४ नोव्हेंबर, २००८

Live-blogging the election returns!

5:01: Finally! Results. Settle in. Pour yourself a nice glass of win or whine, as you see fit.

5:37: "There's only one thing to take to a Kenyan election victory feast: a goat. Preferably still breathing - 'a sign of freshness' - and with big testicles, apparently the sign of quality breeding."

5:42: Per Fox News, McCain will lose (if he loses) because McCain's idea of the surge worked so well and because President Bush kept us free of terrorist attacks. The national security issues have receded into the shadows, and that makes it hard for McCain.

5:48: Polls about to close in a lot of places at the top of the hour, so let's while away the moments by looking at the sedate polling place where I arrived at 9:15. Enter:




Drop by the church-school bake sale:


6:00: CNN declares Obama the winner in Vermont and McCain in Kentucky, which is unsurprising. It does not resolve Georgia, Indiana, South Carolina, and Virginia. So does that mean that there is no overwhelming landslide for Obama? Or is CNN playing us (or playing it safe)?

6:16: Wolf Blitzer beams in a hologram from Chicago. It's Jessica Yellin, floating about oddly. It's also funny how obvious it is that she is being photographed outdoors. There is a subtle hunching against the elements that looks slightly daffy projected indoors. [Video.]

7:00: Polls just closed in a bunch of states, and CNN is only predicting the states that were very predictable. So the big blowout is not happening.

7:09: Elizabeth Dole crushed.

7:15: In the comments, there's quite a lot of talk of getting drunk. Palladian shows us what he's got lined up:

7:18: MSNBC calls Pennsylvania for Obama. Is that a cry for attention, or do they know something CNN and Fox don't?

7:33: CNN Headline News has Nancy Grace going on about a psychic looking for a missing toddler. I guess "Headline" doesn't mean what it used to. Now, it means holding pen for politicophobes.

7:40: Now, CNN calls Pennsylvania for Obama.

8:00: My state went for Obama. So did Michigan and Minnesota. Obama's at 179 electoral votes, with McCain at only 49.

8:04: Per CNN, twice as many voters said age was important as said race was important. But both groups tended to see that factor as a reason to vote for Obama.

8:34: CNN calls Ohio for Obama. "A huge, huge win," says Wolf Blitzer. "A huge, huge win," he says a second time.

8:34: Here, fiddle with this interactive map. It seems rather clear that Obama will win.

8:45: John King fiddles with the CNN interactive map to see if there is any way, given the states already called, that McCain could win. He gave him everything except Hawaii, California, Oregon, and Washington, and it was not enough to hit 270. So unless they've made some wrong calls -- and I vividly remember when Florida was called for Gore in 2000 -- McCain cannot win.

8:53: I hope the McCain supporters are holding up. Don't despair. Glenn Reynolds had an op-ed this morning saying: "[O]nce someone is duly and legally elected president, you do owe some respect to the office and the Constitution. And to your fellow Americans. I'm not an Obama fan, particularly, but a lot of people I like and respect are. To treat Obama as something evil or subhuman would not only be disrespectful toward Obama, but toward them. Instead, I hope that if Obama is elected, their assessment of his strengths will turn out to be right, and mine will turn out to be wrong." Yes, can we please not hate the President this time, for a change? (Or did I just rile you with the word "change"?)

9:01: More states called. Obama's up to 206 electoral votes... which doesn't include California (with 55). Do we have to keep watching?

9:08: "The Republican Party is getting a drubbing tonight, the likes of which we have never seen," says James Carville.

9:27: In the comments, Doyle asks, "You guys having fun?" Which provokes Palladian: "No, I wouldn't be having fun no matter who won this miserable election. But are you going to be having fun? It's not enough to sit around and bitch, you sour little cocksucker. You're in charge now! In charge of all of us! In charge of our future! You're not going to get to protect and govern only those that agree with you. You're going to have to protect and govern all of us, just like George Bush did with your sorry asses these last 8 years. We're ready for the brilliance, for the leadership, for the change and hope and all that. Time to deliver! Bring it on, doily!" Balfegor responds to the same question: "I am, actually. If we must endure the unendurable, and suffer the insufferable, we may as well have a bit of fun while we're at it. I am young, and may reasonably expect that, barring accidents, I will live to see a day when the Obama presidency is nothing more than a distant memory. And he may, after all, surprise us -- we know next to nothing about his ability to lead, or what he really believes, as he has hitherto studiously avoided any situation in which either could be put to the test."

10:00: CNN projects Obama as the winner!

10:01: I've been sitting here feeling completely cool and calm all evening. But that announcement -- that Obama has won -- gave me chills, made me almost cry. Something big has happened.

10:13: Karl Rove says "Every American should celebrate." That's on Fox, where there is some sedate but sincere celebration of the historic achievement: the first black President.

10:19: McCain speaks (over booing). "I deeply admire and commend him." He speaks of racial progress. "Let there be no reason now for any American to fail to cherish their citizenship in this, the greatest nation on earth." He urges us to "come together." "Whatever our differences, we are fellow Americans."

10:37: Charles Krauthammer, on Fox, praises Obama as a self-made man, who came out of nowhere, with no real resources. He says we don't really know who he is, but we'll find out. But he seems to think -- I do too -- that Obama is not really an ideologue, but a sensible, intelligent, pragmatic man who will check the Democratic Congress.

10:52: CNN is showing the crowd -- gathered spontaneously -- around the White House. Are you where you can see or hear people celebrating in the streets? I'm not. The window is open on this warm night, but all I'm hearing is a train whistle in the distance.

10:58: Obama walks out on the stage in Chicago. He looks happy. It makes me feel happy enough to laugh out loud. Michelle is wearing a very strange dress, black with glowing redness spreading upward and downward from a black X across the midriff. The little girls look elegant, as if they'd grown much older since we saw them this morning. He compliments McCain. He tells his girls they're getting a puppy. He gives us all credit for his victory. We understand "the enormity of the task that lies ahead." (Yikes!) He's going to listen to us, but he wants us to help him "rebuild this nation." "Let us summon a new spirit of patriotism, of responsibility." Let's not be partisan and petty. Let's remember Abraham Lincoln. He was a Republican. He faced a nation more divided than it is now. But he reached out to them. And we share a destiny with everyone in the world. "Democracy, opportunity, and unyielding hope." "America can change. Our union can be perfected." Now, he's in a sing-song poetic part of the speech, with the refrain "Yes we can." The crowd catches on and shouts the refrain. "Thank you. God bless you. And God bless the United States of America."

८०० टिप्पण्या:

«सर्वात जुने   ‹थोडे जुने   800 पैकी 601 – 800
Chris Althouse Cohen म्हणाले...

Well it looks as though Prop 8 is likely passing: http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2008/results/individual/#CAI01

10% reporting but look at the map, it's pretty even. I'm not happy about this. Seems like the beginning of the Democrats getting everything they want and gays being thrown under the bus.

Palladian म्हणाले...

wow i've almost polished off this bottle of 30 year old Laphroaig. Glad I bought a case way back when because as a "rich" person i'm going to have a lot more people to pay for and i probably won't be able to afford anything other than Clan Macgregor.

I finished the bach and brahms and now ELP's "Brain Salad Surgery" is unexpectly playing.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Yes: "I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced."

Yes ....

DaLawGiver म्हणाले...

I Feel The Earth Move Under My Feet!

Freeman Hunt म्हणाले...

