5:01: Finally! Results. Settle in. Pour yourself a nice glass of win or whine, as you see fit.
5:37: "There's only one thing to take to a Kenyan election victory feast: a goat. Preferably still breathing - 'a sign of freshness' - and with big testicles, apparently the sign of quality breeding."
5:42: Per Fox News, McCain will lose (if he loses) because McCain's idea of the surge worked so well and because President Bush kept us free of terrorist attacks. The national security issues have receded into the shadows, and that makes it hard for McCain.
5:48: Polls about to close in a lot of places at the top of the hour, so let's while away the moments by looking at the sedate polling place where I arrived at 9:15. Enter:
Drop by the church-school bake sale:
6:00: CNN declares Obama the winner in Vermont and McCain in Kentucky, which is unsurprising. It does not resolve Georgia, Indiana, South Carolina, and Virginia. So does that mean that there is no overwhelming landslide for Obama? Or is CNN playing us (or playing it safe)?
6:16: Wolf Blitzer beams in a hologram from Chicago. It's Jessica Yellin, floating about oddly. It's also funny how obvious it is that she is being photographed outdoors. There is a subtle hunching against the elements that looks slightly daffy projected indoors. [Video.]
7:00: Polls just closed in a bunch of states, and CNN is only predicting the states that were very predictable. So the big blowout is not happening.
7:09: Elizabeth Dole crushed.
7:15: In the comments, there's quite a lot of talk of getting drunk. Palladian shows us what he's got lined up:
7:18: MSNBC calls Pennsylvania for Obama. Is that a cry for attention, or do they know something CNN and Fox don't?
7:33: CNN Headline News has Nancy Grace going on about a psychic looking for a missing toddler. I guess "Headline" doesn't mean what it used to. Now, it means holding pen for politicophobes.
7:40: Now, CNN calls Pennsylvania for Obama.
8:00: My state went for Obama. So did Michigan and Minnesota. Obama's at 179 electoral votes, with McCain at only 49.
8:04: Per CNN, twice as many voters said age was important as said race was important. But both groups tended to see that factor as a reason to vote for Obama.
8:34: CNN calls Ohio for Obama. "A huge, huge win," says Wolf Blitzer. "A huge, huge win," he says a second time.
8:34: Here, fiddle with this interactive map. It seems rather clear that Obama will win.
8:45: John King fiddles with the CNN interactive map to see if there is any way, given the states already called, that McCain could win. He gave him everything except Hawaii, California, Oregon, and Washington, and it was not enough to hit 270. So unless they've made some wrong calls -- and I vividly remember when Florida was called for Gore in 2000 -- McCain cannot win.
8:53: I hope the McCain supporters are holding up. Don't despair. Glenn Reynolds had an op-ed this morning saying: "[O]nce someone is duly and legally elected president, you do owe some respect to the office and the Constitution. And to your fellow Americans. I'm not an Obama fan, particularly, but a lot of people I like and respect are. To treat Obama as something evil or subhuman would not only be disrespectful toward Obama, but toward them. Instead, I hope that if Obama is elected, their assessment of his strengths will turn out to be right, and mine will turn out to be wrong." Yes, can we please not hate the President this time, for a change? (Or did I just rile you with the word "change"?)
9:01: More states called. Obama's up to 206 electoral votes... which doesn't include California (with 55). Do we have to keep watching?
9:08: "The Republican Party is getting a drubbing tonight, the likes of which we have never seen," says James Carville.
9:27: In the comments, Doyle asks, "You guys having fun?" Which provokes Palladian: "No, I wouldn't be having fun no matter who won this miserable election. But are you going to be having fun? It's not enough to sit around and bitch, you sour little cocksucker. You're in charge now! In charge of all of us! In charge of our future! You're not going to get to protect and govern only those that agree with you. You're going to have to protect and govern all of us, just like George Bush did with your sorry asses these last 8 years. We're ready for the brilliance, for the leadership, for the change and hope and all that. Time to deliver! Bring it on, doily!" Balfegor responds to the same question: "I am, actually. If we must endure the unendurable, and suffer the insufferable, we may as well have a bit of fun while we're at it. I am young, and may reasonably expect that, barring accidents, I will live to see a day when the Obama presidency is nothing more than a distant memory. And he may, after all, surprise us -- we know next to nothing about his ability to lead, or what he really believes, as he has hitherto studiously avoided any situation in which either could be put to the test."
10:00: CNN projects Obama as the winner!
10:01: I've been sitting here feeling completely cool and calm all evening. But that announcement -- that Obama has won -- gave me chills, made me almost cry. Something big has happened.
10:13: Karl Rove says "Every American should celebrate." That's on Fox, where there is some sedate but sincere celebration of the historic achievement: the first black President.
10:19: McCain speaks (over booing). "I deeply admire and commend him." He speaks of racial progress. "Let there be no reason now for any American to fail to cherish their citizenship in this, the greatest nation on earth." He urges us to "come together." "Whatever our differences, we are fellow Americans."
10:37: Charles Krauthammer, on Fox, praises Obama as a self-made man, who came out of nowhere, with no real resources. He says we don't really know who he is, but we'll find out. But he seems to think -- I do too -- that Obama is not really an ideologue, but a sensible, intelligent, pragmatic man who will check the Democratic Congress.
