova i baptize you as my sister in arms.
you came to my rescue and i will never forget you - but if you are telling me to tuck in for the night -
i must protest ;)
I'm working on my chilean whine here. I cant leave an unfinished botle
1:18 AM
Lem, dime por favor que no es Concha y Toro.
lem, dime por favor que no es Concha y Toro.
CONO - tu eres adivino!
lem said...
Cuba hermano?
1:19 AM
I for one I'm really tired of having to scroll through 300 inane posts from the idiotic and sexually frustrated D&D teenager. He's a waste of more than pixels. He's a waste of carbon and oxygen. He should fix that.
Lem, me duele la cabeza de solo pensar en ese vino...LOL...
I for one I'm really tired of having to scroll through 300 inane posts from the idiotic and sexually frustrated D&D teenager. He's a waste of more than pixels. He's a waste of carbon and oxygen. He should fix that.
Es el principio de esta vaina. you no vengo aqui para que se me falte el respeto. y reulto que por la ignoransia de ese petrefe ;)
Lem, exactamente, que se joda y deje a los adultos en paz.
Lem, me duele la cabeza de solo pensar en ese vino...LOL...
Tu no entiendes brother.
yo tengo unas amistades que vienen y no me dejan nada.
Jajaja, Lem, candela!
que se joda y deje a los adultos en paz.
es verdad.
And, yes, Michael, I do mean it. It's a win/win situation for everyone:
a) you will be gone
b) since you are who-knows-where, we won't have to clean the mess left behind.
And on that note, I'm off to bed.
Goodnight everyone!
That’s cruel and it’s mean-spirited, it’s immature, it’s unprofessional, and those guys are jerks...
It seemed clear to me that lem had just blurred a swerd.
En serio Cuba.
A mi me gusta esta plazoleta.
La profesora tiene un corazon de miel.
Yo le leo en el trabajo, en el telofono, en mi casa.
ella es un deleite. ojala que no me enamore ;)
A la profesora le interesan los casos y situasiones y frases (especialmente frases) que a lo mejor son capaces de causar a la jente a que piense, a que escudrine.
es como si la profe qiziera obtener en su blog la perfecta jurado
digo perfecta en femenino porque la profe es femenista y no quiero ser graboso.
ella me ha permitido bagabundear noches completas en su dominio sin querellas aguaciles.
I have gone back and wondered how did the profe Althouse sneak in her cammera into the Metropolitan Museum of Art?
Is that (if done sureptitusly) any different from the profesor pulling up McCain signs?
I know it is - but when the professor takes the time to explain something -
it's like eating a one course meal - you better get it otherwise you are going to be hungry until she visits you on your death bead.
The professor is very interested in bloghaven assension.
On the road again in Spain with Mario Batali and Gueneth Paltrow is on the tv now.
gueneth - let me look it up - Gwyneth Paltrow speaks perfect spanish.
her name is not spanish. lts' wiki paltrow
She is an "adopted daughter" of Talavera de la Reina (Spain), where at age 15 she spent a month as an exchange student and learned Spanish
Did she ever.
I remember my father in the DR sort of being helfull to joung americans going there to Peace Corps type work, for the little i can remember it might have been the peace corp. althought my father is an evangelical priest so - it might have been thru his church that i remember pale light skin women as i had never - ever seen b4.
Oy here they are.
Mario speaks italian - so spanish is not that hard for him.
but then they have ALSO a NYT food critic with them - he only speaks when nessesary.
I cant get over how well Paltrow speaks spanish.
Oh - just in case it's kiking michael the show is on
look it up/
from now on i shallbe in love with all things Gwyneth Paltrow, including her husband's band.
Actually he's not bad. it's just that other bands have ...
how sould i put it, being there?
I mean he;s very talented no dout ;) nudge nudge,
the guy is relieving his one hit over and over.
please dont tell gwenth - it might chush her ;)
OMG - thats why she did that Spain thing - it was a secret trial separetion.
Divorce is inevitable. irebocable,
Irebocable - the firt time i head taht word in english was on Woodys 'Interiors'
It's just a trail separation - it's not irevocable.