The Obama family looks beautiful, BUT who put Michelle in that dress?! Bad, bad, bad.

Christy म्हणाले...

I do not like Obama, I do not trust Obama, I do not yet respect Obama. Still, I'm oddly proud that we elected a black man. I just wish it were a black man I admired.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Juan Williams is comparing this to the emancipation proclamation!

Lets see if he can rise to Lincon.

He is trying.

Henry म्हणाले...

tibore wrote: This country is too big to be screwed up by any one president, congress, or party.

Absolutely. I've always liked this quote:

"America is just a very, very big place and you'll be surprised how much room there is for doing things and even thinking them." -- Man Ray.

It's a great country. Congratulations to Barack Obama.

Maxine Weiss म्हणाले...

Something just died inside.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Thats a reapeat from the stump.

Palladian म्हणाले...

And did those feet in ancient time,

Walk upon England’s mountains green

And was the holy Lamb of God,

On England’s pleasant pastures seen

And did the Countenance Divine,

Shine forth upon our clouded hills?

And was Jerusalem builded here,

Among these dark Satanic Mills?

Bring me my Bow of burning gold;

Bring me my Arrows of desire:

Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold:

Bring me my Chariot of fire!

I will not cease from Mental Fight,

Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand,

Till we have built Jerusalem,

In England’s green and pleasant Land!

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Change has come to America.

I dont feel any drunker

Simon म्हणाले...

Donn said...
"I feel fine that BHO is my President. It will be, no doubt, the best thing for the Republican Party, just wait and see."

That's no comfort to me right now. I have no use for that right now. Screw the party - I'm thinking of the country.

DaLawGiver म्हणाले...

I Just Died In your Arms Tonight.

Roberto म्हणाले...

AJ Lynch said..."In 2004, almost 6 million people voted in Pa prez election."

The new math?

Check the numbers.

Simon म्हणाले...

Palladian - that's 294. Right now I have more in mind 295, particularly the second verse:

I vow to thee, my country
all earthly things above—
Entire and whole and perfect,
the service of my love;
The love that asks no question, the love that stands the test,
That lays upon the altar the dearest and the best;
The love that never falters, the love that pays the price,
The love that makes undaunted the final sacrifice.

And there’s another country, I’ve heard of long ago—
Most dear to them that love her, most great to them that know;
We may not count her armies, we may not see her King;
Her fortress is a faithful heart, her pride is suffering;
And soul by soul and silently her shining bounds increase,
And her ways are ways of gentleness, and all her paths are peace.

Palladian म्हणाले...

Hey, I said I would do it:

I raise a glass of laphroaig to President Elect Obama! Hope you like peaty Islay malts! I don't like you one bit, and I think your policies are abysmal but still, congratulations and congratulations to everyone who supported Senator Obama. I think you're misguided, stupid or evil, but you won this time.

Now please don't fuck things up like I think you will.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Is he saying goodby?

It's like that popemobile that freeman talked about is about to decend on him.

Donn म्हणाले...

That's no comfort to me right now. I have no use for that right now. Screw the party - I'm thinking of the country.

I understand, Simon, and share your concern, but this Country is bigger than any one man, woman, or President.

Roberto म्हणाले...

Christy said..."I do not like Obama, I do not trust Obama, I do not yet respect Obama. Still, I'm oddly proud that we elected a black man. I just wish it were a black man I admired."

And yet another asshole rears their ugle and thoroughly disgusting head.


Simon म्हणाले...

MadisonMan said...
"To people who are despairing of the results tonight, I offer observations that have helped me in the past: The Sun will rise tomorrow. "

It won't in anything but the literal sense. I've said this many times this season - that grimly depressing sunset logo of Obama's reminds us that the sun has now set on America and a shroud of darkness has engulfed the Republic. I don't know when or if we will emerge.

Donn म्हणाले...

Michael said....

Yada, yada, yada. Insult. Yada, yada, yada. Insult.


Palladian म्हणाले...

"Palladian - that's 294. Right now I have more in mind 295, particularly the second verse:"

haha, I was thinking about Emerson, Lake and Palmer and William Blake, I forgot about the hymn.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

people yelling yes we can..

Obama takes the opportunity to tell them to desend from that cloud and come back to reality ;)

Maxine Weiss म्हणाले...

something inside has died and I can't hide and I just can't fake it:



Darcy म्हणाले...

Yeah, I'm not feeling the pride yet. Odd, that.

Palladian म्हणाले...

Question for lefties: how did you guys deal with 8 years of George W. Bush? You should publish a survival guide for us non-Obama-ites.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Wow, he sounds a little Clintonian.

Roberto म्हणाले...

Freeman Hunt said..."The Obama family looks beautiful, BUT who put Michelle in that dress?! Bad, bad, bad."

Petty, disrespectful and downright bitchy.


DaLawGiver म्हणाले...

Lucky Man.

blake म्हणाले...


Dude. Seriously. Take it down a notch.

Not to go all reader_iam on you, but you may be wrong about Obama. Your assumptions, that is. The Presidency is not a license to do whatever you want.

Sure, fight against what you think is wrong. The price of freedom and all that. But you waste energy fighting the man.

Darcy म्हणाले...

LOL, Palladian. Yes, do tell.

Roberto म्हणाले...

Palladian said..."You should publish a survival guide for us non-Obama-ites."

Leave the country, asshole.

You contribute nothing and I'll lay odds you didn't even vote.

blake म्हणाले...

I always think of this Lucky Man, not the ELP one.

Simon म्हणाले...

"Wow, he sounds a little Clintonian."

Oh, is he talking? I turned the box off. There is nothing that man has to say that I have any interest in hearing.

Freeman Hunt म्हणाले...

I agree with Blake, Simon. The sun also rises; the guy doesn't have a blank check. All is not lost.

Maxine Weiss म्हणाले...


The Anti-Prop 8 forces should have hitched themselves to the McCain/Palin ticket.

Do you not see that it was Republican Judges who overturned the CA Constitution in the first place ?

Hel-lo? There was a link between No on Prop 8, and Republicans....... had the No on Prop 8 people chosen to align themselves with McCain/Palin......instead of putting Palin in a Noose in West Hollywood.......

Can you explain to me how putting Palin in Noose in West Hollywood was gonna help their cause, in the more Republican areas of the State?????

Get a clue.

Trooper York म्हणाले...

Congratulations to President Elect Obama.

I will no longer comment on political
matters. I do not want to go on any lists.

Simon म्हणाले...

Perhaps it's my age, but this is the "Lucky Man" I think of.

Palladian म्हणाले...

Lawgiver, that is their best song. OK, I admit it! Besides baroque music, Orlando Gibbons, Gesualdo, Schoenberg and all that... I'm a big 70s prog rock fan! That's right and I'm proud, I tell you! Proud!
Emerson, Lake and Palmer! Gentle Giant! Jethro Tull! King Crimson! Yes! (early) Genesis! Camel! Premiata Forneria Marconi! all of them!!! I admit it and I'm proud!

Donn म्हणाले...

Great speech.

Freeman Hunt म्हणाले...

Michael, I'm not being bitchy to Michelle Obama. I am faulting whatever consultant picked out that dress. She looks beautiful, but that dress is just ridiculous. Whoever the consultant was should know better.

Maxine Weiss म्हणाले...

Ok, let's pretend I'm vehemently NO on Prop 8....and I live in West Hollywood.

I then put Palin in a noose, to really further drum up support for the NO vote on Prop 8.

Logic ?