10:52: CNN is showing the crowd -- gathered spontaneously -- around the White House. Are you where you can see or hear people celebrating in the streets? I'm not. The window is open on this warm night, but all I'm hearing is a train whistle in the distance.
10:58: Obama walks out on the stage in Chicago. He looks happy. It makes me feel happy enough to laugh out loud. Michelle is wearing a very strange dress, black with glowing redness spreading upward and downward from a black X across the midriff. The little girls look elegant, as if they'd grown much older since we saw them this morning. He compliments McCain. He tells his girls they're getting a puppy. He gives us all credit for his victory. We understand "the enormity of the task that lies ahead." (Yikes!) He's going to listen to us, but he wants us to help him "rebuild this nation." "Let us summon a new spirit of patriotism, of responsibility." Let's not be partisan and petty. Let's remember Abraham Lincoln. He was a Republican. He faced a nation more divided than it is now. But he reached out to them. And we share a destiny with everyone in the world. "Democracy, opportunity, and unyielding hope." "America can change. Our union can be perfected." Now, he's in a sing-song poetic part of the speech, with the refrain "Yes we can." The crowd catches on and shouts the refrain. "Thank you. God bless you. And God bless the United States of America."
४ नोव्हेंबर, २००८
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«सर्वात जुने ‹थोडे जुने 800 पैकी 401 – 600 नवीन› नवीनतम»Balfegor said...
"Alea iacta est. And we must hope now for the best."
Hope is not a strategy. We must plannow for the best - which is to say, map out a strategy to stop this administration. It is a mistake to sit on our hands and do nothing until 2010. Perhaps that would be better for the GOP, but country before party.
We are always hearing about how unpopular America is abroad.
Let's see if it was Bush's fault, REALLY.
Cant blame Bush when they continue not to love us - like the Lib Elite want, like Huff wants.
If anything we will stop hearing about how they don't like us, at least for a bit.
They just wont poll, or they wont publish.
I'm not going to start out by "hating" Obama. But I think I have a pretty clear sense of who he is and what he intends for my country, and I expect the worst.
But I am crossing my fingers that my fellow conservatives will be able to keep our tone civil. We saw what rabid, over-the-top Bush-hatred did to the civic environment for the last eight years. If we are going to convert more people to our view, we have to be very calm and quiet now and let them see with their own eyes what happens when leftists take control. If we are screaming and foaming at the mouth and insulting their leftist idols, that will only make them want to defend Obama/Pelosi/et al regardless of what they do.
So let's just try to be calm and quiet and let them see with their own eyes what happens to a nation when it is run by people with this sort of agenda. Then they will be ready to listen to the conservative case.
That nightmare scenario is horrible. I demand a chain of Secret Service fully surrounding Obama at all times.
I don't see why people think Jon Stewart of Colbert will be off the air. Comedians make fun of people in power. Republicans were in power, and were made fun of. Now Democrats will be in power, and they'll be made fun of.
country before party.
here, here
True. I remember how much Clinton was the butt of jokes when he was in power, and all the films made about him and his character flaws.
Cant blame Bush when they continue not to love us
If Obama does nothing they probably will like us better, mostly, because we'll be weaker.
If Obama has to *do* anything and if he behaves even remotely as he's said he would... well, Bush will be a fond memory.
btw -- I voted against Tammy and yet she won. Bummer. Another lame incumbent doing just enough to get by.
Really Biden would be horrible enough. Can we lock Obama in a bullet and bomb proof hamster wheel for the next four years?
miller said..."I don't think "Republicans" are extinct."
Of course not.
Sarah's seen human footprints inside their tracks.
Adios Liddy! I smile when I say that.
Does this mean I can start drinking with the 18-year-olds again?
"Now Democrats will be in power, and they'll be made fun of."
Yeah right.
Simon said..."That son of a bitch just won Virginia."
Are you comparing Obama to Bristol's kid?
At least this is ending early. Hats off to McCain for trying. I really do mean that. I don't think he is evil..perhaps poorly advised.
I do hope that the GOP vast majority that inhabits this board will wish the new president well and help for the good of the country.
Enough division and rabid frenzies.
I can deal with American Obama supporters being excited for all sorts of reasons, even if I don't agree with them. (I know almost no one who agrees with me politically. I'm used to that.) But it's the thought of Europeans and others "congratulating" Americans for redeeming ourselves etc etc that makes me feel ill.
As far as I know, Bambi's not had to actually govern at anything.
What basis do we have to know what he'll do and how he'll accomplish it?
freeman - get a life.
Palin 2012.
I'm getting one of these for my car tomorrow. :)
This sucks...looking on the bright side, I guess this pretty much seals the 2016 Olympics for Chicago, which means I'm going to make a shit-load of money off my condo that's walking distance to where they'll build the main stadium.
Obama reported at 220 before California.
The GOP either starts filing lawsuits right now or its over, isn't it?
Freeman said
I demand a chain of Secret Service fully surrounding Obama at all times.
That's right.
If we are going to bite this bullet, there is no sense in allowing the undoing of a dream that has, for good or ill, being reached via a real one.
Let the dream fall off its own hiperfallutan weight.
I appreciate the class of the Democrats when they win or when they lose.