And then on September - there was another cath frase.
I was trying to look it up but I cant find it.
Maybe it was not september.
Found it - It was 'another woman'
"I accept your condemnation."
It's just a trail separation - it's not irevocable.
it's not a coincidence that both lines were writen by the same real life person.
"I accept your condemnation" is a brutal pronuciacion to take.
languages are full of nuance sutch as that.
That song 50 ways to leave your lover it's only the half of it.
And that brings me againg to our earlier topic at hand
Cruelty, obsenity, are known for brebity. breif.
it seems as though brebity while not nessesarily is suppode to be highly prised.
How can we say - Eat shit - can be of any higher value as Neutrality is cool?
It's a strugle - oviusly,
Who can we show that equinimiti and civility have value when puting those things down is easier.
Why is it easier!
It seems to me as much as i hate to say it - that avoiding el bulgo de come mierda seria saludable para el intercambio de ideas.
exepto cuando tienes que hablar ingles.
El ingles me parece un lenguaje notorio en objetar. en protertar en a favor de incluir prefiere separar.
es como un circlulo viciozo que con sutileza cominza a tener sentido.
Eh no piense que me pesa.
It's not heavy. American auto devolution it's not intellectually challeching.
what it is doing thoug is crossing over - overtly - into the realm of fantasy land.
where it will hurt!
real fantasy - the idea that we own waht's on our name - and reality - we are lucky that our national credit card is not as bad as our individual credit cards.
if you add upp all of our credit together w/o the bakking of uncle sam - would we still have money to bail out our own banks?
Thats what i have a hard time understanding.
Obama praises Warren Buffett but if learned anything from mr Buffet is - DO NOT IF YOU CAN HELP IT USE OR HAVE A CREDIT CARD.
But here it is Obama saying we need to have another "stimulous" another run on our credit.
Obama seems to be willing to continue our tradition of saying and doing wahtever it takes to look good.
My point was that if anybody is wiiling and able to avoid giving us bad news it's Obama.
But it is as thought we preferr the road less travelled.
you now the one that will cause more pain.
For all the condemnation of our ancesstors - if they were alive they would say
you know for all the comdemnation of us in your history books at least we didnt saddle you with the bill you seem to be willing to saddle your grandkids with.
For all the talk of conservatism bala bala
conservatism in it's purest form it's the least well understood principle in human history.
and yet it's the very same that it's capable of making any individual (for the rest of our history) very rich!
I would like to be in a staff meeting with Palin wearing a towel.
I would like to see that towel fall and expose her nipple.
I would like to take that nourishing nipple in my mouth and suckle on it. Perhaps even take that nipple and use it to spray some milk on my cereal.
the thought of that makes me horny.
Palin's tit, full of milk, nourishing me, feeding me, give me life.
sucky, sucky, sucky.
thank you.
My parents as though in concert and yet divorsed continue to teach me the value of ownership based on my own capability (more willingness as a child) to save amd to be rewarded for saving.
Do people have any idea waht teaching savings does to a child?
i dont think they do.
otherwise we would a saver nation
not a debtor nation.
My employer gives us as emploees all kinds of freedoms
when i see the proffes' foto with the autum leaeves
i wan to talk abot how we ahve an adopt a road thing at my job. we took fotograps because it's meant to help the company.
but for miself (I grew up doing good, service the community - and even thouh now it means a thing for the company) the quickest hour is the one we do piking up trash for our adopt road environmental thing do 4 times a year.
I'm going to post some like the profe.
We do this cleanup 4 times a year and evn though nobody says anything we feel good about it. its palpable.
we separate the glss and cans from the "uncomitables"
We did a pass yesterday and against my admonishion election signs were pulled.
hopefully it will not come back to hunt the company - on whos name we are able to acredit ourselves.
dont tell thses guys.
they were in the end trying to have more garbage in their bag than anybody else.
they were makeing a competition out of it.
how can i accept anything less of myself.
I made a comment there and i could not make out waht it was
so i delited it.
it looks like i've should gone when synova and cuba urged me to have a good night rest.