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Oh, is he talking? I turned the box off. There is nothing that man has to say that I have any interest in hearing.

Simon common.

This is a little bit historic. You should witness it.

Simon म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Tibore म्हणाले...

Instapundit ran down some reactions. One I fully agree with:

"I have many, many disagreements with Barack Obama. But tonight I congratulate him on his victory. I have seen a few critics say, 'he won't be my president,' but that is nonsense. He will be my president, and I will wish him well, particularly as he takes on the duty of protecting the American people in a dangerous world."

North Korea, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and associated problems in Pakistan, resurgent Russian militarism... all these are problems too serious to take family beliefs outside the election. Obama's our President now, and is going to need the backing of the public to handle these problems. I see the absolute idiocy some people had regarding Bush and Afghanistan, and after that Iraq, and if things blow up in Obama's face, I don't plan on being "that guy" reveling in glee over problems affecting the military and therefore the Presidency. There's a step beyond "military" and "presidency" and that's "country", and regardless of who I voted for, I don't want the country to be harmed or diminished just because it'll demonstrate the President's ineffectualness. So I wish him well, because the consequences of mishandling any of the above problems are enormous, any "I told you so's" are going to be faint consolations if they are mishandled. I honestly wish Obama well. Because that means I'm wishing America well.

Freeman Hunt म्हणाले...

I didn't listen all the way to the end, but I thought most of Obama's speech was good. I thought he was especially gracious to McCain. The part about all of us getting together and reforming the country started getting a little socialist-y what with the imagery of legions of citizen workers building brick by brick, neighborhood by neighborhood, rising and falling as one.

Simon म्हणाले...

Lem, I have no interest in hearing anything that comes out of that man's mouth unless it's "I resign in disgrace."

Palladian म्हणाले...

Octopus? A Passion Play? Lark's Tongues in Aspic? Tarkus? Relayer? Check, Check, Check, Check, Check!

Synova म्हणाले...

That's no comfort to me right now. I have no use for that right now. Screw the party - I'm thinking of the country.

We will see. I advise optimism. People often do much better with an opponent and they almost certainly always do better without the expectation of letting someone else do their work for them.

For the last eight years people who essentially believe that government is the means to solve problems have sat out on it all and complained they couldn't do anything because they weren't in power.

Lets hope that the people who essentially believe that government is the problem don't do the same. And why should they?

There is no harm in optimism if it's coupled with a commitment to individual and personal responsibility. We're not putting faith in government, after all.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

I'm leaning back towards the idea of crashing the stock market the first trading day of his administration.

You sir, do not mean one word of it.

Simon म्हणाले...

And I don't accept that this is "historic." It isn't. What's historic - the 44th male President. One more man winning the Presidency - big deal. The only genuinely historic thing that has happened this election was Palin's selection. The rest of it is par for the course.

dannyboy म्हणाले...

Michael said Petty, disrespectful and downright bitchy.


Hey pal let me ask you something, man to man. Are you always this much of a bitch? Really I'm asking because I've only been on this blog a short time and you have acted like the bitchy prom queen on everyone who said something that you even remotely disagreed with. The chick makes a fashion comment and you come running along like a little pussy complaning.

You really need to get laid and get rid of some of that stress. It's gonna kill you.

Synova म्हणाले...

There's a step beyond "military" and "presidency" and that's "country", and regardless of who I voted for, I don't want the country to be harmed or diminished just because it'll demonstrate the President's ineffectualness.

Well... at least there is a better chance for a *loyal* opposition this time around, hm?

Palladian म्हणाले...

"Obama's our President now, and is going to need the backing of the public to handle these problems."

No, he's the President-Elect. It's a minor difference, but I'm a detail person.

Donn म्हणाले...


Gentle Giant.

A Passion Play?


Lark's Tongues in Aspic?

King Crimson.





Palladian म्हणाले...

"Hey pal let me ask you something, man to man. Are you always this much of a bitch?"

He's been asked to leave on several occasions by the proprietoress. He's not a regular, just a creepy stalker.

Roberto म्हणाले...

Danny The Dummy - Suck my dick.

Rose म्हणाले...

You've done it.

God help us all.

Palladian म्हणाले...

"A Passion Play?


Tull, baby!

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

"I resign in disgrace."

There is every possibility that will happen.

but when attention and proportion, as you well know, seem to be so flip and unreal, wherever it can be directed towards something this important - even if its wrong - it is the will of the people.

As you probably know better than me ;)

Palladian म्हणाले...

It's my chance once again!

Palladian म्हणाले...

Yes! I got comment number 666 yet again! Thank you, Satan my liege!

Donn म्हणाले...

Ahhh....never a Tull fan! 8^)

But I did interview Gentle Giant when I was an FM DJ in the '70s.

Roberto म्हणाले...

Palladian - It's that 1st Amendment thing Palin doesn't understand, just like you.

So fuck off.

Synova म्हणाले...

with the imagery of legions of citizen workers building brick by brick, neighborhood by neighborhood, rising and falling as one.

How the heck do you spell nausea?

Hey, I got it!

Palladian म्हणाले...

Donn! A man after my own heart! I trust you didn't have to look those up?

Maxine Weiss म्हणाले...

For the very first time in California history REPUBLICAN Judges overturn the California Constitution in favor of gay marriage.

And what do the NO on Prop 8 people do?

They bash Republicans !!!

Newsflash: You can't win an election with just SF and LA. You need Orange County, Ventura, Riverside, San Bernardino, Yolo, Kern, Bakersfield.......you know, all those Republican bastions.

Blue collar people in the boonies with pick-up trucks on their lawns (gauche). Skinheads, rednecks.....all the people that the NO on Prop 8 folks refused to lobby.

Instead, the No on Prop 8 people spend their time preaching to the chorus in West Hollywood, where they put Palin in a noose !


The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Give Simon a wide berth..

He wants to fret ;)

Simon म्हणाले...

Tibore said...
"Obama's our President now, and is going to need the backing of the public to handle these problems. "

Then I guess he's going to fail, isn't he.

Palladian म्हणाले...

"But I did interview Gentle Giant when I was an FM DJ in the '70s."

OMFG! You interviewed GG in their prime! I've never been so close to greatness, well at least since I had a salmon with Ian Anderson!

I love GG most of all! I'm firing up "In A Glass House" in your honor, sir!

Henry म्हणाले...

Simon wrote: And I don't accept that this is "historic."

Simon. Read some Taylor Branch. Start with Parting the Waters. This is stunning.

Palladian म्हणाले...

Well, right after Karn Evil 9 finishes.

Donn म्हणाले...

Donn! A man after my own heart! I trust you didn't have to look those up?

In three minutes?

I also interviewed Camel, Supertramp, Renaissance, Kansas, Ambrosia, and several others.

Meade म्हणाले...

Tonight let us salute and congratulate Senator Obama as the author of a brilliant campaign and pray that he achieves greatness in office. To adapt the imprecation of Stephen Decatur: May he always be in the right; but our president, right or wrong. -Scott Johnson

blake म्हणाले...

Sorry, Blake, but we get one night to feel sorry for ourselves.

I guess I don't see the value in that.

Thereafter there won't be time - we have barely two months to decide how to destroy him administration from day one and to implement it. I'm leaning back towards the idea of crashing the stock market the first trading day of his administration.

I wasn't aware you had that sort of power.

You know, I don't really get this: If he's bad, won't he sink his administration by himself? Why does he need your help?