Geez, get a grip guys. Your guy won. Do you still need to hate your enemies?
What are my unstated assumptions?
Whatever they are that would lead you to believe that it's amazing what happened in PA, of course (because, really, it's not all that amazing). Perhaps if you consider those, PA might go a different way in future, and a better approach/strategy might be formulated.
Simon said..."That son of a bitch just won Virginia."
Are you comparing Obama to Bristol's kid?
Yeah... Simon says something about the adult who ran for president. Michael calls Palin's daugher a bitch and insults her unborn baby.
Enough division and rabid frenzies.
Good luck with that, hdhouse.
I'm getting one of these for my car tomorrow. :)
Good idea. I especially need one. I got kicked out of a liberal parents' playgroup on Sunday because someone in the group found that "I Am Sarah Palin" video along with my blog. Three people in the group couldn't get over it, so they booted me. They hate Palin. I must have that sticker on my car in case I run into any of them around town.
Synova said...
"If Obama has to *do* anything and if he behaves even remotely as he's said he would... well, Bush will be a fond memory."
Bush, if we choose to remember him at all will have his legacy. A wierd, sad, and pitiful legacy but his none the less. That the election cycle has driven him pretty much into seclusion and ignominy is one good byproduct of all this ruckus.
Geez, get a grip guys. Your guy won. Do you still need to hate your enemies?
Why, yes. Obviously they do.
miller: "What basis do we have to know what he'll do and how he'll accomplish it?"
Been in a fucking coma??
Hours from a result and you're...confused?
How dumb are you??
If he didn't want me to (at the very least) strongly dislike him, calling me a greedy, selfish racist was a tactical error on his part. :)
Yeah. That is a bit of an obstacle for me, too. :)
Chris Shays of CT fell. The last Republican in the House from the New England region with a shot. From the party's founding until the evangelical Democrats converted to Republicans took over, starting when Abe Lincoln was elected. 148 years. Poof!
Murtha won...
Exit polling showing women and independents went Obama in part because of McCain's age & health with Palin designated to replace him.
Virginia and Colorado shifted from Republicans, Florida looks gone, too.
Looks like the media will call it when the 800-lb electoral gorilla, California, has it's polls close.
So you actually have no idea what assumptions I might have and you're just making stuff up, is that about it?
I'm not trying to slam you, but really, your comment was completely empty of meaning.
Synova - The only "hate" I see here is on your side of the aisle.
But it's the thought of Europeans and others "congratulating" Americans for redeeming ourselves etc etc that makes me feel ill.
Yeah they should watch us fuck up other countries for no good reason and like it.
I demand a Popemobile for Obama too.
Now, of course, we'll need to wait and see how each and every singer sounded his and her note, and in the various states.
But still.
freeman, I think your friends are dunces. I don't understand de-friending people over politics. It's not like there aren't other things to talk about. Jeeze,
I'm not sure why you feel the need to be so angry. I point out that Bambi has done nothing for the last 12 years but run for office.
That completely unhinges you.
What will happen with your anger the first time Bambi fails you?
I fear for your sanity.
Freeman Hunt said..."I demand a Popemobile for Obama too."
How about an ounce of sense for you?
It's too late for the hate. Try to support America for a change.
That son of a bitch just won Virginia.
Look for the First to suffer in the next four years.
freeman, I think your friends are dunces. I don't understand de-friending people over politics. It's not like there aren't other things to talk about. Jeeze,
My thoughts exactly. Really it was the organizer of the group plus two other people who did it, the organizer having the power to kick people out. Other people in the group strongly objected, so they're not all a bunch of intolerant goofballs.
Synova - The only "hate" I see here is on your side of the aisle.
Sure, Michael, because you simply can't see your own.
Has anyone EVER said anything mean about either of Obama's kids? How about any of Joe's kids or grandkids?
But you can call Bristol a bitch and her unborn baby a "son of a bitch" and you see no hate on your side?
Well, I don't expect you too, really, you've proven yourself well enough.
miller, the man hasn't even been elected yet and you're already whining about how he'll fail.
Are you an American or a fucking asshole?
It's not like he ran unopposed.
Michael, can you read? I'm writing that I want maximal bodily protection for Obama because, though I'm not an Obama fan, I think Biden would be... well, there just aren't words.
Freeman said
I demand a Popemobile for Obama too.
I love it.
The Bunker President
Miller: OK.
You really need to take a break from posting. Your anger is not making you stronger.
Synova, you're a moron.
We're talking TONIGHT.
And what the fuck does "Joe the plumber's kids" have to do with anything?
Stop the whining and crying.
Ann - Yes, can we please not hate the President this time, for a change? (Or did I just rile you with the word "change"?)
The Democrats spent the last eight years calling Bush Hitler and Every Republican in the country a Nazi. You can't sweep eight years of the most vile bitter hatred in modern history under the rug overnight. It will take decades to repair the damage Dems have done. Don't ever expect the Republicans to just forgive and forget.
though I'm not an Obama fan, I think Biden would be... well, there just aren't words.
Yeah, I second that.
Doyle gets a tag? Wow, I guess I need to be more of an ahole here to get any props whatsever!
McCain should call soon - and send us to bed.
waht do you all think?
Murtha won...
Oh, dear lord.