I think is my reverence the idea that a professor in/might read a comment of mine.
I have a estimable regard for profesors (even law profe) that i will come here and see if i want to satay.
I came here around the time Palin was named.
If'm really a "sycofant", a "piece of shit", or waht my brothr in arms palla discrived - supefluoues
I'm almost ready - I prob have to talk to eman ;)
The profe nneds nore flexibiliry upstaire,
Quiero, necesito, estar informado de todos los mivimientos en la Universida de Madison.
requerden el mootto en el plasco que comqptimos llenado cajjas.
tenemos porblems coordinado - i asy el president e de verfaf se puede retireae.
I nned to find out where them pics are - once i have acess eveybody eill too
it's not like - provocation?
Go home setty. thy let dia.
Michael, that was beyond stupid. Lem made a typo and it was obvious and you repeated yourself about 100 times. I left some of your early good comments, but you need to stop with the repetition and volume or I will delete everything.
Now, everybody eat a yummy treat.
I agree with Seven Machos above at 11:32:
"She needs to ban trolling and she needs to define it in some way, even if it's I know when I see it. That standard wouldn't be bad, actually, because it's a standard of community standards, and she could let her core community decide when someone has crossed the line.
I don't mind these one-and-done weirdos who come over from where ever they come from, left and right. I hate the continuous, spam-like meaninglessness that ruins thread after thread after thread."
Well, finally.
Synova, you make good points about Stevens in context of Kennedy et al.
Kennedy drove off a bridge & killed a woman. And has been re-elected since.
And yet he and his state are perceived as central to politics.
I don't get it, but then, I'm not from Massachusetts.
I can understand that Ann can't police this blog 24x7.
But can those who seem to post here regularly come to an agreement that (a) this tool is a troll and therefore (b) we not respond to it?
I'd like to propose that we also (c) have a standard paragraph to copy/paste for newbies who respond to the tool:
Hello [name] - you're responding to a troll who's been asked repeatedly not to post here. As Blogger has few tools to ban people, please do not encourage the troll to stay by responding to anything (s)he posts. Eventually (s)he goes away if no one responds. Thank you.
Having come to this thread way late (and thus having missed virtually all of Michael's stupidity), I would (on reflection)like to make a proclamation that Donn and Palladian had an exchange that was golden yet probably lost on almost all of you (and I know Donn was talking about album titles, but certainly he would understand my funny ways).
I think she's right for them to lob such charges from anonymity (and what about Fox granting that anonymity)?
But the fact is that she lacks the intellectual stones to be in any leadership in this country. She can't make here nouns and verbs agree, let alone display a knowledge of current events.
But this morning I'm reading a book having nothing to do with any of this.
On reflection, I certainly understand "your funny ways." I guess it's all about playing the game.
At least I know you'll think of me with kindness. Just remember, no god's a man.
I love Think of Me With Kindness!
You probably missed this when Pal and I first talked about GG, but I interviewed Derek Shulman back when I was an FM DJ in the '70s.
Thanks you, Althouse.
I was sleeping!
"You probably missed this when Pal and I first talked about GG, but I interviewed Derek Shulman back when I was an FM DJ in the '70s."
I did miss it, and AA will probably tire of the thread hijack (if it doesn't die of old age first), but I'm deeply jealous! There's a few old clips of them on YouTube, and I never tire of them. Geniuses.
Palin will be President in 2012....and they need to start early to try to bury her.
But, she'll have the last laugh.
Palin's 11/6 extensive radio interview:
Heads up everyone. Now that Palin-bashing has gotten underway, expect Professor Althouse to join the chorus just like with Hillary Clinton.
Clearly Professor Althouse has a problem with women candidates and was on a mission to destroy Hillary, and very early in the game. Hillary was totally wrong for the Presidency, but Professor Althouse went overboard in the attacks.
There's no reason to think things will be any different with Palin and it's just a matter of time before Althouse begins to chip away at Palin.
Lem, I don't even know what it meant in the first place. I guess some people have a ready store of ethnic put-downs at hand.
But there ya go.
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