By all means fight, but you know, maybe he's not a bad guy? Maybe he has some ideas that will work?

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance, regardless of who's in the Oval Office.

Palladian म्हणाले...

"Instead, the No on Prop 8 people spend their time preaching to the chorus in West Hollywood, where they put Palin in a noose !


Maxine, you're a crazy bitch, but sometimes you're brilliant. Right on!

Roberto म्हणाले...

I love reading all of the insane comments about how horrible things are going to be with Obama as President...as if Bush has done such a tremendous job?

Do any of you people ever read a fucking newspaper?

Do you understand what's happened to America in the last 8 years?

Are you all fucking brain dead??

This has to be biggest collection of uneducated, uninformed and thoroughly vapid fools I've ever encountered on the internet.

Donn म्हणाले...

I love GG most of all! I'm firing up "In A Glass House" in your honor, sir!

Yep, I interviewed Derek Shulman when GG opened for Yes at the Cow Palace in SF.

In fact, I ran my interviews in a program called........

In A Glass House!

Synova म्हणाले...

By all means fight, but you know, maybe he's not a bad guy?

I'm sure he's not a "bad guy" but that doesn't lead in any logical way to the next thought.

Maybe he has some ideas that will work?

Which ideas are those? Maybe he hasn't had them yet?

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance, regardless of who's in the Oval Office.

Very true.

Simon म्हणाले...

"This is stunning."

What's stunning? A guy won the election. It was a Democrat. BFD. Now we have to deal with that, but it doesn't make it historic.

Darcy म्हणाले...

I still can't sleep.

And Simon, I understand your feelings completely, but I don't believe conservatives are going to behave like they did. It was disgraceful.

Yes, we'll continue to fight for the things we believe in. But we'll do it with dignity and respect for America.

Palladian म्हणाले...

Yeah, I agree. I think Obama's election is historic and fantastic from the standpoint of the progress of civil rights, and I shed a tear over that aspect of his victory (a tear no doubt lubricated a generous puddle of scotch and cognac and the Brahms ballades, but a tear nonetheless). But at the end of the day, that don't count for squat. He'll be the next President, and its actual leadership that will mean something.

Synova म्हणाले...

So, might I assume that Prop 8 passed?

Palladian म्हणाले...

"I love GG most of all! I'm firing up "In A Glass House" in your honor, sir!

Yep, I interviewed Derek Shulman when GG opened for Yes at the Cow Palace in SF.

In fact, I ran my interviews in a program called........

In A Glass House!"


DaLawGiver म्हणाले...

Thick as a Brick

Spin me back down the years and the days of my youth.
Draw the lace and black curtains and shut out the whole truth.
Spin me down the long ages: let them sing the song.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

And then I catch this from Althouse

"America can change. Our union can be perfected."

They've just elected you!

I take back everything I told Simon!

Palladian म्हणाले...

Donn, where was your station based? Mind you, I was probably born the year you interviewed them, but I'm curious.

Tibore म्हणाले...

Simon said...
Tibore said...
"Obama's our President now, and is going to need the backing of the public to handle these problems. "

Then I guess he's going to fail, isn't he."

Simon, this is exactly what I mean about being "that guy". Like I said, those problems I named are bigger than any one President. I'll swallow my desire to see someone else as President if it means those issues are tackled properly. Because it's the course of the nation that matters, not the success or failure of any one person or party.

Simon म्हणाले...

blake said...
"I wasn't aware you had that sort of power."

I don't, personally. But I intend to be part of the solution not part of the problem, and all options should be on the table.

"You know, I don't really get this: If he's bad, won't he sink his administration by himself? Why does he need your help?"

Because sometimes things get done that cause irrevocable damage. I accept the postulate that one term of Obama will be good for the GOP, but I'm not interested in partisan gain right now. I'm worried about what's going to happen.

"By all means fight, but you know, maybe he's not a bad guy? Maybe he has some ideas that will work?"

Why is it that before and now apparently after the election, those who know better but choose to defend Obama anyway make wildly unrealistic claims that he will all of a sudden become something he has hitherto shown not even the remotest indication of being? If he has ideas that would work, why didn't he bring those forward during the election instead of the unworkable crap posted on his website and referred to in his speeches? If he was remotely competent, why did he choose Joe Biden, a guy who gives Chuck Schumer a run for his money in the "most loathesome cuntin the Senate" category? I submit that we already know everything we need to know about Obama, and if we wait long enough to give him a chance, it will be too late to stop him. And stop him we must.

Henry म्हणाले...

Simon, there'll be another day to discuss this, but consider what you're saying: we have barely two months to decide how to destroy him administration from day one and to implement it.

Attack his policies, but consider that when you attack the President, you weaken the foreign policy of the United States. You may think that doesn't matter, but the weaker the executive, the more constrained our future options.

We'll find out a great deal about the Obama presidency with his cabinet and (eventually) judicial nominations. After that, the ball is with Congress. Attack their (inevitable) screw-ups and in two-years you might accomplish something. Consider that the best domestic policy we've had since Reagan was with President Clinton and Speaker of the House Gingrich.

Donn म्हणाले...

My first station was KSJC from Delta College in Stockton, a whopping 10 watt station!

Then I went to KUOP, a 50,000 watt station from the University of the Pacific.

From there, I went to KSRT, a 3,000 watt commercial station also based in Stockton, CA.

Synova म्हणाले...

"America can change. Our union can be perfected."

Oh, gack.

I'm with you on this one, Lem.

Apologies to Simon for the buck-up-optimism speech.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Did Obama just say that?

"America can change. Our union can be perfected."

After just getting elected?

Palladian म्हणाले...

""America can change. Our union can be perfected."

Yes, of course, now that the Republican party is extinct and the Democrats rule us and in the darkness bind us! Otherwise, America is shit and is falling apart.

What a load of crap. And talk about Immanentizing the eschaton! Perfection is for the Kingdom of Heaven, Mr President Elect.

Jesus, we really did fuck up this time, didn't we?

Simon म्हणाले...

Darcy, of course. I'm not proposing that we just flat-out make stuff up - I'm not proposing conservative litigation strategies a la FAIR or Mass. v. EPA. I propose that we do everything that is legal and ethical - not that we stoop to the level of the other side.

Balfegor म्हणाले...

Let's remember Abraham Lincoln. He was a Republican. He faced a nation more divided than it is now. But he reached out to them.

Y-es . . . after a fashion. As Lincoln put it: "every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said 'the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.'"

Can you imagine if Bush II (or, for that matter, if Obama) tried out a line like that? "Bloodthirsty" wouldn't be the half of it!

Palladian म्हणाले...

Thanks for the info, Donn. It's amazing to meet someone who met and talked to all those great people first-hand.

Darcy म्हणाले...

Jesus, we really did fuck up this time, didn't we?

Well...we didn't. ;-)

Chris Althouse Cohen म्हणाले...

I will now have a glass of wine and take in the irony that though Obama beat Hillary under the promise of an administration different from Bill Clinton's, already gays are being thrown under the bus as the Democrats gain power.

Donn म्हणाले...


I saw Genesis twice when Peter Gabriel was still in the band, the first time in front of only 250 people at Winterland in SF....this was before anyone knew who they were.

It was progressive rock that led me into radio, and it's still my favorite type of music over 30 years later.

Synova म्हणाले...

"Jesus, we really did fuck up this time, didn't we?"

Well...we didn't. ;-)


But at the same time I *noticed* and really appreciated the fundamental difference between "us" and "them" that is inherent in Palladian's unconscious choice of pronouns.