Now I really am dispirited.
Synova....speaking of saying mean things about kids...I do happen to remember a little flurry about McCain's black kid in South Carolina....and watching Mr. Bush squirm when called on it.
I agree with your point about the namecalling regarding Bristol. That is horrid and unworthy. But then again, no one should attack a kid for crying out loud.
Such talk is unworthy of this blog.
miller, I'm not the least bit "angry."
I'm hopeful.
It's your inane and hateful posts that make me believe you're an asshole who really doesn't care about our country...only the way you think things should be.
Accept it; you backed Bush and now you backed McCain.
You're the loser.
The Left is unhinged when they win and when they lose.
I'm not sure how they function in society. I mean, they can't all be wandering around pushing their shopping carts and screaming at imaginary demons, can they?
hdhouse said...
"Hats off to McCain for trying. I really do mean that."
Dissembling doesn't suit you.
Yeah, you're hopeful AND you go into a tirade when someone points out the flaws in your Anointed One.
I can see how that's HopeChange(tm).
Miller: Yes, they can!
Simon...after 8 years of Mr. Bush I can afford to be charitable.
Why is it that you are sooooo out of sorts tonight?
OOOOPS winner ...we have a winner.
FOX has declared Obama the winner :(
The Left is unhinged when they win and when they lose.
Good point. Does there exist a hinged scenario?
Cedarford "Chris Shays of CT fell. The last Republican in the House from the New England region."
And with him goes your ridiculous theory that the problem was the "religious right."
Is there a gracious bone in any of the asshole's bodies here?
What a pack of whining, crying, bitching weasels.
Just once...back off and accept the fact that you're wrong.
"You can't sweep eight years of the most vile bitter hatred in modern history under the rug overnight."
Wanna bet? The media decides that everything is better and poof! it's better!
"It will take decades to repair the damage Dems have done."
Nope! It will take one night, the night of January 20th.
"Don't ever expect the Republicans to just forgive and forget."
There aren't any Republicans anymore.
It's over.
I was right.
You were wrong.
Lem....well Faux Noise finally told the truth. Be happy. Rejoice. It won't happen again.
Bush, if we choose to remember him at all will have his legacy. A wierd, sad, and pitiful legacy but his none the less.
Hey, he can always go build cheap ass houses for folks in Botswana. It worked for that other loser.
You can't be happy or gracious even when your guy wins.
That's called paranoia.
And in your case, it's also called mental illness.
Get help. Call your closest local hospital and ask for a referral.
Juan williams is breaking up on FOX
The GOP either starts filing lawsuits right now or its over, isn't it?
I really want the Republicans to be the grown-ups here. If lawsuits are necessary they should be after McCain has congratulated Obama. Working for fair elections has to continue, of course, and where there is fraud it needs to be prosecuted. In the end, though, confidence in the system itself is more important than who is elected. It really is.
Mark Shields: "this is an unimmaginable moment." Sure, but not for the reasons you have in mind. Why is it that only liberals couldn't imagine a black man becoming President?
"I was right.
You were wrong."
Yes, but you're still a shitty douchbag, Gene!
So, I guess, based on the insanity found here, Obama was really lucky to win. That most Americans made a huge mistake. That most here are smarter than their fellow Americans.
That's the kind of reaction that identifies most here as being just plain dumb.
You NEVER give any credit, you ONLY whine and criticize those with whom you disagree.
Small minds.
palladian, be careful fat boy.
I'm sure that will help you sleep better tonight. It's an expensive panacea for the rest of us, however.
But thanks for caring and sharing your thoughts with us.
"Something big has happened."
Yes, a big, huge disaster.
Michael the meatbag says,
Is there a gracious bone in any of the asshole's bodies here?
well, there's certainly none in yours, meatbags don't have any bones.
Why is it that only liberals couldn't imagine a black man becoming President?
If they could imagine things getting better without forcible government intervention, they wouldn't be "liberals" in the first place.
Just once...back off and accept the fact that you're wrong.
Noooo it just means we had a weak candidate.
Aww...I can't watch the news right now, but I like Juan Williams, Lem.
I can't think of anything I have ever agreed with him on, but he does seem like an awfully nice man.
And a good sport, too.
So that sort of made me smile.
Just once...back off and accept the fact that you're wrong.
Wrong about what?
Wrong that Obama won?
Wrong that you think it's okay to call the children of the opposing candidate a bitch and her unborn child a son-of-a-bitch?
What are we supposedly wrong about?
However, one thing is nice about the Electoral College - it tends to produce these types of results (300+) than the narrower squeaker elections.
Congratulations to the new president.
miller, you don't make enough money to have anything at stake.
Being a pretender isn't pretty.
Could someone please hang up garlic and crosses in the comments section? The banned undead returns.
If they could imagine things getting better without forcible government intervention, they wouldn't be "liberals" in the first place.
didng didng ding
michael, if you weren't a girl, and we were in a bar right now, I'd feed your teeth to you one at a time on behalf of every commenter that you have have willfully offended here.
The problem with the Dem-o being in charge is that they'll just blame everything on George W. Bush. Something's bad? Oh, it's Bush's fault. Crazy foreigners getting uppity, and Obama's "measured reasoned response" fails to calm them down? Oh, well Bush stirred 'em up. One of their policy initiatives goes hilariously awry? Oh, well it was doomed from the start because Bush fucked everything up.