DaLawGiver म्हणाले...


These children that you spit on, they are immune to your consultations.

blake म्हणाले...

Which ideas are those? Maybe he hasn't had them yet?

Clinton probably didn't have the idea to go into office and reform welfare.

If he has ideas that would work, why didn't he bring those forward during the election instead of the unworkable crap posted on his website and referred to in his speeches?

Because you don't get elected that way?

What I'm sayin', dude, is that he's the President. You can't change that short of a few illegal actions.

What's more, you don't want--really, you don't--to become ODS. Let him propose something and attack the proposition.

What I think y'all might be missing is that McCain would've been a disaster. A lesser disaster from Obama? Yeah, probably. But W was a disaster, so was Clinton. We're in Iraq now because Bush I didn't take the fight to Hussein.

Consider this, as well: Y'all have spent eight years talking about how superior the right is as far as how they handle being out of power and addressing ideas they're opposed to.

Start talking about generic destruction, and how are you different from them? How about we oppose Obama's policies as they come up?

Card check, nationalized health care, welfare disguised as tax cuts, etc. There's a lot to disagree with. There's also a lot to do in the fields of education, media, etc.

Yeah, I know "the left" made it personal. I was assured that "the right" wouldn't.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

"Our union can be perfected."

Our union can be perfected?



The Scythian म्हणाले...

"I'm not happy about this. Seems like the beginning of the Democrats getting everything they want and gays being thrown under the bus."

Get used to it. Senator Obama's good at throwing people under the bus when it suits his political career. The Democrats will now move to the center on all social issue except abortion (and maybe even that). Gays will be thrown under the bus in the process, since there are a lot more votes to be gained among homophobic blacks, hispanics, and members of the white working class.

And once homophobia becomes a club that can be used to beat the Democrats with, it'll fade as an issue.

Have fun with that.

Synova म्हणाले...

It just doesn't get any better with repetition, does it, Lem.

Freeman Hunt म्हणाले...

What I think y'all might be missing is that McCain would've been a disaster.

Yes. This must be kept in mind. A lesser disaster perhaps, but still a disaster. The choice was basically between socialism-fast or socialism-slow.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

I will now have a glass of wine and take in the irony that though Obama beat Hillary under the promise of an administration different from Bill Clinton's, already gays are being thrown under the bus as the Democrats gain power.

That's the Irony of this thing Jac, that because Obama is a minority himself it might be more difficult for him politically to do anything about gays in the military.

Frankly, Bush 43 should have done it (in my opinion)

Synova म्हणाले...

Yes. This must be kept in mind. A lesser disaster perhaps, but still a disaster.

Likely better Justices though.

Balfegor म्हणाले...

Clinton probably didn't have the idea to go into office and reform welfare.

Strictly speaking, this is not correct. He actually campaigned in part on this promise. See this and this for examples. I suspect that what Clinton had it mind was not quite what got implemented, which was shaped more by the Republicans in the House, but the idea that welfare was a rotten system and needed to be reformed was certainly part of his rhetoric.

Freeman Hunt म्हणाले...

Likely better Justices though.

Eh. Don't remind me. I'm trying to forget.

Sheesh. What sort of crazy Justices are we going to end up with?

blake म्हणाले...

Socialism-slow PLUS a complete discrediting of the ideas Republicans are supposed to champion.

I voted for the guy as a protest but--best for the country? Who knows?

I also think of those Quakers in...was it 1792? Who brought the slavery issue to the new Congress. They were right, morally, but Ellis points out how they essentially exacerbated conditions that led to the Civil War.

Being right--and here we're just talking about being slightly right-er--is not always proof against disaster.

Chris Althouse Cohen म्हणाले...

Obama has to repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell and allow gays to serve openly in the military. If he doesn't do this, his candidacy is a fraud.

Donn म्हणाले...

The choice was basically between socialism-fast or socialism-slow.


Palladian म्हणाले...

"But at the same time I *noticed* and really appreciated the fundamental difference between "us" and "them" that is inherent in Palladian's unconscious choice of pronouns."

Ha. Well I was brought up to think that in America, we are we. We the People.... We occasionally fuck up, but we're still we, not us and them. I didn't forget that under Bush and I hope that lefties don't forget that under Obama. We're in this together.

reader_iam म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

synova says

It just doesn't get any better with repetition, does it, Lem.

thats exactly what made me look outsite "the party". I was a product of a complete socialist (stratajema) I dont know how to say that in english.

so when somebody questions my own Ambar awakening - my ears perk up.

Synova म्हणाले...

Obama has to repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell and allow gays to serve openly in the military. If he doesn't do this, his candidacy is a fraud.

Did he promise that?

I think he ought to but someone is going to have a stroke over group showers. He's got to get it through congress doesn't he?

Freeman Hunt म्हणाले...

Socialism-slow PLUS a complete discrediting of the ideas Republicans are supposed to champion.

Yes. So maybe socialism-fast is better. Better to avoid further eroding the distinction between the two parties.

I would definitely call this election a rejection of the moderate. McCain was a true moderate, a part time Democrat. He had his tail handed to him. People want vision (even vague, emoto vision). There is no vision in the realm of the squishy. We need a real conservative next time.

Palladian म्हणाले...

"Obama has to repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell and allow gays to serve openly in the military. If he doesn't do this, his candidacy is a fraud."

Chris, Obama can't repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell", the Congress has to do that. And they won't.

Face it, the Democrats use us queers and then toss us under the bus when they're finished, before anyone notices that they even had queers on the bus. I think it would have been different had Hillary won, but that's not to be. Obama has a mandate from his black supporters, the same black supporters that are not friends of gay rights. Brace yourself to fall under that bus.

Synova म्हणाले...

Reader... I took that as "appeal to reason". ;-)

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Freeman says

Yes. This must be kept in mind. A lesser disaster perhaps, but still a disaster.

Gosh woman, you are so optimistic ;)

Palladian म्हणाले...

"Sheesh. What sort of crazy Justices are we going to end up with?"

It might finally be Judge Reinhardt's lucky day.


Titusjustvoted म्हणाले...

There is quite a bit of partying and honking horns in my hood.

They are disrupting the rare clumbers, who are barking which is rare.

My fabulous juliet balcony is open and I want to yell to the revelers, go to bed faggots.

But alas, I won't. I will let them enjoy this night.

Because tomorrow we will come to the realization that we elected a commie.

Freeman Hunt म्हणाले...

Reader... I took that as "appeal to reason". ;-)

Me too. I thought it was actually sort of complimentary.

Gosh woman, you are so optimistic ;)

Heh. The funny thing is that that really was an attempt to be optimistic. Like, "Hey, maybe it's not so bad because it still would have been bad the other way, so relatively speaking..."

Palladian म्हणाले...

"Because tomorrow we will come to the realization that we elected a commie."

Give it up, douchebag.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Helterskelter just showed up.

Titusjustvoted म्हणाले...

The crowds in my hood are becoming huge and boisterous.

They are bothering me.

I can smell uncut hog from the 11th floor.

Palladian म्हणाले...

Hey look! Oprah said that the election of Obama is "the most meaningful thing that has ever happened."

I mean, that's quite a statement.

I guess she's rich enough that a 60 percent tax rate won't mean anything to her.

Titusjustvoted म्हणाले...

I thought I would be horny after the results but I am not.

thank you.

Chris Althouse Cohen म्हणाले...

maxine weiss said...

The Anti-Prop 8 forces should have hitched themselves to the McCain/Palin ticket.

Do you not see that it was Republican Judges who overturned the CA Constitution in the first place ?

Can you explain to me how putting Palin in Noose in West Hollywood was gonna help their cause, in the more Republican areas of the State?????

I wasn't happy about that guy doing the Palin-in-a-noose thing either, and I don't think he was very intelligent. Someone asked him what the response would be if someone did that with an Obama image, and he said it would be different because there is a history of lynching black people and not a similar history with women. So the Salem Witch Trials don't count?

And I've been reluctant to vote for Obama for a while, so don't tie that to me. I'm critical of the people who think they're so wonderful for voting for the first black President and at the same time voted against my rights.

palladian said...
Question for lefties: how did you guys deal with 8 years of George W. Bush? You should publish a survival guide for us non-Obama-ites.

Through comedy and building a sense of community amongst those who hated the current President. This energy and sense of togetherness culminated in the rise of the one who looked like the antithesis of the hated President. The same thing will happen again, and that will be your next Republican President. Perhaps it will be a white woman with glasses.

Synova म्हणाले...

Good night, all.

Here's to a purpose filled tomorrow. ;-)

Joan म्हणाले...

I'm gonna go with the prog rock discussion as being the most entertaining part of this thread. There's something degenerate about expressing yourself with lyrics (not to mention links to YouTube) from ancient songs, but I have often thought, and do now: Your wisemen don't know how it feels... to be thick as a brick. (Perversely, I love the album even more now that I know the whole thing was a put-on.)

In other news, hostilities have resumed between Israel and Gaza. Think they'll strike Iran before Obama is inaugurated? I think they're thinking they'd better move while they still have a strong ally in the White House.

Freeman Hunt म्हणाले...

Oprah said that the election of Obama is "the most meaningful thing that has ever happened."

Geeze. Though hardly surprising coming from a woman who hawks "The Secret" on her show.

Chris Althouse Cohen म्हणाले...

My old friend Johnny appeared on CNN in the Obama audience. Of all the thousands of people, they showed him for some reason!

Titusjustvoted म्हणाले...

I think I may try and go onto a porno site and jerk off but I don't know if I can give shoot a load tonight.

How many loads have all of you shot tonight?

Titusjustvoted म्हणाले...

I am just happy that all of the gay props were voted against.

Thank God.

Darcy म्हणाले...

Palladian, you are right, we are we. I know that. I'm just not in the mood to take responsibility for this.

Tomorrow is another day, though.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Through comedy and building a sense of community amongst those who hated the current President. This energy and sense of togetherness culminated in the rise of the one who looked like the antithesis of the hated President. The same thing will happen again, and that will be your next Republican President. Perhaps it will be a white woman with glasses.

Somebody has been reading (miss-reading) the rise and fall of the third reich ;)

Donn म्हणाले...

I'm gonna go with the prog rock discussion as being the most entertaining part of this thread.

Welcome aboard, Joan! 8^)

Freeman Hunt म्हणाले...

Goodnight. I have to rest up so that I'll be able to help build The People's School brick by brick with my comrades later on.

Mark म्हणाले...

"America can change. Our union can be perfected."

The first thought is trivial. The second is terrifying, in light of all previous attempts to perfect humanity. (Something the Founders obviously understood when opting for "a more perfect union" instead of, you know, just the perfect kind.)

It's great America can elect a person of color. I'm just not feeling great about this one.

Titusjustvoted म्हणाले...

I am just happy Mitch Mcconnell won.

I love him.

He is very charismatic and sexy.

He is a rice queen.

Chris Althouse Cohen म्हणाले...

palladian said...
"Obama has to repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell and allow gays to serve openly in the military. If he doesn't do this, his candidacy is a fraud."

Chris, Obama can't repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell", the Congress has to do that. And they won't.

Face it, the Democrats use us queers and then toss us under the bus when they're finished, before anyone notices that they even had queers on the bus. I think it would have been different had Hillary won, but that's not to be. Obama has a mandate from his black supporters, the same black supporters that are not friends of gay rights. Brace yourself to fall under that bus.

Doesn't the President, as Commander and Chief, have the power to decide who can serve in the military? Either way, I think he can get Congress to do what he tells them to do when they have a Democratic majority. They have no excuse to not fulfill their promises now. And they need to do what he says and not oppose him on something like that. If he wants to get this done, he can. There's no excuse.

To Obama's credit, he did go into black churches that didn't support gays and criticize them for not being more gay friendly. At least, according to him.

I take pleasure only in the fact that the older generation will die out and be replaced with people who are more accepting of gays.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

I have to rest up so that I'll be able to help build The People's School brick by brick with my comrades later on.

That's the spirit. . .
Althouse would expect nothing less ;)

Titusjustvoted म्हणाले...

I think it is important that we not question why this has happened.

We need to focus our energy on how to destroy Obama.

No time to question our responsibility in this matter. Focus, we can do this.

Also, make sure you all lube up your hogs and pop one off.

I guarantee that this will make you all feel better and sleep well.

Thank you.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Doesn't the President, as Commander and Chief, have the power to decide who can serve in the military? Either way, I think he can get Congress to do what he tells them to do when they have a Democratic majority.

The stroke of a precidential pen can undo in less than a minute "dont ask, dont tell".

It's a comander in chief prerogative, Simon may back me up on this.

Titusjustvoted म्हणाले...

Now, I will be retiring to my Panic Room and I recommend the rest of you to follow suit.

It is the only option we have.

Still screaming throngs of commies yelling "Obama" in my hood. They are scaring me.

genknorr म्हणाले...

we are all in big trouble now.The dems will fuck it up as they always do .

Titusjustvoted म्हणाले...

How many rapes do you think took place in that rally at Grant Park in Chicago tonight?

My guess is approximately 50.

And don't tell me there were not a bunch of trains being pulled.

OK, I have my can food ready, my oxygen level contained, and I am heading to my Panic Room.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

In the darkest coner of Bill Clintons cluttered hart a regret sits with his name on it called - "dont ask - dont tell"

A president was very much cornered by the people he was supposed to be in charge of.

Let's see if Obama let's himself be ledaround by the military.

He oviously has prob not giving it thought - so it wont be a priority.

Joan म्हणाले...

Thanks, Donn.

It has been an odd night. My 11-year-old son couldn't sleep and came downstairs in tears because Obama won. My husband and I had a 30 minute pep talk with him about how his life wasn't going to change at all, plus a lot of other things, including the fact that Obama is not stupid and he won't want to do anything to make himself, his party, or our country look bad (like pull out of Iraq now that we're winning.) My son's concerns were wide-ranging, from thinking that Bill Ayers would somehow be back in the terrorism business (we explained how he's actually a mousy professor who calls the police when reporters try to talk to him) and that we wouldn't become the "USSA" overnight. He was also worried about Israel: "N,U,K,E,D - that's how we'll spell Israel now." No, we assured him, Irael won't let itself be nuked, they'll take out Iran first...

For an 11-year-old kid, he has a pretty amazing grasp of the situation, but it was also instructive how his 11-year-old imagination ran wild. He has no idea what a grinding slog it is to pass legislation, and how hard it is to actually change things.

By the time we wrapped up, he was feeling a lot better, especially since he knows we're in for a rough time economically, and whoever is in power is going to be held responsible for however long it lasts.