That's going to be the real problem for conservatives in the next four years--getting Dem-o to own their fuckups instead of just blaming everything on Bush.
synova: suck my dick.
Michael, I think she's going to say 'no.'
palladian, would you like to get together? maybe discuss art, weight problems?
Some great factoids on CNN about the spread in the vote by ages. The younger generation breaks pretty strongly for the Democrat.
host: i'm scared to death.
The younger generation breaks pretty strongly for the Democrat.
Thank you, public schools.
My apologies - not CNN, Yahoo.
And it's not historic. Let's put that to rest before it gets off the ground. It's an uncommonly stupid decision by the electorate, but it isn't historic. A Democrat grabbed the presidency. That's all that happened today. Tommorow, we get to work on him.
I'm with you Simon.... let's just allow for this people to, again hang themselves by their own petard (i'm not spelling that right)
However, one thing is nice about the Electoral College - it tends to produce these types of results (300+) than the narrower squeaker elections.
Yes. Here's hoping that the push to destroy the electoral college system takes a huge blow. If we can put that stupidity to rest for a while the Obama win might have been worth it.
Congratulations to the new president.
Michael, I don't normally participate in the political threads here, but I think I need to speak up:
Why are you being so hateful? You're coming off like a 15 year old among adults, do you realize that? It's as if you have this deep-seated insecurity that requires you be validated by this election, and that this event give you the license to belittle and insult others.
That's simply not mature behavior. You consider comporting yourself like an adult at some point? It's people like you that make political threads on Professor Althouse's blog distasteful to participate in.
Interesting. The Republicans lose, and they talk about how to refigure their philosophy and communication for the future.
The Democrats win, and they talk about taking revenge.
I'm not sure what this says about the mindset.
But really, does everything unhinge the left?
Tommorow, we get to work on him.
Can't we please just ignore the silly son of a bitch until January 20th? The next two months are the first opportunity we've had in years to not give a shit about Barack Obama, and the last such chance we'll have until at least 2013. He can't actually due any harm before the inauguration, and I'd just as soon spend the holidays thinking about other things.
"palladian, would you like to get together? maybe discuss art, weight problems?"
How about we discuss Psychology, Gene. Don't you know a lot about that?
It's lousy that Murtha won, but the native Centre County person in me will claim that he won because the people around Altoona and Johnstown, his district, SW of my home town, are certifiable morons.
I'm happy that Steve Kagen apparently won -- yes, he's an incumbent, but only one term, so my anti-incumbent ire has not spread to him yet. And his opponent suckled off the public teat for so long in Madison.
What a pack of sorry sycophants.
Just look at the comments: 95% of those here spend their entire night sucking on each other. Agreeing on everything, whinging in unison, bitching about the very same things.
It's quite the discussion.
And now...you get to bitch whine about being losers.
Absolutely perfect.
"I don't understand de-friending people over politics."
It's going to take me several days before I can even look at anyone who voted for this catastrophe. There are people I'm never speaking to again because of this. Some people, I will; there's some people I love and respect enough that I can get past their voting for this, but it's going to take a little bit of time.
This isn't small stuff, this is the real world. This is important, even if people like Loafing Oaf didn't grasp it.
Right now, PBS' woman on the spot in Grant Park is creaming herself over the results.
Can't we please just ignore the silly son of a bitch until January 20th?
I like this idea. I don't want to hear about any candidates or their families these next months. I am tired of all of them.
Palladian, want to get together?
The Academy, the Novel selection commitee have made mistakes too.
Like Simon says, we have to prove them wrong.
Michael, I think she's going to say 'no.'
I'd have to find it first.
And saying "no" is a bit less... emphatic than what I have in mind.
Synova, I actually like the Electoral College. It reminds us that we are the United States and not simply divisions of a Federal campus.
I like that states such as Montana and Vermont have the ability to modify results they way they do.
I like that important changes such as Presidents and Constitutional Amendments require the cooperation of a disparate collection of states.
Keep the Electoral College.
Why are you being so hateful?
How is it people don't get it? He's a troll. Of course he sounds hateful; he only posts here to get people to angrily argue with him. Once you realize that simple fact he's easy to ignore.
But if you're silly enough to try reasoning with him, you're only going to be disappointed. :)
Freeman Hunt said..."I don't want to hear about any candidates or their families these next months. I am tired of all of them."
What a lying piece of shit.
Judy Woodruff says Obama is going to try to bring the country togther in his speech tonight. He's going to resign already?!
Is Michael hitting on Palladian?
rev, for those here to even post the word "hateful" is a fucking joke.
And you're right in there, too.
My cell phone doesn't work. The service is dead. There are people lighting firecrackers out in the street. There are people screaming. This is that calm reasonable transition of power we've heard so much about. It's going to be a fun 4...8... 12.. 30 years!
I think it's more Percocet that Palladian.
Prof Althouse: if I may, I'd like to post here something I wrote on Oct 12, 2005. I voted for McCain, you voted for Obama, but I'd like to thank you for your interesting blog.