All I know is, when you're 11 years old, you shouldn't feel the weight of the world on your shoulders like that. My husband and I certainly didn't put it there, and we worked very hard to lift it. I just wish I knew he had been spending so much time thinking about this stuff before, so we could have dealt with his irrational fears beforehand.

After all that, you can understand why some prog rock seems like just the ticket: Skating away...

Beth म्हणाले...

Well, 755 comments and I'm just coming in from watching the results with good friends. I won't bother to look through these, not just yet.

Ann: But that announcement -- that Obama has won -- gave me chills, made me almost cry. Something big has happened.

I did cry. I cried again, when John McCain gave his amazing concession speech. I wasn't alone. We toasted him. Then we sang "God Bless America" together.

We cried watching the faces of people in Atlanta, at Spellman, in Times Square, in that huge throng in Chicago. We are an amazing country.

We watched this tonight with a friend who is two years away from applying for American citizenship. It felt great to share this with her. The peaceful transition of power is a radical thing and we keep making it work. Good for us.

Donn म्हणाले...

After all that, you can understand why some prog rock seems like just the ticket

Yes, as the father of six kids, I can certainly understand!

Joan म्हणाले...

Beth: The peaceful transition of power is a radical thing and we keep making it work. Good for us.

Yes! This is another thing my husband and I stressed to our son. This country is truly an amazing place.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

I'm going on a limb.

Just as Bill's second term ties were a signal as to were his mind was, just so might Michele X dress be a signal representing where her hart will be during this presidency.

Michele will have secret Hillary style meetings, if not ...

Whatever happened to Mandala's wife?


Beth म्हणाले...

e have barely two months to decide how to destroy him administration from day one and to implement it.

What exactly is it you love about America, Simon? Or is it just being a partisan, ideologue, Republican that matters to you?

Maxine Weiss म्हणाले...

"I take pleasure only in the fact that the older generation will die out and be replaced with people who are more accepting of gays."



Not if they are people of color. The younger the population, the darker the skin, and those are the exact people who DON'T support gays.

Don't believe me?

Christopher, take a look of the map of how NO on Prop 8 did county by county. LA County, one of the most liberal, and non-white in the USA....voted YES.

Black and Hispanics are not your friends. They don't support you.

But, older white Republicans might, especially the ones who are judges in the CA Supreme court.

LoafingOaf म्हणाले...

I tuned into both McCain's and Obama's speeches and they were both good. Obama's was especially good. And he vowed to stand strong against America's enemies.

Then I flipped over to C-Span and they were taking calls from people who voted for Obama, people who voted for McCain, and people who voted for someone else.

The wacko and twisted comments from a large percentage of the McCain voters was quite disturbing. Callers saying Obama isn't an America, he's a terrorist, he's a Muslim, ect etc etc.
One saying Obama got into school with the help of the Saudis. The fever swamp on the right sounds as bad as it ever was on the left.

Maxine Weiss म्हणाले...

Blacks care about blacks. They don't care about anyone else, yet EVERYONE's supposed to support their cause.

Look who lost out big in this year's elections:

Gays and women---thrown under the bus because Black Power is so much more important !!!!!

Jews have lost bigtime too, they just don't know it yet.

We don't have coalitions anymore. All the old coalitions and alliances are gone....

Blacks are out for themselves, and don't expect anything when they are in power. Cause they don't care about Whitey, whether she's a woman, or Gay.....they are only interested in their own plight.

They don't care about YOU !!!1

LoafingOaf म्हणाले...

Blacks care about blacks. They don't care about anyone else, yet EVERYONE's supposed to support their cause.

Look who lost out big in this year's elections:

Gays and women---thrown under the bus because Black Power is so much more important !!!!!

Jews have lost bigtime too, they just don't know it yet.

We don't have coalitions anymore. All the old coalitions and alliances are gone....

Blacks are out for themselves, and don't expect anything when they are in power. Cause they don't care about Whitey, whether she's a woman, or Gay.....they are only interested in their own plight.

They don't care about YOU !!!

Damn...you're racist.....

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Let's see, - this post is meant for Jac Althouse.

Now that Althose is in power, I'm formerly launching a protest as to her slim choice of fronting cementers.

I believe the professor has been cavalier in her choices.

I expect the Obamian regime to spread the fronting around.


DaLawGiver म्हणाले...

What really sucks is that Cindy Sheehan lost to Nancy Pelosi.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

Well, the good news is McCain lost. That's one erratic crazy person off the radar.

The bad news is Obama won.

I assume voters will fix it in two years.

Rush will be an entertaining program for the next four years.

My own Ohio district reports
McCain 30545
Obama 19768

more or less in line with the yard signs. We have no large universities.

amba म्हणाले...

Sarah Palin can still make me hard as Gilbrator

dannyboy, is that some brand of vibrator?

amba म्हणाले...

Elsewhere in America: Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are filling out job applications for McDonalds or welfare applications.

Oh, so that's why Jesse was crying.

Chip Ahoy म्हणाले...

Joan, that is so sad!

Tell your boy Chip said everything is going to be just fine.

Chip Ahoy म्हणाले...

Colorado had a really weird proposal on the ballot. It was for an amendment to define life at conception. When I read that I thought, "Who in the world thinks up this stuff?" It seemed 100% of archaic. It failed 27% to 73%, which mathematically adds up to a proper 100%.

Joan म्हणाले...

Thanks, Chip. I'm pretty sure he knows that already. :)

Chip Ahoy म्हणाले...

Obama is best, and highly tolerable on mute. He has great teeth. Easy as pie to lipread mostly because almost completely predictable platitude and bromide.

Joan म्हणाले...

I'd like to say that CNN's election website is terrific -- easy to understand and use. Fox News' website, by comparison, is a train wreck. Ostensibly there's more data (because they show you the counties in each state), but the reality is, you can't see how the whole country voted! You can only see state-by-state, and drilling into a state to get to the other races is a nightmare. Whoever designed that mess should be shown the door.

Does anyone know why they're not calling the Senate race in GA yet? It seems weird, Chambliss has like a 6% lead with 98% of precincts reporting, and has held that lead all night. What gives? Also, excitement in Minnesota -- last update, Coleman was up by a mere 80 votes! Can he hold on? It would be nice to have few extra R's in the Senate to make up for the RINOs...

John Stodder म्हणाले...

The wacko and twisted comments from a large percentage of the McCain voters was quite disturbing.

Of course it's disturbing. You must have been really upset when similar comments and bizarre conspiracy theories were aimed at the current president.

The reality is all presidents are the targets of critics, lampooners and crackpot haters. Lincoln was compared to a baboon. TR, FDR, Truman, LBJ, Nixon, Ford, Carter; all of them were the targets of vicious, vile comments, and out and out lies. Reagan was "an amiable dunce" according to a senior advisor to presidents Truman, Kennedy and Johnson.

Don't let yourself think Obama's getting it because he's black. He's getting it because he's president. He will get more criticism in one day than you will get in your entire life. It comes with the territory.

John Stodder म्हणाले...

The bad news is Obama won.

I assume voters will fix it in two years.

Wouldn't you rather Obama succeeded?

Unlike Clinton in '92-'94, the world is full of immediate, looming dangers. The quality of life in the US for many years to come is in the balance. The threat of nuclear proliferation, gathering for 50 years, is about to reach a critical point.