Speaking as a partisan Republican, I must say that things have not gone well for the Republican Party in the last few weeks. The 2006 elections might turn out bad for Republicans. But you know what, is that such a terrible thing? Not really. It might be good for the country if some centrist Democrats get to run the country, for a change. (I had enough of one-party rule in Vietnam.) As I recall, most of us lived through the Clinton years just fine.
Which brings me to this point: most Americans do not realize how lucky we are to live in a democracy such as ours. On every presidential election night, I’m glued to the TV, watching the election returns. And you know what my favorite part is? It’s the concession speech. Somehow every candidate is at his best when giving the concession speech: always graceful, asking his supporters to support the president-elect, etc. I get teary-eyed every time I listen to a concession speech. It’s a beautiful moment: the most powerful office in the world changes hand, without a single shot fired, nobody killed, no riots in the streets. It’s happened so often, with such regularity, with no fanfare, that we forget that it’s almost a miracle that it happens at all.
Now it's to Washington State, where Governor Rossi will try again to be elected to the post.
Sleeping and dead voters in King County will give him a run for the money.
Ron said...
Doyle gets a tag? Wow, I guess I need to be more of an ahole here to get any props whatsever!
Ron (the commenter): Hands down funniest guy here, tag or no tag.
Simon says..
It's going to take me several days before I can even look at anyone who voted for this catastrophe.
That's how most of us feel prob, we just dont have the guts to say so.
I mean - very little has changes (there is that word again) since we believed he was no good.
you know what? he still no good. he has a lot to prove!
Relative to this quote: "[O]nce someone is duly and legally elected president, you do owe some respect to the office and the Constitution. And to your fellow Americans. I'm not an Obama fan, particularly, but a lot of people I like and respect are. To treat Obama as something evil or subhuman would not only be disrespectful toward Obama, but toward them. Instead, I hope that if Obama is elected, their assessment of his strengths will turn out to be right, and mine will turn out to be wrong," it would have been nice if this rule applied to George Bush during the last eight years. However, we now have the messiah. It will be fashionable to support Presidents. That is, until the next Republican is elected.
Once you realize that simple fact he's easy to ignore.
Or to banter with. It's kind of like bantering with a bot because the responses are 100% predictable.
And Michael, you're calling me a liar because I said I'm tired of all the candidates? You're right. I lied. I cannot get enough of these people! Bring it on! Wall-to-wall McCain Obama Biden Palin coverage for eternity!
How's that Sarah Palin thing working out?
"Why is it that you are sooooo out of sorts tonight?"
Why am I so out of sorts? Look at what your party just inflicted on this country. This is a massive unforced error by the country. You have voted to return this country to 1968.
Amen, Revenant.
And MadisonMan: It's only lousy that Murtha won again?
It's a travesty.
Synova, I actually like the Electoral College. It reminds us that we are the United States and not simply divisions of a Federal campus.
I like that states such as Montana and Vermont have the ability to modify results they way they do.
I like that important changes such as Presidents and Constitutional Amendments require the cooperation of a disparate collection of states.
Keep the Electoral College.
Look back at what I wrote. ;-)
The electoral college is every bit as important has having a Senate and a House. It would be *very bad* if it went away or is destroyed by people who think it's a good idea to split up their state's EC votes.
McCain's being booed for congratualting Obama. His crowd has more brains than he does.
Awright! Where do I send the gas bill and mortgage payment? Do you know if we get free booze too? That would be so awesome.
Someone should start throwing things at McCain at this point.
The younger generation breaks pretty strongly for the Democrat.
Yeah cause they haven't had to work for a living yet. Sheesh like that's a revelation or something.
Did I say that out loud?
Mark Percich - Just can't bring yourself to be honorable and respectful of a new President.
Of course not.
You're just another asshole.
McCain is saying for the first time why Obama rose the way he did!
Nice post, Vietpundit.
Do you taunt the women in your class like that Gene?
danny the dummy: "Yeah cause they haven't had to work for a living yet. Sheesh like that's a revelation or something."
How the fuck do YOU know?
And why should anyone care?
In 2004, almost 6 million people voted in Pa prez election.
Right now Drudge link has 4.2 Million with 84% of precincts counted. That would mean vote counts will be less than in 2004??
Something is screwy with these PA numbers. Will we wake up tomorrow with a different winner than we have now?
"McCain's being booed for congratualting Obama. His crowd has more brains than he does."
Yes. McCain lost this election.
Simon says
Someone should start throwing things at McCain at this point.
No Simon,
I think his voice just broke a little.
Palladian: You think you know me, but you don't.
But I know YOU.
Completely off topic, but Lem has excellent taste in movies.
"Something is screwy with these PA numbers. Will we wake up tomorrow with a different winner than we have now?"
From the continual screaming, breaking glass, horn honking and fireworks I hear in the street right now, you better hope we don't.
The failure is mine not yours!
Well said!
Synova, sorry.
I wasn't paying close enough attention.
Of course, I wasn't dumping on you.
Just sharing my important thoughts.
You have voted to return this country to 1968.
Oh Jesus Christ. You mean we're going back to when plaid was in fashion and chicks didn't shave their pits and pubes?
Just fucking great.
"Palladian: You think you know me, but you don't.
But I know YOU."
Big fucking deal. Everyone here knows me. I'm not a chickenshit coward like you are.
Completely off topic, but Lem has excellent taste in movies.
I havent finished.
AJ Lynch - Yeah, we need to pay very close attention to Matt Drudge.
The dumb get dumber.
"halojones-fan said...
The problem with the Dem-o being in charge is that they'll just blame everything on George W. Bush. Something's bad? Oh, it's Bush's fault. Crazy foreigners getting uppity, and Obama's "measured reasoned response" fails to calm them down? Oh, well Bush stirred 'em up. One of their policy initiatives goes hilariously awry? Oh, well it was doomed from the start because Bush fucked everything up.
That's going to be the real problem for conservatives in the next four years--getting Dem-o to own their fuckups instead of just blaming everything on Bush."
Just remember this story: There was this minor league baseball manager who was watching a center fielder muff, drop, and just miss every ball coming his way. He kept on trying to get him to catch the damn ball, but just got fed up and benched him. To teach him a lesson, the manager himself went out there. He started by missing a line-drive right to him, then glared at the player. He then missed a grounder, and glared again. He then totally muffed a simple pop-fly, threw down his glove, stormed to the player, and said "YOU SCREWED CENTER FIELD UP SO BAD NO ONE CAN PLAY IT!!!"
I think blaming the previous administration can only go so far. After all, Bush gets the blame for "ignoring" intelligence about the 9/11 hijackers, but a good deal of that intelligence was also available during the Clinton administration. The point here is that people realize it's the administration in place at the time that's responsible for the nation. In the case of 9/11, that was Bush, regardless of what happened before; Clinton's responsibility ended when Bush took the oath of office. Any attempt to "blame" Bush for problems in the future is going to come off as bad or worse than if Bush would've blamed Clinton for 9/11, and it would be every bit as unjustified. People take the White House to solve problems created by previous political opponents, not to pin blame on them.
Despite my desire to not see an Obama administration, I don't think his staff and advisors would be so dumb as to fall into a trap like that.
I'm glad that McCain has class when he speaks about his "friend," the President-elect.
He shows grace in losing.
Some leftists around here need to show a little class in winning.
"Whatever our differences, we are fellow Americans."
Democrats have no trouble with all that "coming together" bullshit when they're in power.
I hope Obama does a great job and that both parties get together to fix the mess we are in.
It is a balmy evening on the streets of the south side of Chicago, so I've had my windows open. Within the last hour, people have taken to the streets, yelling and shouting, lighting off fireworks, honking car horns and even firing guns in the air. I'd put the level of elation I can hear well above a typical Chicago New Year's Eve (though not the Millenium), yet below NBA/World Series title.
I havent finished.
Your list reminded me that I needed to add "All About Eve" to mine.
That was a very gracius acceptance speach.
I hope Obama does a great job and that both parties get together to fix the mess we are in.
I'm pretty sure that most of the "mess" will disappear overnight... the same way that homeless people did when Clinton was elected.
My opinion is that people should not comment while drinking.
I've paid all my bills tonight, all my ward's bills and I've written a bunch of cousins about our distant past relative. Time to check my email and go to bed.
To people who are despairing of the results tonight, I offer observations that have helped me in the past: The Sun will rise tomorrow. This great country is stronger than one person or any one Presidential term. Take a nice walk in the sunshine tomorrow, or in the rain, and revel in nature. It helps.
Oh, it's not the end of the world that Bambi's the president.
He'll learn a lot.
Let's hope that the pains he experiences in his learning don't roll too far down hill.
..and yes that speech was very gracious. Would anyone expect anything less from Sen. McCain, though?
Several months ago Michael said,
Speaking of drugs in general...and I realize this will illicit who-knows-what, but years ago I owned a night club and a couple of bars, and at that time, booze, coke, pot, white crosses, black beauties and amyl nitrates were the drugs of choice.
I wonder which drug is fueling his tirade tonight?
Would anyone expect anything less from Sen. McCain, though?
No. My friends tease me about it, but I really love the guy. The crowd behaved like jerks comparatively, which is one reason he lost.
Let's hope that the pains he experiences in his learning don't roll too far down hill.
With a whole lot of diligence and a whole lot of push back on the spending... hope for Republicans (or someone!) to rediscover fiscal conservatism... and hope that watching Chavez take Venezuela further down the toilet will wake some people up.
Yup... I'm starting to be really into this "hope" idea...
Get lost, nobody gives a shit about anything you have to say.
McCain Concession Speech: "The Failure Is Mine"
No shit?
Miller wrote: "He'll learn a lot."
I think so. It's an impossible job and the only way a person can succeed is to learn on the job.
It took Bush six years. It took Clinton three, then he threw it all away.
danny the dummy: "Yeah cause they haven't had to work for a living yet. Sheesh like that's a revelation or something."
How the fuck do YOU know?
Cause I see the same nimrods come into the shop all the time and piss and moan how oh so hard it is to work a double or it's too hot and why do I have to take my earring off or why can't I get three weeks vacation.
Call it first hand experience.
donn, How do you, as a fucking racist prick, feel about having a black man as your President?
Little man. Little mind.
Danny The Dummy: Right.
Everybody who's young is a loser.
Like you're some kind of success story.
My opinion is that people should not comment while drinking.
I disagree.
in vino veritas
That's when the real person comes out.