I think we need to pray for Obama to be a stupendous success. Unless you're a Republican party official whose pay is predicated on the partisan makeup of Washington, you have a much higher stake in Obama's success than you could possibly have in the fate of the GOP or the conservative movement. If he fails, it would really be awful for the US, and Republicans regaining power would be small consolation, even for Republicans.

Chip Ahoy म्हणाले...

Joan, I cannot answer any election related questions. I'm watching Star Trek Deep Space Nine.

However, I can say, if you add extra milk to your Cocoa Puffs you end up with extra milk that turns chocolate. Then, if you add more Cocoa Puffs it turns the milk doubly chocolate. That's a good hint for Cocoa Puff planning.

My cantaloupe wasn't very orange. :-( I put sour cream in the seed hole just to see what that was like. Whipped cream would have been better. I put some black berries in there too.

LoafingOaf म्हणाले...

Well, stodder, one C-Span McCain voter made me laugh, when he pointed out all the trash the Obama people (who claim to be environmentalists) had littered the ground with after Obama's speech.

But the Obama voters calling in to CSpan were being very nice to McCain and so forth. It was a bit jarring to hear every other call go from a nice Obama voter to a crazy-sounding McCain voter. Made me feel I voted the right way.....

But I guess you could be right that the losers will always sound bad on CSpan's call-ins immediately after election results come in.

LoafingOaf म्हणाले...

And look how joan's kid is all worked up over the feverish stuff from the right wing? Damn, tell that kid to play more video games or something, and stay off the right-wing blogs!

Chip Ahoy म्हणाले...

The fix it in two years statement confounds me. Does this suggest a wistful hope that voters will turn over congress?

It must be a real drag to become executive associated with a congress that has an approval rating lower even than the current president.

Joan म्हणाले...

Doesn't CSpan screen those calls? It wouldn't surprise me if they were screening out Obama's crazies, and screening in McCain's. Not that I'm paranoid about the media or anything.
It's depressing how many people are sore losers.

John Stodder, I'm with you. I want Obama to be a great president. The world is too unstable a place to allow for Jimmy Carter redux. Nothing would make me happier than for me to realize that all the fears about Obama being a socialist idealogue were wrong.

The thing is, he is a smart guy, just cripplingly naive. When he finally makes contact with reality, I expect him to change his mind on a number of things.

I suggest we all mail Obama a copy of Amity Shlaes' excellent book on FDR and the New Deal, The Forgotten Man, so Obama can learn in detail how badly redistributive programs and protectionists policies can screw things up.

Chip: DS9 is the best of the second generation Treks. JJ Abrams' new movie looks awesome, too. We're looking forward to it.

LoafingOaf: Ha! My kid does not read the blogs and would love to spend more time playing video games. Unfortunately he has too much homework to allow for much of that. He's a good kid with an interest in history and politics. Combining that with an overactive imagination sometimes doesn't work out so well.

Ritmo Re-Animated म्हणाले...

A lot of immature hatefulness tonight in the echo chamber that divided itself off from the rest of the country. Good luck winning elections and affecting policy with that attitude.

Oh, that's right. It all comes down to tactics - I forgot the script.

John Stodder म्हणाले...

It was a bit jarring to hear every other call go from a nice Obama voter to a crazy-sounding McCain voter. Made me feel I voted the right way.....

Once again: Where have you been the past eight years? Do you read blogs? Have you ever heard this guy Keith Olbermann? Jack Cafferty? Half the columnists at the NY Times? You reap what you sow.

We'll see if the right does a better job policing its side than the abysmal job the left has done. I hope so. We can only go up from here.

chickelit म्हणाले...

John Stodder wrote: I think we need to pray for Obama to be a stupendous success.

I pray for my country, not for my leader.

Just sayin'

Palladian म्हणाले...

"A lot of immature hatefulness tonight in the echo chamber that divided itself off from the rest of the country. Good luck winning elections and affecting policy with that attitude."

You shitwads managed to do it.

chickelit म्हणाले...

God Bless you Palladian, you're the real deal!

Joan म्हणाले...

ChickenLittle, I'm praying for Obama and if you're praying the type, I'd think you would, too. Consider who is set to ascend to the presidency should anything happen to him. Do you really want Biden in the Oval Office?

Under normal circumstances (that is, a dull but reliable veep), I'd agree with you. But with Biden as veep, we can't be too careful.

chickelit म्हणाले...


With all due respect, we still have a few months left to pray for the country.

Palladian म्हणाले...

ok a bottle and a half of scotch and a bogtle of cognac. the pain is gone.. goodnight!

अनामित म्हणाले...

i hate that Obama won he's gonna destroy the USA. Socialist shouldn't be allowed to run.

lowercase म्हणाले...

Loafing Oaf: I'm thinking you made the whole thing up for reasons of your own - perhaps to inflame the conservatives on board.

No possibly way anyone could be that much of a bim in real life and then admit to it.

Hoosier Daddy म्हणाले...

John Stodder wrote: I think we need to pray for Obama to be a stupendous success.

I guess that depends on how you define success. A whole lot of those who support Obama want to see the country humbled and be more like Sweden than America. If he's successful moving the nation in that direction, I'll reserve my prayers.

American Liberal Elite म्हणाले...

McCain's concession speech was the most gracious I have ever heard. The guy has class.

Unknown म्हणाले...

POSTS end so soon?

mrs whatsit म्हणाले...

"But he seems to think -- I do too -- that Obama is not really an ideologue, but a sensible, intelligent, pragmatic man who will check the Democratic Congress."

Ann, I don't know if you read comments by the time they reach #796, but I wish you'd tell us why you think this. Do you see evidence, as opposed to wishful thinking, in his past actions or his words? I ask in all sincerity, because try as I may, I can't see it.

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

The most interesting news tidbit I heard from WI's results: Brown Co (in the Fox River valley) went from 10 points up for Bush in '04 to 9 points up for Obama. That's an astounding swing.

Darcy म्हणाले...

mrs whatsit: A lot of people here asked the same question before the election. There is no evidence of that prospect, as we both know. Only hope. What a flimsy reason to elect a man for President.

In effect, it is saying "I hope he is not at all like his party!"

It's hard not to be disgusted with this illogical thinking.

And "check the Democratic Congress"?

Excuse me, but why?? They most emphatically have been telling you what they intend to do, including Obama. The people who voted for that vision will have to live with that.

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

I can't believe Stevens wasn't given the boot!


Darcy म्हणाले...

MadisonMan: Your neighbors nearly elected (and may soon still find the ballots to elect!) Al Franken.

Just shocking, really. But I don't imagine I'll find too many people who voted for Obama to think so, sadly.

Dust Bunny Queen म्हणाले...

Going Galt.

Enjoy the internet while you can. Next step in the big brother agenda the fairness doctrine.

Ritmo Re-Animated म्हणाले...

"You shitwads managed to do it.'

2:13 AM

You shouldn't talk about others that way, P-Man, including Blogmistress Althouse. Not much that managed to be needed done. And who "managed" to do more than the incumbent and McCain at sinking his own chances? Come on! What happened to the party of personal responsibility?

I've got to feel bad for Simon. Indiana did something yesterday that it hadn't done in 44 years. Bad Indiana! Bad Indiana!

Good Indiana.

Hoosier Daddy म्हणाले...

I've got to feel bad for Simon. Indiana did something yesterday that it hadn't done in 44 years. Bad Indiana! Bad Indiana!

Good Indiana.

Actually since we overwhelmingly re-elected Mitch Daniels I would agree, good for Indiana. Mitch has a bigger impact on my life than Obama will.

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