Well, congratulations to President Elect Barack Obama. It wasn't entirety unexpected, but still disheartening nonetheless. I'm just glad this is finally over and we can move on to bigger and better things. I'll drink to the victor and mourn the loser, but I'll still be drunk either way. I figure at this point I deserve it, but even more so, I hope the voters who put this man into office won't be disappointed when the realities of who he really is become something not to their liking. It's happened before, it will happen again. Just turn off the lights when you are done. Out.
Mr. Barely is now President Elect Barely. Hey, on the bright side Little Miss Sullivan can finally die a happy girl.
Althouse says...
I've been sitting here feeling completely cool and calm all evening. But that announcement -- that Obama has won -- gave me chills, made me almost cry. Something big has happened.
For someone whom I believe has nothing to ashamed off, compelling intelligence, this whole business that is race today still compels her, overwhelms her.
This election was not about Obama. I submitt there more to it.
Not wrong or right, left or center. But perhaps a feeling that we can be more than what we wrongly appear to be.
If that makes any sence
I already answered your question earlier, but since I know you have a comprehension/intelligence problem, I'll repeat myself for your benefit.
I feel fine that BHO is my President. It will be, no doubt, the best thing for the Republican Party, just wait and see.
Is there not a single fucking "regular" on this site with the guts and the class to congratulate our new President?
Are you ALL that small?
"All About Eve"
That is one of the near best films of all time.
Michael said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
Good thoughts, Donn. No...brilliant thoughts. :)
"MadisonMan said...
To people who are despairing of the results tonight, I offer observations that have helped me in the past: The Sun will rise tomorrow. This great country is stronger than one person or any one Presidential term. Take a nice walk in the sunshine tomorrow, or in the rain, and revel in nature. It helps."
He's right. I said it on other blogs, I'll say it on this one: This country is too big to be screwed up by any one president, congress, or party. If worse comes to be, then in 4 years there'll be another election. And it's always possible for people to exceed expectations. Harry Truman was considered a hack created by a political machine too, but he's considered a decent president now.
The election's over, the President is determined. Time to move forward; principles remain the same regardless of who's in office.
donn, Obama has won, he'll be your next President, yet you continue to post racist garbage.
You're nothing but a racist asshole and you embarrass me as an American.
"All About Eve"
That is one of the near best films of all time.
Yes. And an absolutely inspired final shot.
Bill, We have to go City Hall for a marriage license and blood test.
Margo, I'd marry you if it turned out you had no blood at all.
All About Eve
Michael said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
darcy thinks donn is "brilliant."
A "brilliant" racist.
Now that's sick.
Danny The Dummy: Right.
Everybody who's young is a loser.
Like you're some kind of success story.
I like to think I am, thanks for asking. I dropped out of school at 16, then went and got my GED, got a job as a laborer in a steel mill then an apprenticeship and making good money as a millwright.
Ok I have my vices, I like poontang and beer. More tang and beer the happier I am. I'm debt free, own my own home free and clear and am fully content with my lot in life and don't have any complaints except for the neighbor's pain in the ass dog who howls all night. If I new I could get away with it, that fucker would be eating a .45 but I digress.
So yeah Mikey, I consider myself a sucess story cause I ain't bitchin about how life is unfair instead I told life to go fuck itself and did things my way.
You got a problem with that?
Go away Michael....you're a liar and are not welcome here by word of the blogs hostess. So go away and ply your garbage some where else.
My opinion is that people should not comment while drinking.
I do my beat while sauced ;)
"10:01: I've been sitting here feeling completely cool and calm all evening. But that announcement -- that Obama has won -- gave me chills, made me almost cry. Something big has happened."
Yes: "I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced."
Well, now that Obama's won I'm Free!
I'm for one filled with elation that Obama won the election.
When is President Elect Obama going to give his speech?
Simon said...
Cedarford "Chris Shays of CT fell. The last Republican in the House from the New England region."
And with him goes your ridiculous theory that the problem was the "religious right."
No, incorrect, Simon. That is like saying that tens of thousands of soldiers died in a single hour charging interlocked machine guns at Verdun, and that is the fault of the soldiers, rather than the idiots with the power that set the battlefield strategy.
This is really no different than when the Democrats became beholden to welfare-state blacks, McGovernite radicals and liberals - and without support or say in what the Hasterts and DeLays of that time where doing - moderate-centrist Dems began dying off in the South and Midwest.
If you tailor your Party to extremism, be it whacked socialism, or Southern-fried moralists - you shrink your national Party down. Down to only the regions where being a draft-dodger or creationist is a badge of pride - and lose power to the more inclusionary Party.
I'm such a lightweight. I've had three beers and am all sappy about McCain's concession speech. Obama hasn't even said a word yet. The weird thing is my normally voluble neighbors next to me and below me who I expected to be hooting with enthusiasm tonight have been quiet as church mice. Maybe they're not even home.
Simon's 10:52 LOL
A big trong of People are celebrating in front of the White House.
You see what I mean?
This "victory" seems to be more about a repudiation than the realisation of a dream.
I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced."
That's not even remotely funny.
I mean, Darth Vader is way much cooler than Obama.
Obama is more likle an Ewok.
This is really no different than when the Democrats became beholden to welfare-state blacks, McGovernite radicals and liberals
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